
Racism, including ethnic hatred, nationalism and equating religion to race

Eugene Gant #homophobia #racist vdare.com

A person you’ve never heard of named Ana Ma wants Amazon to pick the location of its new headquarters to reflect the company’s stated commitment to “equal rights” for homosexuals and other deviants.
Madame Ma argues that Amazon chieftain Jeff Bezos shouldn’t pick any state where evil Republicans are pushing laws to protect Christians from the zealots who would silence them and force them to bake cakes for homosexual nuptials.

But I have an idea, given that Madame Ma and Mr. Bezos are very likely of the same kidney when it comes to their opinion of President Trump’s assessment of certain countries as “s**tholes.”

Bezos should put the company’s $5 billion headquarters in downtown Port au Prince, Haiti, which would not only be a real commitment to “equality,” but also bring thousands of jobs to a poverty-stricken country whose people, we are told, are just as good and smart as any stupid American. After all, the likes of Ma and Bezos do tell us that America should welcome people from everywhere. But he can save them a trip. Build Amazon’s headquarters in Haiti.

Bezos’ managers should also include a large number of homosexuals, who will, undoubtedly, be perfectly happy to uproot themselves from this racist, fascist nation to escape Trump and live instead in the warm embrace of the Haitian people.

Harmonica #wingnut #racist #transphobia #sexist identitydixie.com

[From "College in a Free Dixie"]

When Dixie is free, one of the areas where the most drastic reforms will take place is in higher education. The takeover of colleges and universities by the Left has been, perhaps, the biggest reason we find ourselves in our current predicament. Think of any progressive idea[…]and you will find that it has been festering in colleges and universities for years[…]Attacks on the Founding Fathers, promoting transgenderism, the concept of White privilege, and dismantling the “patriarchy” all immediately come to mind
Up until at least World War I, the Right tended to control the education system[…]German universities, in particular, were infamous for being bastions for rightwing, nationalist thought. Southern universities were also once known for being far more conservative than their counterparts in the rest of the United States – see how comparably quieter Dixian schools were during the upheaval of the 1960s
In a Free Dixie, colleges will focus on the classic fields – science, engineering, history, theology, philosophy, government, language, and so on. “Gender Studies” will be removed, as well as, any of the other progressive facsimiles pretending to be serious academic study. They lack rigor, rely on emotion, and are easily fooled (see the Sokal Hoax)

More importantly, they are the nest by which the Left incubates ideas and then unleashes them into traditional fields (then society at large)
College students have become notorious for dressing like slobs (for men) and prostitutes (for women)
In a Free Dixie, all men will be required to attend class in at least a collared shirt, closed-toed shoes, long pants, and a belt. A tie will be strongly encouraged. Women will be expected to dress modestly. Violators will not be allowed to attend class until they are properly dressed

Washington Washer II #elitist #racist vdare.com

The bill’s text is an atrocity. For one thing, it doesn’t even define what “Islamophobia” is. It’s assumed the reader will just know what it is and that we can trust the Special Envoy to understand this problem for us. It defines the purpose of the envoy as “[m]onitoring and combating acts of Islamophobia and Islamophobic incitement that occur in foreign countries.”

But the text does give examples of what “acts of Islamophobia” the envoy must look out for:

(A) acts of physical violence against, or harassment of, Muslim people, and acts of violence against, or vandalism of, Muslim community institutions, including schools, mosques, and cemeteries;

(B) instances of propaganda in government and nongovernment media that attempt to justify or promote racial hatred or incite acts of violence against Muslim people;

(C) the actions, if any, taken by the government of the country to respond to such violence and attacks or to eliminate such propaganda or incitement;

(D) the actions taken by such government to enact and enforce laws relating to the protection of the right to religious freedom of Muslim people;

(E) the efforts of such government to promote anti-bias and tolerance education; and

(F) any instances of forced labor, reeducation, or the presence of concentration camps, such as those targeting the Uyghurs in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region of the People’s Republic of China;

This opens a Pandora’s Box of possibilities. As Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene points out, if a European country enacts restrictions against Muslims in response to terror attacks, would it now be subject to sanctions from the U.S. State Department? Would the centrist government of Emmanuel Macron in France be punished for cracking down on radical Islam? Would immigration restriction count as “Islamophobia” if Muslim migrants are the most affected? Would a state have to erase burka bans and censor depictions of Muhammad to stay in the good graces of the State Department? Would America sanction India for its strong internal measures against Muslims?

Dunning-Kruger Award

Roosh V #fundie #sexist #racist rooshv.com

[From "Sinful Judgment vs Righteous Judgment"]

A persistent problem for new Christians is judging others. We look at someone[…]and develop snap judgments—often negative—from years of doing so out of habit as a non-Christian
A concept you hear among the Orthodox is discernment, the ability to pick out the divine signal from the fleshly and demonic noise. One of the differences between us and the saints is that the latter know when a thought comes from God and when it doesn’t
If judging others leads to sin, it’s not of God, and if judging others leads to virtue, it could be of God
1. I go to the café[…]In walks in a woman who is wearing a bra for a top and minuscule shorts. Immediately the words “harlot” and “slut” come to mind[…]I consider how immodest I have been in my own life. This is sinful judgment
2. My friend arranges a blind date with a “devout Christian woman”[…]She arrives in yoga pants wearing thick makeup. I can see her commodious cleavage[…]I determine she is not suitable to be my wife[…]I used my knowledge and experience with secular women to make a determination
3. I visit a friend in a rough area of town in the middle of the day. There I noticed a large group of black males smoking marijuana and listening to loud music. Immediately the words “lazy” and “criminals” come to mind and I ponder at length about why black people have such difficulty being productive members of society[…]Then I realize that I have performed worse evils than all of those men combined[…]
4. I’m a single father[…]I decide to enroll him in a private school[…]I noticed a group of black boys bullying a white kid[…]I decide not to enroll my white-passing son at the school, and instead pick a school where I do not notice racial strife. Here I made a judgment call

BTIsaac #wingnut #racist deviantart.com

The purpose of propaganda isn't to convince but to demoralize.

"Mostly peaceful protests during the summer of love."

"Kyle Rittenhouse is a white supremacist who crossed state lines with a weapon of mass destruction"

"Jacob Blake just wanted to break up a fight between two women, and was shot three times in the back and killed by racist cops."

The bigger and more obvious the lie, the better. It's not about making you believe it, it's about getting the point across, that the truth doesn't matter and you're powerless. At the same time, pay attention to what they sneak into the coverage.

"White people carrying guns to defend their property, just like they did during the civil war." - this is straight up communist propaganda.

Pbuckley #wingnut #racist deviantart.com

I am trying not to get too political over here, but I feel the need to share this statement on all of my social media.

Proof of widespread Racism in America, BLM and ANTIFA murder over 30 Blacks in the Summer of 2020, no one is charged. One biracial good Samaritan defends himself against 3 white assailants, the assailants are hailed as hero's while the biracial Samaritan is defamed as a murderer & a "White Supremacist" (despite being half Hispanic). A Pedophile, & Wife Beater are both more valuable than 5 children, and a retired police officer who was considered a pillar of his community. just 6 deaths among many. Why? Because the former where white leftists and the latter, where just a statistic. This is the true story of Kyle Rittenhouse, this is the story the legacy media wont tell you & mainstream Tech has memory holed as hard as it can. The verdict today was Justice, there was a time in our history where a Biracial youth would have been lynched for doing what Kyle did, but today his and every American's right to self defense was upheld in a court of law. That means everyone's regardless of Race, Creed, Sex, or Sexuality.

For those who read this, understand that this was justice, and anyone who tells you otherwise is just trying to keep us running scared from Vandals, Thieves, Murderers, & Rapists.

As for Kyle, let the young man alone, he has been thru enough. This trial was a sham that never should have taken place, as the case was open and shut self defense from the word go. It was only pushed because his assailants where leftist shock troopers. He deserves to live his life, hopefully significantly richer from the defamation law suits he has every right to press against almost every legacy media outlet and personality in the states. Hopefully he can even live out his dream of working as a firefighter (which is where he got his First Aid Training from).

