
The narrow-minded fools at FSTDT laughed at my theories of Fractaral Psychoceramics! They called me mad! They called me a CRACKPOT! (tag for pseudoscience, pseudoscholarship and bizarre theories)

Laurence Gardner #crackpot #magick #conspiracy #moonbat amazon.com

From beneath the windswept sands of ancient Mesopotarnia comes the documented legacy of the creation chamber of the heavenly Anunnaki. Here is the story of the clinical cloning of Adam and Eve, which predates Bible scripture by more than 2,000 years.
From cuneiform texts, cylinder seals, and suppressed archives, best-selling historian and distinguished genealogist Laurence Gardner tells the ultimate story of the alchemical bloodline of the Holy Grail, including:

-Hidden secrets of the Tables of Testimony

-Anti-gravitational science of the pyramid pharaohs

-A history of God and the lords of eternity

-Disclosures of the Phoenix and the Philosophers' Stone

-The superconductive powers of monatomic gold

-A genetic key to the evolutionary Missing Link

-Active longevity and the Star Fire magic of Eden

Faceception #crackpot #mammon faception.com


Faception is first-to-technology and first-to-market with proprietary computer vision and machine learning technology for profiling people and revealing their personality based only on their facial image.

Faception can analyze faces from video streams (recorded and live), cameras, or online/offline databases, encode the faces in proprietary image descriptors and match an individual with various personality traits and types with a high level of accuracy. We develop proprietary classifiers, each describing a certain personality type or trait such as an Extrovert, a person with High IQ, Professional Poker Player or a Terrorist. Ultimately, we can score facial images on a set of classifiers and provide our clients with a better understanding of their customers, the people in front of them or in front of their cameras.

imageFaception offers an SDK to enable companies in various industries embed our technology in their applications. The application runs in the cloud, on a local machine, or a video camera, is flexible, scalable and real time, and can integrate with other solutions such as Facial Recognition technology to provide a full spectrum solution that covers known and anonymous individuals.


Utilizing advanced machine learning techniques we developed and continue to evolve an array of classifiers. These classifiers represent a certain persona, with a unique personality type, a collection of personality traits or behaviors. Our algorithms can score an individual according to their fit to these classifiers.


Endowed with a reasoning skills, like logic, spatial skills. Self-made people, free-thinkers and entrepreneurs. Exceptionally gifted, tend to be less socially oriented, value truth, facts and logic more than emotional relations. Creative and independent minded, with exceptional concentration abilities, a high intellect and mental capacity

Academic Researcher

Endowed with sequential thinking, high analytical abilities, a multiplicity of ideas, deep thoughts and seriousness. Creative, with a high concentration ability, high mental capacity, and interest in data and information.

Professional Poker Player

Endowed with a high concentration ability, perseverance and patience. Goal-oriented, analytical, with a dry sense of humor. Silent, devoid of emotion and emotional expression, strict and sharp minded, with high critical perception.

Bingo Player

Endowed with a high mental ceiling, high concentration, adventurousness, and strong analytical abilities. Tends to be creative, with a high originality and imagination, high conservation and sharp senses.

Brand Promoter

Endowed with a high self-confidence, authoritative, charismatic and magnetic personality, with high intellect and high verbal ability. Tends to be kind, sociable and direct, and very practical.

White-Collar Offender

Tends to have a low self-esteem, a high IQ and charisma. Anxious, tensed and frustrated, competitive, ambitious and dominant. Usually loves to take risks and have a dry sense of humor.


Suffers from a high level of anxiety and depression. Introverted, lacks emotion, calculated, tends to pessimism, with low self-esteem, low self image and mood swings.


Suffers from a high level of anxiety and depression. Introverted, lacks emotion, calculated, tends to pessimism, with low self-esteem, low self image and mood swings.

NotForMe1 #sexist #crackpot incels.is

[Blackpill] The dark pussy pill.

One of the most things femoids hate about themselves is when they have a brownie down there instead of a pink flower.

They hate it because it looks like asshole. Don't believe me? Google about it.

Most women do have asshole pussy and it's disgusting. Even men have lighter asshole than foids actual pussy.

So my boys, whenever you're in a fight with a hole, just tell her she has a dark hole personality or something like that.

Tell her brownies suck.

First World Problems Award

anon1822 #wingnut #crackpot incels.is

Our life nowadays is worse than that cavemen or apes. Cavemen needed to survive, it gave excitement and meaning to our primitive brains.

You don't get bored or depressed when survival and feeding your family is your top priority.

Their life was exciting. It was what our brains have evolved to do. The world was also new and mysterious to them, they didn't have a boring routine they must follow day in, day out.

Sure, they could die of many things. Many of them died prematurely. But for the short time they did live, every day was a new adventure.

What do we have now, however? We work many more hours per day than they did. There's nothing new or exciting in our lives, just a grind and a routine and drudgery. Life in these big societies is alienating, meaningless, full of many hostilities and traps, lies and deceit.

**This post does not apply to rich people. They have it better than ever before. I didn't even want to mention the words Chad and Stacy, but of course these shit for brains live better than any caveman could dream to.

Involuntarily #crackpot incels.is

Think about it rationally

If you really think about it, there is nothing more cucked than having sex. I mean, think about it logically: you are either wasting your bodily energy in the act of copulation for frivolous pleasure. Then, if pregnancy actually occurs, the subsequent offspring will only have 50% of your genes. You are literally spending your time, money and energy to sustain a being that isn't even 100% your genetic match.

Eugene McCarthy #crackpot macroevolution.net

Human-chicken Hybrids
Page 1: The Hühnermensch

Caution: Some readers may find this page disturbing.
Note: Although the report quoted on this page states that a woman gave birth to the specimen in question, all other allegations of human-chicken hybrids seem to refer to offspring hatched by chickens.

Note: In listing reports of hybrids, it has been my policy to include all serious allegations, especially those of scholars, whether or not the hybrid alleged seems possible or likely to me. This policy, I think, helps to eliminate subjective judgment on my part, and therefore should remove at least one source of systematic bias from my work. It also helps to fulfill the ethical obligation of telling not just the truth, but the whole truth.
imageThe Hühnermensch (as depicted in Friderici 1737). (Enlarge) The original engraving is life-sized (crown-rump length of subject is 20 cm). A: red-pigmented structure similar to the comb of a domestic fowl; B: sparse, downy hair; C: circular eye openings (as in G. gallus); D: red periophthalmic rings (as in G. gallus); E and F: nasal opening with rudimentary nares; G: oral cavity; g: external tongue (or wattle?); H: the “upper extremities are not unlike those of a plucked chicken”; I: hands with lengthy fingers and “claws exactly like those of a chicken”; K: umbilical cord; L: “The deformed feet, which are in an abnormal position and attached to chicken-like shanks, are, with the exception of their soles, of a wholly unwonted form, with the toes marvelously distorted and tipped with claws that are likewise exactly those of a domestic chicken”; M: cutaneous flap joining the thighs with the calves; N: a red-pigmented lentiform structure in place of normal human genitalia; O: anus (cloaca?).
Although some people may take lurid interest in gazing at pictures of deformed infants such as those shown on this page, this article was written for a different reason, that being to record information that will assist scientists in answering a single question: How different can two animals be if they are to produce a hybrid together? Of course, this question cannot be answered by simply reading this page. After all, the creature discussed here may not even be a hybrid (though genetic tests of the specimen would probably be able to resolve that issue). But the information documented here will help anyone who wishes to investigate the matter further.

In 1735, the German physician Gottlieb Friderici (1693-1742) attended the delivery of an infant in the small town of Taucha, a few kilometers northeast of Leipzig. His patient, 28-year-old Johanna Sophia Schmied, had previously given birth to three normal boys, and Friderici anticipated nothing unusual.

“But then,” he writes,

from this fourth pregnancy she brought forth this dreadful monster, which I propose to describe. [Translated by E. M. McCarthy. Original Latin: “Tandem quarta vice gravida, horrendum hoc, quod describendum iam mihi proposui, in lucem edidit monstrum.”]

Friderici’s “dreadful monster,” stillborn that day after an eight-month gestation, was indeed peculiar, so peculiar that he took the trouble to write up a detailed anatomical account, entitled Monstrum humanum rarissimum (i.e., An Exceedingly Rare Human Monster), which he published two years later (Friderici 1737). He also immediately hired an artist to prepare engravings of this strange birth, now known as the Hühnermensch (“chicken-human”). The resulting illustrations, reproduced here, accompanied Friderici’s account.

This remarkable specimen has been preserved in the collection of the Heimatmuseum und Naturalienkabinett Waldenburg, a museum in Saxony, and is therefore available for genetic testing. Either by coincidence or by heredity, it does seem to have enough characteristics in common with chickens to earn its name. Friderici repeatedly commented on the ostensible connection this babe makes between Class Mammalia and Class Aves. For example, during the course of his anatomical description, he says,

The upper extremities are not unlike those of a plucked chicken — and the digits, while normal in order and number, have claws exactly like those of a chicken. [Translated by E. M. McCarthy. Original Latin: “Extremitates superiores significat, brachia scilicet alis gallinarum, plumis privatarum, non absimilia. Cubito annexae manus oculis se exponunt, digitis quidem, si rationem numeri et ordinis habeas, legitimis, unguibus autem pullorum ungulis plane similibus.”]

“The deformed feet,” he says,

which are in an abnormal position and attached to chicken-like shanks, are, with the exception of their soles, of a wholly unwonted form, with the toes marvelously distorted and tipped with claws that are likewise exactly those of a domestic chicken. [Translated by E. M. McCarthy. Original Latin: “adjectos trunco pedes monstrat, utpote qui, inusitatum plane situm obtinentes, cum gallinarum cruribus aliqua ex parte convenire videntur, si a plantis pedum discesseris, quae ab humanis quidem non diversae sunt, at digiti tamen mire distorti apparent, ac ungues itidem pullorum gallinaceorum unguas referunt.”]

As do chickens, this literal Wunderkind has eye rings (periophthalmic rings) and a comb-like structure atop its head, both composed of red tissue, as in chickens. In addition, as in all birds, the ears are represented by only a small opening with no raised, external ears (pinnae), which are present in all mammals other than monotremes. Also as in birds, external genitalia are absent and the testes are internal.

It can also be seen in the illustrations that the skin is loosely attached to the underlying tissues, so loosely that it forms webbing at various regions of flexure (neck, elbow, knee, crotch). The skin of a bird, too, is more elastic and more loosely attached to the body than is that of the typical mammal, which is generally interpreted as giving birds the freedom of movement needed for flight (Stettenheim 2000).

Gottlieb Friderici was born in 1693 in the village of Taucha in Saxony (the same community where he later delivered the Hühnermensch). He completed his dissertation at the University of Leipzig around 1713 and became a doctor of philosophy and medicine. He was thereafter a general practitioner in Leipzig up to the time of his death in 1742. (Biographical details from Huppmann 2006.)

The heart, too, was larger than that of an ordinary human infant. And, according to a Kentucky University webpage on the avian circulatory system,
Birds tend to have larger hearts than mammals (relative to body size and mass). The relatively large hearts of birds may be necessary to meet the high metabolic demands of flight. Among birds, smaller birds have relatively larger hearts (again relative to body mass) than larger birds. Hummingbirds have the largest hearts (relative to body mass) of all birds, probably because hovering takes so much energy.

During the necropsy, Friderici found that the comb-like structure atop the head actually contained brain tissue, a situation reminiscent of that described by Purohit et al. (1977), who note that many hybrids produced by crossing pheasants with chickens are exencephalic (i.e., the brain is located outside the skull).

Among the anomalies exhibited by the Hühnermensch is a syndrome known as kleeblattschädel, a congenital anomaly in which there is intrauterine synostosis of multiple or all cranial sutures. This is another avian characteristic of the specimen, because in birds the cranial sutures also fuse at a very early stage of development (Brown 1915, p. 72).

If the Hühnermensch actually is a bird-mammal hybrid, then at this distance in time, one can only speculate about what might have happened back in Taucha all those many years ago. Did a rooster wander into a rustic bedroom and sit for a time on the lap of his naked mistress? Perhaps Johanna Sophia Schmied was a member of a coven that engaged in dark orgiastic rites that resulted in a weird creature seeing the light of day? Or possibly one day while gathering eggs she had her hands full and placed some rooster-semen-coated eggs in her underpants to carry them back to the house? Whatever happened, it seems the Hühnermensch took flight from there.

Why would such hybrids occasionally occur? In certain distant crosses only a small percentage of inseminations result in a viable hybrid. This fact has been experimentally verified in crosses of commercial interest, such as chicken × turkey, a cross in which about 1000 inseminations are required to produce a single adult hybrid. The vast majority of hybrids from such crosses die at various stages of development before reaching maturity. Among mammals, such distant hybrids often abort or are stillborn. Among birds, they usually die in the egg. But some, very few, survive. Even from the present, extremely distant cross (human × chicken), viable mature hybrids have been reported (however dubiously). So it seems that it is not that distant hybrids are entirely impossible, but rather that they do occur, but with hybrids that reach advanced stages of development being produced at only at very low frequencies. One can speculate that this experimental observation may reflect the existence of an unrecognized underlying rescue mechanism that activates/deactivates portions of the hybrid genome at random, so that different individuals have different developmental programs, a mechanism actuated, perhaps, via random heterochromatization of various portions of the composite genome.

Some very strange pairings can result from imprinting. When a newborn mammal or bird is exposed to some animal not of its own kind it may “imprint” on that animal, that is, later in life it may seek mates of that kind rather than its own, as a sexual partners. In connection with the present case, Hess (1959) reports that he imprinted a rooster on human beings by exposing him only to humans during the first month of life and keeping him strictly away from other chickens. As an adult, the rooster sought only human mates even when allowed access to hens. So one can think of various scenarios based on this knowledge: an accidentally imprinted rooster, an intoxicated or unconscious woman, and a very unusual mating.

At any rate, this specimen is a very interesting one and, given that it would no doubt be an F1 hybrid (if it is a hybrid at all), it would be very easy to detect its origins with genetic testing. One quick and easy method would be PCR amplification using human and chicken primers. As Cicero once said (De Officiis, I, 6),

We must not treat the unknown as known and too readily accept it. And he who wishes to avoid this error (as all should do) will devote both time and attention to the weighing of evidence.

