
Racism, including ethnic hatred, nationalism and equating religion to race

Operation Q #crackpot #conspiracy #racist #wingnut humorousmathematics.com

The purpose of this article is to act as a quick introductory history lesson on how the illegitimate president Barack Obama is Hitler's biological grandson. This is just a sliver of Obamagate and what Trump is truly up against when it comes to the Marxist Socialist Communist Luciferian Khazarian Globalist Fascist Zionist Jesuit Freemasonic Illuminati Nazi World Order.

To cut to the chase, the U.S.A did not win WWII, but rather the Nazi's withdrew to reformulate and infiltrate worldwide. Hitler faked his death in the bunker by using his butler who was also his body double. His wife also faked her death via cyanide poisoning, followed by changing her name, so she could have their 4 NWO daughters in secrecy.

According to the declassified document below, Hitler fled to Argentina along with other Schutzstaffel (SS) until he later died a natural death in a car crash in 1957.
The following family tree demonstrates how Hitler was secretly a Rothschild descendent and therefore is also part Jewish (Khazarian Zionist). Meaning that Barack Obama is also a Rothschild descendent and also part Jewish. What's even more interesting is that Obama's real biological father was the founder of an Indonesian Islamic cult known as Subud, which his biological mother was also a member of. No wonder there are so many issues relating to Obama's fake birth certificates.
Relatedly, Ann Dunham's siblings (Angela Merkel, Theresa May, & Dalia Grybauskaite) are also Obama's aunts all of which also held roles of power as part of the Khazarian Zionist Illuminati Globalist Communist NWO agenda which has transformed from the 3rd Reich to the 4th Reich. The idea is to ensure the Illuminati offspring are strategically placed into high level positions in various countries to further the communistic Nazi World Order.

Sen. Rob Standridge #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut #racist thehill.com

Oklahoma lawmaker introduces book-banning bill with $10,000-a-day penalty

An Oklahoma state Senator this month introduced legislation that would allow parents to ban books in Oklahoma public schools. It would also set a $10,000 bounty to be collected by parents for each day a challenged book remains on library shelves.

Republican state Sen. Rob Standridge on Dec. 16 announced he had filed two bills for the 2022 legislative session, which begins in February, addressing “indoctrination in Oklahoma schools.”

“Our education system is not the place to teach moral lessons that should instead be left up to parents and families. Unfortunately, however, more and more schools are trying to indoctrinate students by exposing them to gender, sexual and racial identity curriculums and courses. My bills will ensure these types of lessons stay at home and out of the classroom,” Standridge said in a statement.

One of Standrige’s proposed bills would prohibit school libraries from having or promoting books addressing gender identity, sexual orientation or “books that contain content of a sexual nature that a reasonable parent or legal guardian would want to know about or approve of before their child was exposed to it.”

Parents believing a book violates the bill may demand school officials remove it within 30 days. If the book is not removed during this time, the school employee tasked with getting rid of it will be terminated —subject to due process— and prohibited from working at another school for at least two years

Parents may then seek “monetary damages,” according to the bill, including a minimum of $10,000 for each day the challenged book is not removed.

Under Standrige’s second bill, public universities in Oklahoma beginning next year would be prohibited from requiring students to enroll in courses “addressing any form of gender, sexual, or racial diversity, equality, or inclusion curriculum,” which fall outside course requirements for their major. 


Harmonica #wingnut #racist #conspiracy identitydixie.com

[From "Putting the Genie Back in the Bottle"]

It appears as if the Establishment has been turning against antifa, BLM, and the crazed cat ladies. The Right has long noted just how easily many antifa members were getting off[…]especially when compared to Dissident Right activists[…]There has been an uptick in antifa rioters not just being arrested, but also surprisingly convicted
Why the sudden change from the Establishment?
Scenario 1: They Fear the Gulag
There is an old Jewish legend called The Golem of Prague[…]fear that they will create something to punish the antisemites that will eventually turn on them[…]It allows us to understand the Jewish hand in leftwing movements, while not portraying Jews as the puppet masters of everything we dislike
Stalin is a very good example of this phenomenon[…]He took on a Jewish ideology[…]In the mind of Stalin, the Jews were capitalist devils and, when in power, he acted accordingly
Scenario 2: Heritage America is Broken
In this scenario, the reason why they are reigning in their troops is because they now think Heritage America is totally broken and antifa/BLM are no longer needed. This scenario is frightening because it means what happened in the summer of 2020 worked[…]Interestingly, the last state flag to incorporate the Confederate Battle Flag was removed in 2020
They are being eliminated more as a precaution to make ruling easier in post-Heritage America
Scenario 3: Heritage America is About to Rise
This scenario is the flipside to the first one. Rather than fearing what antifa and BLM may do, if they ever get real power, the Establishment now fears Heritage America and are suppressing their troops in hopes of appeasing Heritage America just enough for the elites to get some heat off themselves
I am unsure which of the three scenarios is closest to the truth

Larry Elder quoting Zac Kriegman #dunning-kruger #pratt #racist #wingnut youtube.com

Data scientist DESTROYS the BLM narrative

I have frequently said that Black Lives Matter has done a great deal of damage to the very black lives they claim to matter. This is a prime example. A data scientist has posted a long critique of Black Lives Matter, where he documented how many people are dead as a result of the Ferguson effect, or more recently the George Floyd effect.

In 2014, after the shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson the BLM movement's anti-police rhetoric and propaganda found a receptive audience. The police were demonized, their morale and willingness to engage in proactive policing plummeted and murder rates, especially murder rates in
low-income black neighborhoods, spiked.

In just the five cities this data scientist examined, five cities, it caused a staggering 900 excess murders and 34 000 excess felonies that would not have otherwise occurred. The growing consensus that decline in proactive policing is resulting in drastic increase in murders is so substantial that even left-wing outlets like CNN are beginning to recognize it.

Over the last five years there have been typically between 30 to 100% more unarmed whites killed by police than unarmed blacks. Blacks make up 53% of known homicide offenders and commit about 60% of the robberies. Whites commit about 48% of the non-fatal violent crimes and blacks about 35%, but you look at just serious non-fatal ones, whites commit about 41% and blacks 43%, but as mentioned, over the past five years police have killed 39% more unarmed whites than unarmed blacks even though whites account for a similar absolute number of violent offenders, therefore the raw data suggests there is a slight anti-white bias in police applications of lethal force.

The claim at the heart of the movement, that the police more readily shoot black people, is false, and likely responsible for thousands of black people being murdered in the most disadvantaged communities of the country.

L3TrAjOi #conspiracy #racist #wingnut boards.4chan.org

The Slavs have been infiltrating the West since before WWII. I don’t know what kind of deal our elites made with them.

They are colonizing our lands. America, Canada, the UK, Germany, Iceland, everywhere.

Look how far they have climbed the socio-economic ladder and they’ve only been here like a generation. They will soon be the new ruling caste of the American empire.


They have cucked Germany into paying them gibs for their increasingly-rich ethnostates and push propaganda about what shitholes they are. You know the concept of a Potemkin village? They’re using it in the other direction to keep us from moving there.

Merkel is a Pole. Trump had two Slavic wives, both of whom he was distant and cold to as if to signal, “They are coming. They are joining/becoming the elite.”

Their kids are topping PISA test score charts and are all going to be working the best jobs in the future.

They are also breeding our women. Look at how our women lust after the Slavic cock:



The Slavs cucked us so hard that the word that was originally used as a pejorative for them came to mean, “a large, strong, sexually attractive man.”

The word “hunk” comes from “Bo-Hunk.” Bohemian-Hungarian. They were young, male, single Central Europeans; Czechs, Poles, Slovaks, Hungarians, Croats, Slovenians, Serbs, and Ukrainians who moved to the US during the Industrial Revolution, worked factory jobs and bred Protestant Western European pussy.

