
Racism, including ethnic hatred, nationalism and equating religion to race

[deleted], CapitalMM #racist #fundie reddit.com

What should be done with First Nations people?

[deleted]: "Tell them to adopt a real value system like, oh let's say, Christianity or Judaism instead of their fucking tree worshipping spirit animal raping communist neanderthal tribalistic monkey voodoo ice age crap fest of a way of life.

Seriously. There's a very good reason they all got their asses handed to them.

"Hello natives. We bring Capitalism. We are going to build spaceships and explore the universe with science."

"Uhm, Runs-With-Bear says we must worship the trees."

"Riiiight. Say, let's box you retards into little areas while our civilization prospers." "

CapitalMM:"Remove Indian act Create official heritages (no financial implications, simply a system to celebrate their heritage) Remove nafta and increase manufacturing Remove high amount of energy restrictions and make Canada energy self reliant.

Many will leave reserves if they are not gifted a free house/land. Those that want to stay in the area can create businesses/farms (many reserves are on amazing agricultural land) or join Canada in becoming energy independent (many pipelines/oil wells ect are in remote locations)

Lastly: make them pay reparations to the tribes they wiped out before europeans came to NA. Lol can you imagine their faces."

Daymanelite, [deleted], wallace321, notasodomite, adventurousplaypus #racist reddit.com

CBC Justifies $15 Billon Payment to Aboriginal Day School Students; Residential Schools were just the beginning of endless payout.



"You were always hit with something: straps, pieces of wood, rulers, yardsticks, chalk thrown at you, erasers thrown at you, you were pushed around," said Diabo.

Wow that just sounds awful. Nothing at all like the way my father described his schooling. Nope not at all. No disruptive white kids were ever subject to the same treatment in the same time period by their schools. That is impossible.

[Deleted] : "We've turned into huge pussies."

wallace321"This. Absolutely this. It's not like getting beaten BY YOUR TEACHER for not knowing the correct answer isn't a cliche of how schools were back in the day or anything. /s

Is that all this "residential schools" guilt fest is?"

notasodomite:"This is good. They'll blow it on drugs and booze and finally finish "

In my public school they routinely used the strap for punishment. You put your hands in front and they whip you. Between that and bullies kicking my ass, I ask, where is my money?

Andrew Anglin #wingnut #conspiracy #homophobia #racist dailystormer.name

[From "Cambridge Should Invite Andrew Anglin to Give a Speech"]

Cambridge is saying they’re going to respect free speech going forward.

I’m gonna go ahead and say “I don’t believe you.”

The Guardian

Proposals requiring Cambridge University staff and students to be “respectful” of differing views under a freedom of speech policy have been overwhelmingly rejected in a vote by its governing body.[…]

If Cambridge wants to show they’re serious, why not invite Andrew Anglin to give a speech?

That would be totally bold, given that I am the first and most banned person ever.
I wouldn’t even talk about Jews. Well, I would probably mention them. But if anyone gave me an opportunity to give a speech right now, I would give a speech entitled “Coronavirus, The Great Reset and the Dystopian Nightmare We Have All Signed Off On.”

Either that, or my more proactively titled “Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Gook?: No Chinaman Ever Locked Me in My House,” a speech about how, amidst the greatest violations of basic rights ever in history by Western governments, these same governments are pointing at China and saying we have to go to war with them to give them freedom.
If we’re getting serious about freedom of speech here, I would also be willing to debate Stephen Fry on the alleged relationship between AIDS and the supposed HIV retrovirus, or about the alleged Jew Holocaust, both of which I contend are hoaxes and which, as a homosexual Jew, he has a duty to defend in a public forum.

Please note: this is not a joke, I am actually asking to be invited to speak at Cambridge.

Jared Taylor #racist amren.com

The single best source for interracial crime data is the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS). NCVS findings are not biased by police or justice system “racism,” because they are a direct survey of crime victims.

The 2018 NCVS found approximately 608,000 crimes of interracial violence involving blacks and whites. Of this number, blacks were the aggressor in 90 percent of cases, and whites in just 10 percent. The odds of a black person attacking a white were 48 times greater than the odds of a white attacking a black. The odds of a Hispanic attacking a white were 6.5 times greater than the reverse. Asians commit crime at lower rates, but when they do commit interracial violence, they are 18 times more likely to attack a white than vice versa.

The rates of white victimization by people of other races are dramatic, but they should not be misinterpreted. They are high because whites rarely attack non-whites. Tables 12 and 13 of the 2018 NCVS report sex differences in violent crime. As expected, men were more violent than women, at a ratio of 4.5 to one. Both sexes attacked women more often than men. Women chose women as victims 61 percent of the time; men did so 51 percent of the time. A man was 5.8 times more likely to attack a woman than was a woman to attack a man.

As noted above, any given non-white was 6.8 times more likely to attack a white. Therefore, the odds of a non-white attacking a white are greater than the odds of a man attacking a woman.

The idea that whites are committing horrific violence against non-whites — especially blacks — is widespread. Collegiate School in New York City circulated a letter to staff and parents claiming that “white kids are being indoctrinated in black death” and that “black bodies drop like flies around us by violence at white hands.” Many whites even repeat the slogan, “White silence is violence.” As the NCVS makes clear, actual violence runs very much in the other direction.

Wanderken, GlobalismIsEvil, [deleted], bassline17 #racist #sexist #psycho reddit.com


Native "leaders" blame just about everyone else for Tina Fontaine's death except themselves, who did nothing personally to help her

GlobalismIsEvil:"This is a common thread among almost every MMIWI story I read about. These women are abandoned by their families and tribes, who only seem to start caring after they're dead."

[deleted]:" Why can Natives of all people not understand: The world is a dangerous place, you need to protect yourself and protect your children and your communities.

If you swim in crocodile-infested waters and get bitten it's not the crocodile's fault it's their nature. There ARE psychos out there and maniacs. People need to avoid them and not put themselves in circumstances where they're vulnerable to harm.

ie: passing out in strangers' homes, being in gangs, doing drugs with strangers

It's weird on one hand they call Canada a racist dangerous place,. but then expect their women and children should make no effort to keep themselves safe

I'm a 35-year old man I'm not going to hitchhike and stumble around drunk with strangers in Winnipeg, because I'd fear for my safety doing so"

Diversity is our greatest strength

Incels Wiki #crackpot #racist #sexist incels.wiki

BBC Theory, or Big Black Cock Theory, claims black males have an advantage over other races of men in seducing women because black men have BBCs (Big Black Cocks) and dickmog all other races. In reality, a large penis (or, more importantly, a large BBC) is the only way white women can really conceive of black males as a sexual option, since white women are naturally attracted to tall, athletic, longer-haired white men.

Many redpillers often subscribe to this theory while many Purplepill'ed people often criticize such theories and argue the opposite is actually true. And that racial bias actually harms minority men.