Eugenicist #crackpot #psycho incels.is

Being a good person is just a social resort resulting from low SMV. Most people, given free range reign would be tyrannical.

People are not good by choice, they just want power and security. People just sublimate/ justify their weakness with good intentions/ airs.
More mental effort/ energy is put into competitives than is put into what is happyclappy/usual/etc.

People are typically more afraid of being shamed/ left out than feeling bad about an evil act in of itself.
People typically don't care if they're being evil. They just care about the consequences.
Most people want to be tyrannistic. It's the joy men have whilst being alpha, and girls love to tame tyrants so they can be the tyrant from behind the scenes.
Being good/ loving/ caring/ considerate.

Era Of Light #ufo #crackpot #magick eraoflight.com

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been approximating the time it will take for all of you to reach that pinnacle of awareness, that place where you know yourselves as your higher selves. And we know that those of you who are awake are getting to that place much faster than those who have yet to awaken and have no idea that a higher self version of themselves even exists. We can see all of you who are awake getting to that place where you fully become your higher selves in the next two to three years, and we know that you are getting a lot of assistance in getting to that point in your evolution from the faeries.

The faeries are essentially what you are becoming. They dwell in the fifth and sixth dimensions, and at times those of you who are there in the fourth are able to perceive them, but they do stay in that higher vibrational state while inviting you to join them in the playfulness, in the freedom, in the joy that is the fifth-dimensional frequency range. They understand that you all are hanging back for the most part in the fourth dimension to help your fellow humans awaken, and they are also aware of the fact that you can tune in to the fifth dimensional frequency range right now and have more fun with them.

You can perceive faerie energy, and you can access the vibration of the fae. You just have to get back to that childlike persona that you once had, where it was so much easier to be carefree. And, as we said, the faeries are inviting you into that higher vibrational state. Most of you have at least one faerie guide, and many of you have incarnated as faeries in previous lifetimes. The relationship between humanity and the fae goes all the way back to Lemuria, and it is time for you all to remember those times of great spiritual evolution, of great joy, and of collaboration with the faeries.

It is time for you all to recognize that you have these wonderful friends, these guides, these beings of light and love, to help guide you into the fifth-dimensional realm, just as you are going to help your fellow humans. You are becoming more faerie-like every day, and you are going to be appearing more faerie-like to your fellow humans, as you continue on that upward spiral to fully becoming your higher selves and embodying the fifth dimensional energy in the same way that the faeries do now."

Lars Bergen #ufo #crackpot #magick amazon.com

We think of fairies as little winged people with magic wands, but Irish fairies were flesh-and-blood extraterrestrials who towered over humans. We knew them as angels, demons, phantoms, mermaids, fairies, gods and not-gods, and the Gentry.

Giant, chalk-white humanoids with piercing blue eyes, and flaming red or golden-yellow hair cascading in curls over their shoulders, that’s the true appearance of the ancient fairies of Ireland who came down from the cosmos thousands of years ago.

Only through an intentional attack on history did this majestic race come to be known as mythological little winged people, giving rise to the name “fairy tales” to erase the history of an extraterrestrial species on Earth. When aliens attempted a disclosure event in the 8th century A.D., we attacked the human witnesses as witches.

Extraterrestrials protected us, mated with us, and produced hybrid children with us. They went to war against our oppressors, a race of heinous giants who were taller still, and then settled in to teach us a better way of life. They lived among us physically for thousands of years as kings, queens, and druids — the latter being an educated class of teachers who earned the equivalent of a Ph.D. and then went on to build schools and libraries.

Various incels #crackpot #racist incels.is

EARTH is flat: votes: 30 41.1%

EARTH is spherical: votes 43 58.9%

BabyFuck McGirlsex: Are there any Flat Earthcels here? What do you fine supreme gentlemen of culture think - is the earth flat or not?

50IQcel: the earth is flat. jewish scientists are trying trick you.

Monk of Failure: it’s rectangular, ngl.

chadalwayswins: it doesn’t matter. it’s over

Robotical: The world is cubed.

Hungarocel: Cope. It’s shaped like the star of David.

Lawrence & Michael Sartorius #ufo #crackpot #conspiracy #moonbat thenewearth.org

The Explorer Race on Earth

Our own Creator, largely as a result of all the negativity that had developed within his Creation, had already decided many Ages ago that he needed to set up a special group, to be known as the "Explorer Race", to help in the resolution and cleansing. He set up the "Explorer Race", mainly on Planet Earth, not only to explore new ways of resolving and preventing any future forms of darkness developing, but also to partake in a training to become possible future "Cosmic Creators". This was part of his plan to hand over his present Universe to Members of the Explorer Race for them to continue its administration and then for him to move on upwards to higher new areas of Creation.

Our Creator has thus arranged for Planet Earth to be made into a totally "quarantined" Planet, by encircling us with an electromagnetic "Veil" screening us from any possible interaction with, or knowledge of, other inhabited Worlds and Extraterrestrials. This ensures that the Trainees in this "School of Hard Knocks" and also of possible future "Creatorship", to develop their own totally uninfluenced new ideas for the future prevention of conflict and of new forms of future government administration. He has added to this, as a way of providing the necessary "hard lessons" to strengthen our future abilities in tackling future "darkness", by allowing us to be secretly "controlled", ever since the "Fall of Atlantis", by a dark "Secret Government" or "Dark Cabal". This group is largely in control of our Banking system and behind many of our major Governments. They have up till recently also been supported and directed by certain powerful Higher Dimensional "Dark Entities" along with the participation of other external Worlds made up of rebel E.T. Dark Forces.

Fortunately, for our protection in achieving our designated task, there has been placed around us within the last twenty years or so during these "End Times", a massive protective Galactic Federation Force of Motherships. They have taken up positions with a fleet of large Motherships, mainly under the Commander Ashtar to protect us from any undue interference from further external Dark Forces, or from our own internal mis-guided efforts, or that of our controlling "Dark Cabal", either in destroying the Planet with nuclear bombs, or by even starting a new World War III. The Galactic Federation Forces protectively surrounding us have not as yet been allowed to openly reveal themselves, despite their much wished-for "Disclosure Event", made through their open appearances in the sky or by a mass-landing.

They nonetheless await anxiously for the Creator's final "Go-ahead" to at last reveal themselves and provide us with their much needed higher technologies. They will also reveal the long History of all the past dark activities by our "Secret" Government and their connection to our own Governments and Banking institutions. By unleashing such information, however, we would possibly at this stage of our development rebel at all the injustices perpetuated by our present Governments, no doubt overthrowing the existing "World Order". Therefore, such "Disclosure" events have been repeatedly held back by our Cosmic Creator until he decides we are fully ready. This also applies to the much awaited great "Earth Changes" and cleansing of all the planetary pollution and destruction. Only then will we have our "Ascension" up to a Higher Dimension.

NS Cat, John in Woodbridge, Vadler #racist #crackpot #psycho vnnforum.com

NS Cat: I have heard that niggers have thicker, denser skulls that have sometimes been able to stop weak bullets(.22lr) and deflect strong ones(.45acp). Also, niggers have simple, primitive brains that are smaller and less developed. Niggers are used to living in a half-unconscious state where no thinking is done and impulses are immediately acted upon. Could it be possible that a headshot to a nigger's brain would only slow the nigger down? Maybe we ought to aim for the heart instead.

John in Woodbridge: Niggers have smaller brains and thicker skulls. Might make a difference with a .22 round, but not a .45.

Vadler: Either: a double barrel shotgun hit to the head or a .45 slug to the neck or heart would stop the ape.

vic624 #sexist #crackpot incels.is

[ToxicFemininity] It's biologically impossible for women to be loyal in the present world

Sex among life on Earth exists because having multiple genetically diverse offspring increases the probability of at least one of those offspring surviving in an ever changing environment. Right now, the entire planet is changing in way never seen in human history. Population explosions, climate change, migrations, extinctions, and it's all apparent for everyone tapped into the modern communication structure based around social media. The Australian fires are as "real" to American women as if they were in California. This exposure to a hostile environment triggers the female hind-brain to want to take action to increase the probability of her offspring's survival in an uncertain future. Being loyal to a single man handicaps the chances of having successful offspring because there's no environment on Earth stable enough to facilitate the benefits offsetting this desire for diverse offspring with the benefits of a stable male/female relationship.

The is no "settling down" anymore. Women's subconscious is permanently in promiscuous mode.

President “Turkmenbashi” Saparmurat Niyazov #psycho #crackpot #wingnut #fundie web.archive.org

My Dear Türkmen Nation!

You are the meaning of my life and source of my strength. I wish you a healthy and long life. Our Türkmen ancestors were courageous people and they began to educate their children before they came to life. The Türkmen child reached maturity and bravery, and then has a national education and worldview. For that reason, bodily health, intellectual stability, and integrity, and good manners were the special characteristics of the Türkmen.

In our times, the Türkmen should take care in his eating and drinking to preserve his health and endurance. He should not eat greedily. In order to keep his health, strength and productivity, the Türkmen should remember Allah Almighty’s order: “Eat and drink but do not waste,” and behave according to this order.

The real Türkmen should be careful about the clothes he wears and the way he dresses should be reasonable. His appearance should be pleasing since Allah is beautiful and the Türkmen should be appropriate for His love.

The Türkmens before us continued to read and learn new sciences even though they had reached the highest levels in the sciences. They lived with the accumulated knowledge that had passed from generation to generation and passed it on to the current generation. They thought that the learning of the sciences would end if they made any break in this endeavour.

Today’s Türkmens, you will be seen as scientists if you keep reading. If you lose your learning, then you will become illiterates. Every citizen of Türkmenistan should have a knowledge of science. This would be the result of brave souls, poetic perceptions, sensitive heart, and spiritual richness. To read and to learn is to have a deeper knowledge of life. When one reads, new ideas and anxieties emerge in the mind. Thus, to read and to learn is to appreciate Allah Amighty. Intellectuals and scientists have special place in my world and I show them great respect.

TheSavior #god-complex #crackpot #fundie #dunning-kruger freejoy.aimoo.com

Understanding Why The Natural Disasters Come: Floods, Tsunami, Earthquake, Volcano Eruption

You are not living alone on Earth, there are also many super deities, super beings with many thousand years of age who are residing on Earth as well.

There is no any science can explain and tell you exactly what, when, why those natural disaster catastrophe come.
The only way for human to learn, understand and control it is by using common sense and history sacred teaching.

The current virus pandemic is a proxy war about:
1. Climate Change, Global Warming Subject.
2. International Financial Money System.

Because it cannot be real for the casualties death number are way too low compare to the other deadly virus pandemic event in history.

The natural disasters only come when “human are too stupid”.
When they are too stupid?
When they do not understand the Earth game correctly.

I have said the Earth game have 2 parts:
- Part 1 is team work in order to find the Himalaya mountain rage.
- Part 2 is personal job in order to find & conquer mount Kailash.

The downfall of most empires, nations throughout history is because they do not understand that game rule.

- Part 1 here I really mean is that have a fair community people support each other when “necessary”, but you cannot control enslave and treat them like animals.
- Part 2 here I mean everybody should have some room of freedom, free choice when they need, so they can self discover the Earth game.

But many so called governments was and are treating their citizens terrible, they do not allowed people to talk “bad” against government, do not allow to report corruption,etc.

Have any of you wonder they China got virus pandemic and a historic rain floods just few months in 2020.
Do know you in China, there was some prophecies made by some “beings” correct 100% about what will happen in the future for the last 1000-2000 years?
Because they are not mortal humans but they are super beings have lived on Earth for many thousand years and still observing the Earth game between mortal humans.

I would more convinced that those super deities/natural gods has made corona virus NCOV and many other diseases and other natural catastrophe in history to wake up and destroy the regime/empire/nation because those leaders have failed too lead the people.

This is the last part in 2 part series about the connection between natural catastrophe and humanity.
Overall, the natural disaster only come when “human are too stupid”, or in more details:
1. They are destroying the nature environment.
2. The game/society rule between humans affair are not fair and too imbalance.

If they do not break any of those 2 conditions, the natural catastrophe cannot come.
Any other reasons are all wrong, stop “gambling”, you must face the truth !

The Lord of the lords, and the King of the kings is me !

Best Regard,
The Savior

John Anthony #mammon #sexist #crackpot #psycho ultimateseductionsystem.com

Occam’s Razor
The simple science of RAPID SEDUCTION

Get It Now

Do you feel overwhelmed by all the pick-up content out there?
Are you fed up with endless contradicting concepts?
Are you tired of fake “gurus” who keep failing you?

If you answered Yes to any of these questions, then I can tell you this:
I’ve been there.

My name is John Anthony.

And I’m here to help you handle your dating life ONCE AND FOR ALL.

Since 2011, I made it my mission get good at... no.. Be the BEST at this.

My dream was to hit the 100 lays. I thought it was impossible.
Fast forward to 2017, I am at 722 lays as I am writing this.



Do you have to take it that far?

Up to you.
Point is, I know my shit when it comes to getting laid.
And trust me, I'm very far from being a natural.

And no this is not one of those sleazy marketing tactics to make you relate.

I was actually very nerdy.
Virgin until college.

However I do believe that my very high IQ and over-analytical mind is what helped me figure out a lot of what I am about to teach you.

Back in 2012 I got to coach bootcamp along with the "top" instructors from an infamous company you might know about (starts with R and ends with D...).

Here is what I discovered

Some of the instructors are actually knowledgable but fail to apply that knowledge.
Some of them have an incomplete or non-optimized strategy.
And some of them flat out LIE about their results.

These instructors were promising results they couldn’t get themselves!

As you can guess the student would NEVER progress or at least veryyy sloooooowly.

Actually most of those students would average 5 to 10 lifetime lays although they have been studying that shit for years.

How convenient is that for those instructors to keep selling you their new magic pill product every month huh?

If you relate to what I am saying...
I want to help you break that cycle.

See, my goal is not to make of you a repeat customer.