Ann Coulter #racist #homophobia #dunning-kruger vdare.com

Numerous documentaries have covered Afghanistan’s practice of “bacha bazi," or “boy play.” This includes such “fuming racist all-capsing” productions as Vice Media’s “This Is What Winning Looks Like” and Najibullah Quraishi’s “The Dancing Boys of Afghanistan.”

In the Vice Media documentary, after a young boy is shot trying to escape his indigenous sodomizer, a U.S. Marine demands that the barracks be searched and any Afghan policemen hiding children be tried and jailed.

The Afghan police chief replies: "[The boys] like being there and giving their asses at night." He demands of the U.S. Marine: "If [my commanders] don't f*ck the asses of those boys, what should they f*ck? The p*ssies of their own grandmothers?”

Thank heaven we have "Law & Order: SVU" to expose NRA members!

In the brain of a “queer, Jewish feminist,” the thought process is: I personally don’t enjoy this perfectly traditional, masculine, Anglo-Saxon sport of hunting; therefore, I will portray American male hunters as butt-raping their own sons.

“Toxic masculinity” today: Dads don’t show up to their sons' soccer practice in time because they’re too busy working 60 hours a week to put a roof over their families' heads.

“Toxic masculinity” tomorrow: Dads demand the right to anally rape little boys—else they “f*ck? the p*ssies of their own grandmothers."

THE WAY & Vox Nihili #pratt #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: Colorado School Segregates Playground for ‘Families of Color’


In a statement to Fox News, the Centennial Elementary School officials said the event was formed due to parent’s request and open to all families. ‘Our school leaders met with some of the black families whose children attend our school to determine ways for these families to feel more included in our school community. Some of these families shared with us that, since the only time many of them see one another is at drop-off and pick-up times, we host some events where black families can meet one another, connect with one another and share their experiences about the school with one another. We are honoring their request.

It's only stupid mind damaged Whites who argue against segregation to show that they are color blind. Dumb. Full racial separation is the answer. It's too bad, however, that it is Blacks who are calling for segregation and getting their way because if they suddenly change their minds and want full integration they'll also get their way. Why are we Whites letting Blacks rule us this way? Are we so stupid?

(Vox Nihili)

Why doesn't everyone just quit with the equity stuff. (as in conservatives using the same language as the equity kooks)

We all know this is all about banning whites as much as possible and nothing more.

Banning Whites AFTER they have inserted themselves into our neighborhoods and schools. That's the part that is maddening to me. My husband had it on Fox News last night when Rufo was on, predictably complaining about teaching kids segregation and Jim Crow, blah blah. I told my husband they should have me on instead, because I'd be happy to blast that they have some real nerve invading our spaces, then yelling at us about how bad we are and insisting on special treatment. On what planet is that fair to Whites? Not that anyone cares about that....

woodchip #fundie #racist descentbb.net

In response to the following post:

Tunnelcat: “Let me see woody. The other day while driving in town a guy in a pickup truck drove by me sporting 2 large flags on a tall rod in back. One of those flags was a Confederate Flag waving in the breeze like it was a banner of pride. Now tell me why African Americans in my town watching this idiot drive by with his giant Confederate ★■◆● you finger shouldn't feel any kind of loathing or hate towards him?”

woodchip: “TC should Caucasians feel safer if they see a BLM flag, would a shop owner whose business was burned to the ground feel safer? It's all in ones perspective.”

Zach Goldberg #dunning-kruger #racist #wingnut zachgoldberg.substack.com

Exposing the group disparities = discrimination fallacy

“We have a hard time recognizing that racial discrimination is the sole cause of racial disparities.” - Ibram X. Kendi

The idea that outcome disparities between racial groups result from discrimination rests on a misleading, politically motivated portrayal of reality.

White vs. black comparisons merely obscure disparities between all ethnic/ancestry groups while promoting the illusion that white-black disparities are somehow exceptional. Nearly half (47.8%) of all European ancestry groups report below-average median incomes, which is almost identical to the share (48.4%) among non-Europeans.


Despite the fact that the five lowest-earning European groups hardly suffered oppression, their median personal incomes in 2015-2019 were around $15,110 lower than that of the four highest-earning European groups. For perspective, this gap is nearly twice the size of the median earnings gap ($8,272) between all European ancestry groups and African Americans.

If outcome gaps endure in the absence of discrimination, how can it be concluded that those between whites and African Americans are its product?

How a member of a group fared in 1980 predicts how an average member fares now. New French surnames were as underrepresented among physicians and attorneys in the 2000s as they were in 1930s, and not much more represented than those common among African Americans.

When controlling for cognitive ability (which is heritable and differs between races), racial differences in incomes, arrests, incarceration and the likelihood to attain BA+ degrees disappear.


If African Americans are systemically penalized on account of their race, why does this ostensible bias vanish when controlling for cognitive ability?

If the US is indeed a ‘white supremacist’ social system, it is failing miserably.

We need to focus on individuals, not groups.

Thierry Baudet #quack #racist vice.com

A far-right politician has been ordered by a Dutch court to delete social media posts comparing the treatment of unvaccinated people to the mass murder of Jews during the Holocaust.

Thierry Baudet, leader of the Forum for Democracy party, had been taken to court by Jewish organisations and a group of Holocaust survivors over a series of posts that made the comparison, which is frequently made by anti-lockdown and corona-skeptic activists.

Among Baudet’s offending posts were tweets calling unvaccinated people "the new Jews," and those “who look the other way … the new Nazis.”

Other posts included a photo of a Dutch child prevented from attending the traditional celebration of the Feast of Saint Nicholas, alongside an image of a Jewish boy, wearing a Star of David, awaiting deportation from a Polish ghetto. Another featured an image of Buchenwald concentration camp with the text: "How is it POSSIBLE not to see how history repeats itself?”

In a ruling on Wednesday, the judge ordered Baudet to delete the four posts within 48 hours or be fined €25,000 (about £21,000) a day, and banned him from making any other posts comparing the Holocaust with the coronavirus pandemic.

TheRuffington #racist #crackpot #wingnut #elitist #conspiracy youtube.com

The 1950s were actually one of the most prosperous and happy times in our nation. Less crime, less violence, one income to support the family, debt wasn’t out of control, we weren’t addicted to credit, everyone was much more fit, less depressed and more happy than they are today, but some dipshit intellectuals and the TV tell you otherwise, so keep believing the 50s were oppressive and restricting. Minorities were doing much better back then too, even though we had to battle for some of our basic rights. Isn’t it something? Maybe I could not have sat at the counter at Woolworths, but I was much more likely to graduate high school, graduate college, not be in poverty, our literacy rates were higher, our crime rate lower, I would be less likely to die in a shooting or suffer any other kind of violence in the 1950s, I would’ve been five times more likely to own a home, also. You know, before certain people got a hold of our cities and decided for us that we need to vote for them for their policies. And we fell for it. Yeah, bang up job. Really well done. But that’s OK, some 90 IQ college professor thinks the 1950s were a mess.

Unnamed Tory Aide #dunning-kruger #racist thejc.com

Tory aide gave reporter ‘Jewish nose check’

Alex Brown said the staffer grabbed his face to 'judge my Jewishness'

A political journalist has revealed how a parliamentary staffer aggressively pushed his head to one side to look at his nose in order to check that he was Jewish.

Alex Brown, correspondent for The Scotsman, said that he had only been working in Westminster for a matter of days when, during a conversation about his background, the Tory aide “grabbed my jaw, tilted my head to the side to look at my nose and spat out ‘you don’t look Jewish’.”

Writing in the newspaper about his own experiences of antisemitism following the abuse of Charedi youngsters in Oxford Street earlier this month, Mr Brown also revealed how he was urged not to report the Westminster incident because it might harm his career.

“Her friends told me not to report it, stressing I was new and they could be useful,” he wrote.

