
The woman-haters, man-haters, and non-binary-haters

vintologi24 #sexist #transphobia reddit.com

(NOTE: Just for context, this is from the r/Transmaxxing subreddit.)

Passing matters

Don't let people bullshit you into thinking "i don't need to pass as a female". While many people claim to be supportive of trans people generally unless they think you are a female they will not threat you as such and a lot of people will not view you as a female if you know you were born male


This is at large a consequence of the left pushing for gender-identity nonsense instead of focusing on sex-characteristics. US conservatives have been very aggressive in using gender identity politics against trans people in general while the left has been unable to give a good answer to what a woman/female actually is (it's about sex-characteristics).

Given this political climate your best course of actions is to become stealth, once you are able to pass you move to a different area and begin your new life as a female there. Keep your old identity separate from your new identity.

True. It's mostly old rapehons saying passing doesn't matter, it's just hard cope.

Not be able to pass at the end is exactly one of the biggest reason that I haven't decide to start hrt yet.

Generally i am not comfortable recommending medical transition to people who cannot pass. A transition without any great goal in the end isn't something i can really get behind. I do understand that some people are severely dysphoric and might have to transition anyway but even then it's hard to be enthusiastic about it.

piratemogger #homophobia #sexist #transphobia looksmax.org

Incel to Tranny pipeline fully theorized in detail - (MANLETS, PORN ADDICTS GTFIH!), (i cried making this thread) (NOFAP IS NOT COPE GTFIH!)

Inb4 dnrd, Porn is a homosexual conversion device that has been designed to turn incels gay and create more trannies

You watch Lesbian porn, then PIV porn, then Oral sex porn. Eventually you get bored. You find new genres to fap off to, maybe MILF, Cuckoldry, BBC or Step sister. Then comes danger, you stumble across gay porn. Now trannies are looking more and more like real women and you find yourself watching femboy or twink porn. Bit by bit, you watch regular gay porn. Most likely being an incel, you imagine yourself fucking another man, then once that becomes too much you start fantasizing about being fucked by another man.

The porn industry has successfully feminized you. Now you are Low T soy boy and this is where many ex-incels finish their journey on this pipeline. They transition and become female.

From Softcore pornography -> to now being rimmed by another man. This is the true danger of porn, if you want to see the damage then the next time you are at school or work, stare at the most attractive women you see for a minute. If you cannot at the minimum get a semi erect penis, it is over.

Men should be rock hard when aroused by a foid, I know during puberty most of you had spontaneous erections because of the surge in testosterone. What if I told you this should be the norm at all times.

Now factor in that 30% of all young men are virgins, with the number still rising. Inceldom is on the rise for a reason, everything is becoming unequal. Despite the fact that productivity has been rising, wages are now stagnant and it is becoming harder and harder to live as "average". Inceldom is a socioeconomic problem and it it going to get worse.



The only way to escape this pipeline is to either lose virginity or to get on Nofap.

For porn addicts reading this, you are not what you watch. I am not a gay furry and neither are you. I still struggle with it even after ascension.

Martyros #sexist #racist blackpill.club

Most incels are cucks

What I have noticed in all of these years on incel forums, is that the vast majority of incels are actually closet cuckholds who deserve their inceldom.

This may sound harsh of me to say, but I'm not saying this for the sake of sounding malevolent, it is simply an objective observation based on my analysis of the mainstream incel way of thinking.

According to the mainstream incel, you are an incel if you can't get laid with a foid. It sounds simple enough. But if you have a high-IQ, you will notice something extremely cucked about this definition.

This definition doesn't take into account what kinds of foids you can't get laid with. It puts all kinds of foids in one single box.

This implies in a very subtle manner, that all foids have the same worth, no matter what physical attributes they have.

Race, for example.
Curry, Nigger, Gook, Beaner, Aryan.

Prime JB, mid-20's roastie and 30+ gigaroastie.

Petite, middleweight, landwhale

Sub5 gretchen, Sub8 becky and 8+ stacy

Virgin(Perfect), 1+(Ew), 15+(Eeewwww)

According to the mainstream definition, you are incel NO MATTER what type of foids reject you.

So according to this definition, if you get with a Gook, who is mid-20's, middleweight and sub5, who has a bodycount of 15 +, then you're "no longer incel"

Is it just me or doesn't this sound extremely cringe and cucked?

Not only is this cringe and cucked, it's also cope and very delusional.

If I ever got with a foid like that, not only would I still be incel, but I would also be extremely miserable, knowing that I'm coping with a subhuman foid.

Every man in the world knows what he truly desires, a VIRGIN, ARYAN, JB FOID.

This is the only true way of ascending. It's the only thing that will truly make you proud of yourself, and live a healthy and fulfilling life.

If I "ascended" with a fat, gook foid who had a massive bodycount and was sub5 PSL, I would end up roping because of the shame and humilliation of knowing that I couldn't get a prime, virgin aryan jb. And had to settle for such a monstrosity.

But according to your average, faggot, soyboy, mainstream "incel", I would be a "fakecel normie who ascended'

What a sick fucking joke.

This is why I'm glad that most incels are roping. They rope because stupid, disgusting, low-value foids don't want them.


Spider #ableist #dunning-kruger #sexist #racist incels.is

I dunno about a beta uprising, but -something- is going to happen within our lifetime.

Autism Statistics You Need To Know in 2022

Let's not be retarded here, autism doesn't exist. Anyone here could get an autism diagnosis if they really wanted to. Autism is just what the normies say we have because they can't comprehend that someone has the capability to be so socially retarded without there being something physically wrong inside your head. The fact that men are 4x as likely to get diagnosed is proof of this.

Supposedly we're on track to over half of kids being diagnosed by 2025 and only increase from there. Literally by definition it's not a disorder at that point, it's the norm. Here's another fun stat; only 5% of diagnosed autists ever find love and get married, despite the overwhelming majority wanting to have a relationship.

Combine those two and jesus fucking christ bros, we're on a runaway train towards critical mass here. I only used stats that are easy to prove, who the hell knows how many outliers like us there are.

Realistically I expect nothing to happen until the autistic generation who were raised by smartphones get to be voting age. Socially stunted losers aren't exactly going to cause a fuss and foids will be more than happy to keep fucking the top 20%. But honestly who knows, maybe the alt right will own the government and start killing jews and kikes again by that point.

retards don't produce offspring.

u right, good thing abortion is gone so all those staceys will be forced to birth autistic kids

N9avpcDM #sexist archived.moe

Foreign wifes, are they the solution to the incel problem that we have today in the United States. As evidenced by the recent spree of killings, inceldom has proven to be detrimental to the safey and tranquility of the US. Can foreign wifes solve the problem?

Have to ask yourself why are marriage rates and birthrate down all over the westernized world? Because the men in their countries do not want their women. There is this general misconception that the white man is going to go to Korea or Japan and get himself a little yellow queen to bring back. This is not going to go the way you think. If these women are so great, why do their own men not want them? Why are government's like Korea getting involved with dating? Now as a white man, you'll get laid. And if you decide to marry them, then do not bring them back to the US. Once they get here and realize they have options, you're divorced raped in 6 months. Hojabi's are the same.

Unfortunately nothing will really fix this problem of "female empowerment" nonsense. The only thing that will is a devastating world war. Were talking where the likes of men become the real commodity with a massive population reduction for the nuclear strikes. The balance must be reset and the only time in history where the balance is reset is when there is massive amounts of life lost due to war.

Until that point anons, keep your money, keep your sanity, smash and move on. The modern woman is not worth it. And not just by her attitude and materialistic nature, but she may not even be able to have kids thanks to all these shots that have been pushed into them.

C #sexist #fundie thetransformedwife.com

There needs to be an intervention effort to help girls see the truth before they decide at a young age to be the next CEO. There are hardly any resources or role models that show homemakers as happy, fulfilled and valued. Young women do not even consider it as an option after all the brainwashing in school that teaches them they must work to ‘be somebody important’ and ‘make something of your life’ and to ‘not waste your talent’. Even the young men expect their future wife to ‘contribute to the family’ and to ‘not be a leach’. How backwards! Feminism has essentially taken the feminine out of being a woman. By working like a man you neglect your spouse, resent your time away from your children, wish your children would leave you alone so you can rest up for the next work day and then become lonely with no friends, just co-workers, and no strong family bonds (push that off on daycare, elder care). And we wonder why the divorce rate is so high, children are making bad choices, our health has declined and the depression rate is astronomical.

