
Right-wing nutjobs

Daily Stormer #wingnut #psycho dailystormer.name

[From "Chile: Cops Throw Protester Off a Bridge"]

There is also unrest in Chile.

Because these are the days of unrest.

Fortunately for Chile, their cops know how to deal with it.

The Guardian

Less than a month before Chile votes on whether to replace its Pinochet-era constitution, police have brutally repressed demonstrators in the capital, Santiago.

On Friday evening officers of the Carabineros police force used plumes of teargas and high-pressure water jets to disperse protesters congregating in Plaza Italia, where pockets of violence flared amid a heavy police presence.

Videos show a 16-year-old boy being bundled over the railings of a bridge by a police officer. The boy fell into the dirty concrete channel of the Mapocho river, where he lay motionless, face down in the shallow water.[…]

We would be a lot better off if the cops in every country were throwing people off of bridges.

It’s heartening to see.

Presumably, they’re getting ready for a communist revolution, like everyone else.

TED #wingnut #racist #fundie #homophobia moonbattery.com

Difference Between Liberals and Conservatives

If a Conservative doesn't like guns, he doesn't buy one. If a Liberal doesn't like guns, they believe no one should have one.

If a Conservative sees a foreign threat, he thinks about how to defeat his enemy. A Liberal wonders how to surrender gracefully and still look good.

If a Conservative is homosexual, he quietly enjoys life. If a Liberal is homosexual, they loudly demand legislated respect.

If a Conservative is a minority , he sees himself as independently successful. Their Liberal counterparts see themselves as victims in need of government protection.

If a Conservative is down-and-out, he thinks about how to better his situation. A Liberal wonders who is going to take care of him.

If a Conservative is a non-believer, he doesn't go to church. A Liberal wants all churches to be silenced.

If a Conservative decides he needs health care, he goes about shopping for it, or may choose a job that provides it. A Liberal demands that his neighbors pay for his.

If a Conservative disagrees with a Liberal president, he is called a racist. When a Liberal disagrees with a Conservative president, it's patriotic dissent.

AFA Auto-correct #wingnut #homophobia thecarpetbaggerreport.com

Auto-correct can be a very helpful feature of any word-processing program. But when conservatives use it, they run the risk of embarrassing themselves.

... the American Family Association’s OneNewsNow website takes the phenomenon one step further with its AP articles. The far-right fundamentalist group replaces the word “gay” in the articles with the word “homosexual.” I’m not entirely sure why, but it seems to make the AFA happy.

...My friend Kyle reported this morning that sprinter Tyson Gay won the 100 meters at the U.S. Olympic track and field trials over the weekend. The AFA ran the story, but only after the auto-correct had “fixed” the article.

That means — you guessed it — the track star was renamed “Tyson Homosexual.” The headline on the piece read, “Homosexual eases into 100 final at Olympic trials.”

Colonel-Knight-Rider #ufo #senpai_noticed_us #wingnut rottenwebsites.miraheze.org

30. Similar to RationalWiki, FSTDT mocks people's beliefs in UFOs and has an entire tag dedicated to such ridicule. This clashes with Wikipedia's neutral, informative, and well-sourced article on the subject.

31. When people on other Websites criticize or counter-mock them, they do not usually take the criticism or counter-mockery well.

32. Regular user Niam2020/Niam2023 is a compulsive liar. He once played an elaborate prank on DeviantArt user Colonel-Knight-Rider, whom he frequently targets simply for sharing mainstream conservative views, that copied the plot of the obscure 1989 horror film Society, in which he played multiple roles all named for characters appearing in the film. CKR did not previously know that this film existed until he was informed about it by a friend, causing the entire scheme to unravel.

Dr. David R. Reagan and Franklin Graham #fundie #forced-birth #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia lamblion.us

Franklin Graham is not calling the pastors and evangelists of this nation to do something he is not willing to do himself. He has, in fact, become the model of a prophetic voice speaking out boldly against the sins of our nation. In the process he has taken the bull by the horns on many occasions. Consider his comments on the following social and moral issues:

Abortion - "There is no place for compromise on straightforward issues such as abortion... God has given us clear biblical direction that we must follow and obey... As a minister of the Lord Jesus Christ, I believe this is a nonnegotiable issue. Abortion is wrong. It is the murder of unborn children, and no law of the land and no party platform can ever legitimize it."

Gun Control - "The gun control proposals now circulating in Washington and in many state capitals don't address a more important issue - the constant strain of violence put forth by the entertainment industry [in movies, music and video games]. But the problem - the real crux of the issue - lies not in the instruments of violence used... The root of violence is in the evil and depraved heart of man."

Islam - "Islam is a religion of hatred. It's a religion of war." "For Muslims, peace comes only through supmission to Islam. When they speak of peace, they mean supmission to their religion... Worldwide, tens of thousands of men, women and children have been slaughtered in the name of Allah, under the bloody flag of Islam."

ISIS - "The evil of ISIS really shouldn't shock us - it is fully in keeping with their ultimate agenda of hastening a final apocalypse... One thing is for sure - one day every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father."

Hinduism - "No elephant with 100 arms can do anything for me. None of their 9,000 gods is going to lead me to salvation."

Same-Sex Marriage - "True followers of Jesus Christ... cannot endorse same-sex marriage, regardless of what our President, the Congress, the Supreme Court, the media or the latest Gallup poll says about the matter... This moral issue has been settled by God Himself and is not supject to man-made revisions or modifications. In the end, I would rather be on the wrong side of public opinion than on the wrong side of Almighty God who established the standard of living for the world He created."

Homosexuality - "The church is on dangerous ground when it departs from the teaching of Christ and attempts to redefine His commands and compromise His truth. There are many things in Scripture that Christians disagree on, but the Bible is crystal clear about the sanctity of life and marriage. It is also clear that homosexuality is spelled out as sin — there are not ifs, ands or buts."

Transgender Restrooms - "[The idea] is not only ridiculous, it's unsafe. Common sense tells us that this would open the door, literally, to all sorts of serious concerns, including giving sexual predators access to children. It violates every sense of privacy and decency for people of both sexes, adults and children."

Secularism - "When the Berlin Wall came down, everybody said we had won... [but then] Secularism came. And Secularism and Communism are the same thing. They're godless. They're anti-Christ."

Christian Persecution - "Even in America there has recently grown an ugly, anti-Christian bias and intolerance that is changing our nation from the inside out, opening doors for all kinds of discrimination and loss of religious freedom that we hear about daily in the news."

Government - "We're living now in a time where we see the spirit of Antichrist is at the government level." "I have no confidence that any politician or any party is going to turn this country around. The only hope for this country is for men and women of God to take a stand."

dlo_3us2001 #fundie #wingnut #racist #homophobia groups.yahoo.com

Responding to a comment made by another group member: "The most hated people in the country are former homosexuals and black conservatives. Both threaten the left-wing political agenda."

Very true Kirk.

They are very brave people to let it be known they were delivered from their addictions to homosexuality and transgenderism. But they are so thankful to be delivered that they don't care what others think of them now. Praise God.

Those who are getting OUT of the liberal democratic party are also praising God for that.

I was watching a YouTube Video the other day about a young man that had joined the Antifa movement, but the minute they clashed with the Patriots, his OWN group threw him in front of their group and allowed the Patriots to get HIM while they took off running!!

That is when he realized he was fighting on the wrong side and he admits he is NOW a Patriot. He said the Patriots were always taking up for the people on their side and even saving them when an Antifa member had one of the Patriots down on the ground.

He said that didn't happen on the Antifa side.

Also, I was watching a YOUTUBE video where an elderly BLACK man was taking sides against the YOUNG BLACKS and their Black Lives Matter Group, calling them angry and evil. He claims he is through with being an angry black man and now sides with GOOD against EVIL. I will never forget look on the young black faces when they realized he was calling them EVIL.


Wotans Krieger #racist #wingnut #psycho #elitist aryan-myth-and-metahistory.blogspot.co.uk

During the 12 years of the Third Reich attempts were made to re-establish the link between Blut und Boden, recognising that amongst the German peasantry (not to be misread in the modern sense as a pejorative term) the purest Germanic and Nordic blood was to be found, for by this time the German nobility had become bastardised by the blood of middle-eastern money lending families. We see this today with the supposed English Royal Family that will forge marital alliances with the most unlikely people, the mercantile class, which has its origins in mediaeval Jewry and money lending. Crowns can thus be bought for a few shekels.

In the Reich that is to come these bastardised noble familes will have no place of honour for they are enfeebled distortions of the once racially pure Germanic aristocracy. Thus we must begin again the restoration of the caste system. Building on the vision of the Rigsthula I propose that these reconstituted castes be as follows:

Kon-This must be a recogniseably priestly caste, separate from the one below. In contradistinction to Julius Evola I regard the mystic, priest and shaman to occupy a more important role than that of the Ksatriya warrior-noble. The present nobilities of Europe have long since lost any abilities which they once had, no doubt a consequence of their race-mixing with Levantine elements.

Jarl-The Aristocracy of regenerated Aryan man, occupying positions of leadership in all aspects of Germanentum. They must take their instruction from their spiritual superiors.

Karl-The producers and farmers of our folk. The term peasant must have its honour restored and once again represent the very best in Germanic man. The Karl must recover his mystic link with the land of his ancesters. England must once again become an agricultural not an industrial economy. Thus we can assist the earth to heal itself and we in turn will reforge our lost link with the sacred earth.

As far as the non-Nordic, non-Germanic and non-Aryan caste of the Thralls is concerned they will be banished from our sacred ancestral lands. Once our people and land have been freed from the dual poisons of capitalism and industrial exploitation the Thrall will cease to have a purpose and non-Nordic elements will be banished from our lands. The Rigsthula makes it clear that this caste was an alien one. The very presence of the Thrall in our lands represents a very real threat to our biological survival as a racial community. Some of these Thralls may outwardly appear to be people of our own blood but the obese, the sexual degenerate, the drug addict, the alcoholic and the career criminal should be regarded as part of this slave under class and the necessary corrective measures undertaken. They are the Untermenschen much prized by the liberal elite.