Arguments in support and against BBC Theory


* Bald white men are almost without exception incel, whereas bald black men with a shaved head do not lose their attraction potential.
* Blacks are more extroverted than whites, making women more comfortable around blacks[citation needed]
* BBCs are not perse larger than white cocks, and are therefore not more pleasurable to women[citation needed]


* Most Black men don't have BBC according to statistics (however there are studies demonstrating a small increase in the mean penis size compared to other races, a small difference in the mean of a group leads to greater extremes at the tail ends of the standard distribution.)
* White women aren't very fond of black guys regardless of their schlong
* Ok Cupid/Tinder Data showcases that contrary to what some Caucasian Incels would have one believe; out of A pool of Women (All Races Included) the black man will be almost 2 times as likely to be swiped left on, regardless of facial composition, body size, and inherent wealth. Really only the black men at the top of the social pyramid are able to compete with the Average white male.

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #wingnut #racist #conspiracy nowtheendbegins.com

Morocco became the fourth Muslim nation to reach a peace deal with Israel this year, as news broke Thursday that the Kingdom would sign an agreement establishing diplomatic relations with the Jewish state and join Abraham Accords.

For those of you, like myself, who are patiently scanning the eastern skies in anticipation of taking off on Flight #777 on Titus213 Airlines, I have good news for you. We are not only getting giant steps closer to departing, things are heating up so much that Spring 2021 is starting to look like the time when that might be taking place. Not setting a date, not predicting anything, just looking out my window and talking. Just ask King Solomon how he felt about it, the answer might surprise you.

Putting the wonderful thought of the Pretribulation Rapture of the Church aside for just a moment, let’s focus on the rapidly-expanding Abraham Accords Middle East Peace Treaty, the necessary precursor to the Daniel 9:27 Covenant with Death and Hell the Jews will agree to sooner rather than later. As we have been telling you, every major Muslim nation that rings around the Palestinians are going to sign the Abraham Accords, thus putting overwhelming pressure on the Palies to sign it as well. What will Israel receive in exchange for such open-minded, forward thinking? Not much, just the rebuilt Jewish Temple that Antichrist will inhabit, that’s all.

Preston James, Ph.D #conspiracy #ufo #racist #dunning-kruger bibliotecapleyades.net

Secret Space War - Part XIV

Last December, 2013, 91 world leaders attended Nelson Mandela's so-called "Funeral".

Russian President Vladimir Putin was notably absent. At the time this seemed somewhat strange, since almost every other nation was represented by their top leader.

But also absent were the top leaders of China and Israel. This article will present what are perhaps the actual reasons for these peculiar absences. You are wasting your time reading this if you have not been already brought up to speed on the Secret Space War that is now occurring over Planet Earth.

It turns out Mandela died many months earlier than the date of his Funeral and it has been alleged by insiders that his so-called funeral was cover for the secret crowning ceremony of Marduk, the Alien ET leader, believed to be the head Draco.

It is believed by some that Marduk was perhaps driven away from Planet Earth during earlier times by a major earth catastrophe or as a direct judgment of 'God.' Others believe that another alien ET leader from the Tall White Nordics forced him to leave in some kind of major cosmic warfare victory.

It is very difficult to get a handle on Marduk, why he suddenly appeared in Africa, why he was crowned King of Africa and what he is trying to accomplish if these claims are true.

It is believed by some that the Dracos are shape shifting inter-dimensional lizard-beings, evil to the core and thrive on promoting human suffering, and mass painful deaths of humans.

Thus they have been labeled negative energy vampires that induce their servants, the International Zionist Crime Syndicate (IZCS) to induce as much human suffering and mass painful death as possible to keep their energy status high.

Patrick O'Carroll #conspiracy #racist #quack #wingnut henrymakow.com

Just as the Bolshevik Zionists genocided 100 million Christians in Eastern Europe in their takeovers following Russia's two "revolutions" of 1917, and another 150 million Christians in the Christian Holocaust of WW1 and WW2, their publications state that they now intend to genocide hundreds of millions of Christians after this installation of worldwide communism in 2020. So beware! Even if they call this flavor of communism "Technocracy", it is the same.
In return, the Zionist plan is to pay him a lifelong UBI (universal basic income) until his vaccines sterilize him and his food-stamps kill him. Crucially, the "holy" books of Judaism (Talmud, Kabbalah, Zohar and "Protocols") all state that the Jewish messiah Ben David will never arrive until ALL the property of the world is owned by the Jews. Multiple passages of the same "holy" books of Judaism also call for the total genocide of all non-Jews.
They also appear to be preparing 2030 as a milestone year after which most of their changes can be undone. 2030 encodes 23, which satanic numerology often uses to represent an infinite string of sixes given that the factor two-thirds (2/3) corresponds to 66.6666... percent. Hence also the UN title Agenda 2030.
Finally, the Zionist Kill Grid, namely the silent-weapons system 5G first rolled out in Wuhan-China in late 2019, is set to induce the symptoms of nonexistent COVID "viruses". 5G poisons its victims by destroying the O² molecules in the human bloodstream (thus inducing much worse than mere pulmonary problems). The Zionists plan most of their genocide for the big "smart"-cities.

Jlloe #racist reddit.com

Except indigenous people weren't a society. In thousands of years they invented nothing, made no lasting structures, discovered no science or philosophy and have contributed nothing to civilisation. So what are we to celebrate with indigenous people's day, living in illiterate poverty, tribal warfare and dying in childbirth?

Laminar_flo #racist reddit.com

LA City Council votes to replace Columbus Day with Indigenous Peoples Day

The problem is that the ball never stops rolling. "Indigenous Peoples" were murdering, torturing, raping, ethnically cleansing, slaving, practicing human sacrifice, and (in some rarer cases) practicing cannibalization loooong before Columbus showed up, so why are we now celebrating that barbaric behavior? Columbus may have been a bad guy, but replacing Columbus Day with Indigenous Peoples Day is little more than low-grade ignorant pandering.

If you want to (*asterisk) history, look up and see how real the myth of the "peaceful, pensive and wholly in touch with nature Native American" is. Its a troupe that came up out of Disney/westerns in the 1930-1950s, and its utterly detached from reality and history.

Various Incels #racist #sexist #transphobia incels.is

JFL My oneitis looks like a tranny now

Just checked her display pic and she legit looks like she's trannymaxxing. Cope or not, the wall is a thing. Lot of foids lose their feminine looks in their late twenties/early thirties. Maybe the mgtow brahs got this one right.

Men can actually increase their psl in their 30s as long as they stay fit and there are no signs of balding

Its the opposite for foids.

Is she white? White people look great even until 40 from what I've seen. Sandnigger girls start getting ugly at 25. At 30+ they're all masculine landwhales you can hardly look at without throwing up.

Not white. Shes curry.

Not oneitis but over my school career there was a female who was probs the prettiest ive ever seen objectively (perfect genetics, with the only problem being she was neither blonde hair nor blue eyed) and by the end of it she had cut off all her hair, dyed her hair this weird turquoise cyan color, gained a shit ton of weight, got nose and lip piercings +tattoos and didn't fucking shave her arms.

