
Not nearly as smart as they think they are

John C. Wright #homophobia #fundie #dunning-kruger scifiwright.com

{from 2015}

It is also basic human decency not to lie, not to libel, and not to make false accusations.

For the record, Mr Bakunin, the words you are repeating are the answer to a specific question of what I thought the writers of LEGEND OF KORRA were thinking when they decided to use lesbians rather than male homosexuals as the couple of choice in a children’s cartoon to lure innocent and trusting kids into believing homosexuality is right and normal and ergo Christianity is wrong and abnormal.

But it seems as if you did not consider the possibility that this quote should be read in context. If you read the question to which this quote is an answer, a reader is asking me to speculate on the motivations and thought process of writers supporting your position.

Yes, your position.

You see, your side, not my side, thinks of rednecks and conservatives and Christians as being obsessed with a psycho-pathological phobia and hatred of gays. Your side coined an silly term for the alleged phobia because it did not exist until you invented it: homophobia.

My question to you is this: do you believe that some, even most, hetero men have a visceral and instinctive desire to beat homosexuals to death?

[From rednecks and conservatives and Christains to “some, even most heterosexuals”?]

If so, why is it bigotry if I report that your side believes this?

Nor, even without that context, does the quote in any way, shape, or form express approval rather than horror at the alleged revulsion. It expresses no preference. It merely says (sarcastically) that such an instinctive revulsion exists.

[And then]

I do not hide the fact that a visceral abhorrence to homosexual acts (albeit never to the person tempted toward such acts) is a rightly ordered and indeed a laudable reaction. All emotions, visceral or otherwise, should be ordered as nature and reason command.

[So you approve of the revulsion as natural but then complain about people catching you saying it…you played yourself]

flyingtigercomics #dunning-kruger #racist douglasernst.blog

{from 2014}

Clever propaganda is the most dangerous propaganda of all. Going into this odious exercise in islamic propaganda, the creators knew the real challenge was to humanize the face of the enemy of civilization. The inhuman angle, the “they’re just like us” angle, the use of a teenage girl character (“what kind of MONSTER would attack this character”) is just so much taqiyya.

In a future age when islam and its puppetmasters are crushed, perhaps the time will be right for an islamic fake character like this. Until then, it belongs in the same pile of twaddle as all the other right-on attempts at propaganda.

The long march through the institutions has clearly included the institution of American cultural icons such as four-color reading material and this is a serious situation. Mind control by any other name.

Let its time be cut short; let its place be taken by another.

Michael Peroutka and Dan Cox #wingnut #fundie #dunning-kruger newrepublic.com

Republican primary voters in Maryland picked two radical extremists as their nominees in November’s race for governor and attorney general[…]
Peroutka has been elected to county-level office[…]ran in 2004 for president on the far-right Constitution Party[…]
Cox and Peroutka have appeared alongside Pennsylvania’s GOP gubernatorial[…]Doug Mastriano[…]Peroutka has falsely claimed that “there is a lot of evidence that some of these, what you might call voting anomalies, serious anomalies, that have existed across the country, exist here in Maryland as well,” and pledged to “investigate those things, empanel grand juries”[…]
Peroutka’s twin pledges to “prosecute unlawful officials” and “bring God back” to state government emerge from Christian Reconstruction[…]
A central tenet of this ideology is that guns are an essential tool for citizens to rise up against a “tyrannical” (i.e., secular) government. In a May 2021 interview with a radio program called Gun Freedom Radio, Peroutka said “enemies” of America have tried to “use various methods and methodologies to try to undermine a system of government that is based on a biblical worldview.” He claimed the goal of public schools, which he also called “Pharaoh’s schools” and “Hitler’s schools,” was to “de-Christianize America”[…]“They have to get rid of guns, because guns are a practical way, obviously a practical way, the citizenry can fight back”[…]
Peroutka, who has also served on the board of the secessionist League of the South, often gleefully displayed his affection for the Confederacy. In giving an award to Ten Commandments judge Roy Moore in June 2011, he made note of the fact that he was doing so on Jefferson Davis’s birthday[…]
Cox[…]no wallflower when it comes to subverting democracy.[…]On January 6, 2021[…]Cox, who had chartered three buses for constituents[…]tweeted: “Pence is a traitor”

Spider #ableist #dunning-kruger #sexist #racist incels.is

I dunno about a beta uprising, but -something- is going to happen within our lifetime.

Autism Statistics You Need To Know in 2022

Let's not be retarded here, autism doesn't exist. Anyone here could get an autism diagnosis if they really wanted to. Autism is just what the normies say we have because they can't comprehend that someone has the capability to be so socially retarded without there being something physically wrong inside your head. The fact that men are 4x as likely to get diagnosed is proof of this.

Supposedly we're on track to over half of kids being diagnosed by 2025 and only increase from there. Literally by definition it's not a disorder at that point, it's the norm. Here's another fun stat; only 5% of diagnosed autists ever find love and get married, despite the overwhelming majority wanting to have a relationship.

Combine those two and jesus fucking christ bros, we're on a runaway train towards critical mass here. I only used stats that are easy to prove, who the hell knows how many outliers like us there are.

Realistically I expect nothing to happen until the autistic generation who were raised by smartphones get to be voting age. Socially stunted losers aren't exactly going to cause a fuss and foids will be more than happy to keep fucking the top 20%. But honestly who knows, maybe the alt right will own the government and start killing jews and kikes again by that point.

retards don't produce offspring.

u right, good thing abortion is gone so all those staceys will be forced to birth autistic kids

David Guyll #dunning-kruger #sexist #transphobia daegames.blogspot.com

Going off the Twitter thread, it looks like Ernie simply expressed a desire to make a normal game for normal people, as opposed to various ham-fisted, inconsistent, irrational ideological dogmas pulped together under the thin veneer of an incomplete or recycled game. Smart move.

It also sounds like he's not going to bend the knee, paying whatever lip service the SJWs want in the vain hope that they will, God forbid, leave him alone. Also smart, as SJWs never forgive. No apology is sufficient, not that trying to get you to repent is their goal. Rather it is to get you to admit to committing what they consider to be a crime, a sin, so they can hold it over you forever. Then they just make more and more demands of you, while trying finding other so-called crimes to convict you of.

And they are scam artists and racists: https://www.enworld.org/threads/does-tsr3-have-nazi-connections.688528/

First off, Lunar Archivist is correct: SJWs are trying to destroy traditional masculinity and femininity. You've seen this already, going back years, in tabletop games, video games, movies, and comics. I myself have dealt with it on several occasions, where hypocrites demand I cover up women, reduce tit-size, whilst simultaneously posting essentially nude men. There are some good examples in the Twitter thread, but here are some more:


Not only is Dungeons & Delvers a game created by players that actually game and prioritize fun, it also features attractive women in the art: image

Professor Timothy Farage #homophobia #dunning-kruger #quack dallasobserver.com

The University of Texas at Dallas announced Monday that it is investigating complaints that a professor's tweets were homophobic and spread misinformation

Timothy P. Farage, a professor in UTD’s computer science department, prompted the backlash with his string of controversial tweets

In a post about a monkeypox outbreak in New York, he suggested trying to “find a cure for homosexuality.” (Twitter later removed the tweet for violating the site's rules.) Farage attempted to clarify his position the following day after facing pushback

“I don’t think homosexuality is wrong,” he tweeted Saturday. “I think it is a medical disorder”[…]
Farage continued that he doesn’t care about students’ sexuality or religion. He also pushed back on critics’ claims that he is bigoted or homophobic. “I am none of these things, and nothing I have written shows that I am,” he said

Replying to UT Dallas’ The Mercury student paper, Farage said he was “being compassionate” by inquiring about a “cure” to homosexuality. He also claimed to have several gay friends who wished they were straight

Anatoly Karlin #dunning-kruger #elitist #pratt #racist #wingnut unz.com

The Idiocy of the Average - and Why It Matters

Reasonably intelligent people (for instance, the readers of this blog) tend to overestimate how smart everyone else is. About half of Americans are unable to correctly read a table and do a simple addition/subtraction calculation. Such is the banal reality of the American high-90s average IQ, which is still a dozen points above the world average.