JubalE #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #quack #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: Waukesha Feels Abandoned After Tragic Parade Attack

“Because this was a black guy who did it, the media doesn’t want to cover it. They were all over the Rittenhouse case because that kid was white. Race doesn’t matter to us here, but the media makes everything about race.” said state Rep. Cindi Duchow. “We’ve got six people dead and teenagers so badly injured they will have to learn to walk again — at Christmas.”

"Race doesn’t matter to us here.”

And that, Republican Cindi Duchow, is why our people is both dying off and being routed by the ((())), the white bolsheviks, and the colored races. Whites as a weak, flaccid people that no longer cares about carrying their and their ancestors' genetic heritage on. After all, what does it matter - right Cindi? Does it matter whether your descendants look like Charles I, or like Jussie Smollett, or Xi Jinping, or Porfirio Diaz? Doesn't matter - does it Cindi? Dilute the blood, fool Cindi, and you dilute away the very characteristics that made our race of world explorers, pioneers, scientific researchers, technological innovators, conquerors, lawgivers and grand organizers of grand projects. None of this matters to you, you obtuse fool Cindi. Cindi, just hurry and get your first, then second, third, fourth, and fifth vaxx booster shots, so that we can be done with you.

“Race doesn’t matter here”

It sure should! What other racial group dominates violent crime statistics in the country and commit 90% of violent interracial crime? This is what’s wrong with white people, the sick men and women of America. They are bending over backwards to prove they are not racist after a vicious, white hating negro devil just mowed down over 60 white people celebrating in the streets of their town.

From the foolish perspective of whites like Duchow, "the Democrats are the real racists", and this misguided negro Brooks was mentally and psychologically in chains on the Democrat "plantation".

1Tammy1 #crackpot #conspiracy #psycho #racist #wingnut stormfront.org

I 100% understand where you are coming from!

We see something typed and just want to yell at that person "NO! THAT'S THE DEVIL AT WORK" but we can't. It has even become pretty much impossible to speak for someone in government you support or against someone who you think is just pure evil. When we think of SF we think pure freedom of speech. FINALLY I can say what I think! But you can't. Often I feel like I had more freedom of speech on twitter. Worse part is this isn't being created by SF rules nor mods.

One of the big things I noticed with this group stalking us, they often point out how anyone who tries to express an independent thought quickly gets swatted down. Some times rather viciously. They would have comment after comment saying about how we keep our own inline by not allowing decent via brutal group think. I must admit, they were often right.

Now add in the Christians concept of good vs evil, God vs satan and not allowed to say anything about that, we do look kinda bad. I could understand you asking yourself "Am I actually helping satan by staying silent about the teachings of Jesus and Heavenly Father? What is being supported here is evil. Why am I staying silent?"

On the other hand.. the synagogue of satan is the jew.

Honestly, I too have wrestled with this in the past couple of day. This is what I realized:

jew = satan
mooslime = satan demons

When you lay in the bed with the devil, sooner or later you're going to.. have sex.
Same thing with the devils demons

No one is going to make me stop speaking the truth about satan nor his demons. They may try to shut me up, but they won't succeed nor stop me.

I can belong to more than one website. The more ears I can get to hear my words, the more good work I am able to do for our Heavenly Father. That includes SF. Many people on SF need to hear our words.

So please rethink your decision. You are doing Gods work. You just don't see it yet.

speculareffect #racist #sexist #wingnut #conspiracy speculareffect.org

People keep saying, “the media is covering up the Maxwell trial.”

That is obviously true, but it also doesn’t even matter.

This whole thing is going to be about how the prostitutes – who are themselves part of a criminal conspiracy – are the victims.

It’s not going to be about a Mossad blackmail ring.

The media is just covering it up, because any crimes committed by Jews are always covered up by the media. Not because anything important is going to happen.

It’s just going to be endless tears about the poor victimized hookers.
The hookers should all be prosecuted as adults – as foreign agents working for an Israeli espionage operation.

But nooooooo!

No, instead you get “these poor hookers.”

These hookers weren’t even beaten up. They were literally the best treated hookers on earth.

What I wouldn’t like is more lecturing about how teenage girls don’t know what penises are. Yet, that appears to be what the unbanned right-wing is exclusively interested in – a bunch of hardcore Marxist feminist gibberish about how teenage hookers don’t know what a penis is or that men want to stuff their penises into their disgusting goo holes.

I’ve had long-running arguments with white knight faggots literally claiming to be “Nazis” who say that the most important duty of the Trve Aryan is to protect the innocence of prostitutes.

Yes, these White Nationalists and wannabe Weirmacht idiots are all feminists!

That is the mindset of 99% of the right-wing. The alleged “hardcore Nazis” agree with Charlie Kirk – we have to save the innocence of hookers.
I’m so sick of this. I’m sick of it. Women are whores, teenage girls are whores. Whores like to feel important, they like to fly around and get attention from men with money, they like gifts, they like money.

Saying the Weinstein hookers are victims is like saying, “teenage boys were victimized when they were given free Honda 4-quads and tricked-out Kawasaki Ninjas in exchange for racking up Steam achievements.”

Wallace Garneau #wingnut #racist americaoutloud.com

Multiculturalism is wholly incompatible with our Constitution, as it replaces a shared morality with a morality of the lowest common denominator- which is essentially a society without any moral values at all. A diverse culture is fine as long as it preserves a religious faith in the power of each individual to command their own destiny.
Positive rights, such as the right to medical care (or to food), are incompatible with our Constitution, as guaranteeing medical care (or food) to one person invariably means taking it from others – and infringing upon their liberty. People like to forget the flip side of government charity, but everything the government gives one person, it must take from another. The only thing the government can give for free is opportunity, which it does by leaving us alone.

The belief that it is moral for some people to live off the efforts of others – that it is not acceptable for able-bodied adults to have to work for their own survival – is incompatible with our Constitution, as it makes the property of those who work communal, giving the majority the right to take as much of that income as they wish to have.
Critical Race Theory is wholly incompatible with our Constitution. It makes race the central tenet of every interaction, and then denies one person’s freedom to elevate another person – based on race. Critical Race Theory is racist – and a moral society does not teach school children to be racist.
We are not only becoming an immoral people, but a stupid people as well.

A tribalized nation of identity groups, if left free, will tear each other apart. As a result, if we follow the left much further, we will find that our Constitution is wholly inadequate for the governance of an immoral people, and will adopt tyranny instead.

AtotheZtotheN (Ben Chim) #elitist #moonbat #psycho #racist reddit.com

(Emphasis submitter’s)

Want to join a Real-World Pan-Asian Organization?

Hi Aznidentity,

This is Ben Chin, founder of the Pan Asian Harmony Society, a Pan Asian human rights organization based in the Greater Los Angeles Area. Since about February of this year, I've been organizing & attending patrols with members of Asians with Attitudes and distributing hate crime books & pepper spray (courtesy of hatecrimebook & Asians Taking Action) to the local community & trying to connect different Asian peoples here but the organization needs help to grow and I am now looking to expand it.

While I would first like some local aid, I am very much open to recruiting members from other states & other countries to extend reach. The only requirements for rank-and-file members are:

Be of Asian descent (trace your heritage to the continent of Asia)

Be 18 years or older

Memorize & swear the Pan Asian Oath

Own a firearm* (This requirement is flexible and can depend on location but will be more stringent as we grow.)

Exclusions: the organization does not permit members with white partners.

Membership is currently unpaid & free but, as the organization grows, I do foresee paying employed members. (I don't even really pay myself yet. 😅) And though this post is in Asian Diasporic Vernacular English, the organization encourages multilingualism & would be delighted to have members from outside of the Anglosphere.

Aside from rank-and-file membership, I am also recruiting for the organization's Executive Staff:

Chief of Defence

Chief of Education

Chief of Economic Development

Chief Justice

Chief of Culture

Chief of Housing

Chief of Agriculture &

Chief of Diaspora Affairs

If you are interested in joining, please DM (preferrably IG but here is good too) or text the organization's number, which can be found at the IG link above.

Comments & criticism welcome.

