ukchristian28 #fundie

When he preached at my church Christian apologist John Blanchard pointed out that a consistent atheist would watch the world trade centre towers fall on September 11th 2001, knowing that thousands of lives had end and switch off the TV, yawn and say "what's for tea? In a random, godless universe what one animal does to another animal is neither here nor there. To care about such an event, the atheist has to borrow the Christian's worldview.

Jumbofatcakes #fundie

If the earth moved at all out of it's orbit it would explode (or something like that). That right there is incredible proof that this world did not come by CHANCE. Come on, you have to agree. What are the odds of the earth just popping into the PERFECT spot in the ENTIRE UNIVERSE?(that's a lot of space to pop up in) I think its because God did it, but if you want to go on thinking that the earth's position is random than I feel very sorry for you.

khazul #fundie #homophobia

There is no such thing as Christian Homophobia. Yes homosexual lifestyles can tear a family apart, especially if some members disagree with it and don't voice there opinions in Godly love. It is more likely in Christian house holds as we as Christians are not to support sin. Yes some people on this forum have shown hate for homosexuals; it doesn't mean it's a uniform Christian belief. I've seen more non-Christian "Homophobics" than Christian.

Sambo83 #homophobia

I agree that just like any demographic, there are good and bad homos. However, no one would argue that a retard should be able to adopt a child. The same logic applies. The only reason homosexuals want to adopt children is to use it as an issue; it isn't that they really care about the children. Once homosexuals adopting becomes an accepted practice, they will argue "since we can adopt like a married couple, why can't we get married?" That's the REAL issue.

Stephen Green #fundie #homophobia

Uganda is not ‘persecuting’ ‘people of differing beliefs or sexual orientation.’

Uganda is seeking to prevent well-funded Western homosexuals from corrupting their youth and their society.

Make no mistake, there would be no pro-sodomy movement in Uganda or anywhere in Africa were it not funded from America and Europe.

[slightly further down the comments]

Let’s just get one thing clear. The only homosexual killed recently in Uganda was activist David Kato. So was he put to death by the state? No. Was he perchance assassinated by a homophobic mob? No. He was murdered by his rent-boy lover in a row about fees for sexual services.

So if you are a political leader who wants to save ‘gay people’s lives’, the best thing you can do is crack down on acts of sodomy and all the gay subculture, whilst encouraging the Church to preach Jesus Christ and the saving and healing power of his precious blood. And that power is available to you, too, Chris.

Forgiven_and_Redeemed #fundie #homophobia

I understand, but then again if your friend wasn't a homosexual, that would never have happened. I appreciate how homosexuals may get a little bit bothered by a miniscule minority of 'Christians' (whose hearts are probably in the right place!) but that doesn't mean the rest of us should back off and let gays get married/ have civil unions/ domestic partnerships.

Katy-Anne #fundie

Vashti was being disobedient to her husband. He wanted her to come and join in the feast, but she said no and made him look bad in front of all the people. They weren't having a drunken orgy, and we know that because the Bible says they were drinking according to the law, which means that any wine was not alcoholic.

Andy 11-11 #fundie

Atheist: do you not give birth after your own kind?

Long before satan fed you evolution God said: "Let the earth bring forth the living creature according to it's kind" (Genesis 1:24)

Dogs do not give birth to roaches.
man do not give birth to monkeys.
shameless liars are we not reproducing after our own kind.

Azayah #fundie

what evedince is there that there is not a Creater?
there is more evedince to support a creater then not. And if there was no god then there is no hope in a evil world. think about it. is it ok to take a baby and tear it appart in front of its mother? there is to much evil to say there is no God and no satan becasue there is more evidence that there is
than not. And why is that only humans no evil and we can sit and think about hurting some one? and why do we have guilt about the things we do. could it be that the bible is true?

Brian #fundie

Yes, God forbid alternatives are taught. So much for "tolerance."

I love how Darwinists want to ban all mention of alternate ideas, while ID people are perfectly fine with evolution being taught. Funny who ends up being open-minded.

Pastor Larry #fundie

Apparently the down stream fish evolved into a new breed of fish. This demonstrates the weakness of which hypothesis?

So a fish "evolved" into a fish? That's not the claim of Darwinism (a term widely recognized in the scientific community as a valid description of evolution), and it's not the way that "evolve" is typically used. "Evolve" has a much more loaded meaning.