You might have a good general appreciation of the different average IQs of the world’s major regions and appreciate that national wealth depends largely on a population’s intelligence, but putting the two together is quite tricky.

PISA website has sample math questions from the 2012 assessment, with six different levels of difficulty. Hopefully, this will give us a better perspective on what average national IQ means in practice. And why seemingly minor differences between them are important and explain the vast bulk of international differences in GDP per capita and general socio-economic success.




Level 6


I suspect that many of you can do it in your heads within a minute. But a majority of all the tested teens begged to differ.

OECD average: 3% (!!). Korea: 12%, Japan: 8%, Germany: 5%. The US, Italy, Sweden, and Russia were all at 2%; the Mediterranean was at 1%.

Some countries where a big fat 100% (rounded up) were unable to do this problem: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Indonesia, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Mexico, Peru, Qatar, Tunisia, Uruguay.

The number of people at this level, the highest measured by PISA, is dwindling away into insignificance in Latin America and the Middle East.

According to Kremer/Jones, it is the relative strength of the O-Ring sector in the developed world which explains why a hairdresser earns five times as much in Belgium as in Brazil. Why is this O-Ring stronger in Belgium than in Brazil? Because in Brazil, only a tiny fraction of high school students can do anything much more complex than a simple, single-step arithmetic operation.

The Argorians via Lev #ufo #magick #dunning-kruger eraoflight.com

No matter what is happening on Earth now, no matter what everyday problems earthlings are concerned about, intensive processing of the planet with 5D energies continues 24/7.
Co-Creators, Galactic Committee and Argorians are constantly changing the mode and configuration of quantum flows directed to Earth. They instantly adjust them depending on the current situation and the state of the majority of the world’s population.

On 17th July 2022, near Barbury Castle, Nr Wroughton, Wiltshire, a crop circle appeared, showing that the finished 5D plasma actively fills the entire Earth’s space. At the same time, from it, 6D (the hexagon in the center) terminates the removal of the 3D Hologram, its matter and energy (triangles inside the sphere).
To change the environment and transform the aura of the planet, Argorians fill it with bright yellow SFIRO energy, neutralizing side effects, and blue and silver BLISKO energy, which loads into the planetary Hologram the soft of intellectual development and thought process (spheres above the image of Earth).

The down-flowing streams of spheres of different dirty shades are low-vibrational 3D plasma, removed from Earth.

On the protective screen of the vacuum ring above the equator, new species materialize.

To create the necessary environment for them, Argorians, with the help of an ultrasonic transducer, accumulate energy in the 5D ring by concentrated radiation.

With a five-dimensional Time spin, they form a new information field of Earth, and saturate it with 5D Intelligence plasma.
This channel receives energy that stabilizes sound vibrations and rebuilds the nucleic acid sequence encoding a transporter protein.

The new genetic structure receives transformative radiation through purification of the lower layers of the atmosphere with partial openings of the ozone layer.

Dr. Schavi M. Ali #ufo #magick #dunning-kruger voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

In the early morning hours of Wednesday, July 20, 2022, solar winds are traveling just slightly above normalcy at 411.5 km/s, and the magnetosphere is yet again enveloped in electromagnetic plasma particles that are strongly pressing into our planetary domain.
Solar flares with their CMEs deliver stirrings to our planet’s tectonic plates as well as to “Her” outer fields which can result in quakes as well as potent weather patterns such as thunder or snow storms, torrential rains, tornadoes, hurricanes, etc.

Of course, humans and animals feel these events physically, emotionally, and mentally as organs, glands, muscles, tissues, cells, molecules, atoms, etc. are shifted and transformed to come into alignment with the always mentioned—SOURCE FREQUENCY.

What is also very amazing is something that has previously been addressed but which is worth repeating—the LIGHT that is surging from the black hole in the center of our galaxy situated at approximately 28 degrees of Sagittarius—the sign of HIGHER KNOWLEDGE, EXPANSION OF IDEALS OF JUSTICE, PHILOSOPHY, and SPIRITUAL TEACHINGS.

The typical black hole—the result of a super nova which is an exploded star— behaves like a vacuum cleaner that sucks up energy around it which can include entire galaxies.

However, this black hole is bursting forth with LIGHT.
There will be three warnings to befall mankind called “pre-cataclysms”:

There will be the disruption of global communications systems ( This is already happening).

A seismic event will occur involving the west coast of Peru and also the USA from the Gulf of Mexico to the Great Lakes.

The final event, if the “Consciousness-Correction” is not made is complete global cataclysm, the method of which has not been revealed, but many Spiritual Scientists studying the scientific information is ancient holy texts say that it will be a splitting of the entire planet such that those who have indeed made the “Consciousness-Correction” will be in a “New Golden Age” forever.

Padraig Martin #racist #wingnut #fundie #dunning-kruger identitydixie.com

[From "In Defense of Slavery"]

The United States has tried desperately to impose a collective guilt upon the South for the “peculiar institution” of slavery. Like most Yankee mythologies, their arguments are grounded in partial truths and revisionist history[…]Southerners have been forced to make a choice: support their historic icons and monuments which are now equated to a support for slavery or reject them[…]
Well before the South was created, humans have taken other humans and impressed them into service[…]
That which made the African slave trade unique was its predatory fraternal nature. In Africa, a superior tribe would defeat an inferior tribe, enslave them[…]
That which made African slaves so appealing were multifold. To begin, the climate of Dixie was unlike the Anglo-Celtic islands from which early Southerners derived. The fair skinned Anglos were not built to work in the overwhelming heat of Virginia or the Carolinas in the 1600s[…]
The fact that the United States[…]was neither unique globally nor inconsistent with Christian norms. Slavery was a biblical institution[…]Slaves were treated much like valuable livestock[…]They were certainly treated better than their captors treated them in Africa

With the exception of a handful of slave owners in the United States who mistreated their slaves, Africans and later blacks enjoyed parallel societies that would eventually become the basis of self-imposed segregated communities in Dixie[…]
Did the South need slaves? Absolutely the South needed slaves. The United States needed slaves. Southerners have nothing for which to be ashamed. They enjoyed the benefits of a timeless institution, endorsed by God Himself, and built a powerful nation-state through the use of human labor[…]
Was slavery wrong? No, it was not wrong. The only thing that was wrong was ending the institution without a viable plan to return them to Africa

Mike King #fundie #dunning-kruger archive.ph

You see, boys and girls, Modern Art -- just like much of Modern Music, Modern Literature, Modern Science etc. -- distorts and perverts the appreciation and understanding of the good, the true and the beautiful. Convince the notoriously vain "intelligentsia" in any given society that up is down, black is white, crap is gold, gold is crap, men are women, women are men, etc, and soon you can sell these "educated" chumps anything. From there, the madness will eventually flow downhill to "the masses." There is no right and wrong for truth, like Einstein's "curved universe" (rolling eyes) and his "time warps" (rolling eyes) is all about "relativity."

[Moral Relativism is not the same as physics]

The essence of "modernism" is to suppress one's own God-given instincts, and then choose to believe in nothing, unless the "powers that be" (cough cough) instruct and authorize you to believe in something, that is. Ever notice how most of the main characters of modern literature and film are usually not heroes like those of yesteryear? The protagonist these days is typically a mentally conflicted hybrid weirdo -- neither good nor bad. Likewise, the modernist painter or sculptor is not at all concerned with beauty and truth. To the modernist, truth is only a point-of-view which aimlessly drifts with the polluted tide of "popular opinion" ™ -- that manufactured dogma which is nothing but a mass psychosis engineered by the usual suspects. In literature and art, and even "theoretical science," there is now a complete rejection of truth and beauty. Heck! Even the Poop Francis of the "modern Vatican" refuses to call sin by its rightful name. Although the Argentinean ass-clown did indeed pass very strong judgements against Global Warming ™ and xenophobia ™, but we digress.

