Various commenters #transphobia

RE: Have I already lost her? Is it already too late?

( GA626 )
As a mother myself with a 5 month old, I very much dread her future and the thought of this happening.

You cannot restrict her access to the internet, but what I would do in this situation is explain to her the dangers of strangers on the internet, explain what the term 'grooming' means, and also explain to her what puberty blockers are used for and the permanent damages they cause to the body.

Show her pictures of TIF's, after 'gender affirming surgery', even if you consider them extremely graphic. Show her the damage this ideology causes. People like Chloe Cole and other detransitioners are people she should look up and read about. Libsoftiktok, Kellie Jay Keen etc.

I don't know how old she is, but children are immature and won't hit full maturity until 25. She cannot possibly know anything about her future, other than the ideas put into her head now by the trans cult and she needs to be protected from those ideas. She needs to understand exactly what happens when you are sterile.

If you want to find your daughter again, this is what needs to be done in order to make her understand the reality behind the ideology. It's designed to tear children away from parents and destroy relationships. You could also explain to her what a cult is.

I'm sorry you're dealing with this. It sounds like a nightmare.

( LunarMoose )
Home school her (can you?) Turn OFF the internet. I would absolutely do this (I did turn off the internet for my home at one point, not because of trans issues - daughter's behavior was really tough for a few months. This sucked for me, too (I like the internet) and daughter said I'd never survive. I sure did! And those issues disappeared :) Move. Do you have relatives you can stay with (in a conservative part of the country?) Then send her to a private school. Or home school.

If this were my daughter, I'd make every drastic step I could to interrupt this. As others have asked - how old is she?

( FlorenceBlue )
Take away any device she has that connects to the internet.

( WatcherattheGates )
I don't know how old she is, but if she is younger than 17, take a hammer and smash her phone and computer. I mean it. That is the only way. If you can, also take her on a gap year to Europe or somewhere else, immediately. I promise you that if you sever it all, you will see her come back, bit by bit.

卐 ангел смерти 卐 #racist

RE: Russian army pushed back in Ukraine

Luhansk oblast is still under russian control as is half of Donetsk oblast.Now what area did the ukrainian army really manage to take?

Yeah but they are going to loose Kherson soon, maybe the reason Russia is loosing so bad is because alot of their soldiers are chechen and siberian subhumans rather than ethnic Russians, race does play a factor in war since certain races are superior to others which is probably why Russian army did so poorly. Chechens and Siberians are near the bottom of the racial hierarchy while Ukrainians have Nordic blood.

A bunch of Drunktard shitskin siberians vs militant nationalist white Ukrainians, the better fighter is a no brainer. Putin should have chosen more white Russian soldiers instead.

Various commenters #wingnut #racist

The reason why White people haven't even begun to fight back against the countless anti-White attacks like this, is because our government has successfully employed terrorism to keep us submissive.

Yes, White people have been conditioned to fear the government. And said conditioning has worked brilliantly.

Due to the application of terrorism by the establishment, White people are afraid to even TALK about how to fight back. And this needs to change. No man should live in fear of discussing with his friends, family, and community how to protect themselves and their loved ones from a terrorist government.
(note by submitter: the post from )

@Nature_and_Race If whites step out of line they're going to come down on us hard like Ruby Ridge and Waco.
Prepare accordingly.

@Nature_and_Race The Jews infiltrated White institutions and subverted them to their ends. I'm not sure White people are merely intimidated, I also think they haven't been clear as to what has happened to the institutions that their ancestors created and which - until very recently - appeared to them legitimate.

The entire ZOG system is slowly but increasingly wracked by a legitimacy crisis.

They can say 'our democracy' all they want, but it's a empty incantation.

Whether the reckoning will be 100% racial or some combination of racial and cultural (non-Whites who appreciate White values) or just a serious outbreak of fragmentation in all kinds of forms, a reckoning is coming.

The Jews have lost control of the narrative and of their own system of repression.

North America is too large to manage with violence alone. It always has been. If the War of Northern Aggression has gone on for six more months (possibly less), the entire continental order of the Union would have collapsed as well.

Things are much more unstable and interdependent now and the Jews, no matter how much they try, are not all going to get out of North America in time. Jews don't fly their own planes.

@Nature_and_Race We are terrorized from above as well as from below. Terror from above via government and institutionalized antiwhite-ism, terror from below via racial hostiles and other antiwhites, some of them members of our own race.

Various commenters #wingnut #racist

This is a very literal war that's being waged against White people.

When you wage war against someone, eventually that someone is going to wage war back. As it stands right now, White people are taking all of the losses, but I promise you that won't be the case forever.

Sooner or later, White people are going to defend themselves against this anti-White system. And when they do, there's going to be some who are going to wish they could apologize, but by then it's going to be far too late.


spoilerI ❤️ White People

@Candymaker @Nature_and_Race I ❤️ white people who are not niggers by nature ( I’ve met my share. My ex-wife for instance...)

@Nature_and_Race The White teachers that continue to teach in this district deserve to be fired first. The level of self loathing one would need in order to continue cannot possibly be healthy.



@Nature_and_Race It's going to be sooner rather than later, lad. Everyone, even non-whites, are getting fed up with this jewish bullshit. Even the ones who don't know about the kikes, know that SOMETHING is terribly wrong with the world. The only ones who don't care are the ones who can scarcely be considered human to begin with.

@Nature_and_Race Been waiting for White people to stand up for themselves all my life and it's still never happened. It's just got worse. It's a terrible thing when your own people are your biggest burden.


Various Commenters #racist #wingnut

RE: Good News from Europe!


Jared Taylor and his co-host celebrate the victory of the Swedish Democrats and the probable victory of the Brothers of Italy. The hosts also discuss Kelisa Wing, chaos in Yuma, the new Ariel, and excitement in the Congo.

I have no sympathy for the migrants. The migrants elected to make this journey and put themselves in these perilous situations. My sympathy lies with the citizens along the border that have to deal with this invasion.

Places like the Rio Grande Valley are about 80% Hispanic and the 20% that isn't is largely composed of "Winter Texans" who are really retirees from places like Wisconsin who spend their winters in the warmer climate.

Trust me, a lot of those Mexican Americans along the border had zero problem with illegal aliens and in fact encouraged the invasion. Most of the illegal aliens would be moving on to places like Houston after all.

It's only after the number of illegals got to be overwhelming that they began changing their tune.

Are Swedes waking up to their genetic replacement finally? They had better be and they better have a plan to take the initiative and run with it by outlawing all land and home ownership for those who are not ethnic Swede, also they better take away the right to vote for those who are not ethnic Swede, and implement a higher tax base that must be paid if you are not native. Make it really really hard to live in Sweden if you are not Swedish. Then, if the refugee really wants to be there, they will find a way through perseverance and sheer will.

(Carlos ledesma)
Because of its immigration history the United States doom was already in place. But exactly why the Europeans decided to wreck their nations with immigration has never been explained.

hmimperialtortie , sojourner_truth_ & momofreyrella #transphobia

Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream says "words have meaning, TRAHR"

( hmimperialtortie )
No, they’re not. Nobody is trans, there’s no such thing. These “rights” are rapists’ privileges.

Also make up your alleged minds, do words have meanings or not?

( sojourner_truth_ )
So many people will have to walk these bad takes back when sanity prevails. It's crazy how many people who are dead wrong on literally every other issue (like Tucker Carlson) will be dead on the money here, and people who have a stellar track record are pushing pedophilia and the destruction of women's rights.

( momofreyrella )
Its so weird agreeing with Tucker Carlon of all people!!

( sojourner_truth_ )
I know, right! I actually watched him on youtube talking about the Libs of TikTok doxxing and half of my brain was melting, just in shock that I was watching him. What has the world come to?

