
Racism, including ethnic hatred, nationalism and equating religion to race

Axc8OvGy #dunning-kruger #pratt #racist boards.4chan.org

CRT is nonsense meant to dehumanize white people. Black Africa debunks every leftard fairy tale as to why blacks are shit in human societies.

>its because they are poor

And Black Africa was always fucking poor

>its because they got no education

School stabbing, gangrapes, and teachers being gangraped, and students who do learn well being attacked are regular occurences in african schools meaning lack of education cant explain their violence

>They were held back by the white man

Income inequality in any African nation is worse than medieval european kingdoms and the black commoner suffers the most under black rule than white rule

>Well uh uh they have no opportunities

You might be right as nepotism is off the charts in Africa but that still doesnt explain their hellish crime rates

>They just need more money

The money goes to the black government it never reachs the commoners so its a waste of time

>Just stop being racist already and agree with me

No use logic and reason or fucking kill yourself

Neil #crackpot #conspiracy #racist #wingnut #dunning-kruger rhnegativeregistry.com

You will notice that many DNA studies on line ONLY track the SERPENT BLOODLINES with the Rh Negative blood factor. These studies focus on the Basque area of Europe. These studies DO NOT track the PURE RH NEGATIVE BLOODLINE FACTOR group back to Hyperborea.


These studies also track the Rh Negative bloodlines to a place in Europe where inbreeding occurred. These studies take us back to a place where the DARK HAIR DARK EYED RACES mingled their seed in with the BLONDE BLUE-EYED Scandinavians in places like the Iberian Peninsula, France and the British Isles.

Some scientists would have us believe that the human race started in Africa despite the fact that the oldest mummies found in recent archeological digs all over the world were of Scandinavian. Some scientists state that mankind evolve from monkeys somewhere in Africa, but cannot find the missing link between the Rhesus Monkey and human beings.

Most people have wondered where these Scandinavian races came from before the Ice Age. Legends and language tell us that these Scandinavians came from the Hyperborean Regions, which at one time in our not to distant past, was a warm climate that sat by the equator until the earth’s shift moved the lands we now call the North and South Pole it into the arctic regions, CAUSING IT’S INHABITANTS TO MIGRATE DOWN TO GLOBAL AREAS IN THE WORLD KNOWN AS ATLANTIS etc.

ALL OF OUR ORIGINAL ANCESTORS ORIGINATED IN HYPERBOREA when the continents of our earth were joined together or in different locations from where they are today due to pole shifts which have happened in the past breaking up what used to be one land mass into 7 continents. History, archeology, science and legends tell us that the dark haired races bred into or with the Scandinavian races to form a variety of people groups such as the Basques, Anglo-Saxons, Scythians, and Aryans etc.

Prussian Society of America #conspiracy #racist #wingnut prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "Videos proving Ukrainians are dumb as a doorknob"]

I have an entry I will be publishing soon on the outbreak of war in Ukraine, but the funny thing is how much more ignorant and dumb the Ukrainians have become from now since the Maidan in 2014

For weeks we have been watching lots of Propaganda Videos by Ukrainians, who were trying to claim Rumors of war were nothing but “Propaganda” Scare tactics by Western Media

These numbskull idiots, proving how inferior the Slavic Race is in general, couldn’t see the writing on the Wall when Putin had unleashed massive amounts of Artillery Tanks in the previous weeks through the Belarusian border
A country like Russia would not be spending the money it has on deploying all that heavy artillery and posturing, if it did not have serious intentions on launching a war, albeit, with the actual conflict being something instigated by the US/NATO

You actually even have more people in this world too who think World War III will never happen, and that it’s just just a “fear tactic” and some of these morons who think Nuclear Weapons are not real!

There is plenty of evidence that Nuclear Weapons do exist and have been used. The highest officials of the National Socialist Party, especially Hitler himself, Goebbels and Goring reported the inevitability of World War III unless Nazism makes its grand return (once it was officially recognized they were losing the war)
Watch how poorly these videos have aged. I had another video I was going to post, but the guy deleted the video, a guy who made a mockery about the notions of an outbreak of war, showing how people were calm in the streets
[Panic in Ukraine regarding Russian invasion]
[It's official, the war has started]
Just the day before:
[What's going on in Ukraine now: mood in Kyiv]

Bjorn_the_Black #racist consumeproduct.win

Been traveling to TX lately for work and it's just lots and lots of hispanic people. There's white people, yeah. But if you spun a black infant around in a circle by it's heels like an olympic athelete, closed your eyes and tossed it in a random direction, it would almost certainly hit a hispanic individual and not a white one. Not sure on the ratio, but where I last visited (San Antonio), it had to have been more than 70/30. Not disproportionately as many black people really, but definitely more than where I am. Except Houston, that looked like the Southern Eastern states - very black. Like Atlanta black.

Moving to TX in general expecting a white, more conservative dreamland is going to set you up for failure. Oh, I'll move to Austin! Austin is the Portland, Oregon of Texas. Thus far everywhere I have been in Texas, I was unsurprised to see that the faces on the slews of political billboards and signs splattered fucking everywhere and zip-tied to everything, and that nearly every politician was hispanic. Gee, I wonder why respect of our border is non-existant. The fence-hoppers are making the rules for the wall-climbers.

I was just near San Antonio, and this was all true but the hispanic people there did seem more "white-acting" than they did in say the Gulf or border towns. Lots of black-crossed foreheads on Ash Wednesday, too. You don't hear people speaking exclusively Spanish as much as near the Gulf/Border. I hate those areas, I swear Mexico could annex a lot of those areas and we probably wouldn't lose much.

(Submitter’s note: Some parts of the quote have been removed for length reasons.)

Benjamin Fulford #crackpot #racist #wingnut #conspiracy #psycho benjaminfulford.net

The Russian and Jewish people are finally getting justice for the Holodomor and the Holocaust, mass murder human sacrifice events staged by the Khazarian mafia. This is thanks to a Russian police operation against the Khazarian mafia operating inside their borders. The Russian action against the KM is just part of a larger international move by the white hat alliance to remove the KM from all positions of power, Asian and Western secret society sources agree.

In Asia, an agreement has been reached to unify Taiwan and China and form a friendly alliance with Japan, a unified Korea and ASEAN, dragon family sources say. Asian secret societies say that humanity is now 3/4 liberated from the Satanic Khazarian mafia.

When this is all over, there will be a jubilee, world peace and the start of a new Golden Age, alliance sources promise.
John Rockefeller I and his fellow KM honchos were able to finance Vladimir Lenin and Leon Trotsky’s communist revolution in Russia. As soon as the KM overthrew the Christian government of Russia, they began their revenge for the destruction of Khazaria. Overall they killed as many as 80 million Russians during the 20th century. They also began their project to recreate Khazaria by starving millions of ethnic Russians to death who lived within the ancient borders of Khazaria.

That is why Putin said “The Modern Ukraine was entirely and completely created by Russia, or rather, the Bolshevik, Communist Russia,”

The Russian’s patience finally ran out when the KM tried to take over the nation of Kazakhstan to further their project to recreate Khazaria.
It’s also very interesting to note that Israel is refusing to back a UN resolution by the fake Biden administration to condemn the so-called “Russian invasion of Ukraine.”

This means the Jews have removed KM control of Israel and now realize the holocaust (burnt offering) was a mass sacrifice of their people to Satan by the KM.

Tuesday, March 1, 2022 Supreme Father via Erena Velazquez #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy #wingnut #racist voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

I am Supreme Father of Fathers, God of Gods coming today to talk about the events that are concerning all of you in your reality.

The year of 2022 is a final chapter for humanity in a fight with the Darkness.
The Ukraine has been infested by Khazarian mafia for a very long time. They have their bases underground, which they have been using for human trafficking, drugs and etc. Open your heart and do daily meditation to support the fight of Light. You have seen, what the Darkness has done for the peaceful demonstrations in Canada. These entities are not going to give up, unless you remove them one by one from their positions.

Humanity needs to unify by getting everyone on your side police, military and etc. in your fight against the Corrupted Souls. It’s very important to stay in high vibrations and not to be effected by lies and deceptions. Everyday day more people are waking up and noticing that something is wrong with their reality. The Darkness showed their real colors in Ottawa, and the events there were an eye opening for many.

