
Steve Bates #fundie books.google.com

Legalizing the killing of the innocent unborn in the womb is no less heinous a crime than if it was made legal outside the womb. Inside the womb, it is called abortion. Outside the womb, it is called murder. One is punishable. The other is excused.
The Bible teaches unborn life is a wonder work of God. and the unborn are accounted human, as a person named in God's census record. Earth time is for personal growth after birth. No one grows up in eternity. No one grows old. Every person is mature. There are no Pamper stations heaven.

The patriarch Job. after his trials (the destruction of his goods and the death of his children) had his possessions restored double. God gave Job double the lost animals and twofold his original wealth. Job. however, was given the same number of children. His family had doubled. Job had ten children on earth in time and ten children in heaven in eternity (Job 1:2; 42:12-13 KJV).


God has named the unborn child. The plan of God for the aborted child has not been thwarted. In eternity, the mother
will meet God and she will meet her aborted child. The baby will have become a mature adult.

Every mother having undergone an abortion is even now loved and wanted by God in God's family more than the mother wanted and loved the child she aborted. God loves you and your Child. Jesus died to save both.


No child is an unwanted child. Pro-choice makes children perishable. Jesus alone was born to die. He was birthed. He died at the hands of men. No child should die at man's hand by abortion. Exercise you fingers, walking the Yellow Pages under adoption services, and your child can walk the pathways of life.


Abortion is a business; murder for profit . . . profiting at the expense of dying children. The death-dealing abortionist can and does command more money for killing healthy children in the womb than curing sick children to live in the world.
Abortion mills . . . America's death camps ... are a shameful blight upon the nation. They clutter every state in the country.

Politicians, preachers, and spokespersons advocating abortions are themselves beneficiaries of a right-to-life choice. Pro-abortionist can advocate abortions because their mothers were anti-abortion.

Abortion is a heathen practice, and man is never at liberty or given license by God under any condition to kill the innocent child. On April 22, 1973, the United States Supreme Court sanctioned murder. God's law is no longer the law of the land. America cannot truthfully call itself a God-fearing Nation. Politically, paganism has prevailed and America will cease to be great to the degree America ceases to be godly.

In the land of the free and the home of the brave, we are now free to bravely kill the most voiceless, innocent, and defenseless in America . . . unborn children. A death storm rages on the womb front. America's holocaust is abortion ... condemned in God's Word, the Bible ... the Book of Life.

All things were made by him; and without him was not anything made that was made in him was life; and the life was the light of men.
-John 1:3-4 KJV

Barbara Hendrix #fundie books.google.com

What if someone knocked on your door today, and told you that your life has been forfeited and they handcuffed you and took you away, never to be seen again? You knew that you had not done anything wrong, and you could not understand why your life was ending. You were innocent, yet your life was taken away from you. And later, after your murder, your body parts were sold for the purpose of scientific experimentation. How would you feel? How would you respond, helpless, bound, and deliberately murdered? What would your last thoughts be? Would you pray and ask God for justice for the wrongful taking of your life? Would you cry and scream to those murdering you? Perhaps you would say, "You can't do this to me. You have no right to take my life. I have a moral right to live my life. I have done nothing worthy of death. I have committed no crime. Why are you doing this to me?"

Irresponsibility, undesirability, and inconvenience are the usual culprits. At abortion's root is an immense disrespect for life, its origins and its originator, the God of all creation. It is the abuse of the creative forces innate in life; a gift from the God who is Love. Where shall we go when the recompense arrives? Under which rock shall we hide from an angry, omniscient, omnipresent God, in an attempt to escape His judgment for what we allowed to occur, because we accepted the unacceptable as the norm in the society in which we live?

Gerardo Santos #fundie books.google.com

The Book of Revelation tells of angels who fall from their heavenly estates. The Mayan calendar foretells the fall to some two hundred thousand years ago. The discord that followed sent repercussions to earth, arriving about nine thousand years ago when the first generation of the human race—Israel—emerged. By 4500 BC, an Agenda of a Snake from the fallen angels began to breed the biblical lines of Cain and Seth. Soon, the third generation emerged, and the conditions man calls good and evil began proliferating on the earth. Man’s spirit commenced through the spirit of the angel Michael, but today it remains trapped within the human mind. Six thousand years ago, the angels Michael, Ra, Viracocha, and Ra Agenda came to earth to free man's spirit by attempting to prevent the creation of the human race. Unsuccessful, they left earth, bequeathing the Mayan calendar, which contains information about the five Ages, to the Mayan people. The Ra Agenda reemerged by 1948 as the mysterious UFO that defied the laws of reality. They have come to secretly assist mankind through the approaching shift in human consciousness scheduled to occur in the fifth Mayan Age of Aquarius in the year 2040.

