
Racism, including ethnic hatred, nationalism and equating religion to race

Texan1st #racist amren.com

We need a nationalist movement. I’m sick of information, we need solutions

Here's a solution. When they swing the southern border wide open and they come pouring in, we'll colonize the uninhabited continent they leave behind. Once we get there, any stragglers will be offered a free bus ride to the promise land up north so white progressives can enjoy their company.

I choose to look on the bright side of the pending open borders. While the woke in America are being hoisted on their own diversity petard, we will be kicking back in the sun, eating mangos, and enjoying the lack of diversity.

They are not really leaving their countries. These countries use American suicidal idiocy of the de facto open border to simply unload their population excesses who take over American jobs and send money home to support their families in those holes and by that support the holes themselves. That unarmed invasion on the US benefits those countries. Ones who own and run those countries - oh no, they are not going anywhere, they are not leaving.

As this country turns irreversibly blue and congress gets darker, these people will be granted instant citizenship upon entering. With no border security and a promised instant citizenship, they will be coming by the 10's of millions to get in on the gimmedats. Especially when the gimmedats down there are nonexistent. Sure, those in the upper echelons of government will remain but we don't have to colonize the entire continent. Just selected countries down there. Our odds are much better doing that than turning America into a majority white country again.

Can we at least count on every Latin American country charging a passage fee to discourage the more southerly folk from coming up here?

I would hope not. Wouldn't want to discourage them from vacating our future homeland.

dragonslayer78 #racist amren.com

I’m a 15 year old Black American female and the more I watch Jared Taylor’s videos the more I fear for America’s future. The fact that all of these leftists think they’re still Sane with their Insane Race Narratives is just beyond me.

At this point I don’t think leftists believe their own nonsense about race. They just want white people dead and the ends justifies the means.

Various incels #racist #sexist incels.is

just rob her dad theory. 14 year old girl wants to fuck mugger

81k likes btw


I knew I was toxic when at 14 my dad got mugged by some guy after picking me up from gymnastics practice and I'd never been more scared or certain that I was supposed to give this man coochie

”Daily reminder that cumskins allowed women to have rights”

(BummerDrummer, at ThoughtfulCel)
Daily reminder you're speaking english on a forum considered white supremacist because we're so cool. Eat shit nigger lmaooooo


If your peoples origin is in or below that clear bit you are a stupid nigger and will never have white IQ. Also arabs were more cucked than europeans until 1945 (and I can give proof with this but you don't care about facts so I didn't bother here)

White lies Don't work no more

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Here's the truth behind white countries.

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You filthy niggers cant help yourselves can you? Misdirected antiwhite hatred must encompass every thread until the entire forum is a complete shithole

"misdirected":feelskek: The global white is reasonable for modern degenerate culture and it's important we call them out. Part of the blackpill. keep crying

Since when are you the authority on what the blackpill is? Youre really off the deep end lately, did an idf soldier kill a couple of your neighbors recently or something? :feelskek:

Probably with the money you pay him, cuck.

Various Posters #racist chimpmania.com

(in response to a man being arrested because of racist tweets)

(Paddyroller): The Brits have gone bonkers with respect to niggers, as has most of Europe. The first step to defeating a cancer is prevention. The next step is proper early treatment. The next step is aggressive therapy. If it comes to it, death cures cancer. Not only is Britain failing to treat the nigger cancer, it is encouraging its own death by importing more niggers. What happened to the days of “Rule Britannia, Britannia rules the waves?”

(Apefricoon Devil): Libtardism has replaced Christianity as the official religion of the UK. In Britain, if you express a desire to live among your own kind and don't treat a disgusting nigger ape as a fellow "human", you'll get arrested and charged with the made-up "crime" of "racism". A more insanely farcical scenario than this is hardly imaginable.

Around 1700, Daniel Defoe said most Englishmen were ready to fight to death against Popery without even knowing whether Pope was a man or a horse. The UK's current suicidal nigger-worship mania, however, is far more dangerous and much less comical.

(Napa hater): No offensse to my British friends on here- but I’m so glad my relatives told the king to fuck several hundred years ago. Of course America will follow suit I’m sure! Not this American vet - I promise you that!!! Our grandparents and the tough British kept them from speaking German in the 40’s now Britain’s National language will be Swahili and clicks and pops because of spineless shitheads!


Yes, they are nazis #racist #wingnut #fundie patriots.win

John-Miller: REMINDER: Never forget Communist Bolshevik Jews killed 40 million White Christians in Russia.

JustinTime2_: This is the true story of Bolshevikism: Jews killing Christians.

RileyM: Correction: the true story is one of Jews killing Whites who happened to be Christian.

JustinTime2_: Nah they killed Christians because they wanted the state worshipped.

RileyM: Nah, they killed Whites because they are greedy racial supremacists and genocidal maniacs.

becky21k1 #racist patriots.win

There's a meme going around showing all of Biden's cabinet nominees and the flag next to them that represents them and every one is Jewish.

Someone posted it on FB and I asked "what country is this again?"

Brett Stevens #elitist #wingnut #racist #psycho amerika.org

Almost everyone out there has some plan that involves re-arranging the current system. However, if its basis is superstition, then the whole thing is rot. We need something new, perhaps not even a “system” at all.

The first step in any sensible goal involves re-orienting toward realism. No matter what you have to say in public, remember that human opinion is worthless, and you must focus on what you know to be real and true.

When you know what is real, you knpw what you can choose within it. Look to what you actually value because you spend your time on it without others demanding that you do so. You will find things like family, culture, spirit, and civilization.
This orients the mind toward what is both real and necessary.

I have written here extensively what such a reality would involve. Briefly:

Homesteads: we all have houses with small farms attached, and spend most of our time producing things there.
Aristocracy: instead of promoting our most popular as leaders, we promote the most competent and moral.
Caste: each person has a place on the IQ band, and a niche within that, where they can be important and respected.
Eugenics: perhaps “adult eugenics,” this means the promotion of the good and the removal of the bad.
Morality: instead of egalitarianism, we need a moral system that rewards good to the good, and bad to the bad.
Competition: instead of subsidizing the weak, we need a system where the strong rise.
Culture: we cannot trust bureaucracy or ideology, but instead need an organic culture for each ethnic group, which requires separation from all other ethnic, racial, and organized religious groups.

boon-avoider and Dixieman #racist chimpmania.com

(in response to a story of a black guy killing and decapitating a hamster)

(boon-avoider): A thousand times I’ve said this here, niggers should NEVER have access to animals any higher than another nigger. This is just one more, of countless examples shown here, that niggers possess no humanity! No human would ever do this, only a soulless and worthless shit-ape nigger

Also, how does an abomination from the shitholes of hell wind up with the name “Christian”??!??

