
Racism, including ethnic hatred, nationalism and equating religion to race

Anonymous #racist #wingnut #psycho boards.4chan.org

(((Greatest Generation))) gets the bullet too

Title is metaphorical. They are already half dead, but this is about finding other ways to make them answer for betraying our White race and the Führer. How is /pol/ treating any relatives that remain of this thoroughly Kiked (((generation)))? In my case only my “great” grandpa still lives, but since I let Hitler into my life I have thoroughly renounced and rebuked that vicious old kike crony. It helps that he can no longer speak so I am completely free to punish him, and in completely legal ways, each time I visit him at the nursery. Examples of ways I have avenged Adolf the Great:

>Told him that he should be ashamed of betraying the White race and that he was a proper Judas.
>Told him his “victory” was for nothing and that his grandchild now belongs to Hitler. Then I spoke German to him rest of the visit, because that is what we would have all done if he had not betrayed our race to the Kikes (I learnt German since I am at least 1/64th Bavarian).
>I sold all his dirty Jew medals and told him about it. Then I bought a real German iron cross with oak leaves for the money and showed it to him. Even put it on my chest and goose-stepped around the room. At same time I put a yellow Star of David on his chest! You could just see how the old Kike was seething! But he could not tell anyone!
>On Halloween I visited dressed up in SS uniform and with Hitler moustache. Everyone in the nursery just thought it was a cute costume, but the old Kike immediately understood what I meant when I entered the room with a proud Sieg Heil! Perhaps, if Kikes servants do cry, there was a tear drop in his big nasty brown eyes.

It feels good that we can actually make sure those traitors are punished without even resorting to violence or break any laws
>Sticks and stones may break your nose, but my words will fucking annihilate you
So how do you make your (((Greatest Generation))) relatives regret ever betraying Adolf Hitler?

Iceage #racist stormfront.org

Emily Ratajkowski-I won't know the gender of my child until it is 18yrs. old

And they talk about blondes. This one lends credence that all the Polish jokes are true, and I thought the most severe of the lunatics were contained in the Hollywood Asylum:

Emily Ratajkowski, husband Sebastian Bear-McClard expecting 1st child | Fox News

Ratajkowski is of English, Irish, Polish, German, and Jewish descent.[16][10]

The Polish DNA is showing through it appears.

The pollock's are still offering up joke material.


slavcel11 #conspiracy #sexist #fundie #racist incels.is

RE: [RageFuel] Pastor who became an Onlyfans star is now a BILLIONAIRE (moneycopers DO NOT ENTER)

Gender paygap DESTROYED RIGHT HERE. There's no coming back after what we've just seen. You can't pretend anymore, you can't deny it, you can't argue that this foid got what she got because of vagina and vagina alone. Socialists will never beat it. Internet, dating apps, tiktok and now this did (in fucking 5-10 years, just think about it) more to empower women than 70 years of women's rights movement.

IT, challenge this you worthless morons, do one useful thing in your meaningless lives. Just come up with anything to explain that in a way which doesn't expose the harsh truth of the blackpill and vagina's privilege.

”In this case it’s not purely her looks that are causing simps to throw cash at her hand over fist. It’s the taboo aspect of a supposed once holy and religious goody goody individual getting down and dirty and being the filthy fucking whore that she truly is.”

Imaging going to church to hear a female pastor preach Is there a more cucked religion than Lutheranism?

Protestantism is a herecy devised by jews to divert people from Christ. First catholicism then myriad of heretic teachings and schisms to divide and destroy christianity. It's no coincidence that the most cucked nations in the world are majorly protestant.

Shawntheimmortal942 #sexist #racist #wingnut deviantart.com

The crazies just don’t want to acknowledge minorities who support Trump and now we have an actual white savior telling a black man he’s black...like that’s suppose to mean 50 cent or any minorities have no choice in who they want to be president! It’s just like how the crazies don’t want to talk about lesbians or bisexual women who like female video game characters dressing sexy, oh but that’s just “what aboutism”, right? The crazies are a hive mind! Seriously, ask any of these crazies what they think about black people who support Trump? They’ll say “Oh, they’re not educated enough” or “Oh, they have internalized racism” or “Oh, they’re just coons and bootlickers who aren’t really black!” You just can’t make this up! I’m sure the crazies can explain this video below.

Tim Tony Stark Rifat #magick #conspiracy #racist #crackpot #mammon real-vampire.com

Quarter Master Armoury Real Vampire® Bone Generator®

All Psychotronic Crystals® have the capacity to be Vampire weapons. If you have a Psychotronic Crystal® this Bone Generator® turns it into a Vampire Sword. Unlike non Real Vampire® goods and Services who’s power depends on how much charge you put into them all Real Vampire® Science is all powerful as it uses the power of the enemy to power it. The more powerful your enemy the more powerful the Real Vampire® becomes. So hunting and psychically preying on the Rothschild Nazi (North Atlantic Zionist Illuminati) gives the Real Vampire® the most power in the minimum space of time.

The owner has to power it up for it to e effective. If you have bought a charging Service the Psychotronic Crystals® work. If you have Real Vampire® Psychotronic Crystals® they work 24/7 as the enemy supplies the power to you and their loss of power does the damage to them. Not power projected to you to damage them. That is why Real Vampire® Science is all effective and why Tim Rifat left his real secrets until last so he would have time to finish off the Nazi’s of the West.

This Vampire Psychotronic Crystal® Bone Generator® turns the 34 BSRI-Engine into Vampire Swords for the Crystals:

Psychotronic Crystal® Rings become Wolverine-like blades issuing from your hands
Psychotronic Crystal® Orbs become maces to crush the energy body of enemies
Grail Stones Psychotronic Generators® become Vampire Axes to chop up the energy body of your prey
The Ultimate Psychotronic Crystal® Golgotha Crystal Skulls become a set of Vampire Blades that span the Earth to enable you to get any where to feed the Real Vampire® in you
<only $5000>

Various Incels #racist incels.is

RE: Kid is traumatized after guy threatens to rape his sister. (Watch until the end)

Incels need to go ER in thugmaxxed hoods Fuark i cant imagine massive gun battle between incels in combat gear and niggers with their pants hanging below their waist

People have trouble going ER as is so pursuing the group most likely to fight back seems dumb. Better to go after defenseless foids in some urban area.

Typical fucking monkeys. I fucking hate monkeys. @BummerDrummer what are your thoughts on these fucking monkey cunts? Of course they have to gang up on someone half their size as that's the only way these primitive, tribalistic low iq monkeys can feel a sense of satisfaction. Yeah we need niggers vs incels battle royale.


in my life, the biggest pussies and generally can't fight are niggers.

Descendants of literal losers. Millions and millions of conquered peoples sent to America.

That's what he gets for trying to whiteknight for his sister.

American black culture is one of the most cancerous "cultures" out there, absolute trash. I feel bad for non NT blackcels that have to live around them.

