
Article "Consent" #fundie en.kingswiki.com

Consent is willingness to engage in an activity.

Informed consent

Feminists often argue that sex with a woman is rape unless she not only consents but is able to give informed consent. Arguably, "informed consent" means being informed enough to be a responsible member of the pussy cartel – a whore who knows her price and who won't undercut other women.

Article "American women" #sexist #wingnut en.kingswiki.com

American women typically have little to recommend them in as companions due to their unattractive appearance—including short hair—and their bizarre, unnatural attitudes.[1][2] They make poor wives due to their tendency to treat their husbands with disrespect, cheat on them, deprive them of sex, accuse them of abuse because of minor transgressions in word or deed, and ultimately leave them. As a result, their only remaining utility is for busting a nut.[3]

Most American women cannot compete with Latinas[4], Ukrainians[5][6], or really anyone else at all[7][8] except perhaps women from New Zealand[9].

Causes of Disfunction

Michael Sebastian identified five environmental factors that have ruined American women: Disney princesses, girl power culture, unrealistic expectations, feminist media, and a lack of parenting—all of which derive from cultural Marxism.[10]

Louis Stuart has also identified white knights as key enablers for delusional and dysfunctional American women.[11]

Article "Socio-sexual hierarchy" #sexist en.kingswiki.com

The socio-sexual hierarchy consists of alphas, betas, gammas, and omegas, among others. According to Jammyjaybird, “Women’s hindbrains are constantly scanning for alpha, tolerating beta, and ignoring omega”.[1]



Alphas are socially dominant men. They are higher in the sexual hierarchy than women.[2]

Women will try to tame an alpha by taking the edge off of some of his Alphaness. This is the plot in pretty much every romance novel ever written, but unlike their fictional counterparts, real life women are rarely successful at pulling it off.[3]

Alpha males don’t usually engage in bullying because their value is high enough that they can afford to be magnanimous to lessers. It’s usually those men just below alpha status — the lesser alphas — who love to bully, because they see it as an opportunity to raise or maintain their “pack” status.[4]


Betas are providers. They tend to be post-carousel material.

Women need serious levels of social support and self delusion to make a beta palatable. Some women are direct about their lack of love for their man, however that is usually after the valuation period. Facebook, Instagram and other forms of social media seriously aid women as she can publicly claim her beta is different and is a real man because he cuddles with her and confesses his deepest fears to the her. What he doesn’t know is he is setting up a codependent/compensatory narcissist relationship with the woman. As such, the storm clouds gather.

There are greater and lesser betas. A greater beta is nice to women because he genuinely wants to be nice. A lesser beta is nice to women out of insecurity. He thinks that by being nice and supplicating, he can get success. He reeks of “loser”, and women hate him with a passion.


Gammas are pussybitches who tolerate mistreatment that even betas wouldn't put up with, such as being openly cucked.[5]


Omegas are men who can't get laid. Omegas are repulsive not just sexually but are a reflection of dark days for women. Most modern women has thrown herself at some retreating alpha, offering up her body as a salve to a failing relationship. Deep down, they know they spend way too many resources — emotional, financial and temporal — trying to keep said man around.

This is applicable to omegas because the rank desperation reminds them how unattainable alphas often are for them — omegas sometimes are a reflection of a woman’s position vis-a-vis alphas. Further, they remind women of the lengths they would go for alpha approval by the lengths omegas will go to secure female approval.

Kings Wiki #sexist en.kingswiki.com

Many bloggers have theorized that men and women have different value in the sexual market place relative to age. This concept is commonly referred to as "sexual market value."

Under this theory, a woman's sexual value is highest from age 18 until about 27 years old. As a woman ages into her 30s and 40s, her sexual market begins to rapidly decline as she ages. In contrast, a man's sexual market value is lowest in his teens and twenties, and then gradually increases as he ages. A man's sexual market value does not peak until he hits approximately 36 years old. As men age into their 40s, the decline is much less rapid than women, in contrast to a woman's more rapid decline. The practical affect is that women stand the best chance of mating with a male whose value is high early in life, while men stand the best chance of mating with a woman whose value is high later in life.

Some have suggested that modern society, which pushes women into traditional careers, is not compatible with the reality of the sexual market value.[1]. By the time American women have graduated college and become established in their career, many are too old to bear children absent serious health risks.[2]. Notably, scientific studies have concluded that women are racing against a biological clock, as having children past the age of 35 is a serious risk.[3]. However, men can have children well into their 40s and 50s. [4]. This would seem to suggest that from an evolutionary, cultural, and biological standpoint, women benefit by bearing children earlier in life, while men benefit by bearing children later in life.