(Dixieman): We all know that the feral nigger tried to muhdik the poor hamsters before killing them. There isn't one redeeming quality about these feral animals, and this story here just goes to prove that without a doubt!

Farès Bouez #racist #conspiracy memri.org

I believe it's a grave mistake to expect Biden to be able to act quickly. Biden is now putting his team together, and by the way, he gave an indication just how much of it comes from Israel. Ten of his aides, secretaries, and heads of intelligence agencies are Jews. So nobody should delude himself that we won anything by the rise of Biden. Israel holds the American political life with an iron fist. An iron fist! America cannot get rid of it so easily.

This is not a question of whether one president likes it and the other doesn't. In the past, the iron fist was not as strong, and if a certain president wanted... Back in his day, Benjamin Franklin delivered a speech in the U.S. Congress, and warned America that the Jews “will make our children starve, they will eat our children, and we should prevent them from being [here].” The circumstances were different back then.

Today, the American policy towards Israel is not up to individuals. Like you said at the beginning, it has to do with deep-state America. Who is deep-state America? America of the money, the universities, the media... All of these are under complete control of Israel.

ShoutingMatch #racist #wingnut reddit.com

RE: DOJ drops discrimination case against Yale University

Another example democrats don’t give a fuck about Asian Americans. Wake the fuck up my Asian friends & stop voting democrat. What more facts do you all need to show Asians and Jews are no longer considered minorities?

pokitaru (“Proud Lolicon”) #conspiracy #racist #wingnut #transphobia blackpill.club

You are occupied, you are humiliated.

Nothing about the world we live in will ever make sense to you unless you understand you live under
an occupation and are thus subject to the rules of the occupiers. If you do not start from there, you will
search for multiple explanations and rationalizations that will lead you to ineffective ends. You are not
an active participant in politics and public debate, you are it's problem. Public debate is debating why
you're the problem, politics is about dealing with that problem. The opposition in debate simply offers
an alternative path to your destruction, the end goal is never resisted. We cannot seek to influence the
debate or enter politics we can only hope to smash it.

Your humiliation is the enemies goal. To take a hit and fight on is honorable to take a beating every day is just sad. Humiliation robs you of your
humanity, your will, your reason to fight on. Humiliation takes everything from you and debases it in front of all, it robs you of being worthy of
empathy. It has been used by every occupier in history, it is our natural primal understanding of defeat. The Ottoman practice of kégek was an
ultimate example, similar to the concept of “Drag Kids” in modern America. Kégeks were a combination of dancers, clowns and prostitutes, they
were young non-Muslim boys taken from their parents and trained to be willful sexual objects and entertainers for the Turks

The goal was to have the occupied think “If we allow that to be done to our boys what else can they do?” The answer is anything. It is full
spectrum domination of the conquereds mind.

Your enemy doesnt want gay pride parades in your street, drag queens in your adverts, your son transgender, your parents dead from opioids,
your daughter race mixing, your meat replaced with bugs all while your media laughs at you because they think it’s for anyones benefit. They
want it because they know you dont want it but cant stop them, they want to humiliate you. There isnt any other reason.

Stefania Mowi #racist amren.com

The author mentioned "the need for each group to have its own territory, autonomy, and control of its future" and survival in his account. These are the arguments I make when I talk to others about race. No need to badmouth nonwhites and talk about IQ. Every other race and ethnic group still pretty much have their own homelands, and our people need to have homelands also. Otherwise, we will exist as a hated minority in each country we inhabit and never have control over our destiny as a people again.

Just about every white person I've talked to and told them that there might be anti-white persecution/civil unrest always say, "Oh, but I don't see race/color" I say back to them, "Just because you don't see race or color or don't hate different people doesn't mean they don't hate you and wouldn't harm you because of your race. Just because you don't want to fight doesn't mean they won't push you into a corner. Don't assume because you're fair and nice to people that they'll be back with you. No, I'm not saying be a jerk either, but always keep your guard up."

I have noticed that when people are too nice, they are taken advantage of. The same applies to races. Whites are too nice, too fair, too fearful, and these characteristics will be our downfall if we don't wake up.

Jared Taylor #racist amren.com

We Know How to Make America Strong

“Our diversity is our greatest strength,” right? The Founders just didn’t get it. The first citizenship law said that only “free white persons of good character” could become Americans.

And it wasn’t just race. One of the founders, John Jay, said America was strong because Americans were “a people descended from the same ancestors, speaking the same language, professing the same religion, attached to the same principles of government, very similar in their manners and customs.”

We didn’t fully understand the importance of diversity until 1965. Until then, we had an immigration policy that favored white people. America was 90 percent white and therefore very weak. It makes you wonder how we survived two world wars. What a mess it would be if there were only white people. You couldn’t have racial discrimination – and that’s all we ever talk about. But the real excitement we get from diversity is riots. Last summer, imagine how bored the police and the media would have been without BLM.

But did you know, there are still pockets of resistance to diversity? In his presidential memoirs, Barack Obama wrote about Indian PM Manmohan Singh, who couldn’t do more than keep the economy going and improve the social safety net. “Like me, he had come to believe that this was all any of us could expect from democracy, especially in big, multiethnic, multireligious societies like India and the United States. Not revolutionary leaps or major cultural overhauls”


What? Doesn’t he realize that multiethnic, multireligious societies are diverse and therefore strong? We should be making revolutionary leaps all the time. Mr. Obama sounds like those dimwit Founding Fathers who thought the country should be all white.

turdburglar #racist searchvoat.co

I never really liked my dad too much, and he always seemed like a coward and a dead-beat dad to me, but this pretty much just solidifies my disgust and dislike for him.

A few years ago, my dad asks me to visit him. I go and bring my spouse and we visit him at his house. When I ring the doorbell, a mocha-mistake opens the door, and confused, I shake the little niglet's hand. I see my dad coming over, and he's all like, "Say hello to your little brother!". I was like, "LOL, I only have sisters", and he was like, "Well, you've got brothers now! and another little sister!" I literally tried my hardest not to cringe and act like a polite cuckold, but I started to feel ill. Then the mother (a woman from the Dominican Republic who does not speak English and is as dark-as-night) comes over and smiles and nods at me. I swear she looks exactly like the female version of Tyrone. We all sit down and have an awkward dinner, and the entire time I'm looking at my dad like, "Were you THAT desperate to marry (let alone fuck) a sheboon?", while I'm trying to swallow down her shitty dinner.

