
Ken Ham #fundie answersingenesis.org

Discovery of King Hezekiah’s Seal Confirms God’s Word

I always get excited when I read about archaeological finds in the Middle East that confirm what God’s Word says. Such discoveries have happened many times over the years. Well, a recent find in Jerusalem gives us a personal look into the greatest king of Judah—Hezekiah, the great reformer. The biblical account of Hezekiah and his religious reforms is personally inspiring and encouraging to me. Last summer I wrote an article for Answers [i]magazine about raising up Hezekiah-type reformers today. I encourage you to read the online version of that article on our website.

Well, in the Old Testament we read of King Hezekiah, one of the greatest kings since David and Solomon. Living about 700 years before Christ, his greatness came from the fact that “he did what was right in the sight of the Lord, according to all that his father David had done” (2 Chronicles 29:2). Because he loved the Lord, this king of Judah “did what was good and right and true before the Lord his God. And in every work that he began in the service of the house of God, in the law and in the commandment, to seek his God, he did it with all his heart. So he prospered” (2 Chronicles 31:20–21). He destroyed the idols (2 Chronicles 31:1), purified the Temple and restored the sacrifices (2 Chronicles 29), and started celebrating Passover once again (2 Chronicles 30). Second Kings 18:5 says of him, “Hezekiah trusted in the Lord, the God of Israel. There was no one like him among all the kings of Judah, either before him or after him.”

Events from the reign of King Hezekiah have already been confirmed by archaeology. Second Chronicles 32:2–4 and 2 Kings 20:20 mention Hezekiah’s tunnel, dug to prepare for an Assyrian siege (a siege God supernaturally kept from happening in 2 Kings 19:25–36), and it’s still part of Jerusalem’s water system today. The Bible mentions that Sennacherib laid siege to the Judean city of Lachish and conquered it (2 Kings 18:13), was defeated in Jerusalem, and then was killed by his sons in the temple of his god (2 Kings 19:37). Both the siege of Lachish and his death have been confirmed by archaeology.

Well, archaeology now offers us a more personal touch from Hezekiah. In the rubbish heap outside a royal building in Jerusalem, a tiny seal impression, called a “bulla,” was discovered. Barely half an inch wide, this seal reads, “Belonging to Hezekiah, [son of] Ahaz, king of Judah.” Eilat Mazar, a third-generation archaeologist who directed the dig, says, “The seal of the king was so important. It could have been a matter of life or death, so it's hard to believe that anyone else had the permission to use the seal. Therefore, it's very reasonable to assume we are talking about an impression made by the King himself, using his own ring.” This is the first seal bearing King Hezekiah’s name ever discovered by an archaeologist (others have been sold on the antiquities market, but they were not discovered by archaeologists, so their authenticity is questionable). It offers a personal look into King Hezekiah since the seal probably came from the ring on his finger. Take a look at a photograph of this seal.

This incredible find confirms God’s Word yet again. Isn’t it exciting being a Christian and seeing how science is constantly confirming the truth of God’s Word? Of course, since the Bible is real recorded history, this is exactly what we should expect—and it’s exactly what we see!

You can read more about archaeology and God’s Word in this chapter from The New Answers Book 1, “Does Archaeology Support the Bible?

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson #fundie answersingenesis.org

I believe surveys say around 97% of professional scientists hold evolution. Understandably many people want to know why, if the evidence for biblical creation is so compelling, so many scientists still reject it. Well, the same surveys show that probably at least 70% of professional scientists are non-Christians. We know from Romans 1 that non-Christians have a spiritual bias and deliberately suppress the truth. So the Scripture tells us that, yes, the vast majority of them have a compelling spiritual reason to ignore what we’re saying. And so, practically, the way it works itself out, is they never bother to consider it.

Also, most people go through the public school system, and they hear from an early age just evolution. They never hear, and they are not taught even to consider, an alternative hypothesis. So they are taught from an early age to suppress the truth, and so this is just the fruit of an educational system that ignores the opposition.

Also, by and large, they just don’t read our literature. They’re ignorant. Now, sadly, the professing Christians who hold evolution (for example, the BioLogos community) also seem to practice the same thing. In the few interactions I’ve had with their scholars, whether it’s theologians or scientists, they are clueless about anything scholarly that we’ve written. I’ll ask them, “Name the last young earth creationist scholarly book you’ve read.” The response: “I don’t know.” Have you read Coming to Grips with Genesis? No. Have you read Earth’s Catastrophic Past? No. So why don’t more people accept this? Because they’re totally ignorant of what we’ve printed. And they don't want to consider it.

And so to me that’s the answer to the question, “Why don’t more people believe it?” They never consider it; a lot of them probably don’t want to consider it because this obviously strikes at the very heart of their worldview, and Romans 1 says that it’s not just that there’s some indirect “Oh, I might have to think about Christianity.” No, the things of God are clearly seen from what has been made, so the creation issue strikes at the heart of their cherished beliefs, and they have to suppress it.

Ken Ham #fundie answersingenesis.org

Can Dawkins Disprove God in 5 Steps?

Can the idea of a Creator God be easily dismissed in just five steps? Well, atheist and anti-theist Richard Dawkins certainly thinks so!

He recently appeared on a Norwegian-Swedish television show called Skavlan where he quickly dismissed the idea of God by ticking off on his fingers five arguments for God.

Dawkins starts by equating God with fairies, and then says that “the onus is not upon an atheist to say why there is not something, the onus is on a theist to say why there is.” Well, Dr. Richard Dawkins, the onus will actually be on each person on judgment day when he stands before God. And no excuses will be enough when we stand before Him. In the end, every person will bow before Christ and acknowledge Him as Lord (Philippians 2:10–11). You can either do so voluntarily now or by compulsion later.

Dawkins then says that “there simply are no reasons for the existence of a God.” But, of course, this doesn’t mean there actually aren’t any reasons for God’s existence. It simply shows his anti-God bias. He then mentions a few of the common arguments used to demonstrate that there is a God.

Design Exists Because of Darwinian Natural Selection?

Dawkins begins with the argument from design. Now, Scripture is clear that everyone is without excuse for not believing in God because His creation clearly shows that He exists (Romans 1:20). But Dawkins dismisses the powerful argument from design in nature simply by saying that we should expect design because that’s what Darwinian natural selection does, “it makes them look as though they’re designed.” According to Dawkins, “Darwin has exploded once and for all the argument from design.” Dawkins recognizes that things do look designed, but says that the most likely explanation, a Designer, isn’t the case—natural selection simply does it. But what he never explains is how natural selection—a process that only works by decreasing or re-shuffling existing genetic information—is supposed to add the massive amounts of new information that are required to get the complexity we see today from a simple single-celled organism over millions of years. How do you get from simple pond scum to highly complex people without adding massive amounts of new genetic information? You can’t!

People Hallucinate or Are Fooled?

Dawkins next dismisses personal testimony by saying that people hallucinate or are fooled with relative ease. Now, subjective personal experience does need to be weighed carefully (see 1 Thessalonians 5:21), but what I would like to ask Dawkins is the same question Bill Nye was asked during our 2014 debate: where did consciousness (which is needed for our experiences) come from? Nye was at a loss to explain this “great mystery” as he called it and Dawkins likely would be too.

Of course, God’s Word tells us exactly where consciousness (and everything else!) came from—God Himself (Genesis 1:27, 2:7). And, furthermore, in a godless world, how do you even know what truth really is when you have no objective standard for determining truth? Who is to say who is right and who is wrong? As Pilate asked Jesus, without God and His Word, “What is truth?” (John 18:38). And if we are just random chemical accidents, why should we trust anything that comes from our brain anyway? If Dawkins’ worldview is true, then he can’t trust anything that comes from his brain either! It’s ultimately a self-defeating argument. We can only know what truth is because there is a God and He has ordered this world and has given us His Word.

If God Is the First Cause, Then Where Did God Come From?

Next is the argument of the first cause. This argument, in a nutshell, states that everything must have a cause, including the universe. Now, Dawkins dismisses this argument by saying that if God is the first cause, then where did God come from? Frankly, it’s a silly response. God is outside of space and time—in fact, He created these things. He didn’t have a beginning and He will have no end (Psalm 90:2). And if there was someone who created God, then it would be a bigger God, and then a bigger-bigger God would need to create that God, and then a bigger-bigger-bigger God would need to create that God, and so on to infinity. This is silly. If He needed to be created, He wouldn’t be God. But God doesn’t need a Creator; He is self-existent.

Darwin Explains How We Got Here Without God?

Dawkins then explains that Darwin shows how everything got here without the need for God. But Darwin was simply wrong because everything we see in observational science confirms the history of the universe from God’s Word, not Darwin’s ideas—kinds reproduce according to their kinds; we don’t see new genetic information being added to produce brand-new features; life only comes from other life, never from non-life. Life did not originate by itself; it was created by our all-wise Creator.

Pascal’s Wager a Silly Argument?

Lastly, Dawkins addresses the so-called Pascal’s wager, which says that it’s better to believe in God, live a godly life, and be wrong when you die than to reject God and die and go to hell. He says that this is a “silly argument” and that there is no way of knowing if you’ve bet on the right god or not. But I submit that only the God of the Bible makes sense of this world. God alone has left us a coherent Scripture that does not contradict itself and is historically and scientifically accurate in all it says.

But Dawkins does get one thing (sort of) right in his short video in reference to Pascal’s wager. He says that perhaps the God of the Bible would not prefer someone who “slavishly pretends to believe something.” Scripture is clear that God sees the heart, not external signs of worship or belief (1 Samuel 16:7). No one will get to heaven by “slavishly” pretending to believe in God. Salvation only comes by truly believing and trusting in Jesus Christ and His work on the Cross to pay for our sin debt (Romans 10:9–10). That’s the good news of the gospel—salvation is a free gift to those who will put their faith in Christ.

My heart breaks for people like Dawkins who are utterly lost and who, unless they repent and believe in Christ, will face an eternity separated from God in hell. All of their seemingly clever arguments against God will amount to nothing when they stand before His judgment throne. If you are like Dawkins, or even if you believe in God but have not trusted in Christ for salvation, I encourage you to listen to the good news and believe in Christ and be saved.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

Ken Ham #fundie answersingenesis.org

Will Obama Celebrate Lucy Today?

As Google has reminded us all today, November 24, 2015, marks the 41st anniversary of the discovery in Ethiopia of the australopithecine popularly known as Lucy. Today’s Google Doodle honors the supposed human ancestor, and the drawing illustrates the worldview that believes in a supposed gradual evolution from ape to modern man, with Lucy in between. (Interestingly, November 24 is also the anniversary of Darwin’s Origin of Species.)


According to evolutionists, Lucy walked on two legs, and the group she represents is a distant ancestor of humanity (though how closely related is disputed even in their camp). US President Barack Obama even recently “met” Lucy and commented, almost reverently, on how she shows how all mankind is related to one another.

Obama stated, “We are reminded that Ethiopians, Americans, all the people of the world are part of the same human family, the same chain. And as one of the professors who was describing the artifacts correctly pointed out, so much of the hardship and conflict and sadness and violence that occurs around the world is because we forget that fact. We look at superficial differences as opposed to seeing the fundamental connection that we all share.”

And as I said in my post then, “We do not need to look to Lucy to unite us as part of some evolutionary human family. God’s Word makes it clear that we are all one family, not because of some alleged evolutionary connection, but because we’re all descended from Adam and Eve, who were specially created by God. We do not all belong to different races. We’re all one race—the human race.”

Sadly, this evolutionary influence is creeping into the church and being promoted by groups like BioLogos.

Really, this Google Doodle highlights where our culture is headed. Our supposed evolutionary ancestry is increasingly being celebrated—but it’s nothing more than a major tenet of the religion of naturalism. Google isn’t promoting science—they are promoting an interpretation of the past that is a key idea in the atheistic religion of naturalism. But as our culture moves farther and farther from biblical authority, we can only expect this kind of celebration of our alleged evolutionary past to continue, even creeping into the church.

But Lucy wasn’t a human ancestor. She’s just an extinct variety of ape. There is nothing about her to suggest that she’s a transitional form between ape-like and human-like. It’s simply an interpretation of the fossils from an evolutionary worldview.

Now, the Google Doodle shows Lucy (the one character that is drawn in color in the doodle) walking upright, very much like humans. But Lucy didn’t walk upright! That’s an interpretation based off a reconstruction of Lucy’s leg and hip bones and some fossilized footprints—clearly human footprints—found in Tanzania, far from Lucy’s resting place. Because these footprints are considered by the evolutionists to have been made too early to be humans, it’s assumed that a creature like Lucy must have made them. But Lucy (and others of her species that were later discovered) had ape hips, ape shoulders, ape wrists, ape fingers, and ape toes—they didn’t make those footprints! It’s an interpretation imposed on the fossils because of an evolutionary worldview. You can learn more about the idea that Lucy walked upright in “Lucy: Did She Walk Like Us?

We have a world-class hologram exhibit here at the Creation Museum that features Lucy. It shows how evolutionists and creationists come to the evidence—Lucy’s bones—with completely different starting points, and so they reach entirely different conclusions because of those starting points. From a biblical worldview it’s clear that Lucy is just an extinct variety of ape, amazingly designed for a tree-dwelling, knuckle-walking existence, and that she tells us nothing about human ancestry. She does, however, point toward a time after the Flood when there was more variety in the ape kind that has slowly died out.

You can learn more about Lucy and other supposed human ancestors in “Did Humans Really Evolve from Apelike Creatures?,” or in Dr. David Menton’s DVD Lucy—She’s No Lady!

By the way, it’s no wonder Obama has such a shifting worldview. Instead of anchoring his worldview/morality to the absolute authority of God’s Word, he anchors it the bones of Lucy—to the ever-shifting beliefs of man—to a man centered religion! That’s why we see moral relativism permeating the nation more and more. We need to pray for our leaders that they will turn to the God of Creation and believe His Word and anchor their worldview to one true God—the Creator God of the Bible.

You know, November 24 is a day that my family celebrates for a completely different reason. Today is my first grandson Malachi’s 16th birthday. We celebrate that God gave us this special gift—a grandson made in God’s image—on this day, and we think that’s a much better reason to celebrate November 24. And Malachi praises God too because he has put his faith and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ. And that’s more important than anything else in this life. Even more important than being President of the United States.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

Ken Ham #fundie answersingenesis.org

The Real Mythbusters

An article on Cincinnati.com (AiG and the Creation Museum are located near Cincinnati) this week discussed the visit by the television series stars Adam Savage and Jamie Hyneman of Mythbusters.

The article commenced by discussing the Creation Museum:

The topic of Greater Cincinnati’s very own Creation Museum probably won’t come up during the local stop of “MythBusters,” because, as Adam Savage puts it, it’s not even wrong.

Savage explains this later in an interview with a reporter stating,

Q: Are you going to visit the Creation Museum while you’re in town?

A: Ah! I haven’t considered it, but holy [vulgar word], what an idea. I had forgotten it was there, but my goodness, I don’t think I could pass that up.

Q: Do you have a conflicted feeling about contributing money to the museum by paying the price of admission?

