Taeha Condon #fundie guerrillafem.com

I do believe that the current ideological starting point of positivism, the scientific method and traditionally male ways of knowing, are harmful to society and prevent us from moving towards a more loving, inclusive, sustainable global community. Increasingly, we live in an intra-connected, technologically advanced global world, with an increase in human movement and migration. By continuing the myth of the scientific method, we close our heads and our hearts to other ways of knowing that are as equally as valid. We deny ourselves the opportunity to share, to learn, to grow.


We have relied on numbers and quantifiable solutions for too long, and clearly, they are not working. A radical value realignment that recognizes the inherent worth in other ways of knowing has the potential to transform a society that currently marginalizes so many. Imagine if in schools, instead of the primary focus being on aptitude testing and national standards, there were empathy and ethical standards? Imagine if we raised children to trust their embodied responses, before language can logically construct a thought, if we created a culture where feeling was as important as thinking? Imagine if we began by teaching our children about how other cultures know and learn and we allowed our children to dictate which knowledge base they felt was best for them at that time? Imagine if we spent more time on nurturing love and compassion for self, instead of spelling bees and route learned times tables? Would the dynamic of our communities begin to shift? Imagine a life, without bell curves, and ranks and standards based on numbers. Imagine a world where everyone was valued, equally, all knowledge bases were legitimate. Wouldn’t it be better, for everyone?



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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