
Racism, including ethnic hatred, nationalism and equating religion to race

Kyle Hunt #wingnut #racist #conspiracy renegadetribune.com

have not been paying too much attention to the MAGA crowd now that their ZOG emperor has fallen from grace, but they are still going strong on a number of social networks and have big plans for the elections in 2022 and 2024. While many of these guys may rail against the “ChiComs” and “Beijing Biden”, many of their leading figures are actually in bed with the red dragon.
Could it be that a number of outlets that purport to be for “nationalists” are actually on the payroll of the CCP, like Steve Bannon? I am not saying they might not also be getting checks from our other “greatest allies” in Tel Aviv, Brooklyn, or wherever, but that these shills are definitely all on the same page regarding red China

Let’s have a look at how other figures within the “right wing” have also celebrated Chinese communism.
Posting Xi’s address to the Chinese people he rules over as if he is some glorious leader for our cause? This is really some great China hasbara!

Here’s National Bolshevik Keith Woods (who is still allowed on jewTube), talking about how China is actually a nationalist state, and not at all Marxist-Leninist.
Now for perhaps the worst China shill of them all, Andrew Anglin. This midget may like the Chinese because he at least gets to feel like he has an average height when around them, but more likely he is getting paid big bucks for his CCP shilling. Could this be where some of his big bitcoin donations came from?
Anglin definitely does not mention all of the jews who were instrumental in bringing Communism to China, which I covered extensively in a show. Instead Anglin just wants us to think about our glorious future living under the rule of the CCP.

Why are supposed “pro-Whites” and “right wingers” fantasizing about the day when we are ruled by Chinese men waving the hammer and sickle? What kind of dream is that?

As for all the real people, it’s our nightmare.

Henry Makow PhD/NH #racist #conspiracy #wingnut henrymakow.com

"Is David Icke obfuscating?

It's the reptilians! It's a mind virus!
It's not the Rothschilds." I asked.

NH replied--

This is the question, IMO: has David Icke been "turned"? And the answer is "yes" but probably not overtly. That is, he probably has not been recruited explicitly, but people have been sent to gas-light the living shit out of him and he soaks up their proffered nonsense like a sponge - and believes most of it: things like aliens from another dimension feeding on our negative emotions - and shape-shifting Draco reptilians running the show on Earth.

I know people who knew David from the get-go and used to help get him new venues when the Jews would have his venues cancelled at the last minute in Vancouver - and David would stay in their home rather than a hotel. But now he shows up at the Queen E. Theatre/Auditorium in Vancouver where all the "elites" hold their speaking (brain-washing) engagements and stays in the best hotels. In short, David is short on brains, has a big ego, loves to hear himself talk and believes his own conclusions, no matter how implausible. I think he means well but is like the idiot cousin that you hide in the back room when you have visitors you are trying to impress.
Go to any Canadian library and look up "conspiracy theory". You will find almost all of David Icke's stupid books and practically nothing else other than a thick Rothschild hagiography and a few odds and inconsequential sods. In other words, the "illuminati" absolutely love David Icke - they adore him.
You could never ever invent a better propaganda shield than David Icke no matter how hard you tried; and sadly, my friends that know him are now mad at me 'cuz I unwisely told them he and Alex Jones are full of shit. Jones actually hits a "home run" once in a while and does some good. But I would rather get a root canal than hear David Icke blather on about "vibrations", Ayahuasca, reptilians and whatever other nonsense pops into his fevered "unconsciousness".

James Fulford #racist vdare.com

As to who exactly that means, it might mean the "Old Stock" Americans, who as I said of Neil Gorsuch's ancestors, were already present in the US, meeting the boats that came in to Ellis Island in the 1890s, but we usually use it to mean "the Historic American Nation as it had evolved up to 1960"—I. E. the "Old Stock" plus the Ellis Island contingent, who the Great Pause had encouraged to assimilate.

It would be easier to say who it doesn't mean—people like Filipino illegal immigrant Jose Antonio Vargas, the Arab taxi drivers who shut down JFK recently, people like that.

Odessa14 #psycho #racist #wingnut stormfront.org

Re: US Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade, making abortion officially outlawed nationwide

I’m not exactly in favor of this . I want more and more muds to kill their demons . I want these commies to not have kids and kill their kids to. This will lead to more commies and more muds . If we push abortion hard enough , we can help our enemies eradicate themselves . Let’s do this , pro death .

Charlie Kirk #fundie #racist #wingnut twitter.com

Hearing from Chick-Fil-A employees that they were required to be vaccinated by Feb 4th or face risk of termination We already know Chick-Fil-A is sympathetic to BLM and donated to groups that support abortion...why are they further betraying their alleged Christian roots?

Brett Stevens #racist amerika.org

However, in the 1960s, destroying the status quo became the new cool, and Hollywood jumped to step and fetch it. This introduced the platitudes/consequences split that Kersey so expertly satires, in which:

We want to believe. We would like to have positive attitudes toward African-Americans integrating into society.

We symbolize. Instead of showing a literal integration, we decide to show strong symbols of African-American success.

We portray a false reality. As a result, in movies African-Americans act in a way that shows little resemblance to reality.

We form a crowd. Anyone who does not speak, act and portray this false reality is now viewed as an ideological enemy, even if they’re African-American.

True, there were plenty of exceptions to the rule — Dirty Harry’s legendary rash of beating up minorities in order to get to a white serial killer, or the blaxploitation films of the 1970s, or even the forced diversity in Star Wars — Lando Calrissian — turning out to be more of a traitor, pimp and two-faced double-dealer than positive role model. But for the most part, Hollywood has shown us the shiny happy people version of race relations: African-American presidents, hackers, doctors, lawyers, judges and superheroes.

Kersey mocks this trend with a method dear to my heart, because it combines both the left and right brains. From the geeky scientist side of the brain, he takes a love for facts and figures and citations; from his liberal arts major side, a love of the juxtaposition with ironic commentary. The blog posts (from SBPDL) that he reprints to make this book consistently show us a concrete example from a Hollywood film, then hit us with the statistical reality, then point out the logical inconsistency and show us how we are being manipulated.

Missouri TV Viewer #racist cnn.com

Excerpt from the article:

"Hi, this evening your Asian anchor mentioned something about being Asian, and Asian people eat dumplings on New Year's Day. And I kind of take offense to that because what if one of your white anchors said, 'Well White people eat this on New Year's Day'. I don't think it was very appropriate that she said that, and she was being very Asian. I don't know. She can keep her Korean to herself," the caller said on the voice message.
"Alright, sorry. It was annoying. Because, if a White person would say that, they would get fired (chuckles). So, say something about what White people eat. Alright, thank you," the caller added.

Ernest Laverdiere Jr./James Rink #crackpot #conspiracy #racist #ufo #magick #wingnut supersoldiertalk.com

INTEL High Point Notes – Quantum Shift

(fellow online researcher via email)


1. In about 3 weeks the people will begin getting a monthly stipend. (UBI)

2. The Khazarians are Nazis from Mars and so are the satanic Orthodox Jews.

3. A phony war will start so the White Hats can use the ‘Rods of God’ on the Satanists.

4. Athletes & Pilots are dropping dead from drinking Adrenochrome after being jabbed.

5. Antarctica and Iceland were cleaned up of the Martians by Russia & U.S. Forces.

6. Inside Volcanoes are Adrenochrome Labs run by the Greys.

7. The Rockefeller Foundation is responsible for the sexual perversions in America.

8. Apple Cider Vinegar contains parasites just like pork. (stick to veggies)

9. David Icke is a Martian Asset. The Maxwells are Martian Royalty.

10. The Suez Canal incident was to stop child trafficking through a portal there.

11. Gitmo has gone from 700 prisoners to 30 who got life in prison. (670 dead)

12. Whoopie and Jenny McCarthy from the View have Covid. (Gitmo bound)

13. The destruction of Big Pharma is underway.

14. Quantum banking is to protect privacy and money.

15. Elvis had access to a time machine.

16. Project Looking Glass sees the future.

17. 5G has been made safe back to 432 hertz. (healing frequency)

Pro-White Party #homophobia #racist dailystormer.name

Too bad politicians in the West don’t have the honesty to talk about protecting children from homosexuals. Even though homosexuals make up about 1.5 percent of the US population, studies suggest that they commit close to 33 percent of the child molestation.