In the final analysis, a people that can no longer distinguish truth and beauty from falsehood and ugliness, is a people that is ripe for all manner of political deception, oppression and enslavement.

Samuel Hathaway & Noah #dunning-kruger #elitist #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: Mom Shot at by Tekle Sundberg Expresses Outrage

(Samuel Hathaway)

Cindy and Mark Sundberg adopted Tekle from Ethiopia when he was just four years old.

Introducing Cindy and Mark Sundberg, the "adoptive parents" of Tekle Sundberg from Ethiopia.

More evidence that Minnesota whites are a seriously defective branch of the White race, actually believing that it's their job as whites to patronize third-world blacks, pamper, and spoil them to no end.

The Sundbergs are among the biggest racists you'll ever meet -- for patronzing blacks and always taking their side, and also for preaching, sermonizing, moralizing and guilt-tripping whites.

pathological altruism is epidemic among the Swedes

Minnesota is filled with those whose ancestry is Swedish. Obviously a serious neurological, retarded defect in the brain somewhere -- in Sweden and here in the U.S. The parallels of pathological altruism are too stark to ignore.

Adopting Ethiopians is about as dumb as adopting a wild animal from Africa, turning them loose on society and expecting civil behavior as a result.


I look forward to some black saying the Sundbergs are racist for adopting the black kid from Ethiopia and he is now dead because of that. That will be irony times hundred for these two fools who wasted time and money adopting him and raising him here.

They will call them colonizers like they did Amy Coney Barrett.

The irony is that Ethiopians aren’t “black,” they’re Cushitic and they’re one of the major slave traders, along with Somalis, of black Bantu slaves to Arabs. They’ve done this for millennia, until Europeans made them stop.

Their cruelty makes them a people that don’t deserve pity.

In Europe, the Nordic countries were the furthest from foreign invasion. They’re not like mainland and Central European people who’ve seen a who’s who of history’s bastards come marching through their land.

A Swede never saw so much as a marauding Avar, but Hungarians and Poles did, as well as Huns, Mongols, Turks, Soviets and Nazis, to name a few. Swedes have no real concept of outside danger or the inherent danger present in outsiders in either the old world or the new.

dasho #wingnut #homophobia #enbyphobia #transphobia #dunning-kruger doomworld.com

[Mr. Freeze]
LOL m8 I hate to tell you this but one half of the USA's political spectrum is explicitly anti-democracy and pro-censorship against anyone not sharing their views. Handing control over Twitter/Facebook et al to the GOP every few election cycles would be an absolute disaster. You think it's hard for LGBT folks to exist on social media now? Try having Trump/DeSantis/Abbott at the executive helm and outright striking those pages/accounts from existence out of some faux concern for "the children" or "treating mental illness."

This has to be one of the most absurd statements in this thread. I would argue that this is the easiest time in the history of social media for LGBT folks to exist.

EDIT: If you need to experiment, make a Twitter account, post something like "gender is immutable", and see what happens.

Hokmacel #psycho #crackpot #wingnut #dunning-kruger incels.is

[Serious] Give up your weakness brocels, Deep inside most of you are warm hearted larpers, Empathy is weakness, To enhance your life you need to crush others.

Thats all i can say, Since i embraced my selfish side everything for me changed, Love is not real, Humans use other humans, Life feeds on life, Stop idealizing relationships, In the end if you all want to change your lives you need to crush people weaker than you and steal resources from them, Material or inmaterial, It doesnt matter, Start with evil deeds little by little and i promise you all that this will lower your inhibition and make you stronger.

Thats all i have to say for this day, You live only once, Remember that. :panties:

And if you are too crippled mentally by depression try nootropics.

SarahRose #dunning-kruger #pratt raptureforums.com

Amen! The term kind is also used when God tells Noah about gathering the animals, which makes getting them on the ark reasonable, since there are way less kinds (categories like feline, canine, etc.) than species. Although God could make it happen even if it was every species.

People try to use the Galapagos birds as “proof” for evolution but it doesn’t prove anything other than that animals can adapt to their environment — which really only proves how awesome God’s creation is.

The more I read the Bible, the more amazed I am at how much God has revealed to us through His word. I am so glad we don’t live in the Dark Ages and we can read it any time we want.

Andrew Anglin #racist #dunning-kruger stormer-daily.rw

[From "Mexican Mother of 10-Year-Old Who had an Abortion Defends “Rapist,” Won’t Press Charges"]

Everyone says they want “diversity,” but what do they actually mean by that?

Having sex with girls immediately after puberty is a part of diverse Mexican culture, and Mexicans enter puberty earlier than whites. They don’t view this as a moral issue

White women tell Mexicans “you can’t just have sex with that 10-year-old!” and Mexicans are like “what do you mean? She’s my wife”

The question is why the girl had the abortion in the first place. Usually these Mexicans just show up at the hospital with their child brides all happy to meet their new baby and get arrested and don’t understand why they are being arrested

New York Post

The mother of a 10-year-old Ohio girl who crossed state lines to get an abortion has defended her daughter’s 27-year-old confessed rapist — who was wrongly listed as a minor during the medical visit, according to reports[…]

Everything is some kind of huge moral outrage these days. People are going to come at me like “Anglin, you’re defending having sex with a 10-year-old????”

I’m not “defending” it – I’m just stating as a matter of objective fact that this is something that happens in Mexican society. I’m not the one who brought all these Mexicans into America

The age of consent in Mexico is 12. But if you go to the hospital with a 10-year-old that’s pregnant, no one is going to fly into a moral outrage

These people are literally biologically different than you, and view life completely differently than you. That’s a fact

These same people who want all of these Mexicans to come here, claiming to celebrate their culture, will also call them evil for practicing their culture

Tainted Slav #wingnut #dunning-kruger #conspiracy #psycho doomer.boards.net

All the current shitshow haven't had happened if:
1. Ukraine wasn't a one whole fucking money laundry for U.S. deep state
2. Zelensky wouldn't have had to claim the degeneracy like "we are about to get our own nuke kek"
3. This whole maidan mess have been stomped with all-the-way american tier police brutality days 1-to-3
4. America had to mind their business elsewhere, not at our backdoor.

I watched this circus going for quite a long time. I've witnessed maidan days, it's consequences. Trust me on this, although invasion is a fucked up thing to do, it was a necessity to do, at certain point.

Hunter Wallace and Charlie Kirk #fundie #wingnut #elitist #dunning-kruger #crackpot occidentaldissent.com

[From "Charlie Kirk: Church and State Should Be Mixed Together"]


Charlie Kirk: "There is no separation of church and state. It's a fabrication. It's a fiction. It's not in the Constitution. It's made up by secular humanists" pic.twitter.com/R4dkUSxGwI
July 6, 2022

I’m seeing a lot of dumb commentary on this

The First Amendment only says that Congress cannot establish a state religion. The American colonies had established churches and the states had established state churches until the early 19th century

First Amendment Encyclopedia

The First Great Awakening in the 1730s and 1740s increased religious diversity, and the American Revolution furthered the impetus of Southern states to drop their affiliations with the Church of England, which most did between 1776 and 1790. The Second Great Awakening, which occurred after 1800 and created further religious diversity, led to another wave of disestablishments (Noll and Harlow 2007:29)

New Hampshire kept its establishment until 1817; Connecticut kept its establishment until 1818; and Massachusetts did not abandon its state support for Congregationalism until 1833 (Kidd 1999: 1021)[…]

The states also controlled citizenship and voting rights until Reconstruction

Blacks were not citizens outside of New England before the War Between the States. Voting rights was also restricted in various ways (by race, sex, property ownership) at the state level. The federal government had no say in the matter. The country as a whole only became “liberal” in the Reconstruction era. “Equal protection of the laws” was an abolitionist concept that originated in the antebellum era

MADELEINE KEARNS #transphobia #dunning-kruger nationalreview.com

“Sometimes, this term refers to a child who does not conform to sex-based stereotypes. Instead of leaving said child alone to experiment with toys and outfits as is only natural for children to do, the users of this term prefer to project an adult ideology onto him or her, then confuse him or her by saying that he or she really is the opposite sex.