The Bible is fully consistent with fish "evolving" into other kinds of fish. However, Darwinism teaches that fish evolved into other kinds of animals, something completely unproved by science.

dad #fundie

Can a teacher refuse to teach lies and ungodly things? Can a child bring a bible to school? Can parents not allow their brainwashed daughter to not kill her child? Can one preach what the bible says on marriage publicly, and take measure to keep the gleefully perverted from their ranks?

The believers are forced more and more into hiding and secrecy like the catacombs of Rome. I would be surprised if the next several years were not marked by growing real persecution, evil oppressive laws, open blasphemy, and such inevitable results of advanced decay. Good news for believers!!! Very good news. People get ready, there's a train a comin.....and to hell with the US and it's leadership.

Valdemar #fundie

Atheists, the scenario is you have a week to live.

What is keeping you from engaging in your baser instincts: Raping, pillaging, stealing and all those sorts of things? What's stopping you? I mean, you can get away with anything you want, so why not?

This is a different from asking you this if you had thirty years to live, I think. You don't have the risk of spending thirty years in prison for murder. A life sentence might only be a couple of days! Besides, it'll never have enough time to go to trial.

The Creation Museum #fundie

Why are there so many dragon legends from cultures around the globe? Why do descriptions of these magnificent animals often sound similar to what we call dinosaurs? How could our ancestors carve, paint, or write about these creatures if they have truly been extinct for millions of years?

Evolutionists struggle to explain the intriguing evidence that people lived at the same time as dinosaurs. God's Word indicates that dinosaurs and man were created on the same day, so biblical creationists are not surprised to uncover clues that ancient man had indeed seen these beasts.

Were dinosaurs dragons? Find out at the Creation Museum's new Dragon Legends exhibit, and prepare to believe.

unred typo #fundie

When they come up with one with more ego appeal and less holes in it, you’ll see the ToE dropped like a hot rock from Hades. My prediction is probably it will be that an ‘alien’ from another galaxy will come and take credit for dropping the first couple here 6,000 years ago, explain the Bible was written by his inspiration, and that he is not only the OT God but the long awaited Messiah. He will have unlocked the secrets of miracles and perform wonders before an adoring crowd of true believers. Jesus will probably be proclaimed an imposter and the Antichrist will take his place.

Greg Carr #fundie #homophobia

No believer in Yu’shua or who claims to follow the Bible can be a homosexual or a supporter of them. The Cdn govt should change the laws of this country so that homosexuality and incest and rape and bestiality are death penalty crimes and that warlocks and witches are put to death.

xFamily #fundie #homophobia

The "Loving Jesus revelation" calls on Family members to do three things:

1. They are to visualise their sexual activity as happening with Jesus.

2. They are called on to masturbate to Jesus.

3. They are told to say "love words," or talk dirty, to Jesus as they are having sex.
Karen Zerby has published a list of sexually explicit expressions that her followers could use during sex with Jesus.
In order to avoid a homosexual relationship with Jesus (male homosexuality is an excommunicable offense within the cult), men are instructed to visualise themselves as women "in the spirit" during these activities.

Michael Savage #fundie #homophobia

And I want to tell you something, and I'm going to say it to you loud and clear. The radical homosexual agenda will not stop until religion is outlawed in this country. Make no mistake about it. They're all not nice decorators. You better get it through your head before it's too late. They threaten your very survival. They went after the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church is now caving into the homosexual mafia. They will not stop until they force their agenda down your throats. Gay marriage is just the tip of the iceberg. They want full and total subjugation of this society to their agenda. Now, if you want that and if you don't think it's a threat -- believe me, that is what's going to occur in this country.

RejectedDreams #homophobia

No scientific study has positively discovered and isolated the so-called "gay gene". But even if a genetic predisposition toward homosexuality were found, the choice to act on those urges would still reside with the individual. That's why rapists and pedophiles are not relieved of responsibility for their actions merely because they, along with all humans, are genetically determined to be sexual creatures, whether heterosexual or homosexual.

Arcy #fundie #homophobia

[About a play depicting Jesus as gay.]

This play and the people who support represent in seed-form the reasons why al-queada and other muslim-extremists want to attack America!
The culture of the middle east is VERY conservative. Unfortunately, America - as viewed through middle eastern eyes - is a country of people who live unbridled lives of adultery, accept overt sexual promiscuity in their media and accept extreme immoral behavior such as homosexuality. Can you imagine homosexual weddings in ANY middle eastern country? Hell no!

This is why they hate us. They see us as a threat to their own culture. They see us exporting our immoral lifestyles and influencing their younger generations. They recognize it for the poison that it is.