Africa has a very serious problem with homosexual and bisexual men spreading AIDS. One source notes “17 million people have died since the AIDS epidemic began in the 1970s, more that 3.3 million of those children. An additional 12 million children have been orphaned by AIDS.” A responsible nation would pass laws to try to control the problem, but our liberal news media acts as though any repression of homosexuality is some great outrage.

The Russian republic under Vladimir Putin has banned homosexuals from trying to brainwash and recruit Russian children into their decadent lifestyle. The Supreme Court of India has recently ruled that homosexuality is illegal and even Red China considers homosexuality an immoral behavior.

The reason that homosexuals are promoted in our society is because the Jews protect them and see them as their allies. Weak-minded liberals, who don’t realize the danger to their children, are brainwashed to tolerate and accept homosexuals. Meanwhile, God clearly condemned homosexuality in Leviticus 18, just in case anyone cares.

fresauva & MeropeGaunt #racist #sexist thepinkpill.co

How do I warn other immigrant woman about "american men"

As part of the Latin community, I hear too often how they would love to come to America and meet an American man because they are better than whatever they have back at home. They think white american=higher income, higher morals, family-oriented man whos hard working and loyal waiting for the trad-like foreign goddess to start a family with...and we all know that this is far from the truth. Most likely they would meet a porn obsessed dude who looks at them like a porn fetish website category "latina" and even looks down on her for being brown (with the growth of incels into race theory it wouldn't be surprising)

Introduce them to 4Chan. No, seriously. I was attracted to white men when I was thirteen, and after 4Chan I currently don't see them as human. Other races besides my own, Indians and the Japanese have not provoked such a visceral response in me the way 4Chan thrashed around the reputation of white American men.

It was in these forums that I witnessed men discussing how latinas were "to have sex with" and white women to "marry with" and how we are good for a good time and nothing else.

My latina friends tried to marry white men, then realized the truth and are all married to latino men with full families and children.

As a Latin American woman, I know American men are full of shit. A lot of European men too. A lort of them come to live here, which is odd because we have lots of social and economical problems. They start talking to me, and I realize why they came: to have a good time. To party and do stupid shit they're not allowed to do back home. And to have sex, thinking we latinas are all "whores". They don't say it, but they attitude shows it. A couple of weeks ago a British man that lives here started talking to me and his entitled ass thought he knew more about the country I've been living in for almost thirty years, even my own town (!) than me.

Hippocrates #dunning-kruger #racist #wingnut amren.com

In an Italian study, whites and blacks were shown videos of hands being pricked with a needle. When whites saw white person’s hand being pricked, they registered a “signature empathic brain response” indicating that they were emotionally disturbed. When they saw a video of a black person’s hand being pricked, they did not.

The blacks who viewed the same videos reacted in the opposite way.

Subjects were also shown a video in which the hand being pricked was purple. Remarkably, in this case, both blacks and whites were emotionally disturbed by seeing someone of the “purple” race suffering pain.

Prof. Avenanti and his colleagues interpret the results as showing that people are emotionally disturbed by seeing someone of their own race and also people of a different (“purple”) race suffering pain, except when they have had experience with the different race. It is likely that people have a genetically programmed propensity to empathize with members of their own race but to feel indifferent to suffering experienced by members of another race with which they are familiar.

This conclusion makes sense in the light of common observation. Whites make large voluntary donations to alleviate suffering affecting “purple” people who live far away in such places as Africa, Haiti, or Pakistan. Whites are less inclined, however, to alleviate the suffering of other races they do know. In America a welfare state would require whites to support blacks, and because whites have personal experience of blacks, they are less sympathetic to their suffering. At the same time, it is well known that blacks make charitable contributions almost without exception to organizations set up to help blacks.

In Florida, a large population of elderly whites pays only grudgingly for schools that will mostly benefit blacks and Hispanics. Maine, Vermont, and West Virginia are the most racially homogeneous states, and spend the highest proportion of gross state product on education.

Prussian Society of America #racist #psycho prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "The European World will never be Protected and Insured until all Anglo-Saxons and Celts are eliminated"]

In every Nation where they are, they present a grave danger, not just within the British Isles, but whether they be in America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and elsewhere

Many Dutch are also trash and half Jewish, which would also need to be eliminated

While as Germans we have many regional enemies, and we have others who exist confined to certain borders, the key element to eliminate are the Anglo-Saxons and Celts, as they present a danger to the entire world
These people cannot even be left alone among themselves, because they present a very grave danger, and one in which the majority of the world at present may not realize how dangerous the Judeo-Anglo-Celtic Race are
Even as much as we have our dislike towards other Barbarian Nations, none comes to the levels of hatred we possess towards the people of the British Isles

A day will arrive that people will take witness to the crimes of the English and Celtic Nations, including America, and will despise them with all of their might
No amount of ruthlessness can be considered too much or ever spared when it comes to these people, and I would encourage not only Germans, but any Nation who has to deal with them if we were to have a New War with them to absolutely have their way to destroy them, taking their Women into captivity, Enslaving the Men and Women with the most utter and ruthless treatment, denying them of any rights and decency
We are burdened by the fact that too many people want to have a good-willed approach to the English and Celtic people, and many that admire them but do not recognize how cleverly these people conceal their crimes and atrocities throughout history, in which they have stolen and secured victories for themselves, which they were not entitled too

Shane Vaughn #racist youtube.com

[in response to Kim Potter being found guilty of Daunte Wright’s manslaughter]

BLM does not seek peace, it seeks war! It does not seek understanding, it seeks tyranny!

BLM is demons, and you tell them I said so. Give them my mailing address: [redacted]. You demon spirit called BLM, I curse you in the name of Yeshua the Messiah for what you have done in the United States of America, you Nephilim demon spirit!

We will not surrender to your demands. Why? Because no demand they ever make will satisfy their demon minds. God bless America, the greatest nation on the face of planet Earth! And we will never, ever surrender to these demon powers called Black Lives Matters! You demons from Hell, go back to the roach pit from whence you came, saith the Lord!

Dave Bateman #conspiracy #mammon #racist #wingnut rawstory.com

Major Utah GOP donor says 'the Jews' are using COVID-19 vaccines to 'euthanize the American people'

On Tuesday, Deseret News reported that Dave Bateman, the cofounder of tech company Entrata and a major financial backer of the Republican Party, mass-emailed several tech executives and elected officials claiming that COVID-19 vaccines are a Jewish plot to depopulate the world.

“I write this email knowing that many of you will think I’m crazy after reading it,” wrote Bateman. “I believe there is a sadistic effort underway to euthanize the American people. It’s obvious now. It’s undeniable, yet no one is doing anything. Everyone is discounting their own judgement and dismissing their intuition. I believe the Jews are behind this.”

Bateman didn't stop there, expounding on his ideas of how the Pope is a Jewish agent and there is a Jewish plot to create a one world government.