David Hayes (the Praying Medic) #wingnut

I think it’s going to come down to a decision where President Trump is going to have to get the assistance of the military. That’s just my belief. I’m not talking about a military coup. I’m talking about my belief that President Trump devolved the federal government while in office. He devolved the government, and if the 2020 election was stolen-especially if it was stolen by a foreign country like China-it was an act of war, and we do not have a constitutionally elected president right now.
It's not a coup, because a coup is when the military removes a duly elected president.

Assam lynch mob #fundie #psycho

In a gruesome incident a tribal Hindu youth was killed and hanged in Assam’s Lakhimpur district allegedly for loving and trying to marry a Christian girl without converting to Christianity.

The incident took place in Koilamri Balijan area of Assam. According reports from the locals and the police, Biki Bishal was dragged out of his house allegedly by cadre drawn from four Christian churches in the area and lynched to death.

Reports said that Biki Bishal and the Christian girl in question were in love and wanted to marry. The girl also moved in with Biki in his house.

Later, a large mob drawn from local churches gathered outside Biki’s house and threatened him with grave consequences. While the mob took the girl with them, Biki was given the option to convert to Christianity or break things off with the girl.

When Biki rejected the offer to convert to Christianity, the mob allegedly vandalised his house and then killed him. Later, his body was found hanging from a tree.

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #conspiracy #ufo #magick

Queen Elizabeth was a guy dressed up as a queen
He was a reptilian in a human body

A snake shedding his skin
A serpent going to a new body

Cars symbolize a new host body
Celebrities in music videos brag about their cars
Which means an upgraded status

The Corona Crown and the Corona Virus
Mean the transference of consciousness

Holding up 2 fingers
Like the Baphomet is frequently shown doing
Is a sign of rebirth or resurrection

Flames symbolize the number of times
Of returning in a different body

Changing of clothes symbolize the changing of flesh

All the world is a stage
And one actor has many roles

In old photographs you will see a vanilla sky
It is because many buildings of advanced technology have been cropped out

The picture has to fit the current version of reality

We do not have government representative of the people
We have the illusion of a government that is representative of the people

It is a hierarchy that is run at the top by non humans
They are spiders luring you onto the web
Vampires with a corporate face

Who want to connect us to a parallel world
A sentient world simulation

On August 22 2022 the Cubit Quantum Computer
Was put live online

We are works of art
Individually painted by us

Lets draw for ourselves a landscape
Of romantic abandon on a summer day!

Cobra/The Portal #crackpot #ufo #magick #racist #conspiracy

The Light forces have made significant breakthroughs in clearing the Chimera group. They have cleared all underground pits with Chimera presence except the main Chimera pit under the Urim military base in Israel. Twelve members of the main Chimera military command (the last remaining members of the Orion subfaction of the Chimera) living in that pit are controlling the network of surface population biochips and implants through a physical / etheric quantum supercomputer.

The Light forces have begun with the operation of clearing the surface population biochips and implants with full force, implementing advanced Mjolnir quantum cannon technologies. This operation will take some time, but will have a very beneficial effect on deprogramming the surface population, and a massive spiritual awakening of the surface population is expected.

Mjolnir technologies are also used to clear micro black holes from the auric fields of the etheric, astral, mental and causal bodies of the surface humanity. These micro black holes were enforced into human auric fields with exotic dark technologies during trauma dissociation events, and are one of the main elements of dark matrix in the last 25,000 years.

The Lurker is being starved out simply by depleting the reservoir of the unmanifested subquantum anomaly, which is being done again with advanced Mjolnir technology which provokes unmanifested subquantum anomaly to manifest as quantum fluctuations, which are then easily cleared.
They are trying to engineer a new world war by utilizing the energies of the split of the Roman empire which happened in the year 395 after the death of Theodosius, a main archon Roman emperor who destroyed Goddess mysteries and enforced Christianity as the main and only acceptable religion:

Top Black nobility families now want to crush the affluent Western USA / EU / Australia axis, which originates from the western part of the Roman empire and which is under direct Rothschild management.

dasho #wingnut

You have to dehumanize your enemies for effective propaganda. If you were to believe everything you see in US media, Putin is sitting in Moscow twirling a comically large mustache and tying women to train tracks. It has to be hyperbolic in nature to work as intended.

fedex0 #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut #racist

The atomic bomb most likely was another Jesuit fraud. I came to understand it late. But now I really believe that the atomic bomb is a scam like the Germs Theory, the climate change caused by the anthropic CO2, the moon landing, etc. I know that this seems strange, stupid and crazy, even to me seemed like that when I saw for the first time that there was someone that questioned the existence of atomic bomb. Now I think that the atomic bomb is just another great work of authentic Jesuit Theater. Hiroshima and Nagasaki were almost certainly destroyed by fire bomb attacks. Do not confuse the explosive chain reaction (most likely a Jesuit fantasy) with what happens in normal nuclear power plants, they are two different things.

The Jesuit Arrupe, who in 1965 was later appointed Superior General of the Company, the one who is considered the ‘new founder’ of the Company in the 20th century, was in the front line in Hiroshima, on the very day of the launch of the ‘Little Boy’ hoax and remained ‘miraculously’ unharmed and ‘uncontaminated’, despite being only a few kilometers from the epicenter of the supposed explosion, evidently controlling the operations:

Please dedicate a few days or week to the matter, as I did. And read the rest of the article linked below. You can’t judge only after reading a title or a few lines of text.

The Manhattan project was coordinated, among others, by the “Pope” Enrico Fermi, together with his court of Jews, like J. Robert Oppenheimer.)

Jaye Ryan #wingnut #racist #conspiracy #elitist

[From "Brit Queen Dies… Not Much to Say"]

Another one bites the dust. I feel the same way when one of America USA’s traitor/coward leading family dies: the Bushes, the Kennedys, the Cheneys, the Romneys, the Doles, now the Clintons

Monarchy, knights, nobles, “Camelot” – I’m confident most American women would vote for a Brad Pitt Lib actor for US President. The POC Meghan Markel is obviously trying to be a Hollywood, anti White Lib celebrity/princess

Here’s a Farstar comic we did that just sums up what happened to not so Merry Old England


spoilerLeft panel, titled "D-Day 1944": German soldier shouting "Stay home Save lives!"
Right panel, titled "D-Day 2020": on the background are rioters holding placards with slogans such as "Fuck white People" and "Free Stuff". A statue of Churchill is vandalised with statements such as "Fascist pig", "Black Lives Matter" and "Racist". WW1 veteran George said to fellow veteran Tom "Hey Tom. You ever think maybe we shoulda listened to that young German corporal?", to which Tom answers "Every day George. Every single day"

Joseph Kay #pratt #racist

Reality in the Hilton Hotel Men’s Room

I began my academic career as a graduate student in the mid-1960s, long before today’s diversity mania. Nevertheless, the pro-Civil Rights dogma was unassailable. There was an endless parade of uplift programs, and all my classmates and faculty awaited the racial utopia. Moreover, we were all expected to be good soldiers: conduct research exposing racial discrimination, refute conservative arguments claiming that Negros (as blacks were then called) caused their own misery, and otherwise fight racial injustice. We were a committed army of do-gooders.

I soon, however, had an eye-opening experience that revealed the true character of this black/white friendship. I attended the national meeting of my academic discipline in Washington, DC, held at the upscale Washington Hilton Hotel. Several thousand professors and graduate students — then overwhelmingly white men — filled the hotel.

Alas, my occasional visits to the lobby men’s room exposed the deeply seated racial views of my fellow academics.