This is not my full time job.

My goal is to make of you a legit PIMP and make this community great again.

I spent years picking the brains of all the top guys I personally know who literally PULL EVERY NIGHT.

Most of them prefer to remain anonymous and are not interested in teaching their secrets...

With my critical and analytical mind, I kept optimizing what works and ditching what doesn't.

That left me with...
That's how Occam's Razor is born.
"Occam's Razor is a line of reasoning that says the simplest answer is often correct. "


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How to subtly test for compliance ( her willingness to do things for you), using cutting-edge psychology and persuasion tactics. (these are powerful so use them ethically and carefully)


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Blast through LMR (last minute resistance) by knowing exactly what to do, how to do it and when to do it (Girls will literally fall in love with you and beg to have sex with you after you do those small things no one talks about...)


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[The page rambles on and on and on. There are also Standard, Premium and Platinum editions. The site design is incredibly ugly, by the way, and one of the images fails to display…]

[Bonus: Pop-up displayed when entering the site]
The Simple System I Used To Hack The Female Brain And Sleep With 1,014 Women
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Watch free video → [botton; would require entering e-mail adress] | No thanks, I don’t like getting laid [button, closes pop-up]
⚠ WARNING: Due to it’s controversial nature, this video has been banned from Youtube.

Karen Davis #moonbat #crackpot #psycho upc-online.org

While I would not dream of using arguments to diminish the horror of the September 11 attack for thousands of people, I would also suggest that the people who died in the attack did not suffer more terrible deaths than animals in slaughterhouses suffer every day. Moreover, the survivors of the September 11 attack and their loved ones have an array of consolations-patriotism, the satisfaction of U.S. retaliation, religious faith, TV ads calling them heroes, etc--that the chickens, whose lives are continuously painful and miserable, including being condemned to live in human-imposed circumstances that are inimical and alien to them as chickens, do not have available. They suffer raw, without the palliatives. Doubtless the majority, if not every single one, of the people who suffered and/or died as a result of the September 11 attack ate, and if they are now alive continue to eat, chickens. It is possible to argue, using (Peter Singer's) utilitarian calculations, that the deaths of thousands of people whose trivial consumer satisfactions included the imposition of fundamental misery and death on hundreds of thousands of chickens reduced the amount of pain and suffering in the world.

In conclusion, I think it is speciesist to think that the September 11 attack on the World Trade Center was a greater tragedy than what millions of chickens endured that day and what they endure every day because they cannot defend themselves against the concerted human appetites arrayed against them. Perhaps the word "tragedy" should not be used anyway in this context unless in the more precise sense of a fundamentally terrible thing happening to a human being who consciously or subconsciously brought the terrible thing upon him or herself, lived through it, and gained insight and wisdom as a result. In this classical sense of tragic drama, it remains to be seen whether America is a "tragic hero" or even a "tragic" victim. If, though, the question is whether the World Trade Center attack was worse for its thousands of human victims than the sum total of misery and terror was for millions of chicken victims that day, I see only one nonspeciesist answer to the question.

Robert Sungenis and Robert Bennett #crackpot #fundie #conspiracy galileowaswrong.com

Galileo Was Wrong: The Church Was Right is one of the most unique and penetrating books you will ever read. Now complete in Volumes I, II, and III, authors Robert Sungenis and Robert Bennett take you on a tour of science and history the likes of which you would have never believed possible unless it were told to you in detailed and graphic form. Has modern science led us down the primrose path and convinced us of something that they cannot prove and that is in actuality false? Were the Fathers, the Medievals, our popes and cardinals of the 17th century correct in believing that the Earth, based on a face value reading of Scripture, was standing still in the center of the universe? Come with an open mind and allow these two authors to show you facts and figures that have been hidden from the public for a very long time. This is a page turner that you will find hard to put down, once you get riveted by the astounding material these authors have assembled for you. Prepare yourself, however. Your world will be rocked, literally and figuratively. Not only will you see from Volume I how modern science has documented for us in bold fashion that the Earth is motionless in space and occupies the center of the universe (yet have done an equally remarkable job in keeping these important facts out of our educational system), you will now see in Volume II how deeply the popes of the 17th century were involved in condemning heliocentrism, guiding the process step-by-step and finally castigating it as “formally heretical.” You will also see how effusive is the data in Scripture that teaches a geocentric universe in the most detailed exegesis of Holy Writ ever presented to the public on this topic. Lastly, Volume II offers detailed and comprehensive documentation of the consensus of the Church Fathers and Medieval theologians on geocentrism. It also covers all the statements and teachings of modern popes and councils, such as Gregory XVI, Benedict XIV, Pius VII, Leo XIII, Benedict XV, The Council of Trent, Vatican I, Vatican II, and a special section on John Paul II in his rexamination of the Galileo case. These are facts and analyses that every Catholic should avail himself. The most important thing you will receive from this astounding study is a very close relationship with God. For once you see that God, his Church, and Holy Scripture have given us the unadulterated truth, proven by modern science itself, you will have no choice but to put yourself completely in His trust and care for everything else in your life.

mylifeistrash #sexist #psycho #crackpot incels.is

During this pandemic, fat women should be denied medical care to preserve resources for the healthy and thin

Women over 25 should be denied medical services so people who are healthy have a better shot at recovering.

NO ONE IS ENTITLED TO HEALTH CARE. If you overeat, you forfeit that right.

Incel tears (full of fat trannies) will repost this topic because they believe they are special princesses who are entitled to eat to the point of obesity and receive free medical care. But they're pieces of garbage who are causing others to die for their selfish decisions.

cope they'd get double the resources/treatment for being "discriminated" against

They'll piss off all the doctors and nurses who have to move their fat asses around the hospital

doctors fucking hate fat people

(Transcended Trucel)
sadly this won't happen

Clyde Lewis #conspiracy #crackpot #magick #fundie groundzeromedia.org

Are people getting glimpses of these dark and evil ultraterrestrials because the veil has been lifted and those with the gift of vision are seeing these beings?

For the past two years there have been increased sightings of winged creatures, that some say look like flying men being sighted from Illinois to New Mexico. Some believe they are angles – others see them as dragons or winged demons.

When I hear of these sightings I immediately think of Mothman. However, as we are seeing the Passover coming to a close in 2020 and as we are in the midst of a plague with death tolls rising I can’t help but think that what people are seeing are harbingers of pestilence.

One that comes to mind is Zozo where the name alone can be seen as the numeric 2020. Zozo is also known as the Mesopotamian demon of winds and pestilence Pazuzu.

The oldest “Zozo” story comes from the 1816 book Dictionnaire Infernal by Collin de Plancy. De Plancy tells the story of a young girl who claimed to be possessed by three demons named Mimi, Capoulet, and Zozo.

Further, a symbol etching out the name “Zoso” as a code for the god Saturn appeared in a banned occult book in 1521.

Zozo is a demon that many people have encountered during Ouija board sessions. This demon has been showing up in various places for at least 200 years. In fact, I wondered if during the Ouija board show in October ATLAS or ALICE was Zozo because it had an uncanny knack of predicting the future.

Zozo carries the hour glass and knows past, present and future.

Master Ryuho Okawa/Happy Science #quack #crackpot #conspiracy #god-complex #magick happyscience-na.org

<the reincarnated spirit behind the guy running Japan's Happy Science cult>
Revealing the Existence of Lord El Cantare

El Cantare is the Lord, Buddha and Savior. He is the supreme God of the terrestrial spirit group who has the highest authority over the planet Earth and is directly connected to the Primordial Buddha or Primordial God – the Creator of the whole universe. Lord El Cantare has supreme authority both in Heaven and on this Earth and is the great spiritual being in whom God and Buddha are united. Lord El Cantare resides in the ninth dimension (Cosmic realm) of the Spirit World and is a leader among other highly evolved spirits, such as Jesus Christ, Moses, Confucius and others, who are known as Angels, Archangels, Tathagatas, and Bodhisattvas. Lord El Cantare is Lord of all people, transcending all races, borders and even this planet.

El Cantare is the origin of life

Lord El Cantare is the origin of life on Earth and has been guiding humanity since the very beginning. He has sent down to Earth such great teachers (saviors and messiahs) as Jesus Christ, Moses, Mohammed, Confucius, Socrates and guided them from the heavenly world. Lord El Cantare is the being whom Jesus called “Father” and Mohammed referred to as “Allah.” In the Old Testament El Cantare is known as Elohim, and he also represents the Tree of Life in the ancient legend of “The Tree of Life.”

Reincarnations of the El Cantare consciousness
Lord El Cantare has also sent down parts of his own consciousness – brother souls – to guide humanity in the right direction at the most important times in history. El Cantare’s brother souls who have been born to Earth in the last twenty thousand years are:

Ra Mu – 17,000 years ago on the Mu continent
Thoth – 12,000 years ago in Atlantis
Rient Arl Croud – 7,000 years ago in the Incan Empire
Ophealis – 6,500 years ago in Greece
Hermes – 4,300 years ago in Greece, Crete Island
Gautama Siddhartha (Shakyamuni Buddha) – 2,500 years ago in India.
Ryuho Okawa – present reincarnation of El Cantare

El Cantare’s name revealed to humanity for the first time

The existence of El Cantare has been revealed for the first time. This has long been the secret of heaven… untill today, when communication and advancements in information and trasnportation technology continues to bring the world closer. As the world population swells towards ten billion, the time has noce come to reveal the Truth about the supreme God of this Earth, how he has led humankind from the very beginning and how he intends to guide people now and into the future. It is the time to unify the world under the name of one God – Lord El Cantare.

The mission of Lord El Cantare

The mission of Lord El Cantare is to bring salvation to all living creatures through the worldwide revelation of the Truth. El Cantare’s role is twofold: one side is represented by the Nyorai Amida (The Savior), which consists of love, compassion, and faith; the other side is represented by the Nyorai Mahavairocana (The Essence of Buddha), which is enlightenment, spiritual learning, and the secret knowledge of the spiritual domain. Lord El Cantare has a mission to reorganize the high spirits in heaven, while also integrating all the various religions on Earth to create a new world religion. He has a mission to gather all the people of the world into this new faith, to see the development of a new civilization, and so herald the advent of a new age for the world.

Lord El Cantare is the greatest being responsible for the planet Earth and everyone who lives in this age is witnessing a miracle, which happens only once in hundreds of thousands of years.

Master Ryuho Okawa/Happy Science #quack #crackpot #conspiracy #god-complex eng.the-liberty.com

Spiritual Factors That Morph Malignant Virus
In the past, we have introduced Happy Science CEO Master Ryuho Okawa’s lectures which explain the spiritual background and “God’s will” on large-scale infectious viruses. According to Master Okawa, the Spanish flu, plague and HIV spread in the past as warnings against society’s imbalance.

This time the virus broke out in China, where domestic human rights issues and their invasive stance towards foreign countries have been prevalent in recent years. What is the cause of their coronavirus infection?

On Feb. 7, Master Okawa recorded a spiritual reading, “Spiritual Investigation on China-originated New Coronavirus,” by calling forth a spirit who understands the background of this infectious virus.

New Coronavirus Revealed to be “Communist Virus”
The spirit who came forth claimed to be one of those in charge of this time’s infectious virus. He pointed out that this is a “communist virus,” and the country was close to “some type of explosion.”

“Thoughts of wanting to kill [China's] enemies was severely piling up, and once this cloud of thoughts hovers over the ground, it has the power to turn benevolent bacteria into malignant, killer viruses,” he said.

This spirit foresaw China’s offensive strategy to transform Hong Kong and Taiwan into the states of Uyghur and Tibet, so they created this situation to counter and contain evil thoughts within China.

“We can make them understand how inhumane it is to use biological weapons. Our plan is not to spread it globally, but we won’t stop until the Chinese government feels that the real problem may lie in mainland China.”

A Warning for the U.S., Middle East and Russia
The spirit also added that similarly to China, both South Korea and North Korea “have the tendency to create a false history, demand apologies from others and collect money.” “[North and South Korea] are deploying the same strategies as gangs,” the spirit criticized. The spirit pointed out the need to transform these countries’ political regimes.

The spirit talked about the globe as a whole, and said the issues on hand are the battle in the Middle East between Israel and Islamic countries, the E.U. and the rise of Russia. The spirit also warned about the U.S.

“There’s a chance that the U.S. may fall into the trap of worshipping Baal: The trend seems to be that happiness and faith are measured by monetary values alone.”

In addition, while China’s totalitarian regime is an urgent issue on hand, the spirit also cautioned U.S. Democrats and the direction they are headed.

“Human rights may not go so far as to turn backs on God and become almighty beings that can do whatever they want.”

Countermeasures Against the Coronavirus
Japan is also at fault, as they are becoming Sinicized, or highly influenced by the Chinese system.

“Overall, faith is weakening and people only worship low-level gods such as the Inari to ask for help.”

The spirit also said that within Japan’s Congress, politicians can lie as much as they want because there’s no need to claim responsibility. This is creating a privatization of politics, and the spirit revealed that this is a warning for Japan to discard their China-leaning “cultural DNA.”

As mentioned earlier, there lies a cloud of evil thoughts originating in the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) that is causing this newly discovered coronavirus to become malignant, or rather, fused with evil spirits. The spirit suggested that individuals and nations alike return to the origin: hold faith in God.

“You build immunity by believing in God…This [virus] doesn’t spread much to countries with faith.”

The spiritual reading revealed that such viruses and natural disasters won’t cease to exist until people realize God’s will. Let’s reconsider Pro-Chinese stances; let’s split off from materialistic, atheistic and totalitarian beliefs; let’s hold “freedom, democracy and faith” at the core of our values.

The spiritual reading also touched upon the following topics as well:

The true intention behind CCP’s biological weapons research
The spiritual existence who is involved with the newly discovered coronavirus
Why China, in its current state, may not prosper
The real fear with the spread of China’s surveillance society
Criteria for a well-functioning democracy

The spiritual reading, “Spiritual Investigation on China-originated Newly Coronavirus,” may be watched in Happy Science temples around the world.