David Guyll #dunning-kruger #sexist #transphobia daegames.blogspot.com

Going off the Twitter thread, it looks like Ernie simply expressed a desire to make a normal game for normal people, as opposed to various ham-fisted, inconsistent, irrational ideological dogmas pulped together under the thin veneer of an incomplete or recycled game. Smart move.

It also sounds like he's not going to bend the knee, paying whatever lip service the SJWs want in the vain hope that they will, God forbid, leave him alone. Also smart, as SJWs never forgive. No apology is sufficient, not that trying to get you to repent is their goal. Rather it is to get you to admit to committing what they consider to be a crime, a sin, so they can hold it over you forever. Then they just make more and more demands of you, while trying finding other so-called crimes to convict you of.

And they are scam artists and racists: https://www.enworld.org/threads/does-tsr3-have-nazi-connections.688528/

First off, Lunar Archivist is correct: SJWs are trying to destroy traditional masculinity and femininity. You've seen this already, going back years, in tabletop games, video games, movies, and comics. I myself have dealt with it on several occasions, where hypocrites demand I cover up women, reduce tit-size, whilst simultaneously posting essentially nude men. There are some good examples in the Twitter thread, but here are some more:


Not only is Dungeons & Delvers a game created by players that actually game and prioritize fun, it also features attractive women in the art: image

wwwarea #sexist deviantart.com

(An article about said VIGILANTES are just as bad as offending pedophiles)

The USA is a third world uncivilized society, mainly thanks to its rotting disgusting backwards sorry excuse for a main society that is in it.
Just the other day I found a post on Twitter with that said something like "repost if you support beating up pedophiles" and it later gained over 15000 hearts, and it was filled with degenerates who were defending vigilante violence out of their own perverted beliefs. Mark my words, if the purge ever became legal, it would be real. These people prove it... Anyway, I tried to report it but came back as if it didn't violate the rules. I got so pissed off after the email, that I actually sent an email to the CEO of twitter due to how f*cking pissed I was. I thought Twitter doesn't allow glorification of sh** like this? Disclaimer 2: Though it is ... Twitter. Disclaimer 2 done.

if you support unlawful violence toward any person, offending or not, then you are just as bad as a child rapist. You're a f*cking criminal and you deserve (yeah, I'm proud to say this) to be labeled worse than most child sexual abusers. Why 'worse'? Because not every abuser has ruined a victim's life as many of them were able to still move on.

Roosh V #fundie #sexist #racist rooshv.com

[From "Why Do You Consume Secular Content?"]

At risk of reproaching fellow Christians, I am continually surprised by how much secular content they consume. From Facebook to TikTok, from Hollywood movies to pop music, I suspect the average Christian is bombarding his soul with several hours of secular content per week. Do they not know that this consumption may be separating them from God and weakening their faith?

When I first returned to God in the spring of 2019, I was wholly immersed in secular culture. I made several Twitter posts a day (usually about politics or the misbehavior of women), listened to popular music, watched movies, consumed all manner of YouTube videos, and read self-help books[…]
It is three years going and I’m still tapering myself off secular content—that’s how entwined it was into my life[…]
First I quit the modern music, rationalizing that “oldies” was okay, but an examination of their woman-idolizing lyrics revealed that oldies wasn’t safe either[…]
May I ask you why you consume the creations of non-Christians, of those who don’t live by Christ, of those who don’t glorify Him?[…]Why do you watch movies produced and directed by Jews who hate Lord Jesus Christ and view abortion as a sacrament?[…]
I’ve since become highly averse to reading, watching, or listening to anything that is produced by someone who does not have a knowable or visible Christian faith. If I get weak and think such content will edify me, perhaps because the non-Christian is “intelligent,” I ask myself how intelligent are they really if they don’t worship their very own Creator in the Church that He built[…]
It’s a mistake to believe that Orthodox Christianity is merely a lifestyle add-on that has a slot in your life alongside many other lifestyles. Orthodoxy is the lifestyle

Matt Gaetz #sexist youtube.com

Have you watched these pro-abortion, pro-murder rallies? The people are just disgusting. Why is it that the women with the least likelihood of getting pregnant are the ones most worried about having abortions? Nobody wants to impregnate you if you look like a thumb. These people are odious from the inside out. They’re like 5′2″, 350 pounds, and they’re like, “Give me my abortions or I’ll get up and march and protest.”

I’m thinking, “March? You look like you’ve got ankles weaker than the legal reasoning behind Roe vs. Wade!”

A few of them need to get up and march — they need to get up and march for like an hour a day. Swing those arms, get the blood pumpin’, maybe mix in a salad.

Xanax Bar & I_need1cm_chinToWin #sexist #racist blackpill.club

(Xanax Bar)
There's a reason women were treated as property up until 150 years ago.

There's a reason women were treated as a property up until around 150 years ago. They're not exactly children in terms of emotional intelligence, but they're the next closest thing and they never grow out of it. Women will quite literally throw tantrums and act like children on purpose to see your reaction, because they want to see how you'd react if she had a child with you.

There are deep evolutionary reasons women act the way they do. Women only want the top 20% of men. Why? Because she only has so many eggs, and childbirth is a potentially dangerous process, so she only wants to do this with the best man she can get. Women only go after tall men with strong jawlines and broad shoulders. Why? Because those things are indicative of high testosterone and stronger bone structure, which means more muscle mass/upper body strength, which means he'll be a better protector. Ect, ect, ect.

Women are biologically driven to let thier emotions and instincts guide thier actions. That's just reality. Giving them the same power as a man especially in politics has been a massive mistake. They are just more emotionally driven and more apt to let feelings cloud rational judgment. There is simply no place for emotions when it comes to determining the fate of society. Men of the past realized this, and that's a big reason why for pretty much all of human history (with some exceptions), women were barred from making important political decisions.

yes man theyre retarded, but i don't think they're fair detectors of good genetics,they only see something aesthetic like a chad or sometimes go for normie brad lanklets but they can have diabetes,bad eye sight,bald in their 30s idk you name it. Sometimes they go after whatever media tells them, like slav foids with negroes whose more ugly than a monkey

Russ Winter #wingnut #racist #sexist #homophobia #transphobia #enbyphobia #elitist winterwatch.net

The Method Against Social Justice Warriors

No. 1: Drop all social graces with them. That may be hard, but remember Social Justice Warriors take advantage of good manners and put no value on them anyway. Our objective is to trigger them via harsh criticism and ridicule — not threats or violence, in case that’s unclear. For example, the ultimate insult or trigger to a female Social Justice Warrior third- or fourth-wave feminist is the word “cunt.” That’s a bit over the top for me, so I’m mostly going with “bitch.” Absolutely refuse to engage in sex with Social Justice Warriors or Pervert Justice Warriors.

For non-cucked men, never ever trash talk femininity, but rather defend heterosexual women passionately. Winter Watch addressed this in our old Milo Yiannopoulos article. (((Milo))) was a problem because he as a homosexual trashed women generally. Keeping such women out of harm’s way is the mark of manhood. Also, do not use racial slurs. This is about individual behaviors and culture wars only. The term “dindu” is only descriptive of behavior and thus appropriate.

No. 2: Show no sensitivity toward Social Justice Warriors. Insult them matter of factly. If they show marginal or metro-sexual gender identification, insult their appearance (“there is a new thing going around, it’s called soap”). If they are over-the-top Social Justice Warrior homosexuals or transgenders, never use the contrived newspeak term “gay” or LGBT. In fact, avoid their shadow language. Let them know that you are armor proof to their accusations.
No.4: Knock the Social Justice Warriors unearned trophies and “specialness” badges off the shelf by telling them they have little of value or intelligence to offer anyone.