Best wishes,

Ben Chin

Prussian Society of America #racist prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "Americans will not recognize they are losers until they go Bankrupt, Unlike other Nations"]

As a Nation that is gleefully committing suicide, the Americans have been so drunk on power and out of touch with reality, they don’t even know they have been failing and losing for so many years

At least with other Barbarian Nations, a typical Barbarian Nation is aware of its inferiority as a people

Americans on the other hand just respond, “We try, but we’re not perfect!”

They are about to become the sorest losers on the planet, along with their British Counterparts in the continuing decline and takeover process we are under, but these people are so far gone that until the day they wake up to realize they have nothing, only then will they bite their lip and admit the fact that they are losers

They have been losers in denial for quite a while on every account, in fact

The only thing America is #1 in is in Diabetes, Obesity, Starting New Wars and Exporting (Offsetting) Monetary Inflation

Humiliation will be the dish cold served to the Americans

When they lose – and they will not fight back – the world will have absolutely no respect for them any longer, not even a crumb of respect, and nobody will have any regard for them

Preston James and Mike Harris #conspiracy #racist #magick geopolitics.co

The history of the Khazarians, specifically the Khazarian Mafia (KM), the World’s largest Organized Crime Syndicate that the Khazarian oligarchy morphed into by their deployment of Babylonian Money-Magick, has been nearly completely excised from the history books.
100-800 AD

Khazarians develop into a nation ruled by an evil king, who had ancient Babylonian black arts, occult oligarchs serving as his court. During this time, Khazarians become known to surrounding countries as thieves, murderers, road bandits, and for assuming the identities of those travelers they murdered as a normal occupational practice and way of life.

800 AD

The leaders of the surrounding nations, especially Russia, have had so many years of complaints by their citizens that, as a group, they deliver an ultimatum to the Khazarian king. They send a communique to the Khazarian king that he must choose one of the three Abrahamic religions for his people, and make it his official state religion and require all Khazarian citizens to practice it, and socialize all Khazarian children to practice that faith.

The Khazarian king was given a choice between Islam, Christianity and Judaism. The Khazarian king chose Judaism, and promised to stay within the requirements laid out by the surrounding confederacy of nations led by the Russian czar. Despite his agreement and promise, the Khazarian king and his inner circle of oligarchs kept practicing ancient Babylonian black-magic, also known as Secret Satanism. This Secret Satanism involved occult ceremonies featuring child sacrifice, after “bleeding them out”, drinking their blood and eating their hearts.
About 1,200 AD, the Russians led a group of nations surrounding Khazaria and invaded it, in order to stop the Khazarian crimes against their people, which included kidnapping of their young children and infants for their blood sacrifice ceremonies to Baal.

Gong Qian #homophobia #racist #wingnut globaltimes.cn

Political correctness to destroy Hollywood's reputation one day

The hashtag "how serious is the involution in Hollywood due to political correctness" began trending on Chinese social media on Monday. British writer J. K. Rowling's recent suffering, Disney's live action Snow White, the gay superhero in Marvel films… The batch of operations for political correctness in Hollywood has been satirized by many Chinese netizens, and if Hollywood continues down this road, it will dig its own grave and destroy its reputation one day.

The newest "joke" for most Chinese netizens came after Rowling did not appear for celebrations at the 20th anniversary of the film Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. Yes, this is ironic: a writer who created the great IP was expelled by those who adapted her work. But HBO Max still insisted on not inviting the writer out of fear of being criticized for not obeying the rule of "political correctness."

Another series of changes that made most Chinese netizens' jaws drop is that the live action adaptations of Disney's classic works The Little Mermaid and Snow White have changed the protagonists from "white" to "black" and "Latino mixedrace." The more interesting part is that Gal Gadot, the bewitching woman who is in line with the beauty of white people, is going to play the evil queen in Snow White. Don't you think the picture might be really weird?

The recently released Eternals shows Marvel Studio's first gay superhero kiss. However, this brave attempt did not help Marvel win big at the box office at the worldwide film market. Many countries have banned the release of Eternals.

They made the decision not to achieve a better performance both in reputation and market, but mainly due to political correctness.

Look at the 2020's Oscars, even many filmmakers and media from the West started to mock the Academy Awards as becoming too "political correct."

New York Post wrote the article "political correctness at 2020 Oscars exposes Hollywood's hypocrisy."

wereqryan & BummerDrummer #psycho #racist #sexist incels.is

JFL Sheboon brutally beats up white bitch (who has a daughter with some deadbeat Tyrone) and bloodies her face. :)


I'd bet that the victim's father was not in her life. She obviously never heard the talk about race mxing which is why the baby in the picture is 1/2 negro. The white bitch asked for this kind of abuse when she became part of this black "community", that is why she had her half black daughter in a black neighborhood in a cheap restaurant with black workers and patrons. This white bitch mistakenly thought that she would get a pass because she dates black men, but doesn't understand that for the rest of her life she will have a sign around her neck that says "you got it coming" in the black community. As you saw in the video, she is not equipped for the violence and abuse coming her way. A strong father would have guided her down a different path in life. Her only hope now is to get out of this culture and try to raise her daughter in a community where cucked simping white men open the door for a lady to exit on her two feet as a sign of good manners, not being dragged through the door by her hair by a person who's culture says this is a reasonable response to a disagreement

Lifefuel jfl. Look at the ((((white)))) foids black eyebrows and dyed blonde hair. Jfl. They should have killed her right then and there and then got the baby too.

I hope this white woman-and any white liberal in a nigger area-go through something like this. Getting attacked by a black person or a group of blacks in an area of blacks either not doing anything or helping your attacker while you get beat to a pulp by the race you’ve been traitoring and kvetching for.

Various Anons #psycho #racist #wingnut boards.4chan.org

(Polish Anon 1)

Shooting competition named after Kyle Rittenhouse


Mad lads from polish political party Konfederacja organised it in Szczecin, Poland. Leftoids seethe at polish plebbit.

I hate that fucking civnat spic, but have to admit you didn't miss a shot.

I`m glad he got declared not guilty, but i`m not sure about that, you know? It might be trolling, or they might idolise him unironically

It's for the lulz, own the libs kinda stuff.

Mass shootings are healthy, it's like an immune reaction to cancer.

(Polish Anon 2)
Lmao kinda based
Anything that pushes the idea of owning, carrying and using guns for self-defense by ordinary citizens makes me happy.
Leftards can seethe all they want, IDGAF

(Polish Anon 3)
I like neither the polish commie-“right”, nor the judeo-right, but this is just hysterical.

>country with zero mass shootings
>even criminals barely have guns
>let's have more guns
what could go wrong

kys communist scum
your fag parades have proven reform to be ineffective too many times

I think you guys keeping Stetting after WW2 was the right choice afterall

It would end up as a fag factory anyway.

(Confederacy Anon)
It's not the guns.
You could go coast the coast in America, giving an AR-15 and a case of ammunition to every White man in the land.
236+ million of them and crime would barely bump.
The violent crime rate among White Americans is close to that of Belgium, despite near unlimited access to guns in many places.
As long as Poland doesn't have a nigger problem, you won't have a gun problem.

(UK Anon)
In the future christcucks will have Saint George (Floyd), a martyr for the white man's sins
And ecofash paganites will have Saint Kyle, God of War
Gonna be lit senpai

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #transphobia #racist 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "@mitkills and I have the simple catch-all response"]


hello, i made a gender-neutral pronoun etiquette/guide for the ~harvard business review~
10:50 PM · Oct 14, 2021


[On the right, a black person named Jess said "Hey! I'm Jess, they/them pronouns. You?"; on the left, someone replies that "my pronouns are ‘Jess is a mentally ill niggerfag/Jess is a mentally ill niggerfag’"]

(a helpful reminder to anybody who wants to discuss this article, make sure that you use my preferred pronouns: by your own rule you're a hater if you don't)

Henry Makow PhD #conspiracy #racist #wingnut #fundie henrymakow.com

Will covid bring us together or drive us apart?

It can bring us together because it has exposed our common enemy -- the satanist Masonic-Jewish world banking cartel.

The covid psy-op has destroyed the matrix in which we have lived for our whole lives.