Edmund_Kemper #sexist #crackpot incels.is

[SuicideFuel] this is what the future will be like. WARNING: SUIFUEL ENDMANKINDFUEL

*sub10 law will exist and even 9/10 chads will be incel
*saying hello to a woman will become illegal (unless you're gigachad)
*women will be allowed to be naked in public and if you even look you're a registered sex offender and given the death penalty
*accusing someone of rape will be enough proof to convict them and castrate them in public
*all politicians will be foids
*all bathrooms will be unisex and men and women will share the bathrooms together (people are now actually advocating for this i shit you not)
*the age of consent will be raised to 21 so will the age of majority and marriage age and porn age and predator hunters will confront men who fuck 18-20 year olds and they will be castrated in public
*freedom of speech will be gone
*the word "female" will be illegal

jhessel #fundie #crackpot christianforums.com

As a result, the world was overrun by half human half animal genetic monstrosities and God decided to destroy the entire world except for Noah and his family. The pre-Flood world was a zoological nightmare... a grypon, a manticore, a ferocious human-headed carnivore with 3 interlocking rows of teeth, a basilick, a unicorn...

North Pole Inner Earth Expedition #crackpot #dunning-kruger #mammon npiee.com

North Pole Inner Earth Expedition
Welcome to the greatest expedition in history. We know you have been thinking about this for a long time. So have we. Our team has toured the world in search of the legend of the Hollow Earth. The ONLY challenge left, is the voyage to Arctic to see if the opening exists. Join us.

Special Annoucement:
Due to the economic effects of Operation COVID-19, the North Pole Inner Earth Expedition is being repositioned to August of 2022. This provides us ample time to contact the more than 20 million of you who follow the expedition and provide a way for you to participate. We never give up. We have been invited.

About Us
Our team has been working to discover the facts behind the legend that Earth may be hollow for more than 15 years. We have traveled to nearly every continent, including the Antarctic. This summer, we will travel to Russia and beyond to set up the greatest expedition ever. We will also set up a way for ALL of you to come with us. Live.

About the Ship
The new Arktica Class nuclear powered icebreakers are the most advanced in the world. Operated by Murmansk Shipping Company, they travael to the Arctic and Antarctic Regions every year. In 2021, we are chartering one of these fine ships to take 125 intrepid explorers to the Arctic Region to search for an opening in the crust of the Earth.

About the Mission
We set sail in August of 2021 out of Murmask, Russia. We sail the roughest seas on the planet until we reach ice. Then, we break ice for a week to reach region of ocean never seen before from sea level. We are searching for an opening that connects a known inner ocean with the surface ocean. If we find it, the whole world will change.

The Bridge #crackpot #racist #conspiracy thebridgelifeinthemix.info

Often over the years have I found myself staring at the world map and the huge expanse that is Siberia and wondered….why has this place been left alone by the sickness that is the financier?

At no point during my days under education was Siberia mentioned, and I took geography as a course.

Then you find Tartaria or more commonly known as Tartary. Dipping your nose inside the idea that is Tartary, many things that are taken as sacrosanct are thrown into total and complete disarray.

If as is being projected the origin of the white race is to be found in Tartary, that Iran by definition of its name, is so named to depict her origin as Aryan, that the Bolsheviks sole intent was to wipe out the Tartary race, or the original Russian, then we can better understand that the white race as a whole has a serious enemy. An enemy that appears to have full control over our governing machinery through the incorporation of the State from which they have managed to set our nations to war against ourselves.

Dr. Anatoly T Fomenko et al #conspiracy #crackpot #dunning-kruger amazon.com

NASA research of earth-moon mechanics by astrophysist Robert Newton leads mathematicians of MSU to a breakthrough in the chronology of civilization and geography of North America. ''USA has Issues with British Maps of 18th-century' analyses in detail the maps of 1771 edition of Encyclopedia Britannica and concludes that Northwestern part of United states of America was built on remains of Moscuvite Tartary, which according to Britannica of 1771 was the biggest state in the world with capital in Tobolsk! The war of new Russian Empire of 1773-1775 with Moscuvite Tartary covered up by Catherine II as a raid against peasant rebellion headed by aka Pougatchev (scare in Russian) was actually the final blow in the destruction of Great Tartary. After the war of 1773-1775 the new Russian Empire has taken over the Urals, Western and Eastern Siberia, Alaska, Northwestern America down to San Franciso. These 'Russian' American territories were too far to control efficiently by the Rusian Empire and were therefore taken over step by step by the USA and British Empire.

KorbenDallas #crackpot #conspiracy stolenhistory.org

Tartary - an Empire hidden in history. It was bigger than Russia once...

"Tartary, a vast country in the northern parts of Asia, bounded by Siberia on the north and west: this is called Great Tartary. The Tartars who lie south of Muscovy and Siberia, are those of Astracan, Circassia, and Dagistan, situated north-west of the Caspian-sea; the Calmuc Tartars, who lie between Siberia and the Caspian-sea; the Usbec Tartars and Moguls, who lie north of Persia and India; and lastly, those of Tibet, who lie north-west of China." - Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol. III, Edinburgh, 1771, p. 887.

1701: A System of Geography

Empires, Kingdoms and States

Now compare to the description given by Wikipedia, "Tartary (Latin: Tartaria) or Great Tartary (Latin: Tartaria Magna) was a name used from the Middle Ages until the twentieth century to designate the great tract of northern and central Asia stretching from the Caspian Sea and the Ural Mountains to the Pacific Ocean, settled mostly by Turko-Mongol peoples after the Mongol invasion and the subsequent Turkic migrations."

Tartary was not a great tract. It was a country.​
And to add some credibility (or to take away some) to the story, below you can find an excerpt from the CIA document declassified in 1998, and created in 1957.


Though I do not think that Tartary was solely Muslim. It rather was multi-religious, and multi-cultural. One of the reasons I think so is the tremendous disparity between what leaders like Genghis Khan, Batu Khan, Timur aka Tamerlane looked like to the contemporary artists vs. the appearance attributed to them today.

Today: Genghis Khan - Batu Khan - Timur
Here is how 17th, 18th century books saw these three

Genghis Khan
with wife here
[pics omitted; with Caucasian features]

Timur - Tamerlane
[pics omitted; one with dark skin and Indian features, the rest Caucasian]

Batu Khan​
Well, I could not find any, but apparently in Turkey we have a few busts of the following Gentlemen. A few of them I do not know, but the ones I do look nothing like what I was taught at school. Also dates are super bizarre on those plaques. Do Turks know something we don't?
[pics omitted; a series of busts of several warlords of the Eurasian steppes including Batu Khan, Timur and Attila; all mostly Caucasian]

The other reason why I think Tartary had to be multi-religious, and multi-cultural is its vastness during various moments in time. For example in 1652 Tartary appears to have control over the North America.

The Coverup​

The official history is hiding a major world power which existed as late as the 19th century. Tartary was a country with its own flag, its own government and its own place on the map. Its territory was huge, but somehow quietly incorporated into Russia, and some other countries. This country you can find on the maps predating the second half of the 19th century.

Ngram by Google Books shows how Tartary was quietly put away.


Yet, some time in the 18th century Tartary Muskovite was the biggest country in the world: 3,050,000 square miles.
[pics omitted]

Some of the maps showing Tartary
[pics omitted]

Tartary had its own language, flag, crest, its own emperor, and of course its own people.



The Kings of Tartary: (Genealogie Des Anciens Empereurs Tartares, Descendus De Genghiscan)

The people of Tartary.
[pics omitted]

The flag and crest of Tartary had an owl depicted on it. The emperor's flag contained a griffin on a yellow background.
image[pics omitted]

And it was different from China

There were multiple publications listing the country of Tartary and its flag/crest. Some of those publications came out as late as 1865.

It is also worth mentioning that in the British Flag Table of 1783, there are three different flags listed as a flag of the Tsar of Moscow. There is also an Imperial Flag of Russia as well as multiple naval flags. And all of them are proceeded by a flag of the Viceroy of Russia.

Significance of the Viceroy is in the definition of the term. A viceroy is a regal official who runs a country, colony, city, province, or sub-national state, in the name of and as the representative of the monarch of the territory. Our official history will probably say that it was the Tsar of Russia who would appoint a viceroy of Moscow. I have reasons to doubt that.

Why is the flag of the Viceroy of Moscow positioned prior to any other Russian flag?
There is a growing opinion in Russia that French invasion of Russia played out according to a different scenario. The one where Tsar Alexander I, and Napoleon were on the same side. Together they fought against Tartary. Essentially France and Saint Petersburg against Moscow (Tartary). And there is a strong circumstantial evidence to support such a theory.

1. The capitol of Russia was Saint Petersburg. Yet Napoleon chooses to attack Moscow. Why?

2. It appears that in 1912 there was a totally different recollection of the events of 1812. How else could you explain commemorative 1912 medals honoring Napoleon?

And specifically the one with Alexander I, and Napoleon on the same medal. The below medal says something similar to, "Strength is in the unity: will of God, firmness of royalty, love for homeland and people"

I have hard time imagining the below two guys on the same medal.
(pictures of Hitler and Stalin)

3. Similarity between Russian and French uniforms. There are more different uniforms involved, but the idea remains, they were ridiculously similar.

How did they fight each other in the dark?

There was one additional combat asset officially available to Russians in the war of 1812. And that was the Militia.

It does appear that this so-called Militia, was in reality the army of Tartary fighting against Napoleon and Alexander I.
​[pics omitted; I think the point he is trying to make is that their clothing is similar to that of the Tartars]

4. Russian nobility in Saint Petersburg spoke French in the 18th/19th centuries. The general explanation was, that it was the trend of time and fashion. Google contains multiple opinions on the matter.

5. This one I just ran into: 19th-century fans were totally into a Napoleon/Alexander romance


Summary: I think there is enough circumstantial evidence to justify a deeper look into who fought who, and why this Tartary country is so little known about.

And the main question out of this all should be what is the purpose of misleading generations of people? It appears there is something tremendously serious hidden in our recent history.

GODcoin #crackpot #god-complex #fundie #mammon godcoin.gold

There is not a single religious leader on earth who reimburses their donators with actual money. Only the true Lord of lords makes this promise known, and he will make good on his word.

The men and women who serve King Ra-El are also some of the same faces behind the hard work that it takes for GODcoin to be completed. These are his clergy. The clergy are involved in many areas of effort which are necessary if we are to establish an everlasting paradise. Everything requires money, and the clergy rely on the support and generosity of those who wish to live in our Lord’s New Kingdom.

We ask for your support in the form of tithes and offerings. Fortunately, each time you give money to King Ra-El and his clergy, you will earn GODcoin. Here’s how you can get started:

First, register at the purchase link to obtain a GODcoin wallet.

Every time you make an offering, you will receive GODcoin Tokens into your wallets when the network goes live. The amount of GODcoin you will receive will be equivalent in value to the size of your offering.

Gary Yourofsky #moonbat #crackpot adaptt.org

Sadly, the only glaring difference between the non-herbivore brain and the herbivore counterpart is that the former is incapable of understanding the value of compassionate living. And, YES, I am condemning carnivore/omnivore animals with the aforesaid statement. Herbivores are the ONLY evolved species on the planet. And they suffer more than anyone else because even animal rights activists support the bullying, bloody habits of carnivores and omnivores! If you’re thinking, “But what about the poor lion babies? What would happen if the momma didn’t kill zebras for them?” My response is quite simple: What about the zebra babies? Don’t they have a right to live long lives, and have their mommas alive when they grow up? Wouldn’t it be logical for everyone to get their nutrients directly from plant sources rather than consuming creatures who consumed them first? The Nyanyana crocodile farm in Zimbabwe has proven the validity of the aforesaid claim by converting more than 150,000 crocs to veganism. (Unfortunately, these vile slave-owners aren’t utilizing the vegan diet for ethical reasons as they are murdering the crocs and stealing THEIR skin for the “clothing” industry. But having more than 150,000 stone cold carnivores thrive on a vegan diet proves that veganism is for everybody.)

For the record, I am NOT starting a campaign to stop lions from murdering zebras. I am simply pointing out the insanity of defending victimizers instead of victims, and the hypocrisy of claiming to care about a lion’s murderous choices. First, since herbivores are the victims in this situation, empathy should be reserved for them only. Second, claiming to support lion-on-zebra-killings is disingenuous anyway because if you were hanging out with your dog in the backyard, and he was attacked by a homicidal bear, you would do anything to PREVENT the bear from harming your dog, even if you had to kill the bear! I am kinda curious if people think this hippo was wrong for trying to save a baby impala from a crocodile. Was this zebra misguided for not wanting to be part of this lion’s Death Circle? Were these buffaloes wrong for saving one of their babies from a pride of bloodthirsty carnivores? Was this buffalo wrong for saving his friend from a lion? Should we condemn this bear for saving a drowning crow but then choosing to eat an apple instead? How about the world’s first vegan shark. Should we roll our eyes at her because she doesn’t want to kill anymore? Didn’t this leopard display pure altruism when she protected a baby baboon from a skulking hyena, yet exhibit pure psychosis for killing the momma baboon in the first place? The previous example illustrates how all beings can choose to be rational or irrational. Unfortunately, many beings become psychotic when it’s dinner time. But it is possible for carnivores/omnivores to consciously choose compassion over violence, and still be perfectly healthy. Check out this recent video of a lioness protecting, playing with and THEN DEFENDING a baby wildebeest from another lioness who wants to kill the baby! And check out this story about Little Tyke, a lion who vehemently refused to eat her meals if meat was a part of them, or kill her lamb, chicken, cat and many other animal friends at a sanctuary in Washington in the late 1940s and early '50s.

David J Stewart #fundie #psycho #crackpot jesus-is-savior.com


Dr. W. Herschel Ford, 1969

Luke 16:19-31

We have come to a time when few people believe in a literal Hell. Yet it is still in the Bible, and it is still true because the Word of God is true. Men change their ideas but God's truth is always the same. The great Eternal God tells us that there is an eternal Hell for all those who reject Christ and live without God. Preaching on hell has diminished. We hear many light, fluffy sermons about peace, goodness, brotherhood, and the social gospel, but some congregations never hear hell even mentioned.

