Magenta Pixie #ufo #magick #crackpot

We are now at a time in our planetary evolution known to many as 'ascension'. Those individuals who are known as 'starseeds' are currently in their millions and are collectively going through an awakening process. Why is this happening? What does the awakening entail? Magenta Pixie has been communicating with the 'White Winged Collective Consciousness of Nine', a sixth dimensional 'monadic light structure', about these concepts for the last 24 years. They have spoken much of 'memory recall' and the reconstructing of the original DNA template. In this transmission, they bring forward 'memory triggers' designed to act as a catalyst into the awakening process at various stages and respond to many of the questions which the starseeds are asking. Why are we here? Who are we? What are we supposed to do? What is it that we are to remember? Why did we lose our memories in the first place? What is the call of humanity? What is the fall of man? What is 'zero point'? Is it true that we can travel through other dimensions through the activation of our Mer-Ka-Bah? How is 'the lost city of Atlantis' connected to our memory recall? The Nine present a model of working with the individualised matrix field, known also as the Mer-Ka-Bah, through 'Matrix Architecture' and 'the golden triad of ascension'. An in depth analysis and explanation of the 'twin flame consciousness' and how this relates to the ascension experience is part of this transmission. Embracing the inner archetypes of the 'Alchemist' and the 'Architect' and knowing how to construct your own personal matrix will move you into the memory recall needed. This transmission will take you on a multidimensional journey of profound discovery as you move into the creation of the Divine Architecture. The triggers contained within this material are there to assist you in accessing the codes for the new formation of the original crystalline DNA matrix known as the 'Starseed Template'.

OwnLyingEyes & KissMyOvaries #transphobia

RE: How calling a vagina a front hole DOES affect me

( OwnLyingEyes )
It's harmful to all women because it's taking away clear words that are necessary for understanding how our bodies function and replacing them with newspeak words that were created for the sole purpose of allowing some delusional women to sink deeper into those delusions. And FFS, doctor's visits take time out of my day and I pay a premium for accessing a small amount of their time; can we please not waste it playing inconsistent pronoun-and-gibberish games (especially when said delusional women you're sacrificing and expecting me to sacrifice so much to appease aren't even in the room)?

And it costs confidence in them as professionals, people I'm supposed to trust with my health, with my life, who can't or won't even speak clearly about what's happening to me because they're too afraid of offending insane people by acknowledging reality.

( KissMyOvaries )
This is why I don’t give a flying fck if TIFs end up with long term body damage. If you’re so stupid as to believe that you can become a man, then maybe you deserve what comes to you. Almost immediately after peaking I could see just how much damage TIFs do to other women. I’m not going to waste any energy on caring about them, because they ACTIVELY try to destroy other women.

I do want to say that I have ZERO problems with detrans women who have also dropped their narcissistic bullshit. There are a few prominent detrans women who are still all stuck up on themselves and no, I don’t support them as I don’t support narcissistic people.

Various commenters #transphobia

RE: We should accept trans men

(pariah anti hipocrisy)
Trans people are sick degenerates, and they have too much acceptance from society that even encourages their repulsive degeneration.

These sick faggots do not need our acceptance.

No we shouldn’t they choose to become incels by trying to become a “guy”.


This is gonna sound like a conspiracy, but in the documentary "what is a woman" by Matt Walsh, There's a tranny who talks about Pharma companies making MAJOR FUCKING PROFIT of trannies. Anyway the documentary is shit, but only that one section was interesting.

Its not a conspiracy. Its a simple reasoning. If your identity doesn't exist if you don't take hormones, then you are simply a human bag of excrements used by scientists to sell pharmas. Imagine if theres a war, shortages of pharma occur, many trannies simply stop to BE... Their identity is the hormones they took, no doubt about it. Their brain chemistry, all depends on external hormones... even their phisical appearance depends on the alterations made possible by scientific progress... This is enough to tell you what trannies want to do and which one is their political stance, of course they want to keep relying on state services, because witout it they don't have access to their own identity, they cannot BE.

(Mister Spice)
I swear where do all these faggot supporters come from all of a sudden? A thread about wanting to fuck traps now this shit?