A: The conflicted feeling I have is, there is a scientific term which I really like that is “not even wrong,” and these are ideas that are so far off the mark they’re not even worth discussing. I’m worried about participating or giving oxygen to ideas that are not even wrong lest I lend them a credibility as something that’s debatable.

Q: So if you were to go to the museum, you wouldn’t talk about the experience on stage, because that would be giving it oxygen, as you say.

A: My particular bailiwick isn’t to be a provocateur in that regard. Again, part of it is not giving oxygen to ideas that I don’t think are very debatable. I have empathy for people. And I don’t feel like going up on stage and telling some members of the audience, “By the way, I think you’re idiots.” I tend to stay away from that sort of polemicism. At the same time, if I’m asked, I’ll respond to questions directly. I’ve never had a problem doing that on stage.

Q: What would the reason be for going to the museum, if it’s not for getting material for the stage show?

A: For me it’s sort of like slowing down and looking at the car accident.

Well, I’ve got news for Adam Savage: the real myth busters are found at the Creation Museum. If Savage came to the Creation Museum, he would meet some academics and scientists who powerfully bust the myth of molecules-to-man evolution:

Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson, PhD in cell and developmental biology from Harvard University, who was actively involved in adult stem cell research and has been published in several peer-reviewed secular journals in this field.

Dr. Andrew Snelling, PhD in geology from the University of Sydney, who was a researcher and editor on the Radioisotopes and the Age of the Earth (RATE) project from 1997–2007, and has published many articles in various peer-reviewed scientific journals.

Dr. Georgia Purdom, PhD in molecular genetics from Ohio State University, who was a biology professor at Mount Vernon Nazarene University, has published in several peer-reviewed journals, and is co-founder of the Microbe Forum.

Dr. David Menton, PhD in cell biology from Brown University, who was tenured at Washington University, served as the histology consultant for five editions of Stedman’s Medical Dictionary, and was a guest lecturer in histology at Stanford University Medical School.

Dr. Tommy Mitchell, who earned his MD from Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, has been a medical doctor since 1987, and is a Fellow of the American College of Physicians.

Dr. Terry Mortenson, PhD in the history of geology from Coventry University in England and MDiv in systematic theology from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in Illinois, has served as seminary and research staff for Campus Crusade for Christ (CRU) teaching across Europe, and is still an active member of the Evangelical Theological Society.

Dr. Elizabeth Mitchell, who earned an MD from Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, is a retired obstetrician who earned board certification and fellowship in the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology, and now writes extensively for AiG.

Dr. Danny Faulkner, PhD in astronomy from Indiana University, was a professor at the University of South Carolina Lancaster for 26 years, is a member of the Creation Research Society, operates the observatory and planetarium at the Creation Museum, and has written hundreds of papers in astronomy and astrophysics journals.

I challenge Adam Savage to make the short drive from Cincinnati and meet some true myth busters at the Creation Museum and see how his beliefs in evolution stand up against real observational science. In meeting with these academics and scientists, and touring our world-class museum with its stunning science exhibits, he will discover that evolution is a myth and gets busted for what it is—and he will learn the truth about the God who created him, that he has a sin nature, and is in need of salvation. Our burden is to reach Adam Savage with the saving message of the gospel and help him understand that observational science confirms that the Bible is the true history book of the universe.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

Ken Ham #fundie answersingenesis.org

Obama Appears on Cover of LGBT Magazine

President Obama has just become the first sitting President of the United States to appear on the cover of an LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) publication. His photograph recently filled the cover of OUT magazine alongside the caption “Our President: Ally. Hero. Icon.”

President Obama also provided an interview for the magazine, in which he made several statements that helped highlight the change that has occurred in the Western culture’s thinking over the past few decades. He stated, “There had been a remarkable attitude shift — in hearts and minds — across America. The [Supreme Court] ruling [legalizing gay marriage] reflected that. It reflected our values as a nation founded on the principle that we are all created equal.” Now, this is ironic. Obama clearly believes in evolution. He even called the supposed human ancestor “Lucy” (really just an extinct ape variety) “our oldest ancestor” and said that “all the people of the world are part of the same human family, the same chain” because of our evolutionary connection! So first he says that we are all equal because we all evolved from a common ancestor, but now he says we’re all equal because we were created that way, which is a biblical principle. You really can’t have it both ways—did we evolve from a common ancestor or were we created to be equal? But President Obama is often inconsistent in his worldview!

He is right, however, in saying “there has been a remarkable attitude shift—in hearts and minds—across America” and that the Supreme Court ruling was a result of that. Our culture has, by and large, turned away from a biblical worldview—and President Obama has been leading this change in many ways. Instead of basing our morality on the firm, unchanging foundation of God’s Word, our culture has decided that whatever is right in its own eyes (Judges 21:25) is right and moral. This change has been dramatic, and many of the moral ills of our society (like abortion and gay “marriage”) are a result of this fundamental shift in our nation’s thinking.

Ken Ham #fundie answersingenesis.org

Tragedy in Paris

Those of us who have visited Paris are stunned to see this beautiful city now filled with carnage resulting from several terror attacks that have claimed well over 100 lives and seen hundreds injured (dozens seriously). When such horrible tragedies occur, it makes all people think about their own mortality. As Christians, we understand, based on the teaching of Genesis 3 and other passages, that such evil acts are the consequence of the wicked sinful heart of man. When Christians agonize over terrible terrorist attacks, they should realize that evil like this is ultimately a result of our sin of rebellion against our Creator. As we look at the horrific TV images of terrorism, we can’t help but cry out as the Apostle Paul did:

O wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death? (Romans 7:24).

Our AiG website has articles on why horrible things happen in this world (like 9/11 in America) and why God allows them. You can find them later, but first, you should be praying for the people of France—in fact, the whole world that now fears terrorist attacks from Islamic extremists—that God would touch the hearts of each person affected in some way by the terrorism in Paris and bring them to Himself. We pray for the families of those who lost their lives; only the God of all comfort can truly console those who are in anguish right now. Then also pray that all people will recognize that they need to be ready to meet their Creator, for one day we will all face death.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

Dr. Danny Faulkner #fundie answersingenesis.org

(Emphasis added)

The new show at Stargazers Planetarium, Aliens: Fact or Fiction?, and the new Pocket Guide to UFOs & ETs point out that the Bible does not address the question of whether there is intelligent life elsewhere in the universe. However, we can use biblical principles to reach a conclusion about ETs. Romans 8 makes it clear that man’s sin has tainted the entire universe. So if there were beings on other planets similar to man, then those beings would be subject to the effects of man’s sin. Would this be just? Could sentient beings on other planets be fallen creatures? If so, and since these beings are not descendants of Adam, what would be God’s plan of redemption for them? The Bible indicates that man was made in God’s image (Genesis 1:26) and is the center of God’s attention (Hebrews 2:7), leaving no room for other beings. It is clear from these and other considerations that there are no “aliens” living on other planets.


Researchers1 have categorized some common elements to most claims of alien abduction. We need not discuss most of these here, but there are some important common themes. Many people report meeting a god-like creature or creatures during their abductions. Often these beings communicate universal-sounding messages or warn of impending nuclear or ecological disaster if mankind does not change his way. That is, the religious message, if there is one, is of the nature of a very hip, human-centered one.

Another common element is that most people who have claimed these close encounters with aliens profess spirituality, with a belief in God. As such, there is a wide distribution of denominations and sects represented among those who have claimed alien abduction. People reporting alien abductions also report indulging in the occult and new age practices in much higher proportion than the general population. Conspicuously absent from those reporting alien abductions are those who are truly born again followers of Christ. In fact, many researchers have collected reports of alien abductions abruptly ending when abductees verbally mention the name of Jesus.

These facts are extremely pertinent. If those who report alien abductions are sincere and truthful in relaying experiences that they firmly believe occurred, then we are left with the conclusion that there is a spiritual component, and that this spirituality is contrary to the Bible.

This is just one front in a spiritual war to divert people away from the truth of Scripture. We have already seen that the implication of the Bible is that Adam’s race is the only race of sentient, physical creatures in the universe. That is, there are no ETs to fly spaceships to Earth. But if one believes in evolution, one must accept the likelihood that life, even intelligent life, has evolved many times on other worlds. Thus, if life exists elsewhere, then that would argue against the Bible and hence the God of the Bible. So, a very effective tool in undermining the authority of the Bible and the gospel would be to convince as many people as possible that life exists elsewhere. What better way is there to do that than with flying saucers and “alien” visitations?

Ken Ham #fundie answersingenesis.org

Five Things Everyone Should Know

Well, here are the five things that Bill Nye says everyone needs to know about climate change:

Number One: Our Atmosphere

#1: The atmosphere is thin. Barely 60 miles, 100 kilometres, in outer space.

Now, we shouldn’t be concerned about our atmosphere being too thin because our atmosphere was designed by the perfect Creator. That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t take care of it—we certainly need to make sure we don’t fill our atmosphere with pollutants or punch holes in the ozone layer. But we also need to remember that our atmosphere was carefully put in place by our Creator. God knew exactly what kind of atmosphere we needed and He gave us that atmosphere. He even made Earth the perfect size to be able to hold this atmosphere! We can be confident that we have the perfect atmosphere for our planet.

Number Two: All the People

#2: There’s 7.3 billion people breathing and burning.

Now, I would like to know what Bill Nye would suggest we do about the number of people utilizing our atmosphere. Of course, since Nye is an atheist, he rejects the idea that there is a God who knew the end from the beginning (Isaiah 46:10) when He created Earth. If Nye accepted God’s Word and God’s sovereignty, he would know that the all-powerful God would not allow humanity to die off by climate change or anything else. Nye also therefore rejects God’s Word as a basis for value, purpose, and meaning in life. Does he realize that, from his atheistic perspective, man is just an evolved animal and, in being consistent with an evolutionary “survival of the fittest” worldview, population alarmists could suggest mass killings or forced sterilizations as possible solutions in reducing the population? I’m sure he would be aghast at such suggestions—but then on what basis does he anchor his morality and determine what is ultimately right and wrong in this world? It comes down to one’s worldview. What solutions are there in Nye’s game of “blame man and his increasing population”?

Furthermore, this overpopulation mantra is losing support even from mainstream sociologists. In fact, some researchers are lamenting the possibility of a disastrous population decline. I remember studying books at university 40 years ago that were claiming the world was overpopulated! (And by the way, as you fly across countries around the world as much as I do and look down below, you realize the world is not overpopulated!) There are many other issues in regard to population, starvation, and so on, but that’s a different discussion altogether.

Number Three: Temperatures Changing

#3: All this heat energy in the atmosphere is changing things. It’s not just getting warmer, it’s changing.

Our climate is indeed changing but this is nothing new. Temperatures have been changing since the time of the catastrophic Flood of Noah’s day around 4,350 years ago. For example, during medieval times there was the Little Ice Age and it lasted until around 1850. The temperature has been rising since then. But before the Little Ice Age there was a warming trend that made it possible to farm the now icy waste of Greenland. Climates change! But we don’t have to be worried that the climate is going to run out of control and cause catastrophic changes. God has promised,

While the earth remains,
Seedtime and harvest,
Cold and heat,
Winter and summer,
And day and night
Shall not cease.
(Genesis 8:22)

Number Four: Rising Oceans

#4: This warmth is making the ocean get bigger. . . . When the ocean rises just this much [a few inches], this whole area will be under water, and not just this area, that area, that’s Miami.

Are ocean levels really going to rise dramatically and catastrophically because of man-made CO2 emissions?

It should be noted that evolutionists believe in many ice ages over Earth’s history. These ice ages, in the evolution model, would have dramatically dropped ocean levels, which would then have risen during the interglacial periods. In this view of Earth’s history, this happened many, many times without being caused by humans. Now, of course, biblical creationists reject this idea of multiple ice ages because we start with the true history in God’s Word. The Bible records the event of the global Flood of Noah’s Day. This Flood, and accompanying events such as massive volcanic activity, produced the perfect conditions for an Ice Age. This Ice Age lowered ocean levels for a time before they rose again as the continental ice sheets melted. So changes in sea level are not unprecedented in either an evolutionary or biblical model.

The idea of drastic ocean rise is debated among scientists. For instance, scientists and scholars involved with the Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change reject the idea of alarming sea-level rise. Indeed, a writer for [i]Forbes[/i] notes that in the past the biblical city of Ephesus was a bustling port city but is now four miles from the sea, and that “the old Roman port Ostia Antica located where the Tiber River once emptied into the Tyrrhenian Sea is now two miles up-river. When William the Conqueror defeated King Harold II at the Battle of Hastings in 1066, he landed at an old Roman fort on a small harbor island on England’s south coast. That location, now known as Pevensey Castle, is now a mile from the coast.” So sea levels rise and fall naturally. There’s no cause for panic about rising ocean levels.

Actually, it’s ironic that Bill Nye is concerned about the people living in coastal cities. After all, wasn’t he just complaining about how 7.3 billion people breathe and burn our atmosphere? It’s inconsistent of him and others to express concern about the number of people on the planet but also be worried about the people living in coastal cities. But it’s actually good that Nye is concerned about the people living along the coast since we are supposed to value human life since all humans are made in the image of God (Genesis 1:27–28). Of course, from an atheistic evolutionary position, why should he have any concern at all?

Number Five: Unprecedented Speed

#5: But the main, main, thing, everybody, . . . is the speed, it’s the rate at which things are changing. . . Oh yes, the world was once warmer, there was once more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere than there is today, but all of this never happened this fast. And that’s what you gotta get your heads around.

So Bill Nye is saying that the warming isn't the problem—it’s been warmer before, but it’s the speed of the warming that’s the problem. Really, this exposes how climate change is a matter of interpretation—just like historical science, which depends on your views of the unobservable past.

According to the evolutionary model, which Bill Nye holds to with fervor, the Earth is millions of years old and the climate has been relatively stable since the last supposed glacial period over 10,000 years ago. Based on this model, and given that observational science shows that Earth’s climate is now changing, secularists such as Nye assume that human activity must be the cause of this change. If this is true, then a changing climate is understandably a concern for them. Now, this model uses methods such as tree ring and ice core dating to get these supposed stable temperature readings, but these methods are fraught with unprovable assumptions. So Nye’s concern about the speed of today’s climate change is based on unprovable assumptions about the past that are being used to interpret the data.

According to a biblical model of Earth’s history, Earth is only a few thousand years old. Our planet was created with a perfect climate, but this climate was upset at the time of the catastrophic global flood of Noah’s day, which destroyed and reshaped the surface of the Earth. This Flood was followed by the Ice Age which covered 30% of Earth’s surface in ice. This transitional climate slowly gave way to the present climate as the Earth evened out from the after-effects of the Flood. So, when we start with a biblical model for Earth’s history, we should expect variations in climate and temperature.

Ken Ham #fundie answersingenesis.org

Climate-change alarmist Bill Nye the “Science Guy” of TV fame recently produced a short video called “5 Things You Need to Know About Climate Change.” Bill Nye has been a very vocal supporter of the idea of drastic human-caused climate change and has even accused creationists of rejecting climate change—even though we don’t reject it. Climate change is real; climates do change. But we reject the claims of climate change alarmists because we start from a different foundation. Even on a live CNN television interview right after the debate between Bill Nye and me last year, I told him that I do not reject climate change. But Bill refuses to acknowledge this because he wants people to believe creationists deny reality! The problem is that Nye denies that he is interpreting the evidence from a wrong foundation!