“For 300 years the Jews have been trying to infiltrate the Catholic Church and place a Jew covertly at the top,” Bateman continued. “It happened in 2013 with Pope Francis. I believe the pandemic and systematic extermination of billions of people will lead to an effort to consolidate all the countries in the world under a single flag with totalitarian rule. I know, it sounds bonkers. No one is reporting on it, but the Hasidic Jews in the US instituted a law for their people that they are not to be vaccinated for any reason.”

MikeofAges #conspiracy #racist #wingnut amren.com

Greg and Chris look at the evidence that the GOP is attracting more Hispanic support and ask if it’s really true. More importantly, they ask how much it really matters.

The Dems are insane because they depend on a series of anomalies to be competitive. Almost all of the black vote. The crazy feminist vote. The left wing white vote. The vote of non-traditional elements in the big cites (LBGTQ, leftover hippies, avant garde artists and so-on). Then they still have to get the vote of the socially conservative elements - the white blue collar workers, white ethnics, rural Democrats, suburban moms. Then they need large pluralities among the other-than-black minority groups

Lose any one of these groups and they are in trouble. Lose two of them and they are sunk. Right now, their accustomed pluralities among Hispanics, white ethnics and white blue collar workers all are at risk. The leftist vote is at risk too because this a group which can either turn to a minor party or just not participate if they are not satisfied.

What happens when you run out of white males to dispossess? They're starting to hit the women though. What I think is that they believe that they can replace the white productive class with East and South Asians, the biracial descendants of today's white Americans and the descendants of today's gentrified Hispanics. I think you call that Latin America. They're hoping for an improved version, one with an equally productive overclass they can continue to live off of just like they live off of whites today.

I have long known the plan. The plan for me as a white male poverty survivor with a high-end IQ has always been one of these. Be a lifelong hippie. Or be some kind of weird activist. Or collect a check and show up on election day and shut up the rest of the time. Or start a business and pay the taxes to fund everyone's self-actualization but my own.

They have a life plan for everyone.

Ethan Huff/The Covid Blog #homophobia #racist #wingnut #quack #conspiracy naturalnews.com

The pro-LGBTQ Human Rights Campaign (HRC) conducted a survey recently which found that upwards of 92 percent of all members of its community have received at least one injection of a Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccine.”

A press release about the HRC Foundation Survey reveals that homosexuals, bisexuals, transgenders, queers and others of this nature are among the most likely demographic to willingly and eagerly roll up their sleeves to get jabbed by the government and Big Pharma.
LGBTQ Asians and Pacific Islanders are the most compliant at 96 percent, followed by 90 percent of LGBTQ Hispanics. Black LGBTQs clocked in at 85 percent compliance, as did Native American, Alaskan, Middle Eastern and North African LGBTQs.

For some reason, light-skinned LGBTQs (Caucasians) were not even mentioned in this survey category (because white people are bad, according to the Left).
The only time white LGBTQs are even mentioned at all in the survey is when the HRC makes the claim that non-whites are experiencing far more “covid deaths” among their friends and family members – the suggestion being that covid is “racist” against “people of color.”
The Covid Blog finds none of this surprising in light of the fact that LGBTQs tend to be among the most aggressive pro-jab zealots in society. Even outside of the covid injection lineup, LGBTQs tend to be heavy promoters of vaccines in general.

“The current LGBTQ crowd as a whole are intolerant of any views contrary to theirs and will aggressively target anyone who expresses those views,” wrote one commenter at The Covid Blog. “Even other gay people.”

“So when you virtue signal and embrace the woke narrative, accept the consequences. The phrase ‘get woke, go broke’ should also include for the vaxxers ‘and suffer from your choices,” which include possibly life-changing injury and death.”

I.N. #racist #psycho #homophobia #wingnut #dunning-kruger chechar.wordpress.com

[From "First 2022 post"]

Hello Mr César. First of all, allow me to express my deep gratitude for feeling that my comment from exactly a year ago deeply resonates with you. It is an honour
I hope this comment grants me access to your select group of SS-like Seers[…]and zealots devoted to the manifestation of our pure and unquenchable desire to watch or at least contribute to the eventual absolute and uncontested domination of the Aryan superman over the entirety of this globe
A future in which energy consumption from a constantly growing and mentally passive and incompetent population of shitskins (that can barely function in their day to day lives without big state welfare at our expense or grasp rudimentary concepts, much less work) exceedingly supersedes the rate, the percentage and the quantity of the extraction, distribution, availability and affordability of rapidly depleting natural resources, is unsustainable and falls into the realm of childish science-fiction
Non-Nordic so-called ‘whites’ must accept that they are nothing more than stepping stones for Nordids and failed test subjects in this most intricate experiment called Life that evolution has chosen to discard
As for homosexuality, Himmler aptly addressed this matter in his speech dissecting this pathology and linking it with the chastity of the Catholic clergy
Sooner or later, all other hominid subspecies, even those that have common enemies with us or have forged uneasy alliances with whites in the past like Palestinians, Syrians, Iranians and Japanese respectively, are to be sacrificed at the altar of the doctrine of utter exterminationism like you espouse Mr César
Whites should honour and pay tribute to their heroes and forefathers[…]and strive to surpass them[…]Adolf Hitler was right and if the West refuses to accept this fact it will sooner or later be annihilated

Chris Roberts #racist amren.com

Islam Won’t Conquer the World — But Africa Might

For at least 20 years, political commentators have written about the “Islamification” of Europe. Mainstream critics of this transformation are worth reading (Oriana Fallaci, Daniel Pipes, Mark Steyn, Bruce Bawer, et. al.) — but they are short-sighted. In the years to come, Muslim fertility in Europe will certainly continue to outpace that of non-Muslims:


But in the decades to come the difference between those two groups will pale in comparison to the birthrates of black Africans.



It is strange to imagine now, but just as today Arabs pour into Europe, by 2040, blacks may be pouring into the Middle East and Asia. This African population bomb is a threat not just to the West, but to the world. I am a white advocate, but I have no desire to see the advanced civilizations of Asia submerged by a black tide. Even Islamic societies have contributed to advances in math, astronomy, and architecture, among other things.

Black Africans never developed a written language, built a two-story building, or invented the wheel. And scientists, from liberals such as Jared Diamond to race realists such as Razib Khan, have long noted that the biggest genetic gulf between human populations is between sub-Saharan Africans and everyone else. Here’s how American Renaissance contributor Glayde Whitney illustrated the difference:


Islam is a threat to the West, but blacks threaten the world. Chinese, Persians, Japanese, etc. should worry, too. None of us stands to gain from becoming variations of Nigeria or Haiti.

The_Trouvere #pratt #racist forum.literotica.com

Nope, I'm making the choice to ignore your perspective.

Just because you like to talk about your bullshit doesn't mean anyone is required to acknowledge it or discuss it with you.

What have I ever posted here about Negroes that is not true? Post it; let's discuss it. If you refuse, you are admitting that what I say about Negroes is true.

I have said, and now repeat, that by every objective measurable criterion blacks tend to be significantly less intelligent than whites.


Blacks have a murder rate that is nearly eight times the white rate.


They have an illegitimacy rate that is two and a half times the white rate.


Those who still blame white racism for black social pathology cannot explain why black rates of crime and illegitimacy have risen since 1964, when the Civil Rights Act was passed, and the War on Poverty was declared. They cannot explain the persistence of the race gap in academic performance, despite expensive programs like Head Start and No Child Left Behind.

My explanation is that human evolution has not prepared most Negroes for characteristics necessary to contribute to civilization. Characteristics that enabled the ancestors of Negroes to thrive in sub Saharan Africa cause many of them to earn felony convictions in civilized countries.