Rollo notes:

Now class, please address your attention to the critical 15-16 year span between a woman’s peak SMV and that of men’s. It should come as no surprise that this span is generally the most socially tumultuous between the sexes. The majority of first marriages take place here, single-motherhood takes place here, advanced degrees, career establishments, hitting the Wall, and many other significant life events occur in this life stage. So it is with a profound sense of importance that we understand the SMV context, and the SMP’s influence as prescribed to each sexes experience during this period.

At age 30 men are just beginning to manifest some proto-awareness of their sexual value, while simultaneously women are becoming painfully aware of their marked inability to compete with their sexual competitors indefinitely. This is the point of comparative SMV: when both sexes are situationally at about the same level of valuation (5). The conflict in this is that men are just beginning to realize their potential while women must struggle with the declination of their own.

This is the primary phase during which women must cash in their biological chips in the hope that the best men they can invest their hypergamy with will not be so aware of their innate SMV potential that they would choose a younger woman (22-24) during her peak phase over her. . . .

The confluence between both sexes’ comparative SMV is perhaps the most critical stage of life for feminine hypergamy. She must be able to keep him ignorant of his SMV potential long enough to optimize her hypergamy. In men’s case, his imperative is to awaken to his SMV (or his potential of it) before he has made life-altering decisions based on a lack understanding his potential.

Every man who I’ve ever known to tell me how he wished he’d known of the manosphere or read my writing before getting married or ‘accidentally’ knocking up his BPD girlfriend has his regret rooted in not making this SMV awareness connection. They tended to value women more greatly than their own potential for a later realized SMV peak – or they never realized that peak due to not making this awareness connection.

Article "Christian views on sexual refusal by spouses" #fundie #sexist en.kingswiki.com

Christian views on sexual refusal by spouses have been expressed on various blogs as this has become an epidemic. The Forgiven Wife is a blog that says its purpose "is to encourage Christian wives as they break away from sexual withholding and gate-keeping. After 20 years of restricting the sex life in my marriage, I have learned to dance with desire and enjoy the full intimacy that comes with passionate and joyful sex with my husband."[1] Biblical Gender Roles has a multi-part series on "sexual denial in marriage".[2]

Article "Australian women" #sexist #wingnut en.kingswiki.com

Australian girls are becoming American girls alas with a different accent.

Thanks to SJW's and other faggot types who continually push the gender agenda, these Australian Girls believe that they are so fucking special. These women tend to be heavily masculinised and steeped in feminism, especially the ones who live in the country's two biggest cities, Melbourne and Sydney. Due to the country's climate, their skin tends to age earlier than that of other Western women.

However, any discussion of Australian Girls should also mention the fact that whilst we can judge them as a whole, perhaps we also need to identify the significant multicultural element that makes for a significant difference dependent upon which cultural group you may approach.

Whilst the natural citizens and European heritage females may well fit the description discussed on ROK as sluts, lazy and obnoxious little moles, we must also be aware of some of the outlier groups with a far stronger and more appealing value set. Girls from the sub continent, parts of Asia or the eastern bloc may well be considered a diamond in the rough for a lucky man.

Some women of immigrant background can also be assimilated into the Western cultural Borg, therefore ending up like your average Australian or other Western woman, but with an accent from their country of origin.

Article "The Red Pill" #fundie en.kingswiki.com

The Red pill refers to the acceptance and embrace of truth, even when it is painful. In the manosphere, red pill thinkers reject comforting blue pill maxims such as NAWALT and that being a nice guy will get a man sex or secure a LTR.

The red pill viewpoint includes the villainy of women, the degeneracy of Hollywood and mainstream culture, hypergamy, the need for game, and the destructive nature of feminism—especially White knights.[1][2]

While the red pill is considered a more accurate view of reality, taking it is said to have a price, including possible isolation, loss of enjoyment of popular media, and the pain of self-aware self-censorship.[3]

Article "Love" #fundie en.kingswiki.com

Love is an emotion of fondness and admiration.


Roosh writes, "Philosophers and poets have given many wonderful definitions of love, but to keep it simple, there are only two main components: 1. Mutual attraction 2. Lack of other options".[1] According to Cato's Letter No. 112, fondness for posterity is nothing more than self-love.[2]

Illimitable Men writes, "Women’s love is admiration built upon respect. Women are drawn to men of experience and power. Man’s love is respect built upon desire. Men are drawn to women of innocence and vulnerability. When a woman no longer admires, and a man no longer sacrifices, love is lost. It is a delicate balance, for respect is lost when either fails in their capacity. Man sacrifices, woman admires, that is love."[3] He continues:[4]

The epitome of a woman’s love is infatuation. To define it, this is a lust for your power and an obsession with how your character makes her feel, secondary to your power. It is put crudely: opportunism and emotional self-appeasement alchemised with lust.

