
Racism, including ethnic hatred, nationalism and equating religion to race

starcrapoo & Twinkcel #racist #sexist incels.is

RageFuel This is the most depressing thread on reddit I have ever read. WMAF couples in SF. Ricecels, enter at your own risk.

Anyone from the San Fran area notice the rampant rise of WMAF in this city the past year?and wtf is “MRAsian”?

I know I have always been the one ricecel on here bitching and moaning about San Francisco but to hear other ricecels describing exactly what I've seen is both reassuring and depressing. Reassuring in that i'm glad that I'm not the only ricecel thats outraged by whats going on. I fucking hate White Anglo society and I know one day their children will suffer just like I and many other ricecels have. I suffer the sight of injustice and unfairness every other day. These WMAF are so proud when they are out and about. At the same time, I always see groups of Asian men hanging out together or walking alone. I think I'm gonna go fuckin insane once the vaccine comes out and seeing all of the WMAF couples and white normies. Rofl at these libtard females. If there were an equal amount of non Asian female Asian male couples, I wouldn't even be mad. But there is not even one in the entire city.

I’m not Asian and I felt the pain. I wouldn’t care if Asian men were doing fine on the dating scene but that are literally getting nothing and on top of that the shameless behavior of the Asian females. I don’t see white, black or Hispanic women talking shit about their men it’s only the asian and Indian women. Asian men should push harder and shame them even more. Get the parents involved into shaming the girls who date white guys. Refuse sloppy seconds after dating a white refuse the girls and announce them untouchable until they grow old with cats.

floppypick #racist reddit.com

{note: this is from 7 years ago}

Scathing report says Mounties raped, abused aboriginal girls

I can probably give a little insight into why more police officers grow to dislike natives.

I grew up in a town which had a reserve located just outside of it. I'll start with my experience with them first. If I was getting bullied by someone, it was going to be a native kid. If a kid was being disruptive in class, failing to do assigned homework, or fail tests, likely native.

A half native, half white girl was gang beaten by three or four native girls in a school bathroom. She did end up in the hospital. There weren't charges pressed.

One of my friends while walking through a downtown park was mugged, can you guess by whom he was mugged?

Their parents don't give two flying fucks about their performance in school, how they treat others, or pretty much anything.

My dad, he's RCMP. He dealt with natives regularly, frequent domestic violence calls to the reserve. Typically they would be drunk. Of course he dealt with a variety of calls but the ones to the reserve were easily the most stressful ones.

What other group of people can call essentially an all out war on police forces, firing on them indiscriminately, and not get obliterated in return?


I have never met a group so entitled and lazy as reserve natives in my life. Hell, I regularly get complaints about charging them taxes on fucking pizza. They get $10, 000 dollars in government money for doing nothing, over something that happened 150 years ago http://www.firstperspective.ca/news/2462-first-nations-dole-out-10000-federal-settlement-cheques and then they complain about $5 taxes

Of course I'm a decent human being and give everyone multiple chances to prove they aren't a dick head. I don't let my previous experiences effect how I treat new people, but not all people do. After dealing with shit like this themselves, and watching others deal with similar shit, I can understand why they'd have a hard time being pleasant all the time.

Also, don't think for a second I'm trying to excuse RCMP actions for what may, or may not have occurred with this girl. That is undeniably fucked up if true.

my_canadianthrowaway #psycho #racist reddit.com

The horrors of St. Anne's: the history of abuse at the notorious residential school that built its own electric chair

Akaitcho Hall, Yellowknife NWT: a history of good education, positive experiences and literacy where there was none.

Easy to knock them and to over emphasize the bad. These schools also did something nobody knew how to do, and was absolutely necessary: supplying education and literacy to remote, illiterate villages spread over a large, inhospitable landscape.

Ijustgottheboot #racist reddit.com

[ On the resident schools in Canada ]

The abuse aspects that went on in those schools was common in any school of that era (strapping, paddling, etc.) the government of Canada literally tries to modernize the aboriginal people so they could learn to function in a proper society. In that sense it did fail casue now all they do is blame Canada for their lives sucking even tho they still have every opportunity to do something with themselves.

Henry Makow, PhD #racist #homophobia #conspiracy #wingnut henrymakow.com

The Masonic Jewish (Satanist) central banking cartel is behind all of this. They control all corporations; this is why their advertising promotes homosexuality, white displacement, and miscegenation instead of just a product.

The ultimate goal is outlined in The Protocols of Zion, to dispossess and enslave humanity, starting with Europeans.


Unfortunately, Trump may be a Kerensky figure, a midwife to Communism.
Like Kerensky, Trump is a Freemason. Communism and Zionism are the two pincers of Freemasonry. Freemasonry is the instrument of Organized Jewry, which is controlled by the Rothschilds.

Are we kidding ourselves? Trump is in favor of mass vaccinations. He allowed Bill Gates and Fauci to commit this atrocity.

Is this man seriously interested in preserving freedom? Trump supports what Israel is doing to Palestinians, what Saudis are doing to Yemenese. He menaces Iran on Israel's behalf.

This is our defense against tyranny?

This is the test. If Trump retains the Presidency, he is a genuine American patriot. But if he doesn't, it means he took a fall because he is beholden to the same people as the Communists.

Civilization is hanging by a thread. A New York Jewish gangster is our only defence against a Dark Winter for eternity.

See why I am anxious?

Various Commenters #racist amren.com

RE: FBI: Minorities More Likely to Commit Hate Crimes Than White People

Leading only in those areas that are negative. So 13% of the population and yet almost 24% of hate crimes. I grow tired of dealing with most blacks. Like John Lennon we should take his imagine, imagine a US for one week with no blacks, its easy if you try.

(America first)
One, how many of those so called whites are really Hispanics. And two, how many here want to bet that the justice system is all too willing to throw hate crime laws at white people and not blacks, therefore lowering the actual number of hate crimes by blacks.

8.7% of the victims were white. 11.7% of the victims were Jewish. I am guessing Jews get to decide when they are the victims of hate crime.

When they are attacked they instantly become Jewish again.

During the past 10 years or so, I've quizzed several friends, family members and acquaintances about incidence of interracial crime. Most believed that whites prey on negroes, they were surprised to learn that 90% of violent interracial crime was negro-on-white, opposite of what they thought. Im sure their perception is based on the propaganda fed to them by the lying libturd news media and entertainment industry. Hate crime labels are based on the near refusal of LE to charge negroes with a hate crime, even though the evidence is overwhelming. So the public thinks that mean, evil whites prey upon nice, peace loving negroes, they have no idea of actual crime rates.