The Woden Initiate of today will form a part of the Kon caste of tomorrow. It is imperative that we focus our time and resources in building up our spiritual knowledge and powers in preparation for the age which is to come. Our descendants will together form the priestly caste which has been built from our loins and give the spiritual direction and leadership that our people need.

Michael Anissimov #wingnut archive.is

Aristocracy as a Tool for Decreasing Time Preference

This excerpt from Fanastic [sic] Reality: Marxism and the Politics of Religion repeats claims that our parents have been telling us since we were toddlers:

Land in the Greco-Roman world was predominantly alienable and held privately. Suffice to say, class differentiation set in early. One tightly knit group of people—the rich, the particians, the aristocracy—won for themselves a privileged position whereby they accumulated ownership of large tracts of land and/or extracted by political-military means product or direct labour time from the primary producers: i.e., the peasants. Such an exploitive relationship, whereby a surplus is obtained by the minority class from the labor of the vast majority of peasants, inevitably affects every facet of society.

This model—that aristocracy was nothing more than a monopoly which existed to enrich itself—is quintessentially modern and Whiggish. Since the Whigs took over the planet, that’s the explanation we are fed. There is a contrary view, however, which has not received the objective, detached consideration it deserves:

Progressivism thinks that many social norms that neoreaction thinks were developed in order to change incentive structures to bring short-term individual payoffs in line with long-term societal-and-therefore-individual payoffs such that actors with shorter time-preference or more tendency to defect would act in accordance with what provided long-term payoffs to society were actually developed by factions seeking to maximize their payoff at the expense of those outside the faction; in addition, parts of it claim that these norms are actually to the disadvantage of those factions themselves. (“Patriarchy hurts men too!”) So actions that appear to the neoreactionary as defection—that is, as a move away from the social norms that incentivize civilization-building, societal stability and productivity, etc.—appear to the progressive as actually being a form of cooperation—changing the payoff matrix in a manner that benefits not only the individual outside the faction, but also certain factions and possibly society as a whole.

You may need to read the full post a couple times to understand the argument. Basically, in context of my argument for aristocracy, the reason why the aristocracy existed is that it benefited everyone in society more, bringing short-term individual incentives closer into alignment with behaviors conducive to the long-term success of civilization and society. Thinking that aristocracy existed only for its own personal enrichment at the expense of everyone else is a simplistic and wrongheaded inference; rather, it provided a system of overall organization that is superior to an informal aristocracy based only on money and divested of formal political power.

The system of aristocracy + peasants brought much greater wealth to society than if everyone were just cooperating peasants. Concentrating power and money in the hands of certain individuals gives rise to an overall structure that benefits everyone and is greater than the sum of its parts. In a medieval context, aristocracy was necessary to protect peasants from bandits and invading neighbors. Not optional—necessary! If the local duke and his family were murdered and their castle destroyed, it would be an occasion for deep despair and worry, not celebration.
Aristocracy accomplished many things that peasants did not. Namely, the entire foundation of the Scientific Revolution, all higher cultural artifacts including the invention of classical music and fine art, security for all peasants, a channel to facilitate long-distance trade and economic interaction with foreign entities, necessary civic administration, repairing roads and other essential infrastructure, and so on. If peasants were left to their own devices, they would not “spontaneously organize” as effective anarchists and make these things happen; instead, they would stagnate and degenerate, becoming less effective than before and be consumed by infighting, until another de facto duke emerged to restore order.

To understand the argument for a formal aristocracy in the modern era, one must first understand why they were so useful in a historical context. Let me also point out that an economic and political aristocracy already exists; it is just informal, so it has few if any cultural obligations. Aristocracy exists whether you like it or not (even in a Communist system), it’s just a question of whether it’s formalized or not. Formalizing it is better, leaving it cryptic is worse.

Mr. Anon #wingnut #racist #homophobia moonbattery.com

Liberals lied about the Hart-Celler Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965, which abolished the national quota system in favor of lotteries and family reunification. Hart, Celler, Ted Kennedy, and Hubert Humphery claimed that it would not alter the ethnic and racial makeup of this country. It has.

Many of these same liberals lied about the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 (Reagan signed that one, by the way) - they said it would once and for all end illegal immigration to this country by granting amnesty to the 3 million illegal aliens here at the time. There are now anywhere from 12 - 20 million illegal aliens (no one knows for certain).

Liberals told us that Affirmative Action would not lead to hiring quotas. It did.

Twenty years ago, homosexual activists themsleves laughed at the very idea that the gay rights movement would lead to gay marriage. Now, redifining marriage is their primary aim. Now they claim that redefining marriage to include gay marriage will not lead to legalization of polygamy. This is a transparent lie - hollywood is already trying to normalize polygamy, with shows like "Big Love", just like they started normalizing homosexuality with movies and TV shows thirty years ago.

Left-wing politics is built upon lying.

onebillionserved #fundie #wingnut #homophobia huffingtonpost.com

We are so blessed to be in a country ruled by George W. Bush, the greatest president in history. He's the only person who has the guts to take the war around the world and not have one here. He's the only one who knows that you have to attack or be attacked. He's the only one who knows how to get the job done. Why? Because he's ruled by God, and God tells him what to do.

Also, he listens to God on other important issues like stem sell research and homosexuals, and Bush knows that both are very wrong and should be outlawed. I can't wait for the elections and Bush will have all the power he needs onl every level.

We need a country that isn't afraid of anything, that isn't going to tolerate people who shouldn't be here, and that isn't going to tolerate homosexuals littering our streets.

Thank God for George W. Bush. I hope he can get elected again -- he should change that law too.

Duddly Doright #wingnut #homophobia disqus.com

[On Liberals buying guns]

This is a real danger to the 2nd amendment as the Libards can use the increasing number on murders as justification to outlaw all firearms.

The problem is that Gays (Male Sodomites) are by definition mentally ill and thus should not be able to purchase firearms.

They are also very prone to fits of jealous violence. The old, politically incorrect term was HOMOcide.

Slang term used to describe one of several methods gay men sometimes employ when murdering a homosexual lover. Examples: genitals cut off and stuffed in victim's mouth, objects crammed into body orifices , etc.


Not to mention that drug use among homosexuals is extremely wide spread.

Gay men and lesbians are three times more likely to use illegal drugs than straight people, a British Home Office-funded study says.


Among gay men, the “Party and Play” scene has been growing in popularity over the past decade. These sessions, which are generally organized on Craigslist or other websites feature intense drug taking and sex with multiple partners. Crystal meth and ecstasy are the drugs of choice for these “instant parties” because of their psychotropic effects, and in the case of crystal meth, their ability to help people stay awake well into the night and prevent ejaculation during sex.


A bunch of armed mentally ill people, the males especially, who routinely get high on meth.

What could go wrong!

Paul M. Dohse Sr. #wingnut paulspassingthoughts.com

I have followed politics since I was a nine year old Barry Goldwater conservative. One thing has always characterized my view of the American electorate: cynicism. It was obvious from the beginning that Jimmy Carter would be a disaster. The American people elected him anyway. Everyone knew Bill and Hillary Clinton are corrupt. The American people elected them anyway. Everyone knew Barak Obama had a negative view of America. The American people elected him anyway.

I could never figure it out, until now. For the most part, like me, the electorate has been cynical and unenergized. Look, for some time, at least forty years, everyone knew political promises are made to be broken; we came to expect it. George Bush’s infamous “read my lips” was merely political business as usual. Even more frustrating was the following: Ronald Reagan clearly demonstrated that a smaller government empowers America and its people.

However, knowing the brilliance of the founding fathers of America, who put a failsafe constitution in place leading to a very resilient America, we have always figured we could keep America afloat by voting for the least of two evils. Hence, we made up enough of the electorate to keep things close. Question: who was the last Democrat to win an election by a landslide? See what I mean? The problem has always been inactivity by commonsense Americans who are fed-up with looking and acting “presidential” being more important than keeping promises. The icing on the cake was watching the Bush’s frolic with people who obviously hate this country and everything it stands for in the name of “civility.”

Donald Trump has changed all of that. Finally, a leader who says what he means and means what he says. He not only keeps promises, but doesn’t let opposition from others stop him from fulfilling his promises. It’s the fulfilling of promises times two because he doesn’t use opposition as an excuse to not get the job done. In other words, he views campaign promises as his job description. In the business world, you either get the job done or you don’t, period. This is how Trump is running the country and it is more than we could ever hope for.

Moreover, his unceremonious disrespect for those who disagree with him is balm for years of frustration. It’s payback for those who make America work while being dismissed as worthless grunts by elitists. Oddly, regardless of Trump’s pedigree, we hear, “He’s one of us!”

It’s why the Russia hoax didn’t work. It’s why the Ukraine hoax didn’t work, and it’s why the Coronavirus fear mongering hoax to trash the economy is not going to work, but this time with an added twist.

Everyone knows this virus is being exaggerated so that Trump doesn’t get credit for a good economy, but meanwhile, it has robbed thousands of Americans from once in a lifetime family experiences. This is going to backfire bigtime. Trump has no choice but to send the Navy Seals to take care of a schoolyard bully, but more than likely, it is going to put a quick stop to this virus and Trump will get all of the credit. Meanwhile, people will remember what the exaggerated response costed them personally. This is a political disaster for the Democrats. They have made it personal on ground level.

Have you noticed that Nancy Pelosi et al have changed their tune this week? It’s because they see it regardless of their TDS. In addition, consider that more than half of the people infected, even in China, are now recovered. Again, when the smoke clears, this is going to be a political disaster for the Democrats.