No. 5: Demonstrate thumbs up, support and accolades to the anti-Social Justice Warrior movement. Older generations need to wake up and get engaged. So do decent folks in the black community. Offer carrots and sticks and encouragement to repressed normies. Godspeed.

Taliban officials of the Afghan Ministry of Finance #fundie #sexist theguardian.com

The Taliban have asked women working at Afghanistan’s finance ministry to send a male relative to do their job a year after female public-sector workers were barred from government work and told to stay at home

Women who worked in government positions were sent home from their jobs shortly after the Taliban took power in August 2021, and have been paid heavily reduced salaries to do nothing

But several women told the Guardian they had received similar calls from Taliban officials requesting they recommend male relatives in their place, because the “workload in the office has increased and they need to hire a man instead of us”, according to one woman who did not wish her identity to be revealed

Sima Bahous, executive director of UN Women, said in May: “Current restrictions on women’s employment have been estimated to result in an immediate economic loss of up to $1bn – or up to 5% of Afghanistan’s GDP[…]
Maryam*, 37, received a call from the HR department of the Afghan ministry of finance, where she had worked for more than 15 years. She said: “I was asked to introduce a male family member to replace me at the ministry, so I could be dismissed from the job”[…]
“Since they came [to power], the Taliban have demoted me, and reduced my salary from 60,000 Afghanis [£575] to AFN12,000. I cannot even afford my son’s school fees. When I questioned this, an official rudely told me to get out of his office and said that my demotion was not negotiable”[…]
Maryam and her colleagues are mobilising to protest against Taliban policy. “We do not accept their order and we will try to get them to change it,” she said

Marjorie Taylor Greene & Various commenters #wingnut #homophobia #racist #sexist gab.com

(Marjorie Taylor Greene)

spoilerToday, join me in prayer to END abortion in America!

@RealMarjorieGreene get over the abortion thing. Defend our borders is wayyyyy more important. Blacks killing their kids aren’t the end of the world. The borders are the end of America

@RealMarjorieGreene I'm truly sad at the amount of people that see nothing wrong with abortion. It was a subject that wasn't discussed to this level before. Now that it is being discussed most people I've talked to think its not wrong as long as its not past a certain time. Most of the people have said up to 20-24 weeks is ok. I just don't understand how they have become to numb to the fact that it is literally ending a life! These woman are causing their child to be killed and see nothing wrong with that. Heartbreaking and completely selfish.

@RealMarjorieGreene We pray you call it murder because it is.

Imprison baby killers and accomplices!

@RealMarjorieGreene Abortion has been overturned, now same sex marriage is next.


spoilerToday, join me in prayer to END the 1965 immigration act in America!


How about one Marxist, Rino or Dem, making the common sense statement that 'niggers with guns' is the number one domestic terrorist threat in America?

That person would win in a land slide, in every voting district in the US.

according to the sub human diseased democrats u did abortion is illegal in every state no more cumdumping whores can muder there babies ...now they have to take responsibility for being a filthy demon cum dump whore...oh wait ...haha

@RealMarjorieGreene "Today, join me in prayer to increase the non-White population in America by 400-500%!"

~Marjorie Taylor Green

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) and Alex Stein #sexist #racist businessinsider.com

Alex Stein, a comedian and far-right activist, had on Wednesday catcalled Ocasio-Cortez in racialized terms and made lewd comments about her body

In a video he posted to social media, he can be seen calling her his "favorite big booty Latina" who is "hot hot hot like a tamale" and wants to "kill babies" — the latter being a reference to Ocasio-Cortez' pro-abortion stance

The stunt earned him an hour-long appearance on "MTG:Live," the podcast-style show that Green regularly posts to Facebook, where Greene suggested that Ocasio-Cortez ought to be grateful for the attention

"You're a comedian, you're doing what you do, saying things that are actually quite the compliment," said Greene[…]
Stein said: "I was complimenting! She's Jenny from the Block! I mean, J. Lo is known for her voluptuous derrière, and all I was trying to do is say you look great!"

Stein earlier told Insider's Cheryl Teh that he would "love to date" the New York congresswoman

On the show, Stein noted that he was from Texas and Greene is in Georgia, and described his behavior towards Ocasio-Cortez as "Southern hospitality"[…]
"I don't think that that, for me, is some sort of negative thing, but they live in a society where compliments are bigotry, and based in racism and hate," he said[…]
Greene agreed and suggested that Ocasio-Cortez should have thanked him. "I think women should be confident if a man gives you a compliment, a woman can say 'thank you'" she said

"Or if she's going upstairs and someone's yelling stuff at her, she can just wave and go on, and not go into full outrage"

Idaho Republicans #sexist newsweek.com

Idaho Republicans rejected an amendment to their party platform that would have allowed abortion to save a mother's life.

A 2020 law banning abortions except in cases of reported rape or incest or to protect the mother's life is set to take effect in the deeply conservative state 30 days after the U.S. Supreme Court overturned its landmark Roe v. Wade ruling on June 24.

At the Idaho GOP convention in Twin Falls on Saturday, delegates approved changes to the party platform that criminalize all abortions without exceptions for rape, incest or to save the life of the mother, according to Idaho Reports.

Delegates voted 412-164 to reject an amendment that would have allowed an exception if the mother's life was in "lethal danger."

The platform states: "We affirm that abortion is murder from the moment of fertilization. All children should be protected regardless of the circumstances of conception, including persons conceived in rape and incest."

Scott Herndon, a Republican candidate who is running unopposed for the Idaho Senate, argued against the exception being included.

"For the last 49 years we have essentially lost the argument in the culture because we have focused on abortion as the termination of a pregnancy and not the termination of a living human being," Herndon told delegates, the Idaho Capital Sun reported.

"We will never win this human rights issue, the greatest of our time, if we make allowances for the intentional killing of another human being."

Minister Naftali Bennett, Ben Caspit #sexist #fundie #psycho mondoweiss.net

{from 2017}

Israeli society became incensed this week with the video of 16-year-old Ahed Tamimi and her 20-year-old cousin Nour, who slapped the Israeli soldiers occupying their family yard in Nabi Saleh.

The discussion amongst Israelis became all about the humiliation suffered by heavily armed soldiers, from a fearless 16-year old girl and her bare hands. Culture Minister Miri Regev said: “When I watched that, I felt humiliated, I felt crushed”. She called the incident “damaging to the honor of the military and the state of Israel.” She was echoing her own words from 2015, when Ahed also appeared in a viral video, wrestling a masked Israeli soldier, who was holding her little brother in a headlock and pressing him down on a rock, his broken arm in cast. Then Regev was “shocked to see the video this morning of Palestinians hitting an IDF soldier,” adding that, “It cannot be that our soldiers will be sent on missions with their hands tied behind their backs. It’s simply a disgrace!….We must immediately order that a soldier under attack be able to return fire. Period.”

There was a range of suggestions of what should happen with Ahed and the other girls. Education Minister Naftali Bennett suggested that they “spend the rest of their days in prison”.

But a prominent journalist had a somewhat more cunning suggestion:

“In the case of the girls, we should exact a price at some other opportunity, in the dark, without witnesses and cameras”,

Ben Caspit wrote in his article (Hebrew) on Tuesday.

What might this price exactly be, considering that he is referring specifically to teenage girls? We are left to wonder. Perhaps he wishes to leave it to the imagination of the soldiers who would invade the home at night, ensuring that no cameras are filming.

We are again left to wonder what it is exactly that the creep would do, especially if he thought there were no cameras around. Caspit’s suggestion resembles that of Defense Minister Lieberman, who also said on Tuesday that “whoever goes wild during the day, will be arrested at night”, adding that “everyone involved, not only the girl but also her parents and those around them will not escape from what they deserve”.

Digital Ghost #sexist twitter.com

(A person replying to why it’s okay for men for to sleep around but not women)

Because the double standard is valid. There’s plenty of unfair double standards about men that we accept without complaining.

