
Wotans Krieger #fundie aryan-myth-and-metahistory.blogspot.co.uk

My readers will in the main be familiar with the concept of Adolf Hitler being possessed by the Wotan archetype, a subject that was first brought to the world`s attention by the father of Analytical Psychology, Karl Gustav Jung in his essay Wotan[1936]. He elaborated further on the issue in his later essays After the Catastrophe[1945] and The Fight with the Shadow[1946].
The presence of the archetype in Hitler was so pronounced that we now consider Him to be not merely possessed by the archetype but an Avatar in His own right. This idea forms the basis of Esoteric National Socialism, first pioneered by Savitri Devi[The Lightning and the Sun, 1958] and then later in the writings of Miguel Serrano[The Ultimate Avatar, 1984] . Esoteric National Socialism is not to be confused with the American fashion of dressing up as Hollywood Nazis as is prevalent in some quarters.


I know of several instances where Woden initiates have experienced periods of either temporary or permament blindness, one of whom is a notable personality in the Germanic heathen revival. I myself experienced a period of temporary blindness some time ago in which I received a vision of a circle of fiery runes. From that point onwards I have felt a greater degree of inspiration than ever before and this may be measured in the increase in output for instance on my blogs. Guido von List after a cataract operation in 1902 received a vision of the Armanen Runes during an 11 month period. Interestingly I was of a similar age, in my 50s when I had my experience. I was told by my doctor that further episodes may result in permament blindness.

Hitler finished WWI in a hospital bed, suffering blindness following a mustard gas attack, enduring the melancholy of knowing that Austria and Germany had lost the war, betrayed from within by traitors, bolshevists and non-German elements. One can only imagine what distress He felt. It was this event that marked a turning point in Hitler`s life and within 5 years He was a national political figure. I do not believe this to be an accident.


The Third Reich is now dead, a part of history but Wotan in the guise of His son Wid-Ar lives and He will avenge His father. At the moment He is silent and will remain so until He appears in the form of the avenger, the Kalki Avatar who will bring an end to this degenerate modern world where all values have been turned on their heads and the underman rules.

Wotans Krieger #fundie aryan-myth-and-metahistory.blogspot.co.uk

Today I would like to focus on the cosmopolitan and anti-racial concept of fashion. Like food Europeans are being persuaded, brainwashed and even cajoled into wearing clothing styles which are inappropriate to them culturally and physiologically. One specific example comes to mind, particularly at this time of the year: the sandal or even worse the `flip-flop`.

For years now I have observed Englishmen, increasingly of all ages adopt this ridiculous `fashion` trait of wearing usually knickerbockers and sandals. Old men are usually distinguished by the presence of white socks. Younger men are bare-footed[one can only imagine the resultant poor foot hygiene and stink]. Since childhood I have never worn short trousers or sandals. Instinctively I regard it as effeminate an ungermanic. I have no doubt at all that this modern trend is intended to emasculate Germanic man, giving him almost a homosexual or at least metrosexual air. Just as there is increasingly a drive by global capitalism to blur the edges between races so we are experiencing this also with the sexes. It is the goal of global capitalism[driven no doubt by zionist hatred towards the Aryan race] to create a single global unified market place where their shoddy goods can be bought by millions more people without distinction of race or gender. Zionism is the cause behind this and capitalism is the tool for we know which tribe the majority of global company directors and major shareholders belong to-or we should do!

To me there is something unnatural, something ungermanic, something alien about male flip-flop and sandal wearers. It has nothing to do with the weather as such as these `men` creep out from under their holes in spring and there is nothing hot about an English spring, certainly not in the north of England where we are close to Scandinavia. These people invoke the same kind of reaction in me as the idiotic hordes of mobile phone owners who walk, drive and cycle without taking their gaze from their latest technological toy. It is difficult but I manage to suppress any violent urges! Visions of my combat boots coming crashing down on a metrosexual`s sandalled foot are difficult to banish!

Wotans Krieger #racist aryan-myth-and-metahistory.blogspot.co.uk

["Adolf Hitler, the Wotan Avatar as Prophecied in the Year of His Birth"]

Dr Jung was effectively the first one to recognise that Wotan had awoken and resided not only in Hitler but the German people as a whole. This reawakening started not with Hitler. The groundwork had begun in the 19th century and the most obvious example of Wotan moving in the German Collective Unconscious was reflected in the music of Wilhelm Richard Wagner and in particular in his Der Ring des Nibelungen cycle of music dramas. Savitri Devi and Miguel Serrano took this conclusion one step further and referred to Hitler as being an avatar. This is clearly reflected in Savitri`s The Lightning and the Sun[1958].