The character assignation and “political qualifications” playbook no longer works because the American electorate is no longer marginalized by the disenfranchised. Trump has begun an era of new politics, and it will result in the mother of all electorate landslides in 2020.


citizen-xx #wingnut #homophobia usnews.nbcnews.com

Yeah.. Umm.. I don't hate anyone. I simply said there is a cure out there for homosexuality.

My dislike for you, and people like you is based more on pity for your ignorance.

You don't like the idea of curing homosexuality through medical professional means because you are afraid it might come up with an effective cure for the illness. Then, you will have lost a group of people you can drag into the victim column. Lose that and your side loses votes. That is what it is all about.

Phuck, you progressives have made younger folks feel so much like victims that these same young progressive types are turning into mass murderers. They feel so hopeless that they lose it and go on a rampage. The progressives can take full responsibility for it too It is no coincidence that the rebirth of the progressive movement back in the 90's runs along the same time line as the increase in mass murders in this country.

Lori Alexander #sexist #fundie #wingnut thetransformedwife.com

President Trump nominated Amy Coney Barret to the Supreme Court of America on Saturday. The many pro-life conservatives are extremely excited. I am a pro-life conservative. I want a judge like her who loves America and the Constitution. However, I am sad that she will be unavailable for her seven children. The job that she will most likely have is time-consuming and will keep her away from home a lot.

Yes, I want a pro-life conservative on the Supreme Court. Yes, I am happy that Amy is one, but her children only have one mother. There are many other pro-life conservative judges that would make great Supreme Court judges.


What about Judge Deborah in the Bible? We are told nothing about her age or even if she had children. This was a unique circumstance in the entire Old Testament and was not God’s ideal; for He tells us: “As for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths” (Isaiah 3:12). Our God is a Patriarchal God who ordained men to be the ones in authority. This isn’t popular in our day and age but for believers in Jesus Christ, it should be for us.

Amy will hopefully be a wonderful Supreme Court Justice. She is the complete opposite of Ruth Bader Ginsberg which is great, but it’s an indication where our country is headed. She was praised for being the first Supreme Court Justice who had school age children. This grieved me. They will miss her constant influence in their lives, since no on will be able to take her place in their lives. Also, her husband must fill the role of help meet to her instead of her being his help meet.

Brendan1903 #wingnut #conspiracy deviantart.com

How is Trump over reaching the system? Protests are good but riots make you look like a idiot. Watch Yuri Bezmenov and stop being a useful idiot.

Chabad Lubavitch and Russian UK government wants America to fall so it can build multi polar world order, which is why Putin was put into power. He is a front to keep people like you distracted from banks and Bolsheviks.

Russell Pearce #wingnut #elitist uspoln.com

The far-right former lawmaker who helped push Arizona’s “papers please” immigration law has resigned as a top official with the state GOP after making comments about sterilizing poor women. The state Democratic Party recently highlighted comments made by Russell Pearce, a former state senator, on his radio show. Discussing the state’s public assistance programs, Pearce declared: “You put me in charge of Medicaid, the first thing I’d do is get Norplant, birth-control implants, or tubal ligations—Then we’ll test recipients for drugs and alcohol, and if you want to [reproduce] or use drugs or alcohol, then get a job.”

Several days later, commenting on his statement which caused widespread public outrage, Pearce stuck by his position, saying he didn’t understand “what all the fuss was about,” adding “I was holding back pretty hard when I said what I did.” Asked to elaborate to see how far he would go, the former lawmaker argued, “Finding employment as a condition for having children, using alcohol and drugs is not even half of it. Right now our biggest problem are food stamps and that’s the part of the story nobody seems to want to deal with.”

“A lot of lazy people seem to have mistaken the government for a charity. That’s not how things were meant to work,” Pearce said. “And food stamps are draining the budget faster than it takes a drunkard to kill a bottle of whiskey. And this is not the case with Arizona alone, this is going on nationwide. We need to put this under control or else we’re looking at bankruptcy. And everybody is making jokes about it instead of trying to find a solution. Well, I have.”

Pearce then went on to explain how “we need to limit food stamp access to women who have been sterilized,” and how “that’s the only way of separating the ones who are willing to work for food from those who aren’t.” Asked whether that means women will, effectively, be made to give up the prospect of having children in the future simply because of the fact that they’re poor, the former state senator replied, “In order to be able to feed a baby, you first need to be able to feed yourself. That’s a pre-requisite in this case. What can I say, there’s no such thing as a free lunch.”

“Bottom line — if you want food stamps, you’re going to have to be sterilized,” Pearce summarized his proposition. “Of course, there’s also another aspect to this, perhaps even a more obvious one. If you’re already poor enough to be looking for food stamps, that means you’re incapable of being successful in our society for whatever reason. And if you’re unfit to be productive, and this might sound a bit harsh, but the fact to the matter is, we don’t need those kind of genes. We don’t need any more lazy people, so it’s actually a good thing you’ll have to be sterilized. Look, think of it in terms of being able to have all the unprotected sex you want without having to worry about pregnancy ever again. I’m telling you, it’ll be a hoot,” he concluded.

John Hawkins #wingnut #transphobia #racist #fundie #elitist #sexist #homophobia rightwingnews.com

20 Basic Truths You Can't Talk about in America Anymore

1) People who want to change sexes should be treated by a psychologist, not deformed through surgery, given hormone treatments, and falsely told that they can change sexes.

2) Most people who remain poor over the long haul in America stay that way because of their own poor life choices.
3) Most black Americans are good and decent people, but percentage wise there are more black Americans in jail because percentage wise, black Americans commit a lot more crimes than white Americans.
4) As often as not in America, the people claiming to be “victims” are the real bullies and they don’t deserve anyone’s sympathy.
5) The reason most politicians in D.C. are shameless liars with no character is because most Americans will knowingly choose a shameless liar with no character who says what they want to hear over an honest man with morals who tells them the hard truths they’d rather ignore.

6) Illegal aliens are foreigners who knowingly broke the law to come here and Americans owe them even less than we owe other foreigners living in China, Sweden, or El Salvador because at least those people didn’t break our laws.
7) Life begins at conception and having an abortion is no morally different than strangling your baby in the crib.
8) Most liberals aren’t patriotic and they don’t love their country.
9) Our soldiers should make every effort to avoid civilian casualties, but when it comes right down to it, the life of an American soldier should be treated as more important than the life of a foreign civilian.

10) We’d be better off as a society if the people who are ignorant, ill informed, or who really don’t care one way or another, didn’t vote.
11) The only practical way to make peace between the Israelis and Palestinians is for the Israelis to transfer the Palestinians and take their land.
12) This is a Christian nation that has been successful because it adopted Christian principles and the more we move away from that, the worse off we will be as a nation.
13) Men are just generally better at some things than women, just as women are just generally better at some things than men are.
14) “Racism” used to be a big deal in America, but these days the people who cry racism are usually phonies trying to gain a political advantage or deflect from ethical shortcomings or poor performance.
15) Long term, the only way our country can pay its bills is by asking everyone who’s not dirt poor to pay as much in taxes to the government as they’re given in services if they want to continue to receive those services.
16) Nine times out of ten, a mother and father will do a considerably better job of raising a child than a single mother, a single father, two gay parents or their grandparents.
17) The Boy Scouts could never survive gay scoutmasters because no parents with a brain in their head are sending their male, teenage boy out in the woods alone with a gay man who may very well be attracted to him, just as the parents of Girl Scouts wouldn’t want to send their teenage daughter out alone in the woods with a straight adult who might secretly be savoring the opportunity to have her alone.

18) People who are homeless over the long term are overwhelmingly mentally ill or have substance abuse problems and the only thing we can really do to help them is round them up, put them into halfway houses and force them to get treatment in spite of themselves.
19) If you have good character, you should feel ashamed of taking food stamps, taking welfare, or being on a school lunch program.
20) We would be much better off as a nation if most of the immigrants to this country were well educated people from nations in Europe that shared our Western values as opposed to our current policy which brings in mostly less educated people from Third World nations.

Colonel-Knight-Rider #wingnut #crackpot #racist #conspiracy deviantart.com

"And this talk of cancelling elections should concern you as much as anyone." Maybe he meant to say, "postpone until a later date…" The problem is that he knows what to say but not how to say it. Either way, I see this as more of his genuine health concern while misremembering that we can vote remotely now rather than a bid for an extended term in office. And he can get hysterical at times, so I doubt the election's gonna be cancelled.

I think of myself as a news skeptic: don't take everything on TV at face value. And right now, almost every news network in the country is committed to spinning this narrative of how Trump's severely flawed manner of speech automatically makes him a racist. One example is his describing Haiti as a "[bleep]hole country" compared to Iceland. He wasn't saying that Haitians are inferior to Icelanders—he was saying that Haiti is a poverty and natural disaster-stricken country, as any Haitian will tell you the same. It's like the word "racist" is now the be-all to end all arguments: "You're a racist! Nothing you say is valid beyond this point." The media wants to destroy him.

Thank you! :D What you call zombies, I call NPCs. In video game programming, NPC stands for non-player character. NPCs often have pre-programmed dialogue, which my enemies also appear to have as they reuse the same, tired logic errors that they insist are "needed" corrections to whatever I say that offends them. They prowl around my page looking for reasons to be offended and complain about it in their echo chamber instead of actually trying to fix what they think is wrong with the world.

Colonel-Knight-Rider #psycho #wingnut #fundie deviantart.com

Watchers: your new mission, should you choose to accept it, is to unmask Niam2020 WITHOUT publicizing info you find about him, then destroy Fundies Say The Darndest Things: the ivory tower from where he and his friends look down their noses on us "lowly" people of faith and think we're "bigots" for not agreeing with their pro-SJW agenda. And that includes destruction of FSTDT's Discord, Reddit, forums, and everywhere else it exists on the Internet.