My grandmother is a race-realist, so after that visit, I stopped by her place. She couldn't believe it either and seemed pretty disgusted, said my father and his family were trash, and that it was a good thing that he wasn't in my life very much. VOMIT!

In any case goys, make sure that this shit never happens to you. I have now disowned my father and never talk to him (this time out of choice). This was the final nail in our relationship coffin, basically.

Oh yeah, the most lulzy part is that I just saw a photo of this sheboon on Facebook and she now bleaches the SHIT out of her skin and dyes her hair a light-orange brown color, straightens it, etc. It seems like even Dominicans hate being black themselves. Honestly, she's given herself the Sammy Sosa treatment, and it's both hilarious and sad.

The worst part is that these niglets now have my beautiful Irish last name, along with the sheboon wife. UGH!

Andrew Anglin #sexist #homophobia #conspiracy #racist dailystormer.name

[From “WaPo Announces That Saudi Textbooks Now Promoting Jews, Women, Anal”]

Surely, someone must see the headline, and think “huh, I wonder what the relationship between Jews and feminism is?”

But apparently, no one does think that.

Really, we’ve got to get it out of our heads that anyone who is not already thinking something is ever going to think anything.

Washington Post

Saudi Arabia has been sharply criticized over the decades for school textbooks that preach women’s subservience to men, anti-Semitism and a general enmity toward religions other than Islam. But those textbooks have been slowly scrubbed of much of this objectionable content, with particularly significant revisions made in the fall.[…]

Astonishing, the Jew said.

Then he demanded more.
So now, in Saudi Arabia, you have sorcerers denying their religion and then masturbating into another man’s anus – all while speaking very kindly of Jews, and respecting the autonomy of women.

By the way, let me go ahead and dispel the myth that a man can “have sex” with another man. This is a false claim. Sex is a reproductive act.

This is from the Concise Oxford Dictionary of Current English, 1919:
But anyway, the point is: Saudi Arabia is letting women take over, just like Mexico, Thailand and Belarus.

There is a basic math equation, that is always true:

ky_native #racist #crackpot amren.com

A negro man who happens to be very, very hungry would eat his neighbor (I hope the negro said grace as he was taught by the Mennonites to give thanks for the bountiful harvest)! In extreme cases, whites also practiced cannibalism in order to survive (like the Donner Party, or when they were mentally ill like Jeffrey Dahmer); however, in the case of negroes, who knows why they eat each other. I have found when dealing with negroes to try not to understand them too much. Negroes like being negroes!

In the near future, when the groceries run out, African blacks will consume each other as they would consume bush meat. The dark continent would be a place to avoid in the future. I've read that Jeffrey Dahmer preferred dark meat because the texture was better than white meat. Even when dealing with chicken meat, some people prefer dark meat, and some people prefer white meat. I am personally omnivorous, so dark and white meat is fine with me!

When I looked up Jeffrey Dahmer's name, it had a picture of the negro who killed him. It said he became a poet.

Paddyroller #racist chimpmania.com

(describing the “One Drop Rule”)

It only takes one drop of nigger DNA to pollute the gene pool and make a nigger, no matter how light-skinned it appears. A drop of nigger DNA pollutes the gene pool in much the same way as a drop of kerosene pollutes a glass of drinking water. Watch out for the groid that has just a stroke of the tar brush. They can chimp just as a full-blooded nigger.

Henry Makow, PhD #conspiracy #racist #wingnut henrymakow.com

Trump comes across more as a Mafia Don. Loyalty to "friends" takes precedence over defending democracy. Don't expect a gangster to have a historical sense or principles. He got those from his speechwriter, Stephen Miller. He pardoned Israeli spies and criminals but not Julian Assange or Edward Snowden.

So "loyal" himself, why did he surround himself with "friends" like these? His Chief of Staff Mark Meadows was also a traitor. Even Mike Pence threw him under the bus.

They are his Illuminati (Freemason) buddies/handlers.

MAGA was a charade. Trump served a purpose, dividing the nation. Now he's playing the victim, pretending he wasn't responsible for the people he chose. Even his three Supreme Court appointees proved to be traitors.

Sure enough Sydney Powell was dumped the following week.

Clearly, Trump lacked the character to fulfill his responsibility to his fellow Americans.

He had a clear path to victory, and he didn't take it. For someone who prided himself on winning, he definitely took a fall.

Why did anyone expect a Cabalist (Masonic) Jew to deliver on his promises? Goyim, you've been had yet again.
When individuals are not prepared to sacrifice for the good of the whole, a society is finished. A society is finished when it fails to honor its champions.

The American people patriots appear unorganized and leaderless. We must rally behind Patrick Bryne, Sydney Powell and Michael Flynn. They aren't traitors like Donald Trump.

After listening to this recording, you will not want Donald Trump to provide leadership.

You will not want to be deceived twice.

Brett Stevens #racist amren.com

My awakening started with the words of a black man I knew back during my days living in Los Angeles “If I can walk down a street wearing a ‘Black Power’ t-shirt, why can’t a white guy walk down the street wearing a ‘White Power’ t-shirt?”

We all knew the “official” answer, something I call the Narrative: White people have the power, so when we assert ourselves, it looks like beating up on the poor black people. Three weeks later I drove to his neighborhood — and walked into a race war. A touchstone incident had occurred, and now black and Hispanic men engaged in hand-to-hand combat on the streets. AK-47s appeared from balconies and Glocks slipped into palms on the street. A street fight turned into a riot and then, into a small war.

At that moment, my belief in the Narrative cracked. The racial issue in America, I saw in that moment, was not about whites having power and oppressing blacks; it was centered on the need for each group to have its own territory, autonomy, and control of its future.

When I lived in Detroit, I got to know a number of black people, and recognized in them a desire for racial separation. They were cool with us being work-friends or even casually hanging out, but they wanted to go home to their own neighborhoods and be their own people. On the whole, they did not want whites there.

Homogeneity works naturally. In my view, “racism” arises only when you have diversity. For me, race is not a question of crime, average IQ, or even politics. It means survival. If Western Civilization is to survive, it will be through ethnic Western European people, and that means that everyone else must go back home and let us fix ourselves.

Vox Nihili, Irene Engel & Mark #racist amren.com

(Vox Nihili)

A Turkish parents’ association in Hamburg called the Germans “Köterrasse” (a race of dogs). Celebrities, NGOs, and members of Islamic interest groups make similar comments. As the Turkish-German Deniz Yücel put it: “The speedy departure of the Germans is a beautiful Völkersterben [the death of a people].”

This is devastating. How can a once proud people accept this invasion by people who loathe them, endanger them, bring their quality of life down, and ultimately wish to eradicate them? Why are whites afflicted with such pathological altruism? When will we say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH in all these places?

