
Not nearly as smart as they think they are

GeneticTrash #pratt #wingnut #dunning-kruger blackpill.club

[Important] GeneticTrash's Disclaimer

All of my posts, comments and threads on this forum are source of parody, satire, and humor and are for entertainment purposes only. Said posts or stories or opinions may or may not use real names (or nouns), always in semi-real and/or mostly, or substantially, fictitious ways. Therefore, all of my writings and posts are works of fiction, constitute fake news and outlandish/unreal ideas and opinions. Any truth or actual facts contained in said stories or posts are purely incidental or coincidental and not intended to be, or be construed as, facts. Any resemblance to the truth or actual facts or to reality is purely coincidental, except for references to famous (and/or infamous/notorious) persons and/or public figures, or some historical events, in which case such stories are based on real people, but the story, or stories, or opinions surrounding or about these people or figures are almost entirely fiction and are intended as satire and entertainment. As the purpose of said writings/comments is to entertain and amuse and not to disparage any persons, or institutions, in any way and no malice is intended toward anyone or anything, nor should any be construed from all my writings on this forum. My action of typing and my predisposition or conviction are completely unrelated. Therefore, my posts and writings are not a source of facts or real information. That means all items or stories made by me are fictitious. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental or is intended purely as a satire, parody or spoof of such persons and is not intended to communicate any true or factual information about that person. All my posts, comments and threads are intended for a mature, sophisticated and discerning audience. Should a reader, or readers, upon sober reflection, think or believe that anything contained in any post from mine is true (or take them in a serious manner), they are mistaken and should relieve and abandon themselves of that idiotic notion immediately. Anyone who concludes otherwise ought to stay away from all of my writings forever and may want to consider instead seeking immediate mental help, attention or treatment.

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unknown pastor #dunning-kruger #fundie tomfarr.net

While we were on a trip somewhere in North Georgia, we were searching through the radio stations trying to find something good when we came across a call-in show hosted by a local pastor. My curiosity was fully engaged! I was eager to hear what kind of questions would be asked, and what answers would be given. The very first caller did not let me down.

He asked, “What is the bare minimum required for me to get into heaven?”

A pause on a radio show seems much longer than it really is. This one seemed like ten minutes, but it was only a few seconds in reality.

The pastor politely, but firmly, responded, “Son, you have to surrender everything to Jesus if you want to go to heaven. Everything.”

Apparently, this answer did not meet the callers needs, and he thought that maybe the pastor didn’t understand. So, he restated his question: “No, Pastor. I just want to know what is the minimum I gotta do to go to heaven.”

There was no pause this time. “Son,” the pastor said, “You can’t do anything to earn your way into heaven. But when Jesus calls you, you must respond by giving up everything in your old life to be re-created by Him. Everything. It’s all. Or it’s not at all.”

Senator Amanda Chase #dunning-kruger #pratt twitter.com

Del. John Mcguire is speaking against legalization of marijuana. He said he had 7-8 people cry in his arms when he knocked their door. He said they were crying because their child overdosed. I have strong doubts that these people’s kids OD’d on weed.

Del. McGuire is right. We have a drug problem in Virginia, and legalizing marijuana will only lead to more marijuana overdoses and deaths. Democrats want more marijuana deaths. As your governor I would never allow marijuana to be legalized.

JOHN NOLTE #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #transphobia #wingnut breitbart.com

Nolte: Investigators Say Blunt Force Trauma Did Not Kill Officer Sicknick at Capitol Riot

Once again, we are being taught the lesson that everything the establishment media report eventually ends up being exposed as a big fat lie.

Remember that horrible and harrowing story about U.S. Capitol police officer Brian Sicknick being beaten to death with a fire extinguisher during the Capitol Hill riot last month…? Well, guess what…?

…it didn’t happen.

In fact, according to far-left CNNLOL, the medical examiner found no evidence of any blunt force trauma of any kind during Sicknick’s autopsy.

In fact, there is apparently so little evidence Sicknick was physically injured in any serious or notable way during the incident, the following is being considered…

One possibility being considered by investigators is that Sicknick became ill after interacting with a chemical irritant like pepper spray or bear spray that was deployed in the crowd.

Are you surprised? Because I’m not. My default position when it comes to media reports for years has been, “Yeah, that’s a lie.”

And I’m always correct, especially when the story in question perfectly fits whatever left-wing narrative the fake media are promoting.

This is, after all, the same corporate media and D.C. establishment that lies about everything, that tells us President Trump colluded with the Russians, called Nazis “very fine people,” told people to inject bleach; that tells us there was no vote fraud in 2020, men can magically transform into women and women can magically transform into men; that protected and is still protecting the perverts at Project Lincoln, that a year of left-wing riots and deaths and billions of dollars in property damage were “mostly peaceful protests,” that Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D-NY) is doing a stellar job handling the coronavirus, and Global Warming is real.

It’s all lies.

Omnia #crackpot #quack #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #mammon omniaradiationbalancer.com

The ORB Explained: An EMF Sticker that Harmonizes Energy

As beings of energy, frequency and vibration, every cell in our body is vibrating with electrical current. As such the body is a big electrical antenna. And the antenna is programmed to respond to everything we encounter or experience: a hug, sunlight, a walk on the beach, smelling flowers..

The same experience happens when we walk into man-made energy fields, such as car exhaust fumes or wireless radiation fields: we pick up their vibration electrically through the antenna, or energy field, that is the human body.

We know that because of the Law of Resonance, the human body has no choice but to react on a vibrational level to other radiation fields in its close proximity - this includes device radiation.

The ORB is a simple patch that you stick on your phone or on any other radiating device. It is a sticker that creates a vibrational match (also known as 'resonance') between the wave field of the radiation and the wave field of the human cell.
Using Nikola Tesla as his inspiration, Prof. Ilija Lakicevic ('Laki'), the inventor of the ORB, has made crucial discoveries about exactly how atoms behave. This has been published in a paper called ‘The True Concept of the Atom’.

Every atom has a wave field, an expression of its motion. Crucially, Laki has discovered how and why man-made microwave radiation (MWR) fields influence the wave fields of balanced human cells.

There are three components to the ORB.

The Zero Point of unlimited potential
The Power of Conscious Human Intent
The Deca – a new unit of energy which can be commanded to bring balance back to our lives.