The Khazarian assaulters were use instead a real police to remove peaceful protesters in Ottawa. Please, don’t get frightened and just trust Divine all that shall pass. You can’t remove these entities without using the special forces, as they will never surrender peacefully. After they are captured, I am going to send their souls to the Universal Consciousness, so they can’t reincarnate anymore and cause any more disturbance anywhere else in the Cosmos.

This is your planet, and it’s your responsibility to take Gaia back from the Darkness and create a new high dimensional reality. This is about saving habitants and the planet, otherwise it will be nobody left, as the Dark Entities are going to kill everybody. The life means nothing to them.

Please, always remember you came from different Star Systems to save this planet, and you done that before. It’s not your first time liberating the realities from the Corrupted Souls.

robbinsville #racist stormfront.org

Re: I think my girlfriend is a stealth Jew

We've been dating for months now, she is very White looking.

When I asked her about her heritage she said "oh I don't know German I think". Her surname is "Kohn" and she does have a somewhat jew/roman type nose.

At first I didn't think anything of it but now I'm a little concerned.

She has no clue what her ancestry is, so I just bought her a DNA test from 23andme. I will update everyone here when the results come in. I just hope I'm not race mixing without even knowing it.

In my many years on Earth, I've had "a few" chance encounters with individuals whose surname was "Kohn." Upon doing research and asking "the right" questions, I was able to rather easily identify that all were jews--some were Ashkenazim jews.

"Kohn" is a mongrelized, bastardized, and altered form of the jew surname "Cohen." The jews almost always alter the surname "Cohen" to the form, "Kohn," to somehow make it sound German. Actually, when I was still living up North, I had a family who lived about six doors north of me. The family's surname was "Kahn". I never pried into their business but one day I had a "rather cordial" chat with the father of the family. He actually divulged to me that he had altered / changed their surname from "Cohen" to "Kahn" in a futile attempt to make the surname sound "Anglo."

My dearly departed father was probably the most explosive hater of sleazy jews I've ever had the distinct pleasure of knowing. In his line of work he had occasion to do business with sleazy, diabolical jew bastards, which only intensified his hatred. Even though just a small boy, I loved listening to his "rants" about scumbag jews.

However, there was another species of individuals that he hated EVEN MORE than jews. You guessed it: subhuman, knuckle-draggin', primordial, feral simian "knee-growz" (aka: "enwerds"). I was taught well from an early age and I'm proud to say I've carried on his tradition quite proudly.

Various Blackpillers #wingnut #racist #conspiracy blackpill.club

Kinda sad that Ukraine’s nazis will also be gone

You know, I am glad that Ukraine’s Jewish controlled democracy will come to an end. But I kinda liked all the armed Nazis there. Like the Azov Battalion, Right Sector, and Combat18’s Ukraine Division. Thats the one part about Ukraine that I will miss.

Other than that, good riddance to (((Zelensky))) and all the liberal democratic kikes controlling Ukraine. The nazis in Ukraine should’ve kicked their asses and formed a good Ukrainian government a long time ago.

So called Azov Nazis are only allowed to function untill they dont start targetting their jewish masters you know just like ISIS.These are (((controlled opposition)))


So called Azov Nazis are only allowed to function untill they dont start targetting their jewish masters you know just like ISIS.These are (((controlled opposition)))

Nazis just did macho posturing online, now are nowhere to be seen. Probably they are the cockroaches that always survive somehow.

(Napoleon de Geso)
Fuck them, all. Let ukrianian foids be war ***** by russian military churkas


Fuck them, all. Let ukrianian foids be war ***** by russian military churkas

Putin should carpet bomb lithuania too and merge it with Kaliningrad oblast therby getting a warm water port in the baltics through russian heartland

essokam #pratt #racist reddit.com

RE: Racism against Eastern Europeans

One thing that warries me about xenophbobia about central / east europeans and balkaners is just how deeply ingrained seems to be and by the looks of it, starts really early. I work in UK and you get to hear plenty of stories. I doubt this would be ever taken seriously as focus in relation to such issues is on racism against Black people, Islamophobia or Antisemitism, whilst anti-Polish/Romanian/Eastern European sentiment will continue to be ignored.

No wonder so called "EU toilet" immigrants are mostly the lowest class of respective countries and mostly the social margin, many of them are criminals thieves. Most of them from Romania and the Baltics, they aren't representing a lot of value so people don't see them as desirable. To be respected you need to prove you're valuable and they need you there and not just steal and then cry out racism and wondering why are you the 2nd category citizen. That's how black people act.

And I'm not British.

My most intellectual, academically focused, polite, reserved, and kind black friends have still been victims of racism.

Racism on blacks is so high because they commit a lot of crime. Similar to Eastern Europeans. Bad people from these communities are a reason of bad treatment. Same as how people dislike gypsies.

they are just arrested more due to racist stereotypes and bias.

They are arrested because they commit nearly all crimes in the US (along with Latinos) bias are in this case justified because when you encounter a criminal bin the US he's likely black or Latino

have committed a plethora of crimes and have always used my whiteness to get out of it. Ive known black kids jailed and charged for “looking like a suspect.”

Because whites aren't jailed mistakenly for looking like a suspect at all

Croatian Anon #elitist #racist #sexist boards.4channel.org

Thank god the slav genes are dominant. Even mutts can be saved, Italians are a piece of cake compared to that task

they all look like malnourished sminems

Italians are the ones who are malnourished. Pic related. Croat and Italian soldiers, considered by some to be the greatest mogging in human history


Damn I see why cutey POC ita girls love us. 1.85 im barely average here and a greek god in italy lmao.


Help us Croatia install superior semen in our women

Only if I see an entire Italian family, her mother and her father beg, give me compliments for my blond, handsome, light eyed and tall Croatian looks, then I will marry your sister.



I am 1.95 m and light eyed and that's something so average in my family and a 1 in 100 in your country



Still going despite your swarthy women fetishizing us en masse publicly.

1.5 million Italian women come to Croatia every year. Half of Croatians are above 50 yo. Count all the kids too, we are about 800k and rare as pure gold. Italian women are fucking feasting on us white boys

the cope of the gypsy man, come to Trieste and see how many balkan women are happily married to locals here compared to the opposite.

kek imagine trying to change my mind with facebook screenshots of some roastie who went to Dubrovnik once when I live literally next to you and I see you coming here begging for a decent pay to put some raggedy turk bread in your mouths every single day, truly delusional balkan monkeys.​

That's rich coming from a chud who's coping for an hour now due to his women ignoring his manlet ass because of a croatian chad

the storm rider #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut #racist #psycho projectcamelotportal.com

Why did the DEEP STATE invest hundreds of BILLIONS into level 4 Biolabs across UKRAINE? And was only accessible to the U.S. and ELITES? Why did PUTIN and WHITE HATS clear these BIOLABS out weeks ago in special Operations military raids ( to contain the VIRUS’S/ and other biological weapons… The STRIKES your seeing now is the AFTERMATH…. Do you think white hats would risk just destroying the Biolabs and risking leaks of the bioweapons without first securimg the pathogens/bioweapons )? And why did PUTIN bomb these level 4 Labs across UKRAINE>>> in PRECISION STRIKES?

Here’s the answer:


In 2008 MILITARY INTEL sources ( white hats) leaked information to PUTIN that the UN backed GATES >{(MOSSAD) foundation / OBAMA was funneling money into Russia/ UKRAINE and were in the midst of creating Biolabs and figuring out the Sequence genes of the SLAVIC people.. The reasons were for future biological engineered Weapons that would Attack the SLAVIC population (Klaus Schwab German Bilderberger group/ NASA/ CIA /UK Majesty / Mossad ECT ECT )/// > all PLANNED to exterminate the SLAVIC regions from POLAND to RUSSIA to Southern EU Slavic countries ( PUTIN HAD BECOME A HUGE PROBLEM> GETTING RID/WAGING WAR ON [DS] MSM / KAZARIAN MAFIA CONTROLLED BANKS IN RUSSIA CONNECTED TO CABAL/ MOSSAD/ KAZARIAN OLIGARCHS ) many inside the CABAL/CIA > Klaus Schwab wanted Revenge for RUSSIA killing millions of Germans in WW2 and for RUSSIA Aligning with the ALLIES to bring down the 3rd Reich and for RUSSIA’S control over the SOVIET UNION ERA.
Now you know why the Biolabs were targeted first and destroyed… With precision STRIKES<<( if PUTIN just wanted to KILL Ukraines, he could have used other high grade weapons, missiles to flatten the cities….)///

Only till later you WILL learn the HUNDREDS of MILLIONS of lives that were SAVED by PUTIN DESTROYING THE LABS<

CFT Team #racist #wingnut #conspiracy christiansfortruth.com

Anybody who has been paying attention over the past five years can see the hidden hand at work in the so-called Alt-Right and “White Nationalist” movements.