Man oft forgets that love does not flow upward in the sacrificial sense. He makes the mistake of thinking that because he can love a woman without lusting for her, that a woman can do the same. She cannot, because her love is not based on sacrifice, it is based on the appreciation of man’s sacrifice met with lust. The more man sacrifices for a woman, the more likely he is to fall in love with his investment. The more a woman sacrifices for man absent of animal lust, the more repulsion she feels for him, interpreting her need for investment as a shortcoming on his part. And so there it is, unspoken in word but detected in sentiment; woman expects man to love her more than she loves him, reinforcing the hierarchy of love. Female sacrifice is predicated on lust and mental entrapment. Male sacrifice is expected, and freely given.

Pragmatic approach

André du Pôle writes:[5]

In a relationship, whoever loves the other most is dominated whereas who loves less has more room to take action. If a man falls in love, he falls in the sense that he gets dumbed down, pedestalizes the girl, who in turn will get bored and look for a more challenging partner. Thus, seduction must be used to stir love in women: they must love us as well as their children. Both as a mistress and a mother, both as sexual and nurturing, a woman exerts love.

In men, love must be exerted in a more distilled and thoughtful form: when we protect our dear ones, toil for them, care about their interests, these efforts are an expression of love as well—although this form of love must be more distant as to allow ampler room for action. In any case, the feminine element must love the most and more directly.

Article "Female love" #sexist en.kingswiki.com

Female love is an emotion that is very temporary and situational. According to kaotic, "Love dies out in an LTR and all you're left with is if they complement your life or not. In the majority of times, a woman is 'annoyed' or 'isn't haaaaapy' or 'it just isn't there anymore'. Men gradually erode their own foundation of game and frame and lose everything."[1]

Netanderthal Man writes:[2]

The reason people accept the existence of unconditional love script is childhood. Your parents loved you with all their hearts and the template for what love is supposed to be was set during those early years. You loved them back in the same unconditional manner. And it was great. But your woman is not your mom. She is a fickle-minded person who’s most likely looking out for a prettier branch to grab right now.
Make no mistake, even when a woman is deeply “in love” with you, her love is not unconditional.

Most likely she’s madly in love with you because you are the man who rocks her world.

Keep being that man if she makes your life better, or discard her if she doesn’t. So, she loves you because you’re the best high-quality man she can get, but this sooner or later be subject to change. If at some point she feels she can get a man perceived as higher quality than you, her love for you will decrease exponentially. This is what we call conditional love—a woman’s love.

Smartphones are reducing women's ability to love even further.[3]

Article "Domestic violence" #fundie en.kingswiki.com

Domestic violence is violence that occurs among family members. When directed by a man toward his wife, domestic violence has been correlated with the couple's having more sex. Possible reasons that have been cited for the positive relationship between violence and marital sexual activity are that some couples are more likely to express themselves physically, whether they are expressing love or anger; or because of the honeymoon stage of the cycle of violence; or because physical violence is being used to induce the weaker partner to have sex.[1] A study by Carol Apt and David Farley Hurlbert confirmed, "the abused women reported a significantly greater frequency of sexual intercourse in their marriages than did the nonabused women."[2] A study by Alred DeMaris found that only a husband's violence, but not a wife's, is associated with greater sexual activity in marriage.[3]

Donovan Sharpe notes:[4]

Women are aroused by violent men whether they admit it or not. It doesn’t matter if that violence is legal (boxing, MMA, etc) or if it’s turned onto them, men who trade in violence, domestic, professionally, or otherwise, moisten the panties of females.

Of course females would never say this out loud. A girl would never tell her friends “My physically abusive boyfriend scares the shit out of me but it turns me on” lest she make herself look bad and be subjected to a battery of questions and furtive glances.

But we here in the ‘sphere know the truth. Anyone who doubts this needn’t look any further than the case of Chris Brown. He’s the butt of plenty of jokes but his career hasn’t suffered. In fact, since he beat the shit out of Rihanna, his celebrity has increased exponentially as most of his fans are females.

Buzzfeed and Huffington Post both posted articles in the wake of what they described as “disturbing reactions” to Brown’s domestic abuse charges. They were just beside themselves with befuddlement as to why women would openly admit to being aroused by Brown’s violence toward women.

It should come as no surprise to anyone here the two reconciled at one point when Rihanna decided to “put the incident behind her.” But their torrid love affair is hardly the tip of the iceberg. Women have always been drawn to violent men. From women who fall for serial killers, to females who date, and even marry men behind bars this phenomenon is nothing new.

Girls can say whatever they want but their biology will always win out in the end.´

According to Bonecrker, "violence against women is the normal, instinctual defence mechanism to prevent insane behavior on the part of women, from threatening survival."[5]

Emmanuel Goldstein advises that a juror in a domestic violence case should vote "not guilty" if a man is facing jail time for slapping his wife after she was caught cheating on him.[6]

Kings Wiki #fundie en.kingswiki.com

Dark triad

The dark triad is a combination of three personality traits: narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy. Put another way, the "Dirty Dozen" dark triad traits include a desire for attention, admiration, favors, and prestige; the manipulation, exploitation, deceit and flattery of others; a lack of remorse, morality concerns and sensitivity, and cynicism. The Dirty Dozen is a condensed version of the Narcissistic Personality Inventory, Mach-IV, and Psychopathy Scale-III.