Russ Winter #conspiracy #racist #dunning-kruger #wingnut winterwatch.net

Without a doubt, the Jesuits were hyper-active secret-society plotters and schemers. Colloquially, they’re referred to as God’s soldiers, God’s marines and The Company. To be fair, the stories of Jesuit missionaries in far away lands are epic. No slackers among this group.
Many are Georgetown graduates, and many are strange lizards indeed. It’s more common to find a Jesuit-trained operative than traitorous evangelical Zio-Baptist types. They have been particularly influential in the Catholic Church since Vatican II. One of the most brainwashed friends I have ever had was educated by Jesuits, and he thought they were great. They are not slackers in the education arena either, but educated in what is the question.
The Debate: Were the Jesuits Little More Than a Crypto-Jew/Marrano Crime Syndicate?

The facts and evidence point to yes, especially in the beginning. But the order took on a life of its own. It evolved into a different entity, but with fellow-traveler strands to the Frankists and Freemasons. I suspect when the Jesuits went underground between 1773 and 1814 and they began melding and cooperating with the much-underappreciated Sabbateean-Frankist sect. Many historians believe Jesuits developed Freemasonry.
Indeed, many of the Frankist-Jesuit mystical Kabbalistic belief underpinnings are the same. The Alumbrados (Spanish pronunciation: alumˈbɾaðos, illuminated) was a term used to loosely describe practitioners of a mystical form of Christianity in Spain during the 15th and 16th centuries. This may have had roots via the Templars. This was also occurring in the Sabbeatian-Jewish communities of eastern and southeastern Europe in the 16th and 17th centuries.

Vladimir Matveyev #dunning-kruger jpost.com

A prestigious university in Moscow said it would fire a professor who denied the Holocaust on International Holocaust Remembrance Day.

Vladimir Matveyev, a lecturer on international relations, told teachers from the St. Petersburg region on Thursday that “no gas chambers were found to kill people in concentration camps,” “the gas was used by the Germans for disinfection” and “Six million dead Jews are a fiction.”

In a statement that same day, the state-owned university, known as RANEPA, said it “cannot accept” the lies told by Matveyev.

Matveyev was not representing the university on the video call in which he made the remarks, RANEPA said, and was participating outside his professional duties. RANEPA stands for Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.

Kevin Sorbo #dunning-kruger #pratt twitter.com

“The coronavirus is about 100 nanometers in diameter. Cloth mask ‘holes’ are 1,000 times larger than a virus. An analogy is used that a mask is like a mosquito getting through a chain link fence. it’s a mosquito getting through a chain link fence w/holes 14 yards wide.

Connor Murphy #fundie #crackpot #dunning-kruger #god-complex youtube.com

The Kingdom of Heaven is an internal state, I would like to say a mental state, but it’s more of a realization that goes even beyond the mind that actually leads to this mental state. The kingdom of heaven is the truth. The Kingdom of Heaven is the realization of the truth. The kingdom of heaven is enlightenment. The kingdom of heaven is love. All those are synonymous - the kingdom of heaven is the universe itself.

The kingdom of heaven is you.

The kingdom of heaven is the lack of ignorance that once plagued you. I am residing in the Kingdom of Heaven because I know the truth - the truth of your true nature. The truth that we are not living in a physical material world.

But that we are living in a world made of mind, that we are the creator of this world. That we are God.

Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) #conspiracy #dunning-kruger jta.org

Among the many posts being unearthed amid renewed scrutiny of Marjorie Taylor Greene’s social media history is one in which the new congresswoman implicated “Rothschild Inc” in connection with a deadly forest fire that, she wrote, was started using laser beams from space.

Greene, a freshman Republican from Georgia who made waves during the campaign for her promotion of the QAnon conspiracy theory, made the accusation in a 2018 Facebook post that is no longer visible. In the post, Greene offers a mix of evidence-free speculation as to what caused the 2018 Camp Fire, which burned more than 150,000 acres and killed 85 people.

In reality, the fire was determined to have been started by electrical wiring belonging to Pacific Gas and Electric.

In her post, Greene noted that Roger Kimmel, a board member at Pacific Gas and Electric, was also the vice-chairman of Rothschild Inc. Greene also wrote that PG&E had invested in technology to beam solar energy from space down to Earth. She claimed in the post that that technology had caused the fire. The post was first reported on Thursday by Media Matters for America, a liberal media watchdog.

Connor Murphy #fundie #mammon #crackpot #pratt #dunning-kruger #god-complex instagram.com

For most of us it’s tough to say, “Merry Christmas” this year and mean it. We’ve gone though a lot this year, and many of us are mentally suffering. You can do two things about this: be a victim and continue to mentally suffer, or take responsibility for your happiness and create your own reality. I’m here to help you do the latter. Since many of us are celebrating the birth of Jesus today, I thought I’d fill you in on what he was ACTUALLY trying to teach. His teachings have been misinterpreted and mistranslated for 2000 years. This is a big reason why this country, which was founded on Christianity, is such a mess. Let go of the concepts you’ve been indoctrinated into and directly experience what Jesus was pointing to for yourself. I’ll help you get there.

Jerry Derecha/Adrenogate #crackpot #conspiracy #dunning-kruger adrenogate.net

My face was just blown clean off watching this channel for the past few hours. I was well aware of the theory that so many of these supposed “rock cut” megalithic buildings around the world were in fact the remains of VERY ancient petrified buildings. But to now realize just how many of them were not only originally built of wood and were covered by mud and then the ocean, leaving them calcified and petrified, but even more shockingly, how these “pyramids” that we see in Mesoamerica especially, have actually been completely rebuilt by modern archeologists and were not originally pyramids at all. Instead they are all the collapsed remains of huge buildings, some even as large as skyscrapers, with only the top protruding from the ground in modern times! When a building collapses, the sides slide off, leaving a pyramidal shaped point. So when they were uncovered, they were rebuilt by its discoverers to look how they thought it originally looked. Ancient human cultures like the Aztec and Maya also rediscovered these ruins and rebuilt and utilized them the same way we do today.

Laura Wood #transphobia #conspiracy #dunning-kruger thinkinghousewife.com

[From ““Health” Secretary Levine”]

AMERICA at large doesn’t know how dangerous this man is, but Pennsylvanians do.

Dr. Richard Levine, aka “Rachel” Levine, has been picked by Joe Biden to be his assistant secretary of health. Levine is currently Health Secretary of Pennsylvania.