“Other times, ‘transgender child’ refers to a gender-dysphoric young person — that is, a child who has clinically significant feelings of distress associated with his or her sexed body. In that case, instead of loving and accepting that child as he or she truly is, and providing him or her with safe and ethical psychological and emotional support, the users of this term prefer to set him or her on a pathway to irreversible harm at an age when he or she cannot possibly consent to permanent medical and surgical changes.”

Mike Adams The Health Ranger #wingnut #conspiracy #fundie #dunning-kruger naturalnews.com

You will eat crickets and drink pee
Meanwhile, the corrupt governments of the world are meticulously destroying domestic food supplies while cranking up cricket factories to mass produce billions of pounds of ground cricket meal to be used as “health food” for humans and pets.

Got that? Cricket protein meal is “premium health food.” Soon, you will see it touted as a replacement for whey protein and beef.

(Hope you enjoy your Cricket McNuggets.)

They also claim that producing crickets instead of beef will result in, “emitting significantly less greenhouse gas emissions during the production stage.” (Pardon their horrible grammar, the government goons running this aren’t very intelligent.)

As the water runs out in Lake Mead and most of the Western United States, wastewater recycling will leap into a whole new phase where people are forced to drink recycled urine if they hope to have drinking water. The water that’s removed from biosludge processing — teeming with viruses, birth control chemicals, pesticides and medications — will be filtered and repackaged as “drinking water” for the masses.

Anyone who defies the globalist agenda to exterminate humanity will be arrested, rounded up and either exterminated in a soylent green plant or incarcerated by the corrupt regime. Thus, you will eat crickets and drink pee while living on a floating prison barge.

You will own nothing and “be happy.” Or else…
The real solution to all this is to use fossil fuels and drag ourselves out of starvation and global financial collapse. But the anti-human luciferians in charge of the world right now want to exterminate billions of human beings, so they are pursuing the policies that are designed to cause maximum human casualties.

I cover all this and much more in today’s Situation Update podcast, which also starts off with me singing a happy song called, “I love a black man with a gun.”

James Lankford #fundie #wingnut #sexist #dunning-kruger #pratt thehill.com

GOP Sen. James Lankford (Okla.) on Thursday blocked a Democratic request to unanimously pass a bill seeking to protect interstate travel for abortion.

Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto (D-Nev.), joined by a string of Democratic senators, had sought consent to pass a bill that would prevent states from punishing women who travel to other states where abortion is legal to get the procedure.

Does that child in the womb have the right to travel in their future?” Lankford said in objecting. “Do they get to live?”

“There’s a child in this conversation as well,” he added.

kysboymoms #dunning-kruger #elitist #sexist thepinkpill.co

Women generally try to cope with how imbalanced reality actually is by trying to pretend that women can be dangerous as men

Exactly. And they do this in every other way too. For instance, women take up a hobby like knitting and think that they are “equal“ to men because they have these female centered hobbies, meanwhile men get to enjoy hobbies like visiting prostitutes, where they get to feel real and complete power over another human being who services their every need sexually. And then men are pleased sexually in visual ways every moment of the day through mainstream media and just being out in public (bc the vast majority of women perform femininity), and yet women think nothing of this, or maybe osa xx make up a story in their head that women are beautiful and “I like looking at attractive women too” or some shit. To say nothing of pornography.

Women are so braindead retarded and unimaginative and lacking in theory of mind, and this explains why they’ve always been slaves and always will be, and they’re too unimaginative to even realize that they’re slaves, which is why there isn’t any hope of freeing them. You can’t free people who don’t even know that they’re fucking prisoners.

God that shit is so stupid it drives me up the wall. They seriously think that convincing themselves that they are some sort of pseudo bisexual who "like" looking at other women "because they're so pretty" is the same as a man naturally juiced up on testosterone and being raised in an environment that caters to his visual sexual stimuli

Exactly. That het partnered women don’t feel humiliated 24/7, even if they have some unicorn man who doesn’t use pornography, makes me feel so much utter contempt for them I want to ring their slag-whore necks. Men feel powerful, validated, as though their sexuality of utmost most importance by all of the objectified women in the media (and women performing femininity in public). It literally gives them a constant boost to their sense of self, confidence, sense of power, sense of value, etc.

Andrew Anglin #transphobia #dunning-kruger archive.ph

I don’t know if you know this, and I hate to say it, but in the womb, before the sex of the child it determined by a release of hormones by the mother, the sex organ that is developing is the penis OR clitoris. So if a girl during puberty decides to take a bunch of testosterone shots, it will cause her body to think the clitoris is a penis and start growing it.

Peter Wright #dunning-kruger #sexist #wingnut avoiceformen.com

MGTOW now an LGBTQIA category... And there's nothing you can do about it

The headline is likely to provoke an emotional reaction from both the woke and the virulently anti-woke, but I stride forth with my flack jacket on in order to make a salient point: that far from being a fringe group of misogynistic terrorists who refuse to court the ladies, MGTOW is perfectly aligned with the LGBTQIA category ‘Aromantic’ – a term indicating a profound disinterest in romantic love.

When it comes to romantic love they simply don’t want it.

Men Going Their Own Way are unmoved by the fantasy of romantic love, viewing its latent BDSM overtones as a theatre of female dominatrixes and male subs, a model that has grown from a kind of sexual feudalism instituted by affluent ladies of the medieval era. MGTOW typically reject this model because it requires men to go down on a literal and proverbial knee before a woman.

I should add, for the slow of mind, that MGTOW is concerned with a wider array of issues than this. However, the romance problem forms a molten core around which many of their concerns for male self-determination revolve.

The result of ‘Men going their aromantic way’ is in some ways striking. These men have inaugurated an enduring sex strike, putting quietly into practice what women routinely threaten if they don’t get their own way – as we recently saw from Joy Behar who called for ‘sex strike’ after Supreme Court abortion law leak. As usual it seems men have beaten women to the punch.


As this graph demonstrates, young men are driving a decline in sex. Perhaps more accurately they may be rejecting the pathological contamination of sexual intimacy with romantic love – aka, the idea that men need to demonstrate obeisance and servitude toward “romantic” partners before being “rewarded” with sex.

MGTOW probably won’t be entering a Pride float anytime soon, but in theory their cause is every bit as deserving under the umbrella of that one, powerful word – AROMANTIC.

David J. Stewart #dunning-kruger #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

I used some JavaScript code to make it snow in the background. It didn't just happen, I made it happen. It was deliberate and the result of my making a decision. The same is true with the universe. It didn't just happen. God made it all happen. Only a fool would claim that the universe came from a chaotic explosion, that just happened. Everything in life happens for a reason. This is because there is a God who does everything He does for a reason. He gave us His Laws for a reason. When men don't obey God, there is tragedy and heartbreak. This is the reason why America today is going to hell. The evil minds behind the New World Order are trashing America, and we are allowing them to do it by our woeful ignorance, love for sin and indifference.

