
Alfred Lambremont Webre #conspiracy goldenageofgaia.com

[Mr Carnicom has expressed that these views are not his own, and review of the cited report has shown this to be largely true. Any sentence that does not directly quote Mr Carnicom should not be considered to be his belief, including those that reference him without a direct quote. Seriously, only the quotes and the list of seven items seem accurate. Which leaves this as a complete fucking baffling bit of bullshit someone else wrote and ascribed a number of their own beliefs to him. The author has been updated to the individual the article is supposedly written by.]

Clifford E. Carnicom, an acknowledged expert since 1999 on the global covert spraying of aerosols into the atmosphere operation (also known as “Chemtrails”), stated in an exclusive ExopoliticsTV interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre released March 1, 2011 that the covert aerosol-spraying operation had transformed the Earth’s atmosphere into a plasma for carrying out weaponized applications such as bio-warfare (including Morgellons disease), electromagnetic operations such as HAARP, weather warfare, tectonic (earthquake) warfare, mind control, advanced surveillance technology, and detection of advanced propulsion technology including UFOs.

The over-all purpose of this covert operation of spraying aerosols into the atmosphere and converting it into plasma was to achieve “absolute control” over the global human population. This total control is accomplished using the combined effects of seven weapons-like applications that use the plasma-like atmosphere with weaponized effects on the environment, the biosphere and the human population.

Although Mr. Carnicom prefers to use the term “aerosols”, the global covert operation spraying of aerosols into the atmosphere is also known as the “chemtrails program”.

In a Jan. 10, 2011 assessment of the current impact of the global aerosol-spraying program, Mr. Carnicom stated, “The vitality and viability of human existence and life on this planet, as it has been known to exist, is under threat.”


In the ExopoliticsTV interview, Mr. Carnicom details seven weapons applications of the covert global sprayed aerosols program that are being used to carry out over-all the goal of “absolute control” over the global human population.

These seven weapons applications of the sprayed aerosols are:

1. Biological operations, including the use of apparent bio-warfare, such as Morgellons disease, in the sprayed aerosols, constituting war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide under the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court and the Geneva conventions.

2. Military Operations, such as advanced radar applications, anti-missile Star Wars applications.

3. Electromagnetic Operations, including HAARP directed energy scalar weapons and mind control weapons applications, constituting war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide under the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court and the Geneva conventions.

4. Environmental modification and weather wars. Mr. Carnicom stated he has concluded that the covert aerosol-spraying program has transformed the atmosphere of the planet into plasma capable of sustaining weaponized applications since its acceleration in 1999. This constitutes a violation of the 1978 Treaty against Modification of the Environment.

5. Geophysical operations, including tectonic (earthquake) warfare, constituting war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide under the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court and the Geneva conventions.

6. An advanced surveillance system capable of covert surveillance of the entire human population.

7. Detection of exotic propulsion systems, including detection of off-planet or interdimensional UFOs.


We must have accurate information. With our current exposure on complete overload, we simply cannot wait more months or years. In fact, what do we think we are waiting for? In many parts of the US, the Chemtrails assault appears to have intensified over the past two months. Just look at the artificially induced crazed weather around the US just during this past month: The temperature in Texas was 0-degrees yesterday; and whatever “white stuff” is falling from the skies throughout New England is not snow that looks anything like what used to fall 15 years ago. This white material smells full of chemicals. The Chemtrails-Weather Modification [read: destruction] situation is now far past critical.

“How many people have had their air tested for these metals by a reputable independent lab [with no government ties]? How many of the millions of people who love to garden have tested their soils? When the robins return in the Spring, will they be pulling heavily-pesticided and Manganese-infested worms (part of the web of life and our food chain) out of the ground to eat? What other mass bird deaths might follow? [Note: a well-known scientist told me that the recent mass bird and fish deaths were caused by man-made scalar activity. Their deaths were not natural.] It is now essential that, over a short period of time, we make a collective effort to get samples tested around the country. Resources can be pooled. Other things that could also be included for analysis are biological materials (molds, fungi, viruses), Phosgene, EDB [Ethylene dibromide], polymers, and possibly radioactive uranium, thorium, and strontium. We can then have a clear picture of the extent of the damage to which we are subjected. For our SAFETY, this is now of the utmost urgency.