The banking cartel has bribed everyone promoting this scam to betray the public trust.

All social institutions have been discredited. Especially government, medicine, the mass media, entertainment, the justice system and law enforcement, the church and the military.

The enemy is not racial or sexual minorities or Liberal dupes. The central bankers organize and fund them to undermine society. The enemy is the central banking cartel and its agents - Freemasonry and Organized Jewry, including Communism and Zionism.

The central bankers belong to a satanic cult -- Cabalism -- that has been sabotaging humanity for hundreds, if not thousands of years. Their goal is to destroy civilization so they can rebuild a world that serves their greed and depravity.
The bankers have banished God from public discourse because God is the competition. They taught us God is Dead. They promoted existentialism.
They are liars and deceivers. We believed them.

God is Love. God is Perfection. God is a dimension in which spiritual ideals like beauty, truth and justice are self evident.

Satanists are waging war with God by turning these ideals upside down. Ugly is beautiful; lies are truth; sick is healthy etc.

But God is a lot bigger than the Rothschilds and their cabal of miscreants. God will triumph.

How can we resist?

1. Don't let them divide us.
2. Mortify ourselves to the temptations of this world and serve God with all our Being.
3. Celebrate Christmas this year with a gusto unseen in decades!

Play Christmas carols until the Satanists are running for the exits, holding their ears!

Various Commenters #pratt #racist #sexist #wingnut reddit.com

RE: 16-year-old sister repeatedly rapes 13 year old brother and becomes pregnant. Admits to forcing brother with beatings and threats to tell people he was raping her. 13 year old boy is arrested, while "16 year old girl victim is hospitalized" (literally exact words from the article)


"She then pressured her brother and started forcing him to have sex without her consent."



Years of feminist "men are predators, women are victims" narrative ended up with us reaching this point.

Fuck India's laws. Complete and utter shithole

The US isn't much better.

Let's face it. Practically everywhere legally for men is shit rn. Everyone is living in a dystopia. Btw, nice username

Misandrist media, society and government. Sadly that boy is about to get a taste of male disposability while he's still basically a kid.

Exactly this, women will look at the top 20% of men and scream about how unfair their life is compared to them while ignoring the bottom 80% of men who are literally living a shit existence.

India moment. This is what happens when feminism gets to make the law.


Ah yes India, that well-known bastion of feminism...

Well it was indian feminist who were against gender neutral laws for men and boys in india. They even wanted to exclude boys from bill protecting minors from sexual abuse and rape.

this must be that male privilege i keep hearing about.

This is “male privilege” in action. Anyone still using that phrase can go fuck themselves.


It must be horrifying to live in India

Truly a shithole with shitty people. Not surprised that all their intellectuals aee migrating to the west.

India is just a hole… I feel so sorry for all our guys living there right now

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #racist #psycho 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "@MichaelOwerri - so much for evidence based policy, eh?"]


Let's go back to segregation then since it worked better and obviously wasn't racist. I'm glad right-winger a don't care to hide their racism anymore
1:56 PM · Mar 16, 2021

Remember when lying leftists (but I repeat myself) pretended to care about something called "evidence based policy"?
Did a segregated military have better or worse unit cohesion than the current woke military? You might argue that the Vietnam-9/11 era of the military had better cohesion than either, but that's not the dichotomy Michael is asking for

After all, the claim of the thread is that "a more diverse army is more cohesive". There's no evidence to support this. Indeed, the fact that they have to devote resources into "diversity" automatically makes it less effective, less useless: now you not only need to show diversity provides an improvement (and there's no evidence of this) but that it shows enough improvement to overcome the lost effort and resources in promoting and sustaining it. There's a "chief diversity officer" for example: that's a salary and a bunk in the ship and an office desk and computer you didn't have to spend before

You might say that in the demographic reality of the current United States that diversity is going to be essential, but that's still not an argument in its favour. The US Army could still be better off in a world where they are used to use deadly force to ensure border security and keep those from shithole countries and cultures from invading and changing their society for the worse

"Could" is probably too wishy-washy above, I apologize. The US Army would still be better off in a world where they are used to use deadly force to ensure border security and keep those from shithole countries and cultures from invading and changing their society for the worse

Zach Goldberg #dunning-kruger #racist #wingnut twitter.com

If you want whites to subscribe to Kendism, do NOT show them group disparities outside of those that depict whites as racially privileged.


Suppose those categorized as 'white' today were encouraged to preserve their distinct ethnic identities, practice strict endogamy, and were not collapsed into a homogenous 'white' category.

In this alternative reality, the systemic racism industry/narrative would be...

Less potent/influential 58,9 %

No difference 22,5 %

More potent/influential 18,6 %

409 votes

No difference. Systemic racism theories are an attempt to explain how black Americans' life outcomes can still be unequal

But unequal relative to WHICH group? Other groups would also start to ask, why are we behind groups X Y Z and just barely better than African Americans?

In 1969, 1972 and 1977, the Polish American Congress analyzed state government departments in Illinois. Italians and Poles were doing better than the officially recognized minorities, but only barely. Blacks were clearly doing the worst, but Polish Americans were only barely above the levels of Latinos.

The candidate who lost the Boston mayoral campaign would be the first Polish-American mayor of a city over 100,000 people in history (even though she painted herself as an Arab American). Chicago used to be 1/3 Polish, yet never had a Polish mayor.

For many Americans, blacks are the protagonist in American history-as-morality-play. Other ethnic groups just aren't as important to the narrative as Afro-Americans.

Of course, the response could likely be that ‘you groups weren’t discriminated/oppressed enough’. But such would inadvertently expose the fallacy of the whole narrative: that because huge disparities emerge in the absence of oppression, there is no reliable basis on which to conclude that Black/White outcome disparities are necessarily the product of oppression.

Various Commenters #pratt #racist reddit.com

RE: How safe do people feel to walk alone on the streets at night


One word: immigration

Call me crazy, but it seems like countries where the percentage of people whose grandparents weren't born in Europe is higher have the least safety.

Thank you, immigration. Well it's not fair to put all immigration in the same basket. Insecurity comes usually from immigrants of the Menapt region at least in France, but from what i've seen it's the same everywhere in Europe. Coincidence?


Well, i dont believe this.

So small difference between Poland and Germany?

Poland is faar safer than Germany.

As someone who lived in both Portugal and Poland, it makes no sense. I felt way safer in Poland, not even comparable, and while in Portugal I got mugged on average once a year in Poland I didn't suffer any kind of crime during the 8 years I lived there.

This is spiralling out of controle in France.

Our government and the left are basicly ignoring the issue. Here in Caen i had to take the metro further than i would want to in order to avoid the people coming from immigration, i have been insulted as a "Sale Blanc" (Dirty White).

My nephews Dad works in the Israeli army and because of Social media it is now known and the death threats are common.

I plan to stick around until 2027 and see if things get better, else i plan to immigrate in order to avoid Violence and racism, ironic right?

For Romania it's true. Our most robbers are in France now.

Romanians were the robbers 15-25 years ago. Now they are staying in their caravans in order to be safe from the people coming from Maghrebian/turkish immigration.

Dissident Mama #wingnut #fundie #racist #conspiracy dissidentmama.net

“Southerners adhere to the basic tenets of orthodox Christian belief more than other Americans, even the general run of Catholics. Indeed, the South is the only Protestant society remaining in the world that is not post-Christian.”

