Victoria Jean Carey, Jennifer Lisa Woods #fundie
As you may have heard, Wilbur Cerate, a Virginia man, claims that last month, two People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals staffers turned up at his home when he wasn't there, loaded his daughter's Chihuahua, Maya, into a van, and then euthanized her.
Three days later -- this is the real kicker -- the PETA workers are said to have then brought the grieving family a fruit basket.
Parts of this were caught on surveillance video.
Accomack County Sheriff Todd Godwin told WAVY -- the first local news outlet to pursue this bizarre, sad story -- he charged the dog-nappers with larceny, only to see the charges dropped by the Commonwealth Attorney because, as the paper put it, "there wasn't enough evidence to prosecute."
On Wednesday, DELMARVA Now got the names of those who were charged: Victoria Jean Carey, who appears to do HR for the group, and Jennifer Lisa Woods, another longtime PETA staffer who seems to have been quoted in a 1997 article advocating for the "compassionate" euthanasia of homeless cats. (Sure, that was nearly 20 years ago -- but PETA still has a web page up entitled "Euthanasia: The Compassionate Option.")
Godwin told the paper that "both individuals were working on behalf of the PETA Community Assistance Program when the theft occurred."