During most of history in civilized countries, most criminals were killed at the scene of the crime, like Trayvon Martin, they died in custody, like George Floyd, or they were executed. The few children some of them had rarely lived to adulthood. Consequently, crime gene alleles were removed from the genomes of civilized countries.

This is why the two civilized races have lower crime rates than the other races, and much lower crime rates than Negroes.

Torchy Blane #conspiracy #quack #sexist #homophobia #transphobia #racist #wingnut #dunning-kruger winterwatch.net

The Crime Syndicate — or what some call the “New World Order” — do much more than culturally attack masculinity. A critical element of their crackpot plan and assault is to put or allow toxic agents into the environment that cause demasculinization.

For those who live in the U.S., this is manifested in what I would call the “metrosexual” or “fem” look. I first became aware of it in about 2000. At first, I thought it was just dress style and changing cultural norms, but gradually I realized it was more. This has mostly emerged and is noticeable among the Millennial and Y generations, meaning people born between about 1980 and 2005. It’s a bit less pronounced in Europe, at least as you go East.
All Species Becoming More Feminized
The herbicide atrazine is one of the most liberally applied pesticides in the world. As a result, atrazine is the most commonly detected pesticide contaminant of ground, surface and drinking water. It’s also a potent endocrine disruptor that is active at low concentrations.
Accordingly, pregnant women whose fetuses are exposed to this agent end up reproducing males with smaller or deformed genitalia. An increasing number of our males are experiencing delayed puberty, falling sperm counts and a rise in gender confusion as boys are increasingly feminized.
This topic goes on and on, and we could write a 5,000-word article full of just-the-facts citations. But of particular note is the lack of concern and the “what, me worry?” attitude of the Monsanto lobby, trans-humanists, transgender- and homosexual-infested health and governmental agencies running the show. Not much shows up in the Lugenpresse on this development either. WW submits it is all by design.

Benjamin Fulford #crackpot #conspiracy #racist #magick benjaminfulford.net

There are multiple signs that a final defeat of the Satanic Khazarian mafia is likely in 2022. The year 2021 year of the bull featured a largely successful defense against a Khazarian mafia plot to kill 90% of humanity. Now, the year of the tiger means we go on the offensive and destroy the final remnants of this ancient, evil cabal.

The key to victory is to locate and apprehend David Rockefeller Jr. and other members of the Rockefeller family in order to end their control of the Fortune 500 companies, including the pharmacidical corporations promoting the fake pandemic and related vaccine fascism, Mossad and CIA sources say. Until this happens, the corporate US government, their fake Joe Biden regime and treasonous governments in the G7 remain the heart of darkness on the planet earth.

While most of the world has been protected from the Khazarian mafia attempt to kill six billion people, Asian secret society sources describe what is happening in the US and other Western countries as a “murder-suicide.” The masters of the ancient system of Babylonian slavery would rather kill their slaves -including the Jews- than lose power, say Asian secret society sources who have been trying to force the Satanists to surrender.
MI6 describes the sort of horrific acts carried out by the top Babylonians: “When the two world trade centers were built, David Rockefeller presided over an orgy where they killed children and had sex in their blood.” MI6 adds “We have a video of the ceremony where they cut off children’s heads and have sex with the head.” Now you can see why David Rockefeller Jr. is a person of interest.

Inviting people to such events and filming them means “They have a file on everybody in the world, basically everybody is blackmailed. It is a compromise and control network,” the agency notes.

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #racist #sexist #elitist #wingnut 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "@JamesDubhthaigh - are they too dumb to figure out I.D. because they're black, or leftists?"]



That’ll show the city that requiring a VALID ID to vote is unacceptable!

I.D and voter suppression laws (passed by REPUBLICANS) that somehow only targets black people who vote for the Democratic Party? ??
10:15 PM · Apr 2, 2021

Why can't niggers get I.D., exactly?

I understand that the traditional inner-city American black method of obtaining wanted items (violent looting) doesn't exactly work at the DMV, since like gift cards hanging at the checkout counter in The Bay they are useless unless they are activated in store (unless they're being sly, which again would really be playing against type)

However surely all but the stupidest black (of which I'm sure there's intense competition, maybe we should have some sort of awards show?) can still understand that all you have to do is go to the Department of Motor Vehicles which is a joke you'd hear at any show at The Apollo, bring your Birth Certificate (don't worry if you don't know who your father is, it's not part of the process) and your Social Insurance Number (and every nigger knows it off by heart), pay a fee (unless it's waived for you, which is an example of black privilege that taxpaying whites don't get), and boom: ID. Or you can just go to the DMV with your glock and threaten all the white people who are paying your freight. One or the other, I suppose

If it's all too much, then you being disenfranchised is a net good for society and we should all be cheering it on. There's a reason government ballooned into a leviathan in the era where women and non-property owners got to vote

Doctor Placebo #racist kiwifarms.net

Not everything that's racist is a major social problem. The belief that it is and subsequent overcompensation to "combat" it has caused far more harm to society than the minor, incidental racism. On top of stifling everyone's ability to actually talk frankly and honestly about race and creating a whole lot of resentment, its enabled a generation of narcissistic grifters, many of whom are straight up sociopaths.

And that's not getting into how the current "antiracism" craze is openly racist against white people, often in more extreme ways than all but the most fringe cases of the racism they claim to be combating.

In short, the song was right, and if anything is more timely than ever.

Sjw-resistance #dunning-kruger #racist deviantart.com

First off, RIP to Betty White, she brought many decades of laughs. Secondly, these lowlifes will use anything and anyone to enforce the Communist agenda. They didn't waste any time.

It's one thing to hate someone who's still among the living, it's a waste of emotional energy to continue to harbor bitterness and resentment against someone after they're dead and buried. At that point, you really need to let it go and move on.

Hope they never reach 1/10th of her age.

Failing to do that, I hope to get to push them in the ovens, myself.

1488 degrees, to be precise.

Brother Nathanael #racist #wingnut #conspiracy #quack realjewnews.com

We’re in a “braver” new world where science serves technology.

Where technology serves control.

Where control is served through the agency of the State.

And money controls the State.

Jews got the money and the control.

If you had any doubts, why then are the main characters of our “braver new world” all Jews?
We don’t need test-tube-babies for our “braver new world.”

Simply scare the goys into obeisance and a Jewish Caste System of the rulers-over-the-ruled comes forth:

Alpha Class.

These are the rulers, the intelligentsia, the Covid-approved scientists, and the talking heads.

They are Jews.

Beta Class.

These are of the professional class.

They tout the diktats of the Alphas.

They are Goys, simply shills of the Jews.

Epsilon Class.

These are are a piece of the human species who are stunted by mental deprivation.

They perform functional work for the Alphas.

They are Goys.
It’s a “Braver New World.”

Alphas, Betas, Epsilons, and lately “Deltas” and now “Omicrons” are upon us.

Aren’t you glad you got jabbed?

Don’t you wish everybody did?

