Why would they want to hide this information from the people? As we know .. history repeats itself .. just as the Rockefellers did with the discovery of oil .. They gave it a new name, (fossel fuel) claiming that there was a finite amount to create scarcity .. therefore jacking up to price. But to those who pay attention, the lie is exposed in it’s name .. (Petroleum) Petra.. meaning rock Oleum (Latin oleum, meaning oil) .. Petroleum (rock oil) is made in the mantle of the earth. What lies at the so called bottom of the planet? An ice wall! What some believe, is that there is more land beyond the ice wall.
Let this sink in for a second. The only treaty that has never been broken in human history: The Antarctic Treaty!
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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