(Vasco Núñez de Balboa)
If there’s one thing you Anglos and I (a Hispanic) can agree on, it’s that the people who wear the tiny hats who are behind the scenes are inherently evil for their role in media manipulation.

LovingIncel #crackpot #racist #sexist #transphobia reddit.com

The 6 Steps for Escaping Inceldom

1. Start watching MTF transgender porn, then move to femboy porn, and finally move to gay porn. Make sure at least 50% of the porn you consume is black-on-white action. Do not watch any straight porn and watch porn for 4-6 hours a day - every single day. Additionally during process, the incel needs to free itself from all of it's sexual prejudices (e.g. bestiality). The goal is to become as degenerate as possible. After doing this for 2 years the incel is ready.

2. Find another incel who has completed step 1, but has not started their transition. In the future there may be a website which matches such incels. Interracial matches are encouraged and recommended. This incel will become your life partner.

3. Upon meeting discuss ALL your sexual fantasies. Masturbate together. There should be NO secrets between the 2 incels. You are now partners in crime. Be as degenerate as possible. Be nasty to everyone is society except each other.

4. This step is only necessary if one or both of the incels are overweight. Eat a lean or keto diet and do high intensity cardiac exercise till you are no longer overweight. The incel couple should encourage and support each other during this process.

5. Together, start transitioning to female. Start the estradiol and testosterone blockers. Get facial feminization surgery. These are the two most important. DO NOT GET SRS - your penis is the most important part of your relationship.

6. Kiss each other and fondle each other's feminine penis. Suck each other's feminine penis. Take turns fucking the tranny pussy of the other one. Love each other and enjoy life.

Fiers_Zeth #racist removeddit.com

I think the problem with that is there are systematic reasons for the government taking away children. During the 60s in Canada, the government would take away children from Indigenous parents for the smallest reason. And the rationale was that Indigenous parents may be more likely to abuse/neglect their children because they weren't civilized. Also, they saw this as a way to "save" the children from a "difficult" life.

I can't speak about what happened in another country, 50 years ago, but that does sound horrible. Though I have a hard time believing it would have been done on the basis that Indigenous parents are more likely to abuse their kids - but rather that the kids that were taken away were, in fact, being abused. If one demographic unlawfully abuses their kids more than another, do you feel race a good reason to not take the kids away?

While this may differ depending on the state, at least in many, if they take your kids away, there's a mandatory hearing within 24 hours. If they can't show good cause that the child is suffering from or is in imminent danger of abuse, abandonment, or neglect, that's it - kid is returned home.

How can one possibly put the weight of the potential loss of cultural identity before stopping an ongoing abusive situation for the child? Surely a lasting physical or mental harm, where the conditions that led to the harm are not resolved, should be a top priority to stop.

If the parents had their parental rights terminated, their behavior had to have been egregious and/or sustained - they're only in the rarest cases going to be borderline cases where they did something out of ignorance or by accident and the kid was mildly harmed and still lost their kid - in the vast majority of cases, there would be opportunities to get the kid back by following the case plan. Having their parental rights permanently terminated would mean the parents either did something so unacceptably awful, or didn't follow their case plan.

Gymcelled #racist #sexist incels.is

[TeeHee] Good personality: "My husband tried to kill me tonight" (Reddit)


She probably got turned on from the entire thing.


"I wouldn't call the police because he's black so that would be a death sentence for him."

JFC apparently it's true some people believe US cops are out there hunting black people down.

Oh they really, really do. They've never seen the actual statistics that show that whites and hispanics get shot at more per police interaction

"He is Black so I can't call the police" :feelshaha:

Your brain on reddit

Ayo Kimathi #conspiracy #homophobia #racist amren.com

Interview with an Afrikan Nationalist Group

Chris Roberts: What do you consider the foremost “threats” and who is responsible for them?

Ayo Kimathi: The foremost threats to Afrikan people worldwide are:

The Homophile Assault — systematic, organized, forced acceptance and participation in homosexuality and/or pedophilia. This is the most dangerous, pernicious, and lethal of all of the assaults because it is invisible. Black people allow a foreign, debilitating, immoral, harmful, disgusting sexual culture to penetrate, compete with, and ultimately overthrow the foundation of Afrikan culture which is a balanced relationship between the Black man and Black woman. It will redefine us as an immoral people who rape and molest our own children and support our own familial decay.

Chemical/Biological Warfare — Bill and Melinda Gates, Anthony Fauci, and the other eugenicists appear to be intent on global extermination of Black people by methods such as “vaccinations” (voluntary poisoning), family planning (baby murder), population control (genocide), bad food, culturally destructive socio-sexual culture (homophilia), etc.

Miscegenation — the voluntary or forced interbreeding of Afrikans with people other than other Afrikans. In the case of Black/white miscegenation, it often leads to the production of mulattoes (like Barack Obama) who take racial positions against Afrikan people in the interest of promoting their white parents’ racial interests.

Smallhats (aka: jews) are the primary architects of these threats to Afrikan survival. They are assisted in many cases by: whites, asiatics, mulattoes (This is not all Mulattoes; but history has shown their collective tendency to work on behalf of the interest of whatever group is oppressing Black people.​)

CourtDisastrous #racist reddit.com

(response to “Would everyone be okay if the next james bond was played by a non-white man in the next movie? If not why?”)

No, I wouldn't be okay with it. Not racist, I just don't like how black people tend to look. Not a fan of the color brown, or big lips and nose. Nothing personal just not my personal taste (and we all have them, for example in dating). Wouldn't wanna look at that on a screen for 2 hours.

riceronicel #racist #sexist incels.is

RE: [Discussion] Why don't Whitecels date average looking black women.

I think black women are the highest percentage of women to stay in their own race. Black women fucking hate whites, they despise them actually. MUH EVIL OPPRESSORS N SHIIIET

yes and black men hate it when black foids date white men. They see it as dating the oppressors, so you hit the nail on the head on that one.

Which is funny because black foids hate it when black men date white women, because they take that as saying black foids aren't good looking enough for the "good" black men, whatever that means.

Jfl black men pursue white women, white women want white men, white men want to try to date black womenz and black women stay loyal by going after black men.

Where's my position in this cycle as a ricecel?

