“Nearly 92% of your White House staff has either quit in anger, resigned on their own, or been fired during your first three years as vice president – which seems like an unusually high number”
Problem with that assertion is that it is in fact projection.
The turnover rate for the Biden White House A-team is 71% ( https://www.brookings.edu/articles/tracking-turnover-in-the-biden-administration/). Meanwhile, the turnover rate for the Trump White House was 92% (https://www.brookings.edu/articles/tracking-turnover-in-the-trump-administration/). Funny how these things turn out.
“Which one of your clever strategies that fixed the border will you redeploy to tackle, say, high inflation?”
Because these are exactly the same type of issues, right… Conflating things to avoid actually addressing policy proposals sounds like someone does not want an actual response.
“Have you noticed that Hunter Biden seems all jittery and scatterbrained whenever he returns from the bathroom? Weird, huh?”
Possibly. I mean we have never seen Hunter Biden as amped up as, say, Donald Trump Junior, but if it is an issue, we might indeed want to look into it. If Hunter Biden or Donald Trump Junior (or Senior) break the law, throw the book at them. That is fair.
“Have you ever apologized for being an election denier?”
Problem with that line of reasoning is that she never denied the results. She pointed out how Republicans influenced it. Just like it was pointed out by Mueller in his report that foreign powers definitely influenced the results of the 2020 election. Nobody said that the election itself was rigged, just that the playing field had been skewed by outside actions. One can also notice that the Dems have not spent all these years harping about a possibly stolen election.
So, two outright lies and two deflections. But hey, what else can we expect from the Trump cult.