IslaVista2014 #racist #sexist incels.is

[Theory] LatinAmericamaxxxing

Latinas are the hottest to me. How can I get one of these loco bombshells in trade for a greencard. Maybe youve seen the tlc program 90daysfiancé. That really inspires me. Look at Larissa (with Colt) or Aziza with that redneck. Only I dont need pretense for love I just need to be able to plow her whenever I want and her not cheating and me making her into an alarm clock that wakes me up every morning by sucking me off and passionately licking my anus.

Shed get a Dutch greencard and maybe can live in my house.

Are there incel approved guides or reading material you can recommend me for spicmaxxing?

Jared Taylor #racist amren.com

With the possible recent exceptions of Iran and North Korea, no other country treats us with such contempt. Government officials openly subvert our policies, ordinary people insult us, and many Mexicans even appear to have designs on part of our territory. Why are we so passive? Why do American universities say nothing when Hispanic faculty and students openly advocate breaking up the United States? Why do no politicians complain when many Hispanics send home hundreds of dollars every month — and then seek medical treatment at taxpayer expense? Why are we silent when Mexicans take US citizenship while openly proclaiming their loyalty to Mexico? Why do most journalists and politicians tacitly agree with the Hispanic view that immigration control is “racist”?

With Hispanics, however, not only does race make us powerless to resist, race is part of what drives their refusal to assimilate and fuels their contempt for our culture and our interests. Demands, insults and loyalties are ultimately in the name of la raza, and that is what makes them so durable and so dangerous — and makes it impossible for us to respond as any normal, healthy nation would respond to similar provocations.

Jared Taylor #racist amren.com

It is official Mexican government policy to urge Mexicans living in the United States to remain loyal to Mexico. All political factions in Mexico are united in the view that the US-Mexican border is illegitimate, and that Mexicans have the right to cross it any time. The view that Mexicans have a natural right to enter the United States explains the vitriol that met American discussions in 2006 about ways to stop illegal crossings, and an eventual Congressional vote to build a wall along certain parts of the Mexican border. President Vicente Fox called the plan for a wall “disgraceful and shameful,” and promised that if it were ever built it would come down like the Berlin Wall. Ordinary Mexicans were just as outraged.

Other Latin American countries were equally outraged. Guatemalan Vice President Eduardo Stein said a wall would be “absolutely intolerable and inhuman.” The foreign ministers of Colombia, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama and the Dominican Republic all gathered in Mexico City to denounce the American measures and to coordinate strategy to make sure the border remained open to illegal immigrants.

Latin American countries, themselves, carefully control their borders, but their governments insist that the United States remain open. In an act of unusual candor, Mexican President Felipe Calderon acknowledged in 2006 that in light of the harsh measures Mexico takes against illegal immigrants from Central America it was inconsistent to complain about American border controls. In 2005, Mexican authorities caught nearly a quarter million illegals, mostly from Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador.

Jared Taylor #racist amren.com

What we find among many blacks — no doubt the majority — is a view of race completely at odds with what the civil rights movement was presumably working for: the elimination of race as a relevant category in American life. White racism is commonly alleged to be the great obstacle to harmonious race relations in the United States, but whites are the only group that actually subscribes to the goal of eliminating race consciousness and that actively polices its members for signs of backsliding. The behavior of non-whites not just in the United States but everywhere in the world shows that intense racial consciousness and the impulse to advance one’s own group even at the expense of others is the human norm. Whites are the only people who believe it is virtuous to sacrifice their group interests for the advantage of others. Indeed, for many whites, racial altruism has become the highest of all virtues.

Anyone who looks closely at black racial thinking and behavior cannot but conclude that 50 years after the legislated revolution of the civil rights movement, blacks are as far as ever from adopting the race-blindness that whites assume all Americans must achieve for multi-racialism to work. There is intense, combative racial consciousness in the United States because blacks nourish it, take pride in it, find meaning in it, and despise other blacks who do not. The persistence of black racial consciousness in the face of sincere white efforts to practice race-blindness and even preferential treatment for minorities is the single greatest failure of racial liberalism, and the most certain sign that those who have promoted it do not understand human nature or the world in which we live. Black racial consciousness — together with Hispanic and, to a lesser extent Asian consciousness — is reawakening white racial consciousness.

Various Commenters #sexist #racist reddit.com

RE: "Asian males and black females are more highly excluded than their opposite-sex counterparts, suggesting that existing theories of race relations need to be expanded to account for gendered racial acceptance."


Unnacounted for dynamic : Masculinity and feminity

Asian males (more feminine), low masculinity, black female more masculine (less feminine).

Asian females opposite, black men opposite.

Also black women are less likely to date out because they see non-black men as less masculine.

The least masculine men and the least feminine women have the hardest time dating? I'm shocked.

Hunter Wallace #wingnut #sexist #racist #homophobia #transphobia occidentaldissent.com

[From "The Center Right Is Worthless"]

Why should anyone support conservative liberalism?[…]
In spite of the mainstream Right, which upholds consensus antiracism in our culture, I have developed a positive sense of White racial identity.[…]
Of what value is the mainstream Right on sex?

What is the GOP going to do about young women who are out of control and older women who have become cat ladies and gone crazy? To ask the question is to answer it.[…]
The Supreme Court with Neil Gorsuch on the bench read transgenderism into the Civil Rights Act of 1964 this summer. Conservative liberalism couldn’t conserve the definition of marriage under Obama.[…]Insofar as we are up against the forces of sexual anarchy and gender fluidity in popular culture, we are on our own.
The GOP’s biggest accomplishment in this department is dumping the Mississippi State Flag and presiding over the destruction of hundreds of our monuments.[…]
Obviously, the GOP under Trump isn’t of any value to us in this area. Sheldon Adelson hit the jackpot when Trump got elected in 2016.[…]
Several generations ago, the GOP surrendered the public school system to blacks and progressive pedagogues, which is why I have to scrape up money from you to pay for my own son’s private school tuition. Now, the GOP is running on school choice so that the black kids in the “failing schools” can transfer to the private schools we pay for in addition to the public schools.[…]
Yeah, Donald Trump was elected in 2016 to restore “law and order,” but he spent his first term boasting about all the black felons he let out of prison with criminal justice reform and allowing Antifa and BLM to do whatever they wanted and burn down the country.

David J. Stewart #racist #conspiracy godlovespeople.com

The document known now as The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion is one of the most important documents ever to come to light in the world. It can be described as the blueprint for the domination of the world by a secret brotherhood. In fact, the title of the second publication in 1922 was "World Conquest Through World Government."

It is graphic in its contempt for those who will be its victims, in its profound understanding of the human condition and mind; and it is equally graphic in detailing the methodology it will use against, and with the complicity of, the world's population, in such a way as to go unrecognized by the vast majority of the participants.

