Knowledge is good or whatever... but when you look at the facts people who are extremely smart have a hard time believing in god but people who are real simple... don't have a problem believing in god, they don't have that big ol' brain to get in the way.
"people who are real simple... don't have a problem believing in god, they don't have that big ol' brain to get in the way."
Fundieism in a nutshell award.
Yes, but who thought about the computer, the car, the television and all those idols towards which you bow all the time?. That's what I call INCONSISTENCY.
FIAN 6,201,984,556th, because just about every non-fundie will agree.
"I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use."
-- Galileo Galilei
Fundie in a nutshell fifthed. Gladly.
God is good or whatever... but when you look at the facts people who are extremely religious have a hard time being smart but people who are secular... don't have a problem being smart, they don't have that big ol' imaginative stupidity to get in the way.
And why, do you think being intelligent keeps you from believing??
"Knowledge is good." Did you learn that from the quote on the statue of Faber College's founder, John Faber, in "Animal House? I'm reminded of that every time I take a walk through Harvard Yard and see a similar quote on Jonh Harvard's statuue: Knowledge is power. I think it might be Francis Bacon, but I'm not sure.
You're kinda digging yourself a hole there.
Q: Where were you when god handed out brains?
A: First in line.
Q: Yeah, holding the door open.
This is my absolute least favorite kind of fundie. They insult both sides of the debate, first by implying in utter ignorance that knowledge is bad, and secondly by implying that everyone who has a religion is stupid. My grandfather was one of the smartest men I ever knew. He taught me how to think rationally, how to debate, how to appreciate both art and women. He was also a Christian, although a relaxed, philosophical one. People like this ezekiel...their very existence is shameful.
"Knowledge is good or whatever... but when you look at the facts people who are extremely smart have a hard time believing in god but people who are real simple... don't have a problem believing in god, they don't have that big ol' brain to get in the way."
Yes, that's right! And keep paying those tithes to your preacher, so he can build those megachurches, as well as add another big palatial home to the several he already has, and build his collection of cars, and maintain the alimony payments to his collection of ex-wives, as well as hush money/out-of-court settlements to his ex-boyfriends too.
...oh, and I don't want fries with that, thanks.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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