As a fellow ricecel we are non-existent in this cycle. There's a reason why no foid conventionally speaking want to date rice men in general. We just don't exist in their radar. We're not an option because we were never made an option, whether it's by Hollywood or availability. Most of us are pretty shit ugly anyway so that doesn't help.

David J. Stewart #fundie #racist #conspiracy stewart1611.blogspot.com

The controlled ungodly American newsmedia have openly and unquestionably accepted the homosexual agenda. In a disturbing sermon clip, revealing just how far gone America has become, Pastor Clarence Sexton rightly refutes the demonic Black Lives Matter movement. In their official manifesto, Black Lives Matter are calling for the destruction of the traditional family, and the promotion of the LGBTQ agenda. They are calling for the disruption of the nuclear family (in their own words). They want to promote sin, filth, anarchy and rebellion (all core elements of Marxist communism).
There is not a more wicked, anti-American, foolish, evil and destructive organization than Black Lives Matter! Shame on all of the companies who gave them money. What is wrong with you people? How naïve and foolish can you be with your company's money? All lives matter, which is not the message of BLM. As we have seen from the group's hateful terrorist words and actions—burning down department stores, police stations and wrecking people's livelihoods—BLM are willing to murder, hurt and destroy anyone who doesn't meet their thug demands!

Thankfully, there is a holy God in Heaven, Who cannot be intimidated, bullied or swayed by punks with matches, magic markers and homemade cocktail bombs. BLM is not about love, caring or being a responsible citizen, it is about forcing other people through violence to do what they think is right. Any society that refuses to be governed by God, will be ruled over by tyrants!

Various Incels #racist #sexist #wingnut incels.is

[LifeFuel] There is hope. Shanghai summit: Russia, China & allies slam US at Shanghai summit

Russia, China & allies slam US at Shanghai summit (Full show)

The SCO currently comprises eight Member States (China, India, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Pakistan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan), four Observer States interested in acceding to full membership (Afghanistan, Belarus, Iran, and Mongolia).

If American hegemony continues, foid hypergamy and inceldom will only get worst. Jews only have power in the sense that White Anglos willingly act as the protectorate of them because of a strong sense of guilt and obligation. When White numbers diminish so will the the military, economic, and cultural threat of America to the rest of the world. Degeneracy will without a doubt be eliminated. Mass inceldom and female hypergamy... Idk. Most likely a long lasting effect and legacy of American hegemony that will take a long time to unlearn.

Abunch of literally who’s and shitholes. I hope they balkanize the US though so we can have neo confederate states that’d be epic

The SJW cucks in the west are allied with the CCP. Putin is allied with Israel/China and funded retards like Richard Spencer. Those cocksuckers play a left/right dialectic and drive the west further into globalist slavery. The jew subverted our culture since the 30s, so they could easily manipulate simps and women. There are no based countries.

BududubNow #racist #sexist incels.is

[TeeHee] Women age like SHIT, at least slavic ones

Today when I was looking for some pictures on my PC I found a folder that I forgot about with screens that I took a few years ago on badoo (tinder but more popular here in 3rd world Europe) of foids just from my general area. They are not nitpicked, they are of foids from my area (+50 kilometers) that were at the time online when I saved those pictures so they are random and show the state of majority of women here, since there were normally like 6-7 pages of them and each had 12 foids and I only took the worst cases. Either way look at those creatures, they think they deserve a 10/10 alpha chad and that they are pretty princesses and that we should rot at home alone.

Truly ugly. Crow's feet, wrinkles, old facial features, horrible skin like texture of Mars, balding due to high T and all of that in early 20s, sometimes in teens. 20 is the new 40.

Not one of those foids will ever know what loneliness feels like.

Doesn't matter. It's nice to laugh at their ugly nature.

Too many late nights, partying, drugs n alcohol.

And probably getting fucked when they were 11. For women, having sex early makes them age faster. I think it has to do with their bodies getting ready to become carrier of a fetus and to be a mother. Truly weak gender.

That's crazy. Being heterosexual is truly a malediction.

Yeah I wish I was gay. Not a faggot who makes it obvious but just normal gay. I would be happier then I think.

slavic women do age like shit.

I once rented a flat with a foid, she was 2 years younger than me and looked 10 years older than me. If not more.

Kyle Hunt #racist #wingnut #conspiracy renegadetribune.com

It Is Maddening to See White People Complaining About “Nazi” Lockdowns

Now do not get me wrong, I love seeing White people (and all people) getting fed up with the draconian lockdowns, but I just cannot stand how the kosher controllers are being compared to the “Nazis.” Nothing we are seeing is even remotely close to anything the National Socialists did. It is only through a lifetime of consuming jewish media that anyone could even believe that the tyranny of today could be associated with the swastika.

I see it everywhere. We are told that the latest machinations of the jew world order are just like the Nazis, or more specifically, the brownshirts, the gestapo, or the SS concentration camp guards. Sure, some of the people spouting this crap are paid disinformation agents (I could name quite a few), but many are just White people who have grown up drinking poison and now it has severely affected their brains. They might be awake to a certain extent, but as long as they still believe the jewish lies about WWII and think that Trump is really trying to save us, they are not on our side.

By kvetching about “Nazis,” White people are siding with their tormentors against the people who launched the last large-scale effort to free the world of the international jewish terrorists. After the “Nazis” were defeated, White people were flooded with immigrants, taught to hate themselves, brainwashed to worship jews, and softened up for the institution of worldwide Communism.

What we need to do is counter their comparisons with more accurate ones. This is why at the start of this insanity I proposed calling the COVID police Neo-Stazis.

We could also reference gulags instead of concentration camps and Communist (also jewish Bolshevik or Soviet) instead of “Nazi.” Do not be afraid to correct someone who is spouting jewish lies for who is to blame. Hopefully this would help the reality of the situation sink in for the average indoctrinated White person.

jewish lockdowns can only be stopped by recognizing the culprits.

Deleted member 713885 #psycho #sexist #racist neogaf.com

The Central Park 5 had more evidence against them and what they did to that woman was far more heinous then a finger bang.

But they are celebrated, have documentaries made about them. They are a symbol of wrongly imprisoned black men in a evil white Trump America.
Brock is regarded as one of the most vile men alive in America today.
This thread alone brought such vitriol.
College text books have used his picture next to a definition of rape.

Brock, is what present day society yearns for. He was guilty before the trial. He was guilty once the photo of a white, moderately wealthy, college boy graced our eyes.