(Irene Engel)
Well, Germans called Slavs "Untermenschen" so this is kind of karmatic, imho.

Everything written above is true. I live in Germany, for now. Hopefully I'll leave this awful place asap. I'm a Non-German Central European. How I cope with living in Germany for the time being? I've started to see myself as an ethnographer and the Germans as a dumb superstitious tribe on its way towards the dustbin of history.

Your disgusting, false generalization helps normalize migrant rape in Germany...because you hysterically believe "all German children are Hitler!". That being said, Poland will eventually be flooded with rapey migrants. The "law and order party" only won by a slim margin. It's only a matter of time before they are voted out. The new politicians will easily sell out to open borders and multiculturalism. Some are liberal and some do it for money. I don't want to see Poland fall to the third world, but you are on that path.

Kid Charlemagne #racist amren.com

RE: White Man Working in Curry Factory Wins Race Discrimination Claim

A white worker in an Asian food factory who was told that he didn’t understand recipes because of his colour and that he should go and work for an English firm has won his claim of race discrimination.

The nerve these foreigners have coming to our indigenous lands and doing this? I want a type of British (Traditional ethnicities Manx, Irish, Scottish, English etc...) Bumiputra laws to be administered.

The Malaysian government implemented policies designed to favour bumiputras (including affirmative action in public education and in the public sector) to create opportunities, and to defuse interethnic tensions following the 13 May Incident in 1969.

I want this implemented for European natives only (Roma and the unmentionable Levantines are not to be included they are not European but are Asians (South & Western). Any intermarried Europeans (especially women) would lose the status and be classified as non-Native. This would be very similar to the policy of the Kahnawà:ke Mohawk Territory near Montreal.

For reference; https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/may/02/canada-first-nations-mohawk-kahnawake-rule

I’d want these type of laws and regulations enforced because these outsiders think that this is their country, well that’s never going to fly with me. I have noticed that these South Asians (I call them all East Indians regardless of the nationality), have sensed weakness in European psyche and are trying to appropriate the gripes of the American negro (like West Indian Bantus have also done) have to secure resources and status.

They don’t belong anywhere near Europeans and the only relationship we should have is us being the master period. Even in their culture they know we are above them and that’s what breeds their envy.

Devolution #racist chimpmania.com

I could create the only true nigger superhero from this inspirational story. It’s already got the perfect name- Silento, and character, cRapper. A silent cRapper. Great start, just think of the millions of niggers NOT ooking and eeking bixnood at typical niggerized volume everywhere the beasts roam! It seems to enjoy bringing goodness to its fellow hellspawn, an indication of the highest moral character on the nigger spectrum, and a worthy mission in itself. It could use its majikul flyin gypshun powers to swiftly and silently gather the worlds niggers together in the utopia of their high tech African society where niggers will be saved from the evil YT enablers who profit from stealing their muh-dik and abusing its fearsome power! No more demoralizing gibs, ugly coal burners and mutant sprogs to be lobstered, niggers could breeve jist as much as dey wants, no need for po-lice and courts and big busses to Nigger University, no more getting tired out from having to coonstantly rape dem YT wimmenz cuz deyz evywhey! I’m sure Silento would be more than a match for any situation niggers encoonter, especially as TNB never changes. (And as long as it gets them back to Africa niggers can have all the superheroes they want in my opinion)

Unnamed UK Government Officials #racist #wingnut politico.eu

UK to discriminate between EU countries on fees for work visas

Following the end of free movement, European Economic Area nationals must apply for a work visa in order to take up a job in Britain. But not all of them pay the same.

Irish citizens do not need work visas because of the Common Travel Area with the U.K., but five EU countries are not eligible for reduced fees: Bulgaria, Estonia, Lithuania, Romania and Slovenia.

Some of these EU countries are now demanding help from the European Commission to tackle the difference, arguing Brussels cannot allow the U.K. to breach the EU’s long-standing principle of non-discrimination among member countries.

The EU envoys are piling pressure on the Commission, saying this is the first example of the U.K.’s post-Brexit immigration rules treating EU nationals differently on the basis of their nationality. They warned post-Brexit Britain is likely to discriminate between EU citizens in other looming mobility decisions, for instance, when it decides whichcountries can participate in its Youth Mobility scheme — currently open to nine developed economies outside the bloc.

“In a couple of years’ time, depending who has negotiated what, different EU citizens will have different access to different programs and at a different cost,” a third diplomat said.

The same diplomat added: “The reduced visa fees controversy is just the first issue of a number of them which are simmering beneath the surface but will come to the fore sooner or later. It will be interesting to see if there’s going to be EU-wide coordination on this or not. It all goes back to: Are we all the same or suddenly we are not? Are we going to live up to EU solidarity? Are we going to stick together? There’s no EU competence on this so it throws the ball back to member states.”

Meus #racist #sexist incels.is

SuicideFuel Multiculturalism is unnatural

I know many of you are mutts and don't know it any better so bare with me.

Basically the logic is like this:
You like what looks like you. You trust what looks like you.
You are less likely to harm something that looks like you.
Because of this crime will always be high in regions with multiculturalism and low in homogenous societies like Japan.

Why is multiculturalism pushed so hard? Because a population that is divided is easier to control. Beings that are similar can unite and become a real power. Beings that aren't can't. Just look at fucking prisons.

nothing to disagree with there

globalism drives up male competition for women all over the world, at its worst you can get rejected by the girl next door for a man at the other side of the globe because he's 1% more attractive

Exactly. You are supposed to be as athlethic as a black person, as smart as a jew, as industrious as an asian and as aggressive as an arab.

But it's fucking impossible to meet these high standards.

For example: Your granddad was pretty atlethic in his small village, therefore 5 foids wanted him and he chose your grandmother. But because today we are constantly exposed to people who are ABSURDLY athlethic on social media and because multiculturalism drove up competition so fucking high (your granddad didn't have to compete with blacks) his atlethicism would be seen as mediocre today. You literally have to look like a roid freak for anyone to even believe you lift. Because all hollywood jews are roided, women believe that's what a strong guy looks like.

Hamilton Police Department Chief Gene Allmond and officer John Brooks #racist #sexist theroot.com

The video footage of the vile conversation between Chief Gene Allmond and patrolman John Brooks was captured amid the Black Lives Matter protests that spread across the country last year and recently obtained by WTVM News.

It begins with the two cops talking about the virtues of shooting or tasing “niggers,” and then transitions into them talking about Bottoms’ political future and how she treats police officers accused of misconduct.