While the media drones on about “white supremacists” and “antisemitism”, the truth is that Jews are actually the ones leading these movements, and there is a clear agenda at work.

This is nothing new.
Why are Jews leading the Alt Right and white nationalist movements?

Answer: to control the opposition, subvert those looking for the truth and real solutions, and promote their own agenda. Here’s the agenda we see being pushed by those above:

1. Incite violence among their White audience, including shootings and other illegal activity – common with the Daily Stormer crowd. (Note: Promoting violence is a counter-productive strategy at this point in time, as it achieves nothing, alienates others who may be open to these truths, destroys the lives of those committing crimes, is used to take away our rights (free speech and gun rights), and is used by the controlled media to vilify Whites.)
2. Obscure and conceal the truth and bigger picture. Many of the Jews in the Alt-Right will give their audience some truth, but then obscure the bigger picture, promote lies, and lead people down endless rabbit holes of confusion.
3. Promote lies and disinformation. Many Jews in the Alt Right promote lies about history, the 9-11 attacks, the truth about jewish identity, and various other topics, while constantly bashing Christianity.
4. Promote non-solutions. Jews love to promote the Alt Right, politics, and various forms of “activism” because these are all non-solutions that will never go anywhere.

By their fruits you shall know them.

Blueprint for subversion: honeypots, informants, and illegal activity

If you look at various White Nationalist movements over the decades, there is a common theme of infiltration, subversion, and the promotion of illegal activity.

This is how these movements are ultimately destroyed.

Mister Spice #sexist #racist blackpill.club

Foids hate slavs and find them disgusting

I have noticed lately that a lot of foids have some sort of disgust against slavs (mainly Poles) am i the only one seeing this for some reason?

Its fucking great that just because of my ethnicity alone, im being treated like shit and being seen as a joke not to mention that foids find me disgusting while their pussy gets wet over some Anglo colonizer

I could prove that i have German ancestry to these western cucks but they will just laugh at it, i would even get bullied for my ethnicity or hear these stupid stereotypes often JFL i fucking hate this shit

As for slavic foids themselves, they also prefer the Anglo colonizer dick because why else do you see so many Anglo cucks with slavic foids? I can show you countless examples which shows that this isn't even about Just Be White at this point, its more like Just Be A West cuck

I suppose the reasons for this is because many slavs are just ugly and foids just think they are less status, well the whole western world thinks that way not to mention i have seen a tiktok video of a foid making fun of slavs getting murdered by the nazi's, this is how i am viewed as by foids

Napoleon de Geso #sexist #psycho #racist ncu.su

Fuck ukraine and ukrainian femoids

OCD sucks, it can result in minor shit giving more emotional impact than serious events. And so happened those last days, with smother saying some shit, and it became emotionally more important, when long awaited war of Putin against that disgusting degenerate shithole of ukraine. What she said, was nothing really serious and important, and not really negative, just simple casual stuff, but thanks to OCD, even minor shit can trigger intrusive feelings and thoughts, and overthinking of seeing and searching signs and meaning everywhere, and with more possible negative outcomes, like some grand scheme of world to ruin my life. This time it was easier than in teen years, when often spent whole days just thinking about some triggering shit, now tried not to sink in overthinking, but still could not get rid of being pissed off and disgusted, and that feeling overshadowed joy of wonderfull event I was waiting for - Putin finally going to punish ukrainians for their degeneracy. But even corrupted by ocd, I am here to say, that I support Putin and enjoy ukraine being invaded, and hope many ukrainian whores will be ***** and ****** in process

Disgusting thot, spreading those for chad only, or richfag?


Too bad now you gonna spread for poor ugly russian mongoloids without your entitled sluts's permission ("consent")


Eugene Gant #racist vdare.com

The signers of the Southern Manifesto, developed by Southern federal legislators to oppose Brown, wrote that its “unwarranted exercise of power by the Court, contrary to the Constitution, is creating chaos and confusion in the States principally affected”—

It is destroying the amicable relations between the white and Negro races that have been created through 90 years of patient effort by the good people of both races. It has planted hatred and suspicion where there has been heretofore friendship and understanding.

Deanna Drogan #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #racist #conspiracy concernedwomen.org

Since the beginning of time, the devil has used one simple lie to cause destruction and chaos on all of humanity: you can and should become your own god. After all, this is how the devil himself was cast out of heaven and became a fallen angel. <...> It is hard to go from quoting Scripture to then quoting the great Uncle Ben Parker of the beloved Spider-Man Marvel comics, but I would argue that we can actually find strong Biblical truth in the fact that “with great power comes great responsibility.” Lucifer was elevated to a position of higher power, and pride got the best of him as he thought he could elevate himself to the highest position of authority, God.
The Bible says in Ephesians that we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the Heavenly places. As believers, the cultural issues that we see today, such as abortion, sexual perversion, gender confusion, injustice, and critical race theory, all go back to the issue of pride. They all go back to that one simple lie: you can and should be your own god. Being your own god means that you have no higher authority with whom to submit.
is no surprise that the emblem of the whole entire LGBT movement is based around the word pride. In a world where there is no Lordship to surrender to, you can create your own rules for your life. You can marry whoever you want to marry, you can be whichever gender you best identify with, you can destroy a city when an election doesn’t rule in your favor, and you can even murder your own child when it is suitable for your lifestyle.
Many Christians stay out of the political sphere because they believe that they are to focus on the spiritual battle at hand, but this ideological battle our culture is facing is the spiritual battle. We are ultimately not fighting our brothers and sisters, and we are not even fighting policies; we are fighting an enemy who seeks to kill, steal, and destroy.

Prussian Society of America #wingnut #racist #psycho prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "Love Does Not Conquer All. Only Hate and Revenge Does"]

As the Surrender which has been under way for the Trucker/Freedom Convoy Protest in Sunday has begun, it appears to be folding up very quickly as we suspected it would, especially seeing the Right Wing Elements that permeated the event, in how they twisted it and turned it
People who speak in the name of “Love” or “God” or people who routinely talk about “Love” or showing “Love and Kindness” actually do not have any of this in them
We consistently witnessed the behavior of all the Right Wing Elements in the Canadian Convoy, and they had kept consistent messages to both the Convoy Members and the Supporters with constant reminders to “Stay Peaceful”
There is also nothing worse than an unjust or artificially established Peace, of which the Christians are always too happy to suggest that any peace is better than no peace at all
A lot of people forget that a LOT of people in the Right Wing, at least 50% of them (in all countries) are Defectors from the Left Wing
The Right Wing was forbidden and put to death jus as the Left Wing under National Socialist Germany because they were committing the same nonsense as they continue to do today
It is also ironic how much of the defense of Jews has been ushered into conversations since the Corona Hoax was launched, because people want to sympathize with the fact that the National Socialist Made Jews wear Yellow Stars
Virtues and Kindness are viewed as a weakness and most surely will be taken advantage of
It is for this reason that I view a Future Germany that is more isolationist from the rest of the world outside of permissible Commercial Trade
The word Kindness in English is a corruption of the root meaning of the word “Kind” in that one would show a certain similar attitude towards his “Kinsmen” and “Kinder”

Jared Taylor #racist amren.com

ADL Admits it Doesn’t Know What It’s Been Fighting

Until 2020, this was the ADL’s definition of racism: “the belief that a particular race is superior or inferior to another, that a person’s social and moral traits are predetermined by his or her inborn biological characteristics.”

Apparently the ADL used this definition for some time, even though the classic example of racism – calling a black person the N-word – isn’t even included.