Welcome to the real world

When you’re a man the challenge is being worthy of sex bc women try to keep it from you

When you’re a woman the challenge is abstaining from sex bc everyone wants to give it to you

Being a hoe is not deserving of respect, it’s equivalent to being a man who can’t get sex

@ukvillafan & @DuncanHenry78 #transphobia #sexist twitter.com

The thing i understand least about the trans issue is why the ludicrous idea that a man can self-id as a women is supported by so many women and women’s groups who claim to be feminist. How, eg, can it be in any way feminist to allow men into female rape crisis groups?

Because they have been gaslit into truly “believing” TWAW, as a faith by people who use the language of “be kind” and “have empathy”, as a weapon that works particularly well with gendered female socialisation.

Padraig Martin #elitist #sexist #racist #fundie identitydixie.com

[From "We Are Not Equal in God’s Eyes"]

There is a bizarre religion that permeates the West. It is a false faith predicated on universal equality[…]Leftists have weaponized scripture without context, and as usual, ill-informed “Christians” bought into the narrative. They often cite Galatians 3:28[…]His myriad of epistles point out stark differences between men and women, Jews and Greeks, and the role of slaves[…]God made the nations, races, ethnicities, and sexes[…]We are not equal in God’s eyes

The first and most prolific lie is the equality of the sexes. Men and women are not equal[…]The Bible tells us that men are to enjoy a leadership role; women are to submit[…]
As it pertains to the races, inequality exists, too. Ignoring for a moment the litany of studies regarding mental acuity and impulse control, consider the simple physical differences between blacks and Whites[…]It should be no surprise that blacks are designed for the geographic challenges of Africa versus Ireland or Russia[…]
None of these people are equal[…]They have an unequal purpose on the earth[…]
Among individuals[…]there is clearly no equality[…]
Why is this important? The equality myth is often weaponized to disarm Whites, especially White Christians. I state that it harms Christians more than non-Christian Whites[…]because most Christians are raised to believe all races and ethnicities can be saved by Jesus Christ[…]
The notion of equality under the law (a secular concept) is drawn out to undermine faith-based arguments at a macro level[…]
We see the most devastating application of this concept in the amorphous idea of democracy. God loathes democracy. Democracy is the belief of equality applied in politics[…]
The eighteen-year-old female who is in-love with herself and the latest heartthrob has the same vote as I do – a landowner, businessman, father, husband

Lindsay Harold #fundie #sexist lindsays-logic.blogspot.com

There's an interesting parallel in marriage. God designed women to need leadership from their husbands in order to feel loved. Not only did God give the husband the position of authority and leadership in the home, but He did so because it is best for both men and women.

Men have a need to lead. They're designed for it. They don't feel loved if their wives don't follow their lead. At the same time, God made women to need to be led. They don't feel loved if they are in control. They feel abandoned and lonely when they aren't following their husband's lead. They need the husband to be the head, to lead them and protect them - physically and emotionally.


Pro-life Wisconsin #sexist #fundie #psycho prolifewi.org

The so-called "life of the mother" exception for abortion is unnecessary and dangerous. To begin with, there are no situations where abortion, defined as the direct and intentional killing of an unborn child, is medically necessary to save the life of the mother.

Medical operations such as the removal of a cancerous uterus or the removal of an ectopic pregnancy are moral even under Catholic teaching and are not considered abortions. If a pregnant woman has a cancerous uterus that imminently threatens her life, then the uterus may be removed even though such removal results in the death of the unborn child. Similarly, when a fertilized ovum lodges in the fallopian tube and grows there, the damaged portion of the tube containing the baby may be removed where it is clearly necessary to save the mother's life. Such operations are justified by the "principle of double effect," because the death of the child is an unintended effect of an operation independently justified to save the mother's life. They do not involve the intentional and willful destruction of an unborn child.

Legally, such operations are not considered abortions. The removal of such conditions has never been prosecuted in this country, even when the mother's life was not immediately threatened. There is, therefore, no need to provide a specific exception for such cases in a statute or constitutional amendment prohibiting abortion. Moreover, an explicit exception for the life of the mother is dangerous. One should never attempt to codify in law the importance of one innocent human life over and above another. Physicians must make their best effort to save both patients, giving equal care to mother and child. They should never be given a license to intentionally kill either of them.

Finally, many abortionists believe that the very condition of pregnancy itself is a life threatening condition. Consequently, a "life of the mother" exception can become a massive statutory loophole through which to drive abortion on demand.

Once pro-lifers say there can be a "good reason" to kill a preborn baby, the foundation of the pro-life movement crumbles. The argument is lost. Either the preborn child is a person, or the child is not a person. Since the preborn child is a person, there can be no exceptions for abortion.

Andrew Anglin #sexist #racist #conspiracy #transphobia stormer-daily.rw

[From "UK: Government Bans Dating Ads Appealing to “Lonely Ukrainian Women”"]

There is a strict rule that nothing about the war against Russia is allowed to benefit anyone in the West in any way at all. This is strictly about “our values of who we are in a democracy rules-based order”

Therefore, men are absolutely, under no circumstances, allowed to pick up young Ukraine skanks[…]
British men must necessarily only date fat, tattooed, belligerent, drunken, British slags. All the young and attractive British girls have to go be drug-addicted hookers in the Paki gangs, and the Ukrainian women, well – they’re probably going to have to join the Pakis as well


The UK’s advertising regulator has banned online dating ads offering the chance to meet “lonely Ukrainian women” for being offensive[…]Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) addressed three ads for online dating service SofiaDate[…]

Vulnerability is a core element of sex appeal, according to biology. One of the top reasons that men will put up with women’s shit is that they feel they need to protect them. Outlawing people from associating vulnerability with male sexuality is… well, it’s on par with everything else that’s going on these days

But this is a government run by women. They will do everything to hurt men[…]then they will punish them for having been hurt

The government will ban you from trying to meet any woman who isn’t a fat, old, loud slob – then they will make it illegal to be an incel, and claim that if you’re not having sex with disgusting fat women, you’re probably planning terrorism[…]
And there are even worse things
Drag queen in library with kids]
They hate boys and men, and they want to destroy all of us

This isn’t even limited only to white people. Look at what black mamas do to their sons

Women are a source of total evil

James Lankford #fundie #wingnut #sexist #dunning-kruger #pratt thehill.com

GOP Sen. James Lankford (Okla.) on Thursday blocked a Democratic request to unanimously pass a bill seeking to protect interstate travel for abortion.

Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto (D-Nev.), joined by a string of Democratic senators, had sought consent to pass a bill that would prevent states from punishing women who travel to other states where abortion is legal to get the procedure.

Does that child in the womb have the right to travel in their future?” Lankford said in objecting. “Do they get to live?”

“There’s a child in this conversation as well,” he added.

moomin #conspiracy #racist #sexist #wingnut 6x7g7rr6fhdoszolkqkaittdr6qzgejjxoc42q4ceaph2xttmo5vgryd.onion



/* Process this file into a graph using `dot -Tsvg quote.gv > quote.svg`. */

digraph moomin_quote {

subgraph introduction {
introduction_wall_of_text [label="Jewish \"intellectuals\", fueled by their resentment towards Europe\nand Christianity, create the Frankfurt School with the intention\nof destroying Western culture to bring down Capitalism and create\na Marxist revolution\n((USEFUL IDIOTS))",shape=polygon,sides=4];

subgraph conspiracy {
weimar -> intellectuals [label="spawns"];
intellectuals -> frankfurt_school [label="create"];
communist_revolution -> soviet_union [label="creates"];
soviet_union -> frankfurt_school [label="finances"];
frankfurt_school -> social_science_faculties [label="takes over"];

soviet_union_wall_of_text [label="Soviet intelligence spent only 25% of its budget on espionage while 75%\nwent to subversion. They funded the Frankfurt School with the explicit\nintention of destroying and subverting Western culture.\n((GEOPOLITICAL THREAT))",shape=polygon,sides=4];
soviet_union_wall_of_text -> soviet_union [weight=100,style=invis];

social_science_faculties -> progressivism [label="model"];