But, as is typical of racists who hate Black people, the cops reveal that their bigoted disdain is really powered by a creepy obsession because they immediately move to talking about which politically visible Black women in Georgia they would have sex with.

“If I had to fuck a nigger, I’d rather fuck the mayor [Keisha Lance Bottoms] than Stacey Abrams,” says the officer wearing the camera, to which the chief responds, “Yessir.”
They have a good laugh as Brooks’ reminisces about people in his family lineage who were slave owners, then the chief complains that Black people are no longer made to work for white people like in the good ole days.

“It seems to me like they furnished them a house to live in. They furnished them clothes to put on their back. They furnished them food to put on their table and all they had to do was fucking work. And now we give ‘em all those things and don’t have to fucking work,” Allmond says.

Apparently the two men thought the body camera wasn’t working at the time. City attorney Ron Iddins told WTVM that the six-minute long video was discovered after the device was checked for faults and was instead found to have a full memory of recordings.

John V Rutledge #racist #fundie twitter.com

(This is an e-mail a pastor got after quiting the SBTC on January 25 2021)
In Recent years the Southern Baptist Convention has been repenting (foolishly) of the “sin” of whiteness, and has rebaptized itself as an exemplar of diversity. Verily, it has brought fruits meet for repentance: a Negro Convention president; a Negro candidate for the pastorate of a white church (FBC, Naples, Florida); five million dollars in seminary scholarship for - and only for - Negroes; appointive positions reserved for, and elections rigged to install, Negroes.
But it has not been enough. For the Negro, nothing is ever enough. LBJ’s Great Society and War on Poverty gave the Negro the keys to the U.S. Treasury, the response to which has been ingratitude and “Giveusmo!” Legislation leapfrogged the Negro over Whites, placing Negroes in residences that they could not otherwise afford, and granting them unmerited entry into classrooms and boardrooms.
Yet, they remain savages; they defile and diminish every arena in which they parade: academic, political, corporate, judicial, military, athletic. Seeking another white bastion to badger and beleaguer, they invaded the church. None more deserving of destruction than the Southern Baptist Convention.
Ordnance wasted on a collapsing fort. That cult has been destroying itself for the past fifteen years, proof of which is in declining membership. If Negroes had come to improve rather than to importune, they would have deployed the alleged-to-exist “collective wisdom of black baptist pastors” to pickapart the Baptist Faith and Message, to challenge denominational denial of settled science, to extract the Convention from its unsophisticated doctrines and dogmas of yesteryear. All desperately needed.
But those are beyond the Negoes’ intellectual capacities. Like two-year-olds, they know only how to whine and throw tantrums. The SBC should bid them goodbye and good riddance!

Various Commenters #racist amren.com

RE: We Need More ‘Trauma-Free Blackness.’ Here’s a Start

(Jed I. Knight)
After years of being a race realist, I'm still sometimes surprised, even shocked, at how profoundly tribal and ethnocentric blacks truly are. And how their opinion of themselves is plagued by "la folie des grandeurs". In any event, they should be the first ones to understand that Whites want to be left alone. But no, and as someone once famously said, the curse of Whites is that blacks hate us but want to live with us.

Yes, it is amazing especially when you know the statistics of 560,000 violent attacks on whites vs 100,000 the other way around. Poor oppressed blacks have to undo their trauma somehow.

Most of those 100,000 are Hispanics classified as White.

(America the Dead)

For many Black people like myself, attending a Black college was like joining an extended family. It was liberating to be in a place where we didn’t have to explain ourselves to White people.

And this.. is the problem. Is anyone else irritated by people talking obsessively about their "blackness"?

It wouldn't bother me one bit if we were allowed the same courtesy, but talking about "whiteness" is not allowed.

I can name a couple of places where the disproportionately hit can enjoy their '“trauma-free Blackness”,with all the trimmings of 'the rugged endurance'. The vastness and ruggedness of the landscape dotted with mud huts and an occasional animal (that they will have to chase and slaughter and cook on an open fire) will be a fantastic therapy for the perpetually oppressed....

Andrew Anglin #wingnut #conspiracy #racist dailystormer.name

[From “Myanmar: Military Arrests Democracy Leaders, Tells Them Playtime is Over”]

Honestly, I’m a registered Asian expert and confirmed gook-lover, but I don’t fully know the ins and outs of Myanmar.

I know the basic story, a lot better than most do I’m sure, but I’m not going to get up here and claim to be an expert on something that I’m not an expert in.[…]
Basically, Asians are not very confrontation inclined, whilst being extremely patriarchy inclined, so the military peacefully takes over countries on a usual basis. Because all a “coup” entails is the military walking into the democracy office and telling them it’s time to wrap it up.
Obviously, the West has been trying to force this democracy system on everyone, but Asians just don’t care. The only successful democracy in Southeast Asia is the Philippines, which is also the poorest and has the highest crime rate (both those things by a lot).

Basically, the military was still running Burma, and this whole democracy thing was a farce.[…]the Constitution says the military had a right to take over the country at any time. Daw Suu was out there doing her bit as the Western-backed democracy figure – and pulling in the Western aid dollars – then the military decided to run all the Moslems out of the country, back to Bangladesh.

So, Suu had to get up there and defend the actions of the military[…]If there were no aid programs, then there was not a reason to put on this show of a democracy. That’s my guess. No one actually knows.
What we can take away from this is that democracy is a failed system, and countries where people still have self-respect understand that.

Russ Winter #conspiracy #racist #dunning-kruger #wingnut winterwatch.net

Without a doubt, the Jesuits were hyper-active secret-society plotters and schemers. Colloquially, they’re referred to as God’s soldiers, God’s marines and The Company. To be fair, the stories of Jesuit missionaries in far away lands are epic. No slackers among this group.
Many are Georgetown graduates, and many are strange lizards indeed. It’s more common to find a Jesuit-trained operative than traitorous evangelical Zio-Baptist types. They have been particularly influential in the Catholic Church since Vatican II. One of the most brainwashed friends I have ever had was educated by Jesuits, and he thought they were great. They are not slackers in the education arena either, but educated in what is the question.
The Debate: Were the Jesuits Little More Than a Crypto-Jew/Marrano Crime Syndicate?

The facts and evidence point to yes, especially in the beginning. But the order took on a life of its own. It evolved into a different entity, but with fellow-traveler strands to the Frankists and Freemasons. I suspect when the Jesuits went underground between 1773 and 1814 and they began melding and cooperating with the much-underappreciated Sabbateean-Frankist sect. Many historians believe Jesuits developed Freemasonry.
Indeed, many of the Frankist-Jesuit mystical Kabbalistic belief underpinnings are the same. The Alumbrados (Spanish pronunciation: alumˈbɾaðos, illuminated) was a term used to loosely describe practitioners of a mystical form of Christianity in Spain during the 15th and 16th centuries. This may have had roots via the Templars. This was also occurring in the Sabbeatian-Jewish communities of eastern and southeastern Europe in the 16th and 17th centuries.

