Prussian Society of America #elitist
[From "Evolution of German Culture, would require the Repudiation of Insurance"]
Should Germans still “live” in any form, they will eventually come to recognize that Insurance has been nothing but a Fraud
There is an instinct in our people to avoid risk or at least to mitigate risk[…]what we ought to look for is less with the potential of avoiding risks at all costs, but more towards risk management[…]
The long-term Problem with Insurance[…]there is one major hurdle that cannot be swept under the carpet which makes Insurance something that is not sustainable in the long-term
This is true about ALL forms of Insurance and Welfare payments, including Retirement[…]
Insurance eventually becomes self-destructive to a Nation, where people will find themselves inevitibly paying more into it and gaining less benefits, and to where it becomes more engulfing and oppressive, less efficient and not reasonable
Insurance Policies, Welfare and Retirement Benefits, all require new suckers to pay into the funds, to keep expenses going for the older generations who paid into them[…]
True Risk Management, should not always be looked at from the standpoint of having it managed by a Financial Agent or Institution, but by the raw industrious power and prosperous nature that is within the German people itself[…]
Understand that in a truly prosperous society, things like “insurance” are not required, since whatever the case may be due from damage or other means, the abilities to get things resolved would naturally be a lot cheaper[…]
Insurance is unfair, because it requires all those who do not use it[…]to have to pay into the pool for other[…]
We cannot have Insurance Companies living and thriving among us. And their existence should be outlawed by civilzied peoples[…]
Insurance is quick-fix shortcut towards not addressing systemic needs of a society and its advancing population or demands