They won the Cold War. The Soviet Union's “fall”, Russia vs. Ukraine is all just more political theatre for us naive Westerners.

Are you actually retarded jew?

More disinformation from Poles. Always diverting attention to the Joos. We’re onto you Leszek. We’re not going to sit back and watch as you become the ruling caste of our societies.

John Kennedy #sexist #racist #wingnut politico.com

BUT SOME REPUBLICANS AREN’T HAVING IT: Sen. JOHN KENNEDY (R-La.), who sits on the Judiciary Committee, didn’t exactly tamp down his rhetoric. “No. 1, I want a nominee who knows a law book from a J. Crew catalog,” he said upon exiting the lunch. “No. 2, I want a nominee who’s not going to try to rewrite the Constitution every other Thursday to try to advance a ‘woke agenda.’”

Benjamin Fulford #crackpot #conspiracy #racist #wingnut benjaminfulford.net

Payback is a bitch. The Rockefeller clan, the greatest mass murderers in human history, are finally facing justice. Mass demonstrations across occupied Europe and now action by truckers in North America is a sign their satanic rule is collapsing.

Today is January 31st, a payment deadline the Rockefellers have to make. All signs indicate their check has bounced. They now have until February 18th to come up with the money or be bankrupted.

What money are we talking about? The Rockefeller proxy fake Biden regime ran up a record $1.08 trillion trade deficit in 2021 and added more than $2 trillion to US federal debt to bring the total to $30 trillion. That means they need to come up with $3 trillion or their entire fake regime collapses.
Even if they use fiat money and fake accounting to pretend they are still solvent, that will not help because they are being hunted. The Rockefellers murdered the Tsar of Russia and his family after he refused to grant them oil concessions. The Khazarian mafia then started a reign of terror that killed over 50 million Russians. Russian patriots are now getting their justice and have begun systematically hunting down the entire extended Rockefeller clan and their servants, according to FSB sources.

Speaking about servants, let us talk about their fascist/communist servant Justin Castro of Canada. Thanks to the patriotic truckers who descended on Ottawa, he is the first Prime Minister in Canadian history to run into hiding from his own people.
OK, now let us look at how Khazarian mafia rule is collapsing around the world.

The first thing we notice is that truckers around the world are now emulating Canada and preparing to stop economic activity until the Khazarian criminal puppet regimes are removed.

There are also huge, demonstrations going on all over Europe.

The scale of the protests means many former top members of the Khazarian mafia are now surrendering and agreeing to a peace and reconciliation process.

Roger Wicker #racist cnn.com

The first Black woman nominated to the US Supreme Court by President Joe Biden will be a "beneficiary" of affirmative action, Republican Sen. Roger Wicker of Mississippi said Friday.

"The irony is that the Supreme Court is at the very same time hearing cases about this sort of affirmative racial discrimination while adding someone who is the beneficiary of this sort of quota," he said Friday in an interview with local radio network SuperTalk Mississippi, referring to the high court's recent decision to reconsider challenges to race-based affirmative action in college admissions.

"The majority of the court may be saying writ large it's unconstitutional. We'll see how that irony works out," he added.

Henry Makow PhD/Jake Sandberg #racist #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy henrymakow.com

(Superbowl half-time shows and knee-taking
are dedicated to the Cabalist Jewish God, Satan)

Why Does the NFL Genuflect to Satan?

Because most of the owners
are bloodsucking Cabalist Jews

Commie Jews are destroying professional sport, and everything else.
"The NFL owners are a fascinating bunch really. Family businesses essentially, they're mostly all-white, male, of course rich and GOP-friendly -- but beyond the homogeneity, each has its own uniquely American story."

Uniquely American? These fuckers are all subversive Cabalist Jews.

Socialists? They're Communists!

And Communists are gangsters!
Out of 147 teams in the five major North American pro sports leagues, 46 are owned by people who identify as Jews or who have a Jewish parent. That's more than 30% - including nearly half of all NBA owners.
How about the BLM kneeling and social justice proselytizing in the NFL?

Making these "social justice" statements and promoting political positions has no place in sports.

But if the owners are all "socialists" in one big club (Satanic Judaism) they can all agree to do that and get away with it.
Is there no sport sacred anymore? This is what happens when the Satanists begin their Great Reset.

Prussian Society of America #wingnut #conspiracy #racist #crackpot prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "Will you still fight, even if you are destined to lose?"]

Very Few Men in this world, except for Germans have ever had the guts to Fight Wars, even with the knowledge or reality that the likelihood to lose is
There are very few people left in this world who fight with Honor, because essentially brotherhood between Men has become largely a thing of the past after World War II
Due to the influence of Christianity and especially the vast influence of New Age philosophies, the majority of Humans are subject to Magical Thinking and being paid Lip Service in order to get them willing to fight
The US National Guard has been on standby for many months ready to quell any serious form of National Unrest that may suddenly show up, but told to “stand down” when the real enemies like Antifa Activists and other Communist Trash does what they do
However the real event the USNG is waiting for[…]is when the real Hyperinflation arises
In Europe[…]the forces there view it as fun and entertainment to get to have their way in these countries, whether it be Germany, Italy, France, Spain or elsewhere
People have been properly primed for 2 years to understand “staying in their home” and “isolating from others” and expecting to have permission for “who they can see and who they cannot see”
For those who comply in this new system, they will be told even if and when they can go to work when they leave house for the day. This is the future, at any rate, that the NWO Agents have in store for how daily conditions are run
Almost all Western people in some form or another will become subjected to Military Dictatorship in an even more extreme form that ever took place under any typical Dictatorship of other Examples
The likelihood of World War III taking place in the hot form, is also coming close to a reality as the tensions build up

C.T. and Michael Sugrue #racist #crackpot chechar.wordpress.com

[From "Nietzsche for dummies"]

History professor Michael Sugrue is a normie who reproaches Nietzsche, using Newspeak terms such as ‘anti-Semitism’, ‘racism’ and ‘misogyny’. But his speech could be useful for other normies who would like to be introduced to Nietzsche’s philosophy

After the 22nd minute of the above-linked speech, Sugrue said something very profound that is worth mentioning. I would paraphrase it thus:

Aryans are natural-born killers who have a natural desire to achieve power—will to power—; dominate other peoples even if that causes pain in the conquered. What happens when you frustrate this desire, for example when natural-born killers obey New Testament-derived ethical injunctions originally authored by Jews (Christians, secular westerners and even white nationalists follow Christian ethics)? Something happens in their collective unconscious. ‘When people are frustrated in that desire’, says Sugrue, ‘the consequence of that is that they decide to start imposing that pain upon themselves’—that is, Christian ‘consciousness’ or ‘guilt’

I would call it self-loathing to the point of ethnic suicide. The tragedy of the Aryan people, so well portrayed in Sugrue’s words, can be analogised to what I have said about depression (see pages 45-60 of my book Daybreak), and Colin Ross’s lecture on the aetiology of mental disorders (see pages 33-38 of Day of Wrath)

NS Nr-Wst Cst #conspiracy #crackpot #fundie #racist stormfront.org

I am slightly interested in White Nationalism, but the ultimate question is...


Do you know reason why???

Because there are so many GODS!
Even a clear stream in the mountains of British Columbia can be a conscious God!

Before the collapse of the Roman Empire,
Roman occultists tried to enslave all free Romans,
not just enslaved peoples. For this purpose,
they used an ideology and created a new universal religion,
so that people would lose touch with the Aryan Gods,
so that people would lose touch with Reality!

This is an old technology of zombification
and enslavement that existed many long millennia before the existence of Rome.