In the summer of 2020, at the height of the George Floyd riots, the ADL got a new definition of racism: ­“The marginalization and/or oppression of people of color based on a socially constructed racial hierarchy that privileges white people.”

So, now it was clear: it had to do with being bad only to people who aren’t white. If the Chinese decided to deport all the black people in China, or if a black man sets out to kill every white person he finds, that’s not racism because only non-whites can be victims of racism.

Earlier this month, the ADL changed its definition again. But it’s so unsure of itself, it calls this an “interim definition.” “Racism occurs when individuals or institutions show more favorable evaluation or treatment of an individual or group based on race or ethnicity.”

This is idiotic. If the Polish-American Club recruits Polish Americans, it’s racist. The Black Congressional Caucus is racist, because only blacks can join. Same for the Hispanic Caucus. And if Koreans want Koreans to join their Korean churches that’s “racism,” too.

And the whole state of Israel is “racist.” You can’t immigrate unless you’re Jewish.

However, if Jews really aren’t white, they don’t have white privilege. When the call goes out for more diversity – as it always does – they can raise their hands and say, “Me too.” It means they are off the hook for all the awful things white people have done ever since there were white people.

What a deal! Where do I go to convert?

Amunhotep Chavis El-Bey #conspiracy #crackpot #dunning-kruger #racist amazon.com

America is the True Old World, Volume II: The Promised Land (Volume II of IV)

America is the True Old World, Volume II: The Promised Land, is the ancient American history book that you all have been waiting on, since this book is destined to rewrite history with the discoveries contained within this book. This book comes complete with 9 chapters and with over 70 color illustrations to highlight the beauty and sophistication of the old world. This book is not your traditional history book; therefore, it is not for the faint hearted.This Ancient American history book is jam-packed with information and after reading this revolutionary book, you will never look at history the same way again, because history is not how we know it. Could the East really be a reflection of the West? Is the West really the far East? This book will answer these questions for you and some more. If you love to think outside of the box, and are just fed up with the lies of traditional history books, this is your history book, and I assure you that you will love it.America is the True Old World, volume II, challenges the status quo with the discoveries of ancient Mesopotamia, ancient Egypt, India Superior (Asia Major), Sumer, Cush, Ethiopia, Ancient Ghana, Jerusalem, the Kingdom of Mali, Timbuctoo, the Kingdom of Fez, Tripoli, Mecca, Morocco, Mauritania, ancient Arabia, Rome & Greece, the garden of Eden, cities of gold (Cibola and El Dorado), and so much more, all located in the Americas. Yes, all of the said places where all in the Americas, first, since America is the True Old World. If you have a friend or a family member with an open mind that loves to think outside the box, then get them this good read as a present. I am a firm believer that knowledge is the best gift, because you can do so much with knowledge. “Knowledge is power.” ~ Ole saying.This history book also debunks the Transatlantic slave trade story, as being told to us in reverse, because the Americas has always been a Negro Continent, which means that it would have been a lot easier and cheaper just to enslave the copper-colored Native Americans (Blackamoors) that were already in the Americas way before Christopher columbus.

MinnesotaViking1 #conspiracy #racist blackpill.club

Not really. Most whites with 'power' are really just tools for Jewry. Can any white man in the west say anything remotely anti-Jewish without having his career and possibly life destroyed? Even the likes of Trump, a billionaire and former president, had to kiss the wailing wall and fervently deny any allegations of anti-semitism. I am not saying that all of the elites are Jewish but there definitely is a hierarchy among them and Jews are on top.
I can confirm that USA is totally under the domination of Jewish elites.

There are non-Jews who are in the ruling class, but but they're just pawns. They're kept in line through bribery, sexual blackmail, or threats. Guys like Jeffrey Epstein (agents of the Israeli govt) control our leaders (Clintons, Trump, Prince Andrew, Bill Gates, etc).

From my experience, there are only 2 major groups of people who are truly independent of Jews.

1. SOME of the Muslim countries. Like Iran, Syria, and Afghanistan. Almost all Muslims are inherently anti-semitic and hostile to Jews, but some Muslim govts are "allies" of the USA and pawns for Jews.
2. China

Every other major country is under some degree of Jewish influence, either directly (like the USA) or indirectly (like Saudi Arabia). Even in Russia, Putin is condemning "Nazis" in Ukraine. Some countries know it, some do not.

In a place like Canada or UK, plenty of Jews are in the ruling class and push their agenda. In a place like Japan, they're not apart of the govt. However, many of the politicians are pawns of the USA, which is a Jewish vassal state.

Jewish power is immense.

Socrates #conspiracy #crackpot #dunning-kruger #racist #wingnut vanguardnewsnetwork.com

All You Need to Know About Ukraine

All you need to know about Ukraine today: the Jews, the Biden Administration, the global media, the EU, and Justin Trudeau are all pro-Ukraine (and anti-Russia). Nancy Pelosi said on TV, angrily, that Putin’s soft (relatively speaking) invasion of Ukraine on behalf of two small, largely-Russian breakaway areas of Ukraine (Donetsk and Luhansk) was “an evil move.” Evil? It’s a good thing it wasn’t “evil” when America invaded 20-plus countries over the past 40 years!

I wonder if many people know that scores of rich Washington, D.C. elites have very, very close ties to Ukraine? In fact, you could say that those Washington elites are “in bed with Ukraine.” Got a cigarette, honey??

Also, Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is a Jew.

That’s all you need to know about Ukraine.

Ann Coulter #crackpot #elitist #racist vdare.com

Here’s MSNBC’s Joy Reid dismissing Christopher Rufo, a Manhattan Institute scholar, brought on her show putatively to debate CRT: “Are you like an expert in race or racial history? Are you a lawyer? Are you a legal scholar? Is that part of your background?”

How else could Rufo possibly understand a “theory” that says:

America is racist!
Criminal law is racist!
Policing is racist!
Arrests are racist!
Incarceration is racist!
Standardized tests are racist!
Mortgages are racist!
Oh my gosh, how am I ever going to master this complex theory? I thought the quantum field theory of subatomic particle forces was tough, but THIS? I guess I’ll be hitting the books tonight.

Pedro de Alvarado #racist #sexist #elitist #dunning-kruger vdare.com

On the other hand, blacks didn’t much care for whites either [RIOTS AND RACIAL DISTURBANCES, p. 59, US Army Ground Forces Study No. 36: The Training of Negro Troops, by Major Bell I. Wiley, 1946].

“The army stinks,” one wrote, and “is filled up with a lot of ‘Crackers’ who don’t know that the Civil War is over and from all indications never will!”

After the war there will be riots after Riots because we are tired of the so-called white Supremacy as they call it…We just want the right to live, work and advance as normal people do. The right to fight & die as true Americans should…You can’t keep us down, try as you

Of course, white GIs were men of their times. Note that whites from the South and North felt the same way, and in nearly equal numbers. They unapologetically believed in preserving America's white European character and maintaining segregation and traditional roles for women.

Those views, of course, are “racist” and “sexist,” and if openly expressed today would absolutely exclude those men from military service.

While Ruane’s piece maintains a facade of neutrality, note how it began: with a white soldier’s advocating “white supremacy,” not with the black soldier’s calling whites “crackers.” Whites, you see, are always the villains.

Besides that, though, consider this: the story continues the larger effort to diminish the dominant, heroic role white Americans’ played in winning World II, and to retcon the war to help erase white history altogether.

After all, the white soldier’s remarks Ruane featured in his lede were one of the “uncensored results of dozens of surveys the service administered to soldiers during the war.”

Message: we may have won the war, but the important thing to remember is that whites were racists!