In practice these traits essentially allude to the following principles which make an alpha male stand out from his beta brethren:

Narcissism - Respecting oneself and putting one's own needs before others' wants. Many beta males do not respect their own needs and go out of their way to try to please others or "be liked".

Machiavellianism - Having street wisdom or good social intuition and being able to make good judgment calls; many betas are naive and take what people say at face value; such as betas who don't read between the lines when girls say they want a "nice guy".

Psychopathy - Not caring about what "society" thinks of you but what you think of yourself, similar to the above, many betas let society or parents decide their own values out of fear of disapproval.

Several mainstream academic, peer-reviewed studies have confirmed that women are sexually attracted to men who exhibit dark triad traits, likely because of women's hypergamous nature.[Sources]

Vinita Mehta notes:[Source]

What might explain this result? Carter and his colleagues offer two possible explanations. First, sexual selection might be at work. This would mean that women are responding to signals of “male quality” when it comes to reproduction. And with respect to short-term mating, women may be drawn to ‘bad boys’, who demonstrate confidence, stubbornness, and risk-taking tendencies. Second, sexual conflict may be at play. The investigators state that “Women may be responding to DT men’s ability to ‘sell themselves’; a useful tactic in a co-evolutionary ‘arms race’ in which men convince women to pursue the former’s preferred sexual strategy.” They note that like a “used-car dealer,” Dark Triad men may be effective charmers and manipulators, furthering their success at short-term mating. The authors are also careful to note that though women rated the DT character as comparatively more attractive, it does not necessarily mean that they would have sex with them.

Kings Wiki #fundie en.kingswiki.com

Selfishness is an alpha trait. Victor Pride writes:[1]

It takes a selfish man to have a woman or women completely devoted to his happiness.

Alpha simply means ‘to be selfish’. And women love selfish men.

An Alpha is completely unafraid of being selfish.

Alpha literally means ‘first’. It’s a selfish ‘me-first’ attitude.

What does an alpha Lion do? He sits around while the women go out and hunt for him. When they bring the food back what does the alpha Lion do? He eats first. Pretty selfish, huh?

The Lion doesn’t tolerate others eating before him. The best food is his. The alpha Lion doesn’t let other, lesser males mate with his pride. The Lion doesn’t act in a fair and noble manner. The Alpha Lion doesn’t raise other Lion’s children. He’s selfish. And because he is selfish, the Lionesses do everything to make him happy.

Now, I know a lot of guys will say “man, that’s a real douchebag thing to say!” to which I only have one reply: I hope you enjoy jacking off.

Political incorrectness does not make something false.

Women line up for the selfish men. Women run as fast as they can from the guys who aren’t selfish.

Charles Sledge writes, "To be the alpha essentially means to be a man fully and completely. To be dominant, unapologetic, and strong. To never apologize for your masculinity and to always put yourself first. . . . . Put yourself first and the women will come."[2]

Article "Counterintuitive tendencies of women" #fundie en.kingswiki.com

Counterintuitive tendencies of women are those that work contrary to what beta conditioning teaches men. For example, "Be less accepting of women, and women will be more accepting of you" is contrary to the idea that accepting women for who they are (as opposed to qualifying them) will help one get laid.[1]


Buying women stuff, especially before sex has occurred, makes them more likely to make a guy wait for sex.[2]

When a woman says "That's so sweet" it means "I have no respect for you." When a woman says "You're an asshole" it means "I don’t know why I’m attracted to you."


1. CH (23 May 2016). "The Patented CH “How normal are you?” Opener". Chateau Heartiste.
2. CH (9 November 2011). "The Unpalatable Truth About Giving Women Gifts". Chateau Heartiste.

Article "Dating advice from women" #fundie en.kingswiki.com

Dating advice from women is generally considered to be low-quality. RichieP writes, "Girls aren't incentivized to give honest dating advice. Their goal is to screen for guys who actually have X,Y,Z desirable qualities, not tell everyone how to mimic X,Y,Z desirable qualities. It's like an interviewer telling you exactly what he looks for in an interview. Won't happen, because it makes it easier to fake."[1] Winston Smith writes that "the internet abounds with female dating coaches and advice columnists who presume to tell men how to attract and please women. None of them have ever done this themselves, and it’s no coincidence that their advice is almost universally worthless."[2]

Article "Race realism" #racist en.kingswiki.com

Race realism refers to the practice of acknowledging popularly uncomfortable or undiscussable truths about racial differences. They usually differ from racial supremacists in that they acknowledge both the performance advantages and disadvantages of different races.