In the USA, when the religion turning of, and free people ->>> into goy-slaves stopped working, then Hollywood was invented to zombify the inhabitants.
Now, Hollywood has stopped working for zombification!
In Philadelphia, they even began to openly sell and even distribute hard drugs for free,
but the majority of the population does not want to turn into zombies, drug addicts, and slaves.

US Anon #pratt #psycho #racist #wingnut boards.4chan.org


"This ends now"

I don't live there but I know enough of how Canada is not going to get out of this fine... I mean maybe relatively better than America but you're all heading to absolute fucking disastee over the next 10 years like you can't imagine and that's even without getting glassed. You Anglos fucked with the wrong Gypsy Jew.

You keep acting like we haven't all relegated our futures to rivers of blood, and a war that will rage on long after we're gone, nigger.

I don't think you fucking commie shit heads have thought this shit through.
You have most definitely underestimated, and discounted everything about your enemy.
Never put your opposition on Death Ground without an egress, lest they fight with a fury of Men facing certain death anyway.
You fucked up, and I think you're beginning to realize this.

Stay deep in your bubble of censorship sucking your own farts, and flinging out all of these limp wristed warnings and "threats".
They mean nothing.
All I hear is frightened static.

Shut the fuck up, and come get some already, you spineless fucking cowards.
You won't do shit.

You're going to burn.

Steve Sailer #racist vdare.com

Most of the other places with rapidly rising rents are fairly suburban and/or mooted alternatives to Silicon Valley, such as Austin, Miami, and Boston. People appear to be moving toward lower murder rates, although that’s a general pattern over the last 50+ years, which is why, say, East St. Louis got so unpopular that nobody lives there anymore.

The places where rents are going up the slowest tend to be heavily black and have already high or rising murder rates. For example, Minneapolis and Portland used to be pretty safe places, but local politicians tolerated so much anarchy there during 202 loo0 that 2021 murders in both were at least twice 2019 murders.

Murder rates went up all over the country during the racial reckoning, but a 30% increase in an already murder-prone heavily black city like St. Louis or Detroit is worse in an absolute sense of incremental dead bodies than a similar increase in Boston or Austin.

Obviously, if I understood genius business strategies, I’d be rich, but I’m not so I don’t. But still, making rents in Oakland, with its history of black radicalism and high crime rates, 17.5% lower relative to the country as a whole over the course of 2021 sounds like a pretty expensive Step 2.

Andrew Anglin #racist #sexist dailystormer.name

[From "Congratulations, America: You’re Finally Getting a Black Female Supreme Court Justice!"]

Justice Breyer has resigned from the Supreme Court, presumably to focus on making the smart carbs in his low carb ice cream even smarter than they already are
Channeling Steve Jobs, Breyer said he was planning to go “fucking supernova” on competitor Häagen-Dazs, who he claims without evidence has violated the patents on his smart carb system
Although the potential for smarter carbs in Breyer’s ice cream are by far the most interesting part of the story, it should also be noted that Joe Biden has vowed to replace Breyer with a ni… with a nice black lady

BREAKING: "I've made no decision except one: The person I will nominate will be someone with extraordinary qualifications…That person will be the first Black woman ever nominated to the United States Supreme Court," Pres. Biden announces https://t.co/50J4uW7uqd pic.twitter.com/M3ZmAVxGoI
January 27, 2022

As Tucker Carslson pointed out, CNN is just recommending random black females, some of whom have only been working in the court system for a few months. He noted that Biden might as well just appoint George Floyd’s sister

She is, after all, a very important black woman
And she’s the the style – the pizazz, if you will – to really give the court some much needed flair

And I mean, CNN said it – any old black bitch will do

I think Lil Kim has done her time and proved to be a very important person

Her face is really, really messed up from all that surgery, but she could just wear a mask like Michael Jackson after he had that bad plastic surgery

In fact, they could make a rule that everyone on the court has to wear a Michael Jackson mask so she doesn’t feel out of place

In fact, they already have that rule anyway

The Saker #racist #wingnut #conspiracy thesaker.is

Furthermore, there are reports that Biden and Ze had a stormy telephone conversation which saw a furious Biden telling Ze that the invasion would happen. Apparently, Ze disagreed.

So what is going on here????

I concur. In fact, I think that the US is basically dumping country 404 aka Banderastan, and as I explained here and here in some details, there is only one thing Uncle Shmuel wants from Ze and the Ukraine: for them to force Russia to intervene, either by a suicidal attack on the LDNR or by means of a false flag, or by some kind of atrocity.
A real nightmare for the AngloZionists is taking shape. Here are its components:

In spite of all the external (and even INTERNAL!) pressures, the Kremlin does not want to invade the Ukraine at all. There are exactly ZERO signs that an attack is imminent or even planned.
In case of a Ukie attack on the LDNR there is a very real possibility that Russia will not openly intervene, I explained it all in detail here.
The US PSYOP about Putin being weak, indecisive or a puppet of the USA/Israel (I explained the nature, function and purpose of this CIA PSYOP in details here) is falling apart, not only was the ultimatum very much an ultimatum, but the Russians are backing it with things like these.
NATO is cracking at the seams: the Croatians already said “no thanks”, the French and Germans don’t want to commit energetic seppuku, the Bulgarians are demanding details and guarantees and the French MPs are discussing whether to stay in NATO or not (they will stay, of course, but the topic is now raised).
There are signs that the worst nightmare for the Neocons might actually happen and Russia won’t be forced to invade the Ukraine.

What do Neocons do when they panic? Correct – false flag operations: that is MH-17 was all about. And the Skripals. And the “chemical attacks” in Syria. And Navalnyi. And so many others that I won’t list them here.

We can be sure they will try, what is uncertain is whether they will succeed.

Gregory Hood #dunning-kruger #racist #wingnut amren.com

I’d like to quote what Regime Media has to say about us. This is from WPLN News, Nashville Public Radio. They accused us of promoting “racist ideas” under a “façade.” I quote: “American Renaissance wants complete segregation and believes an entire race’s value can be measured by statistics like crime rates and births out of wedlock.”

Well, given that I haven’t seen an American Renaissance conference that’s segregated, I think that’s a bit much. I also note in passing the implicit admission that race actually exists. I hope the reporter doesn’t get in trouble.


I will go so far as to say that white Americans have no political representation in this country. There may be whites who hold office, but not one, to my knowledge, uses state power to defend white interests. The defense of their own racial interests by non-white politicians is taken for granted by everyone else.

Even our opponents accidentally tell the truth sometimes about the way this System represses us. Ibram Kendi tweeted out a study which claimed that 34 percent of whites fake their race when applying to college. Of course, at some point he realized that this undermined his argument and he deleted it, vaguely asserting that whites still have an advantage because they have higher SAT scores than brown and black students. As usual, Asians were simply left out of the discussion.

Obviously, some non-whites see the absurdity of this. Some are in this room and many more will be watching or reading this speech later. They roll their eyes when they hear basic standards being deconstructed because they are supposedly a product of “whiteness.” Who can forget the National Museum of African-American History and Culture telling us about the evils of whiteness, including the nuclear family, rational thinking, and delayed gratification. Of course, these traits are tied to white societies . . . and they are part of the reason why we create societies that the rest of the world wants to move to.

Transcended Trucel #pratt #racist incels.is

Curries are a slave race

Us curries are slaves for Jewish tech Giants(Google, Microsoft, Pepsi,IBM etc.). Curries are top tier slaves and servants for Jews, whites and gulf arabs. Us curries have always been slaves to foreigners, all the way from the time of Alexander the great, curries were slaves to the white man. During Mughal empire and the sultanates before then, curries were slaves to Arabs and ofc during the colonial era slaves to Anglos/Portugal/France etc.