Joe Wasp #racist #dunning-kruger #fundie #elitist identitydixie.com

[From "A Defense of Jim Crow and the South"]

The foremost artificial sin Dixie remains guilty of committing stands as the Jim Crow era[…]Many Southerners simply lack the intestinal fortitude to address the fallacies within the leftist narrative or to seek vindication of the Southern segregationists
Segregation began de facto in some areas during Reconstruction[…]Radicals sought to forcibly integrate numerous areas, and Lowland Southerners’ intimate, paternalistic pre-War lifestyles allowed for a greater degree of social interaction between the races
With the Compromise of 1877 came the end of Reconstruction[…]The Redeemer Democrats often ran on pro-White platforms and promises of restoring social order
This new generation of Southern politicians were more business oriented than the Planters[…]to the detriment of the still mostly rural Southern population[…]Quite beneficial for them politically to make claims of supporting Negroes, who flocked to urban areas
Governorships of Theodore Bilbo in Mississippi and Ben Tillman in South Carolina, only serve to solidify the patent fact that segregation formed as a product of the woes of the White working class and not a means of rich White Southerners to suppress Negro votes
The segregationists vehemently asserted the claim that communist factions[…]fomented, catalyzed, and financed integration. In this they were not wrong
Being fully within the legal bounds of the United States Constitution, the social benefits of the era are easily quantifiable. The social implications, and subsequent consequences, of integration were dire
Segregationists utilized the Holy Bible to support their claims, a prime example being Mississippi Governor Ross Barnett’s status as a Baptist Sunday School teacher. Further inquiry proves their beliefs true

MinnesotaViking1 #conspiracy #racist blackpill.club

My country (USA) is ruled by a hostile foreign occupation govt (Jews).

Jews send Goyim to fight&die in pointless wars overseas to protect Jewish interests (for example the Iraq War). Then they import massive numbers of immigrants
to make Americans into foreigners in their own country. Then they corrupt our govt in any number of ways, like bribing&blackmailing our leaders into supporting Israel. Then they declare war on American indigenous traditions. Then they get you fired for being "racist" if you object. Then they exploit you financially (like the Sackler family whose greed helped start the opioid epidemic). Then they take American foreign aid to Israel and build a wall to keep Arabs & Blacks out of Israel, while also refusing to let America build a wall on the US-Mexico border.

Jews are the WORST elites ever.

At this point, joining the American military is like joining the Israeli Defense Force.

No thanks.

oenz , personalityinkwell & -_- #conspiracy #racist ncu.su

Alex Jones is Bill hicks and infowars is ran by the company who runs CNN. Everything is a lie money is the root of all evil!


Alex Jones is Bill hicks and infowars is ran by the company who runs CNN. Everything is a lie money is the root of all evil!
View attachment 13242

Yeah alex jones and infowars is controlled opposition. very basic stuff if you're into conspiracies


Yeah alex jones and infowars is controlled opposition. very basic stuff if you're into conspiracies

yeah had a jewish wife is all the evidence i need


Alex Jones is Bill hicks and infowars is ran by the company who runs CNN. Everything is a lie money is the root of all evil!

Yeah alex jones and infowars is controlled opposition. very basic stuff if you're into conspiracies

Alex Jones is nothing but a shill for the kikes. He is a proper disinfo (((controlled opposition))) agent

Various Blackpillers #sexist #psycho #racist blackpill.club

Were is the Ukrainian Feminism?

Were is the Ukrainian Feminism now? They hide in Romania, Polonia jfl at feminism.... and they want equality pathetic....

Look at these parasites


Yes where are they?

they are waiting to see who wins he war.. mark my words.. they will suck dick of any russian who wins the war..

Now is the perfect time for Ukrainiancels to go ER on these foids since Ukraine is now basically a lawless anarchy a battlezone.May Putin destroy the filthy whoreland of Ukraine for good!

(Mister Spice)
JFL at these copers who think slavic foids are ''innocent'' and ''different'' from west foids

They are the most sluttiest and disgusting out of all foids, the only people that like slavic foids are these retarded stormfront cucks because muhh whitey raceee

Slavic foids= Angry mongrel dykes

Alfieshoyger #racist #moonbat #conspiracy #magick reddit.com

I was cursed by a Romany woman selling lucky heather 20 years ago. She just stuck the stuff in my face while walking behind me and expected me to understand that she wanted money, but I was a teenager and didn't understand what she was doing. She didn't say anything. I assumed her grassy twig was just a worthless giveaway. I knew nothing about gypsy culture.

I've had generally bad luck since then, but now I can see that the curse is real. I am experiencing paranormal phenomena, ghostly activity. This is totally serious, and I do not need psychiatric help. These curses are real. Can anything be done about them?
The general public need to be made aware of the extreme dangers posed by some gypsies, particularly the old, female, heather-selling kind. These people can curse you, and gypsy curses are very real. People need to warn their children and grandchildren.

Romany people are quick to complain about their persecution. But what caused this persecution? Could it be the fact that they have been practicing black magic witchcraft in Christian and modern societies for centuries?

Is it just a coincidence that the European witch trials happened around the same time as the influx of gypsies into Europe?

People need to be aware of this danger. Lucky heather sellers will confuse people by holding a plant wrapped in foil in front of your face while walking behind you. This is not civilised behaviour and can confuse people, especially the young.

And if you are confused by this, you can end up having your life destroyed with a curse.

Obviously not all gypsies are capable of doing this. In fact, probably most are not. But a significant minority are. In particular, people must be educated about the dangers of tinkers like lucky heather sellers. These women practice real black magic.

Steve Sailer #racist #dunning-kruger vdare.com

After all, as Ibram X. Kendi has taught us, the only conceivable scientific explanation for the lack of black accomplishment in science (e.g., zero hard science Nobels ever) must be white people’s systemic racism. Nice liberals used to assume that blacks would catch up soon, as the past recedes ever further into the past, but after a half-century of not just civil rights but also pro-black affirmative action, nobody anymore believes blacks will ever reach statistical equality with whites and Asians in science on their own merits. So, in 2021, the only remaining possible explanations are

That The Bell Curve was right, and we know that can’t possibly be true because we really don’t want it to be true,
Or that white bodies exude a mysterious miasma of systemic racism that subtly damages black bodies (and, presumably, black brains).
And even if whites somehow stopped exuding this racist miasma, all the miasma they exuded in the past would still be hovering around and, in fact, would only grow in potency in the future due to the newly discovered Law of Antiquarianism that states that events in the distant past have vastly more influence on the present than do recent events.

The revealed truths of Kendiism require that blacks not just be given even more affirmative action, but that society be rearranged so that racial commissars are employed everywhere to make sure that nothing hurts the racial self-esteem of the black race ever again.

You might think that employing a lot of relatively low brow racial commissars to oversee real scientists will retard the advance of science, such as genetics was destroyed in the Soviet Union for a generation by the imposition of anti-hereditarian Lysenkoism.

But do you really want to think that, ally?

PrimalRedemption #crackpot #conspiracy #racist #wingnut #fundie reddit.com

Have you ever wondered why the Flat Earth movement even exists? It is readily apparent that the movement was founded by Zionists, but why is it being pushed on such a massive scale?

There are two simple answers:

Disinformation. T"P"TB know something about the true nature of the Earth/Reality and are intentionally misleading people into lies mixed with truth.

Discreditation by Association. By filling the psy-op with cringe-worthy new age/metro-sexual douche bags and willfully ignorant and obnoxious shills, they make the alternative non-globe Earth theory -Concave- seem ridiculous by default.

They know the Earth is Concave and they want to discredit it as much as possible by associating it with the Flat Earth. The surface curves UP forming a hollow sphere, it is completely stationary, and the entirety of the "universe" is contained within the Earth.
There is a psy-op against the Concave Earth. And I will tell you why: because the implications of knowing the truth about the Earth and this Reality are enormous:

-We are literally living in a reality bubble, an enclosed prison/ factory farm where our souls are recycled endlessly through reincarnation and used as a food source. -Aliens and UFOs are a massive psy-op to keep us afraid or full of false hope (The Arcturians and Pleiadians are coming to save you!! The Galactic frequencies will usher in the dawn of a New Age...blah blah blah) and may be used as a false flag invasion to usher in the NW"O". -Real estate is extremely limited and implementation of a one world government and takeover of land is a lot worse than you've imagined. -The Bible may contain elements of truth and hint at the possibility of creationism and that the world is run by Lucifer. -The Sun is inside the Earth and nearby and could very well stop in place, scorching the land below. -The Ether exists. -The North and South poles might actually be ways OUT of here.

Dr. Kevin Barrett, a Ph.D. Arabist-Islamologist #wingnut #conspiracy #racist veteranstoday.com

Mainstream media mockingbirds scoff at Putin’s claim that the Ukro-Nazis are committing genocide in Donetsk and Luhansk. But that doesn’t mean it isn’t true.