(Transcended Trucel)
brutal. in a sane society would have never happened

MSCW #racist #sexist incels.is

RE: LifeFuel You get what you fucking deserve you skank

>She is black
>She is poor

She should not blame herself and make her full rage against them. image

They're the reason she is in that situation. Not so long ago, she could have her lovely KANG.

Minus: Baby drama, Collect calls, Handouts, Boost mobile, Prepaid debt cards, Gang banging, EBT card, And of course a musical career provided by the 2%. What an american tragedy.

https://archive.is/PoXzf Where to find quality black men?

You can't make this shit up. I have most of it from my list. JFL She thinks she deserves that Tyrone.

https://archive.is/XpK7l Being a woman doesn't make dating easier

Full of shit as usual. But this time one of them is honest about it. "I feel like dating, at my height, with where I am in life, would have been significantly harder if I was a man." "I'm 5'0 for one. Working part time, nearing 30."

https://archive.is/pM248 I often think about how fucked up the world is for black girls and women

They never had it as good and still find a way to complain.

Anonymous #racist boards.4chan.org

How can I stop being attracted to black women and condition myself towards European women? I know it’s wrong, but black girls are just so attractive and cute to me. How do I stop these feelings and help preserve my race?

We don't want you back you worthless piece of shit. Go fuck a nigger, get aids and die.

PM-me-your-psn-codes, [deleted] #racist #sexist reddit.com

'Caribou Legs': Man running to honour missing, murdered indigenouss women

PM-me-your-psn-codes: "That's fine and all but most are other Indians killing and kidnapping the women."

[Deleted]:"Meanwhile his own sex is murdered at almost 3x the rate as the women. And let's not forget that Aboriginal men commit over 70% of the murders of indigenous women. If you want to honour missing and murdered women, start with having your chiefs realize that it's a problem with our men.

But who am I kidding, no one gives a flying fuck about male lives, unless they're unborn kids, or black! /s"

Stonetoss #racist stonetoss.com

It’s Great Turtles All the Way Down

[ PANEL 1: Racist redneck asshole wearing a Confederate flag shirt says "go back to where you came from"
PANEL 2: A native American wearing red asks
the redneck "cool, when are you leaving"

PANEL 3: Reveals that the first Native American buried an axe in the head of a second native American wearing blue. The native American wearing blue asks the red-wearing one "cool, when are you leaving?

Panel 4: a native American wearing green asks the other two when are they leaving]

H J #racist amren.com

Blacks in Britain perform very similarly to American Blacks. Low IQ, Low educational attainment, High Unemployment rate, High crime rate, High illegitimacy rate. Higher IQ of British Blacks as compared to African Blacks must be due to better nutrition, healthcare and education (Flynn effect). Blacks give the excuse that American Blacks were slaves and faced "systemic racism" after being freed.

British Blacks were never slaves and they faced no more 'racism' than Indian, Chinese or even Irish.

"the first boatload of blacks arrived from Jamaica. They were to be followed by many more from the Caribbean, the Indian subcontinent, and by lesser numbers from Hong Kong, Malaysia and Singapore. In the 1950s quite large numbers of blacks and Indians were entering and settling in Britain, and towards the end of the decade it was becoming apparent that while Indian immigrants adapted to life in Britain, blacks did not."

Hafiz Tahir Ashrafi & Sales Collateral #fundie #racist #wingnut propakistani.pk

Pakistan Backs Egypt to Take France’s Blasphemy Case to ICJ

Pakistan supports the decision of Egypt to move against the issue of blasphemous caricatures in France in the International Court of Justice, said Chairman Ulema Council and Special Representative to PM Imran Khan on Interreligious Harmony, Hafiz Muhammad Tahir Mehmood Ashrafi. In a meeting with the Egyptian Ambassador to Pakistan, Tarek Dahrough, Hafiz Tahir Ashrafi lauded Sheikh ul Azhar’s decision to take France’s blasphemy issue to the International Court of Justice. He remarked that Egypt is a prominent representative of the Muslim Ummah in the global community.

Ashrafi remarked: Pakistan is an integral part of the Muslim world, and the country will keep striving for the unity and stability of the Muslim Ummah.


I wish Pakistan put as much effort in helping minorities i.e. Shias, Ahmadis, Jews, Hindus. There is a reason why minority populations have decreased here while increasing in neighboring India

(Sales Collateral)
If it is true that minorities’ population have decreased, it is much of a relief.

Russ Winter #conspiracy #racist #wingnut #quack #crackpot winterwatch.net

The only thing left in the New Underworld Order’s bag of tricks is for the aliens to invade (Project Blue Beam), do an international broadcast, tell us to trust world government, be Covid safe and cut carbon emissions all while wearing BLACK LIVES MATTER T-SHIRTS.

The next hoax is being prepared, most likely as a “look over there!” decoy for mandatory scamdemic vaccines and the Great Reset.

Is a fake alien invasion in the works? With the Branch Covidian cult firmly established, the scene seems ripe to run on at least part of the pajama people.

The Jerusalem Post reports that former Israeli security chief Haim Eshed has revealed that aliens from a “Galactic Federation” have been in contact with the U.S. and Israel for years, but humanity isn’t ready to know this. Hoax alert: They only communicate with the U.S. and Israel? That says a lot.

Of course, these appear-and-disappear monoliths are being dismissed as art pieces. The question begs, however: Why are they showing up at all? Psyops.
The theory holds that they use dense hologram imagery combined with voice-to-skull technology [see “Voice of God Mind Control“] and possibly a good dose of suggestibility via drug aerosols in the air or put into drinking water.

Another variation — and we think more likely — would be some type of smaller-scale religious Messiah or prophecy hocus pocus and psyop aimed at evangelical Rapture, Branch Covidians, Judiacs, and New Age types. Perhaps this would be tied into Jerusalem. No doubt the CS has the data to determine just how gullible and controllable the population, or segments of the population, are and what would be required.

Andrew Anglin #wingnut #racist dailystormer.name

[From "The Right Wing and the Police Question (PQ)"]

I have a difficult time putting forward a clear perspective on the police.

On the one hand, I have an authoritarian personality, so I like the concept of men with guns enforcing order.

On the other hand, the police are controlled by a government that is controlled by Jews, and these people will do the bidding of the Jews who control them, virtually down to a man.
Of course I support the good cops, who are doing the right thing, but as a body of people, the cops are objectively a negative force in our society. When the blacks talk about “abolishing the cops,” I always say that this would be a good thing if they abolished all of the cops.

In that situation, we would be able to form our own neighborhood militias to ensure safety and deal with the threat of communist or black crime, while letting people go about their business normally if they are not a criminal.
But of course, the left won’t abolish all of the cops. They will only abolish the cops that are policing the behavior of blacks. In this situation, the blacks will march into your neighborhood to rape your wife and kids, loot you, and then slit your throats. There will be no cops stopping them, no cops will investigate after the fact. But if you defend yourself, the cops will be there immediately to arrest you and put you in prison.
We should be focusing on other issues, most of which are more immediate and more important than supporting the armed men who are enforcing democrat mask laws, and have been killing dogs and doing the unbelievably evil anti-family dirty work of the family courts for decades.