The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion is a document which should be read by all. No other single document provides us with such a clear understanding of why the world is gradually moving towards a One World Government, controlled by an irreproachable hidden hand. In The Protocols, we are given clear insights as to why so many incomprehensible political decisions are made in both local, national and international politics, which seem to continually work against the favor of the masses and in favor of the vested interests of the banking/industrial cartel -- the global power elite.

The average person normally reacts with outrage and horror today at the very suggestion that there may be a conspiracy as grand as The Protocols. But the average person has absolutely no information on which to base his or her opinion. The reaction to exposure of this ancient conspiracy is merely a pre-programmed Pavlovian reaction, created and instilled by the very perpetrators of the same ancient conspiracy. And today, very few will dare speak above a whisper of that all-encompassing oppression of mankind.

David J. Stewart #fundie #conspiracy #racist #crackpot stewart1611.blogspot.com

We are seeing children (youth) rule over our society with anarchy. Was reading the inspired Holy Bible at school each day to children so bad?


Of the six judges who removed and banned the Word of God (since 1962) from children's lives at school each day, four of those judges were Freemasons! At the innermost core of the cult, Freemasons worship Lucifer, and are responsible for the subversion of our nation. Yes, ladies and gentleman, Satanists are in control. Satanists are in control. If that seems nutty to you, just flip over any U.S. one dollar bill and see all the Masonic occult symbols.

According to SourceWatch, a front group is “an organization that purports to represent one agenda while in reality it serves some other party or interest whose sponsorship is hidden or rarely mentioned.” In other words, a front group claims to represent a group of people while actually serving another group. Black Lives Matter is such a group. It claims to represent black people and their struggle against racial injustice, but in reality, it is a Communist front group.


The Protocols of the Zionist Men of Wisdom also declare the abolition of the family in favor of mob mentality. Protocol 10:5 states, “…we will shatter the goy family and its educational importance. We will not allow the formation of individual minds, because the mob, under our guidance, will prevent them from distinguishing themselves or even expressing themselves. The mob has become accustomed to listen only to us who pay it for obedience and attention…” This fits with the statement that Black Lives Matter disrupts the family structure in favor of establishing a global collectivist family!

BummerDrummer #racist #wingnut #homophobia incels.is

RE: Borat 2

A jew being subversive. No-way.

Yeah borat specifically (but not really Bruno, Bruno was based because it painted gay people as child rapists and fucked with woke people) has been left leaning. I mean progressives shouldn’t laugh and watch borat because borat is literally a racial character. It’s ironic the people saying they’re anti racist are now laughing at a racist movie (against Kazakhs)

I remember being surprised that this movie didn't start a major outrage imagine if it was about a Tyrone from Africa acting like a retard in the US

Yeah. If it was about a nigger the country would be burnt to the ground again, but because it’s about some shithole in Central Asia it’s all ok.

E. williams #wingnut #racist amren.com

RE: Why These NJ Latinos Are Voting for Trump, Despite His Anti-Immigrant Attacks

More voters is fine but, I feel that if more and more non whites vote for trump then then he’ll slack of on immigration. Just like his letting black criminals back on the street to get black voters.

Agreed! Don't read too much into this article. The fact is that many Hispanic (especially non-White Hispanics) still support democrats. I was listening to George Lopez and Carlos Mencia on you tube a few months ago. They made it clear that their loyalties lied with other non-Whites Too many of us Whites (not me) tend to believe that other non-Whites groups dislike Blacks and will "side with us" against Blacks. I would argue that that is dangerously misguided thinking and optimism. The fact is that Asians, Arabs, non-White Hispanics etc... are still not White! They are other people of color and many of them, particularly the younger members of such groups (millennials and generation Z) have made it clear that they identify with other groups of color. Moreover, they are a number of young people in these age demographics who are bi-racial or even multi-racial. Thus, they have vested interest in supporting anti-White policies.

MiracleChild, Absentminded & DomTxn #conspiracy #racist stormfront.org

RE: This from Nigeria, Africa! "Meet The Jew Heading BLM And ANTIFA"


Meet The Jew Heading BLM And ANTIFA - Foreign Affairs - Nairaland

It doesn’t come as much of a surprise - most blacks couldn’t organise a p*** up in a brewery. The standing with Israel is a bit different though - in Britain you’re far more likely to find Antifa at pro-Palestinian rallies. The British hard left tends to be very anti-Israel, and often anti-Semitic to boot

Does anyone else get the feeling that blacks are monitoring their lives? Still being a lesser being, they have no power, but it just seems like they're obsessed with white people, my it's my imagination, I think they really do monitor white people, I first noticed at a previous job, instead of working themselves, it seemed as if blacks wanted to monitor my work more than their own, now I am almost certain that blacks attempt to monitor our lives in every way possible. Negroes never surprise me though.

It always strikes me as odd that average people can find out that these Kikes and their goy stooges are running traitor organizations with little effort. Yet the police and the FBI never do seem to quite catch on. Even when the Jews openly admit to engaging in a criminal organization do we ever hear of any actual prosecutions? How many times do white people have to have their noses rubbed in the fact that these Jews are the enemy of every living breathing human on this planet? We are at war brothers and sisters. It's about time we admitted it and treated these scum like they want to treat us.

Thomas Muller #fundie #racist #conspiracy #wingnut winterwatch.net

Regular readers know that we don’t come at issues from a strictly Christian or religious worldview. That said, we are not anti-Christian in the least. But we are anti-Luciferian, which we consider all too real. Occultism, by definition, is all about putting up a façade. The very word “occult” means “hidden” or “secret.”
Where there is smoke, there is fire. We live in an inverted world where evil has become good and good evil. The flock just doesn’t realize that they are on the menu. Par for the course, those within the religious community that raise legitimate concerns are ostracized.

Luciferian music in the culture is widespread. If you are a permissive parent, you may not realize just how sinister a lot of this music really is. It shouldn’t matter if you are Christian or secular.
<Ozzy> Osborne falls into a pattern seen elsewhere, such as Georges Bizet (composer of Carmen), and the overrated modern gentile “artist” Jackson Pollock, teamed with Jewish wife and promoter Lee Krasner.

Osborne’s Jewish wife, Sharon Racheal Levy, and her father, Harry Levy (aka Don Arden), managed and promoted Osborne to success in the heavy metal music world. Inexplicably, Osborne’s music got darker, more sinister and more deviant under their tutelage.
But incredibly, there are bands specifically targeting Christian kids with the idea of “being hip and cool.” In reality, this is just more in-your-face apostasic inversion. A number of them even perform on the same recording label, such as Metal Blade Records, as openly satanic bands.

Biblical Gender Roles #conspiracy #elitist #psycho #racist #sexist biblicalgenderroles.com

When God created mankind, he ordained three core social classes and those were men, women and children. After sin entered the world, he allowed for a fourth social class of slaves (both male and female) because of poverty and war.

Humanists rejected these four social class structures and instead sought to bring about a new model of society that had only two social classes which we know today as “adults” and “children”. The abolitionist humanists first targeted the slave class for elimination. Then some female abolitionists broke off and organized the first womens rights conference in 1848 in Seneca Falls, New York.