Return of Kings writer Beau Albrecht notes:

Nobody has a problem acknowledging differences in breeds of dogs. Noticing differences between genetically-related human populations is taboo. Leftists generally don't have a problem with the theory of evolution, but they seem to believe that it doesn’t apply to the various branches of humankind. They go berserk if this taboo is challenged.[1]

Article "Trading up for a younger wife #fundie en.kingswiki.com

Trading up for a younger wife is a practice that men are sometimes accused of using divorce to accomplish. In reality, it more often happens when divorce is forced upon a man by a wife who imagines she is getting her ultimate revenge by dumping him (as well as perhaps "trading up" to a better husband by branch swinging). In many instances, his sexual market value will have increased since his first marriage, and he may also have learned from the mistakes he made in choosing the woman who divorced him. Therefore, he may be in a position to "trade up" to a significantly better new wife, even though he would have preferred to keep the original family together.

Divorced men in their 40s, 50s, or 60s will often resort to a foreign woman as their most feasible opportunity to marrying a girl in her early 20s, and find that she also has a much better personality than a typical American woman.

Heartiste notes one reason why men who married a woman in her 20s rarely feel the need to trade up for a younger wife:[1]

Now, naturally, if you marry an under-30 woman, the day will come, ostensibly, that she’ll be your over-30 wife. But you’ll have something that chagrined men who married women on the cusp of sagging cups don’t have: Years of very fond, very monopolized, very supple memories. If you maritally snag a 21-year-old minx and occupy her sugar walls for the next ten years, the spermatomically bonded cervix-splattered glue of all those splendid tumbles of passion accrue into something larger than the sum of your individuated speckles. All that young woman heat, heat which will never be replicated with the older version of your wife, captures into limbic amber a network of interlocked, superconductive emotions with the power to sustain lovingrapture a good ways past the poignantly brief era of peak wife ripeness, onward into the elevator muzak era of bland marital inertia (50 years, plus or minus).

Raymond Kertezc #fundie en.kingswiki.com

I think sociopaths will always exist, and may even increase in number, and in ability what they want, because of the feminist/manginist revolution. Situations are gonna arise where wives refuse to submit to their husbands, and at that point it's up to the husband to decide whether he's going to hold frame and keep trying to get her to submit, or give up and retreat from the battlefield, and surrender the fight for dominance. (Note that I don't say, surrender HIS fight, but rather, surrender THE fight. Because the outcome of surrendering isn't that he's going to be an equal partner. When there's war, one party to the conflict or another is going to be the occupying power. Enemy troops are going to be marching into someone's capital, and it's only a question of whose capital.)

The husband is not like a boyfriend, who can just walk out and find another woman. His own conscience won't let him do that, if he has a conscience. But the sociopath doesn't care about rules or anything else but his own desires. He will put himself first.

When the husband looks around and sees that he has no moral support in his struggle, but rather than people blame him for the conflict and advise him to submit to her wishes, he will tend to capitulate, just because it's the easiest path. But the narcissist will put himself first because he believes he's entitled to it. Meanwhile, the Machiavellian will realize that putting himself first is the way to win the fight, because he knows how her mind works.

The beta, even though he may have some Red Pill awareness, is just gonna have trouble keeping frame when the world is against him. He will succumb to the temptation to hand in his balls when she tries to break his spirit. Maybe it was a shit test, but there will come a point where he gets weary and doesn't care whether he fails it or not. He'll just want rest.

There won't be anyone to tell his wife, "Maybe you're carrying these shit tests a little TOO far" or to tell the husband, "Stand firm and win." And to the extent there is someone telling him to stand firm, it's probably going to be someone who doesn't matter, like some misogynist on the Internet (as opposed to, say, a member of the family whom the wife complains to about her husband's dominating ways).

After the husband surrenders, his time is limited, but he doesn't care. When she starts banging another dude, that will be his call to rest and relaxation. He can receive the restraining order and divorce papers, which tell him that his duties toward her are over, except for the financial duties of course, but that's just a matter of writing a check rather than listening to her blaming him for everything. Society will continue to blame him, but he can simply refuse to fight their blaming. He can passively allow his spirit to be crushed rather than insisting he's right.

The dude she'll be banging will be a dark triad guy who won't stand for her shit. He'll slap her around and insist on his way, or else he's walking. His dread game will be effective, and they will live happily ever after. The beta schlub, on the other hand, will just put in his time until he dies, and then perhaps be pleased when he's on his deathbed that it's finally over.