Hes guilty of engaging sexually, while drunk, with a drunk woman. But what hes most guilty of is being white and privileged

Nicolas Bourbaki #racist amren.com

I wrote to my Senator: Marco Rubio about this and he replied back in an email. He stated that bringing additional immigrants in to take American jobs was absolutely essential.

Typical BS answer from a politician.

Actually it's more evil than that. He got in as senator as he's part of the elite Cuban cabal that rules South Florida. His dad has a prestigeous Cuban law firm and he also became a lawyer, having opportunities regular Americans never could in the highly ethnic preference systems that have come to dominate US employment, colleges and politics.

Really hes on record as saying his father was a waiter

You're correct his father worked as a bartender. Some of Rubio's on-record statements such as when his parents emmigrated from Cuba have been proven to be false. "While studying law, Rubio interned for U.S. Representative Ileana Ros-Lehtinen". She was also a Cuban and this gave him entry into politics. Cubans are a very closed community in Florida and practice identity politics.

This is worldwide - at least, the Western world - and is all part of the UN agenda 2021/2030. Migrants are flooding into the UK too, illegally, and the government could easily stop them but it doesn't want to. The UN planned all this and planned the migration routes, too. It is the wilful destruction of our Western way of life and our cultural values, which they hate. And the big bosses don't step in because they want the cheap labour. The whole Western world is at stake here, which means civilization itself. And nobody does anything.

Every non-white immigrant group coming into the US plays 'identity politics' and sees that increasing their own numbers gives them more power to do things exclusively for their own people. Whites alone believe "Diversity is our Greatest Strength" and support bringing more lower-IQ immigrants in from dysfunctional, corrupt, and lawless countries. It seems to be some sort of lemming mind-think affecting 95% of the white population.

Saudade #racist #sexist incels.is

[It's Over] Slavic female opens up to a foreigner and openly mocks Slavic men on domestic travel TV show saying how Slavic genes are not very kind to Slavic men.

Mojca Mavec in slovenski moški

If you are a Slavic man in 2019 then it's literally over for you. No Slav woman wants you, no white woman wants you because Slavs are considered untermensch, no East Asian woman wants you because you are scary thug to them and you are too broke to properly cope in SEA. Nobody will understand the pain Slavic men have to go trough each day. The highest abortion rates in World that all come from Slavic lands are literal proof that Slavic women hate us and get disgusted with thought of spawning another Slavic incel or Slavic prostitute. It's literally just slowly kill yourself with alcohol or die like a dog in pointless war for criminal warlords and puppet politicians theory here. I cannot describe with words how it is completely over for Slavic countries and Slavic men in general.

”Brutal slavpill. Slavic men are also the only men women are allowed to shit on like this. Imagine if she said "Indian genes are not very kind to men" or "Asian genes are not very kind to men". Also Slovenians were voted as most good looking Slavs here but it's still not enough for her. JFL.”

Durex(condom manufacturer) survey ranked Slovenia 2nd in terms of countries where women have more sex partners than men.

And Slovenia is a richest Slavic country which tells you that other Slavic countries would be there too but they are too poor to afford condoms so they just use free abortions as contraception.

THE TRUE HONKLER #racist incels.is

RE: [Cope] "Human biodiversity isn't real, bro"

"We're not wild animals, bro" "There's only one race, the human race, bro"

Chimpanzee and Bonobo:image
Jaguar and Leopard:image
Two human beings:image

Daily reminder that Sminem and Jeremy Meeks are the same species. "Oh but they're a different race, they're obviously gonna look different, bro" image

not even the most marxistic jewish fags say that bro

Was meant to say there's only one race, the human race.

they say a lot of bs but never there is only one race jfl

"There's one one hyuman race bro, science says so bro"

The say human race, but by ''race'' they mean species. They are quick enough to shit on white oppression, creepy currys and blacks being oppressed; they realise there isn't one fucking race jfl

Yeah but they also say that races are a social construct and that "scientifically" races don't exist. They say a lot of contradictory bullshit you know

their actions tell me they believe in multiple races even if what they is contradictory

The Dog Father #racist wnd.com

Can anyone in academia give an example of racism in this country? Three cops in 2020, shooting a suspect who refused to put the gun down, or a cop being punched by someone who outweighed him by a 100lbs going for the cop's gun doesn't count.

Asking people in the gym to change the ghetto cRap music with lyrics saying n__ this and n__ that, doesn't count as racism either.

Viktor Orbán, Prime Minister of Hungary #wingnut #racist #conspiracy #fundie miniszterelnok.hu

Throughout history, Europe’s strength has always been derived from its nations. Although of different origins, European nations were bound together by the common roots of our faith. The foundation of our communities was the European family model, itself based on Judeo-Christian traditions. It was Christian freedom which ensured freedom of thought and culture, and which created benign competition among the continent’s nations. This magnificent amalgam of contrasts made Europe the world’s leading power through centuries of history.
Great forces are once again moving to eradicate the nations of Europe and unify the continent under the aegis of a global empire. The Soros network, which has woven itself through Europe’s bureaucracy and its political elite, has for years been working to make Europe an immigrant continent. Today the Soros network, which promotes a global open society and seeks to abolish national frameworks, is the greatest threat faced by the states of the European Union. The goals of the network are obvious: to create multi-ethnic, multicultural open societies by accelerating migration, and to dismantle national decision-making, placing it in the hands of the global elite.
Many high-ranking EU bureaucrats are working with the Soros network to create a unified empire. They want to build an institutional system that, under the aegis of the open society, seeks to force a unified way of thinking, a unified culture and a unified social model on Europe’s free and independent nations. They seek to rescind the right of every people to decide its own destiny.
The differences between us are obvious. Soros wants an open society, while we want a safe society. According to him, democracy can only be liberal, while we think it can be Christian. According to him, freedom can only serve self-realization, while we believe that freedom can also be used to follow the teachings of Christ, to serve one’s country, and to protect our families. The basis of Christian freedom is the freedom to decide. This is now in jeopardy.

wisepoetry #moonbat #racist wisepoetry.tumblr.com

Why Do So Many White People Speak Non-White Languages?

Cultural appropriation is a real issue, okay? One of the worst cases of this is in the realm of second languages. Caucasians love to appropriate cultures through language as a way to intrude on the lives of those who might not speak their language. It’s seen as “fun” or “interesting”.

For those of you into anime, I’m sure you’re aware of the weeaboo problem. Some white anime fans love to appropriate Japanese hair styles, musical tastes, and even the Japanese language itself. This is one blog that demonstrates the problems of non-Japanese people learning Japanese.