To this day millions of curries follow an Arab supremacist religion and abandoned their own cultural heritage and ancestry. Millions of them cope thinking they are Afghani/Iranian/Aryan whatever rather than accept their curry ancestors. They simp for rich gulf Arabs and work in horrible conditions as borderline slave labor.

The gulf Arabs, Jews and whites view curries as useful tools and slaves. Curries are often not even viewed as human as the picture above shows. This curry knows his race is a pathetic slave race, purely made to suffer and serve others. Indian history is filled with stories of foreigners raping,pillaging and forcefully converting the locals. Not once did curries invade others, they have always been on the defensive end. Pathetic race of Subhuman slaves.

@wereqryan it is so over for us. why did we have to be born into this pathetic slave race?


cope curries will always be slaves. it's over my race. I have seen it first hand. Nothing can save them.

slavs are slave race, since slave comes for slav

Slavs did get pushed around by foreign powers but never to the degree of curries. Curries are a slave race to this day while Slavs are not

Prussian Society of America #sexist #racist #conspiracy #psycho prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "Rebuilding the West OR WHAT’S LEFT OF IT Means Women cannot hold Victim Titles or be Perceived Victims"]

Shaming and Enslaving any Man who attempts to promote Victim Culture in Women will have to enacted as Law, even to execute and entirely remove from the Gene Pool, any such Men which demonstrate trying to Equalize or Elevate Women over the status of Man
Women will always seek to claim in some form or another that they are a Victim of “something”[…]for many Centuries, Men chose to ignore Women’s claims, and did not allow Women to vote
There is always the notion of Women who claim that they were oppressed or mistreated for many centuries by Men

The only true countries this may be the case would qualify for is in African Countries, or maybe India or China

In said countries[…]they still practice genital mutilation of females or even heat pressing of the “breasts”[…]Main reasons for this has to do with savage characteristics of jealousy and control
Countries which recruit Females into their Military (with exception of Hospitality/Care positions) also are performing a very barbaric practice
In India, you have cases of 5 year old girls who are forced into slave labor to dig out sewers or human refuse[…]Indians are a mixed race to begin and are highly corrupt and degenerate[…]they will forever have a Caste system[…]unless they were 100% without the Negro blood that they possess
The Jews, English and the Irish and Scottish are the ones specifically pushing for Feminism
The Prussian State only recognizes Rape as being an unwanted attempt by a Barbarian to enforce himself on a German Woman (or equivalent for other Nations)
Women should not even enjoy the privilege of Holding Cash or Currency
I tend to like the treatment that the Russian Cossacks use on Feminist Women in Russia, but putting that on steroids

SellYourSoulToMii #transphobia #racist #psycho reddit.com

Oh but it's not just one, now is it? It's never just one, doreen ford (antiwork mod) was a rapist, we all know about Chris Chan, there's so many cases that are documented and countless more that aren't

all transgenders are a plague to society, and need to be treated as such, until 41% becomes 100%


No, you are actually a nazi, if you can substitute the group you are talking about with jew or any other racial group and it sounds like something a nazi would say then you are a nazi

Fuck the Isrealis too actually, glad you reminded me

Are you talking about the people or the government?

Both, the government isn't just the root cause, the hatred and cultish mentality is indoctrinated in all Isreali Jews from a young age

Most people will say it's just the government, but if the people willingly follow the government without seeing any issue, is it not one and the same?


It's not the truth it's blatant bigotry, let me guess you think black culture is inherently toxic to the family dynamic?

Nah idgaf bout those niggas

Paul Kersey #crackpot #racist vdare.com

His name is Chesley Patterson, a white man murdered by an as yet unidentified black male in nearly 75% black Baltimore.

It’s on the tip of everyone’s tongue.

Across the United States of America and the Western world, hundreds of millions of people lack the ability to verbalize it yet. But it’s on the tip of our tongues.

It just needs a name.

We are on the precipice of an idea whose time has come.

Socrates #crackpot #racist #wingnut vanguardnewsnetwork.com

Jews and Leftists: the Unhappy People

Jews and leftists have one major trait in common: they are perpetually unhappy and dissatisfied.

Leftists are “Jews with less money.” It’s no accident that leftism (especially the New Left) is a Jewish construct.

But Jews are even more unhappy and dissatisfied than leftists. There’s no such thing as a happy Jew. Even the Jewish comedians are “crying on the inside.” And there’s no such thing as a satisfied Jew. Give a yid $100.00 for free and he’ll say “why did you only give me $100.00? Why not $200.00? You must hate Jews!” Moan, complain, bitch, argue, cry, whine, kvetch. That’s what Jews do. They are born crybabies. There isn’t a happy or content Jew on earth. In fact, there’s only one way the Jews could be happy: if everybody on earth was as miserable as they are. Then they’d be happy!

Socrates #crackpot #racist #wingnut vanguardnewsnetwork.com

Jews: the People Who Invented Racism. Yet, They Accused the Nazis of Racism

Jews were the first people on earth to claim superiority over all other humans, as their official doctrine, back before the time of Christ, who was born circa 2 BC, according to the narrative at least. The Jews were the world’s first official racists — so how odd that they are now “the monitors and fighters of racism” in the White Western world. In fact, Jewish groups “train” police officers in “recognizing and fighting racism.” Hilarious. What a racket! [1][2].

“Whatever else they believed, Jews have traditionally understood themselves to be — by hereditary line — special, intrinsically better than other people: they were divinely esteemed. The Old Testament stated it plainly:

“For you are people consecrated to the Lord your God: of all the peoples on earth the Lord your God chose you to be His treasured people.” [DEUTERONOMY 7:6].

— from the online book “When Victims Rule” [a .PDF file].


[1] Jews wrote the Old Testament, which was completed circa 500 BC. In fact, the Bible and the Jewish Torah share the same text: the five books of Moses: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. The Jews are your kin, Christian! That sucks. Some kin, huh?? Arrogant, ugly, pickle-nosed freaks who have poop fixations.

[2] Here’s a Jewish professor on Jewish racism:

“Racism is itself a central doctrine in traditional Judaism and Jewish cultural history. The Hebrew Bible is blatantly racist, with all the talk about the seed of Abraham, the chosen people, and Israel as a light to the other nations. Orthodox Jews in their morning prayers still thank God daily that he did not make Jews ‘like the other peoples of the earth.’ If this isn’t racism, what is?”

— Prof. Norman F. Cantor, in his book “The Sacred Chain: The History of the Jews” (New York, HarperCollins, 1994), page 336. This is a good book. Dr. William Pierce recommended it.

Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey #fundie #conspiracy #racist christorchaos.com

[From "Pray for Our Lord to Cancel Bergoglio's False Church and Its Baseless Doctrines"]

Although the hypocrisy of the self-anointed “tolerant” and “broadminded” is a phenomenon that I experienced throughout the course of my over three decades as a college professor of political science[…]and experienced also firsthand within the structures of the counterfeit church of conciliarism, I, for one, never cease to be amazed at the astounding level of self-unawareness on the part of the so-called “tolerant” when they condemn others for doing what they themselves practice

Thus, there is no need, at least as I see it, to discourse at length upon Jorge Mario Bergoglio’s most recent hypocritical comments that correctly condemned “cancel culture” while refusing to recognize that he has personally cancelled most stagings/offerings of the modernized version of the Immemorial Mass of Tradition
This is amazing for a man who has nothing but contempt for the authentic teaching and immemorial liturgy of Holy Mother Church and who has done everything possible to insult, disparage, demean, marginalize, and “cancel” believing Catholics who are still attached to the structures of the counterfeit church of conciliarism in the belief that they represent the Catholic Church
Allying themselves openly with George Soros and his Soros Foundation, Jorge Mario Bergoglio has endorsed "palliative care," which is nothing other than the killing of the sick and whoever else is said to be suffering from a "declining" "quality of life"
Here is the Catholic teaching on the modern, Judeo-Masonic concept of “religious liberty” that goes beyond the toleration of false religions in the name of the common good
Jorge Mario Bergoglio is the one spouting baseless, ideologically laden information. He is as uninterested in the truth about the so-called “vaccines” (gene-therapy treatments) as he is hateful of the truths of the Catholic Faith

