Kerry Cassidy #wingnut #crackpot #conspiracy

Apparently TRUMP did recently reverse previous statements that he won in 2020… The white hats are trotting this out to strategically remove any chance Trump can be prosecuted in future for stating he won.
This has everything to do with the white hat military advancing Trump as CIC… and putting him in office ahead of the election. Which some will characterize as a “coup”.
There are two main sides in this war which has been moving from cold to hot more and more in recent days. Those sides are the NWO cabal and the white hats (a semi-secret organization) that involves both military and civilians loyal to the Constitution. Although this is simplified because both sides involve many levels and loyalties. With this in mind, the consensus generally is that with the assassination of JFK (which may have been staged as evidence has come forward recently indicating Kennedy actually lived until just recently) was the major coup that took over our American government and put in place the cabal/NWO puppets from then on, stealing every election from that time
Not only is Trump our real President and Commander-in-Chief but Juan O Savin/aka/JFKjr is the acting VP of the core executive branch (devolution by law) of our government that is and was fully aware of the NWO-Coup that took over and placed Biden illegally in as President. In other words we have already had a coup which finalized its takeover (again) by stealing the 2020 election. Our military is fully aware of this and did not inaugurate Biden they gave him a funeral and installed a ‘fake-Biden played by 4 actors over the years and possibly a clone or two. A certain portion of our military then re-installed Trump as President and CIC and our real government through the executive orders was put in place in secret. Therefore it will likely take another coup to return our country to the hands of the people led by the white hat military which are fully poised and ready to do so.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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