Spanish is another issue and tumblr has had this debate before. You see so many white kids at high school or college who are proud to be able to speak Spanish. Why not speak a European language like German instead of appropriating the culture of minorities?

slavcel11 #racist #sexist incels.is

[TeeHee] Women are just objectively pathetic losers

image A photo of a door covered in photos of various celebrities, with a handwritten note reading “Guys we would f*ck” in the center.

This is just cringeworthy and pathetic. Imagine men printing out photos of celebrities and writing "women we would fuck" on their door. It's just objectively loser behaviour but since it's women, it's just quirky fun teehee.

I like how there's a token black guy at the top, so nobody can question why they only like Chad instead of Tyrone, Chang, and Chadpreet.

1. One black
2. Zero curries or ricecels
3. The rest are white or white passing
4. Zero sub8 men

Take notes itards. But oh well it's pure coincidence that of all famous men/actors they took only those who are white and chad.

Yukon Jack #conspiracy #crackpot #racist #wingnut centralbankinginsanity.wordpress.com

I may be the only writer on planet retard pointing out that obscuring the skies at this point in our history may be the dumbest thing we’ve ever done as a specie, since we are at the tail end of the interglacial. Cutting off the sun now is suicide, but that is exactly what we are doing with decades long Chemtrail spraying. Not to smart, I say. Apparently, the lunatics at the CIA who are in charge of Geoengineering Program are not just batshit insane, they are double top secret dumbererer imbeciles.
Spraying chemtrails to stop global warming makes about as much sense as wearing a mask to stop a virus. Our specie is truly insane, and unlike other writers, I am not going to spoil you with some bullshit message of hope. We are fucked. Really, we are totally fucked as a specie because crazy people are in charge of these hoax programs.

If we look at the performance of our specie last century, just what horrors await us in this one? Really, you need to take drastic action to save yourself and loved ones as we are facing government created genocide on a Biblical scale. We could easily have a mini ice age and a nuclear war. Starvation by the New Bolshevik Demonrats seems to be the course we are speeding towards on the Albert C. Pike freeway to hell.

What is the new definition of genocide? Jewish control of government and media. Jews are insane, putting insane Jews in charge of scientific and social policies is a recipe for disaster – and that is why Hitler, who knew this, removed them from state and any other activity that could harm the volk. Hitler tried to save his people from the Jews. What should we do? Same. Weimer Amerika here we come.

BummerDrummer #crackpot #racist incels.is

RE: [Blackpill] What does bummer think of Slavs?


What is your opinion on slavic people. Are we white? Are we the niggers of Europe? There are few slav groups there are the central slavs like Polish, Slovak, Czech, etc.. There are the eastern slavs like Ukrainians, Russians, Belarussians, etc... There are the balkans with Serbs and Croats, etc..

Slavs aren't white JFL. Most need to be put right behind the urals where they came from. Mongoloid rape babies.


I believe certain slavics can exist in eastern europe but there are many that are practically asiatic. Slavs would, for a racially pure nation, need to have a very distinct racial identification science.

Don't lump us all with those eastern asiatic fakeslavs they are all mongols central slavs were never conquered by mongols everything west of central Poland area because I think they did conquer a bit of Poland though I don't remember but I don't think they ever got Czechs.

Western poles, Czechs and Slovenes aren't really nonwhites, nor are the Baltics (To some extent).

I’m pretty sure Slavs are actual Europeans. Maybe some Russians might have some Asian genes but Slavs are fucking white. It’s impossible to even tell the difference between a pole and German unless you look at dna

I divide slavs into 4 distinct groups. South slavs (Balkans+Hungary), West slavs (Poles, Czechs, Slovaks), central slavs (Belarussians, Romanians, Ukranians, Baltics) and east slavs (Russians, Permians, Tartars, Upper caucus)

West slavs and central slavs are 100% white usually. South slavs and east slavs are usually 50/50

btw im rly drunk and high so tell me if its making sense

Mike Stone #wingnut #elitist #conspiracy #racist henrymakow.com

Listen. Listen very carefully. Do you hear it? That moanful cry in the distance? That far off wail of anguish?

Brace yourself, because it's coming, oh yes, it's coming.

Trump is going to win the election and you are going to witness an emotional meltdown from the left. It will be the most intense, the most outlandish, the most mind-bogglingly insane display of raw emotion and street theater you've ever seen in your life. It won't be the Great Reset. It will be the Great Recount.

The evil queen bees of Black Lives Matter and their beta male followers will kick things off, faithfully following orders to riot, loot, and burn. They'll be joined by the ugly skanks and eunuchs of Antifa. Televisions will be taken, cosmetics will be confiscated, liquor will be liquidated, but not a single pair of work boots will be stolen.

Colleges across the country will be forced to set up emergency safe spaces, stocked with teddy bears, blankets, pacifiers, and hugs for their distraught students.

Keep the faith through it all. It's up to good people, such as yourself, to help those in need, to keep America great, and to combat the forces of darkness that surround us. Without you, President Trump can do very little. With you, he can move mountains.

Don't think this is the end of it. On the contrary, it's only the beginning. There remains much work to be done. But for a few days at least, enjoy the show. It's going to be quite a ride. Get your popcorn ready.

SorryMsJackson #crackpot #racist #sexist incels.is

RE: [JFL] looks like we have a noodlewhore scumbag on this forum

first time i thought this cunt was some cuck who worship noodlwhores, but when i looked into her posts most of her posts were to deny that noodlewhores have lower smv than cumskin whores and she went onto claim that top tier chads end up with ethnic cunts.

Data don't lie. White women = betagrade

In keeping with previous work, there is also a clear and consistent dependence on ethnicity, with Asian women and white men being the most desirable potential mates by our measures across all four cities.

Even top-tier white women married to rich men get cucked by Asian women. Just face it bros, white women are the incels of women:

Blond, sexy and immigrant

“Western women were ranked below the Chinese in the racial hierarchy. The western whiteness is not as posh as the Singaporean, Chinese whiteness. The Swedish women in Singapore were almost desexualised. They felt less feminine. They were not integrated in the Singaporean community. They lived an expat life with other expat wives, and created their own separate community,” says Lundström.


Noodles are desirable for sex but not for marriage. Nobody who has the privilege to be non-Asian wants their sons to be ricecels.

