Steven Rowell & CTON #racist

RE: Down with Robert E. Lee and Up with Barbara Johns

(Steven Rowell)
Of course the creator of Planet of the Apes was referring to the future when blacks would take over our society and enslave whites. In the movie the Time Machine, it was making reference to a race of underground half-humans who worked secretly to wipe out blonde hair blued eyed humans above the ground. This is a reference to a race today who is trying to commit genocide on Nordic peoples through mass immigration and interracial breeding.


”I’m just curious, what would happen to a White student in an overwhelmingly Black inner-city High School, who protested being beaten and robbed every week? Would the White student be hailed as a hero by Blacks? Why don’t some White Liberals try this experiment with one of their own kids?”

It'd really be something if the traitors among us had to live among their pets.

that's why I have no sympathy when I heard about a leftist German (or somewhere in Western Europe) that got 'diversified' by nonwhites. I have no sympathy when white liberals (like those stupid Scandinavian women) who went to North Africa and got beheaded. They should have known better and many of those white leftists actively work against nationalists in the West and promote open borders BS in the West. I say it's Mother Nature punishing them. No sympathy at all when bad things happen to white leftists. I really don't!



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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