Some Ukrainians hate Russians because of the Holodomor. They view Stepan Bandera, who joined the Nazi war on Stalin’s USSR, as a national hero. The extremists among them just want to kill Russians, including the Russian speakers in Donetsk and Luhansk.

They have been shelling Donetsk and Luhansk, and killing Russian-speaking civilians, for years. Before that, in 2014, they torched the Trades Union building in Odessa while it was full of pro-Russian protestors, burning 42 people alive. Since holocaust means “burnt offering” or “fiery sacrifice,” only a Holocaust denier would deny that one.

But is calling them Ukro-Nazis unfair…to Nazis? That’s what E. Michael Jones and I suggested in the latest episode of False Flag Weekly News. Watch it above before the censors take it down!

Speaking of censorship, how long will it be before the alternative media outlets accused of being Russian agents and Putin stooges (like this one) get shut down?
Though I am neither a Russian agent nor an Iranian agent, I tend to agree with Iranians more than Russians. Maybe that’s because I got banned from Russian media several years ago for calling out Islamophobia and Zionism and insisting on talking about 9/11 truth—while Iranian media is always open to whatever I have to say. Below is my latest ANA Press interview on Ukraine

Is there any possibly for compromise?

A compromise would involve: 1) all parties respecting the Minsk Accords and the autonomy of Donetsk and Lugansk, and 2) all parties agreeing that NATO’s expansion phase is over.
This compromise is what Russia wants. But the Americans don’t want compromise, they want to defeat and loot Russia. Their current short-range goal is to put a stop to the Nord Stream pipeline.

Dixie Anon #wingnut #racist identitydixie.com

[From "Caging the City Birds"]

If Southerners are to continue to hold statewide sway, we must be willing to evolve our political systems to fit our will. This is especially the case in Georgia and Texas, where more carpetbaggers, Indians, and Central Americans flood into large cities like Dallas and Atlanta[…]Large masses of foreigners have made a home in our states and swing them “bluer and bluer”
Georgia’s history provides a clear system to “Crush the Urbanite”[…]That is the “County Unit System” which was used in Georgia from 1917 to 1962. This system set up a county based electoral college which gave three classifications to Georgia counties[…]This system helped Georgia ruralites maintain power in the state for several decades and blocked the rise of urbanite Atlanta progressives in 1946, when Talmadge won the majority of votes against his big business, city boy opponent who won the popular vote
It should be said this system was challenged, then destroyed, by the Supreme Court[…]The court claimed the County Unit System was protected under states’ rights arguments in the 1940s and 1950s only to flip flop in 1962
It is well and about time we begin nullifying the rulings of the Supreme Court
This reform isn’t about saving the GOP, as both state parties have largely failed their Southern voter base; rather it is about saving their respective states from becoming progressive-run dystopias
This would also allow Southerners to focus on crushing the remaining neocon politicians on the state level and passing whatever we wish[…]It would largely make secession more of a viable and likely outcome for Texas and Georgia
No matter how many foreigners flood into Atlanta, Houston or Dallas, it wouldn’t give them the political edge to oppress our states[…]The County Unit System will work for us, if we have the political will to implement it

Paul Kersey #sexist #racist vdare.com


This Woke, Sexless CAPTAIN MARVEL The Beginning Of The End For Legendary MCU Franchise

As in all comic book movies, Captain Marvel’s plot is basically interchangeable: Larson's character (Carol Danvers, who not once in the movie exudes the type of aggressive voluptuousness and sex appeal her character embodies in the comic) is an Air Force pilot whose mentor turns out to be an alien. Though Danvers was barred from flying fighter jets at the time (the movie is set in the 1990s), she was a test-pilot of a plane shot down by aliens who are after the special energy propelling it. After an accident, she absorbs the energy, giving her powers rivaling any character in the MCU.

Though Danvers loses her memory in the incident and becomes an inter-galactic warrior for the aliens who shot down her plane, she still is able to have flashbacks of a past where a white male fighter (who looks straight out of Top Gun casting) chastises her, saying, "You do know why they call it the cockpit?"

Misogyny? Disney makes sure Captain Marvel misses no chance to preach that gender has no bearing on what makes an exceptional pilot.

Needless to say, Captain Zoe Kotnik, an actual F-16 pilot, was recently dubbed "a real-life Captain Marvel" when she was named the F-16 Viper Demo Team's first-ever female commander and the Air Force's first female single-ship tactical commander. [This record-breaking F-16 pilot is a real-life version of Captain Marvel: "In that instant...she knew she could fly higher, further and faster than anyone else.", FirstCoastNews.com, by Casey Feindt, February 5, 2019]

But Captain Kotnik lasted just two weeks before she was relieved of command. [Air Force’s first female Viper pilot relieved of duty after two weeks, by Brett Gubitosi, New York Post, February 12, 2019]

Indeed, despite the military's best efforts, only 6.5 percent of pilots are female [What it Was Like to Be One of the First Female Fighter Pilots, by Kelly Kennedy, New York Times, March 2, 2018] and the elite Air Force Thunderbirds are still “too male, too white”. [Air Force Thunderbirds too male, too white, top general warns, by Rowan Scarborough, Washington Times, March 3, 2016]

Enough with the real world, back to the scripted MCU world...

Prussian Society of America #wingnut #conspiracy #racist #psycho prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "Canadians must accept nothing less than the Capture and Assassination of Mr. Trudeau"]

You cannot make a truce or deals with this thugs. No agreements, No negotiations, No Talks, no backing down whatsoever. No Fair Trials

This Man is a Communist Thug and a piece of Criminal Trash, and in alliance with China
It is not criminal to call for the death of criminals

You must ALWAYS operate in mind, with the spirit invocation of Thomas Jefferson in his statement of “When Tyranny Becomes Law, Rebellion Becomes Duty”
The only Laws that Matter in this world are Natural Laws, Racial Laws

This is not the first time in Human History when people fighting on the right side of something have been labelled terrorists
There is much at stake right now, and also a redefinition of what it means to be “Canadian” will have to at some point emerge. Canada has a very long history of not so good things, after all, this is why this situation has now come to surface
Organized groups of Hitmen and a Plan of how to capture Mr. Trudeau must be carried out
The harder you ignore all orders from this paper tiger, the more he will become wrestled out of his position of power
We, at the Prussian Society of America, are ordering that this Man needs to be captured and assassinated! By any means necessary!

The Civil War is under way. This Civil war will be not only between your government and the forces they attempt to bring down on you, but against a large bulk of your own population
It’s time to start appreciating and respecting the Nazi brutality we had once imposed on this world enemy
Do not let the American Disinformation Agents, who are NUMEROUS trying to convince you to stay peaceful
The overwhelming majority of these disinformation agents from America, are of Celtic Ancestry
These “Celts” also happen to be EXTREMELY religious

Fernando Cortés #conspiracy #racist #wingnut amren.com

Fernando Cortés, a long-time Mexican nationalist and identitarian, offered his perspective on immigration to the United States. He argued that the Mexican regime could be accused of almost intentional mismanagement of the economy so as to keep Mexicans poor and provide cheap labor for Americans. “The system wants Mexicans to migrate to the United States,” he said. “It’s not Mexicans, who would rather stay home.”

Mr. Cortés freely acknowledged the damage that massive Mexican immigration does to American identity. “Mexico has never received immigrants,” he said, and “Mexicans would not tolerate even a tenth of the flow that has gone north.” He observed that “white people are remarkably generous and tolerant” in the face of dispossession. At the same time, the present system is bad for Mexico, which loses important workers, even as corruption and civil decay creep north.

Mr. Cortés argues that the honest Left, to the extent that it really cares about people, is the best source of recruitment for identitarians. “When white altruists understand that they are hurting rather than helping, our numbers will increase,” but he suggested that some on the Left may prefer that the Third World remain poor: “If Mexico were financially healthy, liberals and open-borders advocates wouldn’t have a purpose.”

Mr. Cortés decried the harsh restrictions on free speech on both sides of the border, noting that people who have been trained to be easily offended are easily manipulated. He spoke of his happiness in finding identitarians in America because, “for me, the US is Mordor — the only place where the ring can be destroyed.” With identitarians in both the North and South “we have them surrounded.”