When they talked about “humanizing” people, they were talking about making women and slaves equal with free men. In other words, they were seeking to eliminate the social classes of men, women and slaves and replace those classes with one new social class, that of a “human” or “adult” while leaving the child class intact.

This is why today if any adult is seen has having less rights than another adult, it is said that the person with less rights is being “dehumanized”.

The ultimate goal of humanists of the late 19th century was to build an “internationalist” or what we call today “globalist” society. No men, no women, no slaves, no rich, no poor, no Christians, no Muslims, no Jews, no Americans, no Mexicans, no British.

Just humans.

And it is this march toward a one world society with no nations, no religions, no genders, no rich and no poor that humanists refer to as “progress”. And this is why leftists today refer to themselves as “progressives”.

Humanists knew that their master plan would take decades and perhaps more than a century to bring about. And they knew they had to do it in small incremental pieces. This is why if you notice in this ruling, the court still acknowledged that a wife had a duty to be in subjection to her husband. It would have been too much for American society to accept all at once that a husband could not use corporal punishment on his wife and that a wife did not have a duty to obey her husband.

Andrew Anglin #racist dailystormer.name

[From "Lesley Stahl is a Disgusting Old Jew and America Actually Hates Her"]

Jews are seriously deluded people, who think that their own people are beloved among the goyim, and can’t stand to face the fact that if Jews didn’t control everything, the goyim would never choose Jews as their cultural figures.

Jew Maggie Haberman apparently genuinely believes that Jew Leslie Stahl is one of the most beloved figures in American journalism.

Haberman writes for the New York Times:


The NYT is an absolute scam by Jews to make midwits and women feel like they’re smart, and it’s really disgusting.

The Jews will appeal to any weakness in the goyim.

But the appeal to the unearned vanity of midwits is the most offensive to me personally.


Listen, Jews: it’s hard to make the goyim care about some young plastic surgery Jew woman. But a 75-year-old plastic surgery Jew woman? No one wants that.

Jared Taylor #racist amren.com

Much of the answer lies in the fact that Hispanics are not white, and that most whites are so fearful of being called “racist” they dare not take a stand against any non-white group. Let us not forget how angry Americans were when France opposed the invasion of Iraq. That affront to our pride was nothing compared to what we have suffered every day for decades at the hands of Mexicans and their government.

Let us imagine that France were sending us millions of poor, uneducated Frenchmen who made no effort to learn English, who celebrated French holidays rather than American holidays, who sent money out of country but demanded free services, who expected ballot papers and school instruction in French, who ignored our immigration laws, who insisted on hiring and college admissions preferences because they offered us “diversity?” What if some of them talked openly about taking over parts of the United States and kicking out the rest of us? Would our press and politicians remain silent? What if the French government openly encouraged all this? What if it offered French-American elected officials free, loyalty-boosting trips back to France, and encouraged French-Americans everywhere to work and vote for French rather than American interests? What if the French jeered at our national anthem and chanted “Osama, Osama” when our athletes took the field?

Americans would be furious. We would recall our ambassador. We would deport every French illegal, and severely limit further immigration from France. There would be calls to strip naturalized Frenchmen of US citizenship — particularly if they had shown their true loyalties by maintaining French citizenship.

FallenPrime #sexist #crackpot #ableist #racist incels.is

Whenever I hear or see people telling some ugly or short male to "get a better personality" and stop complaining, my blood boils like lava.

Ask yourself bluepillers.
1. Did he choose to be ugly?
2. Did he choose to be short?
3. Did he choose to be ethnic?
4. Did he choose to be having a small penis?
5. Did he choose to be having mental illnesses?

So, NO. He didn't sign up to ne any of that, in fact none of us are signed up to be, yet life is unfair and I got a combination of being a chink with a lower third of a frontal crash not to mention a bunch of mental illnesses (I am autistic). Not to mention many males got the worse end of the genetic stick.

If it was up to a guy criticizing a female being any of the above, he would have been doxxed to oblivion. In opposite a female can be obese and having many guys (including Chads) simping for her.

Seriously fuck being an ugly abomination with a lower third of a frontal crash. I didn't sign up to have a recessed chin plus crooked teeth. I didn't sign up to be an autist as well as not being tall. Don't get me started with my 4 inch erect dick. I am being a law-abiding citizen yet people hated me more than a literal criminal?!

Tl;dr people just can't stand an ugly male existing

Archangel #conspiracy #racist stormfront.org

Re: Study: Jewish Population in Europe Shrinking, Lowest Share of Population in 900 Years

Jews have really cracked down on antisemitism in Europe, letting their truly repressive nature be made known. I worked on Rabbi Melchoir's ending antisemitism project at the beginning of this century, advising that repression leads to hatred. In the end he ignored our best advice and chose increasing repression of anti Jewish feelings over doing something about the hatred of non Jews endemic in the Jewish faith.

We said if repression was increased, anti Jewish feelings would increase as well. Sure enough it happened to the point the Chief Rabbi of Europe told Jews not to wear kippa's in public lest they put themselves in harms way.

So Jews started clearing out of Europe, preparing Europe to be nuked with far less harm to Jews when war is waged on Russia, in accord with Jewish plans that put war with Russia on the agenda in 2000 thru the design of the Project for the New American Century document, 'Rebuilding America's Defenses.

That's the same neo con/Jew created agenda that put war with China on the agenda, which we can see we're well marching toward currently.

Various Commenters #conspiracy #moonbat #racist #sexist reddit.com

RE: North Korean defector fraud Yeonmi Park who talks shit about her country in exchange for cash is ofc in a WMAF relationship

Wtf. She must have watched Dumb and Dumber as her only Western movie growing up, and thought that was the ideal standard of western male attractiveness. C section plus autistic low status unattractive balding white husband = fucked kids

Yeah, check this photo too. A supposed 'hero' who ends up with some dweeby white guy that most likely jerks off to hentai. I mean, maybe she could have had a good message...but when she ends up with some typical low-quality white guy? All credibility goes right out the window...

honestly....i don't believe in these stories anymore. I feel like this is just more US propaganda to get the "people's" approval to attack/go to war with NK. There are books that are banned in the US that teach people how to overthrow gov'ts and countries and the US is basically using those tactics to overthrow other countries/govts. Basically you paint yourself as the "hero of justice" trying to "save" something and most of the time you can sway the hearts of the people in your direction. I mean it goes a lot deeper than that, but you know...for simplicity's sake.

Yeah, the rapey part about all of this is that white society accepts the white savior narrative with NK, in stark contrast to the cynical defiant hippy attitude they displayed with Iraq and Syria.