“Standard blood tests do not show up heavy metals poisoning. However, a simple hair analysis can detect heavy metals, so people have a base from which to determine their own risks. This hair analysis can even be done for your pets. Many toxic chemicals and heavy metals have overlapping and similar poisoning symptoms. So, it is always important to consult your primary health care provider. The only problem there is that most physicians have little-to-no-training in environmental medicine, or the effects of these omnipresent poisons, or how to treat them. This is now in abundant evidence with the nine-and-and-a-half-month mega-crisis situation in the Gulf of Mexico. There are not enough doctors who really know how to deal with this epic catastrophe caused by the mixture of lethal Corexit dispersants, crude oil, and Chemtrails. Doctors Without Borders and the American Academy of Environmental Medicine both have been silent. This is reprehensible. Around the Gulf, hospitals are overwhelmed. This is an unprecedented brew of poisons. However, depending upon the extent of medical issues, it is possible to detox from heavy metal poisoning –provided this toxic aerosol assault stops.

“Since the new millennium began, there has been a concerted and sped-up effort to destroy decades of environmental laws that had been enacted to protect us. We now have corporations running our country into the ground with the help of “public” officials whose salaries come from our taxes. This is done with the cooperation of news media that hardly do either any investigative journalism or truthful reporting. We now need this so urgently; and it is essential to our very continued existence. Mainstream news is distracting “spin” but certainly not real news. This is especially relevant, as it concerns our less well-educated younger generations who do not have accurate news input, or often the ability to analyze issues, and/or think critically. They are constantly on their cell phones and oblivious to much else. Here, too, there is abundant documentation and scientific reports of the brain damage done by daily cell phone use. Brain cancer, once rare, is now on a steep rise.


“In addition, high-tech “Star Trek” type instruments surround our every move. From cell phones and their towers, Wi-Fi, and HAARP. Added to this horrific brew also are illegal and criminal military uses of Depleted Uranium on civilians, and the Gulf of Mexico’s nine-month attack under the deadly Corexit dispersant (now carried on the winds around our planet) mixed with Chemtrails, and other carcinogenic chemicals. Our immune systems and our lives are under chronic siege! Anyone living anywhere near the Gulf of Mexico is already at life risk. The natural functioning of our immune systems has been severely compromised and damaged. Despite national and international laws that supposedly forbid the use of these assorted dangers on humans, nothing has been done to stop any of this. We continue to be uninformed experimental laboratory animals for secret agendas by imbedded “Trojan horses” that are causing all of us extreme, but often invisible, harm every day. In humankind’s entire history, there has never been such an environmental toxic assault on us. As I have written numerous times: Invisible technology, or the chemicals we don’t see (but are breathing and eating), doesn’t mean we are safe. None of this is sustainable for life on our planet. Certainly not for our children and grandchildren.

“It is possible not to shop at any company that harms us. Why should we support them with our hard-earned money (and its increasing shrinking power)? Do we want to continue to get sucked into a completely broken system that does not value anything but destruction and war? Just look at all the social services that are being continuously cut to the bone, while the behemoth military budget is the largest in our history. All our social services are being gutted. Global Research reported on January 18 that “Obama may cut Social Security.”(16) Do we get it? Everything else, that once made ours a shinning example to other countries, is being deliberately destroyed by those in charge. These economic and environmental crises are no accident. They are planned.

Steve Beckow #conspiracy goldenageofgaia.com

The massacre in Paris is reported to have occurred at 21:16 CET.

By 23:06 Wikipedia had an article up that is extremely detailed, containing statements from a former French President and a complete outline of events at several locations, matters that the press I read had not by then reported.

It piqued my interest that an article would be up on Wikipedia within two hours of the event happening. So I went there.

I began reading the current version of the article and then decided to read a much earlier version. I chose the 23:18 version for this article, not overly consciously. At that point I did not understand very much.

By the time I got myself organized here, I saw that the earliest versions of the article had just been erased from Wikipedia’s change record. Everything before 00:00 was erased from the record, preventing access to the originals of the story. That aroused my suspicions immediately.

(That list of deleted versions was gotten again by going to the user page of the person who wrote the article, known only by his number The list appeared there and the articles proved linkable and recoverable. You can reach them, until they’re taken down, by clicking on the list given in Footnote 1.)

The 23:18 version includes discussions of the hostage-taking, complete with an approximate number of hostages involved (60), as well as detailed accounts of events at several locations. It even has a detailed bibliography. How could your average Wikipedia author have done this incredible piece of work and in less than two hours? Obviously this was not your average Wikipedia author.

You’re invited to read this early version of the Wikipedia article, which appears at the bottom of this post.

Revisions were subsequently made to the article. But the storyline it established, which is undoubtedly why it was written in the first place and gotten into Wikipedia so quickly, did not change through any of those revisions. It’s the storyline that the article is designed to make stick in the public mind.

As yet (00:41 PM CET), the newspapers are reporting simply bullet lists of events which they’re aware of only very sketchily. But Wikipedia has extensive coverage. within a couple of hours. That just did not sit with me and I continued to investigate.