The handing over of the balls is a momentous event, like the cop's handing over his gun to the criminals who have him cornered, or the general's handing over his sword to the victorious conqueror, or the speaker of the house handing over his gavel to the other party's leader. The surrendering husband will always remember it, even though it happens with little fanfare, taking place solely in his mind. He will always recall what finally prompted it, after many battles in the struggle for dominance. He'll remember that last fight when he finally said to himself, "I can't do this anymore."

And yet, paradoxically enough, when you can ask your wife and her new guy, "Would you like Smiley Sauce with that?" from the drive-thru window, and tell the Colonel down the street "you know what? I don't care", it's actually when you regain your balls

Kings Wiki #crackpot #magick #psycho en.kingswiki.com

Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) is a subset of rhetorical communication specifically designed to target the subconscious. Properly employed, NLP allows you to bypass critical thought to implant ideas, emotions, or lines of thought into the subject.


Common NLP Phrases and Patterns

Some common phrases and patterns of communication associated with NLP follow:

"_______, because ______".

This exploits the subconscious tendency to trust anything which has a reason to be true. The statement following "because" can be directly related to the first statement, or it can not - it makes surprisingly little difference.

"_______, which means ______".

This is basically "because" in reverse.

"______, and _______, and _____".

The human brain can only store between 5 and 9 unique thoughts at a time. Connecting thoughts together bombards the critical factor of the mind and allows some of those thoughts to enter the subconscious without criticism.

"You don't have to _______ right now".

This phrasing turns a command into a suggestion, which is less heavily scrutinized. The phrase "right now" directs the subconscious to consider doing that action immediately, but also grants permission to wait for a time. It's a common sales tactic - "You don't have to decide to buy this car right now."

"Now, you can choose whether or not to _______."

This is a sort of false choice - you are implanting the command without providing a real alternative. The mind is bombarded with the course of action, and the fact that it is not a direct command allows the subject to internalize it without heavy scrutiny.

"Many experts agree that ______."

This is an appeal to unspecified authority that causes the subject to weight the statement more heavily than they naturally would. We see it all the time in media.

"Albert Einstein/A friend of mine/My father once said something like ______".

This shifts the communication from the actual communicator (you) to a non-present entity (Albert Einstein). While you can be questioned and grilled, the non-present entity cannot, so the statement is often received more readily.

"I can see you doing ____."

This prompts the subject to do some imagining, whether or not they realize it. Because an imagined scenario is somewhat real to the imaginer, this influences them toward that action in the near future (until the image is forgotten).

"I cannot imagine that you would ______."

The negatives are often ignored in rhetorical communication. While you say you cannot, they are prompted to imagine that they can.

"[bad option], or [good option]"

We tend to heavily weight the last option presented in a list. By placing the good option last and playing up the badness of the bad option(s), you increase the odds that the subject will pick the option you want.

Article "Baking Soda" #conspiracy en.kingswiki.com

Baking soda, or Sodium bicarbonate, is a substance which finds multiple applications among Manosphere readers. Roosh V even claims that it changed his life[1]. RVF member Moma "feels like MacGyver"[2] using it because of the many possible applications.


While baking soda is capable of much more, these are the most popular usages.


Applying a tiny amount of it into the wet armpits after showering will prevent them from smelling for up to 24 hours.[3]


Instead of using traditional shampoo it is recommended to apply baking soda on the scalp once a week to help clean out any major impurities and grease chunks.[4] The other six days one should only use water.


Baking soda can be used as a simple toothpaste, but can also (according to the major toothpaste companies, which have a financial vested in interest in the matter) can supposedly break down the enamel.[5] Baking soda can also be messy and gritty compared to packaged toothpaste.[6]

Nice Guy™ In A Nutshell

Kings Wiki #sexist en.kingswiki.com

Game is the sum tools meant to increase a man's sexual worth,[1] or any technique a man uses to better attract women. It is one of the preeminent topics discussed at Roosh V Forum and Return of Kings. Feminists have branded game as "manipulative", while the men who practice game uphold it as a form of self-improvement and a path to better sexual success. "Gaming" a girl refers to actively using game techniques to attract her. Roissy describes game as "The practice of challenging women."

How Game spreads and evolves

Game spreads and evolves as men share their techniques, experiences, and observations of women with each other. Other men then test and report back on this input, creating a continually evolving consensus. This process accelerated with the Internet, which allows men to share instantly.


Game denial is a rejection of the techniques with which men are reporting success, in favor of techniques that men are reporting as failures.

Since Game deniers have little if any real support for their positions, they almost always resort to unfounded attacks on the consensus group.

Article "Horse" #fundie en.kingswiki.com

A horse is a creature much-loved by women because of the feeling they get of having a large, powerful animal between their legs. Manosphere writers, however, have cautioned that a fascination or obsession with horses is often a danger sign of a mentally unbalanced woman.