He may be one of the most hated bureaucrats in America. He has caused unnecessary deaths, untold suffering and economic devastation. To top it off, Levine, who adamantly insists he is a woman, wants laws to silence anyone challenging his sort of mental condition. That’s why, of course, he has been chosen. When it comes to a virus that has never been isolated and purified in a lab or shown to be contagious by healthy people, the “science doesn’t lie.” When it comes to a universal fact recognized by all of humanity, it does. Can you imagine a health secretary who doesn’t acknowledge the basics of biology? Sadly, you can.

In other words, he’s a perfect fit for the Biden regime.

Levine played, and continues to play, open favoritism towards major corporations and big business. He allowed a large amusement park, Hershey Park, to open at 50 percent capacity while smaller fairs and businesses were shut down. He continues to persecute restaurants. He is famous for having taken his mother out of a nursing home right before he ordered sick hospital patients to be returned to nursing homes, where they caused illness and strained available resources. He’s a COVID crook who has implemented medical tyranny with Bolshevik zeal.

But it’s not hard to believe he’s headed for D.C. Maybe you’ll get a free “gender change” if you get the vaccine.

fucksinglemoms #sexist #racist #transphobia #dunning-kruger reddit.com

SJW in Avengers Endgame

First of all captain marvel is super OP and thanos tried to punch her it did nothing. She so OP.

She also has a feminist haircut. They just had to give her that kind of hair. I know it's like that in the comics but the fact that she went to a normal haircut to a feminist 'rebellious' haircut, don't tell me there's no agenda there.

Gamora kicks StarLord in the balls. Basically encouraging domestic violence. They think it's ok to beat up men but evil to beat up women.

Another SJW element is Capitan America. He passes it on to a falcon. Captain America is now black. This symbolizes America turning black and casting out the white people. Whites are being kicked out and shamed while blacks replace them and be the heroes.

Iron man dying, bet they will give the moniker to a woman like his daughter, Pepper or the african american girl in comics

Thor letting Valkyrie rule New Asgard

Thor becoming fat, meaning to convey white males as lazy n ugly

Peter Parker a white male getting saved by like 10+ of all the female hero cast at once. Right before hes saved hes acting scared n whimpy

Another reason is transgender propaganda. They had a Bruce Banner and Hulk mixed. I think this is kind a a subliminal message that tells us that you can be whatever you want. Non-binary, both genders, or the opposite gender. They are saying gender is a spectrum. More pandering to sjws.

It might also be encouraging forced diversity cause hulk is 'mixed' kind of like mixed race. Who knows.

Rodney M. Cluff #crackpot #ufo #fundie #dunning-kruger amazon.com

Beginning with the Hollow Earth/Hollow Planets theory, science can now begin to discover a whole new way of looking at the Universe. NASA may not be able to see life on any of the planets of our Solar System, yet if they are hollow, a whole new frontier of space exploration will open up. If the so-called gaseous planets are in reality hollow, they all could have solid surfaces, including the Sun! Since none of these planets, including even Earth, receive enough energy from the Sun to light up their auroras, the Hollow Earth theory provides an alternative answer: The solar wind causing the auroras of all the planets comes from their Inner Suns emanating through polar openings. Apollo missions to the Moon discovered that the Moon rings like a bell when hit by a large meteorite, and images of the surface of the Sun show quakes on the surface of the Sun that cause tsunamis to go out from the epicenter passing over mountain features on the surface. Perhaps the stories of explorers going into the interior of the Earth, the Sun and other planets and finding human populations living there are based on a truth that God creates planets to be inhabited, not so much on their exteriors, but on their interiors. The Lost Ten Tribes are rumored to have found an entrance into the hollow of the Earth in the North and explorers who have been there through the North Polar Opening report that the people there have built a fantastic civilization with flying saucer technology, long lives, perfect health and an economy of abundance.

The Vaulted Earth #conspiracy #fundie #crackpot #wingnut #dunning-kruger vaultedearth.wordpress.com

Note: This is not a flat earth debunking page, the earth is most definitely a flat and stationary plane. This page is about the current flat earth movement that I believe does not represent the real Biblical flat earth model.

Do not be so quick to just blindly jump on the Zetetic flat earth model without questioning any of its mechanics, just as we did with the Globe model. It is my own opinion that the Zetetic flat earth model was a controlled release by the United Nations to co-opt the flat earth rediscovery and revelation by subliminally getting flat earth believers to unknowingly promote the United Nations dominion over the world through the legitimate Truth of the flat earth.
Do you want more people to realize the lies of NASA, Heliocentricism, and that the rotating Ba’al earth in “outer space” is a massive deception? Well one of the major reasons why they don’t, is because the official Flat Earth Society/Azimuthal Equidistant/1-poled circle earth model IS NOT reality, and is quite easily proven as false from both the Word of YAHUAH ELOHIYM and real life observations.

When people look at the Azimuthal Equidistant projection/United Nations flag model and realize it can’t even explain night and day properly, they don’t believe any of it and remain exactly where they are, under the illusion of the occult mass programming/globe indoctrination.

Being unable to investigate your own beliefs, or to debate ideas without emotional outbursts, is the sure sign of occult programming/brainwashing, especially when you didn’t formulate the ideas yourself and they actually came from someone else.

This video presents the earth a flat square, proved from Scripture, evidence and reason, for your consideration

foffwankers #dunning-kruger #racist bitchute.com

The problem is always the same , always has been. The cult just keeps changing its name. 100,000 years ago they worshiped Pazuzu . Then they changed his name to Baal. They fed him our children. Now they call themselves Jews and still worship Pazuzu , sacrifice children and believe they are better. There's only 15.5 million of them. There always has been. One simple solution for them all equals eternal peace , liberty , honor and integrity. End the bloodlines , end the banks. They were chosen for one purpose. So we know exactly who the guilty are.

NDS80 #crackpot #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #pratt deviantart.com

Who knew the awesome destructive power of less than half a tank of jet fuel? Imagine the level of technical skill required to handle quantities of such a volatile substance on a daily basis. If only we could harness the raw energy of jet fuel for peacetime applications, we could power entire metropolitan cities with the degree of potential catalyst present in one or two commercial passenger jetliners.

Is probably what that charlatan, Isaac Newton would say.