In some cases, reports on the cabal’s handiwork have been posted and time-stamped before the event. That has not happened in this case. The black-ops people seem to have gotten better at their handiwork. Nonetheless such full reportage only roughly two hours after the event, for me, still pointed to collusion.

Or did they?

On closer inspection, after this article was initially written, I’ve found a comment so implausible that it closed the case for me.

In the 23:06 version is this comment:

“In a televised statement at approximately 23:58, French President François Hollande declared a state of emergency and closing of borders for the whole of France.[7]”

How could the writer report what President Hollande did at 23:58, as if it’s a fait accompli, when he’s writing at 23:06, before it happened? Does this not remind us of the BBC reporting the fall of Building 7 with Building 7 still in the background?

The fact that it was dropped from the change record also makes the article difficult for the researcher to retrieve. Was it dropped to cover their tracks?

I find this circumstance to be so implausible as to establish the lack of credibility of the Wikipedia article.

I furthermore cite this as evidence that the event was pre-planned.

The reason for mounting such an article to places like Wikipedia (I assume there are other similarly-located articles as well) is to “fix” their version of events, on influential and accepted Internet information sources. The public trusts Wikipedia. Who would ever think it was being used to sell a black operation?

Some people may remember the New York pedestrian on 9/11 who, immediately after the “planes” crashed, was interviewed and said that the bombings were probably the work of terrorists. He was later shown to be a plant. And the television commentators who right away attributed 9/11 to Osama bin Laden? Also plants.

It was in fact their own government who engineered 9/11. But these accomplices were used to establish the storyline of terrorism in the public’s mind from the outset. Once a theme has set in the public’s mind, officials can use it to label an investigator a conspiracy theorist.

Here are indications that the intent of the Wikipedia article was to establish the Muslim/Arab storyline.

The Wikipedia article states:

“One report stated that there might be six gunmen.[10] French radio network Europe 1 reported that as many as three suicide bombers were also involved in the attacks.”

Suicide bombers are usually associated in the public mind with Muslims and Arabs.

“Someone who escaped the attack told a journalist that the attackers mentioned Syria and that there were five or six attackers.”

How did this writer gain access in less than two hours to “someone who escaped the attack” while listening to radio broadcasts, reading as many articles as he says he did, and writing such a detailed piece? This statement is for me not probable.

The work that this comment does is that it introduces a second element to the storyline: association with Syria. Watch for the Illuminati to say that ISIS has established itself in France and that these events were their calling card.

The storyline is further developed later:

“French President François Hollande issued a statement, saying the French people must remain strong in the face of terrorism.”

We’ve now had it “established” that the attack was by terrorists, probably from Syria, including some suicide bombers.

One element that was dropped from the 23:18 version, that is present in the 23:06 version, (2) is the statement: “The terrorists shouted ‘Allahu Akbar’ and ‘This is for Syria.'” I’m not sure why they dropped this item. Surely it was a clincher, but they did.

The fact that this comment was dropped from accounts after 00:00 may explain why the earlier accounts were deleted from the change record. I think they feared being seen as stage-directing if the picture of terrorists shouting “Allahu Akbar” was left in. Being dropped from the change record, the statement was henceforth not available to the researcher. Or so it may have been thought.

Conclusion from all of this? Obviously. It was the Muslims and Arabs.

Now what I consider to be the fear-mongering began:

“Former French Prime Minister François Fillon also issued a statement, saying that ‘war is among us.’[22] Authorities urged residents throughout Paris to remain indoors for their own safety.[7]

War is among us! Is that not designed to raise fear in people? If that doesn’t get them going, the hostage-taking will.

“In response to the attacks, France’s borders were closed, and the national military was called in.[23] The country was also placed in a state of emergency.”

The country is under a state of emergency. Civil rights have been curtailed. Many people have lost their lives. A great deal of fear has probably been generated both by the attacks and the reportage. And we have an ongoing hostage drama to keep the public’s attention rivetted.

I can’t think of circumstances that would be more compelling.

Will this false-flag operation work? Will it fool the French people?

Many people have lost their lives in this latest act of state terrorism. Others are being held hostage. We owe it to all of them to expose the true nature of this false-flag attack on the French people and the world. And then to remain calm.

I urge the people of France to enact a campaign, whose motto is simply: “Stop.” And then explore all the possibilities that simply getting people to stop may bring.

Stop acts of state terrorism. Stop attacks on people’s civil rights. Stop demeaning Muslims and Arabs by falsely representing them as the culprits when it’s our own governments who are behind these acts of violence and massacre.

I request that others take another piece of this story and continue the unravelling until the whole black operation is laid bare.

I don’t think an operation like this could have been staged without leaving plenty of clues about its fabrication.