Russ Winter #wingnut #racist #conspiracy
In a dead giveaway that the whole migration scene is a dialectic conspiracy was the news that Mexican law enforcement has identified 26 schemers involved in funding caravans to the borders.
Mexican tax officials froze the assets of the 26 individuals and entities that it alleges are tied to human smuggling organizations or involved in promoting Central American migrant caravans. The financiers of the migrant caravans allegedly come from the U.S., England, Africa and Central America, the Mexican government announced on June 5, 2019.
We have another smoking gun that reveals mass migrations are not organic events but rather planned and organized asymmetric warfare against U.S. and European nations.
Who are the villains?
Well, two years have passed, and it appears the list of 26 names still has not been revealed. Forget the full 26. How about one name? Just one. Nope.
Not. Even. One. Name.
Yes, once again the public is treated like yokels who just fell off a cabbage truck.
Given all the posturing on border control by ass-licking Republicans, one would think the villains would be revealed by now. Names named, prosecutors assigned and arrests aggressively pursued. But, no. Nothing. Nothing is forthcoming from the U.S. Chamber of Greed and Oligarchical Whores.
The silence serves to prove in spades that this is an organized, bipartisan, kakistocratic, Trojan Horse, Alinsky-style takedown of western countries. (A key theorem of Alinsky, Cloward and Piven involves “overwhelming the system” until it snaps.)
The radical discordian leftists are the enemy. We all know this. They want unlimited immigration to reset and level the whole country.
But what about the lying, crying, corrupt, boot-kissing RINO (Republican In Name Only) “cuckservatives”? They’re in bed and fornicating with the Leftists to push for the American slave plantation. They might as be right out of the same Saul Alinsky mold.
I cannot type what I really feel. This truly is a manufactured crisis.