Incogman #racist gab.com

WHITE PEOPLE IN America just don't get it. NIGGERS kill us all the time. Not only do they shoot and stab us to death, but slaughter us on the road. The two beautiful White teenage girls below were slammed into by a crazed Nigger driving drunk and high. One was killed and the other's entire life was turned to shit by being paralyzed from the neck down. She'll never have children. NIGGERS demonstrating and going haywire because of cops accidentally killing one of them on the rare occasion is COMPLETE BULLSHIT. For the traitorous, brainwashing anti-White media to continually jack them up over it, is a total travesty -- especially considering all the stinking crap NIGGERS do to us decent and fair-minded White people day-in, day-out. And yes, America is indeed a WHITE CIVILIZATION. We created it. NIGGERS (and all the rest of the planet) love living in our lands and using our great inventions, do they not

Henry Makow PhD #conspiracy #racist #wingnut #quack henrymakow.com

Connect the dots.

All the talk of "systemic racism" disguises a diabolical Cabalist Jewish race war against people of European origin.

1) In a sensational interview, Dr. Lee Merritt claims the "vaccines" are racial bio weapons. She says they do not harm Ashkenazi Jews. Are all these Israelis crisis actors? Is this site a Mossad psy op? Or more likely, are assimilated Israeli Jews also the target? Israel seems to engaging in the covid charade with the best.

2. CRT- Critical Race Theory is based on the assumption that people of European heritage have no right to be a majority anywhere. This is called "white supremacism." In fact, CRT is organized and funded by Organized Jewry. Jews have a homeland in Israel but whites are considered Jewish rivals, and are being displaced and dispossessed.

3 Diversity. Multiculturalism. Organized Jewry is replacing whites with racial minorities who will owe allegiance to them. Message: It's not OK to be white. This is real racism.

4. Black Lives Matter. The George Floyd psyop. Stoking Black - White racial conflict. "Bail reform." Making looting legal. Not enforcing the rule of law. Hiring Antifa thugs to intimidate patriots.

5. Illegal migration. It's possible that males will be drafted into the military and used against patriots.

6. Miscegenation is encouraged and normalized in commercials and entertainment. These ads do not appear in Israel.

7. Cancel culture. Whether it's statues or curriculum, European heritage is being erased. "Whites" are blamed for Western imperialism and the slave trade which are essentially Cabalist in nature.

8. Art, education and culture have been replaced by Jewish (Communist) agitprop. "Wokeness" is Communist Jewish political correctness and mind control. Academic freedom has been destroyed.

9. The "vaccines" interfere with menstruation and may render women sterile.

When you connect the dots, the picture that emerges is that of a vicious ongoing one-sided race war.

Tim Tony Stark Rifat #crackpot #magick #racist #conspiracy #mammon supernaturalspirit.com

Knights Templar the Archetypal Satanist Deathgoat

The Knights Templar were the Christian branch of the Judaic pharisaic Sanhedrin Satanists established in the Holy Land by Hughes de Payens and Eight other French Knights, avatars of the satanic Insectile Council of 9, around 1118. They worshipped Baphomet (Satan) and were into ritual child sacrifice and cannibalism as are the Sanhedrin Jews of today, now called the Illuminati. <...> 1314 the Grand Master of the Satanist Templars was burned at the stake on an island in the Seine (the assassination of Diana and her unborn foetus near this spot was the ritual to free the Satanist Jacques de Molay from hell in return for the royal blood of Diana that the Illuminati linked back to Philip the Fair). As the Knights Templar were the Illuminati of their day, the users, powerbrokers, bankers and Satanists; the Knights Templar torture, burning at the stake and confiscation of all property is an anathema to the modern day Judaic Satanist Illuminati of the Rothschild cabal, why? Because it shows Satan who follows Yaltabaoth, Yaldabaoth the Jewish Chaos God of the chosen Jewish race is in face a facade that hides Lucifer who is Total Intent’s rat catcher. The Knights Templar were the Christian, mainstream, European Satanists who Lucifer built up and then cast into hell as his job of Total Intent’s rat catcher gives him a percentage of the energy and fiefdom in Omega Hell.
This Bone Generator® Service just enables the Psi-Master to link into the Lucifer rat catching that has drawn all the above into Omega Hell to use them as Total DeathGoat Jews with the Knights Templar who died being tortured to death.
This right hand Bone Generator® can be used to quantum superimpose the torture death of the Knights Templar on the body of any Illuminati to rot their body with the morphogenic field of torture death.

The Left hand Bone Generator® used to get an equal and opposite amount of health for you.

$600 with Certificate

Ann Coulter #racist vdare.com

Gov. Ron DeSantis is pushing a bill through the Florida legislature to put a stop to the modern pedagogy of making little girls cry because they’re white. The bill, called “Stop the Wrongs to Our Kids and Employees Act (WOKE),” prohibits classroom instruction that contradicts these concepts:

“No race is inherently superior to another race”;
“An individual, by virtue of his or her race or sex, does not bear responsibility for actions committed in the past by other members of the same race or sex”;
“An individual should not be made to feel discomfort, guilt, anguish, or any other form of psychological distress on account of his or her race.”
The left has been having a sneer-fest over the proposed law, howling that it protects “white people” from feeling “uncomfortable.” SNOWFLAKES!

But, duh: A bill prohibiting the teaching of race hatred will primarily prevent the teaching of white hatred for the simple reason that it’s the only race we’re allowed to hate. Not merely allowed to hate, but taught to hate, encouraged to hate, paid to hate.

We’re now entering the sixth decade of open, widespread, official discrimination against white people on the basis of their race. Even the Asians suing Harvard dare not stress the humungous advantage given to blacks and Hispanics. No, their beef is about white applicants getting preferential treatment over Asians.

Prussian Society of America #wingnut #dunning-kruger #conspiracy #racist prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com


Everything told in Western Media regarding the Russia/Ukraine situation is completely distorted
Ukraine has mixed history with Russia, because of the Holodomor and also there is the mixed Cultural Divide between Western and Eastern Ukraine
The most ideal scenario for Ukraine’s continued existence, would be one of an Independent State[…]Russia is not likely to permit that
An outbreak of war in this region will surely create numerous instability problems and also exacerbate other regional issues[…]it could very likely cause Ukraine to break up into two separate Nations, once again, as USA is often responsible for, such as how North Korea and South Korea had “split”
The conflict which took place many years ago, including the modern one involves USA as the Aggressor, not Russia. Nevertheless, monitoring Russian influence in the region is of key importance
Ukrainians have everything in relation with Russia more than they do with the USA, and the USA is a Corporation, and NATO is wholly evil

But the problem is still that both USA and Russia are Zionist countries
It was a great strategic loss that Germany today did not win authority or control of the sea ports of the Crimea
As Germans, we do not have a particular interest over Ukraine or to Germanise them or much interest outside of establishment of Bipartisan Trade Agreements
German Ambitions should maintain focus in restoration of our former lands and all lost areas of East Prussia which we did formerly own and are authentically Germany, which should be at the base point of German Policy in restoration of the Reich
The Baltic States need to be under German authority some day again, albeit under a different arrangement than they may currently enjoy or hope to have, but it is in their best interest

Anti-vaxxers #conspiracy #crackpot #quack #racist vice.com

(At the Defeat the Mandates rally in Washington DC) Robert F. Kennedy Jr. unfavorably compare the conditions under which they are living to those faced by Jews living under the Nazis. “Even in Hitler’s Germany, you could cross the Alps to Switzerland,” Kennedy said in remarks his own wife called “reprehensible and insensitive.” “You could hide in an attic like Anne Frank did.”