The 12 years of the Third Reich may be likened to the 12 nights of Yule which is dominated by the Wild Hunt, headed by Wotan Himself. Curiously one of Adolf Hitler`s favourite paintings according to various scholars such as the author of The Psycopathic God , Robert G.L. Waite[1977] was Die Wilde Jagd[The Wild Hunt by Franz Ritter von Stuck. The painting significantly dates back to 1889, the year of Hitler`s birth. Waite states:

"The Wild Chase by Franz von Stuck depicts the god Wotan as a berserker. Hitler was said to have copied his mustache, hair style, and oratorical style from the painting."[Waite]

I am not clear about how an "oratorical style" can be copied from a painting but I think I get the general gist of what he is implying. It is significant that the face of Wotan in the picture directly resembles Hitler. One could conjecture that von Stuck was trying to convey something which had been revealed to him from the Collective Unconscious.

Wotans Krieger #racist aryan-myth-and-metahistory.blogspot.co.uk

I have now come to the conclusion that ZOG has well and truly done its work in mentally conditioning the English people into not only accepting but embracing its fate-biological extinction via mass immigration and race-mixing.

Those of us who do not embrace our racial and cultural destruction out of love for our race and folk are defined in Orwellian terms as haters. It is rare for a people to not only allow their land to be invaded by aliens-and aliens of the most racially diverse kind without fighting to resist and repel them but the English are either oblivious to what has happened or in all honesty do not care so long as they can afford their football match tickets,their alcohol and foreign holidays.
This makes the English people not worth saving as a collective organic body for a people who will not struggle for life deserves to perish. This is a cast iron law of nature.

The recent return of extreme weather with storms and flooding in England and the rest of the British Isles is a telling signal that the Gods are displeased as well.


This is the final outworking of England`s race treason and rejection of Adolf Hitler and the destruction of the Germanic fatherland.

Wotans Krieger #racist aryan-myth-and-metahistory.blogspot.co.uk

The advantages of homeschooling are obvious. By educating our own children we avoid instilling into their minds the multicultural, multiracial, `equality` nonsense that is preached at them in schools and we also avoid the vile homosexual filth that they are exposed to as part of their `education`.
However homeschooling should not be judged merely as a means of avoiding the bolshevic indoctrination of our children but as an opportunity to expose them to an education which they could never have hoped to have received within the state or private sectors. We can give them a real sense of who they are, the uniqueness of their Aryan identity and instil in them love for their own race and an abhorrence for miscegenation, drug taking, homosexuality and general degeneracy.
We have the opportunity to create supermen and superwomen with a special and unique insight, a folkish Weltanschauung that nobody can rob them of when they are older but we must start this process whilst they are very young.
Subjects to be taught could and indeed should include the following:

Basic literacy and numeracy.[Much of what is taught in schools is unnecessary and confusing to children].
Basic geography.
Aryan history-in particular our pre history and how our nations were formed.
Ethnology and Race Studies.
Aryan spirituality and religion including Runecraft.
Aryan music-surely a knowledge and appreciation of the music of Richard Wagner is a necessary requirement?
Basic martial arts to enable both our boys and girls to defend themselves when necessary.
Survival techniques and domestic science-especially for girls.


The Superman cannot and will not be a socialised sheep!
The coming racial holy war will first of all be fought in the hearts and minds of our young and we cannot afford to lose this war if our race is to survive genocide and extinction.

Wotans Krieger #racist aryan-myth-and-metahistory.blogspot.co.uk

Time after time I have warned the readers of my blogs of the necessity of maintaining the purity of their racial blood lines, a sacred trust and an inheritance from our distant ancestors but also a duty to our yet unborn linear descendants. Blutschande is the most serious crime that an Aryan can commit against his race and folk and I hope that one day this crime will be recognised as such and punished accordingly once our peoples recover their freedom from the zionist yoke. The servants of the Demiurge lord of darkness understand that in this cosmic war in which we fight that our strongest possession is our blood or DNA as it is less prosaically termed, and they will do everything in their power to encourage Rassenmischung for by this process we destroy ourselves without a single gun being shot. It is the greatest form of treason that an Aryan could commit. By engaging in Blutschande they are spitting in the faces of their Folk, their ancestors and descendants, condemning the latter to eternal shame and disgrace. Therefore in the words of Der Meister Guido von List I appeal to my readers:"Your blood, your highest possession." Racial purity is the greatest gift that our ancestors have bestowed upon us and it is the most precious bequest that we can endow upon our descendants. For within the blood of the Aryan there lies the sacred quality of divinity. The Aryan is no mere human animal: we are nothing less than children of the Gods.