Various Femcels #racist #sexist saidit.net

RE: There was some discussion about this before; tiktok warning white girls about how they are seen as easy and less respectable by other races

Why women 90% of the time talk about men ? This is so hard to understand that men think differently from women ? I mean what the fuck. Pinkpillfeminism is all about what particular man said or done on social media. There are many interesting things out there, men are boring disgusting freaks. Even radical feminists talk about men all the time just like typical women LOL. Not even psychological/sociological theories but just what man did one day.

I didn't post this because I am shocked about what men think, or that they think differently than women, this is related to the discussion of other women saying white women have it easy, white women are glorified and not oppressed, and women wanting more migrants from these countries in western countries without realizing they pose an even greater danger to us.

Why women 90% of the time talk about men ?

what the fuck should we talk about on a feminism sub, new discoveries in astronomy?

(LaQueSabe_ )
I guess she thinks BPF is a Mean Girls Club and we gonna gossip 100% of the time how every single woman is an idiot based on MBTI. Lmao.

and women wanting more migrants from these countries in western countries without realizing they pose an even greater danger to us

Great blackpill. We're gonna be Earthkistan in 50 years because of these pro-immigration retards.

Mr Bond #psycho #racist theguardian.com

Austrian rapper arrested over neo-Nazi songs

Austrian authorities have arrested a rapper accused of broadcasting neo-Nazi songs, one of which was used by a man who livestreamed a deadly antisemitic attack in Germany.

Austrian intelligence officers had been trying for months to unmask the rapper, who went by the pseudonym Mr Bond and had been posting to neo-Nazi forums since 2016.

The suspect, who comes from the southern region of Carinthia, has been detained for allegedly producing and broadcasting Nazi ideas and incitement to hatred.

“The words of his songs glorify National Socialism (Nazism) and are antisemitic, racist and xenophobic,” said the interior ministry statement.

One of his tracks was used as the soundtrack during the October 2019 attack outside a synagogue in the eastern German city of Halle.

In posts to online forums based in the US, the rapper compared the man behind the 2019 Christchurch shootings that killed 51 people at a New Zealand mosque to a saint, and translated his racist manifesto into German.

Last September, an investigation by Austrian daily Der Standard and Germany’s public broadcaster ARD said that the musician had been calling on members of neo-Nazi online forums and chat groups to carry out terrorist attacks for several years.

They also reported that his music was used as the soundtrack to the livestreamed attack in Halle, when a man shot dead two people after a failed attempt to storm the synagogue.

During his trial last year for the attack, 28-year-old Stephan Balliet said he had picked the music as a “commentary on the act”. In December, a German court jailed him for life.

RREEEEEEEEE #conspiracy #psycho #racist #sexist #wingnut incels.is

Whites are the Jews in ethnic countries

By subverting the younger generation in ethnic countries and feeding them SJW and liberalism crap as they work through their non-governmental organizations, even women in ethnic countries want nothing but the best of their own race or even white guys. Whites are creating incels in ethnic countries at a crazy rate. Expect more and more ethnic incels on here from their native countries. It's only a matter of time.

I think you should look into who's actually operating these organizations, you'll probably notice some patterns

It's not just the non-governmental organizations, it's also foreign intelligence agencies. It's not just actual Jews, it's also non-Jew whites who are guilty of this. Think CIA, MI6, etc. How else do you think the Arab Spring started? You don't believe that these Arab subhumans started rebelling against their own governments for no reason, do you now?

tbh ngl
BUt but muh joos :soy:

Indeed, those who accuse of Jews doing these things to Europe and America are completely fine with they themselves are doing in other countries, taking the role of their supposed enemies. JFL.

Congratulations, you are now aware of the fact (((liberals))) are narcissistic, virtue signalling, civilization destroying peices of human excrement that need to be BURIED along with their shitty kike oriented ideologies.

Don't worry, I had them figured out a long time ago. Ideally, I would keep all ethnic degenerates here in Europe (or you can exterminate them) because I don't want them back in their native countries. Whites stop interfering with our countries. Unfortunately there's a lot of war-mongering faggots as well so it's a complicated situation overall.

Meus #racist #sexist incels.is

” do not support anything that is against the law.”


Crime is for non-whites. A white person can never commit crime and be fine with it.

For me it’s late teens early 20s

Cringe. Imagine having taste that bad. Women are literally almost men at 20. Have fun dating pursuing Chads cumrag.

Imagine unironically caring about this Holy soy

Mutt society is obedient and cucked as fuck. They are scared of fucking anything. They're more totalitarian than the USSR has ever been. Imagine being afraid to say anyone under 18 can be pretty because you think there is a realistic chance this will get you into jail. Doesn't get more cucked than this. No wonder the Jews have it so easy there JFL.

I too think a woman is their most beautiful somewhere around 15-16. At this age they are in the transisition between cute daughter and hot 18 year old woman. After that they try to compensate their lost youth and beauty with sexyness which only comes off as whorish. Tall women probably peak even earlier because growth especially very long legs push you too much to this.

Being a foid is literally JFL. Imagine having youth only for 10 short years (15-25) and then beginning to decline instead of having youth well into your late 30s like men do (if you have good genes, not everyone is a balding subhuman). Foids live on tutorial mode but their life is literally not worth living. Even if you polish a turd it is still a turd. I would rather be dirty gold than a polished turd.

Vuyo Zungula & Mzwanele Manyi #racist thesouthafrican.com

Xiaomei Havard: Chinese-born MP ‘replacing Mthembu’ causes conflict

Following a 17-year political career in South Africa, Dr. Xiaomei Havard has been chosen to serve as an MP in Parliament. She replaces the late Jackson Mthembu, who passed away last week. Despite the doctor’s wealth of experience, Havard has also been embroiled in scandal before – and her Chinese background has drawn some uncomfortable reactions.

Vuyo Zungula is the leader of the African Transformation Movement – and he has been vehement in his opposition:

“If a black person born in China can never be a member of the Chinese Parliament… Why does SA allow a Chinese-born person to be a member of the SA Parliament, and make laws for South Africans?”

“The Chinese protects the economy for its people, and has an expansion program for its industries across the world. With so many China malls/towns in South Africa and around the world, how many African malls or towns are there in China?”