One thing evolutionists are sure to one day discover—they were wrong! DNA is the silver bullet in evolution. Apart from Dr. Frankenstein tampering in a lab, God's laws of nature do not allow for interbreeding of species. A cat and a dog can never mate and reproduce. A horse and a tiger cannot mate and reproduce. Despite scientist's discovery that there's only a slight difference between the DNA of varying species, the difference was made permanent, distinct and deliberate by a divine Creator.

Evolution is false science, just as the Bible calls it in 1st Timothy 6:20. No wonder public school teachers have been banned from reading the Bible to students since 1962. The Bible exposes and destroys the fable of evolution.

Massresistance #transphobia #homophobia #dunning-kruger #conspiracy #fundie archive.ph

H1728 would effectively wipe out a community’s ability to monitor or control the sorts of activities going on “next door.” While communities or property owners can ban smoking, they will not be able to ban wild behaviors involving protected sexual perversions parading as “gender expression.” If a property is next to a school and tenants wish to rent who “express” their gender through “swinging parties,” whips and chains, sex for sale, or public nudity -- the landlord will not be able to say no. It will be up to the “transgender” individual to decide how he needs to express himself in his (even rented) home or commercial property.

Look at the ads for “she-male” prostitutes (in the Boston Phoenix) whose “gender expression” includes sequential, anonymous visitors to their apartments, and who often express their gender loudly and violently through BDSM practices. They can rent any place they choose if H1728 is passed. (The only exception in the law, Ch. 151B section 4, where an owner may discriminate is for “a single dwelling unit in a two family dwelling, the other occupancy unit of which is occupied by the owner as his residence.”)

“Adult” stores catering to transsexuals and cross-dressers will not be stoppable. Local zoning regulations, if attempting to block them, will surely be challenged as discriminatory. No exemptions are built into the proposed law, no matter who the surrounding owners, tenants, or users may be -- including schools, playgrounds, churches, family neighborhoods.

Section 19 even says that no one (not just realtors or property managers) may publicly object in any way to an individual’s right to buy or rent apartment/condo-type dwellings on the basis of their “gender identity or expression.” This would include a letter to a newspaper, or a posting on a web site or blog.

This new law would have a profound effect on the business climate in Massachusetts. Watch for a continuing exodus by businesses from the state if H1728 passes.

Drew68, Adder, AZJeep, KamperKen, cuz1961 and Prince of Space #conspiracy #wingnut #racist #dunning-kruger freerepublic.com

[Comments under "Child abuse victim, 10, who was six weeks pregnant is forced to travel from Ohio to Indiana for an abortion after home state outlaws it under Roe v Wade ruling"]

This sounds a lot like all of those “if only I got vaccinated” deathbed stories we’ve heard endlessly over the past two years

Heavy on allegations, light on verifiable facts

Expect a lot more of this

So why did they wait?
For dramatic effect?
The decision was telegraphed weeks ago…but they missed it by just that much
More abuse, sounds like…

Arrest the man[…]
The leftist media try to make a rule out of extremely rare exception. Standard leftist strategy!
The left likes to suggest that these cases happen on daily basis, so Roe was dealing with similar situations mostly
Kind of like we are to be believed that every day hundreds of schools are attacked and so we need to take away guns from all people!
The truth is that almost all abortions are just killing babies for the convenience and stopping that practice is what the pro-life movement is all about!.

There’s strong possibility they’re leaving out that the father and impregnated ‘child’ are illegal aliens since this is far more prevalent in that demographic

Having a real difficult time believing a 10 year old can get pregnant

Progs lie so much about everything all the time now,

I.E. - males can get pregnant-

it’s easy to not beleive this is anything but pro-abort b.s..

Prince of Space
It’s from the Daily Mail UK. Why is no other outlet reporting it? According to the story, a “child abuse doctor” called the OB/GYN to inquire about the situation. She didn’t meet the kid or see her records AFAIK, so she likely doesn’t exist. This is pry just a PR exercise by NARAL to rile up abortion supporters

I just wonder where in the physician directory one would find a “child abuse doctor” because I’ve never seen one. ??

Damien Rieu #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #pratt #wingnut nme.com

Following the assassination of former Japanese president Shinzo Abe, a far-right French politician has seemingly confused the suspect with game developer Hideo Kojima.

Damien Rieu, a far-right politician and vocal supporter of the “identity movement” in France, then replied to the post writing “the far-left kills” alongside several images of Hideo Kojima.

Both the tweets have since been deleted but Autain has called out the racism behind Rieu’s reply. Sharing a screenshot of the exchange, Autain wrote: “Freewheeling Damien Rieu confuses an assassin with Hideo Kojima, world authority on video games. The extreme right in full racist delirium.”

At the time of publication, Kojima is yet to respond but Rieu has since apologised,

ilovethiswebsite #dunning-kruger #sexist thepinkpill.co

Why do straight women hate lesbians so much?

Straight women percieve lesbians as predatory because they are attracted to women.

Straight women can only concieve of attraction to women through a male-lens, and they subconsciously know how dangerous men are. They rely on the social structures that separate men and women to provide them a certain level of safety. Because they equate lesbianism to male sexuality, a lesbian to them is the same as a hidden male lurking and waiting to assault them.

Interestingly, straight women are more horrified at relatively rare cases of a lesbian assaulting another woman, than they are at the millions of straight men who rape and molest millions of women and girls every day.

Meanwhile they have an odd sense of comfort with gay men, even though gay men are extremely misogynist toward them and created whole subcultures on the basis of mocking straight women's commitment to what straight men demand of them (ex. Drag) Straight women somehow forget that gay men are men, and they are more than willing to use their male strength to beat a woman when she steps out of line.

Heterosexuality really is a disease lol.

I don't, so I tried to think from the perspective of my homophobic mother. Here are my observations:

Women generally try to cope with how imbalanced reality actually is by trying to pretend that women can be dangerous as men

Often you'd see women decrying female on male 'rape' and 'abuse' more than do, unless the men in question are trying to push an agenda.

It's a coping mechanism. This weird sort of thing where they convince themselves that the sexes are equal and hence try to apply it in terms of threat too. Its also really an attempt to distract themselves from how utterly strong and dangerous men really are; "women can be just as bad too!"

Interesting. Women make themselves feel better by how much they submit to men by pretending men's actions aren't inherent/exclusive to them. This makes them feel less stupid about how they endanger themselves daily because they convince themselves that the risk would be the same with women.

Scott Hong #fundie #dunning-kruger #elitist archive.ph

Today I will play the role of an atheist who subscribes to humanism and the relative nature of morality.


1) I believe that certain nonproductive members of society – i.e. the terminally and painfully sick, unemployed and alcohol-addicted street vagrants, serial criminals, and those too old to contribute anything meaningful – should be euthanized for the greater of good of society and mankind.

Resources that they consume can find much better use in advancing civilization and the happiness of other (and more) people. The good and survival of the human species takes precedence over selfish and petty individual needs.

2) I believe that bestiality as a sexual choice should be given the same legal rights and social respect as heterosexual and homosexual human-human relationships.

I am a practising zoophile who regularly engages in group sex with my fully-mature rottweilers (both male and female) who willingly and often actively reciprocate the intimate eroticity.

We all enjoy it immensely, so what’s wrong with it? For some reason, most people – even the supposedly enlightened individuals at PFLAG – think my sexual choice is disgusting, morally repugnant and unnatural. To me it’s incomprehensible and inexplicable why.


Now please tell me why my stand is MORALLY WRONG from a atheistic, humanist point of view.

Quotes from the Bible or other holy scriptures will not be accepted. Arguments that some god or another forbids it will similarly be ignored. As a atheist, I WILL NOT ACCEPT ANY RELIGION OR PHILOSOPHY BASED ARGUMENTS.

I welcome and eagerly await comments which attempt to persuade me that somehow, my beliefs and practices are fundamentally wrong from a relativistic, humanist, liberal and pluralistic point of view.

