Various Commenters #conspiracy #quack #racist

RE: Every Single US State Is Being Advised to Consider Ethnic Minorities as Critical Groups for Vaccination

This time, I will be very glad to accept all those hip hop gangster rappers will be the priority. because, " We proudly developed a very safe vaccine with efficacy over 90% within 10 months " does not sound realistic or safe at all....

(Spirit of Chronos)
I agree. Let minorities have first dibs on this dubiously safe vaccine. Then Whites can just sit back and watch the horrible side-effects from a distance.


Whites are minorities in at least two states, Hawaii and California. Will whites receive special treatments there?

Heck no. This is why I always say "non-Whites" and not "minorities." Whites are a minority in the world and even in much of the U.S.

Some day non-whites, especially blacks will have priority for all health care as whites are sent to the back of the line. That is what social justice will look like in an America where whites are the minority. Whites who believe they will be treated as kindly and graciously as they have treated non-whites are delusional and soon to be disappointed.

(Jeff Coffey)
You can already see this happening in the way that the Democrats make political appointments. There is no way that any vacant position will go to a white man, and if there is some position that was held by any sort of minority figure, it can only be filled by someone from an equally or more "oppressed" minority group. It's a one way street.

This is a good precedent that we need to remember and use for our purpose. If it is legal to give preference based on race, and this action shows that it is, then we can give preference to whites in other endeavors.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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