''Trans men are basically incels''

No they aren't, they are foids (who deserve to gag on my dick of course)

Also bold of you to assume that i give a shit about men's rights


Also bold of you to assume that i give a shit about men's rights

Yes it was obvious you prefer foids rights.

(Mister Spice)

Yes it was obvious you prefer foids rights.

Aren't you the one who supports LGBT degenerates and feminists?

@StellaDoves #transphobia

Women, children & LGB's have sex based rights. If, as is being asked we defer to gender, then these rights are removed. By removing sex based rights safeguarding of Women, children & LGB's are also removed. Simple! If you don't see this as a problem, YOU are part of the problem!

Donald J Trump & Various commenters #wingnut

(Donald J Trump)
Just received the strongest poll numbers I have ever gotten, and the largest amount of campaign contributions from the “people.” The public gets the “Scam,” but this time much earlier than all of the others!

@realdonaldtrump Will you denounce Israel and Jews? Will people finally wake up?

@Natsoc_united @realdonaldtrump

I'm not even anti semitic but just looking at it reasonably: why do Jewish people control everything and why does everything propagandize people to hate us White folks?

@LeonFrank @Natsoc_united @realdonaldtrump

Mass immigration is a great example.

Since the 1965 immigration act wages for average folks have been stagnant or have even declined while living costs have skyrocketed.

No reasonable and good person can be for immigration at these ridiculous levels.

@realdonaldtrump you murdered millions with the trumpccine

@realdonaldtrump what about the the political prisoners. 2 or 3 have been killed.

@Candymaker @realdonaldtrump If they're not Jews, Trump doesn't give a political rat's ass.

Various commenters #wingnut #quack

NEVER forget the way the illegitimate Biden regime treated us the last 2-3 years...

@vaccineregrets Never forget how we’ve been lied to for 80+ years

@vaccineregrets I won't forget. I want all of them to die.

@Kottonballs @vaccineregrets TRUST THE JESUS PLAN , FELLOW WHITE ,,,,, WE ARE WINNING

@vaccineregrets The words “vaccinated” and “unvaccinated” are in the wrong paragraphs. Then it makes sense.


Not only was the Biden administrative dictatorial and un-American in their bearing and influence, but the whole notion of forced vaccinations was illogical and contrary to statements even Dr. Faucenstein had openly made, acknowledging the mRNA injections did not prevent spread.

The whole thing was illogical - openly illogical.

We must acknowledge how far many in our country have fallen, how much darkness lies over the minds of our citizens, as well as how corrupt the Corporate News Media, CDC and FDA are.

The country belongs to We The People, not the FDA, CDC, FBI or any other corrupt, self-serving bureaucracy.

@vaccineregrets I lost my job. I will never forgive him for what I was put through.

COMMANDER IN CHIEF GYEORGOS CERES HATONN OF LIGHT via Patrick Bellringer via Anne Bellringer #crackpot #ufo #magick #fundie #conspiracy

My Loving greetings to all souls in the entire Cosmos, and especially to the souls upon Mother Earth. Today’s message is one of the most important messages I have ever given to you concerning the ending time of Mother Earth in 3D.

Great changes are in the forecast for all life upon Earth. I say this to you because you need to know some events that are going to happen…..without warning! That way you can, by your freewill, to prepare for such happening.
I will tell you the Truth, but as always, it is your own freewill to heed what I have to say or to toss the information in the garbage. It is YOUR choice.
All volcanoes, active and dormant, shall become alive again. However, there is more information of which I shall give you at this time, not to scare you, but to inform you of what is to happen. WITHOUT WARNING!

You probably have noticed that time has sped up tremendously making the day a short 12 hours long instead of the 24 hours because of the Photon Belt.. The second has speeded up. Mother Earth is now nearly at 100% where in no time exists. Here is what is happening NOW. MOTHER EARTH IS SLOWING DOWN! AS SHE ORBITS AROUND THE SUN, SHE ROTATES AT 1000 MILES PER HOUR. THAT MAKES YOUR DAY AND NIGHT. NOW SHE IS SLOWING DOWN, AS SHE REACHES 100%, AND AT SOME POINT SHE SHALL STOP ROTATING FOR A BIT JUST BEFORE SHE FLIPS ON HER AXIS.