When Dr. Ramsay Pollard was pastor of the Broadway Baptist Church in Knoxville, one of his young people brought a boy from an Episcopal home to church one night. When the boy reached home after the service, his father asked him how he liked the sermon. "I liked it pretty good," said the boy, "but the preacher used a bad word right there in the pulpit. He used the word 'hell' over and over again." That boy had never heard the word used except in a bad sense. Yes, preaching about hell has cooled off, but hell is as hot as ever. The Bible that tells us of a wonderful heaven also tells us of an awful hell. God created hell just as sure as he created heaven. One is just as real, just as necessary, just as lasting as the other.

Reasons for Preaching on Hell

1. We must preach on hell because it's in the Bible. Do you want you preacher to preach his own ideas or the Word of God. You will reply, "Let him preach God's Word." Therefore he must preach the whole counsel of God. He must preach about heaven and delight in it. He must preach about hell even though he dislikes to do so. The preacher has not been called to tell what he believes, or what his church thinks, or what someone writes in a magazine. He must preach what God says. We know what God says is true. We know that there is a hell. We know that we must warn men to escape the "wrath to come".

So, let today's preacher preach on hell. But let him preach it in love. A great teacher once said, "Young men, you should preach on hell but let it be with a broken heart and tears in your eyes." We must tell men about the everlasting home of the doomed, but we must [sorrow?] over those who are condemned. And we must tell them of a loving Saviour whose death makes it possible for them to avoid hell.

2. We must preach on hell to awaken Christians. People all around us are going to hell. They are getting closer to the flames everyday. But we are asleep; we dont' realize what peril they are in. It may be someone very near and dear to you. If I can get you to see their lost condition and how hell is waiting for them, maybe you'll start praying and working for their salvation.

General Booth of the Salvation Army was speaking to a graduating class in the Army's training school. These young people had been there several years, learning how to work for God and win souls. The general said, "Young men, if I could have had my way, I would never have had you here for these years of training. But I would have put you in hell for 24 hours. I would have allowed you to feel the pains and pangs of the damned, to hear the weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth. I would have caused you to see how they suffer forever. Then I would have sent you out into the world to warn men to flee from the wrath to come." General Booth was right. If we really knew what hell was like, nothing could stop us from urging men to come to Christ. So we must preach on hell, hoping that people will get concerned for their friends and loved ones who are going there.

3. We must preach on hell to warn sinners. It's an awful thing to remember that you could be in hell in another minute. No doctor can guarantee you of even one minute of life. David said, "there is but a step between me and death." (I Sam. 20:3) I have looked out into my congregation and seen someone in good health, well and strong, and before another Sunday they had gone to be with the Lord. It could happen to you; it could happen to me. What if you are not ready? What if Christ is not your Saviour? This means that you would be doomed forever.

Some people had no use for the Gospel. They hated preachers and laughed at Bible truth. Now they are in hell. Let's talk to one of them for a minute.

"Did you intend to come to hell?"

"No," he answers, "I meant all along to become a Christian and get ready for death. But I waited too long. Death slipped up on me and the next thing I knew I was in hell."

"Were you a wicked man? Were you a drunkard, or a thief, or a murderer or adulterer?"

"Oh no," he answers, "I lived a pretty good life, but I left out the main thing. I left Christ out of my life."

So today we have to preach on hell to warn men. Look all around you, lost sinner. People are dying every day. Your hour is coming. I want you to realize the seriousness of it and come to Christ. This is the only way you can escape hell.

The Certainty of Hell

Today many learned men deny the existence of hell. We have come to a time when we talk glibly about the brotherhood of man and the fatherhood of God. We imply that everybody loves everybody else and that all men are saved. We think of God as a great big beneficient Santa Claus, smiling down upon all. But God is not the father of all. He is the Creator of all, but not the Father of all. He becomes our father only when we come to Christ. Jesus said in John 8:44, "Ye are of your father the devil...." He was thinking of lost people. John 1:12 tells us that "as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God....." These are the ones who can claim God as Father. They are saved, and they'll never go to hell. But remember this, you are not a child of God until you come unto Him through faith in His Son, Jesus Christ.

A preacher preached a sermon on hell and a woman asked him if he had any children. He replied that he did. "Do you love them?" she asked. "Oh yes," the preacher answered. "Well," the woman said, "what would you think of a father who could save his children from suffering and refused to do it?" "I would say that he was a tyrant and a monster," the preacher said. "That's what you're making God out to be. God would be a monster if He sent his children to hell instead of delivering them by his power." "But lady," the preacher responded, "you're making one mistake. God doesn't have any children in hell and he never will have. The people in hell are the devil's children. All of God's children are in heaven or on the way there. God has a home for His children and the devil has a home for his."

He was right. God is the Father only of those who believe in Jesus Christ....who have been born again. Too many people are presuming on the goodness of God as an excuse for sin. They say, "Let us live as we please. God is too good to punish us." One day they are going to have a rude awakening.

The Bible, God's inerrant Word, tell us that there is both a heaven and a hell. If we receive one and reject the other, we are reflecting upon the truth of God's Word. But we are not left to depend upon the opinions and speculations of men. We must rest upon the infallible truth of the infallible Bible.

You may deny the fact of hell, but that does not change the fact that it exists. Fire burns, whether you choose to believe that it does or not...poison kills, whether you believe it will or not. The world is round, whether you believe it or not....and hell is a reality whether you believe it or not. And if you reject the offer Christ is making today, you will go to hell, whether you believe you will or not.

Now listen to Jesus. He knew the truth about hell. He said that a certain rich man died and went down to hell, and was in torment. He said that the man cried out, "I am tormented in these flames." He said that the man was anxious for his brothers to repent, so that they would not come to that "place of torment."

If a man breaks the laws of the land, what else is there to do but punish him? He is put in prison or sentenced to death. And if men rebel and sin against God and trample his son under foot, what else is God to do but put them in the prison called Hell? Man must exact his penalty for a broken law and so must God.

Suppose that a train carrying 500 passengers was coming down the track and that you and I were 20 miles ahead of the train. And suppose that we found that a trestle over a mighty river had fallen in. As I think of the train approaching, I say, "I must warn them and save their lives." But you say, "I wouldn 't do that, it might scare the passengers. Some of them would faint. Be nice to them and don't disturb them." And the train rushes on to tragedy and the passengers are killed.

Have I done the right thing? Have I been prompted by love? No. If I loved people, I would warn them. And if I love lost souls, I must hold up my Bible and say, "This is God's Word. It tells us that there is a hell for those who reject Christ. Come to him and be saved from such an awful fate."

So I say to you, not out of my own wisdom but on the strength of God's Word, that there is a hell as surely as there is a heaven. And men who reject Christ go to hell as surely as those who accept him go to heaven.

The Bible's Description of Hell

Look for a minute at the biblical expression which describe hell. It is called a Lake of Fire - a bottomless pit - a horrible tempest - a devouring fire - a place of sorrows - a place of weeping and wailing - a place of torments - everlasting destruction - a place of outer darkness - a place where men have no rest - a place where men are tormented with fire and brimstone - a place where the fire is not quenched.

1. It is a place of separation from God. We couldn't exist here a second if we were cut off from God. But think of being in hell, cut off from Him forever. We can pray here; we can call on His name. But prayers will not help in hell, for men will be forever separated from God.

2. It is a place of unsatisfied desires. When we have desires here, we can usually satisfy them in some measure. If a man desires money, there are many ways to get it. If he wants liquor, he can get it. If he wants to satisfy his fleshly nature, he can do it. But in hell, he will be burning up with these desires, and there will be no way to satisfy them. The rich man in hell wanted water, but there was no way to get it. So man, with all of this cravings, will suffer in hell with unsatisfied desires.

3. It is a place of vilest companionship. The worst people, the meanest, cruelest, filthiest people will be there. Let me tell you something that will add to the horrors of hell for some people. They live clean lives, they are cultured and refined, they are good citizens, they are nice to their family and friends. But they reject Jesus Christ. One day they will be cast into hell, to live the rest of eternity with liars, adulterers, murderers, drunkards, homosexuals, and the vilest of creatures. This will be an awful thing for them and will last forever. They can never die and leave these people, and they can't get up and move away.

4. It is a place of hopelessness. Hope is the mainspring that keeps us going down here. When we are sick, we hope to get well. When we are poor, we hope things will get better. When we are unhappy, we hope soon to find happiness. When we have an unpleasant job, we hope to get a better one. But there is no hope in hell. There you just suffer and live in hopeless despair. Over the doors of an ancient prison were these words: "Abandon hope all ye that enter herein." That is nothing compared to hell. There is not one second of hope there. When you are cast into hell, it is forever.

5. It is a place of suffering. I don't think I need to dwell on that. Every Bible description of hell denotes suffering - intense, everlasting suffering. I know a woman who is now suffering greatly. She knows she is going to die soon, so she says, "It will soon be over." No one can ever say that in hell. There suffering there never ends.

6. It is a place of memory. When men are haunted by a bitter memory here, they can commit suicide. But you can't do that in hell; you must live on; you must remember. Your memory will be like 10,000 mirrors around you, recalling all the sins and follies of your life. You will remember how you sold your eternal soul for the pleasures of this world. You will remember every sermon and every song you ever heard, every invitation to salvation, every wooing of the Holy Spirit. You will remember how your mother prayed for you and your friends and family sought to win you to Christ. You will remember how you held back from any decision for Christ. As you remember all these things, this memory will be hell in itself. Oh, to be shut up in hell with memory always fresh.

You will remember that instead of suffering in hell, you could have been enjoying the happiness and bliss of heaven. You will remember the easy terms upon which you could have been saved. If it had been impossible for you to repent and trust Christ, this would have made the agony easier. But you will remember that you could have had eternal life for the asking, and you turned it down. You will remember how cheaply you sold out to Satan, and how you exchanged the joys of heaven for the sorrows of hell.

On this earth you sometimes blame Christians for your own sins. You say that they are a bunch of hypocrites. Then you turn your back on God and continue in your sin. You blame everybody else for you unsaved condition while you're here, but in hell you'll remember that you're the guilty one. Remember now that the issue is between you and God and no one else. You must account to Him for yourself and not for the hypocrites. It will be no one's fault but your own if you deliberately seal your own doom.

It isn't easy to go to hell. Before you get there you must climb over the church, the Bible, gospel sermons, your conscience, your better judgment, the Holy Spirit, and all the providences of God. Then finally you must climb over Calvary and trample Jesus Christ under foot. In hell, you'll remember that you did all of this.

When Does Hell Begin?

It begins at the end of a Christless life. If you go through life without Christ, your soul enters into conscious suffering when you die. I am not saying that you enter into the full measure of suffering at that time. This must wait until all the records are in. Then at the Great White Throne judgment, all the sinner's works will be judged, and the degree of punishment will be determined. Oh, man without Christ, you don't know how close you are to hell. It may be that before midnight your heart will stop beating and you'll go out to begin an eternity of suffering and anguish.

What do you have to look forward to if Christ is not your Saviour? At best, you have only a few more years in this world with its pleasures, its troubles and sorrows. Then comes a death without hope and nothing beyond but everlasting doom. How different is the outlook of a Christian! Just a little while longer here, then the door opens and he enters into the joy of his Lord and a glorious heaven. Oh, friend, what folly to go on without Christ and miss heaven.

How Can We Escape Hell?

You can never escape it through the good works of the flesh. You may do many things to gain the favor of God. You may join a church, be baptized, give your money, help people, live a good life. But these things will not save you. Salvation is an inner thing, a thing of the heart. The Bible plainly tells us that if we believe on Jesus Christ, the doors of hell will be forever closed to us.

You were condemned to die. But God's son could not be satisfied to see you die and go down to hell. He said, "Father, I'll pay the price for him. I'll suffer the pangs of death in his place. I'll satisfy the demands of the law on him." So he went to the cross and paid in full the measure for all of our sins. Now if we accept that payment, our sins are forgiven, we are saved, we become the children of God and heirs of heaven.

Your sins may have been as black as the pit, or you may have lived a good moral life. It doesn't matter - there is mercy for you with the Lord. He was bruised for your iniquities and wounded for your transgressions. He stands today with open arms saying, “Come unto me and I will give you rest.”


Science of Wholeness #quack #crackpot #magick scienceofwholeness.com

It may be possible to increase one’s ability to live on prana by consuming more “living” water. Ionized (alkalized) water can, through its ability to flush out and or neutralize acidic toxins, be an excellent source of cleansing vitality and improve the physical body’s ability to benefit from “pranic nourishment.”

Systematic under-eating and eventual progression toward a “living on light” diet would be very difficult without first following through an overlapping series of logical steps in combination with advanced spiritual development, meditation and breath control: 1) health food “vegetarian,” 2) raw food & antioxidants, 3) high antioxidant raw food liquidarian, 4) negatively ionized water and air, 5) ojas, prana from nature, sunlight and astral substances, 6) mental and causal energies, and 7) celestial being (light).
However I must warn that for nearly everyone, the above listed evolutionary changes as becoming a “Light” eater never occur overnight nor is it for everyone, but only for a select few who have advanced yogic/spiritual tendencies. Even the famous but controversial Australian metaphysical author of “Living on Light” Jasmuheen still has to eat very lightly or drink something from time to time. Her constitution, way of thinking, her highly evolved state of loving spiritual awareness and divinization of her body cells due to her lifetime connection with spirit has allowed her to enjoy and even thrive on long periods of fasting and/or extremely light eating. Jasmuheen is a beautiful example of spirit transforming matter into a finer expression of divine love and of living mainly off pranic forces.

I still believe however, that living in a vast area of deep forest bioplasmic (orgone) energies, botanical aromas and pollens is essential for lasting success. That is how delicate the process of living without food is! It is essential for one’s health and well-being anyway to be surrounded by wild, living plants, because the pollens and scents from trees, wild-flowers, herbs, etc. can be essential for preventing depression and even cancer. That is why I am so concerned about the continuing existence of rain forests and other natural places. Nature is infinitely delicate and infinitely subtle!

