itsnobody #fundie

I’m trying to start a new petition to view atheists as fully subhuman, subhuman beings.

I had a petition on another site but some atheists cried and got it removed for “hate speech” or whatever, nasty people always trying to force and impose their way and their beliefs onto the entire world.

So if you agree with me that atheists should be viewed as subhuman just a post a comment, it’ll count as like a signature.

On my other blog post I explained why I view atheists as fully subhuman as opposed to partially human or human:

Reasons for viewing atheists as fully subhuman:

Atheists refuse to oppose racism and nationalism but voice up their position on things like gay rights and abortion rights
100% of all modern day atheist countries are extremely racist/nationalist beyond imagination (Denmark, Sweden, Latvia, Estonia, New Zealand, and every other atheist country)
Atheists and the atheist-controlled media refuse to attack free-will believers like how they attack Creationists even though the scientific evidence telling us that free-will is non-existent is like a million times more concrete than the evidence supporting evolution(young Earth Creationists are more rational than free-will believers)
Atheists refuse to acknowledge the undeniable historical consensus that religion directly caused the scientific revolution and insist on telling lies thoroughly debunked by historians (there aren’t any modern day historians that believe in the “Dark Ages” lie portrayed in the atheist-controlled media)
Atheists refuse to acknowledge the undeniable historical fact that Faraday’s religion directly caused Maxwell’s Equations to come into existence, and instead lie and portray the opposite
Atheists are trying to redefine the definition of science so that all that matters is authority and incredulity instead of empirical observations and valid reasoning, turning science into pseudoscience
Atheists are trying to throw away a very important principle in science – criticism and scrutiny, and turn science into pseudoscience
Atheists don’t allow people to question, scrutinize, and criticize atheistic arguments, they just breakdown and cry and interpret any criticism as “trolling”
Atheists insist on telling many lies thoroughly debunked by historians and scientists (see my post “Common Lies Spread By Atheists“)
– From post, Reasons for viewing atheists as subhuman beings



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