Your Starting Point

Your starting point in interpreting life affects your whole worldview. For instance, using Bill Nye’s starting point that all life evolved by natural processes, and man is just an animal related to all life, then abortion is just killing another animal—marriage can be however you want to define it! Your starting point determines how you interpret climate change, too.

We don’t need to be concerned about drastic climate change. Our climate, and the checks and balances that keep it operating within safe parameters, were designed by an all-wise Creator. And when you start with a biblical view of Earth’s history, you reach an entirely different conclusion about the nature and cause of climate change.

Here are five things every Christian needs to know about climate change:

1.Our climate and atmosphere were designed by an all-wise Creator.

2.Climates do change. They’ve changed before and they’ll change again.

3.Your interpretation of this change depends on your starting point—man’s opinion or God’s Word.

4.God has promised that the seasons will continue (Genesis 8:22).

5.We can have confidence that humanity won’t be snuffed out by climate change. Instead, we know that God is in control of history and it will not end until Jesus Christ returns.

You can learn more about climate change in chapter 16 of The New Answers Book 4, available to be read for free on our website.

Ken Ham #fundie answersingenesis.org

Dawkins’ Mind Is Closed

In an article titled “Atheist Richard Dawkins Calls It ‘Disgraceful’ That Presidential Hopefuls Are Creationists—and Reveals Which Religion Has ‘Maximum Toxicity,’” The Blaze website reports on a Fox News TV interview with prominent evolutionist Richard Dawkins.

The Blaze article stated:

Atheist biologist Richard Dawkins decried the fact that some Republican presidential candidates are creationists, calling it “disgraceful” and proclaiming that evolution is a “fact” that “you can not seriously disbelieve” . . . Dawkins repeatedly waded into controversial territory throughout the exchange, with Colmes at one point asking if the biologist believes that religious people are “mentally ill.” “It’s hard to use the word ‘mentally ill’ when there are so many of them,” Dawkins responded. “If they believed what they did and they were the only one they would undoubtedly be called mentally ill.”

During the interview, Dawkins was asked “whether the atheist leader would ever change his mind about God, he said that he’s open to the idea. ‘Just show me some evidence and I’ll change,’ Dawkins said.”

Well, Dawkins has been shown overwhelming evidence by many people through books, discussions, a radio debate with my friend Dr. Andy McIntosh, and so on! In fact, God tells us that people like Richard Dawkins are without excuse (Romans 1:20). Dawkins reminds me of the Pharisees in John 9. After Jesus had healed the man blind from birth, the Pharisees questioned the man and his parents, and even with the evidence glaring at them, they refused to believe. People like Dawkins also remind me of the chief priests in John 12:10 who wanted to kill Lazarus, the man Jesus raised from the dead. Because of their hardened hearts, they refused to believe Jesus raised Lazarus and decided to try to kill Lazarus to get rid of the evidence! Yes, these are apt comparisons when you consider people like Richard Dawkins. We need to pray for him. His heart is hard and he is blind.

. . . whose minds the god of this age has blinded, who do not believe, lest the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine on them. (2 Corinthians 4:4)

So is Dawkins truly “open” to believing in God? Well, he pretends that he is willing to listen to evidence—but the evidence from his own life clearly shows that he refuses to believe despite the evidence. He is like the scoffers in 2 Peter 3:5 who deliberately reject, or are willingly ignorant of Creation, the Flood, and the coming judgment (the very things Dawkins rejects). It is a deliberate act on their part to ignore the obvious and reject the truth!

I’m reminded of what Abraham said about the rich man who wanted to come back from the dead and warn his brothers about judgment after life:

“Abraham said to him, ‘They have Moses and the prophets; let them hear them.’ And he said, ‘No, father Abraham; but if one goes to them from the dead, they will repent.’ But he said to him, ‘If they do not hear Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded though one rise from the dead.’” (Luke 16:29–31)

Dawkins has spent most of his life rejecting the writings of Moses, particularly Genesis, and trying to get as many people as he can to follow his rebellious lifestyle that leads directly to hell. Yes, we do need to pray much for him.

Lord, open Richard Dawkins’ mind, and let the light of the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ illuminate his hardened heart!

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

Ken Ham #fundie answersingenesis.org

Lessons from Back to the Future

Today, October 21, 2015, is the day that Marty McFly, the hero of the popular 1989 movie Back to the Future Part II, arrives on after he travels to the future. Although we don’t yet have flying, time-traveling DeLoreans, or self-adjusting and drying clothes, we don’t know if the Chicago Cubs will win baseball’s World Series this month, and our hoverboards today can barely get off the ground, we at AiG do have a great time-traveling adventure in store for you.

In our online store we have a movie that features time travel but teaches an important lesson. This film, called Time Changer[/i], is set in 1890 and features a Bible professor looking to receive unanimous endorsement from the board for a new book he wrote. But one board member won’t endorse it because he believes the views in the book are dangerous for future generations. He then sends Carlisle into the 21st century to see where his ideas will lead. This movie is described as a humorous “conversation starter” on biblical authority and why it is so important that we stand on the authority of God’s Word without compromise. You can learn more about this faith-affirming movie.

Now, many secularists will argue against biblical creation by saying that we have a “time travel” problem. The supposed problem goes like this: there are some galaxies that are so far away it would take light from their stars billions of years to reach Earth. Now, they say, since we can see them, their light has already arrived here, and so the Earth can’t be only thousands of years old, it must be billions. But, creation astronomers and astrophysicists have researched this question and have posed several ways to explain it in a biblical worldview. You can read more about proposed solutions and assumptions inherent in the argument.

Actually, this is a poor argument to use for those who hold to the big bang to use because it’s self-refuting—they have a similar problem! You see, in the big bang model light has to travel farther than is possible in even 14 billion years. You see, according to the big bang model, at the beginning the universe would develop different temperatures in different places in the universe. But everywhere we measure, the universe has the same temperature—even in the most distant galaxies. In order for all of the different places of the universe to reach a uniform temperature, light had to be exchanged from one place to another. But, even in the supposed 14 billion years that those who hold to the big bang believe in, there hasn’t been enough time for light to travel from one side of the universe to the other. So for those who hold to the big bang to argue that biblical creation is wrong because of this “time travel” problem, they are really “shooting themselves in the foot” because their argument is self-refuting!

Although we can’t time travel like Marty McFly, we do know Someone who created everything and is outside of time and even created time, as stated in Genesis 1:1. Since we have the testimony of the Creator God of the universe, which is the written account of the history of the world, we can be confident that the things it says are true. His Word tells us how everything came to be, how sin entered into the world, and how Jesus Christ's sacrifice on the Cross takes away the penalty of that sin. It even tells us of the future glory of timeless heaven, for those who are Christians.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

Ken Ham #fundie answersingenesis.org

The cry of Obama and others is “tolerance,” and for Christians to “catch up” with the majority that embraces same-sex unions. But, really, Obama and other gay “marriage” supporters aren’t being tolerant. They are being very intolerant of those who dare to disagree with them. This is not real tolerance at all! It’s intolerance and sometimes hatred of anyone who stands on the authority of God’s Word and calls sin what it is. Of course, this is exactly what Christians should expect since we are fighting a spiritual battle:

For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. (Ephesians 6:12)

People are intolerant of Christians because “men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil” (John 3:19). Christ Himself warned us that we would be hated because of Him:

If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you. (John 15:18–19)

So it should come as no surprise to Christians that the world is utterly opposed to and intolerant of Christians, even while they proclaim a message of supposed tolerance.

As believers, we need to be salt and light in a culture that is dying. We live in a very post-Christian nation. America as a whole—as evidenced by our President’s statements—does not base its thinking on God’s Word but on man’s ideas. This has resulted in a nation where “everyone did what was right in his own eyes” (Judges 21:25). And this nation desperately needs to hear the message of the gospel of Jesus Christ. It is the gospel that changes hearts and minds for now and eternity. I encourage you to be salt and light among your friends, family, coworkers, and even among those you don’t know, pointing them towards Jesus Christ and the hope He offers.

How far will President Obama continue to “move the line” regarding what is morally right and wrong? He denies the origin of marriage in Genesis, but what about clothing? There is a growing movement across this nation of groups of women demanding the right to take their tops off in public because men can take their shirts off. And why should the President not approve of that “liberty”? Would he say that the origin of clothing is found in Genesis, and thus say that such nudity is wrong?

Just like the teaching of marriage is found in Genesis, so is clothing. God gave clothes because of sin (Genesis 3:21). And if the only authority to determine the meaning of marriage is fallible humans like President Obama, then why shouldn’t polygamy also be legalized?* Ultimately, anything goes, and so why shouldn’t people be allow to take their clothes off in public and have multiple spouses?

As we read in the book of Judges, “In those days there was no king in Israel; everyone did what was right in his own eyes” (Judges 21:25). It’s an apt verse to describe our increasingly secularized culture as well as the actions of President Obama.

President Obama needs to take heed of the warning God gives concerning those who do not walk in His light, but walk in their own light:

Who among you fears the Lord? Who obeys the voice of His Servant? Who walks in darkness and has no light? Let him trust in the name of the Lord and rely upon his God. Look, all you who kindle a fire, who encircle yourselves with sparks: Walk in the light of your fire and in the sparks you have kindled—This you shall have from My hand: You shall lie down in torment. (Isaiah 50:10–11)

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

*Read our article on polygamy and the Bible.

Ken Ham #fundie answersingenesis.org

Obama: Gay “Marriage” Over Religious Freedom

In a recent address to the LGBT community, US President Barack Obama made several startling claims that only highlight the continuing animosity and intolerance towards Bible-believing Christians. He said that “Freedom of religion isn't reason enough to deny any American their constitutional rights,” referring, of course, to gay “marriage,” and he added that “it's important to recognize that some parts of the country remain uncomfortable with same-sex marriage and that it will take time for them to catch up to the majority of Americans who support such unions,” according to CBS News.

The President went on to say, “We affirm that we cherish our religious freedom and are profoundly respectful of religious traditions . . . . But we also have to say clearly that our religious freedom doesn't grant us the freedom to deny our fellow Americans their constitutional rights.” This is the same President who, in 2013, addressed Planned Parenthood, a child-killing machine (i.e., by abortion, which is the murder of children; an estimated 55 million lives have been taken by abortion clinics since Roe v. Wade in 1973), and said “Thank you, Planned Parenthood. God bless you.”

Frankly, President Obama cannot be talking about the same God of the Bible that I worship! Now, he has been known to selectively quote from the Bible when he gives some of his speeches, but he neglects so much of the Bible. For example, if he quoted Christ in Matthew 19, he would have to tell people that our Creator and Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, taught clearly that true marriage was one man and one woman. And if President Obama quoted Romans 1, he would have to admit that homosexual behavior is sinful because of “vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due. And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting” (Romans 1:26–28).

So, according to the President of the United States, gay “marriage” is more important than religious freedom for Americans. Now, what the President—and many other leaders who support gay “marriage”—don’t seem to understand (or refuse to care about) is that those who are forced to condone gay “marriage” against their religious beliefs are having their First Amendment constitutional rights denied. If Christians aren’t allowed to act on their beliefs, such as their Bible-based belief that gay “marriage” is sinful, as God’s Word clearly states and as Jesus clearly teaches us, then what kind of religious freedom is that? It’s no freedom at all! In the end, all that happens is Christians giving up their constitutional rights—protected by the First Amendment—as the government tramples on their liberties.

Ken Ham #fundie answersingenesis.org

Bill Nye Tells Women What to Do!

In a new [i]Big Think[/i] video, Bill Nye, TV’s “the Science Guy,” states, “You can’t tell somebody what to do . . . ” and then proceeds to tell us all what to do. Later on in the short video defending abortion, he states that he wants to “encourage you to not tell women what to do,” but through the whole video clip he is telling women what to do—that they should abort (murder, really) a baby if they want to.

It appears that Bill Nye, ever since his debate with me at the Creation Museum last year and the enormous viewership it received, is increasingly being asked now to give his opinion on other topics regardless of his qualifications to speak to such issues. Now in this video where Bill Nye is urging people not to stop the work of abortion clinics, he attacks the Bible! He just couldn’t help himself as he has to “suppress the truth in unrighteousness” as Romans 1 states such people do, and justify his own rebellion against God. And of course, in the Bill Nye debate over a year ago, I showed clearly that the debate between Bill Nye and me was really a clash of worldviews based on our different starting points—just as the abortion battle is a clash of the same two worldviews. It’s a battle over God’s Word and man’s word—the two ultimate religions that have fueled a battle that has been raging around us since the events of Genesis 3 when Adam and Eve trusted man’s word instead of God’s Word.

In this video, Bill Nye attacks the Bible because his starting point is that man determines his own worldview—that there is no God who owns us. Then using his religion, his starting point that all life is the result of natural processes, and therefore one’s worldview is moral relativism, he proceeds to plead (yes, plead) that women be allowed to abort their babies.

Now Bill Nye also tells us that saying we should not abort (murder) babies is “bad science.” And then he proceeds to discuss the sperm and the egg and what we’ve been able to understand from what is obviously observational science. As he did in the debate, he confuses beliefs with what one can observe. He tries to make out that discussing moral issues (like abortion) is on the same level as observational science that builds our technology. What a load of nonsense. This is why I spent time in the Bill Nye debate explaining the difference between historical science (beliefs) and observational science (based on the repeatable test to build technology, and so on).

In this video, he states to those who oppose abortion, “I understand that you have deeply held beliefs.” Yes, we do! We admit that! We do believe the Bible is the Word of God and that God created us and owns us! We do acknowledge it is God who sets the rules and determines right and wrong! And we do admit that humans are made in God’s image, and murdering one made in God’s image is sin!

But Bill Nye—you too have “deeply held beliefs.” Admit it! You wouldn’t admit it at the debate and you won’t acknowledge it now! You need to admit you have a religion called humanism—that you believe everything happened by natural processes and man determines right and wrong. You need to admit that your “deeply held beliefs” determine your worldview which is why you are telling women what to do—they should abort (murder) a baby if they want to!

Bill, like all those who have rebelled against their Creator, I urge you:

If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. (Romans 10:9)

You can watch the Nye/Ham debate on YouTube, own a copy of the debate on DVD, or you could get the boxed set.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


Ken Ham #fundie answersingenesis.org

Is Polygamy Next?

For years I’ve been saying that once you open the door to redefine marriage, where do you stop? Well, that’s already starting to happen since the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) decision to legalize gay “marriage” in June. After all, if “love wins,” as gay “marriage” activists say, then by this line of thinking why shouldn’t “love win” in cases of polygamy, bestiality, and pedophilia? As soon as you get rid of an absolute standard—God’s Word—anything and everything goes with regard to marriage. It’s just like Scripture says, “everyone did what was right in his own eyes” (Judges 21:25).