progressivism -> traditions [label="attacks"];
traditions -> religion [label="such as"];
traditions -> family [label="such as"];
traditions -> nation [label="such as"];
traditions -> property [label="such as"];
property -> welfare_state [label="using"];
nation -> mass_immigration [label="using"];
family -> gender_roles [label="as in"];
family -> marriage [label="as in"];
religion -> chastity [label="as in"];
religion -> marriage [label="as in"];
marriage -> high_divorce_rates [label="causing"];
chastity -> single_parenthood [label="causing"];
single_parenthood -> broken_families [label="causing"];
broken_families -> crime [label="causing"];
high_divorce_rates -> broken_families [label="causing"];
gender_roles -> low_birth_rates [label="causing"];
low_birth_rates -> mass_immigration [label="being the excuse for"];
gender_roles -> cheap_labour;
welfare_state -> budget_deficit [label="causing"];
budget_deficit -> taking_debt [label="leading to"];
taking_debt -> international_banks [label="giving power to"];
international_banks -> corporations;
corporations -> mass_media [label="who control"];
mass_media -> progressivism [label="who push"];
budget_deficit -> printing_money [label="leading to"];
printing_money -> inflation [label="causing"];
budget_deficit -> raising_taxes [label="leading to"];
raising_taxes -> shrinking_middle_class [label="causing"];
budget_deficit -> social_security_crisis [label="causing"];
social_security_crisis -> mass_immigration [label="being the excuse for"];
mass_immigration -> affirmative_action [label="installing"];
welfare_state -> welfare_cliffs [label="causing"];
mass_immigration -> crime [label="increasing"];
mass_immigration -> cheap_labour;
cheap_labour -> corporations [label="giving wealth to"];

economics_wall_of_text [label="Conditions like dysgenics, poverty and lack of social cohesion\nreduce the ability of the population to revert the situation. It is a\nself-perpetuating system. The system is aided at all levels by political corruption and useful idiots.\n((LOGICAL RESULT OF CAPITALISM AS A GOAL INSTEAD OF\nCAPITALISM AS A TOOL))",shape=polygon,sides=4];
cheap_labour -> economics_wall_of_text [weight=100,style=invis];
taking_debt -> economics_wall_of_text [weight=100,style=invis];

social_science_faculties -> positivist_crisis [label="undergo"];

positivist_crisis -> scientific_method [label="replaces"];
scientific_method -> critical_theory [label="with"];
critical_theory -> relativism [label="aids"];
critical_theory -> political_correctness [label="spawns"];
political_correctness -> taboo_research [label="attacks"];
political_correctness -> newspeak [label="similar to"];
taboo_research -> biological_differences [label="such as"];
relativism -> empiricism [label="attacks"];
relativism -> common_sense [label="attacks"];

science_wall_of_text [label="Do not trust common sense and empiric evidence\n\"Intellectuals\" know better. They are \"scientists\" (even though\nthey have never followed - and attacked - the scientific method) after all!\n((USEFUL IDIOTS))",shape=polygon,sides=4];
biological_differences -> science_wall_of_text [weight=100,style=invis];
empiricism -> science_wall_of_text [weight=10,style=invis];

Transcriptionist Note
To avoid having to hand label every single node, I made all the nodes lowercase.
In the original chart, the nodes are title case, and only the edges are lowercase.

weimar [label="weimar republic"];
intellectuals [label="\"intellectuals\""];
frankfurt_school [label="frankfurt school"];
communist_revolution [label="communist revolution"];
soviet_union [label="soviet union"];
social_science_faculties [label="social science faculties"];
positivist_crisis [label="positivist crisis"];
single_parenthood [label="single parenthood"];
welfare_state [label="welfare state"];
mass_immigration [label="mass immigration"];
gender_roles [label="gender roles"];
high_divorce_rates [label="high divorce rates"];
broken_families [label="broken families"];
low_birth_rates [label="low birth rates"];
cheap_labour [label="cheap labour"];
scientific_method [label="scientific method"];
political_correctness [label="political correctness"];
taboo_research [label="taboo research"];
biological_differences [label="biological differences"];
common_sense [label="common sense"];
budget_deficit [label="budget deficit"];
taking_debt [label="taking debt"];
international_banks [label="international banks"];
mass_media [label="mass media"];
printing_money [label="printing money"];
raising_taxes [label="raising taxes"];
shrinking_middle_class [label="shrinking middle class"];
social_security_crisis [label="social security crisis"];
welfare_cliffs [label="welfare cliffs"];
affirmative_action [label="affirmative action"];
critical_theory [label="critical theory"];
progressivism [label=<<U>progressivism</U>>];
religion [label=<<B>religion</B>>];
family [label=<<B>family</B>>];
nation [label=<<B>nation</B>>];
property [label=<<B>property</B>>];

subgraph conclusion_preamble {
Transcriptionist Note
The last part of the chart, at the bottom, is the hardest.
It seems like the original author just sort of gave up on actually making it a graph, and just stuck their last few bullet points in
nodes at the bottom that weren't connected to anything.
keyword_stuffing [label="Military Spending... computers, internet, satellites, moon, global hegemony\nWelfare Spending... dysgenics, poverty, crime",shape=polygon,sides=4];

resulting_in_conclusion [label="RESULTING IN..................................................",shape=plaintext];
resulting_in_conclusion -> keyword_stuffing [weight=100,style=invis];

resulting_in_conclusion -> lacking_community_trust [style=invis];
resulting_in_conclusion -> poverty [style=invis];
resulting_in_conclusion -> dysgenics [style=invis];
lacking_community_trust [label="lacking community trust"];

subgraph conclusion {
conclusion [label="Democracy may be blamed but the real problem is the representative system. Had immigration been subjected\nto a democratic vote, it would have been halted in all Western nations decades ago. Even if such vote was carried out today, immigration would be halted.",shape=polygon,sides=4];

edge[ style = invis ];
introduction_wall_of_text -> weimar;
science_wall_of_text -> keyword_stuffing;
economics_wall_of_text -> resulting_in_conclusion;
mass_media -> { lacking_community_trust, poverty, dysgenics, keyword_stuffing};
lacking_community_trust -> conclusion;
resulting_in_conclusion -> conclusion;

Gas-More #sexist reddit.com

There should be child support during pregnancy for all pregnancy related expenses. I’m all for banning pregnant women from working😂 but not because of child labor laws, because even in your sentence you admit it’s the mother, not the child, working. Just because the child is inside the mother doesn’t mean they are the same person or that every action of the mother is also the action of the child. Saying the child is working because the mother is, is like to saying that the child aborted itself if the mother kills it.

P.S. all your problems can be solved if we have a traditional framework where the man is married to a woman when he is having sex and conceived and the man works outside the home while the woman runs the home. It’s almost as if the “patriarchal” and “oppressive” system that people thought of before 1960 is internally consistent and recognizes the needs of a mother and provides for her rather than some bs system of child support from a ex-boyfriend while the mother just temporarily gets off from her hard job while having a child.

Accept Only Substitutes #pratt #sexist #transphobia kiwifarms.net

Today, TRAs taught me that I'm a self-hating rapist:


That's not at all what she's saying. We don't let men take care of vulnerable women because we can't read the minds of the men we hire to make sure they aren't perverts and won't sexually assault them. Like it or not men make 99% of the sexual assaults we know of.

A study of college students a number of years ago showed that one third of the men said they saw no problem in having sex with a very overly drunk woman. Many of those men also said rape was wrong.

I'm not here to get into a debate on consent or saying all men are bad, but 1/3 thinking it's okay to take advantage of someone who isn't all there at the moment is terrifying for all women to hear. If that many think that's okay, how many think having sex with a disabled woman or girl is okay?

Maybe if the stats on trans women committing sex crimes were more like women's stats then people would feel more comfortable with letting them take care of the vulnerable. Since we know better it's not at all okay.