The Hilton men’s room, like nearly all such facilities in up-market hotels and restaurants, employed a “washroom attendant.” He was invariably an elderly black man who smiled a lot, offered grooming supplies, but most importantly, he personally handed you soap and small towels, and turned on the hot water for you to wash your hands. He might also brush off shoulder dandruff while exchanging pleasant chit-chat. I grew up with these black washroom attendants, and my father insisted that I always tip them a dollar. This was important to their livelihoods. It was no big expense, even for a young professor like myself.

I noticed that not a single convention attendee relied on the attendant’s service let alone tipped him anything. After completing “their business,” all quickly fled the facilities and steadfastly refused to acknowledge the attendant’s very existence. He was the true Invisible Man. Given a choice of leaving the bathroom with unwashed, possibly contaminated hands or leaving a tip for an elderly black gentleman, the unsanitary choice prevailed. No doubt, every single convention attendee supported the War on Poverty, but not in the Hilton men’s room.

Various commenters #wingnut

Unborn children are terrorists, apparently

spoilerI mean yeah pro life is biological terrorism. It's an
ideology which forces women to carry fetuses,
parasites which rob women of their nutrients and
kill and injure thousands of women every year.
Also, pro lifers have committed numerous terrorist
attacks against abortion facilities and even
assassinations, so yes, they're terrorists. They
promote the protection of parasites which commit
acts of violence against women's bodies, and
commit terrorist acts themselves. That's textbook
biological terrorism, and fetuses and their pro life
apologists are biological terrorists.

Mentions how some PL people vandalize abortion facilities yet conveniently ignores how the opposite situation also happens (and is frequently given a free pass by the PC community).


Mentions how some PL people vandalize abortion facilities yet conveniently ignores how the opposite situation also happens (and is frequently given a free pass by the PC community).

I've seen several instances of "IF ABORTIONS AREN'T SAFE THEN NEITHER ARE YOU" spray-painted on the remains of vandalised buildings, along with Anarchist symbols.

159 upvotes on a post calling babies and people with different opinions terrorists? And there are still pro lifers thinking we can reason with the pro abortion side. My faith in humanity has fallen so low that it will be very hard for it to be restored.

Pro aborts should be treated as terrorists.

Well they shouldn't, that's an extreme and virulently discriminatory claim. Pro-abortion activists should be treated as normal citizens with clinically insane ideas, like Flat-Earthers, anti-vaccine people, scientologists, neo-nazis, Nation of Islam members, etc..

The difference between flat earthers and pro abortionists is that the second group is actively killing people. I don't see how they can be compared.

So being pro life is biological terrorism, but infanticide and the mass murder of the pre born isn’t?

Various commenters #wingnut #quack


spoilerDo not ever let anyone
forget that this
administration tried to
use OSHA as a tool to
force vaccination. Do not
let anyone forget the
absolute horror show
they put people through.
They want people to
forget by November.
Don't let it happen.

@Nico2492 people are still dying upwards of billions when the final count comes in. Problem is, nobody is testing the dead for the presence of having taken the vaccines. I'd guess 90% of deaths around the world all have the vaccine in their dead bodies. #SheriffMilitia #NewResistance

@Nico2492 They also forced businesses that sold to the government to get their employees vaccinated. Our government and all the bureaucrats are evil.


Trump Created The Vaxxine Genocide, Joe Fanned Clot Shot's Flame

Both Are Complicit In Genocide


spoilerIf the government can stick a needle in your
arm without your consent, it can do anything
to you, literally, anything. If you cannot
grasp this, you are already a slave and should
be stripped of your citizenship forthwith!

@Nico2492 Yup, the same people that used OSHA to force vaccinations just passed a bill that will add 87,000 new IRS agents. Everybody whose head isn't stuck up their ass knows how that will end.

@TalesFromWeimerica , @NSSAP & @LeonFrank #wingnut #racist

@Nature_and_Race will they pay though? Harold Covington spoke about how even in his day White Nats were saying "it just needs to get bad enough", but honestly, how much worse does it need to get than now?
While they aren't putting Whites in gulags ostensibly yet, they are in the middle of waging a genetic pharmaceutical war on us, and its only one part of the puzzle. The method of the jews today may not be as transparent as they were in the USSR with boxcars and snowy gulags, but they are certainly just as brutal

@TalesFromWeimerica -- It could be that the jew would never allow it to get even worse. And would instead, continue what he's doing without being so transparent. The jew, despite being malicious and evil, is not stupid. And would prefer working under the radar. All he has to do is keep current trends slowly ongoing, until he achieves his final goals.


@NSSAP @Nature_and_Race the biggest flaw of the jew is his hubris. Every single time he overplays his hand. The jews who rule our world order currently have been handed the reigns, sure-- but they aren't the smarter ones who worked to establish it in the first place. We can see how confident and cocky they were getting now with their open pedophile rings like epstein's was which was operating under mossad.

In a twist, we should hope their pridefulness causes them to once again try and overplay their hand. The White man's Air Conditioning shutting off, cheetos not being shipped to the store and his car not getting enough fuel all in the same week in a deliberate move from the powers that be could be the very thing that saves us.

@TalesFromWeimerica @NSSAP @Nature_and_Race The jew has practiced, failed, and tried again destroying the world multiple times, having been responsible for hundreds of millions of deaths just in the last hundred years. The jew learns from their past mistakes and changes the script slightly, while the goy just get dumber and dumber.

I can only hope that the jew's pet niggers pull on their leash too hard. They are the jew's weapon, but they are not controllable. If the nig nogs too hard Whites might recognize the threat. The immune system activates and maybe the parasite that has been evading detection will get what it deserves.


Various commenters #transphobia

Opinion: I'm a transgender player in a women's hockey league. That's exactly where I belong - CNN

( ProxyMusic )

Throughout my transition, I remained active in my sport. I tried playing adult men's "beer league" hockey at first, but I didn't feel safe physically, since I was playing against large bodies as my own body was rapidly changing and losing muscle mass.

And playing in that league only added to my anxiety, since I didn't feel comfortable expressing my true identity in front of my [male] teammates. I was certain that my male teammates wouldn't accept my transition.

So he didn't even give the other blokes a chance to demonstrate their fealty to "diversity and inclusion" by allowing them to know and accept him. He sold them short from the get-go by deciding in his own head right off the bat that they'd never accept him, thus he never bothered being honest and open with them. In one act of mental gymnastics, he pre-judged them to be intolerant arseholes and conveniently let himself off the hook. So much for "authenticity" and "living your truth."

I felt like a complete outsider, as if I had something to hide every time I stepped in the locker room -- whether I was covering up the physical changes I was experiencing because of transitioning, or lying about my life off the ice.

News flash: hiding who you are and lying about yourself leads to social awkwardness and unease. It's impossible to feel at home with others when you are not at home with yourself.

( RisingUp )

I felt like a complete outsider, as if I had something to hide every time I stepped in the locker room -- whether I was covering up the physical changes I was experiencing because of transitioning, or lying about my life off the ice.

But in the ladies locker room he’s totally happy letting it all swing free! How charming.

( hmimperialtortie )
You belong in a locked ward, male.

( mittimithai )
This has to be the best line.

"The first couple of years during my transition were tough: During one particularly rough three-month period, I posed as a man at work while living my true identity outside it."

Thor Han via Elena Danaan/Galactic Anthropology #crackpot #ufo #conspiracy #magick

The message that forms is basis for this article stems from Thor Han. Thor Han is a person who was born on another planet, called Erra, orbiting the star that we call Taygeta in the Pleiadean system. They call their star Ashaara, just like those from Aldebaran call their star Jada (7). Thor Han has a direct connection though an implant with Elena Danaan, a gifted French woman living in Ireland.
Well, after these introductory remarks it is easier to understand the message that was given by Thor Han, for it discloses something interesting about the possible reason why the Ciakahrr Empire was willing to assist the Germans in their work in the Antarctic. They are generally not known for their kind approach to humanity.