Here’s what you say when someone asks you if you support the cops: “I support the cops who support freedom, the Constitution and the American people, but I don’t support the cops who are doing the dirty work of the communist Democrats.”

Unnamed University of British Columbia RA #moonbat #racist ubyssey.ca

An email from a residence advisor to students about Asian privilege is facing backlash over its language and claims.

A Reddit user posted the document, titled “Yellow Privilege,” which was contained in an email sent to students living in UBC Exchange Residence on November 26.

The six-page document sought to educate residents on “yellow privilege,” defining it as “very real advantages to East Asians such as protections under the criminal law.” The document discusses the model minority myth, arguing that it has enabled Asians to become oppressors of other minorities while also becoming accommodating to white supremacy.

An example given of the model minority is that of Wayne Lo, a Taiwanese-American student who perpetrated a mass shooting at a Massachusetts liberal arts college in the early 1990s.

The document concludes by asking students to consider this privilege, and how they can take action to give back or elevate those harmed by their privilege.

“This isn’t to enforce or perpetuate an idea but simply to stimulate some healthy discussions and reflections,” the RA wrote in the email.

Users on Reddit raised concern over the racially insensitive use of the word “yellow,” particularly given the sharp rise of anti-Asian hate crime incidents since the onset of COVID-19. Others sympathized with the need for reflection and discussion on the role of Asian minorities in the larger community, but criticized the setting as unprofessional.

“This is completely unacceptable to see,” said Georgia Yee, AMS VP academic and university affairs. “I’m a little horrified to see this, both as a former RA and in my current role. Glad to see actions are being taken to report this incident.”

Sean Ryan, associate director of Residence Life, sent a follow-up email apologizing for the negative implications and addressing the email’s impacts on Asian communities.

MonicaB921 #crackpot #racist #sexist reddit.com

RE: Non Hispanic Asian males less likely than non Hispanic whites to be sexually experienced by 18 years old


As a short white guy I tend to believe that the race pill is really just a height pill - the ethnicities who are commonly shorter in stature and smaller build (Asian and Indian) are less successful, why am I not surprised?

you have to dig deeper than that. They subconciously think about reproductive success genrations ahead. For example black admixture now might damage reproductive success generations ahead because of the surrounding society...

Wulf Ingessunu #crackpot #racist inglinga.blogspot.com

There are two distinct and opposite ways that 'selective breeding' can be used -

* To produce a healthy race, and to recreate the Divine Order of the Gods through creating different castes within the whole. This is entirely in line with the Laws of Nature because Nature keeps the fittest and most able alive whilst rejecting the weak and useless. This is the method wholly rejected by the society that we live in today.

* There is another method of 'selective breeding' and that is to create a World State based upon the produce-and-consume society, and then to use 'selective breeding' to create a class system able to maintain this type of master-slave society.

We should consider this now in the light of the scientific work on 'Artificial Intelligence'. Before I go into this we need to understand that there was an ancient Aryan Caste System which was based upon the Divine Order and linked to the Cosmos and the Human Body - the macrocosm and the microcosm. This was a natural system based upon the Eternal Laws of Nature. The 'class-system' was an artificial construct. Racial Hygiene is a perfectly natural drive to maintain a healthy Race of Man, 'selective breeding' can be used for other unnatural purposes.

The Laws of God are the Laws of Nature, but when the Dark Lord arose to try to make himself 'God' Nature lost Her sacredness and 'God's Commandments' were there to be obeyed over and above the Laws of Nature. These Dark Powers have destroyed the Aryan Caste System through the promotion of a false 'equality', but what they wish to do is to replace this natural order by an artificial construct which goes against the Laws of Nature.

Death of Expertise Award

Dustin Koellhoffer #dunning-kruger #wingnut #racist liberalsbackwardsthink.com

I don’t need “reliable sources” for my opinion that my accumulated life experience, knowledge, and intelligence make me qualified to be a PhD without having to spend $100,000 to have a college award me that title. This is not the same as saying I should be awarded the title of Chess Master just because of have the aptitude to be one. I never applied myself to mastering chess. Becoming masterful at knowledge, however, is not the same. I didn’t learn what I know in four years to get a PhD, but I did learn it in forty years of living and studying. On the simple basis that 80% of professors at colleges and universities say that communism is good proves that I know more and am smarter than the lot of them! I can prove them all to be wrong because I know history and understand better than any of them! Most of them made their moral judgements based on their fallacious interpretations of tribalism and multiculturalism without understanding the fundamental differences in them due to their similarities to the American “melting pot.”

Benjamin Fulford #conspiracy #racist #wingnut #crackpot benjaminfulford.net

December 2020 will be remembered as when the tide of history decisively turned and an ancient evil force suffered defeat. The White Hats are winning the secret war for Planet Earth and the liberation of humanity is an imminent certainty.
People will witness the confirmation of Donald Trump’s decisive victory in the U.S. presidential election and the movement toward forced vaccination in the U.S. will end. This turning of the tide will snowball and people will watch history unfold as an ancient Satanic ruling class is overthrown. The history books will have to be totally rewritten when the dust finally settles.

However, as a victory for the good guys is gaining ground rapidly the battle rages on and the Deep State swamp creatures are fighting to the death knowing they are doomed.

We can also confirm the Swiss bank UBS sold the election stealing Dominion voting machine maker to the Communist Chinese. This means the U.S. military and intelligence agencies will be hunting down and capturing for interrogation purposes many people, starting with UBS management and Davos World Forum Chairman Klaus Schwab. Arrests in the U.S. are already well underway, Pentagon sources confirm.
It shows how isolation, threats, constant fear propaganda, rewards for obedience, etc. are combined to cow people into total submission. It is obvious from this chart that what we are witnessing is an attempt to create a Communist World Government, controlled by the Chinese and with the Khazarian Mafia acting as their bankers.

Moreover, the Communist Chinese themselves take orders from a secretive governing body in Switzerland. This is what’s known, in low whispered voices, as the Octagon Group.

Gregory Hood #wingnut #racist occidentaldissent.com

[From "First Principles and What We Can Do Now"]

In March, I wrote about what I think should be done. My ideas included building power locally, moving to the country, and promoting secession within states.[…]There are movements to build a “greater Idaho,” to expel Chicago from Illinois, and to have parts of Virginia join West Virginia. However, in my earlier essay, I made a mistake.
Second, leftists neglect the most important unchosen force that shapes us. It’s not society, religion, or economics. It’s nature[…]A socialist may scoff at a libertarian who thinks that anyone in America could become a millionaire. However, the socialist who assumes racial discrimination explains racial inequality is the bigger fool.
This is offensive to some and disturbing to many because it implies limits.
Furthermore, whatever white advocates, conservatives, nationalists, or Trump supporters may think, we aren’t in power.[…]The system in power, and those who control it, are objectively opposed to whites.
We can exploit the egalitarians’ flaws against them. They deny tradition, nature, and the reality of the system.
The point is not to save Republicans, but to have smaller, whiter, conservative areas where white advocates could get a fair hearing and public support.[…]If the GOP refuses to defend white interests, regional parties, third parties, or even independent candidates could force them to or face certain defeat.
The difficult part will be openly defending race realism.[…]White Americans will not someday “wake up” and fight off egalitarian radicalism. There will be no movement unless we organize it.