That's not what the data say. The most successful white men marry Asian women. And white male + Asian female marriages have a lower rate of divorce. Imagine even believing white women are marriage material. White male + white female marriages = the face of marital dysfunction and drama in America. WMWF is fucking peasant-tier. I'm beginning to think that those who deny this are white women themselves.


VincentVanCock #racist #sexist incels.is

[JFL] At this point, whenever i see someone talking about "working on your personality", i can't help but laugh my ass off

Honestly it sounds like a skit or something, it's so blatantly pathetic. Anyone that actually goes outside and isn't a mentally ill tranny, have already realized that the guys who pull the most are exactly the good looking ones with bad or no personality, those freaks keep repeating that meme inside their echo chamber and can't get a grip of reality. This is the reason i like to browse IT, those guys are so delusional and always say the SAME bluepilled shit, it feels like watching a sitcom show episode over and over again. Just work on your personality, go to gym, learn some languages, get rich and become the ubermensch bro, meanwhile becky is fucking 5 chads at once while being alcoholic, crackhead, jobless and having a skinnyfat body.

Notice how its always men that need to "improve themselves" or "step up to womens level" Meanwhile women literally just have to exist. What do women bring to the table other than being resource sucking parasites? Why do you think chad fucks them and throws them away?

It's ridiculous, also if you realize the game is rigged and just stop playing something that you are obviously not going to win, they call you a faggot and say you gave up to easy. Women are literally treated like a reward that you have to earn, they should be treated like a bunch of weak dwarfs that can be kidnapped and abused whenever men wanted to.

This is exactly how they were treated. Right before cumskins normalized womens rights.

The world Will never forgive them for giving those worms rights, literally made it harder for everyone.

Jackson Capper #racist twitter.com

Race mixing is the most hideous of crimes. It destroys 100,000 years of nature's careful selection. It's an insult to your ancestors, an insult to nature, and a murder by slow disintegration. It is irreversible damage that lingers for generations.

Phracker #racist #psycho deviantart.com

Yeah, time to start triggering people again.

Just to be clear, no I don't think the Holocaust was justified, because I know that the Bible is a bunch of fictional horseshit that never actually happened. But most Zionists do believe in the literal truth of the Bible. And incidentally, the same book they use to justify saying that Israel-Palestine belongs to the Jews and only the Jews also tells stories of Jews exterminating those they saw as inferior. So yeah, they were doing it to other people long before anyone tried to do it to them, according to the Bible, which Zionists believe.

Marjorie Taylor Greene (R), Representative-elect of the 14th District of Georgia #racist instagram.com

Ilhan Omar: Looks like the crazy lady has logged on. I know things might be different where you come from, but you have to get off the looney train now that you are in Congress.

Marjorie Taylor Greene: Don’t even get me started on where you come from. We don’t marry our brothers here in America, so I’m not sure who you’re calling crazy.

Lebensmüder #racist #sexist #transphobia incels.is

RE: [Brutal] Today is International Mens day, and it's being saturated with Tranny propoganda

The Jewish wealthy mega-elite, like with most holidays and special occasions, just love to inject their wicked and awful agenda into this day. International Men's day isn't about men anymore. It's about mentally ill people who claim to be males, and instead of empowering the male, rather they seek to feminize him. I wouldn't be surprised if next "international mens day" ceased to exist, or if it did exist it would be renamed to "international transgenders day" or the content for international mens day would just be tranny pushing. Regardless, my opinions on transgenders matches the same as the Ku Klux Klan's, who make their opinion on this very clear.

They are incredibly pathognomonic for the Zeitgeist of our modern world/dystopia: It's easier to mutilate yourself with surgeries until you end up as a twisted parody of your former self that vaguely resembles a female at best and then being fucked by an equally grotesque man than being a normal man. It's unbelievable. It shows how fast the Overton Window has shifted and it's the best example that absolute morality doesn't exist. If you told that a man a few years ago he would have laughed at you, nowadays they laugh about you when you don't kiss the asses of these individuals. The surgeries they perform in these clinics are nightmarish, "vaginas" made out of fish skin and other shit. Almost nothing scares me, but these medical procedures do.

Trannies will be the downfall of feminism imo. Imagine a future where all female leaders are men larping as women, it's already happening :feelskek:

The only good thing about them. They really fuck up feminist communities.

BummerDrummer #conspiracy #racist incels.is

RE: [Venting] How am I supposed to compete when white men exist? Whats The Point?

I guess this is what black people feel like when cuckolds post blacked tbhngl

Either way, Chad or Tyrone only

I have indifference on ethnics on .co cuckolding to whites tbhngl. I mean I am a supremacist, and I do think whites are the most attractive and in general the best race by far. The reason the SMV’s of races are even near equal is because of Jewish propaganda. If Jews weren’t making shit like blacked and cuckoldry porn, a lot of these ethnic pro white .co cuckold fantasies would be legit.

Then why don't you jbwmaxxx and ascend?

Because the white mans SMV Has tanked. Did you not read what I typed? Our SMV is at a low point because unlike you, we're the target of the elite globalists. There is a massive anti white/pro racemixxing campaign sparked up by Juden. JBWmaxx can't happen anymore, because the Jewish television is telling all the cattle to fuck mongrels and minorities or themselves.

I'm not gonna sugarcoat the fact that yes, whites are superior in all things, including SMV. However our SMV and our race is under relentless attack which is why what's happening is happening. If you ever needed proof, there's a reason your people aren't the target and our people are.

Various Incels #homophobia #racist #sexist incels.is


r/singapore 18-year-old admits to asking sister, 12, to carry out sexual act in exchange for Korean boy band BTS merchandise

He was too aggressive in his approach, was supposed to "get caught" watching a porn video and then leave the room with the video playing to see how she reacts to it and if she continues to watch. He didn't work up to it at all, no "grooming" was done, dude literally just grabbed her, carried her to a room and rubbed her belly down, then later got caught masturbating in her room, he sounds legit retarded. One of the most common things you hear about in stories about pedophiles is that they would give their targets erotic material and treat it like its something harmless. That accomplishes 3 things: 1. Normalization 2. Curiosity 3. Arousal

No moral faggotry please. When I'm mentally placed in a scenario I think it through in a detailed manner. I wouldn't do anything like this but its still interesting to imagine how I would go about doing it


”Source on him being an incel?” No source, but he is from Singapore so he might be curry cel

Curries in Singapore? And I doubt anyone in the forums would do this to their sister, don't compare us to that trash. Okay this was not an incel, this was just a sociopath who obsessed with BTS. Only Asian foids do this, so that's kind of suspicious

I knew a chick who said her brother made her do sexual stuff in exchange for pokemon cards when they were kids. Stuff is more common than you think. Studies show that the vast majority of people that are sexually abused as children suffer little recognized trauma from it as adults. Many become gay, but that isn't considered a problem in our society.