(bring it on you fascistic dingbat)

Anonymous #racist #conspiracy #wingnut i.4pcdn.org


(Image claiming that Queen Victoria was a Jew, pointing out her “drooped eyelids” and “Semite Jew nose”. It has a list of things she is “known for”, namely:)

-Saved the Ottoman Empire - 1853 Crimean War
-Elected a Jewish prime minister - Benjamin Disraeli 1874
-Victorian “British Empire”
-Murdered millions
-Talmudic slavery
-Expanded global heroin drug-routes

Anonymous #racist #conspiracy #fundie #wingnut boards.4chan.org

Jews, as servants of Satan himself, are a very ritualistic and legalistic people, not dissimilar to those demons and the rules that bound them as recanted by our mythologies. They are particularly concerned with numbers, years, moons and seasons. The fact that this is taking place exactly 100 years after the last mass-uprising in Europe should not be discounted.

We can also trace the actions of the subversives through recent history with extreme ease. The Paris Commune, which existed 150 years ago, was the first instance of the 'Reds' taking over a city. It was a victory for the Free Masons and Jews who had made Paris their home, and who had endeavoured to corrupt and defile its legacy as a city of beauty. There are many records concerning the Paris Commune, and its ties to Judaism and Free Masonry, and of course Communism (they literally flew the Red Flag) is undeniable. They were known, amongst many other evils; for coining the phrase 'Patriarchy' and pushing feminism. They were known for rounding up Christians, particularly Bishops and Priests, and murdering them; in their place they pushed atheism. They were known for hunting down the Middle-Class and small businesses and their owners; and either seizing them or destroying them.

Were the many other 'coups' in Europe that would follow truly natural and just against oppressive authorities/power structures; they would be supportive of Christianity and the meritocratic, self-made Middle Class. The working class was wholly Christian and it was very important to them. The Middle Class are an obvious ally to those opposing the 'tyrannies' of Monarchs and Nobles. Instead we see EVERY instance hunt down the Church and the Middle Class. We see it in the Spanish civil war, we see it the battles between Communists and Fascists in Italy, we see it in Bolshevik Russia, and we see it pushed in America with McCarthy vainly trying to stop it. All of this evil is pushed by those same Jewish Subversives.

This is not some modern phenomenon. This is not some natural occurrence. This has been engineered for at least a century.


I feel that it's very important that people realise how connected all the troubles of the previous century were. That the revolutionary fervour that engulfed Europe, and which threatens to engulf us once more; was not FROM Europe.

It all came from the same small group of jews, who honed their skills in the Paris Commune and then took what they had learned elsewhere. One by one, they were pushed out by native Europeans; at which point they simply moved to a new city. After their defeat in Paris, they went all across Europe. After their defeat in Spain and the rise of Mussolini and Hitler, and then the rise of Stalin; they fled to Britain and the USA, where - just like before - they began to subvert the nations.

We can see the British fighting them all across the Empire as jews fomented rebellions and uprisings. In the USA we have McCarthy identifying them and seeking to remove them. This is the very same enemy, instigating all of these different uprisings. They are not natural. They are foreign. And they are still waging this same war against us, now using everything they have learned through their many defeats.

If they win, they will kill us all. We have seen this happen in Paris and across the Soviet Union. We've seen instigated all across the former British Empire. We are seeing advocating for our murder right now in the USA. This is not new. This is not natural. This is our eternal Enemy trying to destroy us.

Metapedia #wingnut #homophobia #racist #sexist en.metapedia.org

[This is a racist wiki's article on the television series My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. No, this is not a parody. Yes, that is a Star of David symbol after Lauren Faust's name.]

To make the toys popular, Hashbro finances the preparation of a movie. The director is Lauren Faust?. The story plays in Equestria, country of the horses. Ponies live a communistic, multicultural society. Most inhabitants of Equestria are mares, who according to the movie have lesbian relations with each other. Many of the actors openly state to be homosexual, in a movie created for children under 12 years old. The series tries to make popular liberal ideas like tolerance and accepting differences and perversions, as if they would be normal and preferable.

[What follows are pictures of some of the characters, along with short descriptions of them.]

Twilight Sparkle, the main actor, a one-horned animal. Quits school to play with friends. That's the example children need.....

Applejack, white farmers mocked as 'White Trash' (Also:Redneck) by Jews and blacks in the USA. This actor parodizes these mocked persons.

Rainbow Dash, openly homosexual, a pegazus horse, who lives with a lesbian griff-bird.


Pinkie Pie, a pony, who likes sweet food, some interpret this as drug addict.

Steven Magnet, a homosexual water dragon, who cares much about his appearance.

Spike, loves Rarity, a pony, even though he is a dragon. With this besides sodomy also zoophilia or at least miscenegation appears in the series.

Hoity-Toity, Pony, openly homosexual, fashion creator.


The series was originally written for teenage girls, however, there are boys and men, who are fans of these movies in the USA and Canada. They are degenerated, often homosexual, typically white middle class men, they call themselves "Brony". Their web page (http://www.equestriadaily.com/) is full of images and written material to make sexual aberrations popular. The fans meet regularly and try to convince all people to live as abnormal as they do.

James Rink #conspiracy #wingnut #psycho supersoldiertalk.com

The Nazi Dutch Royal Family and Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte have been executed, according to Pentagon sources. This information has not been independently verified at the time this report went live. However, the sources have been consistently reliable in the past. This was the message we received:

“The Dutch pedo cabal led by Queen Beatrix, the Royals, and PM Mark Rutte may have been terminated by U.S. troops.”

This was done to “to stop African immigration, expose MH17, and crimes against humanity.” The sources add the European Union capital of Brussels is under U.S. military occupation to purge the EU Deep State.

The military occupation of Belgium and Holland and the execution of their elite class are long overdue. This is true not just in Belgium and Holland, but also in the U.S., England, and Canada, etc. These are people who have been torturing and murdering children on an industrial scale for millennia.
Meanwhile, in New York, a child torture and adrenochrome harvesting facility at 720 Fifth Avenue, was busted and hundreds of tortured children were rescued, according to Pentagon sources. This is just up the street from Jared Kushner’s 666 5th Avenue mark of the beast injectable microchip factory.

The kids at this facility were kept from ages as young as 3 and repeatedly tortured and raped in order to harvest adrenochrome. They were killed once they reached puberty. The entrance to this facility was disguised as an “Abercrombie and Fitch Kids,” store as a cover for children being brought in.

Anna🇺🇸🇮🇱 and Michelle Waters #conspiracy #wingnut #psycho twitter.com

Even Gitmo is too nice a place for the criminals involved in stealing & subverting our election and the Republic!

(Michelle Waters)
They are traitors. Literally. They have betrayed our nation. They have besmirched the integrity of their positions of public trust. They have intentionally subverted the process by which the voices of WTP are heard.


LAS3DCreations #wingnut deviantart.com


Redo of Bernie Sanders 2020 Webpage!

@Fake Website Screenshot

Bernie | Feel The Bern | Socialism The New America | Democrat Party Takeover | Events | Donate

We took over Nevada! Now it’s time for the Democratic Socialist takeover! Contribute >


Email address: [___]

Zip Code: [___]

Phone Number: [___]

[Add Your Name!]


Taking up the bulk of the page is a picture of two shirtless men, and Bernie Sanders in an army uniform, standing in front of a van with “Sanders Re-Education Camps” written on the side.

Also, a bar chart labeled “Trump beats Bernie,” with Sanders getting 30% of the votes and Trump getting the remaining 70%.

Men's Rights EXTREMIST #racist#wingnut rationalwiki.org

Why are so many black men voting for Hillary in the primary?

I guess maybe they're just voting for her because of her husband, who was supposedly "the first black President". As Toni Morrison was writing, "Clinton displays almost every trope of blackness: single-parent household, born poor, working-class, saxophone-playing, McDonald’s-and-junk-food-loving boy from Arkansas."
Plus he smoked weed and enjoyed fucking white chicks — and he was persecuted for it by Republicans, JUST LIKE A BLACK MAN WOULD'VE BEEN.
Bernie Sanders actually gives a fuck about real issues that have been keeping the black man down for generations, and he was a bona fide activist for black issues in college, but he just doesn't ACT stereotypically black enough to suit these guys. He needs to start wearing a baseball cap backwards, let his pants sag below his ass, throw a few "my niggas" into his speeches, and maybe flash a gang signal now and then.
Also, Hillary is a feminist, and feminists and black men seem to share the same idea that it's best to destroy the institution of the family and just have a few gangsta thug motherfuckas (aka alphas) impregnate all the women, who will then use welfare to feed their families. Feminists see this as empowering because they don't have to be ruled over by a husband, while black men always imagine that they're going to be the ones who will be badasses enough to slay pussy everywhere they go in a system where marriage hasn't locked either them or these bitches down.
(When you think about it, there are A LOT of people who would like to destroy the traditional institution of the biological family. Evangelical Christians are on board that program too, because whenever a struggling, working-class family gets broken up by CPS, they get to show up as the saviors who adopt the kids and train them in their Christian ways.)
Plus, black men don't really like this idea of economic equality in which there's no longer a top 1 percent that gets to rule the world. Rather, they want to BE that 1 percent. Black men are always flipping through the "Mansion" section of the Wall Street Journal as they sit in their prison cells and imagining the yachts, fancy homes, etc. they're going to have after they get out and finally set up their crack empire the right way. They like to read hood novels that feature a black man as a Hollywood filmmaker who gets to fuck lots of (light-skinned) broads, and imagine that they could rise to that role somehow by hustlin' and makin' the right deals. Hey, why not.
In light of how blacks buy so much into the "rags to riches" narrative of economic mobility, it almost seems like they're actually Republicans at heart, but maybe the GOP turned them off with all of their Confederate flag waving to the point where the only Republican they're going to be willing to vote for is Donald Trump (who of course harbors no racism in his heart). Trump will likely appeal to them in the general election, because he's anti-Hispanic (notice how Hispanics and blacks never get along when they're put in the same prison cell?) and likes to flash his bling and young, hot (and white) wives around everywhere. They like how he didn't need a lot of fancy education to become rich, but just was able to get to the top seemingly through negotiation and sheer bravado alone.
His dominance also appeals to them. They like how he didn't slowly build up a career as a Republican politician the way Jeb Bush did, but instead seemingly just walked in there and took over that shit — like a GANGSTA. They admire anyone who can figure out a shortcut to success that involves mainly boldness, salesmanship, and a keen understanding of the psychology of the people one is dealing with as well as the politics of the situation, as opposed to a lot of hard work.