In Paramhansa Yogananda’s Autobiography of a Yogi, he writes about the non-eating saint, Theresa Neumann who lived in a small village surrounded by plants in greenhouse like conditions, the breatharian yogi, Giri Bala who lived in a remote Indian forest, and the etherial Mahavatar Babaji of the Himalayan mountains who not only was above eating, but also physical existence! Because most of humanity has become so isolated from nature’s profound subtleties, mainstream science and religion has, very sadly, grown extremely closed minded against and quite cynical regarding any such possiblities today. They will, however be forced someday (hopefully in the near future) to realize how wrong they have been!

Gregory Garrett #conspiracy #fundie #wingnut #crackpot amazon.com

The Gnostic Luciferian New Age “Utopia” will be based upon a Mystery Babylon re-visitation of tolerance for all behaviors narcissistically self-indulgent, sexually perverse, psychoactively induced, and sinfully decadent, with self-worship and self-adulation as the highest pinnacle of religious zeal. Additionally, utilizing the trickery and artifice of an Alien Antichrist Messiah Deception, the Luciferian Elite seek to obliterate Christianity and replace it with a Gnostic Pantheistic Cosmogenesis narrative, where Ancient Aliens are our true genetic origins, and Cosmic Evolution, with Mankind in tow, is the Grand Design of the Universe. Becoming ONE with this Luciferian Hive Mind Cosmic Consciousness will be mandatory at some point, whether induced by drugs, neural meshing, trance, military force, MK Ultra trauma-based mind control, brainwashing, demonic and satanic ritual, or a combination all these occult strategies. The underlying theme of this book becomes patently clear as you read it: Against our will and without us knowing it, Mankind has all been indoctrinated into a Gnostic Luciferian Cult through the educational system, modern culture, business, Hollywood films, the media, eastern religions, modern science, digital manipulation and control, propaganda, and of course, through The New Age Movement, itself. It is a chilling conclusion and one well worth considering as the world plunges, headlong, into the Gnostic Luciferian nightmare of self-worship, and a lust for life-extension and unbridled power through merging with machines. Is this not the Pride of Life on steroids?

Midwestcel #crackpot #racist incels.is

For those who know not what Chadrone is

Simple. Its a good looking guy who has one black parent and one white parent or one black parent and one half black/half white parent. Basically a cross between a Chad and Tyrone. Jeremy Meeks is the most famous Chadrone. His dad was black and his mom was mixed with black and white.


However, under the old one drop rule, they may still be considered Tyrone's. Under old American Jim Crow laws for example, Jeremy Meeks would have been considered black meaning he could only attend black schools, could only use the blacks only designated areas, would have been illegal for him to marry a white woman, etc. And when he fills out government forms he probably lists his race as African American.

But he's one of the more famous Chadrones. Muhammad Ali's grandson is a Chadrone. I mentioned him in this thread.

Foids lusting over Muhammad Ali's 17 y/o Chadrone grandson | Incels - Involuntary Celibate
https://www.lipstickalley.com/threads/muhammed-alis-grandson-biaggio-ali-walsh-is-a-top-college-recruit-and-a-model.1044564/ Yet, if a guy over 20 lusts after a 17 y/o Stacy, he's a pedophile who can't get a woman his own age and needs to be jailed for life. If he even implies that a 17 y/o...

His mom is black and his father is a white man.

Patrick Scrivener #conspiracy #fundie #crackpot reformation.org

Mao Zedong's "Long March" to establish a Muslim Caliphate in Northwest China

The conquest of China by the Muslims always started in the Northwest of the country. That was the logical place to begin because Mongolia was a Muslim stronghold since the 13th century.

The legend of Sultan Mao Zedong was born during the "Long March" from 1934 to 35.

Banker Morris Cohen provided the funds for his "Communist" army.

Ominously, Cohen was the former bodyguard of President Sun Yat-sen.

The failure of the Kaiser to conquer Russia in WWI meant that the Muslim conspiracy to conquer China had to be postponed. Had Germany succeeded, there would have been no need for a "Communist" Revolution in Russia . . . or in China.

Mao was marching his army toward Ningxia to join up with another Muslim general named Ma Hongkui.

That general was the successor of General Tung Fu-hsiang, and by 1934 he had the nucleus of a Chinese Muslim Red Army!!

Here is a quote from an American reporter named Edgar Snow who was the first foreigner to interview Mao:

Here, presumably, was something to appeal to nearly every Muslim. Even some ahuns reportedly saw in it an opportunity to get rid of Ma Hung-kuei (punishing him for burning the mosques of the Old and New schools), and also a chance to realize and old aspiration—to reestablish contact with Turkey through Central Asia. By May, the Communists were claiming that they had achieved what skeptics had said was impossible. They boasted that they had created the nucleus of a Chinese Red Army. (Snow, Red Star Over China, pp. 310-311).

General Chiang Kai-shek was head of the Kuomintang Army which was leading the fight against Mao and his Muslim "Communists."

In December 1936, Mao's opponent, general Chiang, was suddenly "kidnapped" by the "Communists."

Chang Hsueh-ling, also known as the "Young Marshall," was the man in charge of the "kidnapping."

Chang reported to "Communists" Mao and Chou En-lai.

The "Young Marshall" also reminded Chiang about the great material advantages in joining the "Communist" movement and serving the British and the Turks.

At first, Chiang was reluctant to switch sides, but the "Young Marshall" had his wife flown in from Nanking to change his mind.

When May-ling arrived in Xi'an, she ordered her husband to stop opposing Mao.

Chiang obeyed her orders, and he commanded his army to fight the Japanese invaders in Manchuria instead.

Due to the advice of May-ling, the Xi'an Incident changed the course of 20th century Chinese history.

Obviously, the "kidnapping" was all staged for the benefit of Mao and his "Communists." General Chiang did change sides, and in December 1949 he fled from the mainland, and founded the Republic of China on the island of Taiwan.

The Russian victory in WWII postponed the Chinese Muslim Caliphate!

The mighty Russian nation was raised up by the Almighty to save the world from Islam. That is the reason why Muslims have always harbored a deadly hatred for that great nation.

To his great disappointment, Mao could not call himself Caliph or Sultan of China when he proclaimed the founding of the state in 1949.

It was no coincidence that the Korean War broke out just 9 months later.

In July 2015, Sultan Erdoğan visited President Xi Jinping in Beijing.

Official diplomatic relations were established between Turkey and China in 1934 and the 2 countries have remained steadfast allies ever since.

The story of Samson is a Chinese end of the world scenario!

All of the stories in the Holy Bible are UNIVERSAL, in that they apply to all people in all nations. Satan is the same in every country, and Islam is his masterpiece of deception. For the past 1,000 years, Buddhism and Islam have competed with each other to deceive millions of Chinese.

Samson was blinded by the Philistines and made to work like an ox (Judges 16:21).

Samson pushed on the TWIN pillars with all his might and he brought the temple down on their heads.

If all Chinese Christians pushed on the twin pillars like Samson, Buddhism and Islam would soon be gone with the wind!!

dagur-berserker #conspiracy #racist #crackpot deviantart.com

So recently I ended up getting quite a bit of flack from the leftists. Though ironically, the leftists are more willing to go up and harass civic nationalists and call them racist and white supremacists than they are to attempt to even debate or even speak to us. I'm not mad at those who make articles about me, but I'm amused as they're only putting my message out there. Ironically, one of my friends, a former black co-worker who didn't call me racist even though he heard that I was a white separatist, believes that socialism and multiracial societies could work if it were done in love somehow. This ironically is the same mentality as the capitalist whites who are civic nationalists, only they don't agree with socialism.
Though apparently, I confronted one of the commenters who claimed I was an absurd conspiracy theorist and yet didn't even try to back up her claim with any sources. It just goes to show that this abortionist only had ad hominem fallacies and personal attacks with no basis to them. That same person who claimed that I was a conspiracy theorist so happens to be pro-abortion as well. When I confronted her about it, I was harsh and rightfully so and this is how she responded.
"I am not an 'anti-white racist babykiller' as you so rudely put it. I don't just love all races, I embrace all of them because we are all human beings. Whether you are too, however, is debatable, but I can only say that you're an ass through and through. Hell, I even think you're being the racist one yourself. You are also pro-birth for the whites, pro-mandatory abortion for other races. You've just proven yourself you have zero regard for bodily autonomy either way. You're 100% quantity over quality."
This claim about "muh quantity over quality" actually shows how heartless they really are. They are willing to put material comforts above the lives of other human beings. Plus not once did I ever call for mandatory abortions against blacks or any other race, but in fact I stand with many black identitarians who are against abortion because they see this as a means of snuffing them out in the process as well. Plus the pain I have seen on the women's faces when they shared their abortion regret on YouTube whether they were white, Hispanic, Black, or Asian broke my heart. This talk also of "Muh bodily autonomy" is a coomer's/slut's argument in favor of a promiscuous lifestyle because such autonomy is forfeited when two people decide to have sex.
Plus what quality to the abortionists claim to provide the women except an opportunity for greater material gain? It is pretty much the same as going in and murdering someone for their material possessions or even murdering a toddler, child, or teenager because they're costly. Plus the best way out of poverty is the free market which is available for everyone but the only ones supporting the free market in majority are the non-Hispanic whites who are an ever shrinking demographic thanks to immigration, miscegenation, and abortion. Plus the demographic change in California has not been for the better as it is now the most expensive state in the union to live in and services such as garbage disposal and healthcare are in short supply. On top of that, the plague and leprously have returned as a result of California being a sanctuary state.
That was thanks to both legal and illegal immigration but people ignore the damage that legal immigration has done alone most of the time. With the lower birth rates, it has been propagated that we need more immigrants to replace our people but in doing so, our population has grown at a faster rate than if we even did have a stable birth rate and thus a large labor field has left more competition for the jobs and thus people coming in from the third world are more willing to work for lower wages than our native born citizens and thus the supply of workers has driven the wages for everyone down as to 'be fair.' Ironically, in her favorites, she had a stamp that condemned opposition to immigration as 'muh racism' and another stamp that supports legal immigration. So she lied saying that she accepts all people of all races because she's fighting against white people's right to exist. Simultaneously, the argument of quality over quantity of life is clearly thrown out the window as she's supporting the very process that is driving down wages for our working class and favoring only the corporations and the top 1%, hence more proof that their arguments are basically lies.
"You wanna see 'babykillers,' try going back in time to the ancient past where Hebrew boys are slaughtered soon after birth, or newborn baby girls left to die because they 'cannot inherent anything.' It's safe to say that these practices are pretty barbaric back then because we're more civilized today. Back then, though, these actions are two of the many examples of genocide, by the definition itself. You're just no different from what those people have done, regardless if you're civilized or not. If you seriously think that the mass slaughter or genders, races, cultures or ethnicities doesn't count as genocide to you, then I don't know what the hell does (that, and you're obviously not right in the head). No, abortion doesn't even count as genocide because a fetus isn't race, gender, culture or ethnic-specific. You won't even know what it is until it's born (discounting modern medical technology)."
Of course what she goes on here next is an obvious red herring fallacy in trying to divert the conversation. But interestingly enough, the ancient Hebrews, when they did begin to drift from God, did incorporate many of these barbaric practices such as child sacrifice in the worship of Ba'al and Moloch. Plus this same barbarism survives in the descendants of the Hebrews today as sadly up to 80% of Jews favor abortion to be legal in all or most cases. It's ironic how she claims that I'm no different when she's supporting the same practices under a different guise. If I didn't think that the slaughter and mass genocide against other genders, races, cultures, and ethnicities which is why I am against abortion and interestingly enough, this process of abortion isn't just a means of trying to snuff out the white race but the same people are also trying to snuff out the black race to.
Not that this will make any difference among black people for me saying this but Margaret Sanger herself referred to black people as human weeds. Eugenics was then passed off as a means of protecting the white race but that was a lie to. It turns out that Margaret Sanger's husband, who helped to spread the eugenics propaganda was a Jew. The attempt on the black people with eugenics was only the test run because they were able to use it in the mainstream via abortion and it is now mainstream via abortion. The one detail left out in the video in the elimination of blacks was miscegenation because too many conservatives have been too scared to call out this barbaric race mixing process.
Seeing as how this girl denied abortion being genocide, she has no regard for those most at risk of being snuffed out in our own country be that the non-Hispanic whites, the African Americans, the Native Americans, and the Hawaiians. Already the Hawaiians have been made into a minority in their own island and their low status in the population as well as limited financial power have left them as easy prey to the same Zionists who abuse white America like Mark Zuckerberg. Zuckerberg, the same man who advocated for illegal immigration via DACA, also bought land in Hawaii that was not for sale and sued the Hawaiian people for the right to buy the land. This is what we propertarians call another violation of reciprocity and is the equivalent to our national monuments being knocked down.
"Also, if you're really desperate to know why I didn't answer in the past three or so hours, I have a life off the computer, you know. That sort of life I have requires me to wake up at 5 in the morning, go to my workplace in another town which requires the use of the freeway, use the same freeway to go back home, and sometimes take naps to catch up on my sleep. This is one of those times. Apparently, you have not learned the meaning of patience. And you most likely have no life outside the computer because all you ever do anymore is spread lies saying that 'you're the most moral person on the planet next to former President Ganguro' and all you ever care about is being right."
It doesn't matter how much money you make or how long you work if the only thing you're doing it for is money. This just goes to show that the Masonic and Zionist elites want to reduce us to mere consumers and mercenaries. This also goes to show the fallacy of assumption as she's attempting to degrade anyone who calls her out on this. Plus making money isn't the only thing that makes you a good citizen, a good customer, or a good neighbor. Plus when we the people, those who do most of the work and actually produce what keeps our civilization thriving such as families as well as jobs, are told that we are only concerned about being right when we see our civilization, our culture, and our way of life die, then you know how hateful and how racist the abortionists really are.
This same plot in destroying the black race, the white race, the Native Americans, and the Hawaiians is being fueled via the funds from the central banks as they mooch off of the taxpayers of every country on Earth except for North Korea and Iran. With interracial marriage also being on the rise in China, China also has a vastly limited supply of women as there is only one woman for every seven men and thus a terrible demographic winter is upon them which is why the Han government are beginning brutal crackdowns upon every other people group as they fell for the Masonic/Zionist trap via communism and birth control and the evil just doesn't stop there.
This same plot will not just stop with mixing all of us together but the plot of the Masonic lodge involves reducing the population world wide till they are only half a billion and this can be seen on the Georgia Guidestones. The Georgia Guidestones contain the ten codes for the New World Order. This also shows the plot in destroying most of humanity's languages as to unite humanity under one language and even today it is said that if things keep going the way they are going, the German language itself will be extinct. If the first world nations were to collapse today, any aid the third world receives to attempt to help their people will bet cut off and most likely the people in Africa and Latin America, given how heterogenous these countries are will kill each other off and 10 to 1 the devastation from this warfare would expand the Sahara desert until it unites with the Kalahari, thus leaving some of Earth's most beautiful regions today to become nothing but barren wastelands in the future.
Another commandment of this cursed New World Order is for nations to govern their internal affairs but use international governance as a means of solving external affairs which is really just a softer term for imperialism. Does this sound familiar? Sounds pretty much like the UN, the EU, the African Union, and the Union of South American states. Freemason president Harry Truman helped to put together the UN and Freemason Kalargi helped in establishing the European Union as well. It breaks my heart that Africa and Meso-America have followed our bad examples of falling for the Masonic trap.
However, with nationalism, separatism, and populism on the rise world wide, it has the globalists freaked out. Of course Brexit is finally about to happen and anti-EU sentiment has been furthered even more so in Poland with Confederacia on the rise. Poland and Hungary alone are taking down the EU from the inside. On top of that, the Union of South American Nations is practically dead already with only five member states left. Ironically, Peru itself was so based that they got kicked out of the Union of South American nations.
When the Brazilians elected Jair Bolsonaro, they essentially voted for Brazilexit. In March of last year alone, Bolsonaro has essentially withdrawn Brazil from the Union of South American Nations. Argentina, Chile, Colombia, and Paraguay left the year before and the only nations left in the Union of South African Nations are essentially the Marxist/leftists ones such as Guyana, Venezuela, Bolivia, Suriname, and Uruguay. Ironically, where these Marxists have ruled, many have become Christian republics where Christ has united people despite different racial and ethnic differences in nations like Brazil, and nationalism has emerged even stronger.
Ironically, a few other countries that were under the thrall ring of communism, some in Europe and one in Africa, today are lands where the majority of the people love and serve God with their hearts and their nations are leading as proud examples of their region. Ghana ended up becoming communist at the time of its independence but today thanks to the influence of Pentecostal and Catholic missionaries, the people there are on fire for Christ, true conservatives, and nationalists as well. Ghana today is also the envy of Africa and will most likely become Sub-Saharan Africa's first developed nation.
Simultaneously, Hungary, which suffered under communism now has a majority Christian population who have elected a godly leader who ironically was once a communist himself. Simultaneously, his wife, who led Orban to the Lord, was once a Jew. Poland as well, have a nationalistic and Christian population which constantly messes up the plans of the EU. Ironically, the lands that stand up against this globalist injustice the most are the lands who's inhabitants are strong Bible believing Christians which shows that Christ ultimately is the leader of the fight for freedom. Abortion and socialism are but symptoms of a greater disease than globalism itself and that disease is godlessness which is why the ultimate form of resistance and defiance is giving one's heart to the Lord and God will guide us to do the rest.
Ephesians 6:12
For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.