Vox Day #conspiracy #racist voxday.blogspot.com

[From "The secret U.S. Gestapo"]

Ron Unz exposes the reality of the would-be U.S. secret police, the ADL:

The choice of the ADL as the primary ideological overseer of America’s Internet may seem natural and appropriate to politically-ignorant Americans, a category that unfortunately includes the technology executives leading the companies involved. But this reflects the remarkable cowardice and dishonesty of the American media from which all these individuals derive their knowledge of our world. The true recent history of the ADL is a remarkably sordid and disreputable tale.[…]

The ADL are confirmed Pharasatanist scum, whose founding purpose was to defend pedophilia, rape, and murder. They as allergic to the good, the beautiful, and the true as the average vampire is to garlic, silver, and the Cross. Anyone who is attacked by the pedophistic extremists should be regarded as someone who is at least capable of speaking truth, unlike the Always Depraved League.

And they are not to be feared, they are to be despised. Not for their ethnicity, but for their evil history and for their evil and illegal actions.

Normal_Success #pratt #racist reddit.com

People keep staying black people are killed for these small crimes like counterfeit money or whatever, but that’s a deliberate (hopefully because otherwise it’s really dumb) misinterpretation. They’re killed for putting officers’ lives at risk. No cop says “oh you’ve stolen, I will shoot you now”, but if they tell you to put your hands up and you just waltz to your car and reach inside, now you’ve put them at risk when you could have just put your fucking hands up, for everyone’s sake.

How did Breonna Taylor put officers' lives at risk?

Not that I really expected an honest discussion, but I’m still disappointed this was your chosen tactic.

How was that dishonest? Because it doesn’t fit your “black people are dangerous” rhetoric?

Because you’re picking an incident that was almost certainly accidental and using it as your main argument against something that is purposeful. Cops also get in car accidents with innocent people, but that’s not a good example to use in this context and doing so is just silly and dishonest.

SoundMind #fundie #wingnut #racist wnd.com

Yes, it is a duty for believers to take a stand against those re-imagining our republic into something ungodly. Casting a vote is hardly a burdensome deed especially since America's very essence is being threatened (eg, increasing the size of the Supreme Court and making America a Free-for-all for the world's poor). God doesn't expect us to lay down but to stand (Ephesians 6:13). His servant Nehemiah also built a strong wall against neighboring countries who were raiding them.

What is godly about President Trump in contrast to Joe Biden?

For one, he is protective of his countrymen much like God is with His family, whom He wants safe and nourished. Joe Biden would have the world's poor overrun us and, further, force American workers to support lawless foreigners for life regardless of whether or not they work for benefits which are earned by American laborers, such as stimulus payments, unemployment compensation, food stamps, Medicare and Medicaid, and Social Security. Donald Trump has constantly sought to relieve citizens of this enormous financial burden, not to mention the diseases and crime that so often accompany those who sneak in.

President Trump also understands that the best way to help his countrymen prosper is to stimulate job growth, and he has already proven he can do that. He will do it again, and that's why he will be reelected.

montalk.net #conspiracy #magick #racist #ufo montalk.net

The Ark <of The Covenant> Stone seemed to possess an intelligence, which in the Old Testament was named Yahweh or the Lord of Israel. This intelligence was a psychopathic parasite that was none other than the personified extension of the Corrupt Demiurge.

The same way the Grail Stone was a remote terminal for the Christ intelligence, the Ark Stone was one for the Corrupt Demiurge. How did this come about? It happened when the Mosaic priesthood in Egypt deployed the Ark Stone in an act of black magic to liberate themselves from the Egyptian power structure that had deposed Akhenaten and oppressed them. It was a pact made with a demonic force. It’s possible that the Great Pyramid, as described in the Biblical description of the events at Mount Sinai, functioned as a reprogramming device for the Stone, allowing a different intelligence to take possession of it.

While the Osarseph rebellion failed, their “Lord” guided them out of Egypt and established them in Canaan, birthing the nation of Israel. Thus a desperate act of black magic over three thousand years ago injected Israel into history and changed the course of the timeline. Judaism, Catholicism, Christianity, and Islam were among the consequences. How many wars have resulted from this, and how much closer are we to WWIII today because of it? History was altered in such a way that, today, we are far more vulnerable to global alien takeover than otherwise; hence through the Ark Stone, the Corrupt Demiurge found a deep inroad into the timeline by which the timeline could be bent toward fulfillment of its dark goals.

Ambrose Kane & Wakey wakey Mr. Freeman #racist amren.com

(Ambrose Kane)

In the March 2021 elections, Identiteit Nederland will present candidates for the first time. Party leader Géza Hegedűs explains IDNL’s platform and outlines his vision for Holland and Europe.

We really do need a White Identitarian Party of our own here in the U.S. The problem is that it requires two important elements: (1) The collective will of Heritage Americans (Whites), and (2) Lots of money and financial backing. At this point, we have neither.

But don't lose heart. Things have not yet gotten bad enough for Whites, but they soon will. When they have nothing to lose and when everything has been taken from them . . . . then and only then will they fight!

Sorry to say, but we're all still too well fed, still too comfortable, and we've still got too much money. Once those are taken away, Whites will awaken from their slumber and fight.

Oh sure, I know some of our people are too far gone and deceived. The good news is that not all of us will bow the knee to Baal.

(Wakey wakey Mr. Freeman)
I think Hegedűs needs to work on his phrasing,he would miss out and get straw-manned on his "Ethnic Dutch",you see the way he says things would make a lot of normies assume that he's against other white immigration from European countries mainly.Europeans are more racially centric than you think.The media will do this.How do I know?In my country's News Outlets whenever they cover the American Alt-right they describe them as "Anglo-Saxons that are furious about becoming a minority" in other words they don't say that the U.S. will be a brown country they just say "Ohh look at those Bigoted Anglos not wanting any Germans,Spaniards or Polaks in their country can you believe IT?".

Unnamed female attackers #racist #psycho dailymail.co.uk

Two Muslim women are stabbed under the Eiffel Tower by white female attackers shouting 'Dirty Arabs' after argument about dogs

French police have arrested two female suspects after an argument about dogs allegedly descended into violence and racist insults including the words 'Dirty Arabs'. One of the Muslim women said the attackers had pulled out a knife after refusing to put their dogs on a leash and slashed her on the skull, arm and ribs.

Those in custody are described as being white women of 'European appearance', both 22, who now face 'attempted murder' charges, said city prosecutors after the alleged row about dogs.

A source at the Paris prosecutors' office confirmed on Wednesday: 'An investigation for attempted murder has been opened in connection with the stabbings.' Witnesses say they heard smears including 'Dirty Arab!' and 'Go home to your own country'. 'Call the emergency services, she stabbed him,' was also heard. Two local shop workers then intervened and held one of the attackers down until the police arrived. The second suspect was arrested later.

Dr. Zhao Yongchen #conspiracy #moonbat #racist twitter.com

(NOTE: This man is the Chinese ambassador to Grenada. This is how he defends his country against accusations of genocide against the Uyghurs… The comments on his tweet are EXACTLY what you’d expect.)