Convince me.

Matt Walsh #homophobia #dunning-kruger #fundie #pratt archive.ph

But I mention this today because

1) The messages/emails were particularly vitriolic and venomous, even by modern standards, and prompted by an extraordinarily uncontroversial statement and

2) I want secularists and left wingers to stop hiding from the fact that the real bigots and prejudiced dirtbags are on their side. There is something in your worldview that produces this, neo-liberals, and it’s time for you to own up to it.

My faith is not just an opinion. An opinion is “the Godfather is a good movie”. It’s not just my personal “taste”. Taste is “I like hot sauce with every meal”. It’s not just a “belief”. A belief is “I think there are microbes on Mars”. My faith is my identity. It’s who I am. I’d die before I’d give it up. I wouldn’t die for hot sauce or my De Niro DVD collection. I don’t identify myself by my belief in space creatures. But my faith is my IDENTITY. Do you get it? If I called it my “lifestyle” would you afford it the same respect you afford sexual proclivities? What if someone posted on Facebook discussing their homosexuality and a bunch of people messaged him saying they’d “lost all respect” for him, and now found him to be “disgusting” and “stupid”? I imagine those people would be liable for hate crime prosecution, and you’d be the first one at their door with your pitchfork and your hangin’ rope.

Look, if you hate me or insult me because of my Christianity, you are a bigot, an intolerant neanderthal, and a hypocrite. But go for it. And, please, if that’s your attitude, stop reading what I write and listening to what I say. Go away. Do me that favor. But while you hide in that nice little bubble, at least face yourself. See yourself for who you are. You’re too scared to confront conflicting ideas, but are you man enough to confront yourself? You’re hateful, prejudiced and bigoted. That’s you. Time to own it.

Olga Skabeyeva and other Russian news Panelists #crackpot #dunning-kruger #god-complex #psycho #wingnut thespec.com

It was a piece of news so obscure and implausible that I missed it when it first surfaced last month. The news was that the Russians are going to put hypersonic nuclear missiles into Nicaragua and terrify the Americans into backing down over Ukraine. Or kill them all if they don’t.

“If American missile systems can nearly reach Moscow from Ukrainian territory, it’s time for Russia to roll out something powerful closer to the American ‘city on a hill’,” said Olga Skabeyeva on the news show on “Rossiya-1,” the most popular Russian TV channel.

The usual crew of panellists hugged themselves with delight at the idea of American cities being blown away. “Objects like the City of New York, a good city, but it would be gone. Completely gone with one rocket,” said one.

Then they rambled on about how the Cuban missile crisis of 1962 had brought the Americans to their senses (bet you didn’t know that the U.S. lost), and how Russian missiles in Nicaragua might bring Americans to their senses again.

Nicaragua has not said it will host Russian nuclear weapons, or indeed Russian weapons of any sort.

Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega published a decree last month authorizing small numbers of troops from Russia, the United States or other Central American countries to deploy to his country for a limited time “for purposes of training, law enforcement or emergency response.”

Tucker Carlson #sexist #wingnut #elitist #dunning-kruger newsweek.com

"Look at Robert 'Bobby' Crimo, would you sell a gun to that guy, does he seem like a nut case? Of course, he does," Carlson said. "So why didn't anyone raise an alarm? Maybe it is because he didn't stand out. Maybe it is because there are a lot of young men in America who suddenly look and act like this guy. That is not an attack, it is just true."

He added: "Like Crimo, they inhabit that solitary fantasy world of social media, porn and video games."

Carlson then went on to claim these same men may be high on drugs and angry because they believe their lives will be worse than their parents'.

"They are high on government-endorsed weed, 'smoke some more, it is good for you.' They are numbed by the endless psychotropic drugs that are handed out in every school in the country by crackpots posing as counselors. Of course, they are angry, they know that their lives will not be better than their parents', they will be worse. That is all but guaranteed, they know that. They are not that stupid." he said.

"And yet the authorities in their lives, mostly women, never stop lecturing them about their so-called privilege. 'You are male, you are privileged.' Imagine that, try and imagine an unhealthier, unhappier life than that. So a lot of young men in America are going nuts," Carlson continued.

"Are you surprised? By the way, a shockingly large number of them have been prescribed psychotropic drugs by their doctors, SSRIs or anti-depressants. That would include quite a few mass shooters."

Lance Welton #dunning-kruger #racist #sexist #wingnut unz.com

"Expect More Hysterical Screeching"—Leftists Can’t Help Being Self-Destructive (Which Is Good!)

The ROE vs WADE reversal ructions seem a good moment to point out that, during the crazy debate over the confirmation of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, when females seemed to have false memories of him raping them and exposing himself to them while he was a student at Yale, I commented "The Democratic Party Has Tipped, To Minorities, Women, Gays—Expect More Kavanaugh-Type Hysteria in the Future."

Specifically, I noted research shows women are considerably higher in mental instability (“Neuroticism”), and This, after all, is basically just a means via which they can express their feelings to each other and also alleviate a sense of guilt and social anxiety about their own “racism”, “white privilege”, or whatever they’ve bee told to feel guilty about.

As they take over society, and especially as they take over “caring” professions—such as teaching, medicine, non-profits and Woke activism—this can have serious, and self-destructive, consequences.

These women argued that “certain staff members had been tokenized, promoted, and then demoted on the basis of race.” There was an investigation and it found that the complaints were entirely unfounded. They just hated the supervisor.

So why did they make anonymous complaints? Women are physically weaker and fear open conflict or openly playing for status. Thus, they will generally use covert means to bring down a rival for status: whispering, bitching, spreading rumours about her being a slut or a show-off or making anonymous complaints.

White women, being higher in social anxiety than men or black women (see Race, Evolution, and Behavior, by J. Philippe Rushton) will be higher in extrinsic religiousness; competitive outward religious conformity—in this case to the Cult of Woke.

So, there may be some kind of silver lining to increasing female dominance of Woke organizations.

It means bickering, illogical decisions, time-wasting, and their being ground to a standstill.

And then of course there’s flat-out Black Lives Matter theft.

Merkaba Chakras #magick #ufo #dunning-kruger merkabachakras.com

CERN is an international research facility encompassing a Large Hadron Collider (LHC), which is an atom particle accelerator that shoots two beams of subatomic particles of light traveling at opposite directions straight at each other to try to simulate the black hole energy of the Big Bang. In sacred geometry, two circles of light colliding in fusion would create a Vesica Piscis that create new experiences within the intersecting points and amplification of interconnection of multiple circles creates the Flower of Life, which is a 3D formula for unlimited, clean energy fueled by non-local consciousness, which serves multiple functions. The Flower of Life has been depicted unbiased in many ancient mandala artworks in Buddhism, Judaism, Gnostic Christianity, Hinduism, Egyptian, Sumerian, Mayan, and a wide variety of traditions around the world. Black hole technology emerges from understanding the math of black holes in quantum physics and the human DNA atom. Continued research into black holes and metaphysics suggest that the Flower of Life is not just a formula for energy, but also theorized to be a possible teleportation portal into new dimensions as depicted in many spiritual traditions through the merkaba of the human consciousness. Mer (light) Ka (spirit) Ba (body) means a field of light that takes the body into higher dimensions of consciousness. Instead of halting progress through bickering over semantics, many have chosen to extrapolate common themes in many ancient texts as allegories of more complex thought constructs that had few reference points in the collective consciousness of ancient times. Such cross reference to scientific theories attempts to materialize metaphysic technology to benefit the whole in unity consciousness. It is unknown if our $8 billion dollar experiment will be successful and what we may learn when we successfully simulate a black hole particle to harness. The world has changed and paradigm shift have been made.