Switch comments that if a woman says, "You're not the biggest I've ever had" a suitable reply is that "in most cultures it's considered weird to fuck horses".[1]

Article "Objectification" #fundie en.kingswiki.com

Objectification is when someone treats another person like an object. Drexel Scott notes, "Generally, we love and appreciate our tools for helping us to build better things in our grand designs in life. A woman’s role in a man’s life is to provide her sexuality, femininity and childcare duties so that the man’s work in the external world will be supplemented and it brings them both to new heights of happiness and satisfaction."[1] CamelJockey notes, "The only women that against the objectification of women are unattractive women that no one wants to objectify to begin with. Pretty girls love being objectified. The ugly ones are mad they never get any attention. It's not that they're against the objectification, they are jealous of the objectification they're not getting." TrulySovereign notes, "Or has been stated here many times before, they do not like being objectified by men that are below the SMV male they are trying to attract."

Roosh V #sexist en.kingswiki.com

The busted dudes test is, according to Roosh, the only quality one needs to look for when deciding where to stay while abroad: "Is it common to see a busted guy with a pretty girl on his arm?" If within my first day in a country one sees pretty girls with busted dudes who aren't decked out in Hugo Boss or gold jewelry, one knows the sexual market is skewed in the man’s favor.[1] According to Roosh, the busted test "Includes everything. A guy with an okay face but 30 pounds overweight wearing jean shorts and white tube socks would be classified as busted."[2]

Kings Wiki #sexist en.kingswiki.com

Game denialism is the act of denying that game works. Feminists, white knights, incels and some White Nationalists are examples of game denialists.


A common game denialist argument is that the only reason men who apply game techniques are able to get laid, is that they are doing a lot of approaches and therefore are succeeding at a numbers game.[1]

Article "Coquetry" #fundie en.kingswiki.com

Coquetry, the default method of seduction for women, involves going from hot to cold, interest to feigned disinterest, the promise of fantastic sex and then a complete disconnected indifference. The trick to feminine coquetry is incrementally rewarding her target(s) with marginal intimacy while simultaneously resisting him enough to keep him in the limbo necessary for her to assess the best options for breeding and provisioning from a pool of potential suitors. Coquetry is a woman’s socially approved methodological equal of Plate Theory for men. And just like Plate Spinning, it requires a woman to keep a covert stable of potential suitors in rotation. They can’t implicitly know about each other. If they did, she runs the risk of them losing interest in frustration.

Article "Narcissism" #fundie en.kingswiki.com

Narcissism is the pursuit of gratification from vanity or egotistic admiration of one's own attributes. According to Illimitable Men, "All people with narcissistic personality disorder are narcissists, but not all narcissists have a personality disorder. A healthy dose of narcissism is a performance-enhancer, for it improves one’s effectiveness by amplifying their self-love, confidence and boldness."[1] According to Bonecrker:[2]

women do not ever want to hear anything about you (sad but true). Women always find this offensive and think the guy is narcissistic (a projection of what they actually are) even if his talking about himself is brief and in context to the situation. On the other hand, if you spend all your time asking leading questions about her and then fleshing out the details of her life, only pausing to add various compliments to her, she will think you are the most brilliant conversationalist in the world, even though you have basically said nothing. You can do this for hours and hours and she’ll never even think to ask anything about you. It’s downright bizarre and disturbing, once you’ve experienced it. But not as bizarre and disturbing as the effect it has on how they see you.

Illimitable Men notes that "whilst narcissism is a suit well-worn on a man, it is one ill-fitting for a woman. Whilst women are inherently drawn to male narcissism as overconfidence is the linchpin of good masculine game, female narcissism is unattractive to the majority of men. In women it manifests as bratty, spoiled 'hot girl behaviour' and men, especially top-tier men, don’t want to feel like they’re babysitting an overgrown child."[3]

It also notes, "Being grandiose never hindered a man’s chances of getting laid."[4]

The two types of narcissism are infantile and grandiose.

Heartiste advises, "Be narcissistic. There is no greater divergence than that between a woman’s stated disapproval of male narcissism and the rapidity with which she jumps into bed with a male narcissist."[5]

Article "Fifty Shades of Grey" #fundie en.kingswiki.com

Fifty Shades of Grey is a a 2011 erotic romance novel by British author E. L. James that was adapted into a 2015 film version. It is the first installment in the Fifty Shades trilogy that traces the deepening relationship between a college graduate, Anastasia Steele, and a young business magnate, Christian Grey. According to David Garrett Brown, "feminists are fucking scared. At least 100 million people, the vast, vast, vast majority of them women, voted with their feet, eyes, purses, and credit cards and purchased the woefully-written book, which is nonetheless simultaneously a masterpiece of anti-feminism. Now comes the film, which will only further titillate millions of middle-aged and young women, and underscore the female desire for male assertiveness and their own submission to such masculine control."[1]

Of note is that the book was originally written as a Twilight fanfiction.