In Europe and America, the birth rate of whites has fallen very seriously. Is this the result of the genocide policy pursued by their leaders?

The Uyghur population in Xinjiang has exploded, but the Chinese govt has been accused of committing genocide by conspirators. Nosense!

Hunter Wallace #wingnut #dunning-kruger #conspiracy #racist occidentaldissent.com

[From "The Second Klan and Victorianism"]

What was the Second Klan about in the 1920s?
As it turns out, the Second Klan wasn’t so much about race or violence against blacks as it was about defending America’s traditional White Anglo-Protestant national identity, culture and morals in the culture war of the 1920s against Jews, Catholics and modernists.
It was an American Nationalist group that defended the Victorian consensus in national identity, culture and morality. America was a White, Anglo-Saxon (in culture), Protestant nation.
The Second Klan wasn’t a violent organization.

There were lynchings in the 1920s and deadly race riots in places like Tulsa and Rosewood, but racial violence didn’t have much to do with the Klan. It was more focused on Prohibition.
In order to understand the Second Klan, you have to understand the Victorian mindset which segregated men and women into separate spheres and gender roles, ranked the different races and nationalities in a hierarchy, sharply distinguished between the “civilized” and “savage” and saw the home as a sort of school where Protestant children were taught the moral virtues that collectively made up their “character.” A good person was a hardworking, sober, pious person who practiced self-denial and the moral virtues and who had genteel manners. This is what the modernists rebelled against in the 1920s.
Again, it is no mystery why the Jewish press and modernists hated the Klan because it was opposed to their corruption and campaign of moral and cultural degeneration.

hannah #moonbat #racist dailykos.com

The Cubans that left were snobbish elites who did not like the prospect of having to work.

Veblen did us a disservice when he identified the “leisure class.” Leisure is what the self directed and artistic engage in. It is the parasites and predators in the lazy class that wear us down. And they multiply like rabbits.

Indiancel #psycho #racist #sexist incels.is

[LifeFuel] Imo Sri Lanka and Belarus are the best places for location maxing

According to the stats men there are ugly af,abusive and die early and about 60% of the population is under poverty.Feminism virus hasn’t spread yet.Women are more family oriented and are virgins.As long as you aren’t a dipshit Locationmaxxing there seems legit.Slav women are hot af while Sri Lankan women are cute.

I even talked to a guy on reddit and he confirmed all my presumptions.All of his cousins were incelish looking and were married to gl women and none of them made for good husbands yet the women stayed with them out of despair and these were his exact words

“All u need is a decent income and unironically a good personality. Yes,personality matters a lot.Men here are spoilt for choice and make bad husbands tbh.Most of them are abusive,adulterous and treat their wives like crap,thousands of young women are desperately trying to find a good man to marry,so if you treat her right she will definitely return the favour.Some of you might call it betabux but it isn’t as bad as u might think.In sri Lankan culture it’s the women’s duty to satisfy her husbands in bed.So marriages won’t end in deadbedrooms for sure”

Sounds like a paradise tbh but keep in mind all of this is coming from redpilled sources.So,is this life fuel or am I coping hard?

whitehouse90310 #racist stormfront.org

RE: Republican Tax cuts pay off as 50 Cent latest Wealthy Black Celeb to endorse Trump

Rich Foul mouthed Black Rappers TI, Ice Cube and of course Kanye West all support the Republicans as they benefited directly from the Tax cuts:

T.I. Defends Ice Cube for Working With Trump Campaign | Complex

Because in America when a Black Celebrity amasses a certain amount of Dollars their skin turns from Black to Green...as in Greenbacks. So that is where their loyalty is. Black street hustler (pimps, drug dealers etc) are Ultra-Capitalists. They couldn't care a fig about 'muh poor Blacks'. Unsure why the Left and Right-wing in America seem oblivious to that fact.


Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #racist 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "What about kids who don't want to become parole officers?"]

Remember: these far-left lunatics are teaching children their lies.

Today's candidate is named Renee Ouellette, a recent graduate in the fake degree known as "Native Studies", who made a "Cree language education package" that doesn't include phrases the modern Red Indian actually needs like "what hours of the day is this rural farm with the valuables in the garage unattended?" but instead the word for "carrot" and "apple".

By now I'm sure you've notice one of the problems. Carrots were totally unknown in Alberta until the white man showed up: while the plants themselves originated in Iran they became popular due to their consumption in Europe. The Europeans (like Columbus, who we celebrated earlier this week) who discovered America brought carrots with them.
The "this is Treaty 6 land" is of course nonsense, we've established this before. But if Renee is really interested in "the history and culture" of Red Indians than "carrot" shouldn't be on the list. Any Cree who grows carrots is in fact culturally appropriatng Iranian culture. A fatwa upon them.
[Below are pictures of the courses materials where the OP wrote in answers describing Natives as non-educable animal abusing welfare queens]

neimengu #racist #sexist reddit.com

(NOTE: OP deleted his original post, but you can guess the content of it from what he says in the comments. I’ll drop a summary of the deleted post in this post’s comment section, just in case anyone’s interested.)

Any interest in an erotica with Asian domination over US and Europe?

Don’t overlook the fact that a lot of these pinkie bitches can be MORE racist than their male counterparts, but I like the plot of pinkie bitches leaving pink boys for golden cock regardless. What I would add to this, is not only pink males should be subjugated to cuckery but their females as well.

Yeah, I get you. But my view is that these bitches are just that, bitches. They’ll wag their tails to their new masters as soon as they are subjugated. But yeah, I do plan to have them subservient to Asians, doing all the menial work if they’re not hot enough for Asian men to take notice of them.

Sounds pretty based, would read. Make sure you portray the pink "males" realistically, i.e. racist, narcissistic, insecure, etc. it would be better and shocking if these Chinese students towered over her like Yao Ming

Suggestion for a sub-theme that might be interesting: After the alliance colonizes the west coast of the US, they begin the process of 'reversed' manifest destiny. Forming an allegiance with their genetic offshoots, the Native American tribes, and conquering eastward.

oh and i forgot to mention that European women are also smarter and are all already flocking to China to throw themselves at their new glorious global hegemons.

Missy #racist amren.com

RE: Hundreds of Armed Black Protesters Face Off with White Farmers as South African Town Braces for Bloodshed

Look your people screwed up. Once they let the blacks into the country as cheap labor, the white South Africans were finished. Sometimes we need to admit our failure and accept the consequences. It's more important to learn what what went wrong and never allow other whites to repeat these same nation destroying mistakes. Why do we let whites use other races as cheap labor? Why do we allow the use of cheap labor at all? This is what needs to be examined. The blacks are behaving exactly as expected and nothing can change primitive black behavior. Only the whites had the ability to prevent this situation. I believe cheap labor breaks the laws of nature and wherever it is used will result in civilization failure. Look around the world, most humans of other races and ethnic groups do their own labor. Even today these white farmers are still using black cheap labor on their farms. The lesson has not been learned.