Unfortunately, our Republican and Conservative leaders have failed miserably at explaining how liberal ideologies have caused and even invited the hatred of America by those in the middle east and that liberal thought and behavior endanger our very existence!

Republicans and Conservatives could gain support from millions of Muslims in this country by joining forces to combat the promotion of immorality, which is fostered in our nation's schools and taught in all too many liberal universities. Combating liberals could literally save our country from Islamic radicals who want to destroy us because of the ideologies promoted by liberal democrats.

2012Kathleen #fundie

[In response to an article by an atheist nurse in the military]

You shouldn't be in this field. Go to any other field where you are not caring for humans. Especially since you are purportedly in the United States military, defending a nation under God.

CelticRose #fundie

I'm totally against Santa Claus.

1. I believe that all magic is evil and Santa uses magic.
2. How can it be good for parents to lie to their children about the existence of Santa?
3. He's a tool for parents to bribe/threaten their children into good behavior.
4. He's a powerful symbol of consumerism (the modern Santa was originally an advertising campaign for Coca-Cola).

I don't mind the pagan origins of some Christmas traditions since they have been changed into something good.

Fat Man #fundie

k ill be cool b4 i yell at u
1. i am pro life
2. yes i am republican

now 4 da yelling

melbourne_guy #fundie

In san fransisco theres a protestant church thats especially for gays. I saw it on a reality t.v show called 30 days , and a straight protestant was debating with the gay pastor. The straight guy was firing bible veres at her ,and her only defence was "jesus loves every body". The defence was pretty sad.

Glory in Print #fundie #homophobia

[Re: Help with a Bisexual Friend]

When ever I have debated homosexuals I just plain ask them is being gay natural, or unnatural?....They always say its natural then I say why cant two homosexuals have children together? Then I tell them because its not natural, then I tell them look at a man and a woman they can have children together because its natural...They usually don't want to argue anymore after I bring up those examples.

massdak #fundie #homophobia

those who think they are defending poor homosexuals from mean ole Christians are condoning and affirming and accepting it as a good lifestyle or worst. if you have that position you may want to ask the moderator if you should even be posting here. you do not do any homosexual any favor by placing their exceedingly sinful lifestyle as any less then the abomination it is.

Relic #homophobia #quack

[Relic thinks he's found the cure for homosexuality]

Everyone knows the Physical can be treated by doctors that aren't type who are nothing but butchers or money hungry vultures. Nothing like a good dose of testosterone when it is lacking or, in the case of women estrogen. If it is not physical, it is a mental condition. Both can be treated properly, And, Christ Jeus teaches the healing and overcoming of any malady. Even to those who are physically disabled in other ways.

If a person is depressed do we advocate for them to stay in the depressed state of being? NO. So then, why do you advocate for the person who has a chemical imbalance to stay in the homosexual state of being if what is out of balance in their bodies are their testosterone or estrogen levels?

[RWC] Garland [[VC]] #fundie

[Divorcing an abusive husband]

2. if you tuely loved the person, wouldnt you want them to get help before you just end the marrige? true, i know there are some objections, but honestly, i know if my daughter (yes, i am a father) married someone that hit her, i know it would be hard for me, but if she truely loved him, it would make her happier to have him get help than to just end the marrige and the last thought of him was an abusive guy.

Mystic7 #fundie

Atheists have to have the biggest imagination of all to avoid their own foolishness. Albert Einstein was not an athiest. He was more a mathematician. He didn't have time to preach atheism he was too busy seeking and making practical use of his knowledge.

this quote shows where his dedication is and it's not atheism
"I do not believe in a personal God and I have never denied this but have expressed it clearly. If something is in me which can be called religion than it is the unbounded admiration for the structure of the world so far as our science can reveal it."

Now to that absure website you linked too. Abraham Lincoln is not an athiest either, just because he doesn't like christian dogma of the bible doesn't mean he was atheist.

"Faith is the commitment of one's consciousness to beliefs for which one has no sensory evidence or rational proof. A mystic is a man who treats his feelings as tools of cognition. Faith is the equation of feeling with knowledge. "

Benjamin Franklin was not atheist either.

Marilyn Manson is not athiest. Neither is he a decent person anyway.

