(In response to Pulse shooting )
My heart is heavy over every aspect of this. that some of those killed were believers, for comfort to the families, for healing for the injured, that everyone involved turn to Jesus, that our 2nd Amendment rights aren't taken away, that more attacks do not happen, for the FBI/police agencies working tirelessly to stop these impossible lone-wolf attacks. Ugh this is just sickening and so terrible.
(Emphasis mine )
I have no words for someone so vile whose first instinct, after hearing of such a monumental tragedy, is to clutch her guns tighter and worry about that blasted second amendment. That's a portion of the constitution that needs to be wiped out. If the original framers of the constitution were here, they'd fight for your right to own a muzzle-loaded flintlock.
Shot up a gay nightclub? Lone wolf.
Shoot up a leftist youth camp? Lone wolf.
Shoot up a black-majority church? Lone wolf.
Target several hundred clinics with bombs, arson, and acid? Lone wolves. So many lone wolves.
Thank heaven there's no connecting ideology between these things, or we might just have to keep anyone of a vaugely similar religious or political leaning under a microscope at constant gunpoint with severe restrictions on their rights to keep ourselves safe just in case.
I hate to think what the death toll would be if they'd been several concealed-carry gun nuts in there, all blazing away in a noisy, dark and crowded nightclub. So some-one might have taken out the terrorist with one shot... right.
".......some of those killed were believers...."
You mean "....some of those killed believed in the god that I believe in, the rest can all fuck off and die...."
How arrogant.
How typical.
I'm sure that everyone in Pulse believed in something as the Constitution gives them the right to do.
@solomongrundy - absolutely. When there is the chaos of a mad panic and 'good guys with guns' who are not trained in combat, start shooting willy nilly, of course the death toll will go up through the roof. Terrorists and lone gunmen are not noted for wearing uniforms, so how the hell do the 'good guys with guns' tell the difference between the 'bad guy with a gun' and other 'good guys with guns'?
"our 2nd Amendment rights aren't taken away"
crunchymama: "These impossible lone-wolf attacks are the price the world has to pay for MY guns, MY freedom!"
Getting those automatic weapons out of everyones hands would help the FBI/police agencies in this endeavour.
Why the Hell can't you see this? Rapid fire guns were designed only for this purpose, not redneck recreation!
", that everyone involved turn to Jesus, that our 2nd Amendment rights aren't taken away, that more attacks do not happen,"
"Ugh this is just sickening and so terrible."
But I bet you were glad it happened, though. For when your 'God' can't strike down those you hate right now, he moves in mysterious ways your wonders to perform. [/Matthew 7:1]
Ugh, Ruptured Retards is just sickening and so terrible.
The sad part is that no one is even saying 'Ban ALL the guns'. They are saying 'let's not have it be easy to get weapons that are used in warzones'.
Seriously, at this point the need for 'cool' guns is outweighted by the reality that people who truly want to kill people can get them as easily as just a collector.
I have no words.
Well maybe three or four: fuck you, crunchymama.
What is WRONG with people?! Seriously!
Stop the planet, I want to get off...
The vultures strike again on both sides.
@Phil O'Macedon
So tell me about all the people who own a small arsenal and have never killed anyone. You liberals and gun control agendas (the only sane gun control is banning people like Omar from owning guns) are little better than this quote that wants people to become Christians--either way, freedom gets taken away.
That's all you care about, is it? Just the believers. Just your guns. Just your proselytizing. Disgusting. 50 people- thinking, feeling people, with lives and families and futures, are dead.
And all you fucking care about is guns and conversion.
I'm disappointed in you and your oh-so-tolerant "Christian" ways. Kindly fuck off and leave me alone.
What about them? Why do they even have a small arsenal? I'm from a country with pretty strict gun laws and no one feels like that's a huge freedom taken away from them. The only reason I've ever heard that made any kind of sense was that the second amendment was put into place so that the people could rise against a totalitarian gouvernment, but seriously, if the army attacks those people they don't stand a chance no matter how many guns they own, so what is the point today? Guns (and I'm not talking about hunting gear here) have only one single purpose: to kill or at least wound people. They can't be used for anything useful otherwise. So perhabs you say that self defense is the reason guns should be not restricted. That they are the only way to deal with someone else having a gun and threatening you or a group pf people. Two problems there: First, he only has a gun because it's so easy to get one and secondly if you shoot him in a crowd of people, who are frightened and confused (which is the case in this kind of attacks) and who own guns themselves and ALSO think it is a good idea to draw them... you see where this is going? You will probably get shot just a few seconds later because you were mistaken for the attacker.
Owning guns and especially military grade hardware is NOT a fundamental human right in any way. You don't have to ban them (which is not the case ove here eiher) but you have to restrict the access to them.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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