We will always be neighbors, he said, and “two nations can live side by side with true, separate identities.” However, this can be successful only when “each nation has its own folk, territory, and independence.”

US Anon & The Slayer #psycho #racist boards.4chan.org

(US Anon)


you lost grinGOYs this is our country now

No. Well eventually just kill all of you, race war is inevitable and you're not as smart as we are. We'll bulldoze over you and force feed you your mother after we ground her meat and wrap it in a corn tortilla, the way you like. See? We're not complete assholes.

(The Slayer)
European Americans will need to secede to preserve their recessive genes in North America. Ideally this would happen after Russia and China have collapsed and Balkanized. Otherwise they’ll fund all sides of a civil war turning the USA into something like the Middle East. Non-Europeans would die from crumbling infrastructure (water going to the Southwest would be cut off) and European-Americans would eventually take back everything lost.

If European Americans don’t secede then on a long enough timeline Castizo USA will wage war on Mestizo Mexico. There’s no racial solidarity between Hispanics, Castizos look down on Mestizos and Mestizos envy Castizos. We have a much larger white population and better stock of whites (Germanic and Anglo instead of Semite and Med). All Mestizo men women and children will be put to the sword and everything to the Panama Canal will be annexed.

Benjamin Fulford #crackpot #conspiracy #racist #wingnut benjaminfulford.net

“What do you do if a public figure you know of as a nice old lady has chopped a child’s head off, drunken their blood and eaten their heart?” responded a top MI6 figure when asked why Queen Elizabeth II had “tested positive for Covid” i.e. been arrested.

We heard before from a cousin of the Queen that the British Royals had annual human sacrifices at Balmoral Castle. Now we know the details because video evidence of this has been given to MI6.

The reason this is coming out now is that the Rothschild family and other top Khazarian mafia bosses like the Rockefellers have gone bankrupt. They have been pulling out all their blackmail cards, such as the one they had against the Queen, in a desperate bid to stay in power.
“A lot of people are forced to do it with a gun to their head” the source continued while noting that “A lot of the worlds’ military has also taken part in human sacrifice.”

This explains why I saw a look of sheer horror on the faces of George Soros and Paul Wolfowitz when I asked them about the families that own the Federal Reserve Board. They must have been recalling their own bloody initiations into the top ranks of power.

It also probably explains why the speaker of the Canadian House of Parliament was too scared to answer a question from an MP about who in the government worked for the Rothschild’s World Economic Forum.
In any case, the issue now is to prevent these Satanic leaders from starting World War III as a get out of jail card.

This brings us to the subject of Ukraine. High-level Rothschild and Rockefeller servants gathered in Berlin last weekend to beat the drums of war there as their response to bankruptcy.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov notes that Albania, Kosovo, Bosnia and Herzegovina are sending “mercenaries” to fight in Ukraine.

The reason the Rothschilds and Rockefellers need to hire Albanian mercenaries, however, is because regular US troops will not start a war with Russia to save the FRB from bankruptcy.

Henry Makow PhD #conspiracy #racist #wingnut #quack #magick henrymakow.com


The mass media is responsible for spreading this coronahoax. Therefore it is significant that in April a senior CBC reporter Don Pittis actually referenced this satanic dogma: "COVID-19 may be the catalyst -- not the cause -- of a painful but useful economic transformation. Retailers go broke, property and oil fall but maybe the economic pain will speed beneficial changes."

"According to the theory of creative destruction derived by Austrian economist Joseph Schumpeter in 1942 from ideas proposed by Karl Marx, economic and technological progress demands that businesses must die and industries and paradigms must be swept away to make room for new ones."

Karl Marx, the father of Communism, was a Cabalist and a Satanist. "Creative destruction" is the same satanist rationale they use for starting devastating wars. Clearly the hidden agenda behind the #scamdemic is social and economic change. Thanks to Satanists controlling the banking system, society is under relentless satanic attack, and is satanically possessed.
"Creative Destruction" explains why humanity is cursed by never-ending catastrophes. These are engineered by the Illuminati to attack and destroy anything that smacks of the healthy divine order -- spiritual or natural.

Call it illuminism, secularism, Luciferianism, humanism, paganism or the occult: It's all Kabbalah.

Modern Western civilization has no moral legitimacy (and no future) because it is based on a rebellion against God, who represents the path of our spiritual development.

Humanity had been hijacked by psychopaths intent on destroying the "old order" and building a bizarre, solipsistic, violent, depraved dystopia in its place.

Zer0/∞ #racist incels.is

[Ultimate Shitskinpill] Shitskins Are a Race of Savages!

Most of the safest nations on Earth with lowest crime and high social trust are European or East Asian: shitskins are violent and do not try to foster a strong community for themselves.


Shitskin nations have the lowest social mobility: shitskins do not like the improve their living conditions, explaining why we still live in utter shithole conditions and have the highest rates of poverty in the west.

Shitskin nations and societies are least conducive to economic success which is why shitskins like to migrate to the west at almost all costs.



Shitskins are more religious and ignorant of science: my shitskin muzzie grandparents for example still believe in jinns for being the cause of my mother’s mental illness and only think praying to Allah will cure her.




shitskins have an almost negligible contribution to modern science: we refuse to improve further on man’s understanding of the world!



Finally, shitskins are more nationalistic, racist, and xenophobic of other races and hate political freedom: all outdated modes of thinking in what is supposed to be an open, fair, democratic, and inclusive world.

Proving shitskins generally have worse personalities than Whites and East Asians.


For my shitskin, I am marked by complete inferiority: shitskins have almost nothing to be proud off as we are a race of uncivilized savages!

Padraig Martin #racist #wingnut #dunning-kruger identitydixie.com

[From "Why The United States Will Lose To Russia"]

Defense contractors and politicians on both the Left and the Establishment Right are licking their chops[…]The U.S. is about to get humiliated on a global scale and anyone other than the Establishment, the technocratic class, and those blinded by Pro-American nostalgia, knows it
Serious American strategists are putting down their copies of White Rage, and devouring histories on the Crimean War. The similarities to the political environments are clear. Of course, we are not a serious country[…]Lloyd Austin[…]held a “Diversity Roundtable” this past week to discuss the importance of a non-White security council, while the Russians were literally running war games in the Black Sea
The United States is so badly damaged by the machinations of the political Left, that it no longer has the fighting will of its most important janissary class: impressionable young White males, especially Southern ones[…]While young Southern boys were getting blown-up in Helmand Province and Fallujah, the Left set about demonizing these same young boys
Who wants to fight for a country that has betrayed them so badly?[…]As of this writing, the official policy of the United States Department of Defense is to teach officers “Critical Race Theory”
It is very clear that the United States is not the moral superior of Russia[…]Although it is pretty clear by the writings of the Founding Fathers that they intended the U.S. to be an alliance of fellow White Christian states that formed a country on the basis of shared Anglo norms, the U.S. was designed to enable others to join the fold. The catch, however, was that those “others” needed to accept the supremacy of Anglo values[…]After Obama, pride in American individualism, American exceptionalism, Constitutional values, and functional Anglo Western society was fully dismantled

John C. Wright #racist scifiwright.com

I have heard people, or, rather, Morlocks who look a great deal like people, using the term African American to refer to Blacks from England and France and elsewhere in Europe.

I was in a time travel role playing game once, based on Roger Zelazny’s ROADMARKS. There was a mystical road through time the time travelers used, and branches and exits led to alternate histories. At one road stop hotel, the moderator of the game was describing to the players what some of the travelers from other timelines looked like, including Aztecs in Spanish armor and Eskimo astronauts and so on.

We saw a tall and stalwart Negro in a crew cut from a world where Prussia was inhabited by black men in the 1930s, and he was wearing a Nazi SS uniform. One of the players, a liberal, was surprised or perhaps scandalized, asked to hear the description once again, saying, “You mean an African American Nazi?”

The moderator raised one eyebrow and said, “No. He’s clearly from Germany.”

Likewise, I had a similar problem when I was writing a science fiction story set in a year far enough in the future that America was obliterated. The narrator described one person as looking ‘oriental’ and my too-left-leaning copy editor red penciled the word and snidely said, ‘Well, I’ve never heard the word oriental used to describe anything but a rug – suggest ‘Asian-American’.’

