Wyatt Junker #fundie libertydwells.com
Humanism sucks. Humans are assholes, by definition. Most of them are lost, lazy, selfish sheep. Humanism has nothing to speak for itself other than what most God-minus societies eventually evolve into as history shows.
But logic is easy enough to see where this all goes. If there is no god, there are no laws. If there are no rules, might makes right. When might makes right, bodies start to pile up like cord wood. Communism, the epitome of a God subtraction society, has the most social lethality of all -isms, so thank a humanist for that.
I've said it before, but people should be thankful for churches, which propagate life hereafter messaging. Take me, for instance. If I didn't believe in life after death, I mean if I really didn't believe it, then, as logic says, if I go to total memory wipe out of the hard drive, a black absence, then in this life I become a rapist and murderer first thing Monday morning. Its that easy. If there is no 'lid' on my behavior, I become the biggest humanist asshole on the planet. King of the Fking Mountain, get out of my way or I'll run over your ass.
Humanists just don't really believe their schtick. Poor souls. They have doubts. They should embrace their beliefs. If they really believed in total God absence, then get on with it already. Show me your faith.