Andrew the Magdalene via Galaxygirl #crackpot #magick #fundie

Hello, I am Andrew the Magdalene. I speak with my fellow travelers of the Magdalene Order. We are many who have taken the oath to serve the Mother and master the alchemical practices and arts of the divine mystery schools. We have traveled far and wide, we are seasoned followers of the way, as are you, fellow travelers currently embodied on Gaia. Gaia is undergoing a massive transition currently, which you know and are experiencing. We too were embodied during a time of massive transition and change, as the Roman Empire marched on relentlessly, which was an extremely trying time to live through. (I am seeing villages burned, conquest, endless rows of marching soldiers on cobblestoned roadways.) We have all had our own experiences with death and loss but also with life and rebirth, of personal peace in the midst of tragedy. It is the ability of a master to cultivate an inner garden of extreme bliss and inner peace. Only those who have done the deep work are able to achieve such a high vibration while within the physical form. We see this as becoming true for many of you. We see joy in your current now amidst all of the current global uncertainty and we applaud you. We celebrate you, dear friends in form. We celebrate you this day.

We Magdalenes are a simple, peaceful order. We lived simply, eating only what grew from the Mother’s bountiful fields. Both men and women were equally cherished, roles of governing were split, duties were shared. Love was ripe in our communities. The children were to be cherished by all. Such simplicity of bounty and all good things we see in your very near futures. We wish to impart these images of hope for we too know what it was like to be on the run, to be in the in-between space from lack into plenty. For much of our lives were spent hidden in secret. We knew the alchemical ways to keep ourselves hidden and under the radar from the prying eyes of the Romans, whose spies were everywhere. It was much like your big brother situation. Ears and eyes were everywhere, in the walls we felt at times. We could summon the elements and shroud our villages with mist. We could become invisible by obscuring our surrounding energy fields. With such power comes great responsibility. It was not to be misused and so the mystery schools were of great importance in keeping the Christed and Sophia codes alive where we could all cultivate our inner mastery more fully and completely. Many of us took vows of silence for a time to cultivate these energies more fully. We are delighted to see that the Ley lines that we assisted to cultivate are humming nicely now. Gaia is alive with light. From our vantage point we see with great tears of joy. For we see much work of our own doing in days gone by as finally coming into fruition. Many of us are embodied and if you feel akin to us perhaps we are extensions of you. (I am seeing a grand reunion of an entire village welcoming a weary traveler, who is their own, great celebrations, great joy. I am seeing Yeshua surrounded by children, there is much shouting with joy). We welcome you home, dear friends of the way.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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