Frank Jones & Robert Kelly #racist amren.com

(Frank Jones)
Many people accept the idea and openly say without fear that East Asians are, on average, more intelligent than other races. The only issue is when someone suggests that Whites are on average more intelligent than blacks. That is the data point that drives them wild with hysterical rage. Anyone even hinting that this might be true, and therefore explaining so much of what goes on in our society, is labelled a Nazi. We live in a racial fantasyland which is every bit as totalitarian in guarding its main ideology as any totalitarian regime in history.

(Robert Kelly)
It's ok to say that whites are worse than other groups. Why are more white men in prison rather than Asian men? If you say that white men commit more crime, everyone shrugs their shoulders and move on.

If you say that black men are better dancers and have more rhythm than white men, everyone accepts it and laughs about how corny and dorky YT is.

If someone says that black women are the pinnacle of beauty and white women are "cave beasts", that's perfectly fine. If you show data that proves that young white women, particularly those of northern and eastern European descent tend to be the most sought after, that's racism and oppressive western beauty standards.

See how that works?

Wherever these "white vs. black" comparisons come up, I just substitute "Asian" for "white", and make it "Asian vs. black". It disarms the other side.

Tariq Nasheed will then say that Asians are "honorary whites". So there's that.

Chris Roberts #racist amren.com

White David vs Hispanic Goliath

The Hispanic interest group UnidosUS (formerly The National Council of La Raza) hopes to raise “$50 million by the end of 2020 to define a new Latino narrative, scale our work, and elevate Latino leaders.” It will probably succeed. In its 2019 annual report, UnmidosUS thanked the following companies and foundations for donating one to five million dollars each: Bank of America, Comcast/NBCUniversal/Telemundo, Ford Foundation, JPMorgan Chase & Co., Prudential Financial, Raza Development Fund, State Farm Insurance Companies, UPS, Walmart, W.K. Kellogg Foundation

Its list of “institutional investors” includes dozens of other major companies. In 2018, UnidosUS had $142,261,437 in net assets.

The Left claims that non-whites in America are in a constant struggle to “secure” their rights in a racist country in which conservative corporations wield enormous influence. This is not true. Private companies fund non-white pressure groups such as UnidosUS and Black Lives Matter, and have for decades. American Renaissance has no such patrons. Quite the opposite: Large companies make it harder for us to raise money by deplatforming us from Amazon, PayPal, credit-card processors, etc. Despite claiming to be the “grassroots” or the “voice of the people,” UnidosUS and others like it get so much money from foundations, the government, and corporations that they could operate without any donations from individuals. AmRen is supported entirely by readers.

This country’s rising tide of color is Goliath, while American Renaissance — and a few other groups — are David.

[deleted] #conspiracy #racist reddit.com

Make sure to burn this story into your memory. This is what WMAF really looks like. Behind the very thin veneer of friendly faces is a poisonous hatred for all Asian males. WMAF can hardly be called a fetish couple. BMWF is a fetish couple. It's a relationship based around mutual physical attraction, racial tension, and heavy dose of curiosity. And you rarely see BMWF shitting on all WMs.

But WMAF is not that. WMAF is motivated by opportunity and resentment. They want to stand on the backs of AMs so that they can elevate themselves to an unearned higher status. Because no matter how beta the WM, at least he's better than an AM. And no matter how undesirable an AF, being with a WM buys her some social creds. This is what truly drives them. They know that they can never be as high status as WMWF, and so they prop themselves up by slandering AMs.

Shit, I get daggers from WMAF when walking around with my AF wife. It bothers the WMAF whenever AMs are sexually successful. It especially bothers the AF if the AM is with an attractive XF (doubly so if it's a WF). You think just WMs are triggered by AMXFs? Lol, wait until you hear the shit AFs say behind closed doors concerning AMXFs. It pays to have female friends and acquaintances.

WMAFs are the political enemies of AMs. Never forget this.

Incels #sexist #racist incels.is

[On a video of a woman crying while her dog is being euthanised]

[SuicideFuel] Brutal Dogpill: No woman will ever cry like this for you
She will miss the intense moments of pleasure, brought to her by the hard knot of the dog.
is this even really dogpill? people lose their pets all the time and cry, both men and women
You're looking at it wrong, she didn't just lose a pet, she lost a boyfriend.
imagine being owned by a fat tattoued (previous whore for sure )who forces you to lick her stinky flappy pussy .
idk but besides our mom no woman in the world will ever show this level of emotion to us if we died.

Hell I bet more than half of the moms of the users of this forum wouldn't cry like this if their son died
Fuck her i cried my whole life and. No one ever gave a fuck.

Now shell go on kikebook and sell the soys and cunts a sob story and get tons of sympathy and support for her dead LE DOGGO PUPPERINO

Fuck you and fuck ur dead dog

Various BJP Officials #conspiracy #fundie #racist #wingnut #sexist washingtonpost.com

It was never easy being an interfaith couple in India. Now some states are making it harder.

Politicians in India’s ruling party are contemplating laws to thwart such unions, driven by a conspiracy theory that views them as a tool for conversions. Men who “conceal their names and play with the honor of daughters and sisters” should prepare for their final journeys, thundered Yogi Adityanath, the radical Hindu monk who leads the state of Uttar Pradesh.In recent weeks, four state governments have promised to enact new laws to combat the purported threat.

On Tuesday, the state cabinet in Uttar Pradesh — home to more than 200 million people — approved an order criminalizing religious conversions “by marriage” with jail terms of between one and 10 years. The order, once it’s signed by the state governor, would also nullify unions in which a woman changes her religion solely to marry. Conspiracy theories alleging plots to seduce Hindu women and convert them to Islam have circulated for years, propagated by “a section of Hindu nationalist activists,”. But now it has this endorsement and sanction from authority and power. Earlier this week, Arun Singh, the national general secretary of the BJP, told reporters in Delhi that “love jihad” is a “very serious problem” that states should pass laws to address. “Many mothers and sisters have suffered its bad consequences.”

Recently, police in the city of Kanpur formed a special investigation team to scrutinize such relationship after several women became involved “with men from a different religion,” which caused “public anger,” said a copy of the team’s final report. They found no evidence of conspiracy, said Mohit Agarwal, a senior police official in Kanpur.

Johnny Johnston #racist #wingnut amren.com

White Flight Today, White Flight Tomorrow, White Flight Forever?