Maximillien de Lafayette #ufo #crackpot #dunning-kruger amazon.com

For the first time in philology's history, and chronicles of civilizations of the ancient world, Maximillien de Lafayette, a world renowned expert linguist (Ancient Languages) provides us with the first lexicon/thesaurus/dictionary of the Anunnaki and Ulemite languages.

It consists of a set of 3 volumes of vocabulary and words definitions; one volume that teaches you Anunnaki Language-Conversation; the same language, the same words and phrases they used to speak to the first human species.
This unique work consists of definitions of words, etymology, epistemology, the study and linguistic investigation of the derivation and origin of the ancient Middle and Near East languages, Semitic and non-Semitic languages and dialects, including, but not limited to Old Babylonian, Akkadian, Sumerian, Assyrian, Chaldean, Aramaic, Phoenician, Ugaritic, Hebrew, Hittite, Arabic, etc.
It also provides a very engaging and extremely interesting Ana'kh Conversation Section, encompassing sentences, phrases, colorful phraseology as used on Earth by the Anunnaki, and as recorded by the Enlightened Anunnaki-Ulema. YES! You will be able for the first time in your life to speak the terrestrial and extraterrestrial languages of the Anunnaki and Igigi.

Ana'kh is the language of the Anunnaki who descended on ancient Turkey, Mesopotamia, and Phoenicia according to the Ulema.
It is of an extraterrestrial origin. Ulema Al Bakr stated that it was used by the early human beings who lived in ancient Anatolia, on the Island of Arwad, in Tyre, Sidon, Byblos, Ugarit, Amrit, and Mu. He added that from the Ana'kh derived the primitive languages of the Near East and the Middle East.

Jim #wingnut #sexist #conspiracy #dunning-kruger blog.reaction.la

[From “Where we go from here”]

Electoral politics is dead, though its corpse will continue to be paraded about for a considerable time. It will not be revived for a very long time, for a live Republic requires a virtuous elite
I hoped and prayed that Trump would retain power[…]My investments were to some extent premised on him retaining power.
I have for decades predicted war, democide, or genocide around 2026 or so, and have never shifted in that prediction. On the whole, things seem to be moving as expected, at about the rate expected.[…]Had Trump successfully performed the coup or started the civil war that I expected, it would have been only the small beginning of what is needed to reverse the decline.
Trump is delusionally attempting to appease his enemies.[…]A Trump restoration could only happen after the pattern of the Rwandan genocide, when the exiles returned to conquer a grotesquely dysfunctional and murderous government.
Eventually the leftism spiral will be ended by a Napoleon or a Stalin. If we are lucky a Cromwell.
Our key issue is patriarchy, and each of us should promote it at the individual level, by being alpha in our interactions with women, and by telling our women that this is God’s will
While our ultimate goal is a state and state religion that enforces truth and truthfulness, as Charles the Second’s men at arms protected the Royal Society from Puritan attempts to forcibly deplatform them, for the duration our goal is agorist[…]Agorism has no answer to large scale organized violence, and neither did the Invisible College, but after the Restoration, the Invisible College became the state sponsored Royal Society.

Vox Day #dunning-kruger #wingnut #conspiracy voxday.blogspot.com

[From “The first to surrender”]

You're not seeing many of their comments thanks to the mods, but the following trolls, shills, and blackpillers are happily posting about how quick they were to give up on President Trump and how they were the first to surrender and embrace the Biden administration. They are not us. None of them will ever be permitted to post here or participate in any of our projects in the future. No doubt we'll be adding more as the day goes on.
I never want anything to do with any player who gives up and stops playing before the final whistle blows. And I will not permit any such player on my team. If you want to quit, that's fine. If you never want to read this blog again, that's wonderful.

Of course, since they're almost uniformly Gammas, most of them are still trying to comment here. Some are even trying to backtrack and explain that they weren't really blackpilling. No. Just shut up and go away. What part of "no one wants you here" is hard to understand?

Some examples of their attempted contributions to the discourse:

• I guess Vox will just move on an ignore his huge error and failure here. Just as he did when he made an utter fool of himself trying to disprove the theory of evolution to JP Garlepy. Note that Vox merely rehashed creationist pseudoscience and presented it as his own thinking in that session.
• I beg you, after seventeen years, don't jump off this cliff. You're not a boomer, you don't need to commit intellectual suicide. No one is ever going to listen to you again, except boomers.
• A bunch of NG drafted in from mainly blue states is not part of some Trump 11th hour storm you clowns. It's over, Trump is a civnat boomer with a gonzo mouth and some comic timing.

Paul Bury #fundie #pratt #dunning-kruger familyfriendlygaming.com

Recently there was a humorous exchange where I exposed someone emailing me as a complete and total liar. They claimed to be mad at Family Friendly Gaming based on lies from some toxic hater website and that they were a Christian. I quoted multiple verses and their vain attempt to twist the truth was truly astounding. One of their premises is you must respond to the lies or you acknowledge them as truth. How messed up is that?


To even want to respond to a site spewing venom, lies, and hatred about Family Friendly Gaming I would first need to find them credible. I would need to have some respect for them and what they are doing. We continue to build up and improve the lives of millions here at Family Friendly Gaming. This hater website is trying to tear down because they are not capable of building up. We show our tolerance of diversity by ignoring them. We are not sending them law suits for their slanderous libel. We are not attacking them on a routine basis. We are living and let live. Maybe those cancel culture moral guardians will learn from our adult example. Mic Drop.

Thomas S Cowan, MD and Sally Fallon Morell #conspiracy #crackpot #dunning-kruger #quack westonaprice.org

We are sad to announce that our new book, The Contagion Myth, is banned on Amazon—sad for what has happened to American freedom of expression. But Amazon’s actions tell us that we have already struck a nerve and the powers that be do not want the paradigm-busting information in our book to circulate.