Historian Dr. Clyde Wilson wrote these words more than a decade ago. Much has changed since then and much for the worse. In fact, it was Protestantism’s thrust toward “social justice” and away from biblical justice, toward virtue-signaling and away from real Christian virtue, toward the temporal and away from the eternal that eventually led me toward to the Holy Orthodox Church.
Dixians are what I have coined the archetype: the perpetual scapegoat in the oppressor/oppressed paradigm. Whatever the aggrievement and whether real or perceived, just plug him in and, voilà, corporate-media-fueled problem solved at least until another sacrifice is needed to the altar of secular-humanism.
This formula is key to the cultural-Marxist narrative, a poisonous ideology that Dr. Paul Gottfried aptly describes as “the total eradication of white Christian male society as it has existed up until now in the Western world.” This is why the postmodern “concept of socialism seems largely aimed at punishing the white Christian majorities in countries in which Antifa and other ‘antifascists’ have become significant forces.”
But let’s get real: the fellowship is the target of this calumny because the disunifiers see us as a threat to their encroaching fiefdom, where they have a growing and quite lucrative racket in keeping people scared and driving them apart. Good. They understand fully well that Orthodoxy is the last resistance against the Evil One. This is why the lies being pedaled in some quarters of the Orthosphere are not just an assault on Southern culture, family, and home — that’s the low-hanging fruit — but it’s an all-out war against the Church itself.

Judy Byington #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy #racist beforeitsnews.com

Connect the Dots

The Real Pandemic is:

Military is the Only Way
The Event: On Tues. 7 Dec. morning in Washington DC what appeared to be up to a hundred Capitol police were waiting by or in the Capitol Building for some kind of event to happen. Russia and China were threatening war. The Alliance was in a fight to destroy Khazarian Mafia headquarters in Switzerland and Germany. A Vatican Source told Newsmax that “Pope Francis is dying” and the Tokara Island chain near Japan and China (and the Three Gorges Dam wherein contained connections to the Chinese Communist Party’s Wuhan Lab and international Child Sex Trafficking Ring) was rattled by almost 200 suspicious “earthquakes” over four days.

Tues. 7 Dec. Intel Source: “This morning Tues. 7 Dec. on MSM National Public Radio they reported that Biden called Putin about Russian buildup of troops over the last two weeks along the Ukrainian Border which is creating tensions between them, but also tensions with China over many things. This is the start of the pre-buildup leading to the upcoming Three Day War, then the days of the military taking control of all the information and letting the world know the truth of what is and has been going on. Hang on lol.”
D. The below report was from the website of Alex Collier and appeared to be given on Fri. 3 Dec:

A few days ago President Trump told us that the next 7-8 days would be to remember.

The Quantum Internet and Quantum Financial system would be up by mid Dec.

A Black Swan Event would trigger everything and start with destruction of the Three Gorges Dam and Big Pharma Labs.

The flooding on the Yangzi River China has to do with destroying the (Chinese Communist Party) DUMB tunnels.

The White Hats around the world are at war with the Rothschilds, who now no longer existed on the planet. They and their ancestral lineage were gone. It’s over.

Karlyn Borysenko #crackpot #magick #fundie #racist newsweek.com

A presenter at academic media company PragerU has been criticized for stating that her spiritual beliefs means she thinks Jewish people chose to be killed in the Holocaust, and that Adolf Hitler went to heaven.

In a series of tweets over the past few days, Karlyn Borysenko has been outlining her beliefs that people make decisions about their lives before they "choose to be born," including when they die.

While answering a number question on the subject, Borysenko said this includes children who "choose to be aborted" as they could "choose to be born into human form" if they wanted.

Borysenko went on to suggest that even those who were killed in the Holocaust chose to do so spiritually for the "experience."

"Everyone who died in the Holocaust chose to die in the Holocaust before they were ever born because they collective[ly] wanted to understand the experience of ultimate oppression. That’s why Hitler went to heaven.”

Benjamin Fulford #crackpot #conspiracy #racist #wingnut benjaminfulford.net

The worldwide offensive to permanently liberate humanity from the Satanic Khazarian mafia is intensifying on all fronts, multiple sources agree. The biggest next move is to return Ukraine to the bosom of mother Russia, according to senior sources in the US military space command. This will deprive the Khazarian mafia of control over their ancestral homeland of Khazaria (Ukraine).

The fall of Ukraine will cut off drugs and other money laundering activities that support the fake administration of “fuck” Joe Biden, the sources say. Remember when an Anglo Saxon says “fuck you,” it means they are ready to fight to the death. Many Americans, especially in the military and the agencies, are doing just that. And make no mistake, this is a fight to the death as any aware human now realizes.
Another war criminal who needs to be arrested is Justin Castro, the brother murdering a Manchurian candidate who is trying to turn Canada into a Satanic totalitarian state. Take a look at him below trying to force vaccines on children to fight a disease his government publicly admits they cannot prove even exists.

The reason these people are still in power is because they are a million-member strong group of fifth columnists who control the very top levels of government in most Western countries.
MI6 sources say this response was finally allowed through because the UK military is aware the civilian government has been hijacked by gangsters and is taking corrective action.

The real battle though will be the fight to destroy Khazarian mafia headquarters in Switzerland and Germany, CIA sources say. US Space command (formerly referred to here as Pentagon) sources say a major battle is now raging

thormemeson #racist #sexist #wingnut deviantart.com

These idiots are pathetic they seek one thing our submission and they will not get it, they have nothing to talk about because they are failures at all things. Ihan Omar is ugly trash that only represents destruction and this woman should have never apologized! In all Children are dead in Wisconsin because of Democrats in all the DNC should be arrested for Treason. Watch Ihan Omar cower and hide from this woman because she is a coward.

Astanyax #pratt #psycho #racist amren.com

RE: No Arrests After Hundreds of Children Involved in Brawl at Tampa Trampoline Park

A certain segment of the population wouldn't have discovered the technologies needed to build a trampoline, even if it had been given another 100,000 years to do so. That segment of the population has NO CLAIM to the trampolines that other cultures have built.

That thinking should apply to EVERYTHING. Deny them access to EVERYTHING that didn't exist in the Stone Age, which is where they still belong.

We allowed a THING whose ancestors couldn't develop the wheel, let alone the automobile, to climb into an SUV, and look how THAT turned out.

Separation is the simple solution…

Apartheid worked very well in South Africa (for Blacks as well as for Whites!) until the international community decided that the Whites had to be punished with relentless application of economic sanctions and embargoes.

During the apartheid era, "Baragwanath Hospital" was a world-class hospital where South African Blacks could receive the White man's medicine for token fees. For example, they could get cataract surgery for less than a Rand, the unit of the country's currency. From blind to sighted for a few cents, courtesy of the White South African taxpayer!

Now that South Africa has been "liberated", the hospital has been renamed the "Chris Hani Baragwanath Hospital", in honor of one of the country's original communists.

And now it's a place of trashed wards, garbage in the corridors, bodies in the corridors etc.

Haven’t you heard the slogan ‘stolen from natives, built by free black labour’? They literally think America as it looks like today was built by blacks.

I've also heard the slogan: "Built by the White man, Appropriated by the (censored) man, Handed over to the Black man".

I do apologize for the self-censorship, but we may not criticize those who rule over us. People who have recognized the pattern will make the necessary inferences.

Jim #fundie #conspiracy #racist blog.reaction.la

[From "Satanic symbolism at the vatican"]

The papacy is maintaining a studied ambiguity as to whether they worship God or Sata
This resembles the infamous Socinian ambiguity when they were conducting entryism against the Church of England in the late seventeenth, early eighteenth century, as to whether Christ was God or an enlightened Jewish community organizer who was regrettably less enlightened than their much more enlightened selves

I have noticed that when someone preaches the parable of the Good Samaritan as that we must love all people of all races everywhere equally, rather than that we should love our neighbor[…]he flinches from the short affirmation as if I was aiming a flame thrower at him

This is consistent with the hypothesis that Christian Churches today have a big problem with entryists who are literal demon worshipers
And to clear your palate after being exposed to the above ugly, disgusting, depressing, and blasphemous images
[Picture of the St. Nicholas Naval Cathedral]
White men are once again building Cathedrals

Henry Makow PhD #racist #wingnut #quack #conspiracy henrymakow.com

"Antisemitism" is growing as the covid scam is correctly identified with Organized Jewry, Freemasonry and Communism.
No one can justify genocide, but the stigma attached to this term is devious mind control. Antisemitism is legitimate resistance to the pernicious agenda of organized Jewry and Freemasonry, i.e. the NWO.