My family and I recently relocated to an “authentically white” part of the US. What’s that? It’s a place where: There is a 90+ percent white majority. Whites do menial jobs. You can listen to local radio stations that play exclusively white music: folk, country, bluegrass, and early classic rock. Residents leave the doors to their garages and sheds unlocked or open. There are no “bad parts of town” or “bad schools.” Confederate, Gadsden, or even state flags are as common as American flags.

Few such regions remain in America, and another decade of demographic change might erase the last of them. Besides an immigration moratorium, the main hope for preserving these areas is through an influx of racially conscious whites from “blue states.” That’s my story, and I am not the only one. But what could save authentically white regions from multiracialism might kill the Southern character of most of them. A week ago I overheard a Nashville native complain that his city has lost its Southern feel. You have to seal off the state, I told him. He thought I was joking. But what other solution is there?

I urge Southerners to take drastic action before it’s too late, even if it means blocking the state off from blue state exiles such as myself. When I was searching for a house to rent or buy, I didn’t experience the slightest discrimination despite having identified myself as a New York native — a potential Democrat voter and “community organizer”/ Social Justice activist. “You should be discriminating against all outsiders,” I thought to myself, if you want to protect your culture and traditions. But the locals don’t seem to want to believe what I’m saying. Growth is what’s most important — Southern accents and safe schools be damned. We have seen the results of that approach in many places.

Jerry Derecha/Adrenogate #conspiracy #fundie #magick #crackpot #racist adrenogate.net

Are They Messing Around With Bluebeam? Or is This a Sign From Either God or the AntiChrist? | Image of Utah Monolith Spotted in the Sky!

This is about as prophethetic as it gets. I was initially inclined to lean towards this being “Bluebeam” tech, but it was only in the sky for a few moments and was caught by pure chance by this one guy who happened to be driving by and spotted it. If it was intended to be a deceptive ploy to mimick a prophethetical sign, you’d think they would project it in a more populated area to be seen by the masses. Who really knows?
Tamara might be a Talmudic deceiver, but she finds some crazy connections that cannot be ignored. Just make sure to pray before watching. I think there is someone(s) else, or something else behind this otherworldly knowledge she seems to possess and all the crazy connections she always seems to find. I’m not trying to sell her short, but if you listen to her in the videos where she actually speaks and compare that to the quality and articulation level that is expressed in her polished, HIGH production-value level videos that she regularly puts out, something doesn’t add up.

And don’t forget about this thing that was filmed at the site when it was first discovered in Utah.

And of course we have the connection to Jared Kushner, “Planet of the Apes” and the “Simian Flu” theory that’s been postulated by “Enter the Stars” through all the incredible connections that he’s found. To say that there’s been a lot going on with this thing would be an understatement.

Various Incels #racist #sexist incels.is

RE: Discussion chinks now considered white, good for ricecels?

This is the 2nd time I'm hearing of this. Maybe the US will but I doubt it, however they also said Mexicans are white.

Because mexicans can be white, being a spic is just an ethnicity.

No no no they consider hispanics to be white. Go to the border town demographics (Heres an example: Laredo, Texas). It's 95% white but only 50% can speak English, and it's very very obviously not white

muh english white language!!! english is niggerspeak, accept it, this soy creole doesn't define being white nor American nationality, btw Spaniards were first

Keep crying. You think some literal brown bean colored, black haired, black eyed person is white? Just lol.

Chinks are not even human. Only animals eat other animals alive/raw.

Asians are only considered white when SJWs are mad at them ngl.

Everyone is white when it's convenient, everyone is an oppressed minority when it's convenient. Especially one tribe. Chameleons


they are not considered white by anyone you whore and even if they were foids would still not be attracted to them

they're only considered white by colleges b/c if they are classed as ethnic there would be too many chinks at uni due to their greater studiousness which comes from a desire to betabuxx. they don't get affirmative action, so chinks have both the disadvantage of being ethnic and so less attractive to foids and also they don't get accepted into colleges or hired based on their race. it's a lose-lose for ricecels.

Us ricecels are seen as whites in terms of "priveledge" but are still treated like subhumans

Linda Harvey #transphobia #racist #wingnut #fundie missionamerica.com

From the party of plural pronouns like “they,” “them” or “their,” used for single, known-sex individuals, comes a progressive dog whistle.

“Count Every Vote!” is the impassioned cry of demonstrators now virtuously taking to the streets days after the election. Of course, the implication is that Trump’s team—and all of us conservatives—want to suppress votes.

But as usual, the vote-woke left don’t come near the truth and won’t say what they really mean. Allow me to translate.

What is desired is to count every Democrat ballot ( you can ignore GOP votes) whether legal or not, on time or not, postmarked by deadline or not. Votes from the relocated are fine. Double or triple voting? Done.

Soon, we voters will be asked to declare our pronouns. “They” entitles you to as many votes as you can cast, fill out or conjure. And deadlines? That’s so white supremacist.

And speaking of smears and hate labels, let’s go to BLM leaders Patrisse Cullors and Melina Abdullah who point to another infinite pool of voters: the dead. On a viral video, these anti-police, divisive, pro-tyranny leaders explained that they call on the spirits of ancestors to guide them as they demonstrate. And we wonder why these peaceful protests devolve into destruction, violence and theft so quickly?

When you dabble in the occult, you get an unexpected audience.

So, demon voters could be a new target. Just think of the possibilities. Who knows what pronouns apply to them?
Do we want the party of phony pronouns and vote cheating? Of burning and looting? Of infanticide and immorality?

As for me and my house (pronoun she, her, hers), I choose honoring the Lord and following the American Constitution.

Various Commenters #racist stormfront.org

RE: Selena Gomez Urged Facebook and Instagram to Take Down Neo-Nazi Pages

I bet she is OK with LaRaza accounts!

Never heard of her. But for some mestizo who says she is "speechless" - she is sure running her wetback mouth a lot.....

(S Sinistrari)
In this age of ‘one click away to safe space reading’ you’d think a dirty Mexican like Gomez could easily navigate her surfing. I suppose it never occurred to the dirty Mexican that some would rather not be around her and others, and that is what she doesn’t like, isn’t it. “You can’t exclude us! You must accept us! And accept us on our terms!” Whites will eventually learn the hard way that to be alone it has to be done by force. The rest will never leave us to ourselves. Bust all the Jew sites up. It’s time Whites have our own version of Facebook. Owned and run by Whites. Gomez? She can hang out on a La Raza Facebook.

She needs to quit running around town in her Mitsubishi, manufactured by the Jap War Criminals. She is just a Hollywood Comfort Woman, Hollywood Moguls control her.

Confused, self-hating mixed race woman. What else is new? Selena Gomez' parents:image

MS-13, Latin Kings and other cholo gangs are 100 times more of a criminal problem, both in the USA, Mexico, Central and South America. Kidnapping is very common in the USA by latinos, who make a run for the border with abducted females. You know that singer Shakira? She is not safe from kidnapping in Colombia, and yet, she lectures the USA on taking in more criminal gang scum.