“Thor Han continued his update:

Not only the Earth Alliance and the Nataru Alliance knew about it, but also the enemy. The Ciakahrr stormed and took the place under Vostok, hoping to crack the codes of this technology. They welcomed the humans of the Nazi group, that you call the Fourth Reich, to help decrypting this technology. Were you thinking that they accepted human colonies there in Antarctica for no reason? What do you think they were getting in exchange for technology and weapons? DNA. The Ciakahrrs knew DNA was the key to activate these power structures. But even though they looked into finding the right DNA frequency codes, they never succeeded to activate these structures.

The Intergalactic Confederation (13) has more than one safety lock on these structures, and what comes with DNA is Consciousness. The body envelope and the inhabiting soul need to be of the same frequency, and the person needs to be alive and conscious, and know what to do, how to activate the commands and unlock the portals. You need the knowledge that goes with the tools. You cannot kill someone and only use their DNA sample, because it needs to be inhabited by consciousness.
Now, the ice is melting, to reveal in plain sight the secrets we liberated, for you.” (1)

John de Nugent #ufo #racist #wingnut #conspiracy

Our galaxy is full of species, including Short Grays, Tall Grays, Tall Whites, Reptilians (yes, snicker if you wish, but that is mere nervous laughter ;-)) and very advanced Nordics, for whom we all are a White Trash planet.
The Exonordics are advanced HUMANS in every way, and we came originally from them but degenerated. They are tall like NBA players, 6’5 to 7 feet tall. They marry normally in their worlds, have sex the normal way we do, eat food, defecate, sweat, and feel emotions, and thus are fully human, but they benefit from centuries of eugenics and the weeding out of their bad blood.

They speak telepathically, and it is easy to see where OUR stories of angels come from. These are clearly the Aldebarans and Pleiadians, who, the Vril Society German women of 1920-45 claimed, were helping the Third Reich but very discreetly and without having any permission to overly interfere in WWII and its outcome.

That is, they were not permitted to simply win the war for Germany. This would have triggered intervention on the other side by the Grays and then yet another world nuclear war, I repeat, yet ANOTHER world nuclear war- (Think about that one.) Ye,s ther could have been a full-scale nuclear war back in the 1940s between the Grays and the Exonordics, and that would have once again destroyed our planet pointlessly.
They are Aryans who are extremely powerful and spiritual but REFUSE on principle to rescue Joe Sixpack, George W. Bush voter and Christian Zionist idiots just because they have skin the color of white copy paper.
We WNs have experienced ourselves how many Whites today are utter scum
.and even actively, knowingly, oppose us, hate the truth, fight for the evil, profit off massacres and wars, cause death via cigarettes, pollution, and toxic foods, who even molest White children, who engage in satanism, who commit police brutality if the y are cops, and serve our enemy Jew masters knowing it is wrong.

Irène Grosjean #quack #dunning-kruger #sexist #conspiracy

Doctolib announced on Monday that it had suspended access to its site for 17 naturopaths, whose “training” section included the name of Irène Grosjean. The platform thus responded to several Internet users who denounced the very controversial practices of this 92-year-old naturopath[…]
Video from 2018 and which resurfaced which motivated Doctolib’s decision: Irène Grosjean promotes sexual touching to cure fever in children

“If it’s a little girl, you have to sit the child on a bowl with ice water (…) with a washcloth, we’ll rub the lips and the clitoris a little” she explains. She also advocating the same for little boys[…]
Followed by more than 135,000 people on Facebook, Irène Grosjean is close to the ideology of Thierry Casasnovas[…]monitored since 2012 by the[…](Miviludes). Thierry Casasnovas has been targeted for several months by a judicial investigation for “illegal exercise of the profession of doctor”, “abuse of weakness” and “misleading commercial practices”[…]
In her book “Life in abundance”, she explains that HIV is a disease that it is possible to “joy-laugh” by eating “germinated seeds, fruits and raw vegetables”[…]
She believes that “if the Germans hadn’t been fed beer and cold meats as they were, they would never have been able to do what they did in World War II”[…]
Irène Grosjean[…]says she is against drugs because she “lost in (her) youth, several young and dear beings well cared for as we usually hear”. “With Hippocrates, we made a lot of hypocrites”[…]
The naturopath also made conspiratorial remarks around Covid-19, which she considers to be a “connarovirus” made to “sell vaccines”[…]
Extremely controversial remarks on domestic violence[…]Praising the merits of the “laws of attraction”, she asserts that a “beaten woman is a beatable woman”

Various commenters #transphobia


( PointySpoon )
Just a thought for the day, I’m gonna call MRAs re-skinned TRAs now. Since we always call TRAs re-skinned MRAs hahaha

( vvvqvvv )
I genuinely do not understand the cognitive dissonance TRAs have. They think they are being “progressive” by using sexist stereotypes to discern gender?

What is progressive about pushing a young girl with “stereotypically masculine interests” into surgery and hormones? They are SO close to getting it right but also somehow miss it by miles. Why can’t “masculine” girls simply just be masculine girls? Why MUST they become boys?

Gender ideology is riddled with such overt hypocrisy that I can’t help but assume TRAs are lacking serious cognitive abilities. How are they so blind?

( queen_beastmode )
Oh yea, TRA's and MRA's are definitely part of the same internet mano-sphere culture. If you put a TRA and an MRA together they might disagree on certain identity issues and key talking points, one might be more likely to vote republican and the other democrat, but if you dig deeper they share very similar core values and a semi-fascist rhetorical style that is hard to miss.

( yikesforever )
I don't think men want women to cut off their boobs though, that part doesn't match a world that men would want.

But otherwise the outcome of their actions certainly is a place where men have easier access to assault women and girls and take things that belong to women. Though I don't think it's intentional for a lot of them. The ones who have been swayed by emotion seem to really believe "trans" people are a set of people that are more marginalized and in pain than any other set of people.

( Peppermint )
I think the men who want women and girls to cut off the boobs are the men who are jealous of women and girls. Everyone should be horrified that non-trans people are being given drugs and surgeries even TIMs but we don't hear a thing.

( Evee_Era )
This is a good pt too. A lot of envious transwomen really hate us.

( Evee_Era )
Good point. FtM adds another stepping stone in their destruction of woman so they can redefine and include themselves. The goal is to confuse kids so they can inject their TRA beliefs enough for transwomen to slip in and gain access.

@Nature_and_Race , @Rowantree & @becomewhoweare #wingnut #quack

A friend of mine texted me this morning, saying that her mother had contracted covid for a second time, and that she was in the hospital because it caused severe heart problems.

I asked her if her mother had been vaxxed, and she said "Yes, and boosted".

I love my friend, and value our friendship, so I'm not going to argue with her. And I genuinely feel bad for her, because she may very well lose her mother. But it's obvious that her mother's heart complications were caused by the vax and the booster, not the virus.

When this era is all said and done, these vaccine producers, and our politicians who pushed them on us, need to fucking pay for what they've done to our people and our loved ones.

@Nature_and_Race Doctors found a lump in my mother-in-law’s breast roughly 6-7 months after getting the jab and boosted. They removed the lump then her on “preventative chemotherapy,” some new thing which I’m convinced is only designed to kill people.

Her organs started malfunctioning. We got her to stop the chemo for a while, and she started feeling better. Still in bad shape though. The doctors kept pressuring her (a 72 year old woman) to get back on the chemo, which she did. She died in April.

I’m convinced of 3 things:
1. The vax was the cause of her cancer.
2. The “preventative chemo” is being purposely done to experiment with its effects on vaccinated people.
3. The vax and the chemo caused her untimely death.

I should add that she was not a sickly woman before all this. She was quite robust and full of life.

