WOLFBLADE111 #pratt deviantart.com

Oops wait wrong title. I meant Cringe Row, The Wokeboot. My God what the fuck is this shit, I can name at least 7 modern day cringey stereotypes in this trailer alone, I don't care if the Gameplay Mechanics are God Tier (They won't be, trust me) this just another American Video Game that has fallen to The SJW Fucktards that have somehow gained enough control over various companies and have decided to take a good old Soy Ridden Shit and Piss on the various Games, Comics, Movies and So on that USED to be Good. No. GREAT!

Don't believe me? Fine, I don't care if you do believe me. It's The Truth Though.

I've never played a Saints Row Game in my life, but thanks to this trailer, I sure as hell ain't ever playing The Reboot.

Update: The only way I actually play this is if the OG Cast comes in and just fucking shoots these Newbies in the heads for being posers. That'd be a hell of a twist...I seriously WANT to see that happen in a new game trailer one of these days, it looks like it's gonna be a woke fest and then suddenly BOOM!!! The Woke Characters are killed off instantly by actually badass characters



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