BummerDrummer & starcrapoo #racist #sexist incels.is

RE: Blonde American foids are my number 1 enemies in terms of women


Yeah, foids are all bad, but the biggest bitches that I wanna hit them with a big pole in the face are those American blonde foids. I can smell the bitchiness from miles away once a foid is blonde, I will never empathize with their shit ever. Blonde foids are fucking horrible, they yell, they insult men and have poor hygiene.

They also fuck non blonde haired men, thus their children becoming black and brown haired untermensch. But if they don’t have blue/light eyes their hair color was probably dyed so fuck them anyway

Lol I am more White then you Pale, Brown hair, Thicc eyebrows, Blue eyes

I’m paler than you but paleness doesn’t mean anything rlly unless you’re albino pale then yeah because I’m not albino, Brown hair is gross, Blonde hair mogs (including body and pubic hair like me), Thick eyebrows isn’t a white trait, I have blue eyes, Also ur anglo so if u have any Irish or welsh then it’s over for u

They are so extremely arrogant it is unbelievable. But thats how they naturally are. One behavior I've noticed thats extremely common with blonde foids is that they will ignore everyone in public. To them, they feel that they are the center of attention, believe that they are better than everyone else, and thus will ignore everyone. Which is all just hilarious because if you actually get to know them (say in the workplace, especially corporate setting), you find that they are ignorant, shallow, and completely worthless other than having a vagina.

starcrapoo & BummerDrummer #racist #sexist incels.is

Name perfect words for each race of foid

These are the words I've designated for all the races of foids. And I'm very very serious. I've actually put some thought into white foids in thinking up of words since I objectively view them as the worst. I can't ever escape these conclusions. It literally never fails. Try to find the best words, on average that describes the average foid of each race. Sorry if I've pretty much named them all.

White foids = disdainful, contemptuous, evil, crude, arrogant, slobbish, degenerate, dumb, shallow, racists, hypocrites, narcissist, passive-aggressive, hostile, classist, witches, hags, banshees, vain, egotistic, ignorant, subjective

Asian foids = EASY SHAMELESS WHORES, pathetic, lowly, self-hating, ugly, internalized racism, sad, low-self-esteem, treacherous, undignified, insecure, weak

Latina foids = airheaded, dumb, attitude, tits, ass, ghetto

Black foids = blunt, loud, masculine, degenerate, ghetto

I dont know much about Indian or middle eastern foids...

White women are unironically the reason your ass is able to be in California in OUR country while yelling about duh wypipo. I'll never understand how people can say white women are racist or nazi or far right. Like JFC I wish dude, I wish. Would be a dream come true.

They're just virtue signaling.

The virtue signalling should surely stop when they actually start importing apes from the 3rd world

TheNEET #conspiracy #crackpot #dunning-kruger #sexist #racist incels.is

>brooo… we totally, like, hunted giant beasts with spears because I found this bone and a stick in the ground :soy:
honestly most of history sounds like schizo ramblings, predictive programming and shock porn
>oy vey, watch this movie about the horrors of Holocaust! how terrible, isn't it! doesn't it make you feel better about your own suffering?
>oy vey, just accept getting gassed, it's ok because human nature is really psychopathic and it's just a cycle of history! kill or be killed! :soy:
of course there are many psychopaths, most normies are high in dark triad, but I feel the psychopathy is a relatively recent development and humans get PTSD when they have to kill someone, so I don't see how violent genocides and wars could be even real (nowadays, maybe, because people have been desensitized to violence by movies and literature, but, like, 100 years ago? sounds like larp)
I can't even examine most of the supposed artifacts and we know for a fact that people will make stuff up for cheap controversy like James Ossuary or the Piraha language meme
history is totally malleable based on politics, like, if you want to prove womyn are weak and oppressed and feminism is some divine revenge, you get this narration of everlasting patriarchy, men oppressing womyn since the dawn of time, but if you want to prove womyn are ackshually strong, independent and feminism is about restoring the original order, you get this narration of pre-agricultural tribes (and literally the rest of the world potentially, depending how hard you want to shill your idea) being ackshually egalitarian if not matriarchal

Tim Tony Stark Rifat #crackpot #magick #racist #conspiracy #mammon #psycho psychicwarfare.com


We can now explain how this service works as we have explained the base line activities of the Psychotronic Crystal Psychotronic Generator. The positive torsion field Psychotronic Crystal Psychotronic Generator is linked to the universe where the victim is killed, or maimed, or injured. The Psychotronic Crystal Psychotronic Generator pair the shift the timeline from the uninjured state to the injured, maimed or dead state to carry out the designated action on the victim. Since the energy flow in this micro cross universal procedure goes from high energy state (healthy) to low energy injured, maimed or dead (unhealthy) the zero point energy which is normally used for this technology can be obviated for such a simple procedure. The higher the energy potential of the victim the more rapid the remote killing, maiming, injury is enacted. This means the Rothschilds who rule the west and have the greatest energy potential are killed…most quickly, followed by A-listers like Taylor Swift, Katy Perry, Miley Cyrus…

For strategic destruction of realities like the West, we now engage the multiversal aspects of the Psychotronic Crystal Psychotronic Generator. To bring about a) to i) see the Total War Service we simply engage the negative torsion field Psychotronic Crystal Psychotronic Generator to the undamaged geophysical timelines where the West is not destroyed by a) to i) and the positive torsion field Psychotronic Crystal Psychotronic Generator to all the timelines in the other multiverse where a) to the i) occur.

The Millennium Report #racist #wingnut #conspiracy themillenniumreport.com

How many times do we need to watch these transparent false flags attacks executed by Israel, the United States and United Kingdom before they are exposed as juvenile attempts to start unprovoked wars of naked aggression?

Who doesn’t know by now that the Neocon Zionists are determined to start a war with Iran come hell or high water? And, that they will use any false flag operation necessary to start that war. That includes blowing up half of Saudi Arabia’s oil refining capacity.

This tribe of Neocon Zionist warmongers is totally insane—a cabal of criminally insane psychopaths to the extreme! And false accuser and frontman Mike Pompeo does not even hold a candle to most of those Neocon warmongers.

This incorrigible tribe of Ashkenazi banksters will do whatever it takes to spike the price of oil as well—ANYTHING! After all, it was their same Khazarian Mafia that pulled off the 9/11 false flag attacks in broad daylight.

Now watch what happens today — Monday, September 16, 2019 — to the price of oil as well as in the Mideast.
The very fact that this false flag attack was carried out right after hardcore Zionist and Israel Firster John Bolton was fired as NSA speaks volume about its true source and intent. This series of bombings, whether they were conducted by way of drones, missiles, warplanes or planted bombs, was so sophisticated that it could only have been carried out by the US-Israel war machine.

It’s as though the unceremonious dumping of Bolton triggered the crazies in Tel Aviv, who then got to the Christian Zionists in Trump’s war cabinet, who then ordered the CIA-Mossad black ops department to get busy blowing up oil refineries.