Article "Filipinas" #racist en.kingswiki.com

Filipinas, Philippines women, are arguably some of the best wives, mothers, and lovers in the world.[1] Henry Makow, Matt Forney, and many other anti-feminist authors have sung their praises. Filipinas' willingness to have no strings attached sex with visiting American men in hopes of having a half-white baby is legendary.[2] Filipinas are very open to dating and marrying older men, they tend to be conservative in terms of sexual values, they value family and motherhood, and they are proficient in English.[3] Although cultural changes are afoot as Filipinas develop a fascination with smartphones and enjoy waistline-expanding American fast food,[4] the Philippines is not yet a poosy paradise lost.[5]

Article "Feminism" #fundie en.kingswiki.com

Feminism is a series of movements that address supposed issues of discrimination or inequality affecting women. According to Heartiste, "The goal of feminism is to remove all constraints on female sexuality while maximally restricting male sexuality."[1]

Modern feminism typically takes the form of far-left identity politics, focusing on frivolous issues while ignoring areas in which men are likewise affected; many may also favor forms of affirmative action (reverse discrimination) designed to achieve equality of outcome.

Feminists may adhere to the view that gender is only a social construct which has been used to oppress women, and may object to any notion of differences or inequality between men and women (such as differences in physical strength) even when the claims are backed up by scientific evidence.

Likewise many modern feminists may be comfortable with traditional notions of chivalry when it benefits them. Such as women being exempt from the selective service despite now being allowed to serve in combat, or divorce and child support laws which favor women (having their roots in more "chivalrous" times in which men were considered the primary provider, and therefore the primary financially responsible individual).

According to Roosh, "Because of feminist attempts to brainwash the masses, you may think that sluts only exist in the Western world, that only they are 'empowered' enough to fuck around. My dick is laughing at that premise. You don’t need feminism to have a healthy sex life with a lot of women."[2]

Article "Sexual Property" #fundie en.kingswiki.com

Sexual property, under patriarchy, is what wives are recognized as. Adultery is a crime against sexual property.[1] In the Jewish faith, women were seen as man's sexual property, but equal in comradeship, homemaking and parenthood (e.g. Fiddler on the Roof).

Carole Pateman notes, "The patriarchal construction of sexuality, what it means to be a sexual being, is to possess and to have access to sexual property. . . . In modern patriarchy, masculinity provides the paradigm for sexuality; and sexuality means sexual mastery. The 'individual is a man who makes use of a woman's body (sexual property); the converse is much harder to imagine."[2]

Stanford M. Lyman writes, "A nearly unbounded wrath is sometimes aroused by the appropriation of another's sexual property. Treated in the classic sociological essay by Kingsley Davis as jealousy, this emotional state and its attendant response are also understandable as an angry reaction to lost self-esteem. . . . Of all the types of properties over which dominion is sought, sexual property seems to evoke the most intimate connection to self-worth. The bonds of love or affection express not only one's own feelings toward the other, but also an implicit reciprocal image of these feelings toward oneself. . . . Sexual property above all others is likely to engender vanity and pride in, and satisfy a fundamental need of, its possessor. Accordingly, an attack on one's sexual property usually cuts a deep wound in one's self-esteem. . . . A jealous regard for one's own dearly purchased prize in the marketplace of love may arouse the most intense fears, deepest insecurities, and ultimately his most ferocious wrath as a threatened possessor fights to preserve his pride, passion, and property. And precisely because jealousy arises out of the most significant elements of self-esteem, its fury might know no bounds."[3]

Thus, it should come as no surprise that when wives refuse to fulfill their proper roles as sexual property, their husbands sometimes get angry, as she is essentially appropriating herself.

Article "Sweden" #racist en.kingswiki.com

The Kingdom of Sweden (Swedish: Konungariket Sverige) is a country in Northern Europe, bordered by Norway and Finland. It is known for its far-left policies and extreme liberalism.

Recently, Earth Hour had to be cancelled in the country in order to protect women from sexual assault by the Rapefugees.

Sweden's official Twitter account

In 2011, the government of Sweden started allowing its citizens to run its Twitter account. The idea was that each week, a normal Swede would get to use the account to illustrate daily life in Sweden.

In late August 2016, the account was given to a woman named Elin, who was harshly criticised by members of the Alt-Right for general harlotry. Many comments pointing out the rapefugee situation were made. On 6 September 2016, the account was handed over to a transgender man calling herself "Gavin". She instantly began to receive the same reaction as her predecessor.

Sweden as Islamic caliphate

Due to the high amounts of rapefugees (Islamic economic migrants) that the country takes in, many believe that Sweden will become the first Islamic caliphate in Europe since the days of the Ottoman Empire. Recently, a prosecutor declared that the flag of ISIS did not constitute hate speech[1], practically legalising it.