I'll go far as to say that anyone who has a penis - in any form - asking to take care of vulnerable women and girls is a huge red flag for being an abuser. These positions go to anyone with a clean criminal record and pay shit, so they aren't attracting the best type of people. It's hard, gross, and demanding work.

kysboymoms #dunning-kruger #elitist #sexist thepinkpill.co

Women generally try to cope with how imbalanced reality actually is by trying to pretend that women can be dangerous as men

Exactly. And they do this in every other way too. For instance, women take up a hobby like knitting and think that they are “equal“ to men because they have these female centered hobbies, meanwhile men get to enjoy hobbies like visiting prostitutes, where they get to feel real and complete power over another human being who services their every need sexually. And then men are pleased sexually in visual ways every moment of the day through mainstream media and just being out in public (bc the vast majority of women perform femininity), and yet women think nothing of this, or maybe osa xx make up a story in their head that women are beautiful and “I like looking at attractive women too” or some shit. To say nothing of pornography.

Women are so braindead retarded and unimaginative and lacking in theory of mind, and this explains why they’ve always been slaves and always will be, and they’re too unimaginative to even realize that they’re slaves, which is why there isn’t any hope of freeing them. You can’t free people who don’t even know that they’re fucking prisoners.

God that shit is so stupid it drives me up the wall. They seriously think that convincing themselves that they are some sort of pseudo bisexual who "like" looking at other women "because they're so pretty" is the same as a man naturally juiced up on testosterone and being raised in an environment that caters to his visual sexual stimuli

Exactly. That het partnered women don’t feel humiliated 24/7, even if they have some unicorn man who doesn’t use pornography, makes me feel so much utter contempt for them I want to ring their slag-whore necks. Men feel powerful, validated, as though their sexuality of utmost most importance by all of the objectified women in the media (and women performing femininity in public). It literally gives them a constant boost to their sense of self, confidence, sense of power, sense of value, etc.

Lindsay Harold #sexist #fundie thetransformedwife.com

If they can’t take any boyfriends seriously during their 20’s because they’re too busy with getting a degree and a career, they are going to miss the most opportune time for marrying, and the options are far fewer in their 30’s. They can go to college and get a job while they’re looking for a husband, but they have to be willing to give up their plan to follow a husband if a good man comes along. If they pass up good men in their 20’s, they might not be there later on. Careers can wait. Marriage and children can’t.

Plus, most women are not being chaste during their 20’s. They sleep around because they’re not taking relationships seriously and looking for marriage, then wonder why no one wants them in their 30’s after being with several other men. Men don’t want a woman with a lot of baggage from sleeping around. They want a wife they can trust to be faithful, and the way you test that is to look for chastity.

There’s a reason it’s hard to marry in a woman’s 30’s. The good men their age settled down with 20-something women who were willing to marry then and the leftovers are mostly the players and weirdos. The rare man who has been successful and is still single is looking to marry a 20-something, not a woman his own age. From about 18 to 28 is the most ideal time for a woman to marry as she is most attractive and most fertile during this period. If she skips marriage then, she will have a much harder time finding a good husband. That’s just a reality of life that women need to plan for.

Peter Wright #dunning-kruger #sexist #wingnut avoiceformen.com

MGTOW now an LGBTQIA category... And there's nothing you can do about it

The headline is likely to provoke an emotional reaction from both the woke and the virulently anti-woke, but I stride forth with my flack jacket on in order to make a salient point: that far from being a fringe group of misogynistic terrorists who refuse to court the ladies, MGTOW is perfectly aligned with the LGBTQIA category ‘Aromantic’ – a term indicating a profound disinterest in romantic love.

When it comes to romantic love they simply don’t want it.

Men Going Their Own Way are unmoved by the fantasy of romantic love, viewing its latent BDSM overtones as a theatre of female dominatrixes and male subs, a model that has grown from a kind of sexual feudalism instituted by affluent ladies of the medieval era. MGTOW typically reject this model because it requires men to go down on a literal and proverbial knee before a woman.

I should add, for the slow of mind, that MGTOW is concerned with a wider array of issues than this. However, the romance problem forms a molten core around which many of their concerns for male self-determination revolve.

The result of ‘Men going their aromantic way’ is in some ways striking. These men have inaugurated an enduring sex strike, putting quietly into practice what women routinely threaten if they don’t get their own way – as we recently saw from Joy Behar who called for ‘sex strike’ after Supreme Court abortion law leak. As usual it seems men have beaten women to the punch.


As this graph demonstrates, young men are driving a decline in sex. Perhaps more accurately they may be rejecting the pathological contamination of sexual intimacy with romantic love – aka, the idea that men need to demonstrate obeisance and servitude toward “romantic” partners before being “rewarded” with sex.

MGTOW probably won’t be entering a Pride float anytime soon, but in theory their cause is every bit as deserving under the umbrella of that one, powerful word – AROMANTIC.

jmkplover #wingnut #sexist #kinkshaming deviantart.com

First off, don't take it out on the baby. It didn't force the rape. Carry the baby till birth, give it up for adoption and be done with it. At the same time, chop the artist's genitals of with a rusty cleaver, send him to jail and let him get death raped. You want to prevent rape? Make extremely harsh punishments and focus a little more on mental diagnoses.

Second off, that's not what these crazy bitches are advocating for. They want to sleep around like sluts and abort the baby because it's an inconvenience to them. The rape scenario is only brought up as a way to win an argument.

Third, I'm clearly more saner than either of you.

So, fourth: fuck you.

ilovethiswebsite #dunning-kruger #sexist thepinkpill.co

Why do straight women hate lesbians so much?

Straight women percieve lesbians as predatory because they are attracted to women.

Straight women can only concieve of attraction to women through a male-lens, and they subconsciously know how dangerous men are. They rely on the social structures that separate men and women to provide them a certain level of safety. Because they equate lesbianism to male sexuality, a lesbian to them is the same as a hidden male lurking and waiting to assault them.

Interestingly, straight women are more horrified at relatively rare cases of a lesbian assaulting another woman, than they are at the millions of straight men who rape and molest millions of women and girls every day.

Meanwhile they have an odd sense of comfort with gay men, even though gay men are extremely misogynist toward them and created whole subcultures on the basis of mocking straight women's commitment to what straight men demand of them (ex. Drag) Straight women somehow forget that gay men are men, and they are more than willing to use their male strength to beat a woman when she steps out of line.

Heterosexuality really is a disease lol.

I don't, so I tried to think from the perspective of my homophobic mother. Here are my observations:

Women generally try to cope with how imbalanced reality actually is by trying to pretend that women can be dangerous as men

Often you'd see women decrying female on male 'rape' and 'abuse' more than do, unless the men in question are trying to push an agenda.

It's a coping mechanism. This weird sort of thing where they convince themselves that the sexes are equal and hence try to apply it in terms of threat too. Its also really an attempt to distract themselves from how utterly strong and dangerous men really are; "women can be just as bad too!"

Interesting. Women make themselves feel better by how much they submit to men by pretending men's actions aren't inherent/exclusive to them. This makes them feel less stupid about how they endanger themselves daily because they convince themselves that the risk would be the same with women.

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #wingnut #sexist #quack 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "@bruceskelhorne - Can we keep murderous women out of secure airport areas?"]



Some Canadians are crying right now over Americans' right to abort their children. These are the same psychopaths who are taking away our medical freedom and forcing vaccines and boosters on everyone to get on an aircraft or train. Pick a lane

Im not forcing or was forced to get a vaccine but a womens body or a persons body is their fundamental right. Nobody should have any say
6:31PM·3 mai 2022

Now that Roe vs. Wade got the final verdict that even Bader-Ginsburg predicted would happen we're seeing even more people who claimed mandating vaccinations (a medical process) were okay because of the unproven contention that not getting vaccinated caused other people harm, while abortions (a murder) are okay[…]
Why can't we setup our society the way the Viro Fascists did over the past year?[…]
Women who have had abortions (remember, public healthcare means we will always know) however cannot work for the federally regulated industries, [url=http://shorturl.at/ceGNVcannot board airplanes or trains[/url], and are forbidden to enter bars and restaurants [the looser thighs that caused the abortion to begin with are less likely without access to nightclubs, a handy additional consequence! -ed]

If you have an abortion outside of Canada you must be quarantined until you're no longer a threat to more babies (ie. until you're sterile by either your own choice or by the ravishes of time)

Nobody is preventing you from having an abortion. However since you're acknowledged as an unrepentant murderer for safety reasons we have to limit your role in society

various commenters #wingnut #sexist gab.com


@HUNTER-II Bet you they are the pro-abortion beta soyboys showing their support. No big loss.