@Nature_and_Race I know a guy who got 4 jabs, and these past 6 months his slow-developing, chronic autoimmune neurological problem suddenly became a fast-developing one, and some minor pain is now suddenly a lot, forcing him to quit his job and he can't even walk straight.

Of course my family isn't going to argue with him, but it seems pretty obvious it was the vax. Last year he was so worried about my unvaxed family, because we weren't "safe."

Various commenters #wingnut #racist

That makes me want them in my country even less.

Race-mixing is genocide. Nothing ends a bloodline faster than race-mixing.

@Nature_and_Race @rotifer1066 That's not exactly true. South East Asians and many Hispanics want white husbands.

@Nature_and_Race Fucking gooks and spics first off, is Easy Mode, and pretty much all you'd get is some cheap pussy, but that doesn't help us carry the 14 Words and also ruins their lineage too if you knock them up. You'd have more in common with a nice White woman anyway and that helps when raising a nice White family @travisrock99

@Nature_and_Race 100 percent. I consider it a sin against the commandment to honor thy parents.

@Nature_and_Race I feel nothing but disgust whenever I see any White person dating outside the race. Fucking repulsive retards.

@Nature_and_Race it's completely fucked in Australia...almost every second couple is a White man with some mongoloid

@Nature_and_Race Racial integration and mass nonwhite immigration is genocide. High probability Whites will choose a mate from their surroundings at school.

@Nature_and_Race White women are deceived by satan and that's why they indulge in the sickness they do

@Nature_and_Race - Women always "want" higher-status - their primary gene-survival strategy - so, of course they want White husbands.

Only severe brainwashing and abnormal cultural-norms - like social "rewards" for race-mixing and turning your kids into freaks - makes women act in the bizarre fashion we see in the (((West))), now.

This social-agenda has created the perception that "higher status" results from these abnormal behaviors - imposed with genocidal-intent, by Jews, as part of their White-Genocide Pogrom.

@ThomasFredericks @Nature_and_Race I agree. A few token blacks are artificially propped up and put in everyone's face in media and advertising. Naive white girls think that's where higher status lies. They entangle themselves with bull*hit artist blacks who are making the rounds with a dozen or more at the same time, impregnating this one and that one, and she finds herself a single mom on welfare and many times worse.

Igor Lanis #conspiracy #crackpot #psycho #quack #wingnut

The Michigan man who gunned down his wife, nearly killed their daughter and was fatally shot by police had fallen down a “rabbit hole” of conspiracy theories leading up to the shooting, his other daughter said.

Lanis, a suburban Detroit auto industry employee, was arguing with his wife, Tina Lanis, 56, and daughter Rachel Lanis, 25, early Sunday when the two women were about to drive away from their home — but not before he opened fire with a shotgun, Rebecca Lanis said.

Rachel Lanis called 911 at about 4:11 a.m. Sunday and “stated that she had just been shot by her father” on Glenwood Drive in Walled Lake, the Oakland County Sheriff’s Office said in a statement.

When deputies and Walled Lake police arrived, Igor Lanis came out the front door with a Remington 870 pump action shotgun and shot at officers before they returned fire and killed him, the sheriff’s office said.

Tina Lanis was found dead, “shot multiple times in the back, and it appears that she was also attempting to flee out of the front door,” the sheriff’s office said.

The family dog, Sammy, also was found dead, shot multiple times.

Rebecca Lanis primarily blamed her father’s worsening mental state on QAnon, the false but widespread conspiracy theory about — among many other things — Trump’s leading a top-secret war on a cabal of pedophiles and criminals.

“In 2020, after the election, he started going insane. He went off the deep end," Rebecca Lanis said. "He started going down the rabbit hole of conspiracy theories and QAnon. First it started with the ‘stolen election,’ and then he started talking about worse things, 5G, the vaccine, just everything."

She said he began to believe that the "deep state stole the election and that there’s a worldwide cabal out to get conservatives.”

Benjamin Fulford #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut #ufo #magick

The death of Queen Elizabeth II is one of many signs some sort of mega black swan event is coming to the West this October. What remains to be seen is if this will be a bloody revolution, anarchy, or a peaceful transition.

First of all, the death of QEII also means the death of the head of the committee of 300, known to many as the secret leadership of the Western world. This follows the removal of the entire top ranks of the Knights of Malta: the military leadership of the West. Gnostic Illuminati sources say the three Egyptian obelisks of Western power are all slated to come down. The first obelisk -located in the city of London- is where financial power resides. With the death of QEII it has fallen, they say. The second obelisk -in Washington DC- is where military power resides. It has fallen with the replacement by the meritocracy of Knights of Malta aristocratic leadership. The third obelisk, symbolizing spiritual power, is in Rome. So, all eyes are on the papacy now. Illuminati sources promise Pope Francis will be removed in a spectacular and public manner over the coming days.
There is also the bigger fight between the gnostic Illuminati and the British Royal Family that has yet to be decided.

In any case, now that Queen Elizabeth has passed on, we can disclose some secrets and big mysteries surrounding her. For example, according to a cousin of Emperor Hirohito, prior to the 911 attacks on the US, QEII was “killed and replaced with a clone,” because she was violently opposed to the Bush Nazi fascist coup d’état this attack represented. We remain skeptical about “clones” and such talk but, senior MI6 sources also confirm the original Queen left this earth a long time ago.
This writer can also confirm that Christmas cards signed by Her Majesty stopped arriving several years ago.
Whoever she really was, there can be no doubt Her Majesty led the big faction in the Western bloodline elite that was opposed to the KM plan to kill 90% of humanity.

Marguerite (Dove) Rigoglioso, Ph.D. #ufo #conspiracy #crackpot

Reptilian Sex Tools: The Vagina Dentata & Phallic Sword

Why did the reptilians come to this planet? Part of the reason has to do with sex wars between the males and females in their domain of origin, which is in the Orion constellation.
When they get into deep emotional conflict, reptilians can call upon two physiological characteristics during sex that render the act a life and death battle. For the males, this is a phallus that can be turned into a slicing weapon, a sword. For the females, this is a vagina that can be turned into castrating teeth (the “vagina dentata”).

We see remnants of this kind of conflict in the Babylonian story of Marduk “slicing apart” Taimat. Corresponding astral mytho-histories recording females castrating males have been deliberately wiped from human memory for reasons that will become apparent.
This physiological characteristic is what has allowed female reptilians to gain the upper hand on their planets in the Orion constellation. Whenever a male presents as overly hostile, untamable, two-timing, or dastardly, the female can sexually arouse the male, thereby rendering him “weak in the knees,” something that can be done easily, almost against the will of the male reptilian. The female can then mount the disabled male and remove his phallus.
Hormones were one nasty chemical trail inserted into humans via one reptilian experiment to create receptors for these beings and their demonic minions (lower-level entities) to hook into humans and partake of sexual energies. The more violating the act, the more energetic food for them.

Prior to this, humans could enjoy sensual connection through a kind of kinetic touch or a tantric energy merging. After the insertion of hormones into the human system, sexual acts become restricted almost exclusively to the intercourse variety, because the tormenting hormonal surges would only be temporarily assuaged and reset through the conjoining of the loins and the orgasm.

Scott Lively #fundie #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia #conspiracy

It is sanctification, or becoming Christlike over the course of our lives, that is the hard part, as we who are justified await glorification upon His second coming. We are promised in Philippians 1:6 that He who began that good work in us WILL be faithful to finish it.

How does all this relate to American Babylon and the LGBT plague? Bear with me.

As Paul warns in Romans 1, suppression of truth about God doesn't just foreclose salvation to you, it sets you on a path away from sanctification, so that instead of becoming increasing more clean, healthy, life-affirming and Christlike, you become increasingly more dirty, sick, death-affirming and anti-Christlike. The far end of that path is the reprobate or depraved mind that the Bible associates specifically and singularly with homosexuality, which in turn is associated with a long list of civilization-destroying behaviors.