The disease called Covid-19 is not contagious and scientists have not properly isolated and purified a virus associated with the disease. The illness, characterized by lack of oxygen, widespread clotting, electrical or “fizzing” feelings, and degeneration of the lungs, fits the description of radiation poisoning from exposure to electromagnetic frequencies. The most likely culprit: microwave radiation from fifth generation wireless—5G. The Covid-19 illness has appeared following the deployment of 5G first in Wuhan, then in Europe and then in large cities in the United States.
In fact, while bacteria have received the blame for disease since the nineteenth century, the last two decades have witnessed a complete paradigm shift. Science has demonstrated that we live in symbiotic relationship with bacteria in the intestinal tract; bacteria help us digest our food, enhance the immune system, and also appear when necessary to clean up dead tissue. Bacteria only produce poisons under conditions of filth and lack of oxygen. Cowan and Fallon Morell argue that we will soon see a paradigm shift when it comes to viruses; that viruses are not harmful, but helpful exosomes that our cells produce to rid the body of poisons and make adjustments to new environmental threats, such as 5G millimeter wave radiation.

fschmidt #conspiracy #dunning-kruger saidit.net

My kids are grown up. I home-schooled them and I taught them that people are generally scum and shouldn't be trusted. I think this served them well. I don't see Caamib as being any worse than modern scum. The political elite are mostly pedos, they just aren't honest about it.

Anti-Gravity Alliance #crackpot #conspiracy #pratt #dunning-kruger #fundie squeeb1134.tripod.com

Substantial scientific evidence has been found that gravity does not exist! In fact there is more evidence that gravity doesn't exist than that it does!

· Gravity is only a THEORY and NOT a Scientific FACT!

· Gravity cannot be proven!
- As a theory, gravity can never be proven, scientists admit this!! No one has tested gravity on Jupiter!

· Gravity cannot be seen, heard, felt, tasted, or smelt!

If gravity exists then:

· How do birds, bats, and insects fly?

· How do airplanes fly?

· Why do balloons float up?

· What makes a hot air balloon keep from falling from the sky?

· How do Zeppelins or Dirigibles float in the sky?

· How does a siphon work?
Gravity can not exist. Consider the lies scientists tell us about gravity:

· Gravity is blind, ruled by random chance and chaos.
- Why are all the stars, planets, and moons round instead of many different shapes. How did "blind" gravity make all the
celestial objects perfect spheres?

· Gravity is a great force which permeates the whole universe that we are powerless to resist.
- We are told that this force is blind, does not love us, and that we are not known to it. Can this be so?

Awake Carolina #conspiracy #ufo #magick #dunning-kruger awakecarolina.com

I struggle in my efforts to wake the lost souls within them. My own family is victim to the archons who deceive and create cognitive dissonance in the minds of mortals. I myself am aware of this influence and control system but fall victim due to my ego, intelligence, and desire to create this image that others approve of. I no longer care what most people think, but I care about the people I love. I also care about my family and friends especially those who struggle within this matrix to see the light for what it truly is.
Somedays I live in a dark depressive state of mind due to guilt, shame, and resentment. I resent big pharmaceutical companies and the rich globalist elite. I resent the corrupt government and the psychopathic satanic occult that lurks within every neighborhood and city street. I resent the curtain that blinds mankind of the reptilian overlords that control us and shape our education system. I can't stand the thought of these pedophilia syndicates running their dark groups within the occult kabbalistic teachings in underground tunnels I have so much hate inside me somedays that I flee, scream off my porch, and punch holes in my wall leaving my knuckles to bleed.

5D Ascension and The Great Conjunction

- Shift is Clearly Affecting Me

- Vaccinations Are Genocide

- 5G Towers are Dangerous

- Human Trafficking in Southern States

- Nashville Bombing outside AT&T

- Coronavirus distraction from Epstein

- RT PCR tests are fraud and barcoding you with nanotechnology that crosses the Blood Brain Barrier

- This is a holocaust and an awakening

- I will fight but who else is still human beings or is everyone a robot and they've been so all along?

Ineedassitance #dunning-kruger #sexist #transphobia incels.is

Discussion Pinkpill feminism on "male cope"


spoilerI will never not laugh at men's long-standing pathetic cope called organized religion

All religion is male cope. Islam, Christianity, even the godless ones. Take for example Christianity. The Bible was written by men and it reflects their view on women. The Father, Son and holy spirit are all manitestations ofwomb envy: Now that's true blasphemy. It should have been the mother; daughter and the holy spirit because women are not vessels but true creators. All religions are a male cope with their own mortality.

I don't know what these feminist theories are trying to say, but I do know one thing. Man wants to secure his own genes, that is the aim of man - the escape from inceldom. Why do we get jobs - to get women. I do not know any other heterosexual man who does not think this way. Everything else is an attempt to stop that process.

All these theories seem to give a more complicated picture of society, so I just occam's razor that bitch. Why would I help my fellow man when it's in his best interest to cuck me (spread his seed as much as he can)? Sexual selection is a process.

Reminder that sub still isn't banned even after going private for months while

BlackPillFeminism and AndreasGarden somehow got banned.

Blackpill feminism sounds based. They need to bring back Gendercritical, based foids.

Shawntheimmortal942 #racist #conspiracy #pratt #dunning-kruger deviantart.com

The fact that the crazies have been bitching about how trump isn’t their president because muh russia or muh Ukraine for 4 years and have absolutely no evidence. Yet Trump has evidence of voter fraud https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=keANzinHWUA but the judges don’t want to see it, either because the crazies have threatened to dox them(which they did) or they‘re never trumpers. Not to mention that this city bordered up their businesses because they know the crazies will riot cause I haven’t seen Trump supporters riot. Now we have Supreme Court justices scared of riots! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YmjhydD_TB8ossil “Oh, Shawn you keep bitching about the riots but it’s all for justice!” Yeah? Where’s David Dorn’s and every other black police officer or civilian that was killed in the riots justice? Where’s the justice for business owners who already got their asses kicked by COVID and now have crazies stealing then burning down their shit? And of course, where the justice for people getting killed because they wear a fucking Trump hat? And here comes the flying monkeys with their “whataboutism! REEEEE!” These fools don’t care about social justice or change, they want to dance around acting like they won but soon realize they have buyers remorse for voting for Biden. What? You actually thought this asshole was really gonna be “the most progressive president ever elected”? Is AOC gonna be in his cabinet and finally end climate change? Nope! In fact it looks like he’s getting someone...who is FOR fossil fuels! Oops! Eh, she’ll get over it by bashing capitalism by selling $60 shirts. Oh but it’s made by people who are unionized! Yet the shirt is made from polyester. Don’t worry, AOC just cry in front of an empty parking lot again, the crazies will love it. Then there’s Kamala Harris who has BLM looking over her shoulder and counting the days of when she’ll invite them to talk. Well, since she won then there‘s no use for ya now! You were played from the start!

