Gary Goodman #wingnut #conspiracy
What IF?
What If… we have all been distracted by the biggest PsyOp/Sting (WH) in the history of mankind?
I have to believe that if you have not been living under a rock, by now you are at least asking yourself what the heck is going on. If you have been awake for awhile, you should already know everything predicted by 17 is happening now, and at breakneck pace, EXCEPT the EBS <Emergency Broadcast System>!
What If… The EBS was always intended to be a sting / psyop?
What If… The EBS was intended for keeping the DS busy, wasting time and resources.
What If… The EBS was intended to cause the DS to destroy itself.
What If… With all eyes and ears focused on the EBS, Mass arrests are happening NOW!
What If… Disclosure is happening now, in real time.
What If… A fair share of disclosure is being provided by the MSM (fake news).
What If… A fair share of disclosure is being provided by Brandon himself.
What If… A fair share of disclosure is being provided by multiple disciplines now under WH control.
What If… More than a fair share of disclosure is being provided by US, the Alternative media.
What If… The MSM is now under total WH control.
What If… The US Congress, SCOTUS, and Spec Ops Mil are under total WH control.
What If… Hollywood is under total WH control?
What If… The Pres /CIC has already given all 7 of the precursor notices, in lieu of the EBS alerts?
What If… The real reason for the delay is that we are not quite ready for the shift to 5th density?
What If… We ALL spent this weekend praying and meditating for the big shift event to end the wait?
I, for one, am ready for this mess to be over. This war has taken a toll on me and my family. I lost my beloved wife, 12/28/21, and now am about to lose my home. So, Maestro, I gotta ask again…
You answered my call to action after my Memorial Day article of 5/30/2022, entitled “Ask And Ye Shall Receive”. And, boy, did you ever pick up the pace. Which was noticed many in the truth community, in the following week(s).