JE Aggas #crackpot #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy #racist decodingsatan.blogspot.com

Marx in English Gematria Equals: 336
336+633=969 Speed of Saturn

Karl Marx Was A Freemason in English Gematria Equals: 1428
1428+8241=9669/6996 Speed of Saturn
969=969+9x6x9=486 486+969=1455

Karl Marx (5 May 1818 – 14 March 1883)

Birth..5/5=Hiram Abiff
"Hiram Abiff" in the English Reduction system equals 55
5+5+18+18=46=Mark of Cain
Karl Marx in English Gematria Equals:
588 98
Angel Of Death, Chosen One, Eleven Cubed,
Python, Luciferian, Israelite

Eleven cubed 11x11x11=1331

The Destruction Of The Human Race in Jewish Gematria Equals: 1331
Newspapers, The source of evil, The human extinction secret, Jerusalem Post, Martyr of religious hate, Heavenly Chaos, The Art of War

"Karl" in the English Reduction system equals 15=Samael
Samael" in the English Reduction system equals 15
Karl in J/e/s Gematria Equals: 111/252/42

Marx" in the English Reduction system equals 20 = ISIS, GOLD, DEATH

Marx in J/e/s Gematria Equals: 411/336/56
336+633=969 Speed of Saturn
Christmas, Dark Matter, Hexagon, Light, Three, Wolf, April, Molech, Cult, Druid

"Henrietta Pressburg" in the English Reduction system equals 90
Henrietta Pressburg in J/e/s Gematria Equals: 962/1350/225
Royal Highness Of Judah in Simple Gematria Equals: 225/522

Other 522's

Angela Dorothea Merkel, Karl Marx,
Bill Gates, Clinton, Rand Paul

"Henrietta" in the English Reduction system equals 46
"Seeds of Cain" in the English Reduction system equals 46

Pressburg" in the English Reduction system equals 44
"Jachin Boaz" in the English Reduction system equals 44

Karl Marx born in Trier Germany

49° 45′ 0″ N, 6° 38′ 0″ E

Steve Sailer #racist vdare.com

First, no, Asian countries west of the Khyber Pass are treated as white/Caucasian. In the 1970 Census, Asians all the way to Bangladesh were treated as white/Caucasian.

Second, and more important, lumping South Asian in with East Asia is due to demands from South Asians in the 1970s to make them eligible for minority privileges such as low interest SBA loans.

This is the Big One of this line of thinking—blacks are the Most Diverse—but I’ve never seen an example given of how this could be useful in regard to African-Americans, who tended to be highly blended. It would be important if, say, African-American descendants of the Shona Bantu tribe tended to have significant medical differences from African-American descendants of the Ngala Bantu tribe, and individual African-Americans could check off a box to tell you that.

But, first, there aren’t all that many big genetic differences among Bantus. Second, Bantus and Bantu-adjacent West Africans contribute the great majority of the sub-Saharan genetic heritage to American Descendants of Slaves. Third, the real exotics among sub-Saharans, such as Pygmies and Bushmen, are vanishingly rare among ADOS. Fourth, virtually no ADOS is an unmixed descendant of any one Bantu tribe.

Steve Sailer #racist unz.com

Granted, Scientific American is a lot more broke and woke today than 20 years ago. But still … the dumbing down of American discourse has really accelerated during the Great Awokening, and especially during the Racial Reckoning.

In sizable part, this is because of the triumph of the Theory of Intersectionality, which states that if black women have had the fewest interesting things to say about, say, evolutionary theory (or other difficult, non-hair-related topics) in the past, that proves they have the most interesting things to say about evolutionary theory in the present.

But … it sure looks like: no, they don’t.

Larry Murdock #dunning-kruger #racist amren.com

How One Black Man Came to Be What Liberals Call “Racist”

Never in 1,000 years did I imagine that I would end up the person that I am today: a black race realist — someone who believes IQ is normally distributed and that averages may differ among races the same way other genetic variables do. Two things contributed to my conversion to race realism. The first was my training — I have an MS in chemistry — and the second was a lot of life experience.

How did my training help lead to my conversion? A chemist looks at a system, without prejudice, and in a process called abductive reasoning, tries to choose the best explanation.

Life in China (since age 26)

If you have Chinese people in a fishing village, they will turn it into a city. If you have the same number of black people, it will stay a fishing village. Or if you let them take over a city — Detroit, for example — it will stop from being a functioning, gleaming city and become something more like a fishing village.

Social Media, etc.

Facebook is depressing. Probably about 40 percent of my Facebook friends are black, and they share way too much about the minutiae of their lives. You have to read about every single time they pull into McDonald’s. They also come up with about 90 percent of the worst, most poorly reasoned arguments. You name it, I’ve read it: Black Egypt, Marxism, legal pontification on the Trayvon Martin case by people who can’t spell.

I’ve argued on Facebook until I was almost blue in the face that when someone attacks you and you fear for your life you are justified in defending yourself. I have also pointed out that most black people are killed by other black people, and that proportionately far more white people are killed by blacks than the other way around.

It just became too much for me. It uses up all your energy to argue with even one unintelligent person. Try arguing with 40 million people, most of whom don’t have it together.

Hunter Wallace #wingnut #racist #conspiracy occidentaldissent.com

[From "The Course of White Advocacy"]

Jason Kessler would like to debate me about White advocacy

Specifically, the issues that he wants to debate are 1.) whether criticizing Jews should be at the forefront of White advocacy and 2.) whether White advocates should abstain from public activism. This strikes me as a weird set of issues, but I am looking forward to humoring Kessler on this next year

As an activist, I have attended a lot of public events over the course of the last ten years. I can’t think of a single one that was about the Jewish Question. In fact, every single rally or event that I ever attended as a League of the South activist was about some other issue: Southern demographic displacement, immigration, state sovereignty, anti-communism, amnesty for illegal aliens, black crime, civil liberties, secession, protecting Southern jobs, Confederate monuments, gay marriage. We’ve also done hurricane relief in Florida, but there haven’t been any events which I have attended including Unite the Right which were about Jews. There are people who have attended these events who are aware of Jews

It seems that Jason Kessler would rather have us not talk about Jews. He seems irritated by the fact that I noted that the ADL was suing the Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers over January 6th on the basis of another Charlottesville-style conspiracy theory
Even if we ignored or tried to appease the elephant in the room, the Jews aren’t going to ignore us and leave us alone
The Jewish Question is taking longer than other issues we talk about to go mainstream, but it is slowly but surely happening
Insofar as we engage in public activism, it should be low cost and a net benefit, not a detriment, to our cause. It should also be more mindful of political realities like the political climate inside shitlib cities like Charlottesville

Benjamin Fulford #crackpot #racist #wingnut #conspiracy benjaminfulford.net

The Italian white nobility has sent mafia assassins to Rome to avenge the murder of Pope Francis by the Khazarian Satanists, P3 Freemason sources say. The closure of St. Peter’s on Christmas day was the trigger, they say.

The Pope was killed and replaced because he was against the ongoing vaccine campaign, they add. “The war against kaballa [the Khazarian Mafia] and the war against the vaccine are the same game because the vaccine is the Armageddon of the Kabala to fuck the world,” a P3 source said.

The top Khazarian mafia assassins are also in Rome as a secret war rages there, the sources continue. They also used their propaganda media to disseminate a fake story about masked social distancing worshipers watching the Pope discuss hot-button issues for Israel.

The fight over the Pope is only one part of the ongoing war to liberate humanity from the Khazarian mafia.
At this point, I want to once again make clear that the KM is not Jewish. What we are dealing with is the ancient enemies of the Jews, known as the Hyksos or Babylonians. They worshipped a goat faced god with a forked tail known as Baphomet, Ba’al, Molech, Set, Satan etc. (do a google search of famous people making satanic hand signs to see for yourself) Their leaders, like the Rothschild family, claim to be descended from the ancient Babylonian king Nimrod who rebelled against God.

When this writer was invited to join the Satanists they said the world was full of suffering because the creator was evil and needed to be overthrown. This is not just ancient history. The KH facility of CERN in Switzerland features a statue of the god Shiva dancing a dance to “destroy a weary universe.” That is why the white hats attacked CERN on Christmas eve.

The KM also say they want to kill 90% of humanity. I have it on tape.

