A.S/Raksha #ufo #magick eraoflight.com

Raksha; 3) Lastly, I find it a bit hard to believe that some Pleiadians would like to have sex with us in our current state. I mean we are full of toxins, chemicals, and negative energies. Not to mention we are probably far less handsome than they are. And we are not mind readers. How could we be attractive ?

The majority of galactics do not wish to date or have sex with Earth lightworkers. As Kejraj said, especially the higher evolved galactics will probably not have that desire. (Pleiadians are higher consciousness than Earthlings, but for the most part they are not the highest evolved beings in the galaxy. Though of course different Pleiadians have different levels of consciousness.)
That said, the more developed / pure / empty you are, the more attractive and relatable you will be to galactics. So if you still have a lot of baggage, you might have a harder time dating them until you do some more development work. So if anyone is looking for motivation to do their integration work, then “this may increase my chances of being able to date or sleep with a galactic” is one thing.
Should you physically meet a galactic who wants to have sex with you, there is a decent chance the the galactic will politely and lovingly suggest that you go visit a galactic healer first, for a “cleanup” of toxins etc. This won’t take much time and won’t be painful.
I do quite a bit more interacting with and talking to Pleiadians than just the Tunia and Hakann channelings. I’ve personally already have had energetic sex with multiple different Pleiadians. I can feel their energetic body if it touches mine, and they feel it if I move my energetic body to touch theirs. So we can stimulate each other in that way.

Pleiadians are apparently able to orgasm purely from that, whereas I may be able to get aroused from that but I do need to use my own hand for additional stimulation if I want to have an orgasm.



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