Fred Reed #racist #wingnut amren.com

The Death of Math and the Fall of America’s Premier High School

Is there nothing we will not degrade, corrupt, or discard to make minorities look good? No. Silly me, even to ask. Entry to TJHSST was, until now, by a demanding test of intelligence, though we must not so describe it as that would be racist, and manifest White Privilege, even though most of the students are Asian. But now Fairfax County is going to drop the intelligence test. Why drop the test? Do you even ask? It is because not enough blacks get in.

“TJ is now 71 percent Asian, 20 percent white, 2.4 percent Hispanic, and 1.6 percent black” Oops. You can see the systemic unfairness. We are going to compete with China? Do you know how many Asians China has? But, you see, the purpose of a school is not to teach. No. It is to have the right number of blacks.

“A university professor has claimed teaching maths perpetuates “unearned” white privilege, Ms Gutierrez argues a focus on Pythagorean theorem and pi feed into the idea that math was developed by the Greeks and Europeans. “The district has proposed a new social justice-infused curriculum that would focus on “power and oppression” and “history of resistance and liberation” within the field of mathematics, with questions like, “Where does Power and Oppression show up in our math experiences?” and “How is math manipulated to allow inequality and oppression to persist?”

God Almighty. What simian babbling. The faint, agonized shrilling you hear is the English language. These people write like the recently anesthetized, but never mind. Where precisely does this gushing fount of bewilderment think math was developed? Burundi? What were men such as Gauss, Galois, Cantor, Euler, Newton, Archimedes, Hardy, Hamilton, Laplace were — what? Ethiopians, no doubt. Or maybe bushmen. I cannot doubt it.

Apotheosis #fundie #racist apotheism.com

Letter to the Germans.

I’m afraid to say it, but I’m getting tired of the vast bulk of stupidity within the European religious community coming almost entirely from Germanic/Nordic pagans. What is wrong with your souls? Why do so many of you indulge in such stupid and incoherent conceptions of the gods? So many of you say, “the gods are not perfect, the gods are not all good, the gods are limited, the gods are not omnipotent nor omniscient nor omnipresent, the gods commit vice, the gods are driven by wants, the gods are not immortal, the gods can die, the gods can break law, the gods can be punished.” And worse, when your offensive impiety is corrected, and you are shown by reason of the soul the gods are immortal and do not die, the gods are free of evil temptations, the gods are all-good and perfect, you spout in response, “You are wrong, your ideas are Abrahamic, they come from Christianity. Our gods are not perfect, they are limited.”

Is it not clear that in your soul is a residue wickedness which keeps you impious? You have yet to even know the gods, in spite of your professing to know them, because you relate to them as one might relate to men and think little better of them when naming in them limitation, vice, and even death. It is simply profoundly childish to speak so poorly and so negatively towards Europe’s most excellent and gifted philosophers and theologians when you most certainly have not even the faintest idea of what they say and mean, the gift of divine reason having been clearly robbed from you by your soul’s stupidity, and when the foundation upon which you stand is kept together by little more than masking tape and glue.

Perhaps it is not all Germanic pagans, I would dearly hope it’s not, but, by Jove, it is an overwhelming number of them that hold to stupidity over superiority. You are slandering the gods with your impious lies and dishonouring their truth, and you are spitting upon the divine Europeans who came to us to grant their rare knowledge for the sake of your sentiments. I’ve resisted saying this for a long time, but the dumb have continued to reign.

Brian Niemeier #fundie #wingnut #racist brianniemeier.com

[Responding to tweets by William Gillis criticizing Lord of the Rings]

The Death Cult priesthood can't abide the thought of infidels enjoying the works their forefathers created. They hate those venerable authors for being ten times the men the Cultists are. They hate their works for being incomparably better than anything the Cult can produce. And they hate you for not being as petty and miserable as they are.

Most of all, they hate the Christ for being the sole means of salvation, contrary to their debauched pipe dreams.

If Gillis used his intellect instead of making an idol of it, he might realize it's his Cult that's cancelled his shiny, sexy utopia. Men of the West like Tolkien won the World Wars, went to the moon, and invented the internet. The heathens his side is flooding STEM fields with hail from societies that haven't fully mastered indoor plumbing.

Death Cultists are creatures of envy, and their envy fuels their hatred of truth, goodness, and beauty.

acerusso #racist reddit.com

FFS enough of the white guilt "evil colombus" bull shit. No one bitches about Ghengis Khan like this. Colombus changed the course of history and opened to the americas to Europe through great personal risk. He did what all conquerors did. The natives were all doomed so get over it.

[deleted] #racist #psycho removeddit.com

Alaska Renames Columbus Day 'Indigenous Peoples Day'

People in the past were violent immoral brutes. If you think the native Americans didn't murder and rape the shit out of each other, you're delusional. In fact, we know they did. They weren't some peaceful people living off the land and singing fucking songs about mother nature. And yes, the US also murdered them, and ended up winning due to their strength. But everyone back then was savage, and might was right. So either we just don't obsess over the fact that everyone in the past is by our standards evil, or we never celebrate any culture or national event more than a few centuries ago.

[deleted] #racist reddit.com

Columbus statue in Baltimore vandalized
As a Native American fuck this statue, and fuck the holiday all it celebrates is the time white people first started coming over and killing and rapping all of us then a few generations later acted like we are should be thank full for turning the country in to a capitalist shit hole.

Native Americans also killed a ton of innocent women and children, should we take down their statues? Native tribes killed and enslaved other native tribes, so don't make it sound like your ancestors were sitting around singing kumbaya all day long. Your ancestors were beaten by a smarter and more technologically advanced people, just like my ancestors were killed by smarter and more advanced people years before yours. Your just salty because you guys lost.

EDIT: My first gold!!!! woooooo!!!

HomoheroBishii #psycho #racist #sexist incels.is

RE: JFL Curry on IT wants to genocide his own race

The fact that his post isn't sitting in the negatives is more proof cucktears is racist. Talk like this about black men and they'd all go into NPC mode with the downvotes. "Black guys aren't hated due to racism, they're hated because too many of them are thugs!"

By their logic, white guys should also be hated because white dudes have gone around raping foids left and right throughout history. But of course ethnic whores enjoy being colonized by white men so it doesn't count.

This is also why I laugh whenever an ethnic foid is abused by a white guy. No matter how many white or black dudes are racist or abusive, only curries and ricemen are hated by leftists, so might as well enjoy the show. Asian men have the lowest crime rates but are the most evil according to SJWs. Okay. :feelskek:

Fearofeight #racist #sexist incels.is

TeeHee Petite 40-Year-Old Hispanic Female Looking For Tall White Male


This is on a homesteading forum I go on, for fuck's fucking sake, just fuck this fucking shit you really can't escape the blackpill.

Women are rapists, rapists I tell you, this is rape, I feel violated by this image, I cannot find peace anywhere I fucking swear.

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