Hoosier Daddy #wingnut #conspiracy #racist identitydixie.com

[From "Carrington 2021"]

As I sit beneath the unseasonably warm glow of the brilliant sun in Greater Dixie, an area also known as southern Indiana, I am filled with optimism knowing that we have genetics, history, culture and faith in forces greater than ourselves on our side during this turbulent and exhausting November.[…]

As so many of our stories go, this one begins in England. September 1, 1859 would find the curious Richard Carrington carefully studying solar spots on our sun when he detected a brilliant white flare emerge from the magnificent star. The largest solar weather event of recorded history was underway.[…]New England Yankees could read the sanctimonious sermonizing of Henry Ward Beecher and accounts of madman John Brown in their newspapers at night with no need of artificial illumination.[…]It was an unprecedented event, but one our resilient and resourceful ancestors handled with little drama or panic.

Can we say the same? Will this tenuous and technologically-dependent collection of widely diverging states be able to calmly and carefully handle the paralyzation of our medical, financial, transportation, retail, and government sectors? If the great COVID scam of 2020 is any guide, we all know the answer to the above question is a resounding no.

We have surrendered our existence to Silicon Valley sociopaths who construct dystopian digital gulags with line after line of subpar (at best) code constructed by third-world diversity hires.[…]
Everyone smart enough to read this website already knows that being surrounded by family, strong rural communities, ample food and land, and weapons to defend everything we hold dear are the foundations of survival.[…]The political unions of a bloated GloboHomo, Inc are quickly dissolving. It is up to us to prepare to bring about the strong, patriarchal nation of our ancestors so that we may pass it down to our descendants with pride.

Potbellypos #racist #quack #crackpot incels.is

[Serious] Why do normies stand up for trans rights, female rights, minority rights, etc. when the real victims are ugly people who are universally opressed?
Think about it. Ugly people can be part of any group. Ugly trannies, ugly women, ugly men, ugly minorities. So ugly people are literally the biggest victims of oppression on the entire planet. The number of ugly people being discriminated against is larger than the number of blacks, for instance. The 80/20 rule dictates that females literally want to genocide 80% of the male population, but somehow society only wants to stick up for the .6% of people that want to cut their dicks off or the 13% of the population that commit 52% of violent crimes.

watcher #racist #sexist incels.is

[RageFuel] Bunch of Brazilian whores in the heat thirsting over convict subhumans

A bunch of Brazilian monkeys did a live stream (this is Brazil after all...) and the whores watching it (mostly women) all started treating them like they are gods. To make things even more absurd they are mostly ugly as fuck so you can't even say this is lookism in action, just whores being whores and treating criminals well like they always do.



"Do a tour around the cell!!!! show the daily's received" (I don't know what the hell she is talking about)
"Do a live stream of your conjugal visit" JFL
"You are cooler than the free people here"
"Do a video trying to escape from prison"
"Only gift from god" wtf?
"I loved the tooth"

These bitches have really broken Portuguese so that's why my translation look weird, they are too stupid to write simple sentences, and they want to fuck these animals. These are the "people" populating the world after we are all gone, literal half-human half-chimp mongrels who live by pointing guns at other people's faces. This is what women want to fuck and reproduce with. They are not tall, they look ugly and they live inside a cell with other monkeys where they probably fuck each other in the ass when they feel horny. And women would rather fuck them than us.

Wulf Ingessunu #crackpot #magick #wingnut #racist inglinga.blogspot.com

When the Dark Forces, in very ancient times, stole the Ancient Aryan Mysteries, they got hold of the Ancient Wisdom that had been built up over thousands of years, and which was (to them) a source of might and power which they could use to control situations and people, and to further an agenda that has come to fruition in our era.

The rather idiotic term 'Woke Culture' has arisen, not surprisingly in an era of 'controlled insanity'. The term typically uses incorrect English in a way that suggests it stems either from an illiterate source, or is a kind of 'take' on what is right. These people are far from 'awake', but like the 'enlightened' or 'illuminated' they can dream! With this came the destruction of our past, our history, which started through 'Black Lives Matter', a front for a Marxist Revolution that would destroy the past, thus paving the way for a 'New World Order'.


The Great Darkness is growing, but we have passed the Yuletide of the Great Year (1933 - 1939) when the seeds of a New Order were sown, and at this time (The Winter) we can expect a period of destruction, dissolution and chaos. The Yuletide or Midwinter is the time of the Longest Darkness, so our time is when the Light Forces are waxing again and even though this is a harsh and violent time the Forces of Light will grow and grow in strength until finally the Last Avatar will appear to destroy the Darkness and Chaos.

The 'Star Wars' films were based upon the battle between Light and Darkness, Order and Chaos, between the 'Empire' and the 'Republic'. The military leader is Daath Vader, whose name is based upon 'Daath' which is the reverse-side of the Cabalistic Tree of Life - the Shadow Realm. 'Vader' is the same as our own 'wate' or 'wod' meaning 'movement'. Daath Vader uses a form of 'physical magic' through the 'Light Sabre'; above him is the Emperor who is an Evil Sorcerer. He is a 'Hidden Power' that uses Dark Sorcery, and he is the ultimate power in the Dark Empire. We should keep this in mind because this is the structure that we face within the Dark Forces.

Adunaiii #racist #moonbat #psycho reddit.com

See, my ideal ideology will be in tune with the realities of Nature, and thus the liberation of the working class is only a tool towards the salvation of the race.

I believe, it is obvious to any honest materialist that when women are corralled into factories to assemble tanks for war, the race has a higher chance of survival than when muh' patriarchal values are preserved, but the front breached. Egalitarianism should be an instrument, not a virtue in itself.

starcrapoo & Bourbon #racist #sexist incels.is

[RageFuel] Noodlewhore writer for the (((New))) York Times JFL, Xi Jinping: the “protection of women’s rights and interests must become a national commitment.”

Its pretty simple. White Anglo + Jewish Chads benefit the most from a free liberal world order. And as well ALL know, free does NOT mean FAIR, decent, and just. They get first pick of all races of females and WANT all races of females to worship them and themselves only. Thats why they team up with ethnic women like Elsie Chen. The way to conquer a people without firing a single shot is to brainwash their women into hating the male counterparts of their race.