Importantly, the warning is not primarily about the consequence to individuals, but to society as a whole. And it is the same warning given both to Noah's generation before the Great Flood and to Sodom and Gomorrah before they were incinerated. Bottom line: the widespread normalization of homosexuality is THE key harbinger of God's wrath from Genesis to Revelation.
Should the MAGA "red wave" be defeated in November, this entire generation of young people will be coercively recruited to LGBTism beyond anything ever seen in this world. No human effort will be able to stop it.

Likewise, an "OBiden" victory over pro-family Russia in the Ukraine war (strengthening and enhancing America's sole-superpower status as global LGBT agenda-enforcers) would absolutely ensure Ukraine and all of Europe would get the same treatment as American schoolchildren – backed 100% by the Demons of Davos. Some will cringe at this idea, but Russia may be the only hope for stopping the globalists in Europe and saving the Ukrainians (and all Europeans) from a fate worse than death – the LGBT enslavement of their progeny.

Jared Taylor #racist #wingnut

Medicine Goes Dangerously Insane

Is your doctor competent? For years, whites and Asians have had to be a lot better qualified than blacks or Hispanics to get into medical school.


The bars on the left were the chances of getting into medical school with a low MCAT score. Look at the results for the better qualified applicants. Being black or Hispanic is a huge advantage.

This has been the case for decades, but a thick new form of madness has spread over medicine: an anti-racism rampage that has several goals. Turn more blacks and Hispanics into doctors, no matter what. Make sure everyone in medicine is battling “structural racism” and “white supremacy” every moment of the day. Blame society – and especially white doctors – for the bad health of “people of color.” “Center” treatment of non-whites, which means treat them better. And, of course, persecute anyone who opposes this craziness.

It’s a matter of blind faith that “underrepresented minorities” – that’s blacks and Hispanics and sometimes American Indians – are just as smart and hard-working as whites and Asians – Asians are the over-represented minority.

Black and Hispanic doctors in residency training score worse than whites on every standard of evaluation. There’s not a single area in which they are even as good. The authors can think of only three possible reasons: “bias in faculty assessment, effects of a noninclusive learning environment, or structural inequities in assessment.”

The entire medical profession is too terrified to denounce this rubbish – with one exception. Dr. Stanley Goldfarb of Penn Medical School tweeted: “Could it be they were just less good at being residents?”

Within hours of his tweet, the dean of Dr. Goldfarb’s medical school emailed all students and faculty a classic of self-righteousness and bootlicking.

This is what white people get for their unspeakable cowardice. They must never defend themselves. They must confess perpetual guilt. They must turn their institutions – and their jobs – over to people who built their careers on resentment. And white doctors will help build a system in which their own people will be at the back of the bus for treatment.

Amala Ekpunobi & Tim Pool #wingnut

TP: So, I'd imagine for you as for a lot of people who start questioning wokeness, you probably said something small like, "Hey, I kind of don't agree with you on the white people thing," and then they immediately started shoving you as hard as they could out.

AE: Yep, that's exactly what happened. I was working on a project called the Groveland IV back in Florida. It was about these four black men had been wrongfully accused of sexual assault. There was a documentary that we were showing and I was trying to get all these college and high school kids to come and say, "You know, this is America, this is what they do to black people. They shove them through the criminal justice system even when they've done nothing."

In the background, Brett Kavanaugh gets accused of sexual assault. That whole firestorm starts happening and I'm working on this project watching Brett Kavanaugh just completely break down on camera and I brought it to my boss and I said, "You know, why are we treating these two situations differently? Why is he completely just getting obliterated by the media and by the work that we're doing here, yet when these four black men get wrongfully accused we're giving them all the grace in the world?"

And he said, "Well, he's a white man and I don't care and he clearly is the frat boy type so he did it and he should hang."

TP: Wow.

AE: Yeah, just... When I tell you the most dramatic rhetoric you could possibly hear, I was hearing day in and day out. I don't know how I didn't leave sooner, but eventually, it was just, you can't stand it.

TP: I kind of feel like the left hates mixed race people. Like, woke people, their perspective is, I've experienced this personally, where they're like, we should have segregated spaces, right? The POC and the non-POC and then, you know, if you walk up to them and you're like, "What if I'm both?"

They're like, "Get out!" because then you're still white.

And your story, what I'm imagining is, like, you've got white family, him saying, "He's white, I don't care, let him hang," it's like, yo, you realize like, when people say it to me, i'm like imagining my family, I'm like, I don't like that.

Tim Pool #wingnut

One story I talk about every so often is that during Occupy Wall Street, there was a white dude a black dude, they were friends. Black dude was like, "I'm gonna run across the street to go to the bathroom."

The white dude was like, "Would you grab me a cheeseburger when you're over there?"

The black dude went off and he was like, "Excuse me?!" Started yelling at him and then I asked him later what happened and then he said, "You see how racist that was?"

Then I was like, "He asked you to get him a cheeseburger."

He's like, "Yeah, like I'm his boy, going to get him food," or something.

And I was like, "Dude, my friends ask me to grab them stuff from the store all the time. You fly, I'll buy. That's what we do."

This dude internalizes the racism and sees everything through the lens of you're being racist towards me. So, something as simple as my friend asked me to grab him food because I was already going that way turns into a racist attack on him.

I think white guilt is something that people are introduced to at a really young age. I saw a friend over the weekend and she's moved to new city and she told me that she specifically picked her yoga studio because it was in the historically black neighborhood and she liked that it was owned by women of color. If that's your preference, totally cool.

Then she said, "I also think it's really important that they offer classes for free to black people only."

And i was like, "You're describing discrimination you know that right?"

This is what people who agree with us need to understand. They're racist. They define racist in a different way, but who cares. The woke want segregIt's fascinating when I talk to people and tell them about how Dearborn, Michigan, had the POC and the non-POC digital events. I've seen a lot of places doing this, tons of this stuff and they're like it's a good thing and i'm like it's a bad thing. They're like, well, if you don't like it, you're racist and i'm like, dude, I don't care what word you use, I don't like what you're doing and I'm just going to stay away from you.

Jon Minadeo Jr. #racist #dunning-kruger #psycho #wingnut #conspiracy

Jon Minadeo Jr. posted about his arrest on Gab[…]on Sunday. He said he had been charged with “(((Hate Speech))) regarding Aushwitz”[…]
The Polish national police did not immediately respond to a request for comment[…]
Minadeo had posted pictures of himself and a fellow Goyim Defense League member, Robert Wilson, holding posters outside Auschwitz’s notorious front gate[…]
“We must continue exposing the Jewish anti white propaganda! That for decades has conditioned our people to be slaves for the Jews,” Minadeo wrote on Gab when posting the photographs. His post attacked the ADL as “an anti white terrorist organization” and says the Holocaust is “a f—ing hoax”[…]
The incident at Auschwitz was not the only one where Minadeo boasted about his provocations during his travels. He documented his vacation to Poland in a number of other photos and videos — including one in which he verbally attacks a South Asian man for more than 4 minutes

The video, which went viral on Reddit, bore the headline “American tourist in Poland goes on racial tirade against Indian guy.” It shows Minadeo[…]harassing the man on a sidewalk. He calls the man an “invader” and tells him to go back to India. “Why are you in Poland? Why are you here?” Minadeo says while following him. “You have your own country”

A different video posted on Gab shows Minadeo sitting on a restaurant patio. He is wearing a “white pride” T-shirt and a long, gold-colored swastika necklace, when a tall man in a tartan blazer approaches him and tells him it is illegal to display a swastika in Poland[…]
“Who makes it illegal?” Minadeo asks. “The Polish government,” the man replies. “No, the Jewish government,” Mindeo responds. He calls the man a “cuck”[…]and a “f—ing pussy” before asking if he would like to “go outside” to fight

Joy Peace Humble #fundie

(1) If you are a parent, do away with every cartoon you bought for your children that doesn't teach your children about God. such as Ben 10, Avatar, Justice league etc.
(2) Do away with all so-called Christian cartoons that teaches evil and all cartoons that teaches Children how to dress indecently.
Please save souls from going to hell, many children are also weeping in hell now because of the evil they learnt from watching majority of this cartoons.

