
jhessel #fundie #homophobia #psycho christianforums.com

I don't see the sin in what [Fred] Phelps is doing [making a prominent park monument that states Matthew Shephard, a murdered gay student, is burning in hell]... who is really the sinner? Phelps who is trying to warn people so they can be saved, or the homosexual rights groups who tell people that homosexuality is ok even though we know God's warning against it.

daughter of the king #fundie christianforums.com

a baby that is aborted goes to- heaven
a 6 month old baby that dies in a car crash goes to -heaven
a 2 year old pre schooler drowneds in a paddleing pool goes to - heaven
4 year old from a islamic family dies in a bombing goes to - heaven
10 year old dies in a head on crash doesn't believe in God goes to -hell

serendipity79 #fundie christianforums.com

the only evidence that we have is facts and what we read and hear.creationism has stood the test of time, however time an and time again scientific fact is often broken down and disproved. it will continue into the future as the only crutch atheists and non christians hold onto.

Godzman #fundie christianforums.com

[Replying to 'YOU CANNOT USE A THING TO PROVE ITSELF']so you can't use a human to prove that is a human, or a sun to prove it is a sun, or a tree to prove it is a tree, or an eye to prove it is an eye, or truth to prove it is truth

tyler4588 #fundie christianforums.com

Technically, evolution is not a theory. There are a couple religions that can come from evolution though.

Liberal Christianity
Agnosticism - Not knowing if God exists
Gnosticism - Believes that God does not exist
Wicca - Not really from evolution, but Wiccans believe in it

NoahK #fundie christianforums.com

[Plagiarized from a website]One of the biggest problems with atheism is the ultimate conclusion one must make with regard to morality. If there is no God, there is no moral giver. No moral-giver, no morals. No morality, nothing wrong with killing. Stepping on a roach and killing a baby=same thing without morals.

Robert43 #fundie christianforums.com

In my book a Atheist is no diffient than an animal. Animals don't have morals. Atheist need to get away from Christian values and following of christian laws. Animals don't go to a afterlife after death and Atheist believe when they die they are just like a animal.

bluetrinity #fundie christianforums.com

Atheism is cowardice, pure and simple. It's the ultimate "I am my own God, and nothing you say can change my mind" - principle. Admitting that someone else is in control would be horrendous, worthy of no good atheist. And not only that: it is also illogical and unsound and not consequent.

s0uljah #fundie christianforums.com

[On atheist morality]Why do you want a relationship when you could have a bunch of different women, thus passing on your DNA more effectively? Along those lines, why not just rape women if you can get away with it?

riZon #fundie christianforums.com

I'm just trying to get a general concensus about why people believe what they believe in. Is it because that is what is taught? Is it because the media pushes it? Is it because it goes against the Bible?

Man of Sorrows #fundie christianforums.com

Evolution is a theory. I am amazed that it should carry the weight that is given it by the scientific community when it has never been proven... Evolution is a flawed science bordering on mythology. But it is all the atheist really has. We know the truth.

Fire Ox #fundie #homophobia christianforums.com

By the way, once you take God out of the picture in this argument, homosexuality is okay. If God doesn't exist homosexuality is fine. But, so is polygamy, brother-sister marriages, even bestiality. That's why homosexual marriage should be illegal.

JohnR7 #fundie christianforums.com

If you add up how many people die from weapons of mass destruction, a gift from science. Or how many people die from perscription drugs, again a gift from science. So who is to say without the contribution of science more people would not live a longer life.

bluetrinity #fundie christianforums.com

I would do exactly what I pleased all the time [if God didn't exist]. If I needed money, I would steal it from my shareholders or my bank. If I needed a woman, I would lie, cheat and steal to get one. And since I am fairly smart, I would probably get away with it. At least for a long time. And, if I get caught, I would lie and blame others, like the media, my parents or my ex-girlfriend. I would every moment of my life be concerned with myself and my own personal needs and desires. I mean why shouldn't I?

Zeus #fundie christianforums.com

To tell the Christ-rejector that God loves him is to cauterize his conscience as well as to afford him a sense of security in his sins. The fact is, the love of God is a truth for the saints only, and to present it to the enemies of God is to take the children's bread and to cast it to the dogs.

kimmse #fundie christianforums.com

A worldview that totally dismisses God puts the final authority on Man.
WHen the final authority rests on Man, it is changing, arbitrary, and creates a Hitler. And if you proclaim no other authority than Man, then like you said, it comes down to who has the biggest gun?

jhessel #fundie #crackpot christianforums.com

As a result, the world was overrun by half human half animal genetic monstrosities and God decided to destroy the entire world except for Noah and his family. The pre-Flood world was a zoological nightmare... a grypon, a manticore, a ferocious human-headed carnivore with 3 interlocking rows of teeth, a basilick, a unicorn...

Lonnie #fundie christianforums.com

According to Darwin in his books. He clearly states that women are more ape like, and less evolved then men. Dont believe me? Read His theorys, and books again. It what he printed... Just another reason why I dont believe in evolution.

JohnR7 #fundie christianforums.com

Maybe you can find the city of Troy, but you do not know all the truth. For example, did Helen of Troy run off with her boyfriend as he claimed, or was she kidnapped as her husband claimed. There is no question about the truth of the Bible stories. But the Greek stories often have a lot different versions to them.

saltnlight #homophobia christianforums.com

You have your history all wrong. Homosexuals were never treated by the nazis like the Jew. Homosexuals have attempted to get sympathy from us by this myth but it's a lie. Leaders of the Nazis were themselves gay and pederasts. Homosexuals were guilty of tormenting Jews in camps. Homosexuals were never taken from their homes as Jews were except for crimes against the state. Get your history right.

didaskalos #fundie christianforums.com

Most atheists do not own up to the crimes of atheists like Stalin. He was an atheist whose atrocities were directly linked to his belief system. He murdered millions of people (many of them theists) because He did not believe in God.

JohnR7 #fundie christianforums.com

The "theory" of evolution has been around for thousands of years. Still after all this time, it changes from week to week. It is more the soup of the day or the flavor of the week. Creation is based on truth and is then consistant. An arguement presented 2000 years ago would be just as valid today.

dad #fundie christianforums.com

How about this, then. The split [between the times when physics did and did not apply to Eden] was not instant, but perhaps never really was completed till during the flood!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This makes it entirely possible, as the merged laws were different. Presto- all arguements hitherto used against a canopy no longer valid!!! I like that. With science, then being neutered, this leaves only objections of a biblical nature to be a possible theory killer here.(?) But that's not going to happen, I am almost positive! So, evos, check, and MATE!!

kimmse #fundie christianforums.com

you sound nice and reasonable...however, building upon "live and let live" to its fullest logical conclusion=Hitler. Let's live and let live....if people want to keep their slaves in South Africa and the underground sex slave trade in America, 'live and let live.'