various commenters #transphobia
( vulvapeople )
Women aren’t making TIMs outcasts, they are. No one wants to deal with a person who will have meltdowns when their delusions aren’t affirmed. Also, most friendships, even in current day, are same sex, and while women seem more willing to have TIM friends than men are to have any trans-identified people in their lives, most women still don’t want them around. TIMs have othered themselves by refusing to come to terms with being men. That’s not women’s job to solve.
( Women1st )
When there is so much real violence against women, it’s a sad waste of time to focus on imaginary maybe presumably it-could-theoretically-happen violence.
Just have to reiterate that this post is the condescending, gaslighting BS claim that the MSM, the government, and the TRAs keep making. If trans males weren’t a risk to women, then why the coverup? Why the lies? Why scrub stories and posts? why erase women?
Lol, and that’s forgetting the fact that the new rule of thumb allows trans males to violently assault and intimidate women at Let Women Speak events. It also forgets the violent rape rhetoric towards lesbians at Pride events.
( OneStarWolf )
What a shitty, gaslighting article.
It has been well established by research and stats that trans identified males have the same criminality as other males. So they do in fact pose an equal threat, if not more so for transgressing women’s boundaries in the first place. Prisons stats alone show that “transwomen” are incarcerated at the highest rates for sexual offenses, even more than other males. So no thanks, stay out. Women and girls need sex based rights and recognition, not erasure to placate men’s mental illness.
( Chronicity )
Yes, TIMs feel threatened by our existence. That’s why they seek to erase us, destroy our rights, and minimize our worth to society.
( shewolfoffrance )
Yes. They aren't really afraid of violence. They're afraid that women won't "affirm" them. They aren't content to have their own, fringey little cross-dressing clubs. They're desperate to coerce women into participating in their fetish.