Here in the US, we are not going to survive the use of blacks for cotton, Mestizos for agriculture, or Somalians for slaughterhouses... We need a plan B because the damage is done. But nothing will work until we address the cause, which is whites use of other races as cheap labor.

Andrew Anglin #conspiracy #racist dailystormer.name

Recently, we witnessed the Jew Jerrold Nadler poop in his pants while giving a press conference as a way to humiliate the goyim. Even more often than Jews engage in pants-pooping to humiliate the goyim, they masturbate at the goyim.

Very rarely, but sometimes, the goyim get mad enough to go public when a Jew does this to them.


Wait – virtually all of those people are Jews. I think they might all be Jews. (Just try to imagine how Jewish the media actually is. Then realize that they are the enemy of the people. Then, understand the concept of “Antisemitism.”)

This wasn’t a Jew trying to humiliate the goyim – it was just a Jew hanging out with other Jews and acting like a Jew.

Furthermore, I have a feeling that in the real election, the courts are going to do the same thing Toobin did in the simulation.

So, frankly, he did remain in character.


Jews are sick and deranged people, whatever the hell was going on here specifically.

We shouldn’t be involved with these people and we should in fact protest the fact that they rule over us.

Andrew Anglin #conspiracy #racist dailystormer.name

[From "Amidst Coronavirus Economic Collapse, Germany Gives $664 Million to Jew “Holocaust Survivors”"]

Even if you believe in the idiotic mythology of the Holocaust, “Holocaust survivor” is an idiotic term. You don’t have to have managed to walk backwards out of a gas chamber to maintain the title of “survivor.”
You don’t have to have been kicked off of the violin team in the orchestra, or kicked off of the football team.

In order to be a “Holocaust survivor,” all you have to have done is:
•Be Jewish
•Be alive in 1945

Theoretically, you’re also supposed to have been in Europe – not just Germany, but anywhere in Europe. That includes Britain and other countries that the Nazis didn’t successfully invade.
This might seem to trivialize an event which Jews want the goyim to believe has a sacred status as the crucial event of history, which defines civilization itself. But it sure is profitable for them.
Every Jew in the former USSR is classified as a Holocaust survivor, just to be clear, despite the fact that the Nazis never made it to Moscow, let alone started masturbating all the Jews to death.
Buying a house in that neighborhood is worse than the bleach blonde fake titty bitches in the video. Plus the song is inaccurate in that it says Beverly Hills is old money, which is the opposite of the truth. It’s a place for peasants like Joe Rogan who somehow end up with millions of dollars, and Jews from the ghettoes of Belarus who ran scams after the war. All that having been noted, it is very, very funny to me to think of the Soviets liberating Auschwitz and then this song starts playing in the Jews’ heads.

Yeah, but seriously – every single “survivor” I read about lives in Beverly Hills.
It’s known as the “Auschwitz to Beverly Hills Pipeline.”

Mike Stone #wingnut #quack #racist #homophobia #elitist henrymakow.com

Do you feel odd, different or strange? Do you feel like a square peg in a round hole? Do you wonder if you even belong in current-day human society?

You know the whole coronavirus deal is a hoax, but everyone in your neighborhood is wearing a mask, looking like extras from a bondage movie.

You know Black Lives Matter is a violent, terrorist organization, but your employer just signed a statement of solidarity with them and they want you to attend "diversity training." They say it's "voluntary," but you know exactly what will happen if you don't go.

You know Hollywood is nothing more than a collection of homosexual leading men, washed up old hags, and shameless young whores on their way to becoming washed-up old hags, but you're forced to listen incessantly to your co-workers gush about their celebrity crushes.

Welcome to the world of the awake. Not the phony woke world of the Social Justice Warrior, perpetuated by Communist academia and the fake news media, but the real world. A world visible to you; a world you alone are able to decipher as if you were wearing X-ray glasses that no one else possessed. A world invisible to everyone else.
How do you deal with friends and family who just don't want to know the truth? Who are indifferent to the danger we all face? How do you navigate your way through a maze of utter stupidity and deceit?
Are you a man or a woman without a country? A stranger in a strange land? An interloper from another galaxy stranded on this mortal coil of idiocy?

Unnamed OUN-UPA March participants and Kyiv’s department of culture #racist #conspiracy jta.org

Participants in a nationalist march in Ukraine raised a banner decrying the country’s “occupation and robbery” by a “Jewish clan.”

The banner, aimed at Ukraine’s Jewish president, Vlodymyr Zelensky, appeared Wednesday at the annual OUN-UPA March, which is named for Ukrainian nationalist movements that for a time sided with Adolf Hitler against the Soviet Union.

“Celebrating the anniversary of the occupation and robbery of Ukraine by the Dnipro Jewish clan of Vova Zelensky,” the read the billboard-sized banner that was displayed in front of Zelensky’s office.


Other symbols on display at the march included the logo of the ultranationalist Azov Battalion and a banner that read “White Lives Matter.”

Separately, Kyiv’s department of culture sent a letter to a prominent rabbi in Kyiv asking him to hold prayers for “defenders of Ukraine of all generations” on Oct. 14. That date is a national holiday known as both Defender of Ukraine Day and the Day of the Cossacks, a Slavic group that perpetrated pogroms against Jews in the early 20th century. Many Ukrainian Jews objected to the establishment of Oct. 14 as a national holiday in 2015.

Eduard Dolinsky, director of the Ukrainian Jewish Committee, criticized the letter, which was apparently sent to multiple clergymen, calling in “bizarre.”

Dolinsky said the reference to “all generations” meant the city was asking Jews to pray for Bogdan Khmelnitsky, the 17th-century Cossak leader whose army killed countless Jews, as well as 20th century Nazi collaborators.

Requiario #racist #conspiracy stormfront.org

The indigenous and mestizos who invaded Argentina continue with the war declared to the "wikcas" which is how they say to the white Argentines whom they swore to destroy. They do this under the aegis of the Communist Mason government that parasitizes Argentina. A few weeks ago the invasions of land by "mapuches" began in all that is the territory of Argentine Patagonia, added to the invasions that indigenous and mestizos from Bolivia and Paraguay are carrying out in the province of Buenos Aires. A few years ago the "ancestral Mapuche resistance" declared war on the white Argentinian (whom I call with contempt Winca or Huinca) and began to perpetrate terrorist acts such as kidnapping, placing bombs in schools and even the murder of a white farmer whose corpse he was thrown to his own pigs. The persecution of the heterosexual white Argentine man, mainly Catholic of Spanish and Italian descent, reached its most ruthless stage, the terrible tax pressure (where he is kidnapped through taxes up to 60% of his salary to support indigenous and lgtb groups). He first added a governmental institute in charge of persecuting white heterosexual men and accusing them of racists and now he began the expropriation of land and KIDNAPPING AND MURDER of whites in Argentina. As if that were not enough, the Argentine government prohibited people from buying dollars to save and protect themselves from the devaluation caused by printing money to finance all the indigenous and mestizo groups that allowed them to enter the country to increase political patronage.