Shawntheimmortal942 #conspiracy #racist #dunning-kruger deviantart.com

And the crazies got crazier! There was a new CHAZ https://nypost.com/2020/12/14/portlands-autonomous-zone-dismantled-after-mayor-apology/

BLM and Biden supporters are fighting https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3nJ688xnFYI

This bitch threatening Trump supporters https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_It7sZazC_I

ANTIFA wanting no presidents https://www.newsweek.com/antifa-march-through-washington-dc-1544676

AOC wants a list of trump supporters like a blacklist https://nypost.com/2020/11/11/aoc-co-s-loathsome-plan-to-keep-lists-of-pro-trumpies/

The wanting to defund the police and even abolish the police.

Maxine “fish face” waters calling for Trump officials to be harassed


Now they’re tagging and left a pig”s head in front of crazy nancy’s house https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9cbXwpB3JKM you also gotta love the gas lighting these crazies try to push by saying “Nancy Pelosi WANTS $2000 stimulus checks to happen” despite being against it https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gqPltMpWIwo I know attention spans have gotten shorter recently but damn!

These assholes trespassing a Senator Hawley’s home https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=D72ROg1ucN4 29:45 I also love how they want Trump Supporters to “get over it” but these are the same crazies who’ve been bitching about “Muh Russia“ for 4 fucking years.

Jim Wilson / Brian Anderson who works with Rudy Guilani #conspiracy #wingnut #dunning-kruger supersoldiertalk.com

From Jim Wilson / Brian Anderson who works with Rudy Guilani

Space Force is involved in the worldwide blackouts we are seeing in multiple countries right now. This is a test run of the top secret Global Broadcast Satellite program.

GBS can bathe any broadcast system with a partial beam technology to override the machinery. Trump will use this program to enable direct contact with all television screens for a worldwide address in which he will reveal the signing of multiple new executive orders that will allow the swift trial through military tribunals for all those who chose treason over the past week and 4 years.

Space Force has been upgraded to full intelligence agency status.
Expect POTUS worldwide emergency broadcast imminently. According to Fox News, the White House pushed to make this change in classification ASAP. This is why it has seemed like Trump has gone silent recently, he was waiting for this move.

The media is going down first in a few hours because they are not sharing the truth and Project Oden will take over via Star link. This will be parallel with EO 13959. EBS will be used. This will be a global.


Why the black outs.. a lot can be accomplished under the cover of darkness. Collection of evidence, snatch and grab of traitors, interference of CCP AI satellite systems, cleaning up foreign AI infiltration in other communication systems, etc.

EBS likely to occur on Monday the 18th along with blackout of major TV news sites, etc.

GermaniaIncelia #sexist #dunning-kruger #crackpot #conspiracy incels.is

(in regards to this post of mine:)

Not all incels are white, but the incel community is most certainly extremely xenophobic.

hm. I don't think so. At least not in the way the average joe understands 'xenophobia'

Xenophobia is not an opinion or a perspective. It's not a fear or a hatred of an outgroup.
It's a deflection of hatred from the actual target of hate onto the path of weakest resistance.
Since foids are the singular or at least primary cause of discrimination against men but also enjoy immunity to critique, the criticism instead targets those whom it is allowed to target. A person with xenophobia thus simply is either of 2 cases: Either they suffer from not enough blackpill or truth. Or they realists and rather prefer to attack feasible targets rather than foids which would only equate to a fight between david and goliath.

If you removed the causes of their discrimination within the ingroup, i.e. the discrimination from women, the xenophobia disappears without a trace. Ofc this is theoretical because such a society has never existed. Women have thus far always been allowed to exert their influences over men in all kinds of discriminatory ways. Which was the reason why older civilisations had to restrict their bullying rampages. With the technical means that we have now it is a different story. We can finally make this world a better place again. All we need to do is to trust in Gates and his plans to kill, sterilise and subjugate women.

fschmidt #conspiracy #dunning-kruger saidit.net

I don't think anyone outside America can fully appreciate the clusterfuck of this presidential election, so I will try to explain.

What changed in the last 4 years is that big tech became the dominant economic force in the world. They are purely evil and only seek power. They hated Trump because they couldn't control him, so they wanted to replace him with someone they could control. In the democratic primary, you mostly had the usual leftists. These leftists have misguided morals, but they have morals. They sincerely believe in gay rights and the rest of the leftist nonsense. This doesn't suit big tech at all for whom morals are nothing but obstacles to power and control. Big tech gladly repeats leftist nonsense, but big tech has no real beliefs. So they supported the only candidate with no morals, no beliefs. And that was Biden. The VP is the same. Unfortunately for big tech, that meant that they had a ticket of a senile zombie and a wicked witch who had no appeal at all to voters. Any other democratic candidate would have beaten Trump, but this pathetic pair was so lacking in charisma that they managed to lose. Of course big tech easily remedied this with massive cheating. The raw evidence of cheating is overwhelming, so yes the election was stolen.

All this puts big tech in an awkward position. They own most of the politicians but a large number of Americans know that they have been cheated. The only way for big tech to deal with this is to now implement a full police state like Stalinist Russia, and that is what is coming very soon. And of course this is the ideal political system for big tech. No more need for them to deal with competition or dissent.

Word Salad Award

{We the people of the united states of America} #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy #dunning-kruger nationallibertyalliance.org

that have no lawful authority unless there is no conflict with the positive law. Now today in America the Encroachment infringement is like some kind of third world country mimicking the Gestapo police asking for papers and invading ones privacy and violating the basic max-mus laws Gods basic law of the common man or women. History tells us in the Past there was trials for the Gestapo police tactics that lead up to the hangings of the ones who infringed and encroached and committed Mala insane crimes and committed treasonous crimes. Today s law enforcement the courts lower inferior courts unknown courts ucc courts have taken the individual rights under the{Self claimed Constitutional officer} democracy mob rule of Germany democracy in correlation and harmony by its trickery stealthy tactics.
If there is a victim they must come forward in a process to file papers of the alleged crime committed against them, A true victim or property damage has to come forward to be filed as a affidavit process in a timely manner, according to provisions that are locked in by the 9th and 10th Amendments, that are called provisions. The judge and the attorneys and officers seem to forget that there is elements of a crime that is required in order for a crime to exist. They seem to get the civil matters mixed up with the criminal procedures of the actual law of the land v the sea. They either know of the schemes or the Admiralty and the commercial laws are not, they seem to operate under the admiralty and commerce and commercial schemes that are only for commercial and for the commerce - Road for hire. {There is a distinctive difference}

Jared Taylor #dunning-kruger #racist amren.com

When I first saw this book, I assumed it was rubbish. The editor went through three popular textbooks on intelligence, found the most frequently cited experts, and asked each of them to write a chapter. I thought it would be the usual: Intelligence is a myth, IQ tests are racist, growing up in a fancy house makes you smart.