Joy Peace Humble #sexist #fundie

As I watched many episodes I saw some major errors in the cartoon and I was shocked, sometimes, the child Joy in the cartoon wore trousers and earrings which could teach the Children how to dress indecently, this scripture condemns it: (Exodus 33:4-6, Isaiah 3:16-21, Hosea 2:13, 1Peter 3:3-4, 1Timothy 2:9, Deuteronomy 22:5)
I was troubled and I was confused, That how can a Christian cartoon be teachings children this evil, It really shocked me to see the extent to which the devil had gone to lure some Christian most especially children with so called Christian cartoon by putting little lies and false in it to deceive many. More so, along the line, I also listen to one testimony of heaven and hell and in the hell testimony, the person made mention that she saw that many of this Cartoons are from hell, that it is a trap from Satan to lead majority which are Children to hell and many children are in hell because of this bad cartoons but here I was, confused that how can this Christian Cartoon portray such indecency and evil then the Spirit ministered to me that the cartoon is evil, that whatever that comes from God would not teach evil but even the great deceiver which is satan can mix and chip in lies such as you see Joy wearing trouser in the cartoon could make a little girl to think that it is good when God condemns it.

Mastriano, Garlow, Greene and others #fundie #conspiracy

[New Apostolic Reformation, dominionist public prayer in preparation for the 2020 coup attempt, conspiracy by conspiracy theorists, call for holy takeover]

A week before Jan. 6, on a Zoom call organized by far-right Christian Nationalists seeking to reinstall Donald Trump in the White House, a man with a booming baritone voice bowed his bald head and began to pray. “We remember the promises of old,” he said, before invoking the book of Revelations and its account of the End Times: “We know we overcome Satan by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony and not loving our lives unto death.”
“God I ask you that you help us roll in these dark times, that we fear not the darkness, that we will seize our Esther and Gideon moments,” the man said, invoking a pair of Old Testament heroes who made themselves instruments of God’s vengeance. “We’re surrounded by wickedness and fear, and dithering, and inaction,” he added, “But that’s not our problem. Our problem is following Your lead.” Looking ahead to Jan 6, the man said: “I pray that… we’ll seize the power that we had given to us by the Constitution, and as well by You, providentially. I pray for the leaders also in the federal government, God, on the Sixth of January that they will rise up with boldness.”
The prayer meeting — one of a series of nearly two dozen “Global Prayer for Election Integrity” calls organized between election day and Jan. 6 — was organized by Jim Garlow, a prominent figure in the far-right New Apostolic Restoration movement. Garlow believes that U.S. government should operate according to biblical principles, because, “He knows best how government is to function.”
[... includes video link(s) ...]
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene identifies as a “proud Christian Nationalist” and Rep. Lauren Boehbert spoke succinctly of its aims in a June appearance at the Cornerstone Christian Center: “I’m tired of this separation of church and state junk,” she said. “The church is supposed to direct the government; the government is not supposed to direct the church.”
NAR adherents view current events through a lens of “spiritual warfare” — seeing a constant battle between Christ believers and their enemies, whom they hold are literally afflicted by demons.

pokitaru #sexist

Women don't deserve any rights and patriarchy has never existed.
There wasn't a single historical period when women had it harder. Reproduction, security and food were always guaranteed to any female. A single woman was always much more valuable than hundreds of men, their lives were to be saved first in any situation while men were always treated as disposable cattle. Ordinary men never had any privilieges. Men would rather solve her inconvenience than help their suffering brothers. Even strong leaders were manipulated and blackmailed by their own wives.

Even muslims treat women much better than thier own brothers, it's usually the muslim boys who are being abused, molested, trafficked, enslaved, turned into suicide bombers (while women are simply forced to cover their bodies and not whore around). Even when women had no rights they had no responsibilities either. It's the men who were forced to sacrifice themselves while women didn't really care because they would be spared regardless of the outcome. Even female nazis were simply shaved and humiliated while their men were tortured and killed.

Women don't care about the politics nor religion either because they can always attach themselves to a man or the government.
They don't care about raising generations of weak men and the collapsing society because they will eventually feign submission and skinwalk as conservative maids or turn into born-again virgins. Being a female is the most foolproof thing in existence, all she has to do to spread legs which is the life's ultimate cheat code.

A 5 minute blowjob is considered to be more valuable than a month's worth of hard manual labour, dignity, values, utility, progress, innovation and thousands of sacrificed lives.

Marjorie Greene & @DefiantKiwi #wingnut #transphobia

(Marjorie Greene)
I'm honored to be ranked as the number one defender of children!
Far-Left UK group calls for banning Libs of TikTok, MTG, Boebert, Posobiec over 'groomer' tweets

@RealMarjorieGreene The leftists personify evil with their support for gender affirming surgery and puberty blockers. Their enthusiasm for inflicting suffering on children through mutilation and biologically altering drugs is beyond belief. It's even more terrifying when health professionals support these crimes. These perverted leftist, child torturing, monsters must be stopped.

Marjorie Taylor Greene & Various commenters #wingnut

(Marjorie Taylor Greene)
Impeach Merrick Garland and Defund the corrupt FBI!

End political persecution and hold those accountable that abuse their positions of power to persecute their political enemies, while ruining our country.

This shouldn’t happen in America.

Republicans must force it to stop!

@repmtg While you are defunding, don't forget the IRS, DOJ, and DHS. If you half a$$ do the job you are still going to have the same corruption!!!

@repmtg The U.S. Constitution does not empower the Federal Government to establish a national police force! The FBI must be abolished!


But add Defund The DOJ, they are as corrupt or more than the FBI!

@repmtg Freeing all political prisoners should be priority.

@repmtg DISMANTLE! More than simply defunding. People need to be investigated and prosecuted within the FBI

Abolish the damn FBI. Not defund. What is this another Obamacare repeal lie.

@repmtg Keep Up Fighting Against Socialist/Communist DemonRats puppet

Dr. Schavi #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy

Sunspots are growing on our Sun that are possibly geo-effective; in other words, directly facing our planet.

They could unleash “M-Class” flares, but they could also explode with unexpected “X-Class” flares. Why? Because the technological equipment that registers the vibrational frequency and amplitude (“Schumann Resonance”) of our planet has now reached six days of darkness—total “black-out”.

​This indicates, as has been mentioned previously, that energy is so strong coming through into this realm that mankind’s machinery cannot handle the power of the cosmic events.

People are reporting the following due to these high-powered energies: feeling shaky, rapid heart rhythms, nauseous, restless, exhausted.

Yet, there are some people who are feeling very energetic or even very blissful and calm.

Everyone is “wired” differently.
There are also times when almost everyone will feel the same “activations” at the same time—as if a collective cleansing is happening.

These current huge energies—unrecorded by mainstream technology—may be heralding a tremendous cosmic event that many have called “The Flash”.
Scriptural texts also offer us information about cosmic events—and not just those of the ancient times.

For those who scoff at sacred texts, it is true that many have been tampered with, and mankind has added cultural and religious indoctrination to them.

However, Divine Revelation is still hidden within them because SOURCE has not allowed those who are truly trying to be anchored to the LIGHT to go “hungry” for SACRED SUSTENANCE.

