H J #racist amren.com

Blacks in Britain perform very similarly to American Blacks. Low IQ, Low educational attainment, High Unemployment rate, High crime rate, High illegitimacy rate. Higher IQ of British Blacks as compared to African Blacks must be due to better nutrition, healthcare and education (Flynn effect). Blacks give the excuse that American Blacks were slaves and faced "systemic racism" after being freed.

British Blacks were never slaves and they faced no more 'racism' than Indian, Chinese or even Irish.

"the first boatload of blacks arrived from Jamaica. They were to be followed by many more from the Caribbean, the Indian subcontinent, and by lesser numbers from Hong Kong, Malaysia and Singapore. In the 1950s quite large numbers of blacks and Indians were entering and settling in Britain, and towards the end of the decade it was becoming apparent that while Indian immigrants adapted to life in Britain, blacks did not."



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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