Well, the Browns, a polygamous family made popular by the reality TV show Sister Wives, says the SCOTUS ruling “shows that laws restricting consensual adult relationships are outdated, even if certain unions are unpopular.” Now, the Browns are currently in court “defending a legal victory they won in 2013, when a federal judge struck down key parts of Utah’s law banning polygamy.” The Browns are not seeking to have polygamy legalized, but just to uphold this court ruling that would allow them all to live together without fear of arrest. But court cases like this raise the question of when a polygamous family will decide to fight for the legalization of polygamy. With the redefinition of marriage by SCOTUS, why shouldn’t they be allowed to marry since the new philosophy in our culture is “as long as they love one another”? Again, without an absolute authority you can’t call anything right or wrong!

But polygamy—and other perversions of marriage—are wrong, and we as Christians can say so because we have the authoritative Word from the Creator of marriage. You see, Genesis describes the creation of marriage. It is not something that evolved or that society or a government invented. It’s an institution created by God,

So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. Then God blessed them, and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it. (Genesis 1:27–28)

Then the rib which the Lord God had taken from man He made into a woman, and He brought her to the man. And Adam said:

This is now bone of my bones
And flesh of my flesh;
She shall be called Woman,
Because she was taken out of Man.

Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh. (Genesis 2:22–24)

In Matthew 19, Jesus quotes from Genesis 2 (one flesh) as the basis for marriage being a male and female—one man and one woman (Matthew 19:4–7).

Some erroneously believe that the Bible endorses polygamy because of clear occurrences of it in the Old Testament. But the cases mentioned in detail actually point to the sinfulness of mankind and negative consequences of such situations. God created marriage, and He designed it for one man and one woman for life. Because we have the absolute standard of God’s Word, we can authoritatively declare certain behaviors and practices to be wrong because our Creator says that they are wrong. As Christians, we need to boldly stand on the authority of God’s Word and defend biblical marriage as we act as salt and light in a dying world. You can also read this article on the Answers in Genesis website about whether the Bible condones polygamy.

Those who reject God’s Word as the absolute authority have to live inconsistently in this world. If there is no absolute authority, then who draws the lines in regard to moral issues—and why? Who sets and standards and why? Ultimately, the culture will become like that described in the book of Judges:

In those days there was no king in Israel; everyone did what was right in his own eyes. (Judges 21:25)

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

Ken Ham #fundie answersingenesis.org

Bill Nye to Feature in Upcoming Religious Movie

I recently blogged about Bill Nye’s upcoming book Unstoppable. Well, in addition to his new book, Bill Nye “the Science Guy” is also reportedly going to be featured in a documentary about his life and work. One website describes the documentary as “a film for science. A film for the cosmos. The full access, exclusive film about Bill Nye.” Really it should be called “a film for the religion of naturalism. A film to promote worship of the cosmos. An exclusive film about the very religious Bill Nye.” Yes, it will be a religious film!

The documentary, which was trying to raise $650,000 on Kickstarter, has raised far more than the goal. Now, Kickstarter campaigns may give rewards out to those who back a project, with better rewards for those who donate more. I found it humorous how one of the rewards—for those who gave $20 or more towards this project—is “BILL'S HAND WRITTEN NOTES FROM THE 'HAMM [sic] ON NYE DEBATE’ Own a special piece of history with a PDF of Bill's handwritten notes from the epic debate in Kentucky with creationist Ken Hamm [sic].” So they will give you Bill Nye’s notes from our 2014 debate if you donate, but I have not seen Nye actively directing people to the free YouTube video of the unedited debate (with the exception of placing it in the video section of his billnye.com website) or the DVD (which he has the rights to use). Maybe he doesn’t want people to actually watch the debate because then they will be exposed to the truth of creation and the gospel of Jesus Christ! And I’m sure Bill doesn’t want people to watch and understand the word science, and the difference between historical science (e.g., Bill’s beliefs about origins based on the religion of naturalism) and observational science, which builds the incredible technology we have today. If you haven’t viewed the debate video already, then I encourage you to watch it at this link. Note that we are not afraid or ashamed in any way to encourage everyone to watch the video of the debate. I challenge Bill Nye to tell people to do the same—or even sell the DVD of the debate as we do and keep the proceeds.

Now, we don’t know what information will be included in the upcoming documentary about Bill Nye, but it’s likely that the film will be full of evolutionary teaching—all part of the religion of naturalism (atheism). As Christians, we need to be equipped to answer the questions that will inevitably arise from those who view the documentary. And we can use this coming documentary as a way of opening the door for conversation about the nature of science, creation/evolution, the age of the Earth, biblical authority, and, of course, the gospel. I encourage you, if you haven’t already, to order a copy of the in-depth look at the debate, Inside the Nye/Ham Debate, which I coauthored with my son-in-law Bodie Hodge. This book is an excellent resource to help you engage with the common objections to biblical creation and common arguments for evolutionary ideas. And I’m sure that the same old empty arguments Bill Nye brought up in the debate will be featured in the movie.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

Ken Ham #fundie answersingenesis.org

Bill Nye is Releasing a New Religious Book

Bill Nye “the Science Guy” has a book releasing soon called Unstoppable: Harnessing Science to Change the World, and I wonder if my name is mentioned in the book somewhere as one of those supposed “anti-science, climate change deniers” he talks about. I just have to shake my head. Really, I think the title of the book should be, It’s Stoppable: The Harnessing of the Religion of Naturalism That’s Changing the World. The more you read what Bill Nye is saying, the more you should realize he is on a mission to brainwash generations of kids in the religion of naturalism—which in reality is atheism.

While his last book, Undeniable: Evolution and the Science of Creation, focused on molecules-to-man evolution (you can read our review of this book), this upcoming release focuses on the topic of climate change. The publisher’s description reads,

With a scientist's thirst for knowledge and an engineer's vision of what can be, Bill Nye sees today's environmental issues not as insurmountable, depressing problems but as chances for our society to rise to the challenge and create a cleaner, healthier, smarter world. We need not accept that transportation consumes half our energy, and that two-thirds of the energy you put into your car is immediately thrown away out the tailpipe. We need not accept that dangerous emissions are the price we must pay for a vibrant economy and a comfortable life. Above all, we need not accept that we will leave our children a planet that is dirty, overheated, and depleted of resources. As Bill shares his vision, he debunks some of the most persistent myths and misunderstandings about global warming.

Based on the publisher’s description, it seems pretty obvious what this book will be about. Bill Nye has previously made alarming claims about climate change and the coming disastrous effects of it, and likely this book will perpetuate those alarmist ideas. Now, Nye has often wrongly claimed that creationists don’t believe in climate change, but we do—climates change. Anyone can see and experience that. But what you believe about the nature and severity of climate change and how it happens is determined by your worldview. If you start with man’s idea that climates have existed for millions of years and have remained stable since the last ice age, over 10,000 years ago, then a change in the climate is cause for concern and is likely man-made. But since we start with the true history provided in God’s Word we get an entirely different view of climate change.

Originally, the climate was created perfect, but sin changed everything (Genesis 3), and we no longer have a perfect climate. During the global Flood of Noah’s day about 4,350 years ago the climate was radically changed when the surface of the Earth was reshaped by the Flood. The Flood was followed by an Ice Age, which further changed our climate, and climates have gone up and down since. Fluctuations can happen quite quickly and are not cause for grave concern in regard to man’s supposed impact as Bill Nye claims. So when you start with God’s Word, you have an entirely different worldview through which to view climate change and therefore you reach entirely different conclusions about the nature and severity of it. It is true that Bill Nye’s religion of evolutionary naturalism causes him to wrongly interpret climate change. So, in essence, Bill Nye’s new book is indeed a religious book!

Ken Ham #fundie answersingenesis.org

Something is wrong. The stories usually involve a close friend or family member who once attended church faithfully but left. In many cases, these once-active churchgoers adopt an openly secular worldview and lifestyle, rejecting all semblance of Christian belief and values. Most churches, it seems, are full of Christian parents, Sunday school teachers, and pastors who tell similar heartrending stories. They just can’t believe what’s happening.

No church is safe. Next time you attend a morning service, look around you. Who’s next? One of the chattering young people, the teens huddled in the corner, the single adults busily pursuing their careers? They may seem happy and engaged, but is Christ really at the center of their hearts and lives?

You can’t just assume God’s Word rules everything they think and do. If you could ask a few probing questions—about creation, abortion, marriage, and the exclusivity of Christ’s salvation—you might be surprised by their answers. They’re on a dangerous path. Six out of ten may eventually leave church. Many of the rest—like Matthew Vines who now promotes homosexual “marriage” in churches—may stay but not believe like you do!


I believe this is a huge warning sign to the church. When a generation no longer builds its worldview on the foundation of the absolute authority of God’s Word, the new generation begins to question everything it says, including its morality. Then they do what is “right” in their own eyes (Judges 17:6, 21:25). Eventually we reach a tipping point, a twisted perspective where, like Israel, we “"call evil good, and good evil"” (Isaiah 5:20).

The ARG study asked where these younger Christians believe the Bible has errors. The most common answer was the age of the earth (37%)! This group of Christians also believe science has disproved the book of Genesis and that the Flood did not occur during Noah’s day. In other words, origins was a major issue among those who believe the Bible has errors.

Doubting Genesis has had horrendous consequences. It should come as no surprise that as generations are trained to disbelieve the Bible’s account of origins, they also increasingly doubt the rest of the Bible. That’s a part of the greater Satanic strategy that had its origin in the Garden of Eden. All biblical doctrines (including marriage) are founded (directly or indirectly) in the history found in Genesis 1–11. We see the direct result of this doubt and compromise reflected in the increasing acceptance of same-sex “marriage,” abortion, and so on.

As the newest ARG research reveals, at the heart of what’s wrong with our churches is a failure to accept and teach clearly what the Bible reveals about the age of the earth. It is the big “elephant in the room” that most Christian leaders refuse to acknowledge. Or worse, they endorse compromise by accepting the evolutionary idea of millions of years.

This illustrates that there is considerable biblical illiteracy among the twentysomethings, and significant compromise among church leaders. In most cases, the twentysomethings said their high school teachers convinced them not to trust the Bible! Many of them said they wished someone had prepared them better, but no one did.

Not only is this a warning to parents about where they send their children for education, but it is a warning to church leaders and parents about the importance of training the coming generations to be able to defend the Christian faith and strengthen their belief in God’s Word.

One of the key reasons kids don’t embrace their parents’ and church’s faith in adulthood is because they never learned how to “own” their own faith. They never asked tough questions about their faith in a safe environment. Perhaps they were raised in a church or home where questions and doubts were discouraged. Whatever the case, they never worked through some of these difficult issues while they were young; therefore they were never challenged with what they believe or why they believe it.

Every generation has the same decision to make: Will I serve the God of the Bible or a false god? Every newborn must be taught the truth from scratch, or that soul could be completely lost.

I believe the Christian faith is very much like a relay race. One generation carries the responsibility to pass on the faith to the next. As we have seen from the new ARG research, the church is currently failing this critical task in many areas.

Ken Ham #fundie answersingenesis.org

On the discovery of fifteen partial skeletons of a new species of hominid in South Africa.

Dr. Elizabeth Mitchell, who frequently writes articles for Answers in Genesis, is working on a full-length article on this discovery, so keep checking the website to read that. But we can say with confidence that this discovery changes nothing about our understanding of human history. You see, the only eyewitness account of human origins is the one provided by God our Creator in the Bible’s book of Genesis. No scientist witnessed the origin of man, and evolutionary scientists only believe there were intermediate evolutionary links between an ape-like ancestor and man because they have disregarded God’s Word and substituted their own fallible opinions in its place.

We know from God’s Word that “nature” did not experiment “with how to evolve humans.” God told us He created two humans as well as all the kinds of land animals—and that includes apes—on the same day. That means that there could be no evolution involved. Whatever species these bones represent—and we will be publishing a more complete report on the discovery and the claims being made about it soon—we know that they cannot be any sort of intermediate between apes and humans. The only way to find an ape-man—or a “bridge” between apes and humans—is to misinterpret fossils of either an ape or a human as something in between. But all humans—even varieties of humans that we no longer have with us—were all descended from the first two people God made. So are we. And all apes, even extinct varieties, are all descendants of the kinds of apes God made in the beginning. Scientific observation reveals that all living things, including apes and humans, only vary and reproduce within their created kinds, never evolving into new kinds. This scientific observation affirms what God decreed in the beginning, as recorded in Genesis 1, that all would reproduce after their kinds.

Prof.Stuart Burgess #fundie answersingenesis.org

When a false god is called upon to solve gaps in knowledge, this is sometimes referred to as “god of the gaps.” For example, if someone did not know that ice is formed when water freezes and proposed that there was an “ice god” that occasionally causes ice to spontaneously appear, then they would be guilty of using a god-of-the-gaps explanation.
Biblical Creation Is Not a God of the Gaps

Atheists have often accused Christians of invoking God to fill in a gap in scientific knowledge. Even the great scientist Isaac Newton has been accused by atheists of using a god-of-the-gaps explanation when he said that the universe reveals evidence of design.1 But creationists like Newton do not believe in a god of gaps, but a God of absolute necessity. Newton recognized that the universe could not exist without the supernatural creative power of an almighty Creator.

Newton and most of the other founding fathers of science could see that the universe can only be fully explained with a combination of natural and supernatural explanations. Creationists only invoke God in origins when a supernatural action is necessary according to the laws of science. For example, according to the conservation of matter and energy (the first law of thermodynamics), it is impossible for a universe to come into existence without the supernatural intervention of an all-powerful being.

The Bible is scientifically correct when it states that divine supernatural power is required to create the universe (Genesis 1:1) and life (Genesis 2:7) and different kinds of creatures (Genesis 1:24). The Bible is also scientifically accurate that divine supernatural power is required to uphold all things (Colossians 1:17). Rather than being accused of superstition, the Bible should be commended for correctly identifying the areas of origins where a supernatural Creator is necessary.
Biblical Creation Is Not Anti-Science

Creationists are sometimes accused of ignoring scientific evidence and being anti-science. But belief in God in no way diminishes zeal for how life works. The great pioneer scientists of the 17th to 20th centuries were inspired by their belief in God. Likewise, modern-day scientists who are biblical creationists find their belief in a purposeful universe to be a help in their work.

Biblical creationists are always eager to learn from real scientific discoveries in every area of science. I personally have designed rockets and spacecraft for the European Space Agency and NASA using the latest scientific knowledge in physics and engineering. I have a patent on a special gearbox that was used on the world’s largest civilian spacecraft and have been awarded three national prizes for the development of technology for spacecraft.

The only “science” that creationists do not use is the speculative science of evolution that has nothing to do with useful operational science. Evolutionary ideas like “monkey-to-man charts” that supposedly chart human evolution are based on pure speculation and not useful to science and technology in any way.
Evolution Is Guilty of God-of-the-Gaps Explanations

Ironically, it is actually evolution that is blatantly guilty of god-of-the-gaps explanations. When secular biology books attempt to explain why creatures or plants have a certain design, the answer is almost always “evolution did it” or “natural selection did it” without any explanation as to how the design feature could evolve by chance.

This is what Dawkins has written about the origin of life:

We have no evidence about what the first step in making life was, but we do know the kind of step it must have been. It must have been whatever it took to get natural selection started . . . by some process as yet unknown.2

The above quote is a classic example of evolution being a god-of-the-gaps explanation. There is a total gap in what evolution can explain about the origin of life, and Dawkins invokes the god of evolution to fill in the gap and asserts that natural selection “must” have gotten started somehow. But natural selection by itself cannot create anything; it can only select from things already created.