@HUNTER-II Their wasting there money! Guarantee you they are all vaccinated which makes you sterile anyway!

@HUNTER-II if they had done that in the first place there wouldn't be so many sluts wanting abortions, plus it's great that they're not breeding

@HUNTER-II Well, if women won't take responsibility for their own bodies and use some method of birth control, it's good to see men step up. Yes, this sounds sexist, but if I were a woman who wanted to have sex but no children, I certainly would be using some form of birth control other than abortion. I wouldn't be bitching about the Supreme Court's decision. I know. Insisting on people taking responsibility for their actions is SOOO old fashioned.

@HUNTER-II This proves my theory that abortion was promoted by men to avoid the consequences of their behavior, and was never meant to "liberate" women.

@HUNTER-II the best way for liberal/leftist men to sterilize themselves is suicide. It is really the only 100% guaranteed method.

They are afraid they may have to take responsibility for their children since the hoes they lay down with can’t murder them and are too stupid to take birth control.

Gives me hope as well that these slap-jawwed faggots won't be raising boys and teaching them how to be girls.

Take THAT all you ugly women boycotting sex with men!

@HUNTER-II Just as well that insures the future of America does not land in the hands of idiot liberals who think men have periods n can become pregnant. Phew we escaped that one!

@HUNTER-II the nuclear family is the greatest threat to the NWO/LWO. The NEA is established to indoctrinate children to the Marxist mindset, the NEA must be dissolved and all traces of Marxist teachings eradicated, the difficult task is finding teachers not fully indoctrinated themselves after the last 50 years of training good comrades... Anything that creates fewer liberals is a good thing

LatAmIsHell , ATF & Amsterdammaxxing #sexist #homophobia #wingnut blackpill.club

Were the nazis cucked?
The Wehrmacht popularized the march "Erika", which without contest I'm sure it would be cheerished by simps. It talks about a faithful women (which is as false as the likelyhood of the reich surviving after the war on itself.) and uses it to motivate german troops. This kind of cope only could be used by an extreme bluepiller. Hell, even the high ranks which in theory were beyond antifeminist allowed power to some of the women in their circles, namely Magda Goebbels (which also it's worth mentioning wasn't a virgin at her second marriage with Goebbels, even though he cuckqueaned her thrice-twice which can be interpreted as Goebbels just marrying not to be seen as an inferior, which says a lot about nazi german society)

This doesn't end here. The reich awarded not one, not even two but three women with the fucking iron cross; the highest honor in the nazi regime. The propaganda machine censored anti-fakeup campaings in the late 30s, which is clearly the nazis simping for women while a literal fucking world war was happening and being lost. By 1937 17% of the members of the nazi party were literal foids.

Hell, I might even assume the soviets were more based since they raped the living shit out of the german foids once they defeated their feminist reich.

The Nazis were not that cucked by default compared to Europe throughout history; however, they ended up getting cucked when they failed their war (which they started all by themselves), many of their men were killed, all their women were raped and the remaining men submitted. All thanks to the Nazis, Germans still continue to submit, as we can see with the German culture of shame (oppressing their own people but welcoming every foreigner) and more recently with the war in Ukraine where they're reluctant to oppose their "masters" (and biological fathers), Russia.

Can't get any more cucked than the Nazis in 1944 and 1945. Not even modern society compares.

Ernst Röhm was leader of the Sturmabteilung and was a minister chosen by Hitler, who knew that Röhm was gay but didn't give a shit. Most probably too much of a truecel to get women so gaymaxxed like a lot of young men do nowadays.

Tucker Carlson #sexist #wingnut #elitist #dunning-kruger newsweek.com

"Look at Robert 'Bobby' Crimo, would you sell a gun to that guy, does he seem like a nut case? Of course, he does," Carlson said. "So why didn't anyone raise an alarm? Maybe it is because he didn't stand out. Maybe it is because there are a lot of young men in America who suddenly look and act like this guy. That is not an attack, it is just true."

He added: "Like Crimo, they inhabit that solitary fantasy world of social media, porn and video games."

Carlson then went on to claim these same men may be high on drugs and angry because they believe their lives will be worse than their parents'.

"They are high on government-endorsed weed, 'smoke some more, it is good for you.' They are numbed by the endless psychotropic drugs that are handed out in every school in the country by crackpots posing as counselors. Of course, they are angry, they know that their lives will not be better than their parents', they will be worse. That is all but guaranteed, they know that. They are not that stupid." he said.

"And yet the authorities in their lives, mostly women, never stop lecturing them about their so-called privilege. 'You are male, you are privileged.' Imagine that, try and imagine an unhealthier, unhappier life than that. So a lot of young men in America are going nuts," Carlson continued.

"Are you surprised? By the way, a shockingly large number of them have been prescribed psychotropic drugs by their doctors, SSRIs or anti-depressants. That would include quite a few mass shooters."

behindyourightnow #sexist #transphobia kiwifarms.net

It's funny that they try to shoehorn themselves in when as far as I'm aware they haven't even done anything to help abortion rights. In fact they've actively hindered it by making a big screech over the use of the word "women." That's like sabotaging the gun rights debate by insisting "guns kill people" is disinclusive of animals because animals are shot by guns too, and making a big screech to get anti-gun people to say "guns kill sentient beings." It makes no sense to dispute the one single thing your argument is about, it's infuriating.

They have actively hindered most recent feminist movements and projects by demanding to be centered and then making it all about themselves, which causes most actual women to leave or tune out. They have spent years making it impossible for women to even describe themselves without including males as well (first they came after “women” then “female” then “biological female” which they now call a TERF Nazi dog whistle). How can you organize if you can’t even define your own group?

They couldn’t be more successful if they were an actual MRA psyop.

It's because with leftism in the west now, you have to have lockstep adherence whatever the new orthodoxy is. You can't be pro-abortion, but pro-freedom of speech, or pro-women's rights, but pro-gun. You must march in lockstep to whatever the twitter mind has decided is the correct stance on any issue, as determined by who can come up with the most viral hot take.

Left and right (particularly left these days) have become social groups, not political ones. Political beliefs are just a way of signaling group identity. You’ll confuse and anger people if you claim to be part of their group without performing the appropriate verbal rituals.

Remember that white leftists in particular have lost access to most other group identities that might have given them meaning in the past (religious membership, national pride, any sense of local community) and so they’re desperate for something bigger than themselves to belong to. It’s just a shame that they latched onto performative online idpol rather than setting up a workers’ rights movement or something.

Lance Welton #dunning-kruger #racist #sexist #wingnut unz.com

"Expect More Hysterical Screeching"—Leftists Can’t Help Being Self-Destructive (Which Is Good!)

The ROE vs WADE reversal ructions seem a good moment to point out that, during the crazy debate over the confirmation of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, when females seemed to have false memories of him raping them and exposing himself to them while he was a student at Yale, I commented "The Democratic Party Has Tipped, To Minorities, Women, Gays—Expect More Kavanaugh-Type Hysteria in the Future."

Specifically, I noted research shows women are considerably higher in mental instability (“Neuroticism”), and This, after all, is basically just a means via which they can express their feelings to each other and also alleviate a sense of guilt and social anxiety about their own “racism”, “white privilege”, or whatever they’ve bee told to feel guilty about.

As they take over society, and especially as they take over “caring” professions—such as teaching, medicine, non-profits and Woke activism—this can have serious, and self-destructive, consequences.

These women argued that “certain staff members had been tokenized, promoted, and then demoted on the basis of race.” There was an investigation and it found that the complaints were entirely unfounded. They just hated the supervisor.

So why did they make anonymous complaints? Women are physically weaker and fear open conflict or openly playing for status. Thus, they will generally use covert means to bring down a rival for status: whispering, bitching, spreading rumours about her being a slut or a show-off or making anonymous complaints.

White women, being higher in social anxiety than men or black women (see Race, Evolution, and Behavior, by J. Philippe Rushton) will be higher in extrinsic religiousness; competitive outward religious conformity—in this case to the Cult of Woke.