One of the ways in which to be “fed” is to study by doing an exegesis of many scriptures. This is when a critical analysis is done to discover similarities and differences in textual works—particularly scriptures.

Of course, it helps to have knowledge of more than just your native language. Aside from this, the HIGHER SELF is always the GUIDE.

You can come to “know” when you have arrived at TRUTH.

speculareffect #wingnut #sexist #homophobia #ableist

Human beings are generally retarded people. I mean, what the fuck is wrong with people? What the fuck is a “queen”? Can we stop for a moment to comprehend what the entire planet is going on about? Stop and think about how we humans allowed all this bullshit to go on for so long—some very small group of people ruling over us—a large majority.

How are we this fucking retarded? I’m not even going to get into the whole aspect of her being a woman. This applies to kings, too. “It’s tradition. It had always been done.” Yes, the good old appeals to tradition. It has always been done, so that makes it right and makes it acceptable and sensible that people allow this shit.
It is the religious mind (a retard) who pays obeisance to “royalty” and some higher authority and power. You see, the superstition behind all of this is what wroughts the retarded argument Christrannies give when the non-belief in a god or gods is posited or encountered—”where do you get your morality from, then?”. In other words, without a belief in a God, one is totally immoral and has no sense of “morality”. Likewise, the same retarded argument is made when it comes to government, rulers and the state. “Without a government or being under rulership, you won’t have laws. You’ll have chaos.” The religious mind needs a higher power, hence kings, queens and principalities, who in turn take advantage of the feeble nature of human beings.

I’m glad this is cunt is dead. Good riddance. Now, we just need all the others to fucking die, too, so we could be rid of them and not have to deal with them fucking with our lives.

How the fuck did this have dominion over the planet?

Simps, manginas and faggots believed in the make-believe bullshit of authority and enforce it through the threat of violence.

There is no authority. There is only the BELIEF in authority.

The media and other morons would have us believe that a crown holds sacred powers. Somehow these people are gods, yet they die.

Give me a fucking break.

J. Douglas Kenyon #crackpot #conspiracy #magick #ufo

Reveals the cutting edge of New Science and shows how established science disallows inquiry that challenges the status quo--even when it produces verifiable results

• Contains 43 essays by 19 researchers denoting cutting-edge, heretical, or suppressed scientific research, including Immanuel Velikovsky, Nikola Tesla, Rupert Sheldrake, and Masaru Emoto

• Edited by Atlantis Rising publisher, J. Douglas Kenyon

Following the model of his bestselling Forbidden History and Forbidden Religion, J. Douglas Kenyon has assembled from his bimonthly journal, Atlantis Rising, material that explores science and technology that has been suppressed by the orthodox scientific community--from the true function of the Great Pyramid and the megaliths at Nabta Playa to Immanuel Velikovsky’s astronomical insights, free energy from space, cold fusion, and Rupert Sheldrake’s research into telepathy and ESP.

There is an organized war going on in science between materialistic theory and anything that could be termed spiritual or metaphysical. For example, Masaru Emoto’s research into the energetics of water, although supported by photographic evidence, has been scoffed at by mainstream science because he has asserted that humans affect their surroundings with their thoughts. The materialism or absolute skepticism of the scientific establishment is detrimental to any scientific inquiry that thinks outside the box. This mentality is interested in preserving funding for its own projects, those that will not rock the establishment. From Tesla’s discovery of alternating current to Robert Schoch’s re-dating of the Sphinx, this book serves as a compelling introduction to the true history of alternative and New Science research.

Rolo Slavskiy #wingnut #racist

The Special Military Operation Has Failed, But the War May Start Soon

Since I have a lot of newcomers flooding in to read The Slavland Chronicles for the first time, I thought I’d explain my positions again, just so we’re clear and I don’t get accused of being something that I am not.

I am an unabashed Russia shill. I like Vladimir Putin and I support the Russian military. I believe that the slavic peoples ought to live in one country and no longer be used as cannon fodder against one another by the Jews. I support the integration of Ukraine into the territory of Russia and the reincorporation of Ukrainians into the Pax Russiya. I also believe that the Baltics ought to be taken back, as well as parts of Kazakhstan which were historically settled by Russians.

I do not have any ideology that I wish to promote on this blog. I do not believe in the voodoo teachings of Marx or Moses or Rothbard or even Ann Frank for that matter. In terms of world politics, I am concerned with only one thing, really: a strong, confident, revanchist Russia retaking her rightful place as a serious power on the world arena.

I am not here to sell you on a prefabricated narrative about Russia though. I will tell you the truth as best as I can understand it, and I will bring you the perspectives of the patriotic community in Russia, which by and large are in agreement with my positions. What you are going to hear me say here are the positions of a patriot of Russia who wants Russia to thrive and for the slavic peoples to be freed from the yoke of a foreign and hostile ethnic elite.

Draulix #god-complex #sexist

Our Father, who art in SYRIA, Hamudi Ebalz be thy NAME.
Thy kingdom COME, our MOG be DONE, IRL as it is on TINDER.
Give us this day our daily BLACKPILL, and forgive us for our LOOKS, as we forgive those who SIMP.
Lead us not into MSTOW, but deliver us from ROASTIES.
For thine is the HOPE, the COPE, and the ROPE.
Forever and EVER, WAHMEN..

There is no HOPE but to COPE, til you ROPE, just don't MOPE.
Take the Blackpill. Let the BITTER TRUTH guide you to SALVATION.

OP #conspiracy #elitist

> siding with the West Memphis police department
> believing in the satanic boogy-man
> being this new
I know satan has big scary horns but hes just trying to teach you something

Where did I say that I'm with the West Memphis PD?

I said that the three were linked to a much larger cult underground, and that there were multiple people, including adults, involved with the murders. In other words, that the WMPD failed to expose the real conspiracy - probably because the cult involved high-level locals who enjoyed protection (e.g. John Mark Byers, who was a 32nd Degree Mason, drug dealer, and police informant).

People forget, but the original jury apparently believed that John Mark Byers (who was a 32nd Degree Mason) was involved alongside the three. Sharon French said as much, "we knew he was there ... we knew he was involved, but we couldn't do anything about that because he wasn't on trial." Which, if true, means people on both sides of the issue need to reassess everything they believe about this case.

>I know satan has big scary horns but hes just trying to teach you something
Holy cringe. Are you 15?

I'm probably a lot more involved in the occult than you are, champ.

you're probably involved?

I live in an area that's similarly a hotbed for these type of belief systems (in a general sense), and have known people who are engaged with them all my life. I've been at rituals, as well as many discussions with serious religionists in this area - both about occult-related crime as well as .

You're trying to peg me as someone who would conclude these 3 were killers based on an irrational fear of the Devil, yet if the reports of the torture-murder of humans and animals are false then I'd probably have a lot more in common with the accused than their detractors. No, I initially believed they were innocent - and I still don't really think they were the nucleus of the conspiracy, but they had some level of knowledge and / or involvement in something much, much larger.

Charles Murray #pratt #racist

When I noted his discussion with Hughes and asked if he worried about the consequences of a franker debate, especially adding genetics to the mix, Murray responded:

We’ve had a natural experiment; we’ve tried for 60 years to not talk about all those wounding things in public. And what has come out of it is the worst racial polarization since the Civil Rights Act—it’s been building over a long period of time. We have colleges dropping the SAT. We have Oregon outlawing minimum standards in math and reading and writing and so forth. We have a rhetoric in which whites are called evil and oppressive, and not just privileged but, worse than privileged, racist, no matter how hard they try not to be racist, and in which “colorblind” is hate speech, “melting pot” is hate speech. . . . I could keep on going. . . . So when you tell me that I am going to create bad stuff by now saying, “Look, we’ve probably got differences that are genetic to some degree,” I don’t buy it. I don’t see how it could be any worse.

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