When my daughters did a two-year advanced biology course at high school in the UK, the teachers kept saying that “evolution did this” and “natural selection did that” for the origin of features like fins and wings and hearts and lungs. Near the end of the course, one of my daughters challenged the teacher and said, “Miss, you keep saying ‘evolution did it,’ but you never actually explain how evolution did it.” The teacher had to confess that my daughter made a valid criticism, and the rest of class agreed.

Since evolution has no credible evidence, biology books use examples of adaptation as supposed examples of evolution. Darwin’s finches and resistant bacteria are held up as classic examples of evolution even though they are not evolution at all. These adaptations involve no new information, but simply a shuffling of existing genes.
Evolution Is Guilty of Being Anti-Science

Ironically, it is evolutionists, not creationists, who are guilty of ignoring scientific evidence.3 Over the last 70 years there have been many thousands of experiments with sophisticated equipment trying to create life in the laboratory from dead matter and energy.4 However, all of these experiments have clearly demonstrated that life cannot come about by chance. Evolutionists have a choice. Either they accept the laboratory experiments or ignore them and put faith in the god of evolution. They have chosen to ignore the evidence and exercise blind faith in chance.

Evolutionary philosophy holds back scientific progress by seeking false evolutionary explanations of origins. If you refuse to believe that a jumbo jet was designed, it will affect the way you investigate the complexity of the aircraft. If you believe that the aircraft evolved by chance, you will not have your mind open to possibilities of coordinated design. When the human genome was discovered to have far more information than expected, evolutionists immediately jumped to the conclusion that it was “junk” DNA because evolution predicts bad design not sophisticated design. However, subsequent work showed that the junk DNA was not junk at all, but highly coordinated information with important functions. That example shows how evolution holds back science.

A few years ago I spoke to a senior professor of microbiology at my university (who is an agnostic) and asked what he thought of the theory of abiogenesis—the theory that life can evolve from dead matter. He said the concept was a type of superstitious black magic. The biology professor had no religious bias and had been taught the dogma of evolution for decades, but he could still see that abiogenesis was not real science but so speculative that it could be called black magic.
The Missing Link: Yet Another Gap in Evolution’s Knowledge

When Darwin published his Origin of Species more than 150 years ago, one of the problems with his theory was that there was a missing link between man and apes. That missing link is still missing today despite extensive searches for fossil evidence of evolution all over the world. Fossil evidence shows that humans have always been strikingly different from apes. Humans walk on two legs, whereas apes walk on all four limbs. Humans have an arched foot, whereas apes have a flexible foot like a hand. Fossil evidence shows that no ape-like creature has ever had an arched foot for walking upright. As with every other aspect of evolution, the evolutionist ignores the gaps and encourages everyone to put their faith in the god of evolution.
Evolution Is Like a Magic Wand

I recently talked with another senior professor of microbiology at my university (another agnostic), and he made a surprisingly frank admission about evolution being a “god of the gaps.” He is not a creationist but like many biologists can see the serious weaknesses in the theory of evolution (although he keeps his views discreet for fear of losing his job). This microbiologist told me that evolution can be described as a “magic wand.” He said that he has noticed how even the experts say “evolution did this” and “natural selection did that” without any actual explanation being given and no demonstration in the laboratory. He said that the evolutionist can explain any aspect of origins by simply waving a magic wand and saying “evolution did it.”
Paying Homage to the God of Evolution

Evolution makes no useful contribution to scientific and technological advances. However, there is an unwritten rule in the modern secular biology community that after completing a scientific study (on a topic not linked to evolution), evolution is mentioned in the write-up as being the explanation for the origin of features of design. In the same way that a religious essay is finished by paying homage to a particular god, so in modern secular biology essays are finished by paying homage to evolution. I have personally worked on biology-related projects where this is exactly what has happened. The end result is that the community blindly believes that the god of evolution must be true.
A Battle of Worldviews

Biblical creation versus evolution is not “faith versus science,” but a worldview that includes God versus a worldview that has excluded God. Evolution is not a scientific theory because it has an unjustified assumption that God was not involved in origins. It is wrong for Christians to be accused of having a hidden religious agenda because biblical creation openly declares its worldview. Ironically, it is actually evolution that hides its atheistic agenda by pretending to be just science. If Isaac Newton and the other great scientists were here today, they would be astonished and saddened at the atheistic bias in modern secular science.
Giving Credit to the Creator

In modern society, a scientist is not allowed to say “God did it” for any aspect of creation, whether it is ultimate origins or the origin of any detailed design feature. The phrase “God did it” is seen as anti-scientific. But if God is the author of creation, then He deserves acknowledgement and credit for His work. And if God is the author of creation, then scientific investigation can only be helped by recognizing God as Creator.

If you refused to believe that a jumbo jet had been designed, then that would be dishonoring to the designers. How much more dishonoring it is when secular science and the secular media refuse to acknowledge that creation has a Designer. Thankfully there are many scientists today who are prepared to acknowledge the Creator despite the risk to their jobs and careers. Such scientists can have the satisfaction of knowing they stand shoulder to shoulder with the greatest scientists that ever lived such as Newton, Kepler, Pascal, Faraday, Maxwell, Kelvin, and Flemming. And by the way, the last three great scientists in this list knew of Darwin’s theory and rejected it—a fact that secular science has never publicized.

Dr. Danny Faulkner #fundie answersingenesis.org

On Wednesday, July 15, 2015, NASA released the first close images of Pluto recently taken by the New Horizons space probe. What the photos revealed was a shock to conventional uniformitarian scientists who believe in a 4.5-billion-year-old solar system. Over the past half century, planetary scientists have become accustomed to finding many impact craters on the surfaces of bodies in the solar system. However, from the preliminary photos of Pluto’s surface, these scientists have found far fewer craters than they expected. Earlier wide-field views of half of Pluto’s surface seem to indicate a few craters, but the first close-up region examined appeared to have no craters.

Craters appear to be the results of collisions with smaller bodies. Most scientists think that the solar system formed approximately 4.5 billion years ago, so they interpret craters in terms of their accumulation during that time. Supposedly, many of the impacts were from leftover material that did not form into planets. If true, then the rate at which craters formed was much greater in the early solar system than it is today. Some surfaces, such as Earth’s and Jupiter’s satellite Io, have relatively few craters. Planetary scientists explain this by geological processes that remove or cover craters. On Earth, the main geological processes responsible for this are believed to be the sedimentation and igneous activity accompanying plate tectonics, and weathering and erosion. On Io, the principle mechanism of crater removal is volcanism—Io has many active volcanoes that change the surface regularly. Some surfaces of solar system bodies, such as Earth’s moon, have regions of high crater density and regions of low crater density. This is explained by volcanism that affected parts of them, such as on our moon, and not others.

Planetary scientists use crater density to judge the relative ages of various surfaces and regions. The lunar maria (pronounced MAR-ee-uh) appear to be volcanic plains and have far fewer craters on them than on the heavily cratered lunar highlands. Presumably, the volcanism and related processes that formed the lunar maria covered over many of the craters originally there. Hence, the maria are younger than the lunar highlands.

Similarly, the craterless surface of Io is very young, as evidenced by the ongoing volcanism that we have witnessed occurring on its surface. Europa, another large satellite of Jupiter, only has a few craters, suggesting that its surface has been reworked, though not as recently as Io’s. The two other large satellites of Jupiter, Ganymede and Callisto, have increasing crater densities, suggesting still older surfaces, but surfaces that have been reworked to some degree. The densities of craters on the surfaces of these four large satellites of Jupiter increase with distance from the planet, as do the inferred ages of their surfaces. This disparity is explained in terms of tidal flexing of Jupiter’s strong gravity that heats those satellites’ interiors to permit volcanic activity. The tidal heating decreases with distance from Jupiter.

With the exception of Io, every surface on solar system bodies that we had examined, planets, their satellites, asteroids, and even comets, appear to have impact craters, suggesting to most planetary scientists that they all have great age. This is why the lack of craters on Pluto is such a shock. Being far from the sun, Pluto ought to be very cold and hence not have experienced recent volcanism. Any primordial heat would have long ago dissipated, if the solar system were 4.5 billion years old. The density of Pluto is very small, 2.0 gm/cc, which is consistent with a roughly half-and-half rock/ice composition. This density will not allow for long-lived radioactive elements, which allegedly are the source of Earth’s internal heat to provide for the continuous geological activity during Earth’s supposed 4.5-billion-year history. Nor is Pluto near any other large bodies that could raise tides within Pluto to heat its interior and thus drive surface geological activity as supposedly is the case with Jupiter’s large satellites. Hence, there ought not to be any significant geological activity sufficient to remove craters on Pluto’s surface.

Compounding this problem for a 4.5-billion-year age for the solar system is the fact that Pluto is located in a particularly crowded part of the solar system. Pluto orbits the sun in a region with many other large objects that are too small to be planets and are also orbiting the sun. Presumably, thus far we have found only the larger members of this second asteroid belt, the first belt being mainly between the orbits of the planets Mars and Jupiter. We would expect that for each of these bodies in this second asteroid belt there would be many more much smaller bodies. Therefore, Pluto ought to be undergoing impacts today at a higher rate than most other objects in other portions of the solar system.

Planetary scientists who are committed to belief in a 4.5-billion-year-old solar system are at a complete loss to explain the lack of craters on Pluto. But the situation is even bleaker for them. Pluto has a tenuous nitrogen atmosphere. This nitrogen is leaking away from Pluto’s atmosphere, so it must be continually replaced. One can claim that the unknown mechanism driving the geological activity on Pluto also is bringing nitrogen from Pluto’s interior to the surface where it is outgassed. But Pluto is a small body, and it has only a finite amount of nitrogen. It is possible that after billions of years that all of its nitrogen should have been depleted long ago.

There are mountains on Pluto’s surface that are 11,000 ft (3,300 m) high. The rock/ice composition of Pluto probably could support such a tall structure with Pluto’s modest gravity if Pluto’s interior is very cold. However, if Pluto is as warm and geologically active as inferred, then the rock/ice structure of Pluto could not support such mountains for long. Therefore, these mountains must be very young. All of these considerations demonstrate that Pluto is a very young object, far younger than the 4.5 billion years that most scientists assume.

Charon, Pluto’s largest satellite, offered stunning news too. Charon appears to have a few craters, but far fewer than expected. Its surface also is gashed by a large chasm, suggesting recent or ongoing geological activity. This, too, was unexpected in a solar system that is 4.5 billion years old.

We may yet find a few craters on Pluto’s surface, but those would be inconsequential to the conclusions that we can draw. It is very clear that Pluto is young, far younger than the billions of years generally assumed. While this is unexpected and hence unexplainable for evolutionists, this is something that we might expect if the universe is only thousands of years old as the Bible indicates. The preliminary results from the New Horizons space probe are good news indeed for the recent creation model.

Ken Ham #fundie answersingenesis.org

Bill Nye, TV's “The Science Guy,” often speaks out about climate change, something he believes is cause for much alarm. Well, he tackled the topic again in a recent video that uses “emoji” to explain climate change as part of the General Electric Emoji Science campaign. Now, late last year he did a video which attempted to teach evolution using emojis. You can read my thoughts about that video here.

In this video on climate change Bill Nye states that “climate change is a real deal.” I agree with Mr. Nye—climate change is real. Few people would deny that climates do indeed change, since changing climates are something we can observe in the world around us. For example, beginning in medieval times and ending by about 1850 there was a period of global cooling called the “Little Ice Age.” Since then, temperatures have been slowly climbing back up. So climates do change. But, while we might agree that climate change is real, Mr. Nye and I would radically disagree on the severity and alarming nature of climate change because we have completely different starting points.

You see, what you believe about the past (historical science) determines how you interpret the observational evidence. Since Bill Nye believes the earth is billions of years old, he likely assumes (as most evolutionists do) that the climate has been relatively stable for the last 10,000 years, since the end of the last supposed glacial period. Since our climate is now changing, many secularists assume that modern man must be the primary cause and, if this is true, then this certainly is cause for alarm. But as Christians we start with a completely different account of Earth’s history—the history recorded in God’s Word. According to God’s Word, the earth is only around 6,000 years old. But the climate was radically changed about 4,350 years ago when the earth was catastrophically reshaped by the global Flood of Noah’s day. This Flood even caused an Ice Age, which covered 30% of Earth’s surface with ice and snow. This transitional period then eased out to give way to the climate we now have today. So we should expect minor variations in our climate, and these changes are not necessarily man-made. So, unlike most evolutionists, we are not alarmed by reports of changing climates.

Now, in his video Bill Nye made reference to an increase in carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere since the mid-eighteenth century. Many climate change alarmists will point to this rise in CO2 as evidence of dramatic man-made climate change. But is CO2 really the cause of climate change and global warming? Well, Dr. Alan White, an organic chemist with a PhD from Harvard University, writes in The New Answers Book 4,

We do know that carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas. Greenhouse gases act as a blanket over the earth. When sunlight heats the earth’s surface, the warm earth radiates some of that heat into the atmosphere. Greenhouse gases slow the escape of that radiated heat. You have been led to believe that the most important greenhouse gas is carbon dioxide. It is not. Water vapor and clouds are actually responsible for about 80 to 90 percent of the total greenhouse effect. That’s right, at least 80 percent. That is why clear mornings are usually much colder than cloudy mornings. On clear mornings, we do not have that blanket of clouds to hold in the heat. The percentage of the greenhouse effect attributable to CO2 is believed to be as high as 20 percent by some and as low as 4 percent by others. Almost everyone agrees that the percent of CO2 that is man-made is only about 4 percent of total CO2. Therefore, the greenhouse effect caused by man-made CO2 is less than 1 percent of the total and may be a small fraction of 1 percent.

Despite this, many scientists today claim that the rise in man-made CO2 is the major cause of the rise in global temperatures over the past century. Just because global temperature and CO2 concentrations have risen over the past several decades does not mean that one caused the other . . . . The correlation between the CO2 concentration and global temperature is not strong, particularly between 1900 and 1950 . . . [and] man-made CO2 was not high during the Medieval Warming Period. These data are not convincing.

So should we really be alarmed about rising carbon dioxide levels destroying our climate? Well, the observational data is certainly not convincing that we should be greatly concerned.

Bill Nye then mentioned some possible ways to stop supposed man-made climate change by suggesting we need to engineer new ways to distribute and store renewable energy from the sun and wind. Now, should Christians be against renewable energy? Of course not! We have been placed as stewards of the earth, and so we need to care for what God has entrusted to us. This means that Christians should be concerned about the environment and take steps to ensure that we are good stewards of what we have been given.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

Ken Ham #fundie answersingenesis.org

The Huffington Post published this picture (see below) of the White House lit up with the colors of the rainbow, quoting this statement from the White House:

“Tonight, the White House was lit to demonstrate our unwavering commitment to progress and equality, here in America and around the world,” the White House said in a statement. “The pride colors reflect the diversity of the LGBT community, and tonight, these colors celebrate a new chapter in the history of American civil rights.”


Well, I do have a message for President Obama and five members of the US Supreme Court:

You did not invent marriage. God did.