This agenda is to re-engineer, dispossess and enslave humanity by destroying the four legs of human identity: race, religion (God), nationalism and family (gender.) Covid gene therapy takes this process to the next level.

Most Jews and non-Jews are unaware that since antiquity Jews consistently have been reviled for good reason.

Jews are in a state of wilful denial. They don't realize that Judaism is governed by Cabala which is Satanism. The essence of Judaism is to take God's place, destroy Christianity and dispossess non-Jews, exemplified by Communism which rabbis equate with Judaism. First, Jews were possessed by Cabalism; then society as a whole, thanks to Freemasonry. We are witnessing constant Communist (Satanist) attacks on society, in the Democratic (Communist) Party platform, and now in the COVID hoax.

I am considered an antisemite. In fact, I am a witness to God (Truth.) I have earned more goodwill for Jews than most other Jews. Pretty good for an "anti-Semite!" I prove not all Jews are party to the sinister agenda of organized Jewry and show that Freemasons (non-Jewish Satanists) are equally culpable.

Like its spawn Freemasonry, Judaism is a secret society. Only the initiated know the true agenda. The rest are deceived and manipulated. Uninitiated Jews must oppose the NWO, or become its scapegoats. The Illuminati are responsible for the Jewish holocaust and will not hesitate to throw uninitiated Jews, like my family, under the bus again.

Francis Di Paola #pratt #racist #wingnut amren.com

The current atmosphere of racial animosity in the U.S. and across the world towards white people will not let up until the following is understood:

White people are not to blame for the state of black people anywhere in the world. To suggest that black people have no autonomy (as liberals do) is demeaning, infantilizing.

White people have a right to stand up for their history and culture and have the right to preserve it.

People are different. The different races have evolved genetically and culturally in isolation of each other and in different ecosystems.

Black people and others need us: we don’t need them. White people gave the world the vast majority of technological, scientific and medical breakthroughs, as well as such things as democracy, human rights, free speech.

White people owe black people nothing. If anything, black people in the US owe us. Taxpayers have spent over $22 trillion on black people over 60 years. The result is resentment against white people, continued black poverty, high murder statistics, appalling scholastics records, abandoned and dirty cities, broken black families, and government dependency.

Cultural appropriation goes both ways. If cultural appropriation is bad, then black people need to stop wearing Nikes, using electricity or modern hospitals, playing basketball, using eBay and Amazon or the internet, driving cars, etc.

Liberals are the modern-day plantation masters. Liberals give blacks monthly stipends, put them in free housing, and don’t seem to think they can do anything for themselves. Liberals have handicapped pets: black American Democrats.

Black Violence Matters.

I’m happy that Americans of Asian descent are joining the nascent dialogue around race in the US they have every right to be angry and resentful of black violence and ineptitude. I pray for the moment when the US becomes Northern Central America, when Hispanic people become the majority, because “liberals" will have to look for someone else to blame for black ineptitude.

Padraig Martin #racist #crackpot #dunning-kruger #wingnut #sexist identitydixie.com

[From "Liberators of the Occupied South"]

I am constantly annoyed by a painfully ignorant comment I stumble upon frequently – in some form or another – which generally states, “The Democrats started the Klan,” or “The AntiFa and the Klan – both Democrats in masks”
The original Ku Klux Klan were heroes – full stop. The Klan of 1865-1877 formed the first resistance against an aggressively antagonistic, radical Yankee occupying force. Organized at a local level, with almost no centralized support, the original Klan was initiated by elite Southern gentlemen[…]Someone needed to defend the Southern people, especially Southern women, and the Ku Klux Klan was born from that need
Reconstruction was brutal[…]It was exploitative and overwhelmingly cruel

Third, the Federal Government of the post-war era was heavily influenced by Marxists, especially 48er descendants from the Midwest and radical egalitarians from the Northeast. Their ideology played a key role in the barbarity that would be enacted upon the South[…]Picture degenerate AntiFa members with battalions of armed blacks now in charge of Southern towns with no governmental oversite and a disarmed and decimated local population
The second KKK was a pro-American entity versus a pro-Southern entity[…]More focused on the increasing influence of immigrants, especially criminal Jewish immigrants from Eastern Europe[…]Deleterious impact of organized Northern Catholics – namely the Irish – who were undermining the United States with pro-labor union and progressive policies
The original Klan began as a lighthearted attempt to entertain townspeople in Pulaski, Tennessee, beginning around Christmas 1865. It would soon become a Southern resistance army
The original Klan was a fraternity of men, dedicated to the South and their Scots-Irish heritage

C.T. #racist #crackpot chechar.wordpress.com

[From "‘Philosophy’"]

Keeping in mind what we said yesterday about the pretentious academic profession called ‘philosophy’, I remembered a passage from my book El Grial that is worth translating into English:

I treasured one of the most popular philosophical dictionaries in the Spanish language: that of the Italian philosopher Nicola Abbagnano[…]I looked up the word ‘Racism’ and was in for a surprise. After a good introductory paragraph, Abbagnano wrote the most propagandistic falsehoods one can imagine, breaking even the tone of his usual academic prose. We mustn’t forget that Abbagnano finished writing his dictionary in 1960, when the West knew nothing about the Third Reich except Allied propaganda
Abbagnano writes as if the Jewish problem were hallucinatory: a German prejudice[…]When Abbagnano was in his prime, Jews were over-represented not only among Lenin’s willing executioners, but the civic associations that lobbied to open the doors to mass non-white migration to the United States were Jewish
Racism was not Hitler’s invention. All that the Germans of the century in which Abbagnano and I were born did was to provide racism with the scientific basis, and the political impetus, that such a healthy instinct required
If there is one thing that raciology, the study of human races, teaches us, it is that genetic differences between humans are determining factors in social differences
Any honest Italian can see that the mixed people of Sicily with the Turks in the south belong to an inferior culture than the whiter Italians in the north of the peninsula. And let us not speak of how, by interbreeding with Indians and blacks, the Iberians produced an inferior stock to their Anglo-German counterpart north of the Rio Grande

speculareffect #racist #sexist #wingnut #conspiracy speculareffect.org

So, the Oxford school shooter is white and not a nig nog. Or, so we’re being told.
The reality is, if whites chimp out – they will do it hard. It isn’t a coincidence that both world wars started in Europe.

First off, it could be just another psyop to go after guns. We know for a fact that whites in America own most of the guns in all the world and whites are under attack and in order to finally put them in the ground, their guns need to be taken away.

As I have explained before, the FBI are involved in all of these psyops to fulfill a political agenda, so many of these false flags will occur. With the help of the media, the legislators behind the efforts to ban guns are trying to get what they want — gun seizure

Secondly, this is a case of the young white male’s dilemma. A feminized and marginalized pariah. Young white males are being raised by single mothers — a literal snowflake factory and producer of faggots, murderers, rapists (see prison population), emasculated and feminized men, who are being weeded out by natural selection — the male dominance hierarchy. If they are raised by both parents, it is a matriarchal/gynopic family setting, where the father is a hen pecked, head-nodding male who believes being “a real man” is being obeisant and subservient to women. In other words, the father himself bears the values and point of views of a woman.
So, the young white male has absolutely no one to turn to, but the Jewish lamestream media, internet and social media outlets that are telling him that he and others like him are responsible for all the world’s ills. It is reinforced in him that something is inalienably flawed in him and the same gynocentric values pushed on him by his idiot, gynocentric, tradcon, white knight father, is pushed by these outlets, furthermore reinforcing that he is an undesired, outcast.

FAKE NEWS for the Zionist agenda #racist #wingnut #conspiracy jewworldorder.org



Various Anons #homophobia #pratt #racist #wingnut boards.4chan.org

is there such a thing as mexican nationalism? do mexicans think they have something worth being proud about?


I am an italian american living in staten island. These spics, all of latam and spain, have nothing to be proud of. When we re-built new york, the niggers and puerto ricans rioted and killed civilians.


Never been to Mexico but they sure are mighty proud of it once they’ve managed to run away.