Ché Ahn #fundie books.google.com

I realize this sounds fantastic, hut sometimes when the glory of God manifests, gold, gold dust, and gems appear from nowhere. I know this is so, for I have seen it happen. While in Israel in May 2008, a gold nugget fell during one of our meetings, and a woman from our tour group handed it to me. My wife, Sue, frequently has gold dust form on her hands whenever she talks about Jesus. At Harvest Rock Church we have had numerous reports of church members instantaneously having their teeth filled with gold or covered by gold crowns. These supernatural occurrences have been verified by their dentists.

The sudden appearance of jewels and gems has happened in worship meetings around the world. A few years ago, my friend Bill Johnson, senior pastor of Bethel Church in Redding, California, showed me pictures of gems that fell into the yard of a humble couple who lived in Idaho. Bill flew out to meet this elderly couple and to take pictures of these gems. They were perfect 50-carat gems made up of stones that a gemologist could not recognize. Then in July 2008 Rob DeLuca, an HIM pastor in New Zealand, showed me two small gems he carries in his wallet. One of the gems appeared in his church during worship time. The worship leader heard something rattling in his guitar, shook the instrument, and saw the gem fall out. Another gem was found when a church member fell to the ground in worship and saw the jewel on the floor next to him. Rob has had both of these gems assessed and was told they were precious stones unlike any currently found on earth.

Why are gems appearing? Why is gold dust appearing? I believe these occurrences are prophetic signs, indicating that God is bringing prosperity to His people for the purpose of transforming society.

Erica Christopher #fundie books.google.com

Let me give you an example of listening and then counter attacking. This will empower those who are being tormented by demonic voices. I go into a lot of oppressed areas where demonic entities routinely try to linger around me. On this particular occasion, I heard one demon talking and he was really nasty. His words were just riddled with foul speech and curse words. Every time I rebuked him, he would leave briefly and then come right back. So finally I told the Father I was so tired of listening to this demon, and I thanked Him for giving me dominion and power over him. Then I declared and decreed that for every time I had to listen to this foul, nasty-speaking demon there will be 1,000 souls claimed for the kingdom of God in the name of Jesus Christ, according to Job 22:28, which says, "You will also declare a thing, and it will be established for you." The demon immediately let out a string of curse words, and I said, "Ok, that's a 1,000 souls I claim for God's kingdom in the name of Jesus." Then I heard the demon start to say something else and stopped short of completing his word. Ah, what a blessing it is to utilize the power I hold in Jesus Christ. If 1 had chosen to ignore the cursing, he would have never been silenced. In fact, he probably would have just stepped up his game if I hadn't stood against him or stopped the attack. Because I did not discount it, but rather chose to walk in the power of the Lord Jesus Christ over him, however, 1,000 souls were claimed for the Kingdom of God.

Ray Comfort #fundie books.google.com

"I felt annoyed that ABC had the gall to place a large billboard of a naked woman in our neighborhood. I was so upset by the poster, I purchased a tall ladder, climbed the structure at 6:00 AM and stapled a blanket over the naked woman's body.Then I sent a release to the news media saying what I had done and why. I told them that I didn't want my wife or daughter raped and then murdered by some pervert who gets stirred up by ABC's lusty picture. Nor did I want any of the children-whose school was a few hundred yards down the road from the billboard, kidnapped and sexually assaulted."

Jason Lisle #fundie books.google.com

[The Ultimate Proof of Creation, Chapter 3]

A debate over biblical creation is a lot like a debate over the existence of air. Can you imagine two people debating whether or not air exists? What would the critic of air say? Whatever the argument, he would have to use air in order to make them. Not only is air crucial to the survival of the critic, but air would have to exist in order for his arguments to be heard and understood. It would seem strange for someone to argue over the existence of air, while simultaneously breathing, and expecting his arguments to be heard as the sound travels through the air. In order for a critic of air to be able to make an argument, it would have to be wrong.

