IstvanIN & Cosmik Debris #racist #wingnut

RE: Xenophobia Surges as Covid-19 Slams South African Economy

“Finance Minister Tito Mboweni in April said locals should be prioritized in post-pandemic recovery efforts.”

Too bad Nancy "give it all away" Pelosi doesn't think that way about Americans.

“You’ve got people all the way from Nigeria who are here to sell tomatoes on our streets. How is that helping us grow our economy? Every foreign national that came to our country since 1994 must be deported,” said Victoria Mamogobo, the 34-year-old chairwoman of the South Africa First party.”

And in the US since 1965.

“Since the apartheid system of racial discrimination ended in 1994, Africa’s most developed economy has been a magnet for migrants from the continent and as far afield as Bangladesh.”

Actually LONG before that. I remember a seemingly liberal co-worker mention that years ago. He was telling me about a news broadcast he watched covering illegal immigration into S Africa. This was at the height of the anti-apartheid movement. So, I mean here was the 700 Club making one of our argument for us; if the USA (or SAfrica) is so horrible and racist why are nonwhites en-mass moving here?

(Cosmik Debris)
Correct. The apartheid government had to install a deadly electric fence along the long border to prevent foreign blacks from entering South Africa for employment. The local South African blacks can't compete with the hard working foreign blacks. They run informal corner stores that South African blacks can't compete with even if they run them illegally. It's pure laziness and envy from protected blacks. Most employers would preferably illegally employ a hard working foreign black than and entitled, unionised and eternal racial victim South African black that is virtually impossible to fire.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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