A team of authors in the Czech Republic #crackpot #conspiracy #magick #moonbat in5d.com

We are a group of people from the Czech Republic interested in spiritual topics. We’ve met a very interesting young woman who turned out to have paranormal abilities. She is also able to see future events. As she explained to us, humanity could soon move to the fifth dimension: to The Golden Age of Humanity. Her message was very encouraging. She gave us the message and asked us to translate it to various languages and pass it to all the good people living all over the world.

To all the good people: Soon we will move to the Golden Age, we have instructions for you to win over the system.
The answer to the most important question of all is simple: “Why was I born and what am I looking for on this planet?”

How the system works

It all begins with the birth of a child whose soul enters the fetus in the mother’s abdomen with the help of an energy code during third month of pregnancy. This is how the game for each individual starts. Each of us has two brain hemispheres, right and left. The right hemisphere is intuitive and the left hemisphere is logical. After birth, each person begins a “struggle” in deciding between the right and the left.

Intuition usually says something completely different from logic. In most people, logic wins because it suits the ruling system that educates us accordingly. Immediately after the birth, the defenseless child is attacked by a system (we call it the “Matrix”) with a terrifying force that’s supposed to block the child’s brain, and especially the pineal gland and its intuition.

The child, who was originally born as a king and complete sovereign, is taught by its parents that it‘s completely stupid, dependent, unable to make its own decisions, therefore everything has to be decided by others for him. When the child manifests displeasure and begins to argue or cry, it‘s punished. That is a basic preparatory stage for further moronization of a little person, because in order to accept a complete program from the Matrix, it must deny himself internally first. To understand that it is unworthy, inferior, stupid and useless.

They say that we should be grateful that we have a system that tells us who we’re supposed to be, what we have to believe, and what we have to do with our lives. You are being told that you don’t have to invent anything new anymore because other people, who understood it much more than you do, have already invented everything for you a long time ago, so it would be a waste of time. Many people consider self-thinking unnecessary then, some of them are even unable to do so. They always have to go and ask someone else what to do. Taking responsibility for your life and your health scares many people, genuinely. To the great pleasure of pharmacy, church and other systems that suck energy, time, health and money out of people.

That‘s not only about how individuals who aren’t dangerous for the system are being raised, but they also form the system themselves. The individual is thrown into hands of slavery and transformed into a person that‘s perfectly suited for the system.

Do you ask why? Because they want you to be unable to escape the slavery. The whole system is pyramidal. Down there, there are ordinary people and up there, there are people who control them. There are two pyramids in the system, motherly and secondary. Both pyramids must be bypassed, you must not get lost in them. The system tries to prevent you from bypassing them in all possible ways and puts obstacles in your way – temptations and manipulative claims. It offers you loans to make you a slave of money. It steals your time so you don’t get an opportunity to fulfill your true mission and find the reason you were born here for. An Abundance of time for people is a pure poison for the system.

It offers you a tempting job or project that you can‘t reject or maybe joyful hobbies to be obsessed with and waste your time with.

The motherly pyramid is dominated by six fallen angels whose commands are received by the Vatican. The Vatican then passes them onto other levels, secondary ones. The Secondary levels are churches, governments, police, courts, schools, laws, offices, soldiers and all the authorities that control and limit humanity.

Another pitfall of the system is called “pendulums”. Now we are talking about mechanical damage to people. These are car crashes, murders and others that will prevent you from continuing your path.

You are offered poisonous foods and if you eat them, you get yourself into a secondary pyramid. Secondary pyramid is supposed to capture all the people who never got caught in clutches of money and loans, and never allowed their time to be stolen. Your body would start to fade after unhealthy food, your mind will deteriorate and you will see a doctor. The secondary pyramid is a gigantic pharmaceutical apparatus with all its hops in the form of doctors and poisonous pills. Every man is responsible for his body and must never put it in the hands of someone else.

At all times, the system is trying to steal your soul. Some people even sell it voluntarily in exchange for money and fame.

But don’t worry, this message is actually very constructive. It was created upon the request of an indigo girl, whom we met in person. She has tremendous extrasensory abilities, she is capable of levitation, astral travel, but above all – she is clairvoyant.

The girl saw the future of this planet and asked us to pass this message to all of humanity.

Ariella Indigo #ufo #magick #crackpot ariellaindigo.com

Learning that I was an indigo was one of the most pivotal and transformative days of my life, and so it is with honour and love that I share some of what I know with you so you can decide for yourself whether either you or somebody you know is a star child or star seed.

I'd like to start by making it clear that I firmly and absolutely believe in equality and so being a starseed does not make you any more special or superior to anyone else. We are all individual expressions of the divine and there is no separation only ONENESS and UNITY at the highest level, but as you know, it is here in the physical plane that we get to experience the illusion of separation and the illusion of duality/polarity consciousness.

Also, as far as I understand it, there are four major energy 'types' that we all fall into: Human, Angelic, Alien and Elemental - and some of us are a hybrid mix of between two or even four of the above. 'Starseeds', as the name suggests, come from other planets and dimensions and carry the alien and angelic energy makeup in their DNA. Starseeds usually fall into the category of being volunteer souls who have come to Earth with specific missions to deliver and fulfil to help with Earth's shift into higher frequencies. But I would like to point out that I have met some truly awesome and highly gifted psychic 'Human's' too, who are also here on incredible missions, so just because you are a star seed does not mean that you are necessarily going to be more evolved or psychically developed than some others who identify more with mainly Human energy.

For me, what is true, is that we all actually come from the stars. We all have starry origins and have likely had many different incarnations on many different planets and dimensional frequencies. We know scientifically that we literally are all made of stardust, so even if your belief system differs from mine, then it has to be agreed that the stars play a very important part in our lives regardless of evolution theories and beliefs. It is more a case then of how we view and identify ourselves - do we feel more human, more alien/angelic or more elemental? Or perhaps a mixture of two, three or all four?

In Your Own Words Award

alex mtl #crackpot evcforum.net

The constructal theory of global optimization under local constraints explains in a simple manner the shapes that arise in nature.

I will use my own words to explain my speculation.

droom = Main highway of evolution.
joon = Exit out of the main highway of evolution, for a involutionary direction.
aodeen= Droom and joons altoghether, shape and direction of life in time.
gooje = First form of life perfectly unique.
kool = Combination of goojes.
lasco = Population of same gooje.
greu = Massive gooje potential.

An Aodeen according to "constructal theory" will take a shape and form just like any other creative meaning of the nature: A lightning, a Delta's river, blood vessels, the perfect shape of an egg, the cracks of a land without water, a marathon, statistics etc.

Example: A Lightning will start from a certain point in the sky. One main ramification will follow its way further than all the other ramifications. Sometimes this ramification will strike on land.

The very same way Aodeen started from a certain point in time. Droom
followed its way up to humanity leaving behind Joons and creating new Joons.
Goojes took the direction of Droom and Joons. What we find in Droom today is at most all the Goojes when life was created . It's probable to find the same Gooje in different Joons of the past.

Example. The reason why the skin colour and the nose of 50 cent are more "alike" with a gorilla's than G.W.Bush's skin colour and nose compared with a gorilla is because

- kool X1 took The Droom , then exit the Joon to Gorilla
- kool X2 took The Droom , then exit the Joon to Gorilla2
- kool X3 took The Droom , then exit the Joon to Gorilla3
- kool X4 took The Droom , continued the Droom to 50 Cent
- No other kool X took the Droom to G.W. Bush

Humanity is massive carrier of Goje. Even though G.W Bush does not have Kool X , he has Kool Y found in the chimpanzee. 50 Cent doesn't have Kool Y but what makes Humanity so special to be in Droom is the Greu.

FallenPrime #crackpot incels.is

[Theory] Lord of the Rings

So if real world becomes the Middle Earth in Lord of the Rings, the people will be classified into:

Note: LLmaxxed has to be 6 ft minimum after maxxing.

Gigachads: Dunedains

Chads and Stacies: Elves

Chadlites and Stacylites: Rohan, Gondor

Normies: Most humans

Sandcels : Haradrim, Uruk-Hai if LLmaxxed and roidmaxxed

Ricecels: Easterlings, Uruk-Hai if LLmaxxed and roidmaxxed.

Blackcels: Uruk-Hai if LLmaxxed and roidmaxxed. Orcs if not.

Whitecels: Orcs, Trolls if LLmaxxed and roidmaxxed.

Tacocels: Goblins, Orcs if average height and Uruk-Hai if LLmaxxed and roidmaxxed.

Coping Manlets (Ex. Alpha M): Dwarves

Abos: Hobbits as no one wants to have anything to do with them, can date their looksmatch and heightsmatch

Truecels: Smeagol

Sauron would be the Spirit of Saint Elliot.

In the end, is this accurate?

The Galactic Center via Galaxygirl #ufo #moonbat #crackpot #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

I am the Galactic Center of your ever-evolving Milky Way, now Golden Rose, Galaxy. I am delighted that more and more of you have been coming up for a visit, to spend some moments of contemplation, relaxation and togetherness. So many of you long for togetherness. You feel isolated upon your blue sphere that has only known war for so long, and as strategically placed chess pieces of light, you are challenged to find the logic of your placement on the board of Gaia. (I am seeing a massive chess board superimposed over Gaia. I am seeing the light workers are on team light strategically placed all over, some within caves, some within deep jungles, feeling cut off from the other chess pieces on their team, and yet I am seeing a thin glowing line of white light connecting them all over the world. I am seeing that the dark chess pieces are more smokey than solid at this point and are easily swirled into mist in the wind. I am seeing the line of white between each chess piece become thicker, turning from a string to a cord. The cord becomes a web, and this web of light is pulsating across Gaia, anchoring into the ground, while a light web from our friends in the skies encases Gaia’s sky. It is becoming a beautifully intricate crystalline shape of rainbow light).
am the Galactic Center. Look around you, children, and hold hands. Walk across the bridge of your 5D thoughts and intentions towards Nova Gaia that you are creating in this glorious now moment. (I see that I am standing on transparent gems forming a bridge spanning the void. We are all walking upright, without timidity, for as we look behind us the transparency is gone. After we step on the transparent rainbow gem bridge our faith and creativity solidifies it. We are halfway across the void. I am linking arms with my fellow light workers on either side of me. We are forming such a long line I can’t see the ends of it. Behind us I see 3D earth. I see mobs of gray people, looking lost. They are peering out but they can’t see us. We are unable to feel their energies because we are vibrating so high, creating across the void. We are all so joyful! Some of us are running, others dancing, and the Galactic Center is so immense, so deep, so infinitely powerful it’s awesome to be a part of this moment. I see rainbow light coming up from beneath us, it is alive, the void is alive. I see Nova Gaia solidifying in the distance. I see there are people hanging out of windows, trees. I hear cheering coming from the glowing Nova Gaia. I see the distance is shortening. My heart leaps and feels very full. I am teary. We are all tearing up. Suddenly I see and feel a flash of light. All is light. All is light. Before we can feel sad about the gray people we are blanketed in light, like a motherly hug. I keep hearing “All is most well, my children of the light, for you have done the impossible. Welcome back. The nightmare is over.” I feel Mother’s pink blanket around us all. We are being healed from our traumas. I see the pink blanket extends all around 3D as well but those there can’t see it or feel it because their hearts look like small brown rocks that are not ready yet for the light of Mother’s pink love to penetrate. Light. I am being hugged. I am hearing happy yelling in the distance, like kids at a slumber party who are excited and happy. I am home).

