From the Crimes Against Humanity DEATHVAX™ global eugenics program to the global pedophilia rings to the coming manufactured global financial crisis, the Truth is now being allowed to come out in carefully curated stages.
The reason for this is because you can’t vote your way out of psyops, false flags and the Great Reset, or at least that is what the One World Government is betting on; to wit:
To date not a single arrest of criminals like Dr. Mengele 2.0 aka Dr. Fauci or investigation of government agencies that were behind the “pandemic.”
To date not a single Epstein client name disclosed post murder and Maxwell sentencing.
To date not a single bankster or central planner indicted ahead of the looming Greatest Financial Crisis, and of course no arrests of the various criminals that caused the 2008 Great Financial Crisis.
End the Fed.
End the IRS.
End the CIA.
End the FBI.
End the FDA.
End the NIH.
End all of the other unconstitutional alphabet agencies.
Outlaw the WEF.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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