What I can’t stand is that they’ll say that the particularly deficient ones will claim that the US’s West coast is native land and Mexican land in the same breath


Mexican nationalism and Latin American nationalists in general are a fucking joke. It makes zero sense, if anything they should be pushing for patria grande and a restoration of their lands here in the USA


Who cares if they do or don't. Their refugees are proud without cause which makes them a laughing stock. If you intend to conquer, do it. Just slowly overwhelming while being paranoid in the process (do they notice? will I get deported if a cop pulls me over? how many more kids does Maria need to push out until I'm a humanitarian crisis for them?) is pretty sad. Now they stand victorious. This is how they got here. Sad.


Northern mexico is a shithole dragging us down.
All cartels and narco culture were born in the north in shitholes like Tamaulipas and Sinaloa
US should invade and genocide every norteno
My dick get rock hard when other shitskin Mexicans humiliate themselves in front of foreigners, fuck their inferiority complex turns me on, I love when Mexicans are humiliated


Dia de las hamburguesas coming soon gringo.


we hate niggers.

>we invaded the white cucks' homeland without firing a shot.
>get to keep our traditional values (mostly).
>women get put in their fucking place
>way more Americans die every year thanks to our drugs than die in Mexico due to the cartels.
>globohomo has not infested our country but we still have to opose it.
>Mexican americans live 4 (!) years longer than white americans

Prussian Society of America #racist prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "Australians are just as useless of a people as the English and Americans"]

I fucking cannot stand these people! They deserve the government and conditions they have. From my experiences with Australians, they seem to be some of the most retarded people on Earth. Never have had a rational conversation once with these cretins

Not a single word or opinion that comes out of the mouth from an Australian has any semblance or connection to reality whatsoever

You could put these cretins in a prison, and so long as they have bread and water and a place to sleep, they will still tell you how much “Freedom” they have

Padraig Martin #sexist #wingnut #racist #homophobia #transphobia identitydixie.com

[From "Should Women Vote?"]

Before I begin to explore the question entitled, “Should women vote?”, I believe, as a practical matter, we – the Dissident Right – have no choice but to encourage our women with similar moral and political values to vote
The question I posed is not whether we need our women to vote, rather it is an exploration as to whether or not women should have ever been enfranchised with the vote in the first place[…]The introduction of women into voting has devalued the God-given male-female dynamic by which the male is designed to be the Head-of-the-Household
By welcoming potential divisions on political matters into male-female relations, we invite social cracks into the foundation of Western Civilization: the nuclear family. Rather than a male voting for the best interests of his family,[…]women’s suffrage invites the potential for conflict that can resonate amongst the children
I believe the origins of this destructive democratic disorder lies not in the 19th Amendment[…]but the 15th Amendment[…]Once it became law, it allowed the inclusion of an easily manipulated, less informed electorate to augment the voting numbers of more radical 19th Century Social Justice Warriors
The South rightfully implemented rules to curb such easily exploited voter participation in the form of literacy tests
The loss of that leadership position, however, opens the door for younger White females to support deleterious positions predicated on emotional appeals in direct contravention of their father’s wishes
It is not an accident that the disintegration of Western Society almost distinctively begins with the emergence of women’s suffrage[…]American women have removed segregation, empowered homosexual marriage, invited transgender story hour, established social welfare programs, founded affirmative action, and lost every single war in the process

Christopher Jon Bjerknes #racist #conspiracy #wingnut #dunning-kruger omnia-veritas.com


Racist physicist Albert Einstein became internationally famous in 1919 when newspapers around the world reported that he had correctly predicted that the gravitational field of the sun would deflect rays of light. The press promoted the virulently racist and segregationist Zionist, Albert Einstein, as if he were the world’s greatest mind, a mind that had surpassed the genius of Copernicus, Galileo and Newton.

In April of 1921, Albert Einstein took advantage of his newly found fame and traveled to America. He promoted racist Zionism to the Jews of America, while raising money for the Eastern European Zionists who had made him famous. Einstein championed the racist doctrine of Theodor Herzl, that Jews were a distinct race of human beings, who could not assimilate into any Gentile society and therefore ought to segregate themselves and form a nation in Palestine. Einstein also believed that there ought to be a world government. However, Einstein thought that Israel ought to be a distinct nation.
Prof. Arvid Reuterdahl of St. Thomas College, in St. Paul, Minnesota, responded to Einstein’s aggressive self-promotion. Prof. Reuterdahl dubbed Albert Einstein the “Barnum of the Scientific World”. He publicly challenged Einstein to a debate over the merits of the theory of relativity and publicly accused Einstein of plagiarism.

Einstein refused to debate Reuterdahl. Einstein stated that his sole purpose for coming to America was to raise money for the Hebrew University in Jerusalem and that he could not be bothered with issues related to “his” theories. His favorite tactic to avoid debate was to accuse his critics of being “anti-Semites”, while refusing to address their legitimate accusations of his, Einstein’s, irrationality and plagiarism. Like most bullies by bluff, Einstein was a coward, who hid behind the power of the racist Jews who attempted to shield him from criticism through well-orchestrated smear campaigns in the international press.

Hunter Wallace #conspiracy #racist #wingnut occidentaldissent.com

[From "Belarus Has The Most Based President On Earth"]

I’m thankful for a lot of things in life

Joe Biden and liberal democracy are not among them

In this country, we are dominated by Jewish oligarchs and PMCs who live in the big metropolitan areas on the coasts. This class of people have been wisely wiped out in Belarus

Al Jazeera

“What helped him fight the largely urban dissidents was the cohort of police and intelligence officers mainly recruited from villagers who enjoy a higher-than-average salary, Mitrokhin said
Under Lukashenko, Belarus remained a mini-USSR preserved in amber, and his rule rested on three cornerstones, observers say

First, he scrupulously controlled the economy by preserving the Soviet-era collective farms, state-run plants processing discounted Russian crude, manufacturing machinery and fertiliser. The control prevented the emergence of billionaire oligarchs whose money and connections played an outsized role in Russia and Ukraine

Secondly, he did his best to slow down the formation of the middle class – affluent, pro-Western and some of his greatest critics

When this nascent middle class rose against him during last year’s protests, he forced hundreds of thousands to flee for Ukraine and the EU

Thirdly, he created a symbiotic political alliance with the Kremlin

Trump deferred to the Jewish oligarchs

He delegated power to Jared Kushner and his friends from Manhattan. He staffed the government with a bunch of his sworn enemies. He deferred to the Republican Congress and embraced their agenda. The people who governed on behalf of Trump had no resemblance to Trump voters

Prussian Society of America #sexist #conspiracy #homophobia #transphobia #racist prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "Every Father who has ever sent his daughter off to College / Encouraged Her, has Committed a Crime"]

Every Father who has prodded and promoted the notion of his Daughter becoming “Educated” and “Independent” and to promote their “Careers” has done great harm, and committed an eternal crime against his Racial People

It may be today that such things are not seen or understood to be the crime for what they are, but the tomorrow is on the Horizon for when they will be regarded as criminals and sorry excuses for Fathers

No Real Man who has born Healthy, Primal, Full of Wisdom and Esoteric Spirit would ever dream of sending his daughters off to University, but instead would take the time and effort in securing to make sure she is with the proper Husband

The Baby Boomer generation is the most guilty of this crime, and the fact they will never confess is that they promote their daughters to go to school out of lack of responsibility to have them make good life decisions or to educate them in seeking a valuable partner for life
All of course, are part of the Communist Party Platform of establishing their system in place

Honorable Men loathe the idea of a Career-oriented/College-educated Female

Such females have absolutely no value
Career-oriented and College-educated Women only serve the interests of Financial Capitalists. As such, these Women are property and cattle, of these Financial Hyenas
All Women who attend Universities are far much more likely to also engage in and promote subversive activities such as miscegenation, International Missionary Work for Barbarian Nations, and promotion of the LGBTQ activities
It is for this very reason that Prussia asserts itself as a Power to regulate control over the bodies of its citizens, and that it instructs its Men to seize their rightful position as having complete ownership over Women, Mind, Body and Spirit

Only Men are to be Sovereigns

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