Wotans Krieger #racist aryan-myth-and-metahistory.blogspot.co.uk

Problems regarding over-population and pollution of Mutter Erde will one day be resolved with the cosmos shaking event known as Ragnarok.
The catalyst that will start Ragnarok will be the final global war between the zionist world represented by the United States of America and her pet poodle the United Kingdom against their long time enemy Russia alongside countries such as China and zionist-free middle-eastern countries such as Iran. One can see these sides in the process of alligning now. This is the real reason why Israel and her zionist allies will do anything they can to resist Iran developing nuclear capability for military purposes.


Thanks to the traitors and idiots over the decades who have allowed England to become a multiracial cesspit every politician must in effect work for the detriment of the indigenous English and British population. Therefore the solution to the multiracial hell that we are experiencing can not be found in the ballot box.

However the `solution` is coming and it will be a final solution, not one instigated by us but by Mutter Erde Herself. The nuclear holocausts that will be unleashed by the zionists will cause a chain reaction throughout nature and will wipe out most of humanity. This we know has happened before many times in the unrecorded history of the earth. As someone far wiser than me once noted Ragnarok spelled in reverse is Korangar-the spear[Gar-Proto-Germanic] of the Koran. In otherwords Ragnarok will be initiated as the result of Islamic fundamentalism. Recently I noticed that likewise Walhalla spelled in reverse says Allah Law. So the Aryan spiritual forces of Walhalla, the Einheriar will find themselves fighting against hordes of the Law of Allah, in other words Islam.

Wotans Krieger #fundie aryan-myth-and-metahistory.blogspot.co.uk

Metrosexual `man` is the ultimate product of the Kali Yuga. He is characterised by ambiguity. He is a feminised `man`, a male with a penis but nothing more. This sorry excuse for manhood is the feminist`s dream `male` product. He not only resembles a woman with `his` pink clothing, earrings, handbag, bottled water, skin and hair products and his wispy false middle class dialect-free voice and mincing gait but he is also akin to homosexual `man` except that he thinks he is the ultimate modern man. Often this de-emasculation of men begins first within the home. Middle class male children are prime candidates for de-emasculation, a process begun in early childhood by dominant feminist university educated mothers, married to men who have little if any say in the running of their households. Where the father is not present ultimately many of these boys develop homosexual traits in their desire to emulate and please the devouring mother. The middle class mother will do everything in her power to neuter her male offspring to the extent that they are they are bestowed with effeminate `Crispin`-like names and given either girls` toys to play with or at least ones that do not foster the natural aggressive male instinct. It is the feminist`s ultimate revenge on male-kind.


The formation of a sexless, raceless and soulless mass of slave-like humanity is the intention of the secret ruling tribeless elite and global capitalism is the mechanism which they use to drive this, television and glossy magazines being tools in their arsenal. Men these days are encouraged to "get in touch with their feelings", to cry and become emotional in public, to "show their vunerability", etc. This is the very opposite to the solar and polar virility espoused by Wodenism and blogs like this. We are fighting a war, a very real war for the souls of our folk and this creeping metrosexualism threatens the very fabric of our beings. As individuals we must resist this and become the very opposite of these half-men. We must become Maenner[German for `men`] and collectively the Maennerbund.

Wotans Krieger #racist aryan-myth-and-metahistory.blogspot.co.uk

[On Wagner]

Listening to this pure Aryan music is akin to meditating on the great sacred symbols of our race such as the Runes, the Sunwheel, the Swastika et al. It causes a connection to be established with the Volksgeist[the folk soul] and our ancient Gods.


It is for good reason that Wagner is hated in Israel and by many Jews throughout the world for they realise that his music has the potential to rearouse the German, Germanic and Aryan peoples again just as they were aroused in the years preceding 1933 in Germany. Wagner was also one of the few who were sufficiently aware and brave enough to expose the meddling of the Jews and their pollution of Aryan art forms in his groundbreaking essay Das Judenthum in der Musik.
What a difference there is between Wagner`s music and the crap that is mass produced today by mainly Jewish record companies, most of which is negro rap music which turns my stomach everytime I am unfortunately exposed to it.