Whereupon I patiently explained that a man from a Japanese colony on Mars, in this story called Kasei, might possibly be called a Kaseijin (Marsman) but could not possibly be called an Asian-American.

Likewise, my friend, born in South Africa, stepping into the student union hall for African American students on her campus on a hot day, to sit in a chair, panting, and enjoy the air conditioning, when she was peremptorily commanded to leave by a black woman, because this was the African American Student Union. My friend was unable to restrain her outrage, and shouted in her delightful British accent, “You fools! I am the only African in this room!”

The moral of the story? Political Correctness is not only patronizing, it is parochial. It can only be used when talking by modern Americans to modern Americans about modern American things. There are no words in Political Correctness talk for Yellow or Black or Red men who come from other planets, other times, or other places.

Henry Makow PhD #sexist #racist #wingnut #conspiracy henrymakow.com

Makow- Will Femininity Make a Comeback?

Femininity is based on a woman making husband, children and home her first priority.

Her self-sacrifice is the way that love comes into the world. We love people who love us.

Heterosexuality is based on the female surrender of worldly power in exchange for male power expressed as love.

So the Satanists taught women to seek power instead of love.

They taught women their value lies in their sex appeal. They are porn stars instead of wives and mothers.

They squander their most fertile years, when they are irresistible, pursuing careers instead of families only to be left high-and-dry later.

Men have been brainwashed by sex and are incapable of seeing women realistically as human beings.

Will the Cabalists responsible for sabotaging Western society be made to pay?

These are the same people behind the covid scam. Everything they do is destroy all that is wholesome healthy and good.
Feminism's Marxist principles of "equality" do not apply to loving heterosexual relationships and are in fact toxic. Heterosexual marriage is based on the exchange of female worldly power for male power expressed as love. Equal power neuters both sexes.

Our leaders are accomplices to this monstrous hoax. Behind them are the private central bankers who print our currency in the form of a debt to them. They need a world government so no country can default on it. They need a dictatorship so the people cannot end this scam. They need to stunt our natural development by fostering gender confusion so we can be controlled.

Feminism was organized by the US Communist Party, the CIA and the elite media, all instruments of the central bankers. It is funded by the Rockefeller Foundation. The purpose is to undermine society and deliver it to Communism.

Prussian Society of America #racist #sexist #elitist prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "Why Prussian Pride and Chauvinism, not Chivalry, are the way of the Future for Germans and Europeans"]

During Prussian Supremacy, even the Muslims recognized us as their superior

Without this Superiority Element over the Arab World, the Arab world then looks upon Europe as their potential “Caliphate”
Aside from the eras of the Greeks and Romans, that only the Prussians had made a staunch effort in the promotion of Chastity among Women so as to keep the society strong and retain Men’s Freedoms

The majority of Germanic people and many Europeans today seem to take issue with the idea of owning Women as “Property” and feel that Women should have the right towards sexual liberation
During the Prussian Reign of power, the inferior elements in Germany and Europe and any other Barbarian we encounter, when in our presence, keeps their mouth shut, and stands back in their place where they belong

The disruption of Prussian Legacy has brought us a world now where Inferiors are the rulers and ones in charge, and where Inferiors feel rights and entitlements over the Superiors
Germany’s Future relies on having a Leader who can simultaneously dismantle both Christianity and Chivalry, who can be freely offensive and brash without burdens of repercussions or disapproval, all of which must run off like rain water over his leather trench coat
Without Prussian Dominance over Germans, the average German is lost, and it is why the Modern Germans worry about things like the Environment, Green Energy, Vegan Diets, Plastic Bags and Insurance Policies
Educated German Women represented a major liability and disgrace to the legacy of German Culture and Prosperity for its future
During an era of German Greatness, Barbarians stay in their domain, they do not challenge or argue with the Prussian

John Derbyshire #racist vdare.com

Scientists have just finished compiling a complete genome for Cheddar Man. It tells us he had blue eyes, dark skin and dark curly hair, and was lactose intolerant.

This will make great propaganda for the anti-white crowd, but it's nothing surprising to those of us who'd read Greg Cochran and Henry Harpending's 2009 book The 10,000 Year Explosion.

In Chapter Three of that book, Greg and Henry (who is alas no longer with us) argue that the switch from a hunter-gatherer lifestyle to agriculture led to vitamin D deficiency, since fresh meat has more vitamin D than cereals. Ultraviolet rays in sunlight, acting on human skin, generate vitamin D; more when the skin is lighter. Sure, too much ultraviolet will give you skin cancer; but in high latitudes like Britain's, too much sunlight is not a problem.

One of the hardest things about debating race denialists is their fixation on skin color. "It's an insignificant thing!" they say, as if they've just discovered the Law of Gravity. "Inconsequential!" Which is kind of true. It's a marker of race, but one of many, and not essential in any classification. There are albino Africans with dead-white skin.

Race is deep ancestry. You're more closely related genetically to some groups than to others. There are some handy external markers like skin color and hair texture, but they don't do anything. What does stuff is the entire genome. By analyzing the entire genome you can predict a person's self-reported race with north of 99 percent accuracy — way better than you'd get from just looking at them.

And to speak of immigration in the context of nine thousand years ago is absurd. Immigration concerns nation-states and their laws, neither of which existed in 7000 b.c. You might as well speculate about a criminal prosecution for the guy who killed Cheddar Man by knocking a hole in his skull.

Progressives know nothing. They are ignorant and stupid. They know nothing about science and can talk in no terms other than those of early twenty-first century social obsessions. Progressives are idiots.

Paul Kersey #racist vdare.com

Because almost all gun crime (fatal and nonfatal) in Georgia—and specifically Atlanta, Savannah, Macon, Augusta, and Columbus – is committed by black people against other black people, white people shouldn’t have the right to carry concealed without a license.

In essence, the Second Amendment shouldn’t exist because blacks can’t stop shooting each other in Georgia.

Again, who is committing the gun crime in Georgia? Every newspaper in every city could compile the data of those arrested for fatal and nonfatal shootings and break it down by race. The Georgia Bureau of Investigation (GBI) could also compile this data easily and make it readily available to the general public.

The answer is simple: Atlanta has a gun problem because of black people collectively committing the bulk of the fatal and nonfatal gun violence. Same with Savannah. Same with Augusta. Same with Columbus and Macon.

Because of this, white people shouldn’t get to conceal carry without a license.

You can have nice things or you can have diversity.

h1LfqWfM #elitist #racist #sexist boards.4chan.org

All Ukrainian women are built for BPC (Big Polish Cock). They’re all gonna get POLED by THE POLISH HVNK. We’re gonna IMPALE them all. (Why do you think they call us Poles?)

Some Germans accepted the superior culture of Poland and Polonized. My maternal grandmother had a German last name.

There will be no war once we satiate the Russians and Westoids with BIG WEST SLAVIC COCK (BWSC). The Russians and the Westoids need their supply of the BWSC. So they always invade, hoping to either cause a mass migration, have the West Slavs fight for them as mercenaries and spread their superior West Slavic seed, or steal their children like Germany did during WWII.

Brother West Slavs (that includes Slovenes and Croatians). Westoid women need their supply of the BIG WEST SLAVIC COCK (BWSC). Look how strong our seed is. When we race-mix, we produce lawyer, high IQ hottie Miss USA winners (You’re welcome America.)

Drop off your hotties in Madagascar. We WEST SLAV HVNKS will be there to breed them shortly.

Whatever land produced such fine human specimens as us is to be blessed and made a holy site.

Look how the Russian woman lusts after the BIG POLISH COCK:


Polish YouTube channel promoting Polish-Russian relations goes out on the streets and asks Russians, “What do Poles do well?”

One woman responds, “Love-making. They’re good at love-making.”

West Slavs = Best Slavs.

>But they loved our girls, who went weak at the knees in return and flocked to these handsome, brave, glamorous young men, refugees from defeated Poland who had come to Britain to join the fight against Hitler’s hordes — encamped on the other side of the Channel in France and threatening to over-run these shores, too.

>The newcomers from Eastern Europe were so romantic and attentive, bowing from the waist and clicking their heels when introduced, sending flowers after the first date, whispering sweet nothings in a moody foreign language . . . and legendary for their prowess in bed.

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