Danish Anon #dunning-kruger #elitist #racist #wingnut boards.4chan.org


“the bottom girl is Korean not Japanese”

And the white girl is from where? Were her ancestors even in the US when slavery was still allowed? Literally proving the point of the image. Half of white ethnics in the US like poles and Slavs weren’t even in the country when slavery was happening, but they get the guilt trip anyway.

They dont Care. If you look like whatever they imagine any european to look like you get blamed for whatever a similar looking person or people in history did. They Will blame a lightskinned arab or italian for slave ownership in africa unless they are told its not a fucking British American.

American idiots do not believe there is such a thing as different europeans either, we are all the same to them. I have literally been told by americans that germans are not a particular people but simply a country. And if i dare say that a spaniard and a german are not exactly the same, but are different groups who are both fine and everything, then i am guilty of nazism and oh i am saying aryans and oh this leads to ww3.

See you Think americans are just pretending to be retarded to fuck with you or something, no they mean it haha.

It’s funny because if koreans and japanese were invading eachother, these redditors would be scolding whoever was invaded and saying they are identical. Face it reddit, the only reason you even bothered to look up which asian type the Girl was was to have a gotcha on the meme because the content annoyed you.

You dont Care what type of asian anyone is. Same with africans, these redditors do not Care what type of african you are. They dont Care what type of european you are, you all identical and replaceable with any other.

This racial indifference is almost worse than hating a particular people, because eventhough that is horrible and should be prevented, atleast you acknowledge they exist and are a particular people!

So, with all due respect. please NEVER consult an american about ANYTHING about race, history or politics. They don't know what they are talking about.

James Fullord #fundie #conspiracy #crackpot #racist #dunning-kruger archive.ph

“First they came for”— in the classic formulation—all the symbols of specifically Southern Heritage, flags, statues, cemeteries, street names, college names, the names of U.S. Army forts, everything like that.

At the same time, Anti-Americans were also attacking George Washington (white Southerner, slaveowner) Jefferson (ditto, plus the lie about Sally Hemings) and, in the frenzy after the death of George Floyd, even Abraham Lincoln’s statues were being overturned and burned.

Blacks have long considered themselves a separate anti-Nation—“Lift Every Voice And Sing,” the so-called Black National Anthem, has been around so long, its original nickname was the “Negro National Anthem.” It’s actually a Christian hymn, and as such would be banned from public performance at schools, commencement ceremonies, and football games—if the Christophobic laws against hymns, prayers, or Christmas carols were enforced against blacks.

Blacks have also now got their own Black Independence Day—“Juneteenth,” now as prominent a national holiday as Martin Luther King’s Birthday is and as George Washington’s Birthday…isn’t. (We’re supposed to call it “Presidents Day.”)

Boskov01 #wingnut #dunning-kruger deviantart.com

The Democrat Party: The Party of Continued Subservience to England, the Party of Slavery, the Confederacy, Jim Crow, Segregation, the Klan, of Lies, of Cheating, of Stealing. Every piece of legislation that has caused American suffering, every dark age of American Governance, and every black eye dealt to American greatness can be traced back to the Democrat Party's hands and influence.

And the greatest failure on the part of the Republican Party, in the wake of the Civil War that the Democrats started and lost, was the Republican's failure to abolish the Democrat Party. I wonder what America would look like had the Democrats been abolished after Lincoln's assassination. Victorious factions throughout history are laughing at the American Republicans for sparing their defeated foes. Never before has a defeated political faction been allowed to persist...maybe once the Democrats start and lose the next Civil War, we Republicans will correct the mistake we made nearly two hundred years ago.

Dissident Mama #wingnut #transphobia #sexist #homophobia #enbyphobia #dunning-kruger #pratt dissidentmama.net

Mama had carefully sat me down and explained that substituting a plural pronoun in place of a singular was unacceptable, unclear, and grammatically incorrect. “He” and “she” were the singular forms and ought to be used when appropriate; “they” must be reserved for the third person plural.

Moreover, said she, the widespread adoption of the singular “they” marked a dangerous fundamental shift in the English language, one motivated by the sloppy thinking of modern feminists, whose insistence upon being inoffensive (or, rather, upon their being unoffended), was slowly destroying the clarity and preciseness of our spoken and written word. Why I was correcting my friends’ grammar, I do not know. Perhaps I was showing off. Perhaps I was genuinely concerned for them and thought that by proselytizing them I could do my part to help reverse the slow degradation of the English language. It might have been a little of both.
Redefining words is a clever means of changing the way people think. The Soviets used this to great effect. So has the modern homosexual movement – just consider their appropriation of the word “gay.” They have chosen a moniker for themselves which intellectually distances their chosen sexual identity from the acts and desires which define that identity while simultaneously associating themselves inextricably with the concept of happiness, fulfillment, and gaiety, using the older meaning of the word for their own purposes even as they redefine it. It was a brilliant linguistic coup. So was the singular “they.”

Manhood and womanhood are rooted in the created order. We tend to conceive of them as being defined by certain roles, but those roles are merely a natural outgrowth of God’s created design. The roles He has ordained are congruent with our being as male and female, man and woman. Such is the Biblical understanding, though it is quite clearly not the understanding of mainstream America, or even of most churches.

DiggleDaddy666 #conspiracy #crackpot #dunning-kruger #ufo reddit.com

CERN Is Opening Another Portal In 5 Days
Hey guys,

so. Im pretty stressed about this topic, and i think im about to record a short episode on it because of how much insane shit i have found in regards to it.. But i guess CERN is turning on their LHC again on july 5th using world record ammounts of energy... The last couple of times they have done this it has resulted in the mandala effects that we have all been experiencing. because when they collide these particles at such high speeds it splits and alters our current realities. They are trying to get to another world and they are live broadcasting it on youtube on the 5th. heres some shit i pulled from their website in regards to july 5.

"No time will be wasted to make the promises of a bright future for Higgs research a reality: the day after the celebrations, the LHC, which restarted on April 2022, will reach a new energy world-record of 13.6 trillion electronvolts (13.6 TeV) in stable-beam collisions, marking the start of data-taking for the new physics season, called Run 3. The event, which will be streamed live on multiple platforms, is the culmination of more than three years of work to push the performances of the collider and its four main detectors to their limit. The larger and higher-quality data samples collected by the LHC experiments will allow scientists to continue stress-testing the Standard Model of Particle Physics, further understand the properties of the Higgs boson and advance in cracking some of the outstanding mysteries of the universe. "

Last time they collided particles like this and made a portal it messed up all kinds of shit, jiffy turned to Jif, Sketchers To Skechers, LOONY TUNES to LOONY TOONS, Little shit but its there, and coming july 5th... world record ammounts of energy... Same day they want us all at home not buying gas or whatever... idk how this is gonna turn out guys.

KCNA News Agency #conspiracy #dunning-kruger theguardian.com

North Korea blames Covid-laden balloons sent from South for virus outbreak

Experts sceptical of claim, as state media urge citizens to watch out for ‘alien things coming by wind’

North Korea has blamed its Covid-19 outbreak on balloons sent over its border with the South by groups of defectors, in an apparent attempt to shift the blame onto its neighbour.

The official KCNA news agency said on Friday an 18-year-old soldier and a five-year-old child who had touched “unidentified materials” in the eastern county of Kumgang in early April showed symptoms and later tested positive for Covid-19.

“A sharp increase of fever cases was witnessed among their contacts and that a group of fevered persons emerged in the area … for the first time,” it said.

However, the first time that groups of North Korean defectors are thought to have sent balloons across the border this year was in late April from the western Gimpo region.

KCNA warned citizens to “vigilantly deal with alien things coming by wind and other climate phenomena and balloons in the areas along the demarcation line and borders”.

While the report did not name South Korea, defector-activists there use balloons to send anti-regime leaflets and humanitarian aid across the countries’ heavily armed border.