I was wrong. Most of the 20 authors are sure-enough scientists, and they have a clear message: Our rulers are ignoramuses. The blowhards at CNN and the New York Times are wrong.

They take for granted stuff that can get you fired if you say it openly. Namely, you are basically born smart or stupid. Nobody knows how to raise IQ, but we sure know how to measure it. Men’s and women’s brains work differently. People of different races have different average IQs, and that’s probably genetic, too.

Linda Gottfredson of the University of Delaware includes an illustration that’s worth the price of the book. I used it in a previous video, so I’ll note just one thing: A white person is 30 times more likely than a black person to have an IQ of 125 or higher. Since there are five times as many whites as blacks in the country, there are 150 times more really high-IQ whites than blacks in this country. And 25 times as many blacks with IQs 75 or lower.


Explains a lot, doesn’t it? But the next time you hear the media fret about not enough “people of color” in science or management or whatever, do you think there will be even one word about IQ? No chance.

Various Incels #dunning-kruger #sexist incels.is

RageFuel If women aren't extremely picky, then why are there so many lonely men on the internet?

People keep gaslighting me and claiming it's all in my head. Girls always say they don't care about looks, and they like conventionally unattractive features. If every girl is this holy Saint that is accepting of all men ,WHY ARE THERE SO MANY FOREVERALONE MEN ON THE INTERNET? You rarely hear about a girl that has never had a bf. Why is it mainly men? Why am I so lonely? Why isn't there a girl dming me, who likes my alien skull? The next person who gaslights me, I'll track them down in Minecraft and bash their skull in.

Few men get all the sex while most men suffer (either as incels or betabuxxers). The problem is in these statistics, people ignore the foreveralone types who dont identify as incel (but actually are)

literally 40% of men are virgins but that statistic isn't true for women wh have 12% virgin rate. Who are 80% of women fucking if 60% of men haven't had sex once?

Women should be banned from fucking more than twice a year.

(Made in Heaven)
The more you understand female sexuality and sexual dynamics between alphas, betas, and females, it truly makes sense why people in the past stoned adulterers and whipped fornicators. It all makes so much sense

Jerry Derecha/Adrenogate #conspiracy #crackpot #magick #dunning-kruger adrenogate.net

I had been neglecting by beloved “Crater Earth” theory and somehow missed this newish video that the theories’ discoverer “Godgevlamste” had put out. We can thank the tyrannical overlords at YouTube for making sure it didn’t appear in my feed despite having been subscribed with notifications on. His subscriber count is literally at the exact same level I remember it being at last time I checked his channel, which is IMPOSSIBLE. Sigh…YouTube will get their comeuppance eventually.

While we are on the subject, I found another gem of a channel yesterday with all sorts of incredible videos along these lines. “Divergent“: He is one of the most thoroughly awake content creators I’ve ever come across and focuses a lot on the undeniable theory that our planet(or Crater) is one big giant quarry that was heavily mined and then flooded at some point in the remote past by a previous super civilization of giants who dominated our world before the last reset. A reset that wasn’t as long ago as you might think. He also has a fascinating take on the “Orphan Train” phenomenon and asserts that these children were biogenetic creations in a lab, not the surviving children of a global cataclysm or Apocalyptic World War.

Sargeant Major #conspiracy #crackpot #dunning-kruger #wingnut adrenogate.net

“The 5 rules to AWAKENING: Rule #1 – Everything you were ever taught is a lie by design; Rule #2 – governments lie 100% of the time, they always have, and they always will; Rule #3 – the Illuminati controlled mainstream media is not reality, but rather is lies, disinformation, half-truths, and fake events carried out by gov/media hired crisis actors (aka role players); Rule #4 – Spirituality & Reincarnation are reality, whereas religions are simply government crowd control measures; and Rule #5 – this plane(t) called earth is a flat, motionless plane, it is not a spinning ball hurling through outer space. Furthermore, the 4 Sources of Disinformation that are ALWAYS FAKE: government, mainstream media news, matrix sciences, and religions.

Cryptid Wiki #dunning-kruger cryptidz.fandom.com


Eer-moonan are bipedal creatures from Aboriginal Dreamtime myths.

(Drawing of a porcupine-headed furry holding a spear)

Appearance and Behavior

They have the heads of Echidna (porcupine like marsupial), the bodies of dogs, and the feet of human women. Eer-moonan are most likely bipedal. Eer-moonan are stealthy creatures who hunt and kill humans for unknown reasons.

Vanto #wingnut #dunning-kruger forums.fstdt.net

This happened partly because of establishment and leftist types normalizing violence and undermining confidence in the electoral process. You wanna crow about how your rioting is getting positive results? Don't be surprised if other people try it. You wanna scream "all cops are bastards"? Don't be surprised if other people turn on law enforcement. And if you want to insist Trump couldn't have won without foreign interference... well, don't be surprised if people insist Biden couldn't have won without fraud.

Like it or not, actions have consequences. This is the chickens coming home to roost. Am I trying to justify what happened? No. What I'm trying to do is explain that when you try to normalize a tactic or an idea, it will inevitably be used against you. Pro-slavery politicians justified their stances based on states' rights, then started whining when Northern states passed personal liberty laws to prevent the return of runaway slaves in defiance of the Fugitive Slave Act. Trotsky endorsed violence and terror against political dissidents, then bitched and moaned when Stalin persecuted his followers. Nazi Germany committed terror bombing against Polish and British cities, then cried foul when the Allies did the same thing to Germany in retaliation. Things like this have happened over and over again. And they'll probably keep happening for as long as humanity exists.