So, when so-called Rabbis call me anti-semitic, I say “rabbi shmabbi.” These Satanists have enslaved the Jews for thousands of years.

Lee_CPA #pratt #racist amren.com

Officer Potter simply did not commit a crime. The prosecution conceded that she did not intend to shoot Wright and that she made a mistake by pulling out and firing a gun instead of a Taser. Under American law, honest mistakes are not crimes. Every American, regardless of race or political persuasion, should be concerned when a decent police officer is indecently charged and convicted for making the kind of honest mistake that any person could make when confronted with the pressures of a life-or-death immediate decision.

The police are already starting to back down from, well, policing black neighborhoods and cities. This past weekend, I had to drive across a major metropolitan area to get to the grandkids. Usually, in years past, police would have been running radar every two miles on a holiday weekend. This weekend? NADA. Nary a squad car in sight. Blacks know this and were zooming around, safe with the realization that the police were nowhere in sight and if they were, they no longer stop a black on a mere traffic violation.

And who can blame the police? Blacks do the most irrational things, such as trying to fight six armed policemen. Things go bad and the officers know they can go from a routine traffic stop to fighting for their lives in less than a second. Then, in today's "woke" environment, they are thrown under the bus by their superiors and politicians, crucified in the media, their lives and livelihood ruined.

From what I have read, this female officer really didn't need to be on the streets in a felony stop. She may have had two decades police experience, but most was in administrative positions, not out on a patrol beat. I think she was put into the position of being on the streets due to the manpower shortages caused by the current anti-police societal environment.

How many times do we see this story replayed before the "good" people say enough is enough? Lather, rinse, repeat....

Various Anons #racist #sexist boards.4chan.org

(Canadian Anon)

Why are Asian girls so cute? I always fall victim to their beauty

Why does every Asian girl look like an Asian boy? If you prefer Asian girls, you're probably gay in all honesty.

(Fallen Leaf)
The only way to defeat china is to femininze their males and get them addicted to white cock, then we can have a spiritual advantage over them forever.

(US Anon 1)
So basically what blacks are doing to whites except its just one step down the ladder?

(US Anon 2)
Actually all "cute" women resemble boy faces. I recall reading something about it in regards to evolutionary biology.

(US Anon 3)
Ya they are hairless except where is acceptable. Then the hair is like fine silk. Also they have incredibly small vaginas. Really it never ceases to amaze me. Even the mothers, typically smaller pussy then your avg white bitch. I would never marry one or procreate Bc obviously i dont hate my lineage but y as far as the female form goes they win.
Specifically Vietnamese, Japanese, and korean. The rest are a cope. If you fuck a pinot and start bragging about fucking asians u need to an hero. Even worse if its cambodian or thai. That’s disgusting.

(Mexican Anon)
>Big eyes.
> Fair skin.
> Round face.
> Flat chest (if you're into it).
> Mostly submissive nature.
> Small size.

They're made to suit the natural male instinct to protect and guide. See how most of the traits are similar to a child/baby and you can understand why most males think they're cute.

(UK Anon)
Most females look average, regardless of nationality except niggers, Indians, and Romanians.

(US Anon 4)
You have less steppe rider DNA and more neotenous farmer DNA

Alternatively known as being a faggot

Euroamerican86, Herr Gruber & Starshine Rose #fundie #psycho #racist stormfront.org

South African Anti-Apartheid Campaigner Archbishop Tutu Dies Aged 90

I wouldn't want to be in this guy's shoes as he stands before the judgement seat of Christ. He helped turn South Africa from a prosperous, stable, and safe nation under minority White rule to a crime infested, poor country that can barely keep its stuff together. Shame on him and shame on those who are bemoaning the loss of such a moronic, incompetent leader.

(Herr Gruber)
He should be celebrated for his achievements you've listed, yet again when blacks are in charge of the hen house, it turns to sh1t. When are people going to admit the truth and stop hiding behind cliches..?

(Starshine Rose)
You have that right. A beautiful country ruled by sanity can go from order to chaos by something that can't rule itself but takes and destroys, rapes and murders, complaining how oppressed it is. It never stops. It's isn't human that does this but something else.

Meus #psycho #racist incels.is

Hitler should have exterminated the Slavs

Almost all Slavs are miserable and they make life hell for each other.

The women are soulless golddiggers and whores and the guys have to larp 24/7 that they're tough or someone will fuck with them.

Words can't express what fucking agony it is being a Slav.

Slavs aren't fucking white. Whites have high trust. Slavs aren't trustworthy. If a Frenchman meets a frenchman on a vacation he thinks: "Oh cool, a fellow French". If a Slav meets another Slav he couldn't care less if he lives or dies. There is no warm feelings because someone is from your nation, no solidarity. There is a reason why totalitarianism blossomed there.

Slav males I see are at the bottom of the hierarchy in the US. They idolize low IQ violent gangsters. And try to emulate that being tough guys who are low IQ.

But in the US they get outcompeted there by blacks who are way bigger, stronger and more fearsome. And also by Hispanic gangs which are psychotically violent.

Basically if you are white you make a very poor violent thug and instead should be doing something like a trades business or career or doctor.

niggers+spics = more dark triad than slavs
chinks+curries= smarter than slavs
western euros = better looking than slavs

It's over.

They’re a retarded looking version of Northwest Euros.


Look at the statistic of violence, abortions, drug use, etc...

Slavs are basically niggers who look white.

Guillaume Durocher #racist #wingnut amren.com

Lee Kuan Yew should be a role model for nationalists across the West. He understood not only human capital, racial differences, and ethnic conflict, but navigated these realities to build a thriving nation for his people.

Singapore also practices what can be called biopolitics: policies that affect the biological character of the people through immigration, reproduction, and identity formation.


Lee had no doubt that “talent,” including intelligence, had a significant genetic component. He cited Western IQ research and twin studies showing that intelligence differences between individuals are 50 to 80 percent genetic.

Lee understood racial differences. Observers had long noticed that Malays were easy-living and “lethargic,” while Chinese were driven and entrepreneurial. On trips to Europe, Lee remarked on the differences between efficient Germans and easy-going Italians.

Lee was also impressed by Charles Murray’s The Bell Curve. He said:

The bell curve is a fact of life. The blacks on average score 85 percent on IQ and it is accurate, nothing to do with culture. The whites score on average 100. Asians score more. These are realities that, if you do not accept, will lead to frustration because you will be spending money on wrong assumptions and the results cannot follow.

In an article for The Economist, Lee predicted that Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, coastal China, and Singapore would become very prosperous in the next century, while the rest of Asia would not. National differences were due to “a people’s culture, heredity, and organizational strengths.” Lee was right.

East Asia is the only region in the “global south” with countries that have been able to equal or even surpass Western standards of living. The rest, in the words of Francis Fukuyama, are perpetually trying to “get to Denmark.”

Mauricio #wingnut #racist #psycho chechar.wordpress.com

[Comment under "Reflections of an Aryan woman, 59", about Savitri Devi defending the Einsatzgruppen]

“War is in itself the negation of any anthropocentric faith or philosophy”

Sometimes you read a wise definiton that connects loose ends in your mind, and things become much clearer. Savitri was an amazing woman. Had she been a contemporary, you and her would have made great pen pals

“The tragedy of greatness is to create new life by treading on corpses”

It is only a tragedy if the corpses are White! The death of (sub)human Life that strays from the divine prototype, is a blessing. By bringing Death to all those worthless Slavic mongrels, the Einsatzgruppen were creating new, better Life. White Nationalists need to stop imagining their heroes as good little jew-obeying boy scouts

If we review Savitri’s reflections in this entry, along with your best phrase of this year, “The right way to love women is to implement justice, like the Day of the Rope; the rest is silence”,
we can see how the mentality of a Fourteen-Words Priest resonates deeply with that of a Viking from the Dark Ages

In the first chapter of Beowulf, on king Hrothgar’s mead hall:
“In that towering place, gabled and huge,
Hrothgar sat, waiting for Time to pass; for War to begin!
For the meaning of Life is War,
and Love is a Blade entering the enemy’s Corpse.”