In response, the South’s unification ministry said on Friday there was “no possibility” that the coronavirus had entered the North via balloons.

Experts were sceptical about Pyongyang’s assertion. “It is hard to believe North Korea’s claim, scientifically speaking, given that the possibility of the virus spreading through objects is quite low,” said Yang Moo-jin, a professor at the University of North Korean Studies in Seoul.

The US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention says the risk of people getting infected through contact with contaminated surfaces or objects is generally considered low, though it is not impossible.

DarkVikingMistress #dunning-kruger #enbyphobia archive.ph

SJWs mess with the basic biological facts of nature, and try to spread misinformation about the biological facts of nature. Why? Because I believe through what I've researched, that being non-cisgender is a thing and it is not a bad thing either, but it is a RARE thing, and most people who are genderqueer, non-binary etc have had at least hints of their unique condition when they are children, know at a young age, or have at least a seed of doubt in their mind before they discover their true identity. But these SJWs...ugh these SJWs, they work to delegitimize the state of being non-binary by saying that they've suddenly seen the light and realised they've always been trans, even though beforehand they may have been completely comfortable as a cisgender male. These people are turning "transgender" into a trend. It's not right, it's not just. How are transgenders ever going to get more rights with these trenders fucking all their legitimacy up for them?

--SJWs scare me with the prospect of having to legalise all their genders and sexualities (I believe if this trend grows it could be a thing) just because their feelings will get hurt if they can't be called a "sparklekin" or "autismkin"...will I be discriminated against as a cisgender woman in the future, because my gender isn't cool anymore? Will I have to really call people "autismself" when it offends me that they're turning autism into a gender (I am autistic) will they hate me for having the mental illness they always wanted?

scalliano #wingnut #dunning-kruger doomworld.com

Yes you do. You can go to your town centre with a microphone and speak your mind. That is a platform. I walk past people like that every goddamn day (mainly God Squad types). Whether or not anyone listens is another question, and I'm in the UK so I'm more likely to be arrested for it because we don't have free speech as a principle unlike the US.

hisarcher19 #homophobia #transphobia #dunning-kruger archive.ph

I find this form of doublethink particularly annoying. They claim something entirely mental can't change one minute and then say that your "gender identity" can change even though your sex is the most genetic and unchangeable thing about you. Again, it shows they only follow something when it's convenient.

Robert Stacy McCain #dunning-kruger #pratt #elitist #fundie #homophobia #transphobia archive.ph

Kinda rainbow, you might say. Now, if you insensitive morons ever stop laughing long enough, you might want to read the rest of the story, which includes a rather delicate and ponderous discussion of gay-on-gay violence, a problem more widespread than the Poofter PR brigades in the MSM would like to admit.

Political correctness demands that gay people can only be betrayed in the news media as either (a) heroic role models, courageously living their lives on their own terms, or (b) martyred victims, suffering hateful abuse at the hands of cretinous homophobic Christofascist Republicans.

An examination of the circumstances surrounding the murder of Matthew Shepard doesn't support that reading. Shepard was a dweeby rich college kid rolled by a couple of petty hoodlums who almost certainly never heard of James Dobson. But if you try to argue with the MSM-approved "Martyrdom of Saint Matthew" narrative, it only proves that you're a cretinous homophobic Christofascist Republican. So most people don't bother to argue.

Even further unsubstantiated by evidence is the MSM-approved notion of the "gay community" as one big happy Sister Sledge "We Are Family" singalong, where the leather daddies and the flannel-shirted bulldykes and the glitter-encrusted drag queens all rejoice in celebration of their shared gayness. Complete hogwash.

When you've got a couple of gals so butch they're willing to inject testosterone and undergo mastectomies to pass as men, and yet they cannot visit a lesbian bar for fear they'll be beaten up -- well, in light of such an incident, I think the absurdity of "We Are Family" solidarity is adequately demonstrated.

And if you think these two F2Ms "transmen" got it bad, just imagine the riot that would have ensued if a couple of male-to-female trannygirls should try to pass themselves off as actual women in a lesbian bar.

So, just as we can sneer at the ideological nonsense of feminism (Equality Is For Ugly Losers), we can also chortle derisively at the homosupremacist propaganda that would have us believe gay people enjoy a monopoly on enlightened tolerance.

DabblingDonkey #wingnut #dunning-kruger reddit.com

RE: “common sense abortion laws” ? U ppl act like ppl in America can afford SENSELESS abortions. No one is using this painful procedure as a first resort option!! It is a considerate procedure, based on unique circumstances to that individual with a uterus.

That's not true, since Roe V Wade abortion has become THE MOST popular birth control measure.

Please provide proof of that absurd statement.

But also you missed the point of the post. Abortion isn't birth control, it's for when birth control fails. It's the failsafe.

It's common knowledge, I don't need to provide proof.

It's actually not true, and you can't provide proof because there isn't any.

Your high horse is like .25" tall.

There's plenty of proof, it's not my responsibility to educate you.

Aka "I have no reasonable validation for the trash I'm spewing out of my mouth"

No, I'm much more educated on this topic than you and I'm not going to debate basic medicine.

Okay professor delusional.

You just keep spreading misinformation.

It's not misinformation. There isn't a single account of an abortion being medically necessary.

Well at least you discredit yourself so much nobody believes you.

Why should anyone believe you? You haven't provided any valid sources.

Well I'm not the one making the claim.

But because you're too "lazy" (wrong)


Shut the fuck up

You guys can't even keep your story straight, so pills are effective... but you STILL need abortions?

This stuff is not correct, I meet so many women who regularly use abortions as birth control. There was a great sermon about it just last week.

Massresistance #dunning-kruger #fundie #homophobia #transphobia archive.ph

Over the past 50 years, Boston (like hundreds of other cities) has endured an increasingly massive and perverse “Gay Pride Parade” - ending with a “Gay Pride Festival” at Boston City Hall Plaza. It’s frightened summer tourists, scared away families, and destroyed the aura of a once beautiful city.

[Later they show pics where no one is scared or frightened]

For a dozen years, MassResistance documented the depraved event, sharing photos and videos – and exposing the participating corporations, schools, and politicians.

But this year there was no parade, no festival, and no plans for any in the future. The Board of Directors of the Boston Pride Committee, which planned, funded, and organized it, voted to permanently disband the whole organization. The streets of downtown Boston are (relatively) safe and sane again!

Every "Gay Pride" event seems to have an emphasis on "youth" and children ...

[And off course show everyone having fun and safe, in spite of the weird costumes. Likewise what do you mean by "emphasis"? That gay chipdren march as well? You are scared of them celebrating their identities?]

At one Festival following the parade this troubled young man entertained the crowd. The man at left in the green "I-heart-sperm" shirt has probably seen it all before, we'd bet.

[Is Steven Crowder or Rudy Guillaume troubled when they do lewd or lavisicious acts?]

Paul Kersey #dunning-kruger #racist #elitist #pratt archive.ph

In a society that vilifies whiteness, anything too white must immediately be deemed illegitimate.

Regardless of the good it does for humanity, if the endeavor is too white, it is axiomatically wrong.

In its present form, citizen science is almost exclusively white, because almost exclusively white individuals collectively comprise the amateur scientists in their ranks.

Despite everything these white people do to advance science and our knowledge of the world, the lack of non-whites means their work is null and void.

Whiteness would seem to be the strength here, right?

How again is diversity our greatest strength, when in the absence of this mysterious, all-powerful force, so much is accomplished in citizen science due to whiteness?

[What is being accomplished by white citizen scientists? Has he considered even more could be accomlished?]

[From their link:

"Finally, a lack of diversity in citizen science could even compromise the quality of the research. For instance, one study found that volunteer water monitors – who were mostly well-educated and white – undersampled areas where environmental concerns disproportionately affected poor communities of color."]

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