The Anglo Judeo world order is the worst enemy of human dignity and whats more enraging to me is that they claim they are for human rights and decency. Give me a break. If White Anglo-Judeo males TRULY had their way, all of Asia would look like San Francisco. HORDES upon HORDES of ethnic males (especially Asian) all alone while ALL races of females reject ethnic males at the same time worshipping White males (AND at the same time, saying that they are against white racism and white patriarchy).

i'd still choose a vietnamese or japanese noodle over a white bitch. Over they years of observing and experiencing white whores being total degenerates i've lost all hope even in being able to get a hug from one. and these feminist cunts need to be killed off, most of the guys i've seen talking about it say their asian wife doesn't know what feminism is if a noodlewhore goes to a developed 1st world western country or gets into the (((culture))) then she's ruined

Howard Scott Lacy #racist amren.com

Prison administrators will tell you it is because we are “racists,” “hate-mongers,” and “Nazis.” To be fair, there are a few gang members who fit this mold. However, whites start and join prison gangs for none of these reasons. White gangs have very little real structure and engage in very few organized activities inside prison, much less beyond prison walls. They join for survival. I cannot think of a single white gang here in Texas prisons that started on the outside. That is simply not the way the vast majority of our people live. This is not the case with the non-white gangs. The Crips, Bloods, Gangster Disciples, Mexican Mafia, Texas Syndicate, Raza United, and Azteca — just to name a few — are vast criminal empires. Most started outside prison as criminal gangs and simply maintain their structure on both sides of the wall.

In prison, whites learn very quickly that they need a racial consciousness in order to survive. That is just as forbidden here as it is on the outside, so we are the ones who are punished because of racial conflict. I would say 80 percent of blacks and Hispanics are already members of street or prison gangs when they get here. Thus they already have a group to which they can turn for protection. Almost no whites are members of anything when they arrive, but a large majority end up joining.

White gangs are lumped in with criminal gangs of this kind, but even worse, they are the only ones labeled as “racist” or “supremacist.” So the irony is that although most of the blacks and Hispanics come here as full members of racially exclusive street/prison gangs who hate whites, we are the ones who are called “haters.” The administration understands this, of course, but claims it has no control over how they classify us. At the same time, most of the lower-level guards are non-whites who share the same enmity towards us as the other prisoners.

mänline #racist #crackpot incels.is


I watched a big part of this livestream, which came up in my YT recommendations yesterday. Quite interesting, I cannot remember that this is part of other democracies, that corporations have to testimony in parliament.
One thing which was hard to believe - I, unfortunately, don't want to watch the whole thing again to find the time stamp - was from Zuckerberg, who said that "white supremacy" is in the same category as terrorism (censored, deleted).
I only thought: "what": One is a racist ideology in the head of some (many?) people (or some leftist would maybe even say the constitution of the USA), the other is a murderous threat to the life of other humans. And of course: Nobody sees a problem in this.
But I also don't know how this manifests: Are only groups who praising Hitler or the KKK banned or already single posts, who describe a difference in IQ of the race groups?

RJJensen #racist conservapedia.com

Two developments were involved. After the first civil rights laws were passed, rebellions by lower class blacks broke out in over 100 cities, with nights of violence against police and looting and burning of local white-owned businesses. The inner neighborhoods of many major cities, such as Detroit and Newark, were burned out. National Guard and Army troops were called out. At one point machine gun units were stationed on the steps of the Capitol building in Washington to prevent rioters from burning it down. Every summer from 1964 through 1970 was a "long hot summer." Whites and Hispanics did not riot.

Various Commenters #elitist #racist amren.com

RE: School District Decides Asians Aren’t Students of Color

If Orientals want to be included with students of color they will need to start failing their courses, sassing their teachers, skipping school, getting in trouble with the police, and having illegitimate children.

(Francis Galton)

What the equity report really highlights is the absurdities that result from overreliance on semi-arbitrary race-based categories. Students of poverty perform 28 percent worse on math tests, for instance. That socioeconomic category captures something real and meaningful in a way that the gerrymandered race category does not.

Yes, they both capture IQ disparities.

(Rich at Large)
The definition is "success = white". Asians who succeed thus become "white". If Hispanics ever reached the same level (highly doubtful) they would become "white" as well. Whereas blacks cannot succeed and are in no danger of being confused with "white". Also the definition of "equity" is "forced equality of outcomes for blacks to get what whites got through intelligence and work".

(Fed Up)
Why wouldn't they lump them in with Whites. Haven't Latino criminals been called White for the last 50 years. In order to distract White people's attention from the tsunami of illegal immigration and the many criminals we suddenly inherited.

(Robert Kelly)
This is a scheme to deflect from the fact that you have minority group that does well, even though they live under a supposed white supremacist society. Just like how the white supremacist criminal justice system incarcerates more whites than asians. Perhaps, the criminal justice system is Asian Supremacist and racist against whites???

Various Incels #racist #sexist incels.is

RE: [Based] White foid tries her new self defense moves on huge tyrone gets dropped

*Sigh* It's all so tiring...I hope he chimps out and kills her like all the rest do.

That chick is legit good looking for an American foid. She's slim with a nice ass and normal skin/facial features. Jfl

Yep. After the north fucked the south in the civil war in reconstruction the north tried forcing racemixxing on the southern women among other pro black pro northern bullshit. The Ku Klux Klan was founded to combat this and now that the Klan is almost gone and can't do anything due to how extensive the federal govt is racemixxing especially in the south is at an all time high. Not good.

What's stupid is that northerners were cucked by the industrialists and southerners had better lives in many ways. Ofc the southerners didn't want to live with descendants of negro slaves. These people call self-preservation racism. Most of the slave owners were Jews or elitist pricks who hated whites. Send the negros back to Africa or put them on reservations.

big inflated ass, getting thrown around by tyrone, her niggerization is complete, seems it always starts with the ass niggerization though, gotta clap them cheeks

Here's the thing... if she could defend herself or "take him" as she claims do you honestly think she'd still be attracted to him? JFL. It is literally a crime not to beat your wife.

not even a handgun can save a foid coz she'd have to fumble around in her fucking bag for a minute to find it and then probably accidentally shoot herself

She haves bunch of videos attacking him and him beating her, she enjoys every second of it, every time he hits her pussy explodes.

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