Party colleague and former ANC supremo Mzwanele Manyi echoed these sentiments. Trends such as ‘#NoChineseInSAParliament’ and #SARejectsXiaomeiHavard’ have dominated Twitter on Thursday morning, as those rallying against the new MP deny accusations of xenophobia. For Manyi, he believes there’s a ‘weakness’ in the system:

“There’s a weakness in the South African Constitution. No naturalised foreigner should qualify to be a public representative. Only native South Africans should qualify.”

convairXF92 #racist amren.com

”´Whites and East Asians are natural allies.´ Only according to stupid people.”

Blacks and yellows plan on teaming up to defeat us.

Won't work in the US. So many "nice" Chinese and Korean boys and girls in the US colleges/universities. So many Chinese girlfriends and Korean boyfriends. So many European-Americans into anime and Japanese language, for decades now. The issues with Chinese spies and the horrid ChiCom government shock and disgust us. We want that gone. Hang around a good university in the Boston or NYC area or in California and you will truly see non-racism -- between whites and East Asians. (The exception is at the academic extremes: there was an issue a couple of years ago about one school's elite math club, that it was a clique of East Asian boys who acted suspicious of those not of their kind. Maybe the rest of us just have to develop that hard focus and work harder...).

I cannot possibly imagine typical US blacks teaming up with East Asians (immigrant or "-American") against whites or for any other imaginable purpose. If the blacks wanted to successfully team up with any other group, I'd say their best chance would be with US Muslims *after* adopting the religion, at least trying to make hajj, and *behaving themselves*.

CTON #racist amren.com

"Latinos distrust BLACKS." So be it. Yet they have left overwhelmingly non-black Latin America to relocate to the United States, which is loaded with BLACKS. It is rude and arrogant to move to a country where a people resides that you distrust. The BLACKS were here long before la raza started flooding in. Distrust the BLACKS of the USA, hispanics? Great! Go back south to Latin America and get away from the US BLACKS!

I will say blacks who humilate and attack White Americans are in for a very rude awakening if they think a majority Latino population will tolerate the same. Latinos will not tolerate them doing the 'knockout game' or disrespecting their ancestors or make them have racial guilt. Even a black youtuber once said, 'Post 1960s White America is the best friend and thing to ever happen to blacks." he was talking in reference to a majority Hispanic population not tolerating their behavior like whites did.

LiveFromInferno #sexist #crackpot #wingnut #racist blackpill.club

[Blackpill] Daily femoid hate thread #113

Femoids used to be denied full citizenship of countries where they were located. Unlike some other things, this was not intended to oppress holes for the sake of oppressing them, but had facts behind it that we are now just beginning to re-discover.

The truth is, fuckholes don't have a concept of homeland, tribe, nation or family. These are man-made ideas that are absolutely foreign to creatures as primitive as femoids.

This is why holes so gladly trade their children, connections with a potential or the current husband, nation's borders and integrity and even their own homes for (((modern society's))) brownie points. It's all these "Karens" that have pushed divorce and abortion rates to the Moon, it's Karens that cheer for totalitarian Kung Flu virus police surveillance, it's femoids that cheer for open borders and mud slime rapefugee takeover of the West. Things as strong as the traditions of thousand years old cultures have saved Japan and Korea from some of these things for the time being, but the countries have grown to be cucked, corrupt and degenerate anyway as a result of hole rights.

You don't build a successful nation with femoid rights, you can only sustain these "'rights"' for some time by leeching off a nation that used to be successful.

American Airlines #pratt #racist charlotteobserver.com

Kyetra Bryant says after taking an American Airlines flight out of Charlotte, North Carolina, with her boyfriend, she soon noticed an unusual fee on her bank statement: “African American African Service Charge.”

Despite using separate debit cards to pay for their luggage fees, Bryant’s boyfriend received the same statement, she said in a social media post.

Upset and confused, Bryant said she has been trying to get an explanation, and an apology from the airline, since seeing the charges the weekend after Thanksgiving. She hasn’t had much luck.

After being passed from department to department, she said she was eventually told the incident was being investigated, but she’s never received an answer as to how it happened.

“Honestly, I didn’t expect a response but I’m not stupid and no I don’t think it was a mistake. Never flying with them again,” Bryant said.

Whatever the reason, “there’s really no justification,” she told Fox 46. “We definitely felt targeted. That’s an instance of racial bias.”

CTON #racist #wingnut amren.com

Don't see Blacks/Latinos and Blacks /Asians miscegenating.plus these groups Don't Even like each other,get together,call each Racial slurs. My Asian and Latin colleague call blacks as niggers.One of them even joked that he wouldnt let his sister marry a negro

I bet if a typical, modern-day white person heard your colleagues, they'd scream and yell at those Asian/Latinos for making "racist comments" and lecture them about MLK. God, I can't stand how brainwashed and stupid so many of our people have become these days.

These Asians and Latinos have weird obsession for white skin.Marrying whites is like trophy symbol for them. Asians /Latinos call white women stupid for marrying negro man.Look up at extinction porn.You will never see Blacks/Asians and blacks /Latino only good looking white women doing porn with a your typical ugly negro.I can't even tolerate one second of that.I feel like banging my head against the wall.

White Americans and Western Europeans have absolutely no clue on how dangerous the nonwhite world is. No clue how many whites are victims of violent crime in America. No clue about the "No go zones" and rape epidemic because of nonwhites being poured into Western Europe. These are the same idiots who go to Islamic and third world nations "to go hiking" and end up getting killed. Even when nonwhites themselves warn them not to go there!

Just about every American White Woman I've met in my life hates white men and tries so hard to prove "I'm tolerant, I love everyone!". Meanwhile, their nonwhite 'friends' openly say they're proud to be black or Latino. The ONLY whites I've met in my life who were prowhite/not PC with their views on race are White Americans born/raised before WWII and Eastern European immigrants. Even Eastern European girls I've met were more openly pro white and realistic on race and were anti-liberal than even the most 'conservative Republican' white man I've known.

Son of the 1st Revolution #racist #wingnut amren.com

Can we talk about Ellis Island yet? The romanticization of the immigrant over and above the traditional American for generations has led inevitably to this.

We've talked briefly about the various "woke" forces allied against the traditional white American. It's been mentioned before that some of the worst are Irish Catholics. Look at Ted Kennedy, Patrick Leahy and now the Commander in Thief Biden. Ted Kennedy pushed for the Hart Celler Act that stopped favoring white Europeans over the rest of the world and throughout his career he pushed for more non-white immigration. Senator Patrick Leahy has championed the non-white over and over again. Obviously, not all Irish Catholics are this way, but many of their political leaders are.