Chris Menahan #wingnut #racist informationliberation.com

'The Squad' Gets Squashed

(submitter note: I have no idea how to embed the imagines in a quote and this contains a lot of them, admins, could you help me out here)

Any threat "The Squad" may have posed to our ruling oligarchs is now over.

Ali Abunimah

My latest: Congresswoman @Ilhan Omar was the target of vicious smears for criticizing @AIPAC's influence, but she is now backing the Israel lobby group's campaign against Iran https://electronicintifada.net/blogs/ali-abunimah/ilhan-omar-backs-israel-lobby-campaign-against-iran

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10:33 AM - May 5, 2020
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From The Electronic Intifada, "Ilhan Omar backs Israel lobby campaign against Iran":
In an unexpected move, Minnesota Congresswoman Ilhan Omar has reportedly signed on to a letter circulated by AIPAC, the powerful Israel lobby group on Capitol Hill.

According to the publication Al-Monitor, the AIPAC-backed letter is aimed at "bolstering the Donald Trump administration's efforts to extend the United Nations arms embargo on Iran."

That embargo is set to expire in October as part of the 2015 multinational deal in which Iran placed limits on its civilian nuclear energy program in exchange for sanctions relief.

[...] Omar's signature is all the more baffling, given her forceful criticisms of US sanctions policy against various countries.
The Squad went from opposing usury, criticizing AIPAC and telling former Goldman Sachs CEOs to get f***ked to voting with Pelosi and pushing pie in the sky programs (which will only further alienate them) for social media "likes."

Rep. Ilhan Omar

*taps mic*

Cancel rent

9:44 AM - Apr 28, 2020
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Ilhan Omar

Here’s what we need to make universal, as a start:
🏥 Healthcare
🍏 School meals
📬 Vote-by-mail
🏠 Housing
💵 Basic income

7:24 PM - May 4, 2020
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Trump was taken down through a relentless deep state pressure campaign but The Squad was conquered by their own blind hatred. Though they're swimming in "likes" from the Twitterati, they alienated the majority of the country by embracing the establishment's hate-filled anti-white politics.


Ilhan Omar contends that Americans "should be more fearful of white men."

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9:43 AM - Jul 24, 2019
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Rashida Tlaib Deletes Tweet Blaming Alleged Black Israelite Shooting on 'White Supremacy' http://mediaite.com/a/yfnkd

Rashida Tlaib Deletes Post Blaming Shooting on 'White Supremacy&#
Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) deleted a Twitter post on Thursday that blamed the Jersey City kosher deli shooting on "white supremacy," after users pointed out it was allegedly perpetrated by tw

11:30 AM - Dec 12, 2019
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Rashida Tlaib

Black people get executed by police for just existing, while white people dressed like militia members carrying assault weapons are allowed to threaten State Legislators and staff.

📣Our gun laws are so broken. https://twitter.com/RodMeloni/status/1255901755474403328

Rod Meloni
Protest moves inside Michigan Capitol. Crowd attempts to get onto Hoise floor. Lots of Michigan State Police and House sergeants at arms blocking door.

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2:09 PM - Apr 30, 2020
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Jon Levine

AOC and boyfriend Riley Roberts discuss tips for "combating racism as a white person"https://nypost.com/2020/02/08/aoc-boyfriend-talk-about-combating-racism-as-a-white-person-in-instagram-stories/

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10:48 AM - Feb 8, 2020
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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Replying to @AOC
But it is incredibly important that we recognize that perfectly normal, good people are capable of aiding racism & white supremacy.

Recognizing that is not about pillorying people. It’s about learning to recognize *the virus* & end an oppressive system designed to hurt us *all.*

7:06 PM - Aug 7, 2019
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Nat Turner
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has a 22% approval rating

Ilhan Omar has 9% approval rating

News https://news.yahoo.com/anonymous-democratic-group-leaked-poll-205906247.html

Yahoo News ‎@YahooNews

11:01 AM - Jul 17, 2019
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See Nat Turner's other Tweets

Bernie Sanders made the same mistake and it torpedoed his candidacy even though this could have been his moment.

If The Squad want to understand how the game is run, they should read the leaked documents from Amazon-owned Whole Foods which show how they rate their stores using a "diversity index" because they determined the threat of unionization is "higher" at stores with "lower diversity."

E. Michael Jones
We know why the oligarchs promote "diversity." It prevents unionization and keeps wages low.

Diversity is the opposite of solidarity, and Jeff Bezos knows that.

Solidarity forever. The union makes us strong.http://www.informationliberation.com/?id=61403

Leaked Amazon Whole Foods Docs: Workforce Diversity Helps Prevent Unions
Leaked internal documents from Amazon-owned Whole Foods reveal the company rates their stores using a 'diversity index' and determined the threat of unionization is 'higher

7:50 AM - Apr 24, 2020
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"Woke" politics is the politics of our ruling oligarchs and the leftists who subscribe to it are nothing more than useful idiots.

MarinBeckons #ableist #wingnut #racist m.sfgate.com

[In response to an SF Gate article about some SF restaurants adding climate change surcharges to diners’ bills for funding sustainable agricultural practices]

Greta, the alcohol fetal syndrome girl, too young to dare criticize her childlike condemnation of global capitalism, yet somehow old enough to have valid scientific credentials, wants you to give up all your carbon emitting activities so that the elite who sponsor her bratfest won't have the goi-polloy getting in their way on the roads, in the air and at resorts.

Nya Nya Jo #fundie #wingnut #sexist #forced-birth #homophobia edendecoded.com

People want to say that religion and politics doesn't mix, but it does!

Biblical history shows us that the law of the land IS a religion; and the religion IS the law of the land. Ultimately, the politics (religious beliefs) of every society was based on what god or gods were worshiped. And this is no different to what we are witnessing now in our political arena.

SO THE QUESTION is what religious doctrine did Black women overwhelmingly subscribe to, that can be credited for destroying the traditional Black family?

We can NOT say it's Christianity. Because the black church never taught nor endorsed single motherhood as a viable option to Christian motherhood: which is found within the sanctity of a marriage covenant between a man and a woman.

The Bible, along with the Christian faith that rests on it, is replete with admonishments and warnings to avoid the type of sexual activity that leads to whoredom becoming the culture of the land. Nevertheless black women by and large (to the tune of 72% by recent stats) have rejected the biblical Christian standard. So what spiritual standard are they living by?

I believe Black women subscribed to the religious doctrine of Liberalism. You may be thinking that liberalism is not a religion, but it is. Liberalism is a very old ancient religion started over 3,000 years ago.

DID YOU KNOW the following about liberalism?

• Liberalism is based on the Roman god Liber.

• The Roman god name Liber means 'the free one;' its alternate Roman name was Bacchus; and the Greeks referred to this god as Dionysus.

• Liber is described as androgynous, man-womanish, sensuous, naked or half-naked.

• Liber is the god of wine, fertility, debauchery, uninhibited freedom and free speech.

• Liber's worship centered around large phallics; consisted of orgies, drunkenness, intoxication through various potions, and sexual activities (including homosexual acts).

• The Liber cult conducted human and animal sacrifices.

• Originally, Liber rituals were only attended and conducted by women, who practiced sexual masturbation rituals with carved life-sized phallic objects.

• Liber was the patron deity of the common people of Rome (the lower social classes); such as women who had lesser rights than the common man in ancient Roman society; slaves and foreigners.

• Worship of Liber taught civil disobedience to the established social order and the transformation of religious authority. Very much like what we've seen recently in the news with the riots and angry protests after the Presidential election that was won by Donald Trump and the Republican Party.

• In 186BC, the Roman Senate banned Liber worship because it was considered to be a threat to the security of the Roman Republic due to their political conspiracies, crimes and debauchery.

Now, let's take a look at our modern (current) Liberal politics.

Americn Liberalism is obsessed with sex - especially the kind that deals with homosexual and other alternative sexual infatuations. It also has an unhealthy focus on redefining family structure and twisting gender roles and identity.

The driving force behind liberalism is to create anarchy through 'anti-establishment' rhetoric; and to ultimately destroy traditional social principles by using the political system and process.

Modern liberalism aims to:

• End 'partriachy;' which means to prevent men from fulfilling their God-given right of leadership in home, government, moral authority; thus stripping men of their role and rights as fathers.

• Endorse free speech of every type and hue - except for free speech that contains traditional Christian principles.

• Teach sexual liberation; challenge the traditional codes of sexual behavior through LGBTQ special rights, laws and overwhelming media coverage.

• Promote free love; and that sexual freedom is a direct expression of power and authority.

• Normalize birth control (abortion), public nudity, masturbation, sex toys, pornography, premarital (casual) sex, sex with children (pederasty) and homosexuality.

• Reshape the image of the traditional family to include open marriage, spouse swapping, swinging and same-sex marriage.

• Make recreational drugs and alcohol easily accessible.