Reever #ufo #magick #dunning-kruger lightforcenetwork.com

The Inter-Dimensional Hypothesis

One possibility is that aliens are not from another planet, but instead represent “evidence for other dimensions beyond spacetime” – extradimensional entities hailing from an uncanny world which overlaps but only occasionally intrudes upon our own, beings from the future (or a perhaps a ghostly copy of our own earth) using “four-dimensional wormholes for space and even time travel”8 through the “multiverse which is all around us.”

This “multiverse” could consist of parallel worlds existing alongside each other in different dimensions of space, alternate past and future worlds following one another in time, or even computer-generated “virtual worlds” stored in some vast cosmic database (as in the film ‘The Matrix’); if this latter instance is true, hints Vallee, then the seemingly stable and predictable world in which we find ourselves could be a much more magical (or even whimsical) place than we normally realise:

If there is no time dimension as we usually assume there is, [then] the human brain may be traversing events by association… If we live in the associative universe of the software scientists rather than the sequential universe of the spacetime physicist, then miracles are no longer irrational events… [and the] illusion of time and space would be merely a side effect of consciousness as it traverses associations. In such a theory, apparently paranormal phenomena like remote viewing and precognition would be expected, even common, and UFOs would lose much of their bizarre quality…

Teah Akrish #ufo #crackpot #dunning-kruger #conspiracy #mammon amazon.com

Space Nazi’s.

What an absolutely horrid idea!

Yet, some people in our modern, American society, here in the year 2020, have claimed that Space Nazi’s (albeit, perhaps not by that term) are indeed real. These people are whistle-blowers of the Secret Space Program, or so abbreviated “SSP”. These people, through their incredible testimonies within the alternative media claim that there is a true, hidden history of America and our world. In this secret history, Nazi’s managed to become a space fairing people, have acquired unimaginable technologies that they use today to mar our world for their own benefit.

Now, if you look about yourself, and take notice of all the problems here on Earth, one might consider, perhaps they’re right? All you need to do is look at main stream anything… music, news, politics, medicine, the military… and you can’t but help wonder if all the animalistic behavior of the supposed highest evolved creature that our incredible universe has ever manufactured, human beings, is one massive multifaceted a lie. Perhaps this lie about our true nature has been created and influenced by Space Nazi’s? On a side note, I am so sick and tired of all the divisions among humanity. Are you?

I am one of those whistle-blowers. Just a woman, blowing a whistle that no one can hear. I must be blustering on a dog whistle.

I tell my story through this first collection of fictional short stories based on my real life, from my memories that I have had of the Secret Space Program. I based these stories on key memories of being taken, used, and manipulated, as well as the process of remembering that I have been painstakingly enduring.

Rob Potter #crackpot #quack #dunning-kruger #mammon thepromiserevealeduat.com



This Promise Light Watch is actually a laser watch that purifies the blood. This device you wear on your wrist like watch on the inside of your wrist. It is very simple to use and it also works to strengthen the blood. I love it very much as it has been instrumental in the healing of my Diabetes. This watch is incredible.

However, the watch has been instrumental in removing sugar from my blood, increasing circulation to my nerve damaged feet. It also has normalized and fixed my Cholesterol levels, LDLs and HDLs! My naturopath doctor said she has never seen such improvement so fast! The results are amazing if used 45 minutes a day 5 days a week for 90 days as the studies suggest and prove it will work.

Very good adjunct to any other healing program especially for heart disease of all types. This is one of my favorite products as it really works I highly recommend it.

30 in stock

TACHYONIS ADVANCED PLEIADIAN HEALING TECHNOLOGIES #crackpot #ufo #magick #dunning-kruger #mammon tachyonis.org

Tachyon Healing Chamber
Pleiadians and other cosmic civilizations of Light use tachyons as basic source of energy: as hyperdrive energy source for their spaceships by creating hyperspace wormholes, for healing, information transmission and for other purposes. Tachyon belt that represents the border between the entropic and syntropic universe is now surrounding our planet. High energy cosmic rays enter this Solar system from interstellar space and carry tachyons with them. Some of these tachyons reach the surface of our planet through a hyperdimensional wormhole that we have created with a quartz oscillator crystal aboard Genesis II spacecraft and these tachyons can be utilized in our Tachyon healing chamber that we have developed in cooperation with the Pleiadians. This special Tachyon chamber enables the arrival of tachyons from higher dimensions into physical matter.

Tachyons have an extraordinary healing and harmonizing effect. They can harmonize completely all energy fields that are result of gravity, electromagnetism and weak nuclear force. All this affects greatly our physical health and well-being. Since it harmonizes all electromagnetic emissions it is also an excellent protection against all forms of electrosmog. A healing session inside the Tachyon chamber takes 20 minutes and has irreversible positive effects on all aspects of our being.

Pleiadian Tachyon Healing Chamber is custom made according to your specifications and can be used as the most advanced healing technology for spas and healing centers. Price upon request. Flexible financing plan is available. Please allow 3 months for construction and delivery.

paranorm #magick #dunning-kruger paranormal-101.com

Slenderman in the 1800s

The Internet seems to be abuzz about sightings of tall, thin men, garbed in all black, for the past few years. Such a creature has been dubbed ‘Slenderman’ and is the subject of many fictional short stories known as ‘Creepypasta’. While many simply dismiss claimed encounters as kids with overactive imaginations which are fueled by the mass of stories, there are some researchers who have taken a more serious look at possible encounters. There is a common theory that Slenderman is a thought form (for information about thought forms, click the link here)

One of the most interesting parts of the Slenderman enigma is that some have connected him to various stories and creatures throughout world mythology. One only needs to do a quick search and they would find a multitude of information on mythological creatures that Slenderman is similar to.

I am including two stories, both from the late 1800s, of creatures which seem like relatives of the Slenderman. Both are courteously provided through Albert Rosales’ extensive database, he can be found here.


So what do you think? Tell me in the comments!

metabuxx #dunning-kruger #sexist incels.is

[emphasis original]

[RageFuel] 1098 reasons for your inceldom

The X chromosome contains 1098 genes while the Y chromosome only has 78. We inherited almost all of our inferior traits from our mother.

And yet those worthless braindead whores think that their inferiority will get overshadowed by Chad's superior genes if they mate with them. How tf can Y chromosome compensate for something that is more than 5 times larger than itself.

They are literally the stupidest creatures in existence. They deem us inferior on the basis of traits we got from them. And yet 80% of women has reproduced throughout human history while only 40% of men have. Subhuman women are the ones who should be stopped from reproducing, NOT US.

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