… There were signs reading “STOP SEGREGATION,” “SEGREGATION IS NEVER THE SOLUTION,” “JOE BIDEN IS A VACCINE RACIST,” “RESIST MEDICAL TYRANNY” (this was accompanied by a swastika made of syringes), “‘You must never be fearful about what you’re doing, when it is right’—Rosa Parks,” “SEGREGATING MANDATES HAVE NO PLACE IN A FREE SOCIETY” (this was accompanied by a prohibitory sign over the phrase “Jim Crow 2.0”), “STOP THE VACCINE HOLOCAUST,” and “AMERICA=LIBERTY, MANDATES=SLAVERY.” The person holding this last sign was a pleasant and healthy-looking man named Eric, from San Diego.

“America’s built on freedom of choice,” he said when I asked him if he could unpack his sign a bit. “Now, what they’re trying to do is mandate something that you don’t have a choice to do, so that’s why it means slavery. Because slavery, as you well know, you can’t have a choice. It’s either you’re a slave, or you die. So we’re trying to let people know the other side: ‘Hey, you have a choice. You’re an American, you’re in a nation that gives you those liberties.’ Just because people push one narrative and try to give you information that just causes fear and doubt? No, look to the other side and see what the facts are as well.”

oenz #racist ncu.su

All of you probably already know about all the cons of Diversity so I will Start with the Pros that most of you most likely dont know.

There have been many studies in fields like if you get rid of a bug in a eco system a New issue would arise if you get rid of that bug as you see as bad.
Same goes for Humans.
Why Are Whites so Weak in Their own nations But Are Much Stronger In Places Like South Africa, Rhodesia (Defunct) Or Even The American South or Central California (Stockton > Bakersfield) But If you Notice the Most cucked of the White race are in area's that are mostly White Such As, Britain, New England, Australia, Nordic Nations, Western Europe.
Excluded Places are Eastern European nations and Middle American Nations Like Dakota, Montana, Wyoming. Because Climate or History made them strong

If you get rid the Boogie Man aka Black man or LatiNO's that the whites would start fighting one another and would try to make new issues.
Humans cant stand having issues ironically but its just nature so if you get rid of Issues new ones most likely new ones would arrise.

Like I said if you get rid of Jews the Manlet, inbred White people would collective and make a Cult like freemasonry and Zionism. But without different names. That would arise. Just takes time.

These are the Pros of Diversity. Now lets get into the CONS!

The Cons include Violence and conflict and Political disturbances and a Divided nation.
Personally I am for a Segregated Yet Unified Nation. But Most of the time A Diverse nation will Have a ton of Inner conflict. Even Segregated ones. Jiggaboo will see whites and chinks with their high Work ethic and with their nice cars and would get Jealous and Not Improve the conditions of their town no matter how much white man boosts them.
If you Let black people vote for their own things get sloppy. Only way for a black nation to have Fancy stuff is if a top 1% IQ black man takes Over or a White guy Rules over.

But if you Let black people vote they will vote in a Guy Like Robert Mugabe and fuck everything up.

Mike Adams The Health Ranger #conspiracy #quack #wingnut #racist #mammon naturalnews.com

Our latest free, downloadable audio book is called, “Ghost World: 2022 – 2032”

Here’s an overview of what the book delivers:

Chapter 1 – The Die-Off

Death projections, WHO will be dying and WHERE the deaths will occur. (Hint: largely in blue cities / Democrat strongholds and among certain high-vax professions such as doctors and schoolteachers.)

Chapter 2 – Political Consequences

What will happen to upcoming elections (if they even take place) after the Democrat-heavy die-off from vaccines? Blue states will lose census numbers, but Democrats are replacing their own dead voters with illegal immigrants as “replacements.”

Chapter 3 – Economic Consequences

Analysis of what happens to the stock market, gold and silver, real estate, supply chains, food supplies and more. Prepare for the most severe disruptions of your life.
Chapter 4 – Living in the Ghost World post-collapse economy

How to maintain the ability to provide value in a collapsed society – barter, trade, production, currencies and the mass decentralization of economic power. The rise of the secondhand economy and repair professions, salvage operations and more.

Chapter 5 – Cultural consequences

What will happen to the culture as the die-off accelerates? The rule of law, local self-governance, fertility and more.

Chapter 6 – Gluts and scarcity

A detailed look at what items will be in excess supply as the die-off accelerates: Used cars, homes, firearms, clothing, etc. What will be scarce? Vehicle tires, fossil fuels, electronics parts, labor resources and more.

Chapter 7 – Summary

Where this all leads as the global population collapse takes its course. The elimination of the obedient, brainwashed masses; global government and its control systems and much more.

Benjamin Fulford #crackpot #conspiracy #racist #wingnut #quack benjaminfulford.net

The takedown of the Khazarian mafia is accelerating. A worldwide arrest warrant issued for David Rockefeller Jr. means one of their top bosses is now a hunted man. Meanwhile, riots and demonstrations around the Western world are bringing down other KM leaders like Emmanuelle Macron of France and Justin Castro of Canada. Already, the Rothschild clan has admitted defeat and is now under the leadership of Nathaniel Rothschild. He promises that from now on his clan will stick to business and stay out of geopolitics
This writer only learned about these people when they invited me to join them and offered great wealth and power as long as I agreed to participate in their plot to kill 90% of humanity and enslave the rest. I have been fighting them ever since.

The ongoing fake pandemic and very real vaccine mass murder campaign is just the latest attempt by these Satanists to murder enough people so that they can stay in power and enslave humanity.

At the four-minute mark of the expert testimony linked below, you can confirm the spike protein in the toxic vaccine batches is race-specific and Ashkenazi Jews are immune.
<bitchute link not gonna post>

Two different Mossad sources say that almost all of the Israelis are given the saline solution, number 01 vaccine. And yet, even though Israel is one of the most highly vaccinated countries on earth, they have one of the highest COVID death rates. What is happening is that the KM are using vaccines to kill dissidents among their Jewish slaves. In other words, obedient sheeple are given placebos while troublesome ones are given lethal injections.

The worlds’ military and intelligence agencies are in the midst of a major offensive against these criminals. The Jews are also revolting. So are the aware people of the West.

Vox Day #wingnut #conspiracy #racist voxday.net

[From "Communists vs Globohomo"]

The times are making for some alliances that would have looked very strange back in the 1980s. The recent address by Xi Xinping to the sixth plenary session of the 19th CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection is absolutely fascinating and more than a little informative

Xi noted several daunting tasks in the battle, including “guarding against the unwarranted influence of interests groups, preventing officials from falling prey to erosion behavior, identifying and dealing with furtive forms of corruption that employ upgraded methods, eliminating the breeding grounds for corruption, being free of systemic corruption, and defusing risks and hidden dangers”

If any Western politician were to make comments like these, the ADL would absolutely lose their minds. So, it’s pretty clear that the global Sino-Jewish conflict that has been percolating for the last decade or so is on the verge of going to the next level, because what Xi and the CPC define as “corruption” is virtually identical to what in the USA is described as “success because 115 average IQ”

It’s clear that the Chinese have seen how America was defeated by “the collusion between capital and power” and have no intention of permitting the same thing to happen to their nation. I very much doubt that Thomas Friedman is going to write any more columns praising China’s autocratic ability to get things done like his take on the 2010 World Economic Forum. To the contrary, I expect we’re going to see a lot more “Xi is the New Hitler” ink being spilled in 2022
Interesting times indeed. The Russians are already on board with the Chinese, which is why NATO has been threatening war for the last three months

Cx5w06su #fundie #moonbat #psycho #racist boards.4chan.org

Why are South Americans like this?