Marriage was instituted by God when He created man male and female—Adam and Eve. In fact, Jesus Christ the God-man quoted from Genesis when He taught that the meaning of marriage is based on the history in Genesis (see Matthew 19:4-6)—that God made the first marriage with one male and one female and told them to multiply and fill the earth.

The president and the Supreme Court need to repent and return to the One who is in authority over them—the One who is the absolute authority, the Creator God who also put them in positions of authority (Daniel 4:3, 17, 37). He is the Creator God against whom these Washington leaders have rebelled as members of Adam’s race—the Creator God who stepped into history to pay the penalty for our sins so they can be reconciled to their God. With the rebellious person, God is “patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance” (2 Peter 3:9). Yes, the Supreme Court and the president need to repent of their mocking the first and most fundamental of human institutions that God ordained in Scripture: the family that God ordained with one man and one woman in marriage.

God Invented the Rainbow

The president did not invent the rainbow; God invented it, and He put the rainbow in the sky as a special reminder related to Noah’s Flood. God had sent the global Flood in Noah’s time as a judgment because of man’s wickedness in rebelling against the Creator. After the Flood had subsided, we read the following in Genesis:

Then God spoke to Noah and to his sons with him, saying: “And as for Me, behold, I establish My covenant with you and with your descendants after you, and with every living creature that is with you: the birds, the cattle, and every beast of the earth with you, of all that go out of the ark, every beast of the earth. Thus I establish My covenant with you: Never again shall all flesh be cut off by the waters of the flood; never again shall there be a flood to destroy the earth.”

And God said: “This is the sign of the covenant which I make between Me and you, and every living creature that is with you, for perpetual generations: I set My rainbow in the cloud, and it shall be for the sign of the covenant between Me and the earth. It shall be, when I bring a cloud over the earth, that the rainbow shall be seen in the cloud; and I will remember My covenant which is between Me and you and every living creature of all flesh; the waters shall never again become a flood to destroy all flesh. The rainbow shall be in the cloud, and I will look on it to remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is on the earth.” And God said to Noah, “This is the sign of the covenant which I have established between Me and all flesh that is on the earth.” (Genesis 9:8–17)

Yes, the rainbow was set up by God as a sign to remind us that there will never again be a global Flood as a judgment. But one day there will be another global judgment—the final judgment—and it will be by fire:

But the heavens and the earth which are now preserved by the same word, are reserved for fire until the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men.

But, beloved, do not forget this one thing, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.

But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat; both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up. Therefore, since all these things will be dissolved, what manner of persons ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness, looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God, because of which the heavens will be dissolved, being on fire, and the elements will melt with fervent heat? Nevertheless we, according to His promise, look for new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells. (2 Peter 3:7–13)

The rainbow should actually remind us of four things:

1.God judged the wickedness of man at the time of Noah—and the evidence of that judgment is seen over the whole earth. Most of the fossil record is the graveyard of the global Flood of Noah’s day.

2.God had Noah build an Ark of salvation and it had one door. Noah and his family went through this door into the Ark to be saved. Jesus said, “I am the door. If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved” (John 10:9). Noah’s Ark is a picture of Jesus, of salvation. In judgment, God provides salvation as a gift for those who will receive it.

3.As stated above, there will never be another global Flood as a judgment, but there is another judgment coming: when God will judge with fire and make a New Heavens and Earth.

4.God has provided an Ark of salvation for those who will receive it so we can spend eternity with our Creator and not suffer the consequences of our sin of rebellion by being cast into hell for eternity. Just as there was one door on the Ark, there is only one door by which we can go to heaven:

Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. (John 14:6)

Yes, we need to take back the rainbow and worship the One who invented the rainbow, and every time we see it be reminded of its true message.

Dr. Danny Faulkner #fundie answersingenesis.org

What causes the changes in the earth’s rotation? There are several causes. First, random events such as earthquakes can shuffle the earth’s material and change the earth’s moment of inertia. When the earth’s moment of inertia changes, conservation of angular momentum requires that the rotation rate must change as well. For instance, the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake that caused the large tsunami shrunk the earth slightly and shortened the earth’s rotation by about 2.7 millionths of a second. Second, annual events such as seasonal growing and melting glaciers and ice caps change the earth’s moment of inertia. Third, there is a long-term periodic trend caused by astronomical bodies.

Finally, there is a long-term secular (non-periodic) slowing in the earth’s rotation caused by the tidal interaction of the earth and moon. As the earth slows its rotation, the moon spirals away from the earth. Therefore, in the past the earth spun more rapidly and the moon was much closer to the earth. Direct computation shows that the earth and moon would have been in contact about 1.3 billion years ago. Even a billion years ago the moon would have been so close to the earth that tides would have been a mile high. No one—including those who believe that the earth is far older than a billion years—thinks that tides were ever that high or that the moon and the earth touched a little more than a billion years ago.

However, since the earth and moon are only thousands of years old as the Bible clearly indicates, the long-term change in the earth-moon system is no problem. Indeed, what we see in the interaction between the earth and moon offers powerful evidence that the earth and moon are young.

Monty White and Paul S. Taylor #fundie answersingenesis.org

In the last few years, another compromise of biblical truth has emerged, actually from within what might be termed the ‘Young Earth Creation’ movement. This compromise is the 'Recolonisation Theory.'

It is the sad duty of AiG to point out where otherwise conservative evangelicals have compromised on the truth of Scripture beginning with Genesis. It is all too common for evangelicals to be bemused by the claims of secular, evolutionary science, and to want to re-interpret Genesis to ‘fit in’ with these claims.

In the last few years, another compromise of biblical truth has emerged, actually from within what might be termed the ‘Young Earth Creation’ movement. Advocates of this new compromise, known sometimes as the ‘Recolonisation Theory’ and sometimes as the European Flood Model, claim to hold to a biblical creationist position. The ‘moderate’ Recolonisers, defined below, stretch the age of the earth very little, or not at all, whereas the ‘strong’ Recolonisers stretch their age for the earth to as much as 18,000 years. Both views, however, start with science rather than Scripture and therefore base their interpretation of Scripture on science, rather than the other way round.

The Recolonisers believe that the fossil record is to be understood more or less in the order in which evolutionary geologists picture it, although they dispute all the timescales. They see this fossil record as indicative of life recolonising the world after the devastation caused by the Flood of Noah’s time. They assume that the Flood itself is responsible for none of the fossil record, believing that organisms killed by the Flood have been totally obliterated, and therefore are not visible in the fossil record.

This Recolonisation after the Flood often requires the Recolonisers to lengthen the age of the earth by a few thousand years

There appears to be two distinct groups of Recolonisers. The ‘moderate’ group’s views are expounded at http://www.recolonisation.org.uk, and whereas not all believe in expanding the biblical genealogies,4 others would typically expand the genealogies to span a time of about 12,000 years, to allow stability by the time of Abraham (about 2,000 BC)—after, in their view, a time of huge post-Flood geological activity. Typical papers expounding their geology are by Garton5 Tyler6 and Johnstone.7 It must be emphasised that many of this ‘moderate’ group of Recolonisers are not compromising Scripture in their interpretation of the chronogenealogies, or the age of the Earth. It is the next group that causes us great concern. Indeed, the ‘strong’ Recolonisation view, described below, should cause equal concern to the ‘moderate’ wing.

This second group of ‘strong’ Recolonisers, which includes Stephen Robinson and Anthony Bush, goes further and pushes the Flood into a much more distant past. Bush is the owner of the wonderful Noah’s Ark Zoo Farm (www.noahsarkzoofarm.co.uk), a unique UK tourist venture which the authors still recommend for people to visit, despite our reserve for the one small display about Recolonisation

Moreover, even the views of those Recolonisers who do not expand the genealogies contain possible seeds of compromise. For example, their model of continental submersion after the Flood is problematic. Because the Recolonisers accept the geological column, and because the Middle East has a great deal of what is called Cretaceous rock, it follows that the Middle East would need to be submerged after the Flood, at the very time of the Tower of Babel events in Genesis 11. This has led some of the Recolonisers to speculate that the Ark actually landed in Africa, and therefore that continent was the host to the events of Genesis 11 and 12. This would seem to be a very weak position exegetically and historically. It is such exegetical weaknesses that led Professor Andy McIntosh and his colleagues to comment: ‘Their science is driving their interpretation of Scripture, and not the other way round.’16

Bodie Hodge #fundie answersingenesis.org

(Ken Ham's son-in-law responds to Mr. C)

Dear Mr. C,

Thank you for commenting about the Nye Ham debate. Please see my comments below.

This is one proof you lost the debate.

But Mr. Ham didn’t lose the debate (and the gospel was spread to millions of people). Here is the simple reason why: Mr. Nye never addressed the debate topic, so how could someone win the debate if they never addressed the topic?

The debate topic was the following: “Is Creation a Viable Model of Origins in Today’s Modern, Scientific Era?”

Mr. Nye immediately changed the topic to address something else: “Does Ken Ham’s creation model hold up? Is it viable?”

What few realize is that in doing so, Mr. Nye also misrepresented Mr. Ham’s position by claiming Mr. Ham’s model was that natural law changed at the Flood, that Mr. Ham’s model was opposed to science, that Noah’s Ark was like a zoo, that Noah’s Ark held at least 14,000 animals but was supposed to have millions of species, the Bible (specifically Genesis) was written by men only (no God), we oppose scientific predictions, and the list continues. The point is that this false model was a straw man that Mr. Nye set up. In other words, he changed what the creation model really was and attacked a false version of it in the debate, and so he never really addressed the debate topic. And this was the case throughout the debate.

you couldn’t answer nye on your feet,

A few things here. First, with the debate format and time limits, you can’t answer everything. Mr. Nye used the “skeptical method” by the way, which is to throw out numerous arguments, true or false, and hope to deceive people into thinking he won.

The reason for doing this is simple. Many watching the debate will notice that Mr. Ham didn’t answer a particular question, and so it is assumed then that he can’t answer the question, hence viewers may misperceive that someone loses the debate on that account. But it works both ways: neither debater can answer everything they were presented with even in typical debate, let alone when one uses the skeptical method.

Mr. Nye admitted to using this method after the debate. Mr. Nye says the following of a misrepresentation of biblical creationist and debater Dr. Duane Gish:

He was infamous for jumping from one topic to another, introducing one spurious or specious fact or line of reasoning after another. A scientist debating Gish often got bogged down in details and, by all accounts, came across looking like the loser. It quickly occurred to me that I could do the same thing. . . . I did my best to slam Ken Ham with a great many scientific and common sense arguments. I believed he wouldn’t have the time or the focus to address many of them.1

Second, not answering something is not the same as losing a debate. Jesus never answered certain things at his trial, and even though they had Him put to death on the Cross, Christ won (Acts 8:32).

Third, Mr. Nye failed to answer the most basic tenets of debate from his worldview, such as why he thinks logic, reasoning, morality, truth, and knowledge exist in his materialistic worldview. For Mr. Nye to even argue against the biblical position would be to give up his worldview (which cannot account for the existence of logic and reason) and borrow from the truth of God’s Word. In other words, for him to even try to make a case meant he lost the debate! He never answered this after being asked repeatedly to do so.


more and more people are realizing just how intellectually bankrupt AiG is

Yet we are increasing in support each year. This is mere hand waving. Our mission is to proclaim the absolute authority of God Word. Why would any Christian think this is bankrupt?

—in fact, some people i know, fellow old earth creationists, are now dialoguing with a woman who wrote a book defending YEC [young earth creation]—using mostly AiG materials—and, in light of criticisms of atheists, has now become an atheist.

And I used to hold to some old-earth ideas promoted by Dr. Hugh Ross, but because I couldn’t hold to geological and astronomical evolution in light of God’s Word or to the idea that the order of creation was different, that the old-earth position was not tenable.

The issue was God vs. man’s ideas. The hope would be that this woman would realize that atheists can be wrong but God cannot be.

as long as ministries like AiG endure, we'll see more and more stories like this;

As long as ministries like RTB exist that mix Christianity with secular humanistic religious ideas like the supposed big bang and millions of years in Genesis, then there will always be a need to help people get back to the authority of God’s Word beginning in Genesis.

especially among young people—once they realize they've been lied to by YEC ministries, they almost inevitably reject the christian faith.

Stats from America’s Research Group show the exact opposite. It was hypocritical Christian leaders who taught things like an old earth, when the kids can read Genesis and not get millions of years out of it, that led to the majority of kids walking away. Please read Already Gone by Ken Ham and Britt Beemer for more about why two-thirds of young people are leaving the church by the time they reach college.

By the way, what lies do you claim we teach?

my prediction is that, within 50 yrs AiG will either become nonexistent or so irrelevant that is practically doesn't exist, or that it will morph into an old earth creationist ministry!

Only the Lord knows. We ask that people pray to keep the ministry of Answers in Genesis a solid biblical authority ministry for years to come. But your prophecy is marked (consider Deuteronomy 13).

for those of you questioning your faith after watching ken ham lose to bill nye,

First, Mr. Nye didn’t win because he never addressed the debate topic. For those deceived into thinking that Mr. Nye won even though he never addressed the debate topic, we invite you to read the Bible (you can get an overview with Begin) and realize that God is never wrong, but people can be. It is a matter of faith in either fallible, imperfect men about the past or a perfect, infallible God.

Meanwhile, we’ve been praising the Lord for the many testimonies of people whose faith has been strengthened after watching the debate.

i encourage you to log onto [the Reasons to Believe website] for real answers to science-faith issues!

For those reading, Reasons to Believe believes that the secular interpretations of nature are equal to Scripture. Often times, they are used to supersede the plain reading of the Bible, particularly in Genesis in favor of the secular world’s ideas like the big bang.

The president of RTB, Dr. Hugh Ross, has made the claim in his book Creation and Time that nature is likened unto the 67th book of the Bible and should be trusted as such.2 He has reiterated this. If you read the Charisma article by Andy Butcher, “He Sees God in the Stars” (June 2003), you’ll find that Ross still agrees with this principle of adding to Scripture. The principle can even be found in his more recent book A Matter of Days.

RTB also agrees with astronomical evolution (big bang) and geological evolution (millions of years), which are tenets of the religion of humanism. They also believe the Flood of Noah’s Day was local and not a global, world-covering event (see, for example, Genesis 7:19–20).

We want to encourage RTB to get back to the authority of the Bible from the very first verse. When we read the pages of Scripture, the whole creation is corrupted due to sin (e.g., Romans 8:22), the ground has been cursed (Genesis 3:17), the Curse has not been removed yet (Revelation 22:3), and our fallen and sinful natures often err when trying to properly understand this sin-cursed and broken world.

So why treat nature on par with the 66 books of the Bible? Instead, the Bible should be used to supersede our fallible interpretations of nature, particularly the past.

GOD bless!

Blessing in Christ,



1.Bill Nye, “Bill Nye’s Take on the Nye-Ham Debate,” Skeptical Inquirer 38, no. 3, “http://www.csicop.org/si/show/bill_nyes_take_on_the_nye-ham_debate/

2.Colorado Springs: Navpress 1994, 56.