Wotans Krieger #conspiracy aryan-myth-and-metahistory.blogspot.co.uk

What irritated me the most about this documentary and others like it is the political correctness and cowardice of today`s academic world in its obvious fear/distaste of putting the populations of Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age Europe into an ethnic and racial context. Such a fear and cowardice was not present in the 1960s and 1970s when the aforementioned books were published and this makes them absolute gems in my eyes. These days archaeologists will shy away from referring to Indo-Europeans and Celts and will instead refer to the populations of these times as `Iron Age` people etc thus robbing them of an ethnic identity. What astounded me last night is that the programme presenters did not appear to discuss the population present or responsible for the building of phase III of Stonehenge[the finished product] and whilst they discussed phase II[not using that terminology] and referred to Beaker people they neglected or deliberately avoided any mention of Indo-Europeans. It would seem that reference to Indo-Europeans only gets a mention in programmes such as The Dark Lords of Hattusha where the Hiitites for instance as an Indo-European people are painted in dark militaristic terms, resembling a prototype of the Third Reich. It would seem then and only then do Indo-Europeans/Aryans get a mention!

Wotans Krieger #racist aryan-myth-and-metahistory.blogspot.co.uk

I do not need to tell my readers repeatedly about the harm which christianity has inflicted upon our race: that is self evident. However christianity is directly responsible for Aryan peoples forgetting their divine ancestry. In particular the pre-christian Germanic peoples took it as self evident that they were children of the Gods. Not only were they graced with a God-like noble Nordic outward form but our mythology makes it clear that we are not merely the creation of the Gods but their literal offspring. Tuisto is the earth-born divine ancestor of the Germanic peoples who trace their lineage to Him via Mannus and His three sons who fathered the Ingaevones/Ingvaeones, Herminones/Hermiones and Istaevones/Istvaeones.


Alfred Rosenberg, the official philosopher of the Third Reich who was murdered by the western allies for his temerity of being a free thinker also believed in the divine ancestry of the Germanic peoples

Wotans Krieger #conspiracy aryan-myth-and-metahistory.blogspot.co.uk

Readers of my blogs will be aware by now of the blatant zionist symbolism present in the 2012 olympic games symbol and the incident it created last year with Iran`s refusal to participate in the games due to this symbol. You will also recall David Cameron-Levita`s response and his defence of the illegal rogue terrorist state of Israel.
Could the prophecy of Nostradumus relating to the games of slaughter be a reference to ZION 2012 and will this prophecy be fulfilled this year? The British government is clearly not taking any chances with its use of the army and surface to air missiles to protect the games.

Will the olympic games coincide with Israel`s and the NWO`s coming war against Iran?
By using this blatantly zionist symbol Britain is flying its colours on the zionist side and is thus both a danger and an enemy to the indigenous Aryan peoples of this country.
When the war against Iran-the land of the Aryans commences whose side will you be cheering for, zionist Britain and the illegal Jewish state of Israel or the land of the Aryans?

Wotans Krieger #racist aryan-myth-and-metahistory.blogspot.co.uk

Catastrophes do not happen in a single day as we know from Plato`s accounts of the fall of Atlantis[Timaeus and Critias]. Prior to the final collapse[which DID occur in a single day] there were portents in the form of earthquakes and floods, something which is happening with ever increasing frequency today in many parts of the world. Here in England we have been told that 2012 has been the "wettest" year since records began and once again this country has experienced widescale flooding, all I believe to be portents of the coming final catastrophe.

However this catastrophe is both inevitable and in my view necessary. I welcome these signs as an indication that this age of man, this age of lead, of the Kali Yuga is rushing headlong to its final cataclysm as the earth, our mother needs to be cleansed of all the violations that She has suffered at the hands of mankind. The Underman, the masses of animal-men and human robots need to be swept from the face of the earth. Only the Overman, the spiritually awakened Aryan vira deserves to survive this age and survive he will as we have this promise in the Elder and Younger Eddas.