I appeal to the solidarity of our brothers in the north to spread and denounce the BRUTAL PERSECUSION AND GENOCIDE that white Argentines are suffering.

Three Anonymous Cowards #racist #conspiracy #wingnut #pratt godlikeproductions.com

(Anonymous Coward 78489893)
HITLER tried to heal humanity and restart our corrupt system of international bankers.

He was on the right track to fixing the worlds problem.

(Anonymous Coward 79509617)
imageWhich is why the Bolshevist Judean bankers declared war on Germany.

(Anonymous Coward 78215030)
imageAs time goes on it becomes more obvious. The bankers run the world.

(Anonymous Coward 78489893)
This thread will soon be wiped from the net. Just good to know that the truth is still out there and they can never silence us.

IncelCream #sexist #racist incels.is

[SuicideFuel] I’m a Black woman who’s only dated white men, but...

I'm a Black woman who's only dated white men but BLM has changed everything

There is always a but.

or a Butt for JBW

Is she going to start dating black thugs? Oh hell naw.

She will date White passing latinos tee hee

She will continue to suck white cock, BLM will change nothing in her dating life

but now she can think about BLM while having sex :feelsautistic:

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #racist #dunning-kruger 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "Giving Thanks to Christopher Columbus"]

Today is Thanksgiving in Canada, Columbus Day in America.
Martok a few years ago was talking with one of the "good Indians" as the old phrase goes: a guy who rejects this #IdleNoMore nonsense and wants to be realistic about what would have happened to North America without Columbus sailing the ocean blue in 1492.
But getting back to the aforementioned good Indian, his question to his kin was what they expected would happen when their stone aged society was found by a far more powerful and far more advanced civilization that came across them.[…]
As it was, Canada was discovered by the British. While these days the Brits are scoffed at as "imperialist colonizers" in reality that was pretty much the best possible country to show up here: they made (and, despite the lies of activists, honoured the terms of) treaties even though in reality the tribes who they signed with had little or no actual claim over much of the land they were supposedly signing over.[…]
What if, instead of being found by white Europeans, it was instead found by the yellow Japanese?
If you didn't already know, here's a chart of how the Japanese consider other races. Note that their view of whites is coloured (to borrow a term) by how much whites have been able to culturally and technologically compete with them.[…]
Anybody below about 700 on that scale would be not worth keeping around. And since the Red Indians would still be a primitive stone aged people in 1750 without contact with the outside world, those same Japanese armies showing up in ever-increasing number wouldn't rest until they hunted down and removed every single shred of non-Japanese.

Yukon Jack #crackpot #racist #wingnut web.archive.org

Any thinking person can figure out the Bible god is the egoic projection of the writers, a the encoding of the prejudices of those who wrote it, god was man’s creation, the bible god is obviously a mental outpicturing of the racist authors. Thus god chose the Bible writers. How convenient. Many in the alt media are now figuring out the Holy Bible is really Jewish supremacist writing claiming holiness.



The Jews who wrote the Bible says god chose Jews. Translated – the Jews with supremacist mindset and huge egos choose themselves and made themselves gods. If you believe the Bible god then what you are really doing is making the Jew your God. Just as plain as day obvious once you wrap your mind around it. The real “god” are the feelings of the soul. Love. The ego of the Jew is not love, it is hate for all others.
The Holy Bible is not salvation, it is induction into an insane supremacist death cult. All the assumptions about God are wrong. God is not judgemental – the Jude is judgemental and his courts are where you are judged – on earth – not in heaven. What so few in this age understand is that no man has any authority over another. No man has the right to use the state to enforce their wishes on others.

Christians don’t understand they are part of the insane Jewish supremacy cult. If you say you are saved and everyone else is going to hell then you are operating in Jew hell consciousness.

Russ Winter #conspiracy #racist #wingnut #fundie winterwatch.net

One of the most hidden aspects of the history of the last 350 years is the impact of the Shabbetian Messianic movement. It was led by Shabbetai Tzvi starting June 6, 1666 (6666). Tzvi convinced, perhaps, half of the world’s Jewry at its peak that he was the true messiah. A vast Sabbatian movement promoted the Messianic ambitions of Tzvi, who only recognized the sacred book of Kabbalah, the Zohar and rejected the Torah and Talmud.

The Sabbatian Luciferian phenomenon was kept alive through the centuries with great help. In the 18th century, Jacob Frank reintroduced Sabbatianism to Europe. Although Jewish scholars have dissected Sabbatianism and Frankism, little of it is known to the outside world. Rabbi Marvin Antelman believes the movement lives on at least in spirit and refers to today’s believers as “satanic Sabbatian Frankists.”
They conspired with the Illuminati with goals of destroying all religions and fusing all nations into one. Gershon Scholem has traced the incestuous practices of the Sabbatians to that of Earth Mother worship.
The union between the secret societies of Illuminism and Freemasonry was sealed in 1782 at the Congress of Wilhelmbad. The other movement that was brought forth at the Congress was pro-Semitism, or the emancipation of the Jews. This, of course, included opening up the Masonic Lodges to them. The Illuminism headquarters was relocated to Rothschild center of Frankfurt at the same time. Curiously, this new movement corresponded with the rise of the Sabbattean-Frankist influenced House of Rothschild, as well as the Jewish families Oppenheimer, Wertheimer, Schuster, Spreyer and Stern in Frankfurt.

Ariosophist #racist stormfront.org

RE: A lost IQ study of transracially adopted Korean

5 points should be deducted from the full-scale IQ of 122 (!!) to account for 16 years of norm inflation. This leaves us with a not much less intimidating average IQ of 117 for 43 transracially adopted Korean children.

Quite phenomenal results for the adopted Koreans. I am a big proponent of IQ as a way to educate others on the fact of different races having different intellects and that not every race is the "same" and that the difference is only "the amount of melanin in their skin" (disgusting lib-tard trash talk). That is, if they will even accept that "race" is real and not a "social construct" as many like to say, not even understanding what that means. The base IQ for African-Americans is around 85 and African blacks 70 (which is labeled then, truly, retarded), so even the intelligent above them at 1 std-dev above are scoring but 100 (European average) and 85, respectively, and at a true 'genius' 2 std-dev above them are 115 and 100. Holy cow, this explains a lot, right?

Of course, when speaking with blacks and liberal whites about IQ tests, they'll say that the IQ tests are inherently "racist" as it was designed by the all-evil white man. Once again they are not grasping the concept of what the I.Q. test actually measures. I then ask, "If the IQ tests are 'racist' and designed by the always-evil white man to prove him superior to all others, why do Asians and especially Koreans consistently score higher? Wouldn't we make it so whites score the highest consistently?". At this point many aren't sure what to say. This is usually the end of my conversation as the point has been made.

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