Ken Ham #fundie answersingenesis.org

During his interview, Nye reportedly said,

That debate started with an offhanded comment I made on Big Think. I said, “If you want to believe the Earth is 6,000 years old, that's fine, but don't make your kids believe it.” And in lots of states, kids are taught that evolution is just one possible theory that explains how life came about, and that creationism is another.

We need these kids to be part of the future. We need them to innovate and change the world. But if you raise a generation of students who don't believe in the most fundamental idea in biology, it's a formula for disaster. This is against our national interest, and if you raise a generation like this, they're victims.

What Bill Nye is saying is that creationists can’t innovate or “change the world.” Well, he is obviously blatantly ignoring the many biblical creationists who can—and do—advance scientific knowledge and innovation every day. During our debate, I even gave him some compelling examples and introduced him to Dr. Raymond Damadian, the inventor of the MRI scanner that has saved millions of lives. Dr. Damadian is a biblical creationist, and he was certainly innovative! I also shared a video clip of Dr. Stuart Burgess, who has invented parts for NASA/ESA spacecraft. Dr. Burgess is also a biblical creationist and an innovative engineer.

So it is completely ridiculous and demonstrably untrue to claim that children and adults who are taught biblical creation won’t be able to innovate or change the world. By the way, our latest scientist to join Answers in Genesis, Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson, has a PhD in biology from Harvard University.

I’ve asked Bill Nye and other secularists many times if they can name one piece of technology that was developed because of a belief in molecules-to-man evolution. They still haven’t answered this question, and nor will they, because there aren’t any examples! Evolution is completely unrelated to technological innovation. As Dr. Damadian and Dr. Burgess clearly show, you don’t need to be an evolutionist to be an innovator!

And evolution is not “the most fundamental idea in biology,” as Nye says it is. As I pointed out in a blog post earlier this year, evolution is a way of explaining the origin of the universe and life naturalistically (atheistically). It is one framework through which to interpret the observational evidence. And far from being the foundation of biology, evolutionary ideas have done nothing to further our understanding of biology.

Ken Ham #fundie answersingenesis.org

Recently Bill Nye “the Science Guy” appeared in an interview in which he defended his participation in our evolution/creation debate last year. Many secularists were upset that Nye chose to debate me, claiming that debating creationists gives us some sense of credibility. Of course, most secularists ignore the fact that many of the greatest scientists of the past were creationists and many PhD scientists today are also biblical creationists (we have several PhD scientists on our full-time staff).

Actually, secularists these days don’t want public debates for a number of reasons, one being they don’t want the public to hear the information they have by and large successfully censored (in the public school system and much of the media). Evolutionists know that when creationists present the true nature of the creation/evolution debate (as I did during the debate with Bill Nye), many people will understand that molecules-to-man evolution is a belief—a religion. The secularists don’t want the public to understand that the religion of atheism is being forced on millions of school students and the culture as a whole.

Ken Ham #fundie answersingenesis.org

The article goes on to state,

Sexually, Cyrus said she is “down with” anything. She views her sexuality and even her gender identity as fluid. “I am literally open to every single thing that is consenting and doesn’t involve an animal and everyone is of age. Everything that’s legal, I’m down with. Yo, I’m down with any adult—anyone over the age of 18 who is down to love me,” she said. “I don’t relate to being boy or girl, and I don’t have to have my partner relate to boy or girl.”

Question for her: Why not involve an animal? On what basis does she decide that? Besides, if there’s no God and she’s just a result of evolution, then she is merely an animal anyway. And those she interacts with sexually are just animals—so why not any animals? In other words, she has decided to draw a line for some reason—but what reason? It’s actually because in her heart she knows God exists (Romans 1), she knows she is different from the animals as she is made in God’s image (Genesis 1)—and she has a conscience (as seared as it is because of her sinful rebellion) because the law is written on our hearts (Romans 2).

Ken Ham #fundie answersingenesis.org

Atheists don’t want Christians teaching kids about God—they want to teach your kids there is no God! They really are out to get your kids, and they are using the public schools, secular media, museums, and other outlets to do this. The public schools (despite a minority of Christian teachers who are trying to be missionaries in the system) have by and large become churches of secular humanism.

Yes, the atheists, like Hitler and Stalin, know that if they can capture the next generation (through the education system, media, etc.), they will have the culture.

Christians need to take heed of God’s Word and ensure they are capturing the next generation for the Lord—passing that spiritual legacy along to the children, so they will not be captured by the world!

Yes, it takes only one generation to lose a culture. And America is on the brink of such a change right now! God’s people need to wake up and understand a battle for their kids is raging around them—a battle that is being won, at the present time, by those who seek to destroy the next generation spiritually!
A Call for Radical Change

In view of such relentless indoctrination that bombards our young people every day, giving a couple of thirty-minute lessons at church or home isn’t enough. While many parents have already opted to put their kids in Christian schools, weekly church programs, and homeschools, few appear to be doing a very good job filling in the gaps. More is needed.

Teaching young people how God’s Word—rather than the atheistic worldview—makes sense of our world requires intense study, commitment, and fervent prayer on our parts. The church and parents must reevaluate their old assumptions about the way we should be teaching our kids in a hostile culture, and work together to build the next generation by following the directives from God’s Word.

Imagine what would happen if God’s people raised up generations of kids who knew what they believed concerning the Christian faith, why they believe, and how to defend that faith against the secular attacks of the day. They could then proclaim the gospel with authority because they believed the authority upon which it stands. We would change the world!
Connecting Answers to the Gospel

America has long resisted the trend among Western nations to slide into secularism and unbelief, but that is changing. A 2012 survey found that the fastest-growing “religious” group in America has no religion at all. One in five Americans claims no affiliation with religion, and this category is even higher among young adults (one in three).

This downward spiral has impacted churches and Christian homes, as well. Two-thirds of children will leave the church after they leave home. So what’s missing in their lives? And what can we do to stop the exodus?

“Faith in Christ” isn’t blind. True faith must be built upon a knowledge of the truth, as revealed in God’s Word (2 Timothy 3:15–17). To be saved and walk with God, every believer first must know what he should believe and why. That’s our job . . . telling young people answers from the Bible. We’ve got to address the hard questions that are uppermost in their minds, including the origin of sin and death in this world.
Biblical Authority

The next link in the chain, once young people learn the truth, is for them to submit to the authority of God’s Word (John 14:21; James 1:22). They need to understand why we know the Bible is true: the authority of the One who gave it to us (Hebrews 4:12). They also need to see that, once they accept the Bible’s authority, it will make sense of the world around them.
The Gospel

Most Christians realize they need to proclaim the gospel if they want to see anyone saved (Romans 10:14). The definition of the gospel by which we are saved is quite clear: Christ died, was buried, and rose again “according to the Scriptures” (1 Corinthians 15:3–4). But the power of the gospel rests on the authority of God’s Word (Romans 1:16).

A young person’s salvation is ultimately a work of God’s grace. Yet that does not excuse us from responsibility. We have the duty to plant and water the truth (1 Corinthians 3:6–7) and pray to God in faith. But God is the one who “gives the increase” and we should give Him the glory. God has designed this plan for conveying His grace, and we need to make sure we’re doing our part. We are the ones appointed to instruct children with clear answers, to show them the Bible’s ultimate authority, and to share the gracious promises of the gospel!

Ken Ham & Avery Foley #fundie answersingenesis.org

Atheists and evolutionists will often mock us for our rejection of biological evolution, but what really makes them hateful and emotional is when we reject millions and billions of years. You see, without the billions of years that secularists posit for the age of the universe and Earth, they can’t propose their belief that one kind of creature changed into a different kind. So when we reject long ages on biblical and scientific grounds, we really are striking at the heart of their religion—millions of years. In response, they get very emotional, angry, and often hateful. Secularists regularly call young-earth creationists anti-intellectual, anti-academic, anti-scientific, and other rhetoric involving ad hominem attacks. This really shows that long ages is the foundation for what they believe.

Back in 1954, American biochemist George Wald, a Nobel Prize recipient, stated this:

Time is in fact the hero of the plot . . . What we regard as impossible on the basis of human experience is meaningless here. Given so much time, the “impossible” becomes possible, the possible probable, and the probable virtually certain. One has only to wait: time itself performs the miracles.

Time (millions of years) is absolutely necessary for secularists to propose their biological evolutionary ideas. If the universe is only thousands of years old, then what do they do—believe the Bible? But people like Richard Dawkins are in rebellion against their Creator, so they cannot allow even a suggestion that the universe could be thousands of years old.

Tim Chaffey #fundie answersingenesis.org

The Heart of Unbelief

Some may wonder how a proof could be called infallible when so many people refuse to believe it. In the case of the risen Jesus, the problem was not with the evidence. After all, He was standing in front of them and could be touched and heard.8 Even today, the problem is not with the infallible proof of Scripture, nor is there a problem with the evidence from history or archaeology. The main problem is with humanity’s stubbornly rebellious heart. Jesus also spoke to this issue when talking about the rich man and Lazarus (Luke 16:19–31). The rich man in Hades pleaded with Abraham in glory to send Lazarus back from the dead to warn the rich man’s brothers about the torments that awaited them if they didn’t repent. He claimed that “if one goes to them from the dead, they will repent” (v. 30). Abraham’s response alludes to Christ’s Resurrection and illustrates the stubbornness of the sinner’s heart: “If they do not hear Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded though one rise from the dead” (v. 31).

This willful rejection of the truth is well illustrated by a series of quotations from atheist philosopher Michael Martin concerning the evidence for Christ’s Resurrection.

“It is not inconceivable that on very rare occasions someone being restored to life has no natural or supernatural cause”; “I admit that some events could occur without any cause”; “[E]ven if the resurrection of Jesus was justified by the evidence, it would not support the belief that the Christian God exists and that Jesus is the Son of God.”9

In an effort to escape the implications of the Resurrection, Martin is willing to reject one of the fundamental principles of scientific methodology: cause and effect. Instead of bowing the knee to His Creator, Martin would rather believe in a causeless effect by which, out of all the people who have ever lived, the one who just happened to come back to life for no reason at all was Jesus, the Man who had fulfilled numerous Old Testament prophecies, lived a sinless life, performed countless miracles, and predicted His own Resurrection (Matthew 20:18–19). This is special pleading at its worst.

Martin’s statement provides a great example of how a person usually interprets the data according to his worldview. As an atheist, Martin is prepared to believe just about anything on this matter except that God raised Jesus from the dead. When a person desires to remain in his skepticism, he will develop excuses to disbelieve the obvious. Although the Resurrection of Jesus Christ was proven by “many infallible proofs” and has been recorded in God’s Word, atheists like Michael Martin will continue to reject the free gift of God’s grace and cling to their irrational humanistic worldview.

Ken Ham #fundie #sexist answersingenesis.org

Now gender distinction for humans is so important that in the very first chapter of the Bible, which is foundational to the whole Bible, God emphasizes this gender distinction:

So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. (Genesis 1:27)

Jesus, the Son of God, our Creator, as the God-man, made this emphatic statement:

But from the beginning of the creation, God “made them male and female. (Mark 10:6)

And again in Matthew 19:4, Jesus, in explaining the meaning of marriage, emphasized the following:

Have you not read that He who made them at the beginning ‘made them male and female . . . ? (Matthew 19:4)

And I love how He stated, “have you not read—?” I believe we could paraphrase this verse as, “Haven’t you people read the book of Genesis, that when I created humans, that I made them male and female?” (Matthew 19:4)

God has clearly revealed to us in His Word that gender is not something we can choose to discard. When God created mankind, He made them male and female (Genesis 1:27). It’s only concerning our spiritual state in Christ where there is no male or female distinction, as both are equally made in God’s image and equally valuable in His sight (Galatians 3:28).

Ken Ham #fundie answersingenesis.org

What you believe about the Earth's past doesn’t just influence how you view it—your belief also determines how you view the future! Because of their beliefs about the past, many evolutionists are concerned that somehow mankind will be catastrophically wiped out and life as we know it will end on Earth. One of the most popular versions of this apocalyptic tale is that a massive asteroid, or several asteroids, will strike Earth and obliterate life. The Discovery Channel even recently made a video simulating what it would look like if a 500-kilometer (310-mile) asteroid smashed into the Pacific Ocean. According to their simulation, such an impact would destroy Earth and vaporize life.

Why is it that evolutionists are so concerned that humanity will someday be catastrophically destroyed? Well, according to man’s ideas about the past, life arose naturalistically and the universe is governed completely by the merciless laws of physics. According to their worldview, evolutionists contend there isn’t anyone upholding or sustaining the universe. We are simply at the mercy of naturalistic processes. Also, according to one evolutionary idea about the supposed dinosaur extinction event, a massive asteroid impact wiped out the dinosaurs about 65 million years ago. If such an event happened once before, what’s to stop it from happening again and wiping out humanity this time?

Those who start with the Bible, however, get a completely different picture of Earth’s future because we start with a different picture of Earth’s past. According to God’s Word, the universe is not here as the result of naturalistic processes. God created the universe and has imposed order on it. The universe is not strictly governed by unfeeling natural laws. God upholds and sustains the universe that He has made (Hebrews 1:3). And we don’t need to worry that an asteroid will obliterate life. The Bible has already told us how things will end—with judgment from God when Jesus Christ returns to Earth (2 Peter 3:10; Revelation 20:11–15). Those of us who have trusted in Christ as Savior have no fear of this coming judgment because our penalty for sin has already been paid by Jesus. But instead of fearing some hypothetical asteroid apocalypse, those who refuse to acknowledge Christ as Lord should fear this coming judgment, and it should bring them to repent and put their faith in Christ.

What starting point you begin with makes a big difference in how you view the past, present, and future. As Christians, we have no reason to fear man’s prediction about the future because we can know the God who sees the end from the beginning (Isaiah 46:9–10), and He has already told us how it will end—and He is in total charge of it all. We need to be bold in telling others about the history—and the future—that God has revealed to us in His Word and in encouraging them to put their faith and trust in Christ.

Ken Ham #fundie answersingenesis.org

To me, it’s ironic that when Bill Nye had a video segment in his program praising the technological advancement of the MRI, he was actually praising the work of a creation scientist, and unwittingly praising our Creator God!

Ken Ham #fundie answersingenesis.org

The topic of evolution, especially regarding how politicians have responded when asked if they believe in evolution or not, has been in the news lately. The very liberal Huffington Post published an article on the topic stating the following:

"The 2016 presidential campaign is already upon us and the debate is heating up over an unexpected issue—the theory of evolution. Of course, in an ideal world, evolution would never really become a campaign issue. But the anti-science wing of the Republican Party continues to voice skepticism. Apologists for this wing would dearly like to distract the media and the voting public from what is, frankly, a national if not a global embarrassment."

"In truth, the President of the United States needs to be scientifically literate."

The truth of the matter, however, is that such statements as those in this article, and the questions about belief in evolution being asked of politicians, actually portray their anti-God agenda.

Just as the pro-evolution Bill Nye “The Science Guy” has done (and continues to do), the author of the Huffington Post article attempts to equate rejection of evolution with the rejection of the whole of science and thus undermining studies in biology, genetics, diseases, and computing. Because of a commitment to the religion of naturalism, many evolutionists try to intimidate people through the use of terms like “anti-science” in their attempts to bully people into thinking that those who reject evolution are undermining technological advancement.