Likewise, the evolutionist must use biblical creation principles in order to argue against biblical creation. In order for his argument to make sense, it would have to be wrong. Ironically, the fact that evolutionists are able to argue against creation proves that creation is true! Evolutionists must assume the preconditions of intelligibility in order to make any argument whatsoever; they must assume things like laws of logic and uniformity of nature. But these preconditions of intelligibility do not comport with an evolutionary worldview; they only make sense if creation is true. Hence, we have an ultimate proof of creation: we know that biblical creation must be true because if it were not, we could not know anything at all.

Matthew Dickens #fundie books.google.com

And as far as Darwin and his laughable doctrine of Evolution goes, I have three words— GOD IS GREAT!!! Evolution is all about chaos and random chance. But we live in a physical world that is ordered and complex. The little biological machines known as cells that make our bodies function have baffled evolutionists since the 1950s. Their complexity and the complexity of all creation spit squarely into Darwin's all seeing eye.

Matthew Dickens #fundie books.google.com

"You know the sky isn't really blue. And I'm also sure during the course of your elite education you have discovered, as your peers before you, that evolution isn't true either, a doctrine that defies the physical laws of entropy itself. A doctrine which also demands that you cling to the ridiculous theory of uniformity in the fossil record you no doubt know to be false due to all the edvidence of a universal flood. A flood which upset the fossil record with all its hydrostatic windstorms, volcanoes, cross currents, whirlpools and other hydraulic hemorrhages unleashed on this planet when the fountains of the deep were opened. And shall I comment on the cell structure of the human body as well, or the half-life of palonium halos in granite which also disprove Mr. Darwin? And lest I be remiss, shall I touch upon the Fibonacci phenomena in botany, music and art? Perhaps, since you are a quantum physicist, we should discuss just how much of our universe is constructed from dark matter? Or shall we talk about the introns and epigenetic marks of DNA? Or better yet, should we discuss the physics of the Roche Limit for the Earth's moon, and the retrograde motion of the planets? But even those providential laws, as consise as they are in light of the entropyric effects ordained to be inflicted upon them with the fall of mankind, cannot be compared to the Lord's supernatural superiority over his creations."

G H Pember #fundie books.google.com

But he is also called "the Prince of the Power of the Air" (Eph. ii, 2). This principality would seem be the same as "the heavenly places"---our version incorrectly translates "high places" (Eph. vi. 12)---which, as Paul tells us, swarm with the spiritual hosts of wickedness. It is by no means necessary to restrict it to the eighty or a hundred miles of atmosphere supposed to surround the earth: for if Satan's power extends to the sun, as we suggested above, and so to the whole of out solar system, the kingdom of the air would include the immense space in which the planets of our centre revolve: and in such a case it seems not unlikely that the throne of its prince may be situated in the photosphere of the sun. We should thus find a deep underlying significance in the face that idolatry had always commenced with, and in no small degree consisted of, the worship of the Sun-god, whether he be called San, Shamas, Bel, Ra, Baal, Moloch, Milcom, Hadad, Adram-melch and Anamelch, Mithras, Apollo, Sheikh Shems, or by any other of his innhumerable names.

Betty F. Qualls #fundie books.google.com

Another way the Devil can gain popularity is working in the realm of law enforcement. It is well-documented that mediums do help with finding crime victims. How appropriate that the devil would know where and how filthy and deadly sins were committed. I'm sure he keeps a chronicle of the deadly sins, over which he holds sway. He also must feel like the victotr as his sinful cohabits are accepted in the law enforcement of today. In that he receives credibility.

William J Schnoebelen #fundie books.google.com

Photos exist of what appear to be extraordinary man-mad (at least intelligently-made structures on the moon and Mars. Well-known is the mile-square, sphinx-like "face" on the Cydonia plains of Mars. Less well-known are the perfect triangle-shape (or structure/vehicle) on the moon which showed up in a Lick Observatory photo of the Sinus Medii region of the moon AND a 1/5 mile high "sky-scraper"-like structure nicknamed "The Shard," located just southwest of the above-named triangle. The latter object was photographed by the Lunar Orbiter II probe in 1967 (2 years BEFORE Armstrong walked on the moon!). Even more amazing is a 7-mile high, one mile wide cube which seems to be made of a glass-like substance on the moon.

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