Ilovebunnies19 #racist #pratt reddit.com

The reason they want Kyle found guilty is because of revenge. They want him found guilty because he's white. That's why they keep bringing race into it despite the "victims" being white.

It's the same thing that happened to Chauvin. How exactly was it first degree murder? How was it planned? They only acted that way because he was white. It wasn't justice, it was revenge. The dude was saying how he couldn't breathe before he went on the floor. And had one of the most dangerous drugs in his system- yet somehow that was all overlooked. Even if you could argue it was neglectful, Chauvin got the most extreme punishment possible.

Jerry Derecha/Adrenogate #crackpot #conspiracy #magick #racist adrenogate.net

Yes, Bonacci is a creepy non-human occultist. But that doesn’t mean he’s lying to you about this. He gives one of the most detailed and intuitive, dot-connecting presentations about the theoretical mechanics and inner workings of the toroidal vortex emanating from the Black Sun that projects our sun and moon upwards and onto the plasma belt of the Firmament(the vacuum of outer space does not exist) which casts these sun and moon images at specific heights in our atmosphere through the opening at the North Pole to the Hollow Earth. Both the sun and and moon are LOCAL objects projected onto the concaved dome of our oblate spheroidal Earth/Terra plain or Crater I should say. The Crater Earth Theory lines up nicely with all this as well as Godgevlamste goes into great detail about the plasma belt and some of the more specific logistics of this complicated and admittedly still-working model.
This Black Sun ⚫ has always been a pretty big deal and has been historically spoken of in the same breathe as Agartha and Hollow Earth AND we know that the Nazis were obsessed with the damn thing. So this revelation shouldn’t be that surprising. But it’s not like I ever would have figured it out on my own.

As far as Masons being these “master builders” and stone masonry magicians of sorts, that’s easily one of the more obvious of the many lies they’ve managed to somehow pass-off as historical fact over the decades. Have they ever showcased these “elite Masonry skills” in a live setting? Lol.
The parasitic EL-ite controllers are clowns and phonies. They are the “phony Phonecians”. They inherited everything. It’s called FREEmasonry because they literally got all those beautiful buildings that were built by and for giants, FOR FREE after the last reset. They were the winners of the war(or perhaps the lone survivors of a cataclysm) and had the opportunity to re-write history in their favor and to suit their agenda and motives moving forward.

European Son #pratt #racist amren.com

RE: “I Despise White People” Lawsuit Against OSU Can Go Forward

“I despise white people” Then GET THE KCUF OUT of our country. Screw it, get off our planet.

Would love to see these people manage in Sub-Saharan Africa without the use of anything created, invented or discovered by Whites along with any kind of white aid... Blacks couldn't even manage to invent the wheel and still to this day can't even figure out how to feed themselves without massive aid... Blacks living in white nations have by far the highest quality of life of any Blacks ever yet they seriously think we have somehow wronged them... They should be sent home immediately to face reality...

they cannot possibly despise us more than we do them.

Only difference, of course, is we have legitimate reasons... Blacks benefit immensely from white innovation and living among Whites while Blacks have contributed nothing of value and only bring problems to communities... If Blacks weren't so brainwashed by their "blame whitey" nonsense and were instead aware of the massive benefits they have due to living in white nations along with all that Whites have created and most of all were honest with themselves regarding such things they would be immensely thankful (as they should be) but instead we have to deal with all this...

If a white in that position said something similar about hating blacks OSU would have fired them in lightning speed yet they protect a black saying how she hates white people. Typical in academia.

White money and support is funding institutions that preach hatred against Whites, worship nonwhites and give all kinds of advantages to others and not them... It's insane...

Nothing is more important than uniting as a people in great enough numbers and fighting back as a group because only with numbers can we make real change... and the whole system needs to change...

Henry Makow PhD #conspiracy #racist #homophobia #sexist #transphobia #wingnut #fundie henrymakow.com

"Did you enjoy the Holiday Concert?" the school principal asked my friend.

"Yes, but why didn't you call it a Christmas Concert?'

"Oh I can't. The Superintendent said the concert must be inclusive of all the diverse cultures in the school. We are not allowed to mention Christmas, Christ, or Jesus."

This humiliating scene was replayed millions of times this Christmas season. Some Christian groups even boycotted retailers who dropped the word Christmas from their advertising. Celebrating the central Christian holiday, and even saying "Merry Christmas" has become a political act.

Why has this happened? The answer isn't pretty. The world financial elite wants to eradicate Christianity. Their forerunners crucified Christ. Christianity gives everyone a piece of the pie and elitists want it all for themselves.
According to Christianity, all human beings were created in God's image, i.e. Divine Truth resides in every soul. Accordingly, God loves everyone equally and human life is sacred. Our birthright is to know God by following Christ's teachings.

On the other hand, the New World Order wants to corrupt and debase humanity and snuff out any spark of Divinity. They want to allot us "human rights" (which they determine) instead of acknowledging our God given rights. You see, animals are better to herd and cull.
In our society however, some people are in George Orwell's words, "more equal than others." "Diversity" is a devious ploy to subjugate the Christian majority. Christians have to take a back seat to 1.5% of Jews for whom Chanukah is an insignificant holiday that doesn't even fall on December 25 half of the time. (I won't mention "Kwanza" since most Blacks are Christian.)

To degrade humanity, the elite has to dynamite the four pillars of human identity: race, religion, nation and family. Just as it promotes homosexuality and fe-manism to undermine family, it uses Jewish holidays to destroy Christianity.
No one objects except the foreign-based central bankers and the monolithic occult (i.e. Masonic) political and cultural establishment that they employ.

Arghoslent #homophobia #racist #conspiracy metal-archives.com

[Lyrics to “The Ghosts of Flossenbürg”]

Damnedest of the damned
Outcast among outcasts
Retreat into your land
A hate-bred maelstrom bloomed

Beneath the survival instinct
Infantile sex regression
Here the root causes of sodomy lie

Damnedest of the damned
Outcasts among outcasts
Sickened sodomites are slain
Ridden of their home and hearth

Into retrogressive phallic worship
Jewish archetypes are found
Beneath the inquisitory zeal of de Mepsche

The curse of Gomorrah
Sicken sodomites slain

Beneath the survival instinct
Infantile regression
Here the root causes of sodomy lie

The riddance of Assyrites' king
Beholden to the Jewish star
Sickened sodomites are slain
Ridden of their hearth and home

in retrogressive phallic worship
Jewish archetypes are found
Beneath the inquisitory zeal of de Mepsche

For sixty years
The priest curbs not his desire
In sixty lashes
Disciplined by brute force

In Flossenbürg was rekindled the past
Human targets in perfect formation in Sachsenhausen
Painfully, red hands shoveled the snow
It is gone...