The rest of your list is rather redundant. Sorry but no-one is more useless than an athiest. Just looking back on history you can see that.

georgicompany #fundie

Atheist does not exist !
Since you decide and choose believing in "Nothing" (maybe because you are a Theologic expert...and this knowledge let you you compare religions : which one good,which others bad...)than ,what you call atheist...Means That You Do Believe in Something...That God exists......You cannot get rid of "something" if it does not exist!!
Got it ? Sorry!

xceptionalguysd #fundie

Everything points to a creator. The differences between a man and a woman point to a Creator. The fact that you are an atheist proves God exists. For without God there would be no atheists. You can thank God that He is real so that you have something to rant and gripe about.

concernedamerican #fundie

I have a real problem when parents lie to their children, about the fat man in a red suit who goes down chimneys. If, “He knows when you are sleeping. He knows when you’re awake. He knows when you’ve been bad or good...” Wouldn’t that make him all-knowing and omnipresent? If he can get presents to every house in the world in one night wouldn’t that have to make him all-powerful also? Isn’t God the only one who really has those attributes? The first of Ten Commandments, which God wrote with His own finger, says, “Thou shalt have no other gods before me” (Exodus 20:3). Shouldn’t the focus of Christmas be on Christ, not Santa? Besides why would you want some fat man to get the credit for your hard work anyway? And finally, if parents lie to their kids about Santa, and then later tell them that an all-knowing, all-powerful God loved them so much that He sent His son Jesus to earth to die for their sins, how are they suppose to believe it? Why should they believe any thing their parents say after that?

TED #wingnut #racist #fundie #homophobia

Difference Between Liberals and Conservatives

If a Conservative doesn't like guns, he doesn't buy one. If a Liberal doesn't like guns, they believe no one should have one.

If a Conservative sees a foreign threat, he thinks about how to defeat his enemy. A Liberal wonders how to surrender gracefully and still look good.

If a Conservative is homosexual, he quietly enjoys life. If a Liberal is homosexual, they loudly demand legislated respect.

If a Conservative is a minority , he sees himself as independently successful. Their Liberal counterparts see themselves as victims in need of government protection.

If a Conservative is down-and-out, he thinks about how to better his situation. A Liberal wonders who is going to take care of him.

If a Conservative is a non-believer, he doesn't go to church. A Liberal wants all churches to be silenced.

If a Conservative decides he needs health care, he goes about shopping for it, or may choose a job that provides it. A Liberal demands that his neighbors pay for his.

If a Conservative disagrees with a Liberal president, he is called a racist. When a Liberal disagrees with a Conservative president, it's patriotic dissent.

christdependent #fundie #homophobia

(1)portraying fundamentalist Christianity as sinister, dangerous, and antiquated, while (2) picking on those poor little homosexuals and trying to establish a theocracy to impose their moral values, like the Nazis, etc.

Just another appeal to emotions, the psychological strategy being to pit one emotion (fear) against the other (hatred), labelling those who oppose the homosexual agenda as the latter, who are actually to be feared. Middle-of-the-road Christians are the target of these appeals, as these activists have properly identified those who refuse to budge from WHAT IS WRITTEN as being beyond their sway.

AFA Auto-correct #wingnut #homophobia

Auto-correct can be a very helpful feature of any word-processing program. But when conservatives use it, they run the risk of embarrassing themselves.

... the American Family Association’s OneNewsNow website takes the phenomenon one step further with its AP articles. The far-right fundamentalist group replaces the word “gay” in the articles with the word “homosexual.” I’m not entirely sure why, but it seems to make the AFA happy.

...My friend Kyle reported this morning that sprinter Tyson Gay won the 100 meters at the U.S. Olympic track and field trials over the weekend. The AFA ran the story, but only after the auto-correct had “fixed” the article.

That means — you guessed it — the track star was renamed “Tyson Homosexual.” The headline on the piece read, “Homosexual eases into 100 final at Olympic trials.”

Slappi #fundie #homophobia

(Discussing homosexuality)

[Originally Posted by trisection
Lastly, I don't think Christians are as unanimous on this issue as you claim.]

Then they aren't Christians since it isn't open for debate. If someone claims to be a Christian and says homosexuality is OK with God then that person should be put on ignore, banned or whatever else the mods decide should be done. They are only causing a disruption.

garhill67 #homophobia

It does not take a broad mind to accept homosexuality. It takes a sick mind. Have you ever been to a gay parade. These people have a screw loose. The day a man can get a man pregnant or a woman can get a woman pregnant is the day that homosexuality becomes normal. There are no gay animals. Animals do not have sex for pleasure. We happen to be the only mammals capable of that.