David J Stewart #fundie #crackpot #homophobia jesus-is-savior.com

Humanism is EVIL!

by David J. Stewart

“The pagan in Africa gets a piece of wood and builds him a god; the intellectual in the university gets his mind and builds himself a god.”
—Dr. Jack Hyles, from the sermon titled, How We Got Here

There is an evil under the sun lurking amongst mankind known as humanism..."An insane form of thinking that invades the human mind convincing it of it's superiority over God and His Word." I will repeat that definition of humanism again...

An insane form of thinking that invades the human mind convincing it of it's superiority over God and His Word.

Humanism is a direct enemy of Christianity and therefore Christ Himself. God hates humanism, but He surely loves the humanist. One must not confuse hatred against humanism with the love of God. As Christians, we are to love all people of all races of all nations. However, we are to hate the damnable heresies and evils that destroy the same people.

The Bible is God's Word. The King James Bible is the inerrant, infallible, preserved, eternal Word of God. Whether the heathen want to accept the Bible as God's Word or not is irrelevant...The Bible is God's Word.

"Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever." -1st Peter 1:23

"For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart." -Hebrews 4:12

To those who reject God's gift of eternal life by spitting on the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Bible says...

"In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ:" -2nd Thessalonians 1:8

Hell will be hot my friend. God doesn't want ANYONE to burn in hell, but the Bible is clear that ONLY those who go through Jesus Christ will make it to heaven...

"Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." -John 14:6

This is the major problem with HUMANISM...it does not recognize God at all. I was doing some research online about Humanism and ran across the Council for Secular Humanism website. The particular article I read was 10 Myths About Secular Humanism by Matt Cherry and Molleen Matsumura taken from Free Inquiry magazine, Volume 18, Number 1. I would like to comment on a few of their statements.

Article quote: "Yes, it's true that secular humanists don't believe in a God or an afterlife...Secular humanists plead guilty as charged to these and many other claims that show the genuine and radical differences between humanism and revealed religion. In fact, we are proud of these differences, and want to see them publicized and debated."
My response: Anyone who has faith in God should run as far away from secular humanism as they can. Frankenstein would be welcome in my home before I'd let Secular Humanism in the front door. The humanists openly admit that they DON'T believe in God, heaven, or hell. This is to their own demise. It is such atheistic godless-minded thinkers who are controlling the curriculum of the public school system in America. I am unalterably opposed to the heathen public school system. Humanism is of the devil because it denies Almighty God, the Lord Jesus Christ.
2. Article quote: "Humanists also emphasize the importance of self-determination - the right of individuals to control their own lives, so long as they do not harm others. Secular humanists, therefore, often promote causes where traditional religion obstructs the right to self-determination, for example, freedom of choice regarding sexual relationships, reproduction, and voluntary euthanasia"

My response: The above quote is clear, the Humanists are working in direct opposition to the New Testament church. Humanists openly PROMOTE a "Do-Your-Own-Thing" type mentality. Do you know that is exactly what the Church of Satan believes? They believe that you can do anything you want, just as long as no one else gets hurt. However, that is NOT what the Bible teaches. We are commanded in the Bible to OBEY GOD rather than men (Acts 5:29). How can Humanists obey God when they deny that He even exists? Without faith it is impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6).

Furthermore, abortion is murder and destroys a little babies' life. Is this not hurting someone? The Humanists and Satanists speak out of both sides of their mouth. The Homosexual community doesn't want the public to know the truth (the statistics) about their "freedom of choice" regarding Sodomy. There is a link between pedophilia and homosexuality. New York just opened the countries first exclusively homosexual high school...talk about discrimination. If someone started an ONLY white kids school, the public would go nuts. I guess being homosexual gives them special rights which allows for discrimination. The days are growing evil friend. Are you right with God in your heart? Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour? If not, please do so right now before it is too late. You have no guarantee of tomorrow (Proverb 27:1).

3. Article quote: "On the other hand, liberal Christianity has been deeply influenced by humanism."

My response: There is NO such animal as "liberal Christianity," just as there is no such thing as "Christian rock" music. Either it's Christian or it's heathen. It's sickening to hear professed "Christians" speak of "Theistic Evolution." The Bible teaches that God created the world as we know it in six days and then rested on the seventh. It is unbelief in God's Word to teach or believe anything else. Most people are woefully ignorant of what it means to be a Christian. Even false religions such as godless Catholicism call themselves "Christians." They are reprobates! I do not hate Catholics; on the contrary, I love them. I hate Catholicism because it is a damnable heresy totally out of line with the Bible. The Bible is God's Word, listen to the Bible NOT the dope in Rome.

4. Article quote: "But secular humanism is not a religion and humanists don't worship anything. We are far too realistic to worship humanity. While we recognize that all human beings have the potential to do good, we also realize that the potential exists for acts of great evil. Humanity's constant challenge is to understand itself and improve itself."

My response: Romans 1:25 says, "Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen." It is a very dangerous thing to re-create God in our own image. Mankind was created in God's image and we must not CHANGE that truth into a lie. When I think of the humanists, I think of a Proverb in the Bible (Proverb 19:3) which says, "The foolishness of man perverteth his way: and his heart fretteth against the LORD. Secular humanism is utter foolishness and an abomination before the Lord God. The Bible teaches that God created mankind, which means that God has the master blueprints (the instructions). The Bible is God's instruction Book to mankind teaching us how to live and to treat each other. If we neglect God's truth, then we are like an idiot headed for a waterfall without a paddle because he deliberately threw the paddles overboard. Proverb 20:24 teaches, "Man's goings are of the LORD; how can a man then understand his own way?" Apart from God's Word, there is no understanding! Proverb 28:5 declares, "Evil men understand not judgment: but they that seek the LORD understand all things."

5. Article quote: "Secular humanism is a naturalistic, nonreligious worldview."

My response: I think I'll let God answer this one for Himself...

"But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. But he that is spiritual judgeth all things, yet he himself is judged of no man. For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ." -1st Corinthians s 2:14-16

Humanism is horribly evil because it DENIES God. Humanism is evil because it seeks answers WITHOUT God. Humanism is evil because it does NOT recognize the Bible as God's Word. Humanism is wicked because it promotes the acceptance of homosexuality, witchcraft, abortion, assisted suicide, and every other evil act (as long as they think no one is being hurt). I got news for you Mr. and Ms. Humanist...babies get hurt when you suck their heads off, cut them into bit sizes pieces or burn them alive in acids. Someone is definitely getting hurt. To you it's just "freedom of choice" regarding reproduction. Freedom of choice? For who? The child certainly has no choice.

Millie Boella #racist #moonbat #crackpot medium.com

Modern Chinese Medicine: Anti-Blackness

So why the sudden surge of anti-Black violence in China?

The reason is because anti-Blackness is a panacea for non-Black people of color when trying to mitigate the pain of racism against themselves. The Chinese have lost face by China being the epicenter of the worst global pandemic in a century, and there has been an uptick in Anti-Asian violence in the West, specifically targeting people who appear to be East Asian. Using the balm of anti-Blackness is how the Chinese are seeking to soothe themselves and regain their global standing.

Non-Black people of color have long deluded themselves that their plights against White supremacy are not so bad because they’re not Black. This despite Western imperialist invasions of Brown countries, trade wars against East Asian countries, and xenophobic border policies that target Latin American and Middle Eastern immigrants. African and Caribbean countries, though they are also facing struggles with neo-imperialism, have not in the post-colonial period been invaded, and neither are they the target of trade wars. Black people are not the majority in America’s migrant concentration camps nor is the fear of Blackness undergirding Europe’s Islamophobic nationalism.

Despite evidence to the contrary, non-Black people of color feel they’re better positioned than Black people because the model of White supremacy that is taught to them places White people at the top, non-Black people of color in the middle, and Black people at the bottom. Indigenous peoples are quite tellingly erased in this model. The three pillars of White supremacy as theorized by Andrea Smith is in fact a better model for understanding how White supremacy situates people of color and Indigenous people.

SearchForTheTruth #ufo #crackpot #conspiracy searchforthetruth.co.uk

There are many people, including mainstream Western scientists, who have pointed out numerous highly strange and irregular things about the moon.

A few years ago David Icke brought the book 'Who Built The Moon?' by Chris Knight and Alan Butler to attention, and concluded that the moon is an unnatural object that has been placed there for some reason - possibly as a broadcasting station.

Icke further linked the moon to Saturn, and theorized that the "Matrix" in which we live is actually a program originally broadcast by Saturn and amplified by the moon.

Going back to the book Who Built The Moon by Christopher Knight and Alan Butler They give a description about the book and it is this

'Despite the fact that the Moon is almost certainly 4.6 billion years old, we will demonstrate

beyond all reasonable doubt that Earth’s Moon cannot be a natural object. And then we shall

explain in detail how the agency that manufactured the Moon left a series of detailed messages of

what had been done and for whom it had been undertaken'

So it is worth reading if you want a more detailed version of what the Moon is.

A man going by the name of Crrow777 has filmed some astonishing footage of the moon in the video below.

He caught something which he dubbed the "lunar wave" going across the surface of the moon, from bottom to top as it appeared on his camera.

This lunar wave has the appearance of a line that moves across a computer screen during a reset. It looks digital, electronic or holographic. Yet, how could that possibly be true if the moon were just a natural satellite of Earth, made from rock?

Of course, many skeptics and naysayers have criticized his findings and claimed the lunar wave must be a result of his recording equipment, and not local to the moon itself.

However, as Crrow shows in the video, by adjusting various layers, colors and lighting, you can see that the wave actually occurred on or above the moon's surface, and has nothing to do with his camera.

The implications are staggering.

I conclude from this that the lunar wave is showing us at least 2 possibilities (and maybe more):

1.The moon's true surface is being cloaked by some kind of advanced holographic technology, to hide things below, probably bases, structures and evidence of extraterrestrial life on the lunar surface; or

2.The moon itself is holographic. It has no solid physical existence, but is rather a projection of light, a hologram made to look 3-dimensional.

rushdoony #crackpot #conspiracy #fundie #dunning-kruger clubconspiracy.com

I kid you not.

If you go up in a helicopter in New York and hover for 4 hours and then come back down to earth you should be in Los Angeles, not New York ( if the Earth were really moving ).
Gravity does not account for the copter still being in New York, it would only account for the copter not falling out of the sky back to Earth.

If Copernicanism can be proven wrong, that the universe is geocentric or geostatic and not heliocentric then
Darwinism will fall, then Marxism will fall and then Freudism will fall. All Satans lies will fall like dominoes one afer the other.

Geostatic means the sun and stars go around the Earth each day and folks the only way this could be true is if: The universe is not one ten-trillionth of the size you've been told by Government. Are NASA workers and most high school and university science teachers not paid by the government? Does government lie to us? This is their biggest lie.

This is a religious war. Do we believe the Cabbalist/Pharisaic/Satanist RELIGION of a big bang and out of control exploding universe with bug-eyed aliens or the Christian RELIGION with Earth and Humans as
Special Creations in God's orderly universe.
The Bible says over 60 times that the sun orbits the Earth.
I don't expect anyone to believe this until they check out:
and www.midclyth.supanet.com

Signed RJ Rushdoony ( real name Bernie )

Age To Age Ministries International #fundie #conspiracy #crackpot atam.org


There is lots of fear out there of this new system. Those who are fearing will be lowering their immune system and possibly manifesting what they fear. I remember a Scripture that says, “No weapon formed against me can prosper.” What is mean to do harm to me physically, emotionally, spiritually, or mentally has no power over me, unless I give it power.

Back in 2012, when fear was rampage about the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster, Spirit spoke something very powerful to me. Over the past month, He has reminded me of it again, “RADIATION CAN BE GOOD FOR YOU…”

I have prophetically shared for many years how radiation will be used to assist in our next stage of evolution. It was literally decades ago when I started to prophesy this and into the Solar Flares and sometimes predicting exact dates they would hit and many times the Class it would be. Some of you that have followed our ministry for more than a decade know that we even encouraged you to go out and absorb into your being the highly charged solar winds and radioactive mysterious particle hitting our atmosphere. I even suggested safe “Sun Gazing” during those times. Why?

I had received a revelation from the Book of Malachi, the last written prophetic book of the Old Testament. In the 2400 year old verses are hidden mysteries and clues for today. Verse one, of the chapter 4 speaks about people being negatively affected by the radioactive ultra-violet rays of the Sun, Solar Winds, Solar Flares and perhaps other things in space emitting radiation on the Earth.

The ones mostly affected were low vibrational people, in biblical terminology; the arrogant, evildoers and wicked people. What does all these people have in common? FEAR. The behavior of arrogant prideful people is rooted in Fear. The have to convince themselves they are superior to others because deep inside they are insecure and afraid. People do evil acts based on Fear, fear of not having enough, being overlooked or losing something they feel entitled to. All sorts of wickedness is rooted in Fear.

How will 5G affect you? If you choose to live in Fear or any of the lower vibrational behaviors rooted in Fear, the Scripture say the heat will burn those people up. They will be impacted by the radiation from the Sun or anything emitting that type of frequency from space. Get rid of Fear. Perfect love drives out all fear, fear causes torment. The opposite frequencies of Fear are Faith & Love. No doubt that many will be impacted negatively by radiation from the Sun, 5G and other Nuclear Radiation. Do you choose to be one of them?

“But to you that respect my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings (healing rays/emission);”

Can you see it? That same energy from space that harms some, will bring healing to others. Those who reverence and live out from the divine nature will receive that.