SO I ASK YOU: How could the black family remain intact with women that chose to adopt a liberal mindset that involved twisting gender roles, pushing the natural boundaries of sex, fighting against the God-given role men were given as leader in the home, indulging in all types of anti-biblical forms of intoxication, and devaluing their children to the point where they see nothing wrong in aborting them?

Liberalism is anti-god in all its ways.

Under liberalism black women have become gender confused, domineering over men (which is a hallmark of that confusion), whoreish (unable to get married, or maintain a marriage), excessive masturbators, sexual predators, cold and callous towards children (including the unborn), promoters of abortion (infanticide), drunkards (excessive drinkers), with a desire to assume final authority over men in the workplace, in government, in the church, and in their homes. These women rather pattern themselves after the image of liberalism, rather than the image of the virtuous women in the Bible who chose to honor God by becoming wives and mothers under the authority and headship of husbands.

And just like that, over the past 50 years, the Liberal political system converted the minds of women into pagan worshipping harlots of the god called Liber.

The Devil used Black Women as a 'legal and lawful' satanic attack on the black family. Ana if not rectified, this is the blueprint the Devil will use to destroy families of other races, ethnicities and cultures.

Satan has the blueprint for family destruction, and he will continue to use it across our country and the world.

Leviticus 19:29 (KJV) warns us: "Do not prostitute your daughter, to cause her to be a whore; lest the land fall to whoredom, and the land become full of wickedness."

So what we are witnessing right now is the result of generational self-prostitution of women; women choosing the lifestyle of whoredom over the standards of the Bible. And unashamedly, Black women voted for laws that led to the destruction of the Black family all so she could have laws that supported her ability to live a life of whoredom.

Hard truth: You don't have the mind of Jesus Christ if you choose to live life as a whore. You have the mind of some other god.

It is our lifestyle that shows our dedication to a specific set of religious beliefs. And we make sure our beliefs are cemented and protected through the laws and policies of our land via civil rights or identity rights.

I plead with Christians - particularly black Christian women and men to get involved in changing this damnable mindset of liberalism that has crept into our churches. Get involved in reshaping the political ideology to be pro-Christian!

We have a mandate and duty to be that light on the hill; I like to think of that hill as also including Capitol Hill.

Will YOU be that light? Become part of the movement to overthrow liberalism in the Church and in the black community. And let's restore the biblical perspective as the right foundation on which to build our homes, lives, communities and nation on.

Bradford C. Walker #wingnut #psycho bradfordcwalker.blogspot.com

Narrative Warfare: The Purge Of Wokeness Begins
The God-Emperor of Mankind has begun the Counter-Reformation of America to destroy the Death Cult.

Trump signed an Executive Order setting all of this off yesterday. This? This is a Big Deal.

"Critical Race Theory" is the ideology of the present Death Cult afflicting the United States in particular and the West generally. It has gotten into every corporation and government agency, down to elementary schools, and by signing this order and giving Attorney General Barr the go-ahead to wage lawfare Trump has begun the purge of this vile heresy from American life.

Read through that thread on Twitter. There are provisions, tied to Federal money, to compel state and local governments as well as private actors to purge Wokeness from their organizations if they want that sweet Federal financing for their groups. As the alternatives to Federal financing don't have (officially) the bottomless well of the Federal Reserve to call upon, this should go a long way to putting a stop to the heresy going on.

It won't stop it entirely. What it will do is flush the heretics out into the open where normies can see them, and that's where we come in.

When the heretics, freaking out, act up those need to go viral across all platforms. The Alt-Tech platforms are already friendly, so that's not an issue. It's the Three That Matter--Twitter, Facebook, YouTube--that will be a bother. Fortunately, they will make it easy for us to make them improperly famous; they will issue hashtags, so usurp them and use them to expose them. Sure, right out of the old Gamergate playbook, but it still works so why not use it?

We can't expect the God-Emperor to do all the work for us. We have our part, and it's not just in the voting booth. The ride never ends, folks, and remember:


Paul Cameron #wingnut #homophobia huffingtonpost.com

Actually, while I’m not sure about the claims by the various people who have reported that Obama has at least participated at times with them in homosexual acts, this certainly lends some credence
The long term goal of the homosexual movement is to get every little boy to grab his ankles and every little girl to give it a try. They will not rest until every one of our children at least gets to try, has the opportunity and maybe is forced to at least once experience homosexual acts.

Selena Owens #fundie #wingnut #homophobia wnd.com

Are we shocked or appalled that straight couples happily exchanged marriage vows alongside homosexuals and lesbians on national television? Haven’t we seen the signs all along? For decades, homosexual advancement has encroached upon Christians and conservatives. Everything from rainbows to school curriculum to parades have been hijacked by progressives, tossed to politicians and handed down to liberal activists working alongside comrades in the entertainment industry. Macklemore was not ONE voice with a few stage props who sang for ONE night. He adequately represents a culmination of years of erosion of Christian and conservative values through liberal ideology and implementation.

So what should Christians and conservatives do? Complain to CBS? Sign petitions? Blog about how awful this behavior is for society? Those are sound starting places.

I propose this: Be yourself and don’t be so defensive. I’m myself no matter the situation or people. Sometimes I deliberately go through the checkout line of the lesbian clerk to drop a few words of Jesus’ love in her ear and then compliment her haircut. Or I encourage the star-struck 17-year-old to become informed on political issues that will affect her life, then discuss those big hoop earrings she’s sporting. No defense, no arguments, no worries. I remain offensive. I’m me.

Remind yourself that conservative values are still a major element in society, and Christianity is the only answer for cultural depravity. The Grammy folks want us to believe otherwise. They took a blatant shot at us through deplorable lyrics and godless imagery and tried to frame the narrative to say that homosexuality is widely accepted as the norm. They’re wrong. Society at large does not accept that narrative. They hope we’ll throw our hands up and surrender. Don’t do it. Order my book for a “how to” approach to dealing with godless liberalism within society.

Peter LaBarbera #wingnut #homophobia onenewsnow.com

"It looks like Wal-Mart has exchanged the Confederate flag for the rainbow flag," says Peter LaBarbera of Americans for Truth About Homosexuality.

Walmart has announced it will discontinue sales of Confederate flag-themed merchandise after the June 17 murder of South Carolina church murders by a suspected racist.

But that announcement rings hollow in the mind of LaBarbera, who takes issue with a Wal-Mart spokesman declaring the retail giant doesn't want to "offend" people.

"And yet Wal-Mart has now embraced homosexual activism very strongly," says LaBarbera, who tracks corporations and their support of homosexual activism.

Bay Area Guy #wingnut #homophobia occidentinvicta.com

A common tactic employed by leftists is to accuse their enemies of being on “the wrong side of history.” When I toured UC Santa Cruz around 9 years ago, I recall seeing a mural juxtaposing old school Jim Crow bigotry with current conservative hostility towards homosexual marriage. The image must have caught on, because I could easily find it online.

Because clearly, blacks and homosexuals are the same.

The implication is that history will harshly judge opponents of homosexual rights, just as we passionately denounce Jim Crow racism. Such logic is now being applied to transsexual rights; check out this segment from John Oliver – the newest liberal comedic cult figure – where he asserts (skip to 16:15) that history will not be kind to those of us who oppose this newest civil rights movement. In so many words, if we don’t enthusiastically embrace the left’s agenda, then people like us will be reviled for all eternity.

Will we? The arrogant leftist notion that the arc of the universe bends towards justice (ie. what they want) is predicated on the belief that Western liberalism will remain hegemonic. However, I suspect that this dominant liberal narrative will erode as China and other Asian nations continue to rise. We already know that Asian countries have no use for the kind of bizarre identity politics running amok in the West.

In fact, given how pervasive intense nationalism is in Asia, I suspect that Asia’s ascendancy – combined with the West’s demise – will alter the way we view history. Such a paradigm shift will not be kind to the likes of John Oliver. Future Asian historians will be nonplussed upon learning that Americans placed a higher premium on transsexual rights than nationalism or a strong economy. They will also shake their heads and chuckle when reading about how historical white figureheads such as Joe Biden celebrated the impending minority status of their own people. They’ll wonder why the most dominant group in human history threw it all away in the name of quixotic ideals.

They will, with amusement and contempt, consign the Western left to the wrong side of history.

Ryan Hamm #fundie #wingnut #homophobia stillsearching.wordpress.com

Letter from 2016 in Obama’s America

October 29, 2016

Dear friends,

Remember the words of the classic American hymn, “The Angry American (Courtesy of the Red, White, and Blue)?” Think on these lyrics:

And you’ll be sorry that you messed with
The U.S. of A.
‘Cause we’ll put a boot in your a**
It’s the American way.

While Christians have always rejected Brother Keith’s use of an expletive, the sentiments he expressed were certainly biblical. The USA was put on this earth by God to protect people and to be the New Covenant Nation. Well, brothers and sisters: I regret to say that this song may no longer be true. It is no longer the “American way” to defend freedom, liberty, and Jesus. No, in this, the eighth year of Chairman Obama’s administration (he took on the name “Chairman” in the “Mao-Rocks-My-Face-Off Act” of 2014), the American way is perversion, anti-family, anti-gun, environmentalist, pro-welfare, and pro-every-possible-sin-in-Leviticus-you-can-find.

Here is but a smattering of the many egregious measures Obama has taken as president over the past 8 years.

1. Family issues
Chairman Obama has begun the logical conclusion to his anti-life platform: Baby work camps. Yes, every child under the age of 2 is now taken from his or her mother, placed in an internment camp, and forced to crawl on a little hamster wheel to generate electrical power. Obama touts this plan as “clean energy”—in reality, it is an anti-family policy from the pits of Hell.

In the 7th year of the Obama adminstration, abortion doctors were given “attaboy” pensions—$6 million dollars in “wealthy-white-people” taxes—for performing abortions. Around the same time, Planned Parenthood (now a federally funded agency under the Department of Defense) began hosting “abortion parties” where every time an abortion is performed, there is a party with a taped greeting and congratulatory message from Chairman Obama.