I have observed that in most instances when the secular media write articles about Answers in Genesis, the authors will state we are against science and will use terms like “anti-intellectual,” “anti-academic,” and so on, and claim we are undermining the whole of what they call science. And then, when using the word science, they will discuss technology and try to intimidate people into believing that organizations like Answers in Genesis will adversely affect America’s technological achievements for the future. This is the agenda of Bill Nye, as was seen in his debate with me last year, and as witnessed in his numerous interviews and lectures around the world.

That’s why during my debate with Bill Nye, I concentrated on explaining that the word science means “knowledge.” And then I explained the difference between historical science (beliefs about the past) and observational science (using our five senses, repeatable tests, and so on) that helps build our technology.

During the debate, I showed video clips of creation scientists who had developed some great technological achievements. I then asked Bill Nye a question (a question I have often asked publicly of all evolutionists—which secularists won’t and cannot answer):

"Can you name one piece of technology that could only have been developed starting with a belief in molecules-to-man evolution?"

There is no such example! In fact, the real reason Bill Nye—and reporters questioning politicians who are contemplating running for US President—are bullying and intimidating people about evolution is not because belief in molecules-to-man evolution is necessary for technological advancement. It’s due more to the secular humanistic, anti-God agenda they want implemented!

You see, if there is no God who created us—no God who is the absolute authority—then “every way of a man is right in his own eyes” (Proverbs 21:2).

When the Huffington Post author states, “In truth, the President of the United States needs to be scientifically literate,” the author really is saying, “In truth, the President of the United States needs to be committed to the religion of naturalism and reject the absolute authority of the Word of God.” Having abandoned the Bible as the authority, the President can then insist on supporting gay marriage, abortion, and whatever else such a President deems is “right in his own eyes” (which is what we see happening).

Ken Ham #fundie answersingenesis.org

In response to “Charles Darwin Day” in Delaware, Ken Ham, CEO of Answers in Genesis, has declared Darwin Was Wrong Day. Ken responded with the following:

Secularists are becoming increasingly aggressive and intolerant in promoting their anti-God philosophy. Evolutionary ideas provide the foundation for this worldview because they seemingly allow mankind the ability to explain the existence of life and the universe without God. As Christians, we need to be bold in proclaiming the truth of God’s Word to a hurting (groaning, Romans 8:22) world. This year, on February 12, instead of celebrating Darwin’s anti-God religion, we can take this opportunity to show the world that Darwin’s ideas about our supposed evolutionary origins were wrong, and that God’s Word is true, from the very beginning. Let’s make February 12 Darwin Was Wrong Day and point people to the truth of God’s Word.

Bodie Hodge #fundie answersingenesis.org

Though the origin of this date, specifically for the Israelites, can be traced to Moses, the day may well have been chosen by God going back to previous events, as famous Bible chronicler Archbishop Ussher pointed out (the approximate day Adam and Eve sinned, according to Ussher’s calculations, and God’s subsequent covering of their nakedness with animal skins).

It seems no coincidence that cultures all around the world in both present and ancient times have had a holiday when the dead were remembered and animals were sacrificed. We can make a pretty strong argument that this holiday goes back to a time when all the peoples lived together—and then they took this holiday to various parts of the world.

Otherwise, it seems strange and difficult to explain how these cultures developed celebrations that are so similar. This would likely push the true origin of “Halloween” and these other “days of the dead” to the time before the dispersion at Babel (Genesis 11), over 4,200 years ago, after which different early cultures began to vary in its practice.


Other Christians in the past have recognized this connection. For example, Alfred Rehwinkel, a professor of theology at Concordia Seminary, realized that nations throughout the world had a similar day of the dead, and he directly related this to the Flood of Noah’s day.11 John Urquhart pointed this out as far back as 1931, soon after the holiday of Halloween gained prominence in the United States.12

Due to the many, varied accounts of celebrations of the day of the dead around the world, I would strongly suggest that its origin was a time when people groups were still gathered together or had closer ties. Is the event of Noah’s sacrifice where the day of the dead really originates? It is possible.

It was a time when there was a sacrifice to cover sins and a reminder why death reigns in this sin-cursed world. It was a spiritual time, a time when people remembered that a sudden disaster, the global Flood, took virtually the entire population because of sin. Consider Noah for a moment: he even lost brothers and sisters in the Flood—the grief would have been overwhelming (Genesis 5:30). Halloween’s roots could easily extend this far, but there should be no dogmatism about that being the case.

Troy Lacey #fundie answersingenesis.org

This is just another example of a false dichotomy, linking disbelief in evolution to a decline in scientific literacy. We would claim just the opposite; it is a consequence of evolutionary indoctrination which stifles scientific inquiry. After all, creation has not been taught in public schools for decades.

Lured? It was Bill Nye who attacked creationists for teaching kids the truth about history. The debate was the result of creationists defending themselves from Bill Nye’s attacks. Second, what unfounded ideas and data?

Actually, what is stated in the above two sentences by Bill Nye is really what Bill Nye did. He used slide after slide covering many different topics to try to intimidate people into believing his worldview, in order to explain the various evidences he brought up with very little detail, and when refuted, he brought it up again anyway! Perhaps this is so people could not even begin to understand the underlying assumptions inherent in his arguments.

Although Bill Nye wanted to destroy Ken Ham, Mr. Ham wasn’t out to destroy him. Ken Ham wanted to faithfully respond to the agreed-upon debate question, and graciously but firmly challenge Mr. Nye and all those watching concerning the nature of the origins debate—one of a worldview conflict because of differing starting points for those worldviews. Mr. Ham also unashamedly proclaimed the gospel as he wanted to win Mr. Nye and any skeptic watching over to the truth of God’s Word and the saving gospel message.

Interestingly, Bill Nye still hasn’t addressed this issue of the existence of logic. This was brought up by Ken Ham several times. Logic is a biblical concept and makes no sense in Bill Nye’s religion. Bill Nye’s humanistic worldview is materialistic in its outlook. So immaterial things like logic can’t exist in his religious perspective. He must cast aside his religion and borrow from a biblical worldview just to make his case against a biblical worldview!

Ken Ham #fundie answersingenesis.org

[This is an older article which was recently posted on AiG's Facebook page]

Here’s something you might find hard to accept: In the U.S. culture we are racially programmed, particularly in regard to the skin color issue. Because of our culture’s racist roots, because of the way the world thinks, because of the influence of Darwinian thinking, we have been programmed to look at the exterior rather than the interior of a person, and to make broad judgments based on what we see. Had you not been programmed that way in this culture, you wouldn’t see the differences as you do. Different cultures are programmed in different ways. Our biases and prejudice show themselves in different ways, but in every case it is the world and our sinfulness (rather than science and the Bible) that drives our personal racism.

I realize those are very strong words. You might not even agree with me. But the fact is, it’s true. We just go through our days making all sorts of assumptions and judgment calls based on outward appearances of skin tone, facial features, size, height, etc. It’s very hard to see through the programming because it seems to be such a natural part of the way we think. No one likes to admit it, but the consequences are too serious to ignore. We’ve been programmed, and that programming needs to be changed.

This is no surprise to God, of course. He is fully aware of the pressures and the influences that the world places upon us. But He also states very clearly that it doesn’t have to stay that way. Change can take place in our minds and our hearts:

And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect. For through the grace given to me I say to everyone among you not to think more highly of himself than he ought to think. . . . so we, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another (Romans 12:2–6).

If you want to solve the issue of racism in your own life, it’s very simple: You’ve got to believe the Bible. That’s the bottom line. You can spend millions of dollars trying to solve racist problems. You can pass new laws and institute all sorts of programs, but unless people believe the history in the Bible—unless our minds are renewed—we will never have the full picture of reality, and we won’t have the foundation that we need to make decisions that line up with truth rather than the lie.

Dr. Elizabeth Mitchell #fundie answersingenesis.org

The biblical global Flood happened about 4,350 years ago. The Epic of Gilgamesh, which contains a distorted account of the Flood, was written down in Mesopotamia, in the general region from which Abraham came. And it was probably written down on clay tablets at a time closer to Abraham’s day than to Moses’ time. Moses, inspired by God (2 Peter 1:21), wrote down the authentic account of the Flood, and it is preserved in the book of Genesis. Tyson asserts that the Akkadian epic, because it was written earlier than the Mosaic account, was the source of the Old Testament account. However, the source was the shared history of a real global Flood, not a shared piece of literature.

The biblical historical account, recorded under the inspiration of God by Moses, is completely believable in all its details. This genuine history in Genesis 6–9 and the distorted version adapted from Sumerian legends and preserved in the Akkadian Epic of Gilgamesh report on the same historical event. Therefore, the fact that there are some similarities is easily understood.

In contrast to the Gilgamesh epic, the authenticity of the biblical account is supported by internal consistency of the Scriptural account, the consistency of the Scriptural account with the worldwide geological evidence of the Flood, the scientific confirmation of the biblical global Flood in every detail, and the consistency of the Scriptural account of the Flood’s survivors with other recorded history. The capricious and unseemly nature of the gods in the Gilgamesh epic stand in sharp contrast to the just, holy, and merciful character of God in the authentic biblical account. There is no justification for supposing the true history in the Bible to be a spin-off of the Gilgamesh epic.

Dr. Terry Mortensen #fundie answersingenesis.org

[It's an older article, but it was just recently promoted on AiG's Facebook page]

Today, missionaries working in animist, Hindu, and Buddhist cultures, as well as other societies where voodoo and witchcraft are widespread, do often see things that may reflect the demonic activity described in the Bible. The West has its share of Satan worshippers, too, who overtly practice occult rituals.

Some rock groups and other contemporary music groups over the past few decades have even been openly satanic. Yet demonic possession is seldom noted. Evidently, demons rarely show themselves in the same way in the “enlightened” Western world. But it may also be that the West’s anti-supernatural mentality keeps us from recognizing their activity.

Indeed, the West’s increasing opposition to belief in the supernatural is an even stronger indication of demonic deception.

From the beginning of time, views that question God’s authority have had a demonic or satanic origin. When he deceived Eve in the garden, Satan became “the god of this age” who “has blinded the minds of unbelievers” (2 Corinthians 4:4, NIV) and who “deceives the whole world” (Revelation 12:9). Paul tells us that whenever people sacrifice to idols, they are actually sacrificing to demons (1 Corinthians 10:19–20). That is as true today as it was in Old Testament times and the days of Jesus and Paul.

Demonic activity is not limited to obvious visitations and dramatic displays of possession. Paul warned Christians about doctrines of demons infiltrating the church (1 Timothy 4:1), and he said that Satan could disguise himself as an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:11–14). Not long ago in American history, for instance, Joseph Smith claimed to have received the doctrines of Mormonism from an “angel of light.” If that claim is true, the angel must have been a demon, because he taught a false gospel.1

In his well-documented book, The Long War Against God, the late Dr. Henry Morris argues that evolution itself is a very ancient idea that ultimately can be traced back to the Garden of Eden, when Satan questioned God’s truthfulness. The widespread acceptance of evolution (including millions of years and the big bang) is strong evidence of the continuing work of Satan and demons.

Dr. Elizabeth Mitchell, et al. #fundie answersingenesis.org

In short, the opening of Cosmos: A SpaceTime Odyssey spends an hour (less with commercials) summarizing the naturalistic evolutionary view of the origin of life and all things, tricks out the story with colorful computer-generated graphics and photography, and dismisses any religious-based objections by echoing Bruno’s 16th century challenge that our view of God must simply be too small, thus inviting the theistic evolutionary view to become comfortable in the notion that God used a toolkit of star stuff to create us. (Read more about the problems with compromising the plain teachings of God’s Word with the fallible and unverifiable claims of evolution and billions of years in “10 Dangers of Theistic Evolution,” “Feedback: Theistic Evolution,” “Jesus, Scripture and Error: An Implication of Theistic Evolution,” and “Theistic Evolution: An Incoherent and Inconsistent Worldview?”)

The scientific method has led to the discoveries and technological leaps that shape our lives and our understanding of the universe. Unfortunately, when it comes to the topic of unobservable origins, mainstream scientists who believe big bang cosmology and molecules-to-man evolution think that the god-free framework they have invented is a factual reality that accurately and reliably describes a past they can never examine. They test their ideas about the past within their own concept of what the past was like, and they believe they are actually using the scientific method to make observations about the past.

Despite the admonition to “question everything” and to “reject” ideas that “don’t pass the test,” the fact that abiogenesis violates the fundamental laws of biology is ignored. Evolutionary blind faith in a “great mystery”—such as that invoked by Bill Nye in the recent Nye-Ham Debate—trumps the scientific method. Why? Because molecules-to-man evolution must have happened for Darwinian notions of origins to be true.

Darius and Karin Viet #fundie answersingenesis.org

We agree that presuppositional apologetics is the ultimate biblical approach to apologetics. The common accusation that the presuppositionalist uses circular reasoning is actually true. In fact, everyone uses some degree of circular reasoning when defending his ultimate standard (though not everyone realizes this fact). Yet if used properly, this use of circular reasoning is not arbitrary and, therefore, not fallacious.

Contrary to what your non-Christian friend said, circular reasoning is surprisingly a valid argument. The conclusion does follow from the premises. Circular reasoning is a logical fallacy only when it is arbitrary, proving nothing beyond what it assumes.

[Emphasis added]

Jerry Bergman #fundie answersingenesis.org

Firmly convinced that Darwinian evolution was true, Hitler saw himself as the modern saviour of mankind. Society, he felt, would some day regard him as a great ‘scientific socialist’, the benefactor of all humankind. By breeding a superior race, the world would look upon him as the man who pulled humanity up to a higher level of evolutionary development. If Darwinism is true, Hitler was our saviour and we have crucified him. As a result, the human race will grievously suffer. If Darwinism is not true, what Hitler attempted to do must be ranked with the most heinous crimes of history and Darwin as the father of one of the most destructive philosophies of history.

Ken Ham #fundie answersingenesis.org

One of the reasons many Christians cannot answer the question about Cain’s wife is that they tend to look at today’s world and the problems that would be associated with close relations marrying, and they do not look at the clear historical record God has given to us.
They try to interpret Genesis from our present situation rather than understand the true biblical history of the world and the changes that have occurred because of sin. Because they are not building their worldview on Scripture but taking a secular way of thinking to the Bible, they are blinded to the simple answers.
Genesis is the record of the God who was there as history happened. It is the Word of One who knows everything and who is a reliable Witness from the past. Thus, when we use Genesis as a basis for understanding history, we can make sense of evidence which would otherwise be a real mystery. You see, if evolution is true, science has an even bigger problem than Cain’s wife to explain—namely, how could man ever evolve by mutations (mistakes) in the first place, since that process would have made everyone’s children deformed? The mere fact that people can produce offspring that are not largely deformed is a testimony to creation, not evolution.

Ken Ham #fundie answersingenesis.org

Poodles (like all domestic varieties) are the result of a downward process! They have not just developed from dog genes, but from cursed copies of dog genes! Sorry about that—but it is true that dogs like poodles are the result of the Curse! Each time I arrive home and our pet Bichon races to the door to meet me, I am reminded of my sin, that I, in Adam, sinned and ushered in the Fall.

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