The Spanish inquisitors have created an abomination. They breeded with the subhumans when they arrived on ships and created the south american race.

NOOO they could bring along their wives they had to rape the local subhumans.

Spanish used to be a classic European language of wonderful heritage. Now whenever I hear Spanish being spoken I feel nothing but disgust and the mental images of cartel killings and Narcos.

Burn in hell you Spanish Faggots. All you motherfuckers had to do was bring your own women with you or at the very fucking least NOT have children with the Aztecs and other tribes you FUCKING IDIOTS.

Because of some horny spanish fuck 500 years ago we now have brutal cartels that torture people and sell drugs. A few horny Spanish fucks caused the narco cartel terror hundreds years later today.

ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTING, never trust a Spaniard ever again.

If the Spanish never mated with the Locals MEXICO AND BEANERS WOULD NOT EXIST.

Mexico wouldn't be a shit hole, it would probably be called "newspania" and have a wonderful white society and culture.

Fuck you Spanish

This is why fornication and the Sexual urge must be strongly repressed by the Moral police of society.

This is why we need white Communism 1984 style

Sven Longshanks #homophobia #racist #conspiracy dailystormer.name

Faggots always feel a need to flaunt their depravity and to force other people to be subjected to their sickening behavior.

They are incapable of keeping their perverted actions to themselves, as they are so shallow that the only thing they can think of to define themselves by is their obsession with other men’s anuses.

They like nothing better than to shock and disgust normal people and thanks to the ‘equality’ legislation that the Jews helped them to push through government, we are now forced to either watch their filth or we lose our jobs, as this unfortunate McDonald’s security guard recently found out.

"The doorman, who is employed by a third party security firm has been permanently removed from working in any McDonald’s restaurant.

This comes after Matthew Dummigan, of Leicester city centre claimed the doorman at the Market Street branch told him “no kissing allowed” when his male friend “pecked” him on the lips.

Matthew said that when he asked the doorman whether it would be acceptable if it had been a man and a woman, the doorman said “yes”."

Christopher Roach #wingnut #racist #conspiracy amgreatness.com

There was a golden age of low crime after World War II and before the “Age of Aquarius.”

Lulled into optimism by the 1950s—during which critics belabored the oppressions of “conformity”—a more nuanced view of criminal responsibility, a turn towards the promise of rehabilitation, and a general skepticism of punishment took place. “Radical chic” became popular. The death penalty went away, and the prison population plummeted, along with that of the psychiatric wards.

Then, all hell broke loose.

The Post-1960s Crime Wave

Violent crime of all kinds underwent a sustained rise after the tumultuous atmosphere of the 1960s and the associated weakening of the criminal justice system. The cause and effect were obvious, but there was a lot of head-scratching about what to do.

Confined by the straightjacket of liberal morality, cities and their leaders were powerless to respond, ensnared by their anxieties about being associated with the very oppression from which they thought they were liberating us.
We have seen both sides of this ledger, the hollowed out cities of Baltimore and Detroit, and the return of life to our big cities like New York and Washington, D.C. after their massive drop in crime. For the latter, “Arts . . . Letters . . . and Society” all flourished.
The BLM Crime Wave

Beginning in the second part of the Obama Administration, this all started to change. The idea of the noble, oppressed criminal as a warrior for racial justice gained currency. Rather than supporting law enforcement and condemning criminal violence, President Obama and the mainstream media spread lies about “gentle giant” Michael Brown and St. Trayvon Martin.
Rather than groveling for approval or attempting to navigate the maze of their alternative morality, soft-headed leftism should be rejected out of hand. The Left’s indifference to consequences and manifest record of failure renders them moral imbeciles, and the blood of innocents is on their hands.

Sam Francis #racist vdare.com

It is no longer news that statues of real, white American heroes are being removed from public places and images of fake, non-white non-heroes being erected. The totalitarian reconstruction of culture, including the historical past, has now become commonplace. Nevertheless, the reasons offered by those waging the cultural and racial warfare remain interesting, if only because they are now revealing what the enemies of the West think they can get away with.

In Brooklyn, New York, the culture war has escalated to a new level. First, a statue of three white firemen who raised an American flag at the site of the World Trade Center was to have been changed to reflect the racial "diversity" of those who died at the site. The original point was to commemorate the firemen who raised the flag, who were white, not the victims of the terrorist attack. The real point, of course, has nothing to do with the World Trade Center or anyone who died there. The real point is simply to erect an icon to "diversity" itself.

Dutch Anon #psycho #racist boards.4chan.org


Remember that Blonde Germanic chads destroyed the med empire, & meds are still eternally seething about it today
>b-but we be fuckin yo wimminz n shieeeet

(Serbian Anon)

holy roman empire still lives on keep seething while i rape cunny

What does you raping your little sister have to do with this you slavoid animal?

(Swedish Anon)

but you aren't med you larping Moroccan shitskin subhuman

Where did i say i was med you swedetwink faggot

(Slovak Anon)

Then Slavchads came and destroyed all medcuck and nordcuck empires in the last 1500 years of history or so.

I know the flag of every country in Europe but not yours, sit yourself down please. How does it feel to be irrelevant, luka?

(Other Dutch Anon)

You’re poisoning the well you fucking kankermongool. Slovaks are more Aryan than your Semitic shitstirring

Go back, slavnigger

Various Commenters #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #racist #wingnut youtube.com

RE: Not ONE Body Found in Canadian "Mass Graves"

(Norman F Birnberg)
Lauren three words for you: mass psychosis formation. The flight of people from reality has been documented before and this is a good instance of it. It always happen right before civilizations collapse. What we are witnessing and experiencing now is the late stages of a dying civilization.

(Cheesy Koch)
The world is full of these leftist people in power who are totally gone in the head. Every leftist needs stripping of any of the positions of power wherever it be in the world. They are screwing the world up with their insanity. They are insane the lot of them. They are very dangerous people.

(Rob Figulski)
Wait....There was reactionary public outrage over an unchecked media accusation? How weird.
Sincerely, Duke Mens LaCrosse Team

This is what happens when you have it so good, that you have to go looking for victims and victimhood status.

This was a psy-op on the European Canadians. Meant to shame humiliate and destroy Canada and Canadians.
Bravo to thé Québécois academic for having integrity.


I’m in Poland and many of my acquaintances and family members won’t hear about this correction. If I tell them I will look like conspiracy theorist. It’s all so depressing…

I've lost family members and close friends because I chose truth over the narrative.

(Odin the German Shepherd)
Same thing in Tulsa about the 1921 riots. They have been digging all over town for over 30 years looking for the “mass graves” of black rioters. They have found nothing.

(Kevin H)
So, basically a teenage girl spread a rumor, and society just went insane.

It's incredible how authoritatively people will speak on things they know nothing about. My industry works with all kinds of remote sending techniques, so anyone who wants to assert Lauren has been lying or obfuscating on the technical aspects of this topic, they are sorely mistaken.

Various editors #racist #conspiracy #transphobia #sexist #pratt conservapedia.com

There is a theory in popular culture that Michelle Obama is a transgender man named Michael Obama.[9][10][11][12] There is fairly substantial evidence for this. Some photos of Michelle Obama show her with muscular arms, an Adam's apple and a bulge around her groin.[13][14] Her children were also conceived by IVF, and there are no photos that seem to show Michelle pregnant.[15] Barack Obama has frequently referred to his wife as "Michael" in the past.[16] His brother, and even Michelle herself, have claimed that she is male.[17][18] Barack also used to have a transgender nanny, who he is believed to have developed an attraction towards, and he once considered pursuing a homosexual relationship in college.[19][20] Many celebrities, including Joan Rivers and Alex Jones, have claimed to believe this theory, and Jones shared his own evidence.[21][22] #BigMike once even trended on Twitter, before it was censored by the liberal administrators.[23] This theory has been strongly criticised by the liberal mainstream media, and ignored by Wikipedia, which could mean that liberals are trying to cover it up.

