Astaro #wingnut #racist #pratt

Ah your a sad little leftard. That explains everything about your pathetic existence

And yeah, I don’t feel a thing for a cowardly thug that mugged pregnant women and died ODing on fentanyl that the media treat like he’s Jesus as their rallying cry to defund our police.

Get fucked, loser.

Don’t worry, if Kamala gets elected, it’s the losers on welfare like you that get fucked the most once the shit hits in the fan in this country

Funniest shit by them is assuming my race and repeatedly calling me white and a redneck even though I’m Caribbean on both sides of my family.

I thought the Left was all about avoiding stereotypes and generalizing people

Oh wait, it’s the same racists that will call an African American Trump supporter an Uncle Tom or even the hard N word



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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