
Hans Fiene #fundie thefederalist.com

[Part of an editorial discussing the hastily-canceled funeral of Vanessa Collier]

If you are a person of faith who would like to have a religious funeral in a church, it’s important to consider whether the faith in your heart is compatible with the faith taught within the walls of the building you’ve selected. No matter how beautiful you may find a sanctuary, the people who built that sanctuary and regularly gather in it probably find their doctrine even more beautiful and won’t want to see it sullied by a funeral that insists God has spoken words they believe He didn’t.

So if you want to have a funeral that says God approved of your gay marriage in a church that says God rejects gay marriage, you should probably keep looking for another venue. It shouldn’t be too hard to find one that will prevent your nephew Kaden from threatening to glitter-bomb a Romans 1-confessing pastor 20 minutes into your wake. After all, plenty of churches would love to celebrate the aspects of your life that orthodox Christianity won’t. In fact, this is pretty much the only reason Unitarians exist. So don’t hesitate to give them a call and set things up if that’s the group of believers who believe most similarly to you.

Hans Fiene #fundie thefederalist.com

[Bolding mine]

While [Vanessa] Collier’s aborted funeral is certainly a sad story, it’s not terribly surprising. In the mournful rush to find a church building to celebrate her life, it appears that Collier’s family simply assumed that the parts of her life involving her lesbian spouse would be welcome, especially since they were renting the facility and providing their own pastor to conduct the service. New Hope Ministries, it also appears, assumed that those renting a church that opposes homosexuality wouldn’t display photos celebrating a gay marriage in their sacred space. The assumptions on both ends are relatively understandable, but had Collier taken the time while still living to determine whether New Hope was an appropriate venue for her funeral, this last-minute collision of worldviews probably would have been avoided.

Stella Moribito #fundie thefederalist.com

The notion of marriage equality was never about marriage or about equality. It’s all about the wrapping paper. It’s been packaged as an end in itself, but it is principally just a means to a deeper end. It is the means by which marriage extinction – the true target — can be achieved. If marriage and family are permitted to exist autonomously, power can be de-centralized in society. So the family has always been a thorn in the side of central planners and totalitarians. The connection between its abolition and the limitless growth of the state should be crystal clear. So anyone who has bought into this movement, or is tempted to do so, would want to step back and take a harder look.

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