I am reminded of Parsifal`s mission to cleanse Aryankind from the blood impurities caused by the dark magic of Klingsor and the temptress Kundry. Wagner`s final work, Parsifal prefigures the German avatar to come and His brave mission to save Aryankind only to be overcome by the combined axis of Judentum and the white traitor nations of the USA and Great Britain. It is with sadness that both countries now are heading for racial extinction of their Aryan populations.


We are heading for a racial collision course which will find its resolution in the RaHoWa so long predicted and the rebellion of Mutter Erde against Her violation, the violation of both the planet and the natural racial order. The `west` is reaping the harvest of its shameful betrayal of Hitler-Parsifal, the betrayal of nature and their own Hyperborean blood.

Wotans Krieger #racist aryan-myth-and-metahistory.blogspot.co.uk

Bearing in mind that Conan was an Aryan barbarian it beggars belief why a previously largely unknown Hawaiian Red Indian model called Jason Momoa was allowed to play the part! It beggars belief!
However if they can cast negroes in the role of Wagner`s Wotan why should we be surprised?
Only the Aryan must suffer such abuse and sacrilege. If another character from any other race were to be portrayed by an Aryan there would be accusations of `racism`. My advice is: avoid the 2011 Conan the Barbarian remake! Do not buy it and don`t bother watching it!


The first Conan film ie renown for its opening narration:

"Between the time when the oceans drank Atlantis, and the rise of the sons of Aryas, there was an age undreamed of. And onto this, Conan, destined to wear the jeweled crown of Aquilonia upon a troubled brow. It is I, his chronicler, who alone can tell thee of his saga. Let me tell you of the days of high adventure!"


This narration for me marks the whole tone of the film, a titanic struggle between the Aryan barbarian Uebermensch and the negroid Thulsa Doom, the leader of the serpent cult. Conan`s final triumph and revenge comes with the decapitation of Doom at the end of the film.

Wotans Krieger #racist aryan-myth-and-metahistory.blogspot.co.uk

[Background: this man considers Hitler to have been a "German Avatar" of the god Woden]

Like Tolkien Wilhelm Richard Wagner was a prophet of his generation and of his people. Both drew upon the ancient mythological lore of the Germanic peoples but expressed this in different ways: Tolkien through his written work and Wagner through both his music dramas[vulgarly called `operas`] and his written works which he is less well known for. Both projected the symbol of a ring, a golden ring. This is a subject which I hope to return to elaborate on in a future article.


The end of Aryan man draws nigh and only through his rejection of the Ring and all that it symbolises can he hope to survive. His rejection of the One Who Came Back, who was capable of instituting a new Golden Age, a Satya Yuga they rejected out of desire for gold and fear of the international tribe who runs the world`s banks. The forces of decay, headed by the USA and the UK betrayed their own race and are now suffering the consequences. Aryan Americans are now a minority in their own country and the UK is heading the same way. This is the karma which is now being reaped by those who opposed German Avatar.

Wotans Krieger #fundie aryan-myth-and-metahistory.blogspot.co.uk

The root sickness that currently pervades Aryan society in the `western world` is the feminisation of Aryan man, his emasculation and the rise of the `new man`, the cosmopolitan, metrosexual, handag carrying, make up wearing, gelled hair, sandal-wearing, daily shower taking excuse for a `man`.

Not only has the modern white-collar worker become emasculated in appearance and behaviour, not only is he manipulated with impunity by woman but the whole society in which he finds himself is dominated not so much by women but by the feminising influence of woman.

The rot set in with the granting of the electoral franchise to women.

Wotans Krieger #racist aryan-myth-and-metahistory.blogspot.co.uk

No doubt Tacitus compared the racially pure Teutons against the by now racially bastardised Romans and realised that the Teutons were the superior of the two[as history would subsequently prove] and that greatness is indeed carried in the blood-or DNA as scientists these days prefer to call it. This is why it is so essentiall that we safeguard our racial integrity and fight against those who would seek to flood northern Europe with millions of more aliens and thus muddy our sacred gene pool. In the past those who sought to invade one`s sacred land were repelled with the might of Germanic arms and those who connived with the alien would be dealt with as the traitors that they were. These days the liberal establishment openly welcomes and indeed encourages the flooding of our lands with aliens and with the deliberate intention of destroying our gene pool. My readers this is GENOCIDE-a real one!

In the 1960s trade unions in this country mobilised their members to fight against immigration but now alongside ALL the major political parties they no longer oppose our genocide but actively work-in collaberation with the churches to encourage it.