2. Supreme Court
In 2014, Clarence Thomas stepped down after Ariana Huffington (now the Secretary of Blogs) accused him of “not being black enough.” Obama then nominated radical lesbian activist Rosie O’Donnell to replace him, and she was approved unanimously by the overwhelmingly Democratic Senate. The liberals now have a 8-1 advantage on the highest court in the land.

Because of this, the non-believing Democratic liberals have pushed through their radical agenda. In keeping with the destruction of the FCC (God’s way of keeping us from using bad words) and the War on ChristmasTM, the Supreme Court passed the “XMas Act of 2013”, outlawing the word “Christmas” and changing the official name to XMas—made worse one year later when, under incredible pressure from the Hefner family, they changed the holiday to “XXXMas” and made it a celebration officially sponsored by the adult film industry. Chairman Obama said “I didn’t know it would come to this, but I’m just upholding the law.”

3. Homosexuality and Sexual Perversion
In 2012, public pornography became rampant. Well, brothers and sisters, I’m grieved to report that, in 2016, matters are even worse. Public nudity became standard under the “Clothes? Who Needs ‘Em Act” of 2015 and people began to copulate in public. In early 2016, under the “Natural=Same Act,” public homosexual fornication became the law of the land, and heterosexual reproductive activity was officially confined to procreation centers. Again, Chairman Obama objected on a personal level, saying “Michelle and I have always thought that procreation was a natural part of marriage, but the Supreme court knows better. I trust Chief Justice O’Donnell’s judgment in this matter.”

Homosexuals are also sure to control the country for many years to come thanks to the new “Gay? You Can Vote Twice” law passed by congress in 2013.

In perhaps the most flagrant abuse of God’s law, Vice-Chairman Biden married a goat in a civil ceremony recognized by the ultra-leftist court. In the “Biden vs. Crazy-Right-Wing-Nuts-Who-Don’t-Recognize-Animal-Rights” decision, Justice Souter (now aged 106) wrote in the majority opinion, “I [expletive] totally support it if Joe [expletive] Biden wants to [expletive] marry a goat. If you don’t [expletive] like it, [expletive] [expletive] [expletive]. It is the decision of this court that all who oppose Biden’s [expletive] marriage will be sent to a [expletive] island and will be forced to wear scarlet M’s for ‘Meanie.’ [Expletive].” As you can see, language has also taken a sharp turn to the left.

4. Social issues
In keeping with his radical weapons policy, Chairman Obama signed into law the “Sharp Pointy Objects Act of 2013,” outlawing all sharp sticks, knives, and razor blades.

After years of murmurings from the Treasury Department that bar code forehead implants would replace all cash, it finally happened in 2015. Now, all citizens are required to have a unique bar code installed beneath the skin of their forehead, used for all payment and identification purposes.

Illegal immigrants are given a special place of honor in the new America. There are now 7 official languages in the United States besides English (none of them Hebrew or biblical Greek, so they aren’t really “languages” so much as “garbled American-English”).

New environmental initiatives have made the water cleaner, the air cleaner, and corporations responsible for their spills, thanks to market-driven efforts headed by consumer advocacy groups. The North Pole has been mostly restored and the hole in the ozone is mostly gone. We know as believers that this is NOT God’s best—his plan is to slowly destroy the earth via our pollution and then take all of us away to meet him in the sky before the really bad stuff happens.

5. Foreign Policy
Just last month, Chairman Obama rode a pig into the temple in Jerusalem because of the Supreme Court’s recent “Executive Pork-Riding Legislation” saying “I’m just supporting their law, not my own convictions. I don’t even eat meat.” This backs up the reputable claim that Obama is, in fact, the Beast out of the Earth.

In 2014, the EU outlawed any mention of God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, or Michael W. Smith. The remaining Christians in the United States put up a fuss, but Chairman Obama said “As the United States, we cannot put pressure on any place that would seek to explore their individual spirituality in whatever way they would choose.”

The Department of Homeland Security was abolished in 2013 and replaced by “The Department of Inclusive Peacemaking.” Michelle Obama heads this new department, which includes mandatory terrorist appreciation and training courses in all public schools. Chairman Obama has taken on a second wife, sister of Osama Bin Laden, in order to “cement the bond between our two communities.”


It came as no surprise, then, when in 2012 the Obamas converted from “Christianity” to Baal Worship, and created new “pagan holidays” wherein Americans are required to take off work to fornicate and drink “blood martinis,” a drink invented in the West Hollywood gay goth community circa 2010.

Brothers and sisters, you can see how bad it has gotten. And yet, we have the Christians of 2008 to thank for these events. Some Christians thoughtfully voted for McCain, realizing that his policies most closely matched their own convictions. We don’t care why they voted for McCain, of course, just that they did. Other Christians prayerfully cast their vote for Chairman Obama, sure that his policies were closer to their Christian convictions, unaware that he was so clearly the pawn of Satan. I would never say that those Christians lost their salvation for Democrats—but I would think it.

Now I’m just holding out hope that the Rapture will happen before too long. According to the pre-trib, pre-millennial chart I have on my wall, Gabriel’s mouth is close to the horn. Take heart my brothers and sisters. And remember: Enjoy America’s dominance and, in the words of Prophet Toby Keith, embrace “the American Way.”

Reclaiming America for Jesus (and for James Dobson),

-A Christian from 2016

Paul Moreno #wingnut #homophobia thefederalist.com

At the time of the Founding, slaveholders recognized that slavery contradicted the principles of the Declaration of Independence—Jefferson and others repeated that slavery was wrong—but they pleaded for toleration in dealing with a condition that they could not immediately and fully set right. Over time they stopped seeking mere toleration, began defending slavery as a “positive good,” and objected to any public policy that implied its wrongness. The most radical of them, like George Fitzhugh, argued that slavery was a better social system than free labor.

The pro-homosexual movement has followed a similar trajectory, from toleration to equality to supremacy.

The homosexual-rights movement has long claimed the civil rights movement as its model. But its increasingly strident effort to suppress all moral and religious dissent makes it look more like the antebellum proslavery movement. Some years ago one wit observed that homosexuality, once “the love that dare not speak its name,” had become “the love that can’t shut up.” We cannot let it shut everybody else up.

First World Problems Award

anon1822 #wingnut #crackpot incels.is

Our life nowadays is worse than that cavemen or apes. Cavemen needed to survive, it gave excitement and meaning to our primitive brains.

You don't get bored or depressed when survival and feeding your family is your top priority.

Their life was exciting. It was what our brains have evolved to do. The world was also new and mysterious to them, they didn't have a boring routine they must follow day in, day out.

Sure, they could die of many things. Many of them died prematurely. But for the short time they did live, every day was a new adventure.

What do we have now, however? We work many more hours per day than they did. There's nothing new or exciting in our lives, just a grind and a routine and drudgery. Life in these big societies is alienating, meaningless, full of many hostilities and traps, lies and deceit.

**This post does not apply to rich people. They have it better than ever before. I didn't even want to mention the words Chad and Stacy, but of course these shit for brains live better than any caveman could dream to.

Julio Severo #wingnut #homophobia barbwire.com

Eric Fanning, a longtime Pentagon official who is an open homosexual, has been nominated by U.S. President Barack Obama to lead the U.S. Army.

“Eric brings many years of proven experience and exceptional leadership to this new role,” Obama said in a statement, the Washington Post reported Friday. “I look forward to working with Eric to keep our Army the very best in the world.”

His words and actions are radically opposed to the words and actions of the Father of America.

As recorded in “The Writings of George Washington” (March 10, 1778, 11:83-84, U.S. Government Printing Office, 1934), George Washington ordered: “At a General Court Marshall — Lieutt. Enslin of Colo. Malcom’s Regiment tried for attempting to commit sodomy, with John Monhort a soldier — and do sentence him to be dismiss’d the service with Infamy. His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief approves the sentence and with Abhorrence and Detestation of such Infamous Crimes orders Liett. Enslin to be drummed out of Camp tomorrow morning by all the Drummers and Fifers in the Army never to return.”

Washington, the Father of America, had a soldier expelled just for attempting to commit sodomy. In Fanning’s case, there was not just attempt. He did it.

Do you want the bare truth? I am sure that in Obama’s and Fanning’s case, the Father of America would approve sentence on them and he would treat, with abhorrence and detestation, their sodomy and sodomy advocacy as an infamous crime.


The Father of America never intended his Army to shelter homosexual advocates. It would be abhorrent and detestable for him.

He never intended his Army to favor Islamic oppressors at the expense of Christian blood. It would be utterly abhorrent and detestable for him.

He intended the U.S. Army only to be a protector of America, not a global police force to impose a pro-Islam, pro-sodomy, pro-abortion and anti-Christian “democracy” around the world.

I have read a lot about Americans who are proud of defending their gun rights by arguing that guns are important for protecting themselves and their families. I fully agree. But their argument also says that guns are necessary against a tyrannical government.

Would not a government treating, with abhorrence and detestation, Washington’s anti-sodomy stance be tyrannical?

Would not a government favoring Islamic oppressors at the expense of Christian blood be tyrannical?

A bare truth to gun advocates: if you are not able to move now, what are your gun rights good for?

Washington would have been utterly ashamed of a U.S. Army led by an open homosexual.

He would have been utterly ashamed of a U.S. Army favoring Islamic oppressors at the expense of Christian blood.

And would he be honored by gun advocates who sit by while the U.S. Army favors Islamic oppressors at the expense of Christian blood?

A truly patriot American would make a revolution.

For much less, Washington did it.

This is the bare truth.

