Donald J Trump & Various commenters #wingnut

(Donald J Trump)
The fired agent who was just escorted out of the FBI headquarters is the person who got the FBI to do a Raid on a home, Mar-a-Lago, that has “stirred” the World and created anger and hostility toward the FBI and DOJ the likes of which have perhaps never been seen in our Country before. The “Special Agent” In Charge of the unprecedented and unnecessary Raid and Break In of Mar-a-Lago, who concealed the partisan nature of evidence to secure the FBI’s approval to open an investigation into the 45th President in the first place, was also involved in the hiding and suppressing from the Public and the Media, the “Laptop from Hell,” the 2020 Presidential Election Scam, and so much more!

@realdonaldtrump Mr. President, let's talk a minute about Operation Warp Speed. Your hesitancy to own up to your poor judgment or worse concerns me. Kids are dying. Why not come clean, say pharma deceived you, whatever. I think people are starting to see the real you, and I don't think they like what they see. You can be forgiven, but you need to step up to the plate and own what you have done (not brag about it). I know that's hard if not impossible for you to do. Are you too compromised? Corrupt? Just have bad judgment? What's up? You will give account to the Lord Jesus Christ, are you ready for that?

@Alethinos @realdonaldtrump Trump believed, naively for sure, his health experts, especially fauci. Little did he know the little elf was the one who helped design the virus and I'm sure was in on the order to release it to try to unseat an economy that was punishing his partners the Chinese, and would certainly meant a difficult time of stealing the election from him.

If only you had drained the swamp and secured our elections...



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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