Biden and his radical, treasonous, communist cabal have an obsession with killing babies. Tragically, it now extends to the living variety.
Except, of course, for refugee babies whose parents have illegally invaded our border. Those babies have "Democrat privilege." After all, in only 18 years they'll all be Democrat voters.
And obviously, if doctors could determine if a baby was born transgender, or gender-fluid, or gender binary, or gender neutral or gender expansive, Biden and his communist cabal would spare them too.
Democrats clearly see migrants and transgender people as the future of America.
We are living in insane times. Democrats' attempts to open the borders, kill our energy independence, spread violent crime to every big city and kill the economy are pretty darn insane.
But nothing compares to their bloodlust for hurting or killing innocent children. Democrats clearly don't give a damn about this BLM: "BABIES' LIVES MATTER."
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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