May homophobia outlive us all

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #racist 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "This is my ancestral land (my parents visited me once)"]

You just can't please the jackpine savages

According to a CBC News story from Bobby Hristova, members of the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation are voicing their displeasure after being left out of the Grey Cup acknowledgements[…]

The Gimmie-Credit Indians and the Had-No-Saucy-Sneeze Confederacy are two different groups. So when Leroy Hill stood and claimed that the Grey Cup was being played on his tribe's "sacred territory" yadda yadda yadda, was he outright lying? Did he falsely claim that his tribe owned the land? Was the vaunted oral history in error? After all, when the British wisely took over this empty continent they unwisely paid lip service to who the Red Indians claimed were the proper "owners" (whatever that means in their backwards tribal thinking) of the land in question: these treaties which pretended a couple wandering tribes were equivalent to Russia or Switzerland still had to pick a "current owner". So is this the Had-No-Saucy-Sneeze Indians cleverly retroactively seizing the land from around Hamilton?
The issue is that of course more than one group could have been in the same general vicinity of Edmonton or Hamilton over the 18,000 years of human migration through the region. That is, in fact, the key problem with these land acknowledgements: we're rewarding the most recent thieves of the land to use their own failed logic against them
If the Cree simply were the secondmost recent occupiers of this land, why not include the most recent occupiers: to wit, the British?[…]We shouldn't give two shits who else land "belonged" to other than the current owner: in this case Her Royal Highness Queen Elizabeth II and all her rightful non-Charlie heirs

Various Anons #dunning-kruger #psycho #racist boards.4chan.org

(Polish Anon)

Slavs are polish rapebabies


r1b are niggers, r1a are aryans. In fact being Slavic means being aryan (Also being Sarmatian, Poles are the biggest Sarmatians), westoids BTFO.

More like... POOland

Anon, we are the same as our brethren in the east. Aryan, white blood is strong. We civilized all of the people we came in contact with. Westoids only know how to destroy not build. As a Pole with noble past, i laugh at you mutt.

(US Anon)
i was not aware that the poles were so grand

if so many russian were raped the poles have done more for the world than any german

(Russian Anon)
Slavs aren't relevant(except russians), all slavic countries achieved nothing serious on world scale (except Russia), slavic impact in science and culture is minimal(except russians).

Being a slav is nothing to be proud about. Useless larping about superiority without any achievements.

And the same slavs constantly trying to cancel russians from slavs, but if russians indeed leave slavdom, then slavs will be literally european niggers. Because Russia is the only slavic country what achieved great status and entered the club of great nations.

tldr without ruskies slavs are nothing.

(UK Anon 1)
Fuck off illiterate Russian. Bulgarian Empire was a deadly threat to the byzantine empire well before you had the idea to call Vikings as rulers as you were too ducking retarded to have an elite yourselves
Bulgars were exactly 30 000 warriors of titanic ancestry and they mixed with vlachs and slavs that migrated there in the 6th century.

(UK Anon 2)
Slavs are not as smart as northwestern europeans on a technical level but they exhibit more natural survivalist traits and their behaviour was coloured by 500 years of living with jews who are both very intelligent and very racially aware. modern day slavic ideology is actually superior to northwestern anglo individualism.

Jack Dalton #racist #elitist vdare.com

WaPo’s Karen Attiah Wants To Rename The Texas Rangers. Why Did We Let Her Family Immigrate?

Fresh off the blue-checkmark victory to rename the Washington Redskins, our journalistic elite have found a new target for destruction:

"As the Washington football team finally gives up its racist slur of a name, there is one major sports team that has avoided the spotlight and resisted meaningful engagement with the violent and racist implications of its name. To know the full history of the Texas Rangers is to understand that the team’s name is not so far off from being called the Texas Klansmen.

What we didn’t realize at the time was that the Rangers were a cruel, racist force when it came to the nonwhites who inhabited the beautiful and untamed Texas territory. The first job of the Rangers, formed in 1835 after Texas declared independence from Mexico, was to clear the land of Indian [sic] for white settlers.

That was just the start. The Rangers oppressed black people, helping capture runaway slaves trying to escape to Mexico; in the aftermath of the Civil War, they killed free blacks with impunity. “The negroes here need killing,” a Ranger wrote in a local newspaper in 1877, after Rangers fired on a party of black former Buffalo soldiers, killing four of them and a 4-year old girl. A jury would later find that the black soldiers “came to their death while resisting officers in the discharge of their duty,” an unsettling echo of the justification for modern-day police killings.

[The Texas Rangers’ team name must go, by Karen Attiah, Washington Post, July 13, 2020]"

We’ve been watching this Karen Attiah [Tweet her | Email her], Global Opinions Editor at the Washington Post, for some time. Born in 1986, she’s reportedly the child of a “Nigerian-Ghanaian mother and a Ghanaian father.”

As in the earlier case of New York Times professional POC whiner Jia Lynn Yang, we ask: Why were these obviously unassimilable types ever allowed to immigrate?

Russ Winter #conspiracy #wingnut #racist winterwatch.net

The New Underworld Order (aka Crime Syndicate) is the triumph of criminalism. It’s a world in which official criminality, driven by bribery, compromise and corruption is the norm among all layers of governance.

In particular, the NUO Crime Syndicate is engaged in perpetrating crimes against humanity. A primary crime is in the form of drug-trafficking operations and armed conflict (weapons), which are controlled by the competing and simultaneously collaborating intelligence services in order to finance their corrupt operations and to sustain the corrosive global hegemony activities of the New Underworld Order (NUO) syndicate.

Intelligence communities form, wittingly or unwittingly, the backbone, as they consist essentially of esoteric secret societies promoting a system of synarchy. Rule by secret societies, or synarchy, is the essence of the conspiracy of llluminists/Frankists, who secretly place their operatives in key posts or alongside the holders of power so that only the universalist criminal policies of the NUO are pursued.

The primary characteristic of all these operatives is they are double-minded. Double-mindedness is the essence of the Hegelian dialectical methodology, which creates conflict to make “progress” or advance “history” — manipulating opposing forces in what to them is an exclusively mechanistic world.
Thus the “democratic system” has become a plaything of the New Underworld Order of Illuminism, which has hidden behind the “conspiracy theory” lie. It’s in the hands of a self-appointed sect of very dark operatives whose will has been forfeited and bound to a Luciferian force.

By definition, therefore, none of these people can ever respond to the so-called Will of the People — hence the emptiness of their verbiage — since they are bound by an agenda set by a Crime Syndicate Brotherhood that serves its own interests, rather than those of the general population.

Sinead McCarthy #sexist #racist #transphobia #wingnut #conspiracy renegadetribune.com

I have noticed a push back from women, many who identify as radical feminists or TERFS, against pornography, the erasure of women and girls via the trans agenda, and against the ever increasing anti-woman sentiment from the incels and other assorted porn sick untermensch. The new title of “Pick Me” has been increasing in popularity, used by many rad fems, and other women, who are calling out the internalized misogyny and pandering to low value males, that these types of women will engage in. I’m sure the reader will be utterly shocked to find jewish women at the head of this push back, as they do this with every single movement, to ensure that the jewish supremacist criminals are not uncovered as being the root cause of these issues. We know about the Talmud and its assorted number of genders, as well as the Talmud’s passages about being able to rape a 3 year old girl. These jewish “feminists” will push all of the blame back onto non jewish men, predominantly White men, as it’s apparently the evil Nazis behind porn and not the poor poor persecuted jewish men.
White women and girls need a space where they can be loved, protected and cherished. They do not need a space where they are chastised and blamed for the crimes of jewish men. In conclusion, I plan to once again start a blog just for White women and girls, as Heathen Women was taken down a while ago. This will be a space where we can share ideas, support each other, strategize, work on our boundaries, and fight back against the ever increasing anti-White woman and girl sentiment we find in supposed “racially aware” circles. Will we have jewish male trolls and their Pick Me yentas coming in to disrupt? Of course, so please don’t use your real name or picture, to avoid harassment. I have become hyper aware of these types of trolls and will be banning them at the slightest hint of nonsense.

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