Brother Nathanael #racist #wingnut #conspiracy
“I saw it on TV!” says the American boob.
“So it must be true!” the boob concludes.
But the boob can’t seem to digest that his TV lies all the time.
What makes the American boob so stupid?
Just go to the airport for a quick read.
Slow bellies, eating fries and donuts, branded with tattoos, miscegenation, everyone looking like they just rolled out of bed.
It’s a microcosm of America.
Surveillance, White-suicide, Big Brother Jew, fast food, goyisha untidiness while the kike connives the Amercan boob.
How did it come to this desecration of the American boob?
Start with public schools.
Diversity-busing—pushed by the Jew—levels education to the lowest IQ.
Then academia—dominated by Jewish donors and well-placed leftist faculty—punctures the goyisha brain with indoctrination leveraged to forge non-thinking slaves.
Believe me, for I grew up as a Jew, every single Yid has “grandparents murdered” at Auschwitz.
Next time, ask the Jew for proof.
He’ll fling every ”f word’ he can muster up at you.
Truth is, Jews only died from starvation and typhus from the Allied bombings of civilian areas at war’s end.
Not a single original ‘gas chamber’ has ever been put forth, just some showers for de-lousing.
America has been hijacked.
It reached its apogee in 1913 when the German Jewish Warburgs took over America’s monetary independence with the so-called “Federal Reserve.”
It is NOT “federal.”
It’s totally Jew-owned orbiting around the Rothschild Dynasty.
And its monetary usurpation is “reserved” to put an inflationary noose around the American boob, and allow easy instant money printing (mostly in secret) to clandestinely fund the CIA and Mossad to do the Jew’s bidding around the world.
America is doomed.
Jews control the media, Capitol Hill, military, academia, and finance.
Yet the American boob will go on eating fries, imbibe porn, watch football, and cook his barbeques.
While the Jew enjoys his gated communities and gefilte fish.
Secession is our only way out of this mess.