So, there may be some kind of silver lining to increasing female dominance of Woke organizations.

It means bickering, illogical decisions, time-wasting, and their being ground to a standstill.

And then of course there’s flat-out Black Lives Matter theft.

Henry de Lesquen #wingnut #fundie #homophobia #sexist lesquen.fr

[Translated from "Le programme d’Henry de Lesquen pour ressusciter la famille" - "Henry de Lesquen's platform to resurrect the family"]

Here's a 10-points plan to resurrect the family:
1. Constitution shall state marriage shall unite only two persons of opposite genders[…]
3. Christian marriage shall be recognised by law and dispense of civil marriage
4. Couples shall be recognised only in marriage. PACS shall be abolished [PACS is a civil union in France]. Concubinage shall be ignored
5. Authority. Restoration of the Head of Family. It shall be the oldest spouses, apart if they decide otherwise while marrying
6. Outside of testament and child maintenance, adulterous children shall not have rights at the expense of legitimate children[…]
8. National preferance. Allowances and other aids shall be reserved to French families only
9. The 1975 Simone Veil law shall be repealed. It shall be a felony to kill a child in his mother's belly
Abortion shall be allowed in cases of rape[…]
10. Real universal suffrage. The Head of Family shall vote for his minor children

Lori Alexander #fundie #sexist lorialexander.blogspot.com

Do You Sexually Harass Men By the Way You Dress?

Margaret Buchanan said "By dressing in a provocative way, girls and women are actually sexually harassing men." I agree with this statement 100%. Wise women know that dressing immodestly causes men to lust. This is one of the reasons the Lord commands women to be modest, discreet, and chaste. We are not to do anything to cause our brothers to stumble and we are responsible for how we dress and our actions. Most of you know what the word 'modest' means but do you understand what 'discreet' means for you?

The Bible calls women to be discreet: "that they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed" {Titus 2:4, 5}. The definition of discreet is "not likely to be seen or noticed by many people."

Many women today are anything but discreet. They do anything they can to be noticed by others by what and how little they wear, how much makeup and jewelry they wear, how fancy their hair is done, how perfectly decorated their homes are, the cars they drive, how much money they have, how many vacations they go on, sending naked pictures to others, and the list goes on and on. We, as godly Christian women, should do nothing to draw attention to ourselves, including burping, intentionally passing gas, or other actions that are unfeminine and indiscreet.

James Howard Kunstler #wingnut #transphobia #homophobia #sexist #conspiracy kunstler.com

I wish I had a time machine. I would teleport a small delegation of Ben Franklin, Tom Jefferson, and Button Gwinnett from their sweltering labors at Independence Hall — then known as the Pennsylvania state house — to a Drag Queen Story Hour hosted by Lil Miss Hot Mess (“The People’s Drag Queen”) reading from her best-selling book, The Hips on the Drag Queen Go Swish, Swish, Swish, to a roomful of six-year-old offspring birthed by America’s current Progressive ruling elite. Here, I would explain, is what it has come to.

Have today’s elites in our country, marinated in social justice and frantically signaling their goodness-and-virtue, gone perhaps a tad too far in their quest to liberate the populace from boundaries previously established for human behavior?
This birthday of the republic we are on track to going medieval, or something that at least rhymes with it. I’m regretful as anyone to leave so much baggage behind, but frankly it’s been a long time since all the Fun, Fun, Fun was over and Daddy took the T-bird away. Daddy himself is gone, along with all representations of him. Donald Trump tried to play the role in a movie called The Years before Covid-19 but the critics savaged him. Anyone who dares to try to be Daddy in America now will be Me-tooed and J-Sixed to a fare-thee-well, we’ve been warned. In your New World Order of Bill Gates and the Schwabenklaus’s Great Re-set, we are all expected to be a hot mess (so the exterminations can proceed without resistance).

I, for one, refuse to comply with all that insolent wickedness and urge you to join with me in making something decent, honorable, and workable in the vast salvage yard that America will be when we expel the degenerate maniacs who broke it to pieces. You can, for instance, be a man. Or, another instance, be a woman. These binaries of human reproduction can produce new humans. A man, a woman, and children will comprise a family, a good start in rebuilding the organism called a society.

Two Anonymous Cowards #sexist godlikeproductions.com

Anonymous Coward #76168416:
I divorced because I can't take woman's bullshit anymore
Life is perfect. But somehow she'll find a way to whine. It is not worth anymore. Women are never happy.

Anonymous Coward #80986584:
You not man enough to keep woman in her place

Anonymous Coward #76168416:
She wants to fight. I'm not gonna hurt her physically. Raised without a father. She has no idea what is respect.

zay b #sexist youtube.com

I’ve learned that it is not a good Return on investment if she’s over 25. Ignoring the obvious point of looks. I’ll start with mindset. Why are you still unmarried past 25? Have you been sleeping around and messing with bad boys? Do you not value marriage and motherhood until after you’ve had your fun? That’s not what I want me wife to be of.
2. Women put in a mask after 26 when they don’t have kids/husband. They will pretend to be the best GF ever then once you marry or she gets pregnant the true side comes out because she’s comfortable and thinks you can’t go any where, I’ve see. This happen to every man I know personally who married a woman between 26-33.
3. Physicality, let’s say you gain 30lbs during pregnancy. That weight will melt off a 21 year old, 30 years old good luck. Your stuck with that from then on and it gets worse over time especially if she feels you are locked down.

It’s just not a good investment, you wouldn’t buy a used car for new car price

Edmund_Kemper #sexist incels.is

The hypocrisy of society's panic over abortion laws when they tell us "sex is nothing important".

Just use birth control or get a vasectomy (unless you're poor ofc). Or move to another state. Or just don't have sex. But when you bring up that LAST argument, these same PATHETIC HUMANS say:

But WE NEED TO HAVE SEX!!!!11 Sexuality is a big part of who we are and we need to assert our sexuality and its not fair we can't have sexual pleasure because we can't have sex if we wanna avoid pregnancy but will worry about becoming pregnant if we do have sex!!!!11

But hey wait a minute? I thought you fucking humans said sex is nothing important and that there's more to life than sex. I THOUGHT YOU GODDAMN FUCKERS SAID THAT WE SHOULD FOCUS ON OTHER THINGS IN LIFE TO FIND HAPPINESS. I THOUGHT YOU SAID THAT YOU FUCKING HYPOCRITICAL HUMANS!!!


If abortion rights is simply about the right to choose, YOUR SATISFACTORY SEX LIFE SHOULD NOT BE RELEVANT AND SHOULD BE THE LEAST OF YOUR ISSUES. You do NOT just tell us sex is nothing important in life when we NEVER fucking had it meanwhile you're bitching about worrying about pregnancy while actually having sex which deters pleasure or not being able to have sex despite having it many times in your life because you fear pregnancy.


If women don't orgasm as much as men, feminists call this inequality and started campaigns and articles about making women orgasm more. but men being more likely to be virgins later in life or suffer involuntary celibacy is ignored.

f humans cannot fuck or cannot fuck without worrying about pregnancy at least, this is a tragedy.

but when involuntary celibates complain about never having sex or even a RELATIONSHIP for that matter, society tells us these things are nothing important in life

@peterpower & @waronwoke #wingnut #sexist gettr.com


spoilermeme with two people, a woman depicted as being dressed as a handmaid from “The Handmaid's Tale” and a chad.
Chad: “we should stop abortions”
woman:”you want to rape me”
chad: “what?”
woman: “you want to imprison me and put me in a costume and have high status men impregnate me”
chad: “w…what?”
woman:*panting*”their wives will hold my wrists…”
woman:”…while they drive themselves deep into my fertile womb!!”
chad goes away

Margaret Atwood wouldnt dare touch Islam. Instead attacks Christianity from 100s of years ago.

American_Patriarch & closeurlegz #sexist reddit.com

Shower thought: Now that Roe V Wade has been overturned, women now have as much day in becoming a mother as men do in being a father
Talk about equality, that may explain why women are so angry. “To those who are accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression”

W*men are all about equality unless it comes to sex.

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