According to PBS Frontline, facial recognition identifies Michelle Obama as a man.[24]

The Obamas.[7] The photograph, which many alleged fact checkers and Obama apologists claimed was a fake, was used by ABC News to sell the Obama's as a heterosexual couple.[8]

Henry Makow PhD #crackpot #conspiracy #racist #wingnut #homophobia henrymakow.com

Justine's father was actually Fidel Castro. In 1968, Russian defector Igor Gouzenko warned that Trudeau "would become another Castro and turn Canada into another Cuba."

Fidelito's cuckold "father" Pierre Elliot Trudeau (1919-2000) was Canadian Prime Minister from 1968-1979 and 1980-1984. His file was destroyed because he was a Communist (Illuminati) agent. Most "leaders" are Freemasons. The goal of Freemasonry is Rothschild (Cabalist Jewish, i.e. Satanic) world tyranny, i.e. Communism or "globalism." Communism is monopoly (i.e. banker controlled) capitalism. Trudeau took the first steps toward normalizing homosexuality and making European Canadians a minority, i.e. "multiculturalism." Castro's son is following in Trudeau's footsteps.

The Illuminati are sexual deviants. They abuse their own children as part of the brainwashing process. There is a suggestion that this happened to Justine.

In her book, TRANCE-FORMATION OF AMERICA (1995) MK-ULTRA survivor Cathy O'Brien stated that many world leaders, including Pierre Trudeau and Brian Mulroney, are pedophiles. She met them in the course of her life as a sex slave trained (with her young daughter) to service high-profile politicians. Other sources support Cathy O'Brien's allegations.

margie.jpg(Margaret Trudeau's face says it all)

Pierre's 1968 marriage to Margaret was "arranged" by the military. The couple was programmed with LSD at a remote farm in British Columbia.
This might explain why Margaret was passed around to Fidel Castro.
it looks like a duck, and walks and talks like a duck, it's a duck.

Prussian Society of America #racist #sexist #dunning-kruger prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "Meanwhile, In Boston…"]

As Protests continue against COVID Measures in Europe, we have Non-European trash among the young generations protesting in demand for more COVID Tyranny

FUN, FUN Times are coming!!!

Hey White Boys in America and all Law Enforcement Officers. Are you going to protect these gems because they are Women are Colored!? I will be delighted for a lifetime to see it! I will love to sit back and watch their urgency to defend these specimens

After all, Women deserve to be “protected” at all costs, because they were born as Women, right!? And everybody is equal, so say the Scots-Irish of America, who don’t care whether someone is Black or White…

This should just show you how far gone America is:

“No teachers, no plan. We’ve got to take a stand.” Students at New Mission High School say their voices have been ignored when it comes to how to best handle pandemic learning. @NBC10Boston @NECN
4:55 PM · Jan 14, 2022

Moonman1488 & Napoleon de Geso #racist #sexist #wingnut ncu.su

RE: Are Slavic countries the last hope for white nationalists?


slavs and based go hand in hand usually XD anglos are getting cucked

Anglos Saxons, Scandinavians, and most Germanic people are pure cucks now. Balts are somewhat based, and slavs are giga based

(Napoleon de Geso)
Are not. Slavic whores are degenerates and belong in forced prostitution

Malevolencel #quack #racist #sexist ncu.su

The vaxx fanatics are absolute imbeciles

Imagine unironically citing the data on rising covid-1984 cases as PROOF that the vaxx is working AND getting booster shots.

Even the self-described "educated professionals" not only fail to see the scam, the inefficiency and the manipulation, they never even look at the data they are citing and how it is collected.

They are bragging about the "return to normal" and fail to see the problem with showing proof of vaccination to visit public places or different countries.

How stupid do you have to be to present your cooompliance as a virtue, blame those who don't take the GMO jab for its inefficiency against jew new "variants" and think you are somehow more civilised than those who resist the tyranny.

Universal suffrage and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

Two Anons #psycho #racist #transphobia #wingnut boards.4chan.org

(UK Anon)
>be white 13 year old boy in 2022
>constantly told you’re what’s wrong with the world
>you’re responsible for racism, sexism and homophobia
>told to trust science in school (except for when you realise races could be different and men can’t be women)
>be told you’re the biggest threat to humanity despite your demographic committing ridiculously less crime than other races
What’s in store for future kids? Teenage boys are inherently combative and don’t really take being criticised well. So what’s gonna happen in 10 years when they have the power? Will globohomo engineering backfire with horrific results?

(US Anon)
They will plot a violent purge from the sidelines, like they are now. They fear the white man, and not a single time in history has he not wiped the floor with sniveling kikes.
>the fire rises, and the jew keeps pouring gasoline on it

Paul Kersey #racist vdare.com

There is no more important story than what’s happening in the most affluent portion of Atlanta, where the predominately white area of the city is seeking to secede to form its own city.

Why? Because of black crime and the type of life black people create in the absence of white people.

Obviously the way forward is pushing for Shelley v. Kraemer being overturned, but that would not immediately restore the United States of America to its former glory.

The simple question is this: what percentage of homicides in all of Atlanta are committed by blacks? What percentages of homicides in the Buckhead portion of Atlanta are committed by blacks?

This is the story of 2022.

The Bulkhead session movement is all about freeing white people of black criminality.

C.T. #elitist #sexist #racist #wingnut chechar.wordpress.com

[From "Liberalism as a heretical movement"]

Yesterday I changed the subtitle of this site by replacing the word ‘fourteen’ with ‘sacred’. Thus I also include the four words (to understand the latter the visitor would have to familiarise himself with my eleven books). Yesterday the thought also came to me that liberalism, which is now in its final metastasis in all former Christian countries[…]is ultimately a heresy
The Christian notion of the equality of men in the eyes of God was transformed, after the American and French Revolutions, into the equality of men under the law. After the defeat of Nazi Germany, this was transmuted in the US into equality for blacks and women; and, in the new century, into using the power of the State to denigrate the white male and achieve—at last!—equity

The secular psychosis of today’s world only affects those countries that were once traditional Christian. Ethno-suicidal liberalism doesn’t affect the billions under Islam, the Chinese regime or the Indian people who still embrace Hinduism. However, that doesn’t mean that the Catholic Church is legitimate. It means that a heretical faction of traditional Christianity, insofar as it secularised the gospel message (i.e., secularised the inversion of values in the New Testament), has taken root in all former Christian countries

I have already discussed this in ‘On empowering birds feeding on corpses’ which can be read on pages 181-184 of [i]Daybreak[/i]. But my initiative to call ‘heretics’ secular liberals, whose most extreme form today are the ‘woke’ people, came to me yesterday. That, heretics, is what they really are. The image of St. Francis is explained in the referenced article from Daybreak: a book which, by the way, remains unavailable in printed form as we haven’t raised the funds to solicit the services of a printer that won’t deplatform us

DominicanDancel91 #racist #sexist #psycho ncu.su

????All nigger foids on this Earth should be donated to incels for companionship????

It's no secret that nigger foids are the lowest in value. They're loudmouths, stuck up, masculine, entitled and always start shit for no reason at all. Plus they support degeneracy, tobacco smoking and watermelons.

They're also the female race with the highest rates of singledom for obvious reasons.

I suggest we take all the nigger foids on this Earth, donate them to incels and make it illegal for nigger foids to date any man higher than a 5/10 in looks.

I hate nigger foids but having nigger foids is better than no foid companionship.

@personalityinkwell @Meremy Jeeks Thoughts?

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