Various Commenters #racist

RE: Denver City Council Renames Columbus Park as La Raza Park


Aside from one resident who said he was opposed to the renaming and that it detracts from the local Italian-American community

It's always amusing when Hispanics and Latinos try to conflate themselves with Italians, like when blacks try to do this with the Ancient Egyptians. It's a great way to make an Italian's skin crawl.

You ain’t seen nothing yet. The next park or government building will be named after Jose Garcia Zarate or perhaps El Chapo. There is such a huge pool of names of these fine upstanding Hispanics, they can name every single park, building or school after these chaps and still have millions leftover.

So much for Mexicans assimilating smoothly into our culture and civilization as the liars who did this to us told us.


La Raza literally means the race and it only refers to one race. There is nothing unifying about this. Again, all diversity means is white people are bad. It's anti-white racism.

Exactly. It actually makes the park unwelcoming to anyone but Hispanics.

(Jack Ryanod)
“‘La raza is a word of unity and about celebrating community,” Sandoval said, fighting back tears.

I respond; No. "La raza" translates as... THE RACE So we're being accused of RACISM" by racial advocacy group called THE RACE. Kind of like being called a "Criminal" by a spokesman for the Gambino Crime family or my Chicago's Black Gangster Disciples.

But, but, but... "La Raza" is a social construct!?

At least they aren't being subtle. No one can say that they didn't know what the Mestizos were aiming for.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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