Jerry Newcombe #wingnut #homophobia barbwire.com

The Supreme Court is slated to rule on the subject of same-sex "marriage" this term. Here are four questions I want to ask same-sex marriage supporters:

1) If the Supreme Court says that it is okay for a man to marry a man and a woman to marry a woman, then how can they stop there?

Once they open Pandora's Box, how can they say that polygamy is unconstitutional? [...] If the Supreme Court rules to "redefine" marriage beyond one man-one woman, then how can they say a man can't marry his sister, or a mother her son, or a man and his dog, or two men and one woman? How can they legally draw a line? Proponents of same-sex marriage howl at such questions, but three men just "married" in Thailand the other day.

2) How do you prevent legalizing same-sex marriage from erasing religious liberty?


Could you imagine the uproar if the government tried to force an African-American printer to use his artistic skills and shop to produce fliers for a KKK rally, despite his objections because of his conscience?

Legalizing same-sex marriage effectively makes those who hold to traditional values second class citizens, especially when the forces of "tolerance" insist on hauling anyone who disagrees into court.


3) How do you deal with the fact that homosexuality is not immutable?

For the record, there are thousands of Americans alive today who are former homosexuals and former lesbians - freed from their sin by Jesus. [...] And there are many ex-gays who have changed through psychological means, unrelated to religion.

Being homosexual is not an immutable trait. Indeed, even those who argue for the alphabet soup of genders we are now expected to recognize often tell us that sexuality is "fluid." When you involve marriage, you are involving the law - marriage codifies a relationship into law. But what if someone is gay one day and not the next? Sexual anarchy leads to legal anarchy.

4) Why are the voters of this country so marginalized?

In a recent interview I did with Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council, he notes that even though same-sex marriage is now legal in some 37 states, only in three of those states was it voted in by the people. In two of them, it was voted by the legislatures, the people's representatives. With the rest of the states, it only became legal by judicial fiat. [...] Should we change the Constitution from "We the people" to "We the judges"?


In short, I oppose same-sex "marriage" because I am in favor of freedom - freedom guaranteed in the Constitution.

Mike Huckabee and Jan Mickelson #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy #mammon #psycho thinkprogress.org

Huckabee Suggests Poor People Should Be Sold Into Slavery For Stealing

Host Jan Mickelson began by bemoaning that the “criminal justice system has been taken over by progressives.” In order to fight back, he argued, conservatives should look to the biblical Book of Exodus. “It says, if a person steals, they have to pay it back two-fold, four-fold,” Mickelson explained. “If they don’t have anything, we’re supposed to take them down and sell them.”

Mickelson went on to argue why jails, which he claimed are a “pagan invention,” are inferior to slavery: “We indenture them and they have to spend their time not sitting on their stump in a jail cell, they’re supposed to be working off the debt.”

“Wouldn’t that be a better choice?” the host asked.

“Well, it really would be,” Huckabee replied without missing a beat. “Sometimes the best way to deal with a nonviolent criminal behavior is what you just suggested.”

Jeff Allen #fundie #wingnut #homophobia barbwire.com

Two recent articles written by Mark Joseph Stern (Slate) and John Saul (Huffington Post) reveal what the homo-fascists have in mind and what they would love to sadistically do to those who have been, or still are, in opposition them.


The homo-maniacal plans for all traditionalists sound quite unpleasant, not to mention being a clear violation of our First Amendment rights. Ah, heck, while the homosexual hordes are busy burning the “Reichstag,” why not throw in the U.S. Constitution, and the Declaration of the Independence for good measure, as a little more fuel on the “gay rights” fire — since we’re apparently not using them anymore. A scorched earth policy is certainly the order of the day for this new breed of homo-fascists.

There are apparently no plans for some sort of Geneva Convention for the moral non-conformist prisoners-of-war.Little or no mercy will be shown to true Christians and the remaining conservative pockets of resistance. It will either be full capitulation to the homosexual agenda—or it will be re-education, incarceration, bankruptcy, marginalization, and state-sanctioned ridicule—or worse—are there any available cattle cars around?


Considering all of the heinous plans of the militant homosexuals (above), I for one will certainly not consider conceding a single inch of ground to the abhorrent “gay” agenda. The lovers of God and his truth shall never surrender, no matter what the Douthat’s of the world may say! He might be willing to raise the white flag of surrender, but the faithful followers of Christ will keep His banner lifted high!

I reject your reality!

And substitute my own!

Gary Bauer #wingnut #homophobia amvalues.org

Last week, the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) added the Family Research Council (FRC) to its list of “hate groups” for adamantly opposing the radical homosexual rights agenda. As you may know, I ran FRC from 1989 until I jumped into the 2000 Republican presidential primary.

While I was there, FRC opposed same-sex “marriage,” opposed Bill Clinton’s attempt to end the military’s ban on open homosexuality and we published papers warning about the promotion of the radical homosexual agenda in the public schools. Those issues were well worth public debate then and they are today.

Nothing has changed at FRC since Tony Perkins took over. It was not a “hate group” when I ran it and it is not a “hate group” today. What has changed in recent years is the aggressiveness of the “tyrants of tolerance.”

The Left has been on a cultural jihad to label traditional conservative values as “hate” and beyond the pale of public discourse. Those who demand tolerance for every imaginable “lifestyle” are incredibly intolerant of conservative views, and they seek to silence us all. They would shut down any defense of traditional marriage and the sanctity of life as “hate speech.”

William Grimes #sexist #kinkshaming #fundie #wingnut i.redd.it

The VAGINA is a liberal organ of Satan, present in all females after the FALL OF MAN, that exists to to seduce unwittingly stupid men into vile abominations unto the LORD. However, in Western culture, this evil organ is somehow given godlike status and has prompted numerous individuals into hysteria regarding the exalted status of this filthy body part. Matthew 7:18 says, “A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.” It is objectively verifiable that since this corrupt organ does evil while sinners think it does good, the evil fruits are what it produces.

LIBERALS like to think that society should talk more positively about this disgrace to God’s kingdom, citing the justification that the entire body is wonderful, and righteousness and self control are obsolete. Romans 12:1 clearly says that “I beseech ye therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.” Therefore, highlighting and focusing on the worst part of the anatomy is not what God intended.

JohnWickCel #sexist #psycho #wingnut incels.is

[NSFW] Prepare for every non cucked man in America to get Rittenhoused.

Kyle Rittenhouse last night shot and killed two rioters, one of which was attempting to beat him with a skateboard. He is now being hunted down on a murder warrant for defending himself. This will be all our fates for the crime of not wanting to get beaten to death because a legit criminal died from a drug overdose. And it won't just be for defending yourself, it will be due to "hate speech, thought crime and protesting your rights as a man will be turned into "violent riots".

Chuck Lowe #wingnut #crackpot tonyskansascity.com

Fauci is an absolute disgrace. The damage that liberal politicians and so called "experts" have done to this country over the last 9 months is probably incalculable.

The man is supposed to be an expert on Epidemics and yet most reasonable people knew, KNEW back in April that the draconian shut down was pernicious, counterproductive and at that point, NOT "Flattening The Curve" but in fact a trial run for Progressive Fascists who were "testing the waters" for the coming Socialist Singularity.


The man is supposed to be an expert on Epidemics and yet most reasonable people knew, KNEW back in April that the draconian shut down was pernicious, counterproductive and at that point, NOT "Flattening The Curve" but in fact a trial run for Progressive Fascists who were "testing the waters" for the coming Socialist Singularity.

The narrative from Fauci and the Progressive left wing media, is fear, uncertainty, disinformation and the obfuscation of facts that reveal what we all knew, again, back in April. This CHIESE manufactured pandemic, is in some ways like a very serious flu to most and a death sentence to the old and infirm. Protections should have been and should be now, pinpointed on the vulnerable and the rest of the world, should get back to work.


Contemptible, yet predictable behavior from contemptible, predictable Progressive-Fascist scum, who seek a one party system with total control over every aspect of our lives and could care less about the devastating effects of their subterfuge and manipulation. The lives lost, business' crushed, hopes and dreams destroyed - Fauci and his liberal ilk - are EVIL.

Dr. Terry Batton #wingnut #fundie #homophobia rightwingwatch.org

At a public hearing today on a bill that would allow school districts to opt out of Common Core standards, a local Tea Party leader told Alabama state senators that Common Core promotes “acceptance of homosexuality, alternate lifestyles, radical feminism, abortion, illegal immigration and the redistribution of wealth” and that voting in favor of the curricula could potentially affect their fate in the Last Days.

In a video posted by YouTube user Mia Raven, Barbour County Tea Party leader Terry Batton takes to the floor at the state senate education committee hearing to rail against Common Core, which he called a “Trojan horse at the gate of our educational system.”

“We don’t want our children to be taught to be anti-Christian, anti-Catholic and anti-American,” he said. “We don’t want our children to lose their innocence, beginning in preschool or kindergarten, told that homosexuality is okay and should be experienced at an early age and that same-sex marriages are okay.”

He spent a good part of the speech attacking social justice doctrine. “Social justice teaches children that America is an unjust and oppressive society that should be changed,” he said. “Social justice materials typically include far-left proposals such as acceptance of homosexuality, alternate lifestyles, radical feminism, abortion, illegal immigration and the redistribution of wealth.”

“The curriculum and the producers thereof of Common Core are against the principles of faith, family and freedom, when you take in the social justice values aspect,” he went on. “Common Core, if allowed to go forward, will dilute and erode the power and influence of biblical principles in the hearts and minds of our precious children.”

Finally, he reminded the lawmakers that their vote on the bill might affect their chances at eternal salvation: “Do you want this on your record when you come to the End of Days, knowing the Master Teacher said, ‘As much as you’ve done to the little ones, you’ve done it unto me’?”

According to the Associated Press, Becky Gerritson of the Wetumpka Tea Party also spoke against Common Core at the hearing, in particular its inclusion of Toni Morrison's The Bluest Eye.