During one of the debates between Trump and Biden, Biden accused Trump of being prejudiced against his (Biden's) Irish ancestors. It's like the guy wants to be seen as a victim so he can get victim points, be proclaimed a martyr.

rls976 #psycho #racist #sexist amren.com

The multiculturalism you describe is bad enough, but what's even worse is when foreign aliens who don't have much in common with this country go even further and try to remake the whole country in their own image, such as AOC, Tlaib, the Hispanic migration lobby, etc. They actually believe that not only are they entitled to their own culture in the US (which multiculturalism allows), but that they can impose their culture on the rest of the country. For instance AOC and others like her want to do away with the Electoral College, the 1st and 2nd Amendments, etc. That is unimaginable hubris. They don't want multiculturalism either. They want monoculturalism -- their own!

I will praise the university-educated Puerto Rican barmaid AOC, plus Oprah Winfrey, bald black member of Congress Ayanna Pressley, Kamala Harris and Stacey Abrams, for the wonderful fact that not one of them has ever given birth. In this they make excellent role models for all young females of color.

Various Commenters #racist amren.com

RE: Strange Colon Discovery Explains Racial Disparities in Colorectal Cancer

Sounds like they are trying explain away the bad Negro diet with mumbo-jumbo so they can once again make them victims instead of irresponsible.

(G. Nuckols)
Racial disparities are and have always been the rule and not the exception to the rule as many would have you believe. Examples like this could go on forever. Nothing much to see here.

Whites are a later evolutionary development. We're the newest model human with the latest improvements. Life, just like automobiles, goes through model changes.

In other words genes can cause genetic differences in races up the keister but can't cause changes between the ears? Someone is pulling my leg here, right?

Let's see, differences between the races in the percentages of colon cancer, hypertension, heart disease, bone structure, muscle composition, and of course, race specific diseases such as sickle cell anemia. As far as the brain organ, oh no, no difference whatsoever. Exactly the same. Equity. White Supremacy. Racism. Uh, uh, reparations, that's it, reparations are needed for equity between the races. Oh wait, can't say there are races because that implies differences. Oh damn this pretzel logic....

Various Posters #racist #wingnut chimpmania.com

(in response to a story about a racist police chief being asked to resign)

(Dred Scott): Its gotten so bad that hard working humans, trying to support their families through honest work, are being fired from these jobs for speaking about their disapproval of niggers doing the exact opposite.

(Massa Skim): These lads are speaking truth. Niggers sold their 'soul bruthas' to YT in exchange for shiny bling to show off, liquor to fuck themselves up with, and hogs to MUHDIK. Then by the grace and might of YT they were spared the horrors of being cannibalized by their Apefreakan kin and instead offered free housing, free provisions, and a better life then what they would've had if they remained in the muddaland. And they still have the nerve to bitch and complain because their lazy asses were put to work (which they're now exempt from). Ungrateful beasts! Humanity made a big mistake bringing their merchandise over from Apefreaka to the new world. Send them back!

(Dixieman): Expect for the Thought Police to coontinue to get worse. Can't have anyone stating or printing facts about the true nature of the nigger parasite. The only reason we have such an enormous amount of National Debt can be traced back to LBJ's "War on Poverty" which was the beginning of the GIBS train for niggers. Trillions, and let that sink in for a minute, TRILLIONS of dollars have been wasted on handouts to niggers year after year trying to uphold the myth that these feral animals are Just Like Us. It is going to get worse with the nigger loving and coddling administration in office now.

Lauren Chen and James Lindsay #racist twitter.com


Explanation: James Lindsay (of the Sokal Squared hoax fame) recently claimed that antisemitism on the right is a result of Jews “embracing the religion of Wokeness” and came under fire for it. Lauren tried to defend him by saying that “increasingly” the behavior of individuals is seen as reflective of the racial/religious group as a whole, and claims that some on the right “are developing” anti-Semitic beliefs because of “woke” Jews.

James Lindsay #racist twitter.com


Why critical race theory is the biggest threat to Jews in America today

Antisemetism before critical race theory / wokeness (2001):

- Left-wing antisemitism: Jews are really colonizers. Look at Israel.

- The average American: It is never right to racially discriminate, or believe in racial stereotypes.

- Right-wing antisemitism: Jews secretly run everything like the banks and media.

Antisemetism after critical race theory / wokeness (2021):

- Left-wing antisemitism: Jews are actually white and benefit from “whiteness” / white privilege and white supremacy. So it’s okay to discriminate against them [EQUITY]. (The “Jews are really colonizers. Look at Israel.” narrative still exists, but it isn’t as big any more.)

- The average American: It’s okay to discriminate against people if they benefit from racial privilege, and blame them for things that happened in the past based on their skin color as “antiracism.” That’s what the media, universities, Ibram Kendi, Robin DiAngelo, and Nikole Hannah-Jones tells me. (The “It is never right to racially discriminate, or believe in racial stereotypes.” narrative still exists, but it isn’t as big any more.)

- Right-wing antisemitism: The media & education system says all whites are racist but Jews “hide behind” their whiteness & never get blamed. I’m now taught that it’s okay to think of racial groups as oppressors / oppressed. (The “Jews secretly run everything like the banks and media.” narrative still exists, but it isn’t as big any more.)

Benjamin Fulford #conspiracy #racist #wingnut #quack benjaminfulford.net

It’s over folks, the criminal enterprise known as the Corporation of the United States of America is finished. Actual on the ground reporters with White House Press passes, confirm that nobody is in the White House. The corrupt members of Congress and the Senate dare not show their faces in Washington DC, knowing they could be arrested if they do so.

Here is a picture of the oval office sound stage where they are shooting the so-called “President” Biden using Hollywood FX.
Pentagon sources say we are now in an interregnum before a Republic of the United States of America is established. Eventually, potentially from Alaska to Argentina they suggest. A new capital will be built, and Washington DC will become a museum and tourist attraction, the sources say.

Remember, the Republic of the United States of America founded in 1776 was replaced by a privately owned corporation in 1871. That corporation’s shelf life has now expired.

However, the owners of the Corporation: the Rockefeller and Rothschild, etc. crime families are still fighting tooth and nail to keep their illusion of control intact. They have reached a deal with Communist China to finance their corporation and have been blackmailing the U.S. military with nuclear dirty bombs.

That is why their sh-t-show is still on many television sets.
Furthermore, shocking revelations about the real reason for the ongoing mRNA vaccination campaign have motivated world special forces to intensify the hunt and kill operation against the Khazarian Mafia politburo and their flunkies. This means, for example, the entire extended Rockefeller family is being rounded up.

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