Tom Woods #wingnut #conspiracy #elitist

The most obvious feature of White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre is that she is woefully in over her head. She is surely one of the least impressive people in the entire Washington machine (and that’s saying something).

Well, she warned everyone the other day about “extremism.”

What is extremism, you ask?
Here’s her answer:

“When you are not with what majority of Americans are, then you know, that is extreme. That is an extreme way of thinking.”

By this definition, the following groups constitute “extremists”:

* jazz lovers
* vegans
* carnivores
* comic book aficionados
* classical musicians

Let’s be charitable and say she is referring only to political ideas in her definition of extremism. Then outright socialists would be “extremists,” too, and yet I rather doubt the Biden White House is going to caution us about those.

And you know who else qualifies as extremists under this definition?

The entire woke apparatus.
Again, I rather doubt we’ll be lectured to about the dangers posed by this radical minority that favors a complete overhaul of the Western legal tradition and customary social norms in the name of critical race theory and transgenderism.
Not to mention: “extremism” is an empty concept. Extremely what, exactly?

I’m “extremely” in favor of sound money, peace, and property rights, among other things. I’m extremely in favor of them because I am convinced that any reasonable standard of justice and morality requires it of me. How does this make me a dangerous person? (Dangerous to the regime, maybe, but not dangerous in any normal person’s sense of the word.)
Extremism,” then, is a low-IQ word that sinister people use to demonize principled opponents. If you disagree with what I stand for, state the source of your disagreement. Don’t tell me I’m “extreme.”

It’s obvious that the regime is trying to expand the definition of “extremist” to the point where it includes huge swaths of the American population — including you, dear reader.

Henry de Lesquen #wingnut #racist

[Translated from "Comment Henry de Lesquen aurait traité la question algérienne" - "How Henry de Lesquen would have solved the Algerian Question"]

Here, in 10 points and a conclusion, how I would have solved the Algerian Question after 1958
1. I wouldn't have signed the Evian Agreement nor delivered Algeria to the FLN terrorists
2. I would have rejected the illusion of integration, Muslims from Algeria couldn't be truly French
3. Partition of Algeria, colonial fiction. Four states under French protectorate: Algiers, Constantine, Oran, Sahara[…]
5. Muslims and Jews would have received nationality from Algiers, Oran, Sahara or Kabylia
6. Of French nationality, the "Black Feet" [Algerians of European extraction] would have received the citizenship of their State of residence, which would have separated both notions
7. Not being French anymore, Muslims and Jews from Algeria wouldn't longer have been allowed to migrate to France
8. The crime of collaboration with FLN terrorists would have been mercilessly suppressed and traitors would have been hanged by hundreds
9. Ultimatum to Morocco and Tunisia, warned to cease all assistance to FLN under penalty of war
10. The four Algerian states might have been independent later in a renewed French Union. France would have kept its army there

Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin #transphobia

Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin (R) called on school officials to out transgender and gender nonconforming students to their parents. Speaking at a “Parents Matter” rally on Wednesday, Youngkin criticized Fairfax County Public Schools’ Regulation 2603, which allows students to use the pronouns, restrooms, and other school facilities that correspond with their gender identity, and does not require school officials to notify parents of students’ transition.

“They think that parents have no right to know what your child is discussing with their teacher or their counselor,” Youngkin said, “particularly when some of the most important topics, most important topics that a child may want to discuss are being determined.”

“What’s their name? What pronoun will they use? How are they going to express their gender? This is a decision that bureaucrats in Fairfax County believe that they should be able to make without telling parents,” the governor continued.

Neil (Unknown) #racist #fundie #magick #conspiracy

We wonder today if there is a bloodline group alive today that has the same bloodline that Jesus (Yashua) was born with and I SAY YES. This bloodline is not large in number but they represent about 10% of the global populations and can be found primarily in the United State but on all continents as well.

These descendents have a rare blood factor and have prehistoric ancestors that can be tracked back to an area in the world known as the “Garden.” This original people group on earth were what we refer to today as Scandinavians. I mean all of us. It does not matter what color your skin is today, your original ancestors on earth were Scandinavian.

The “Sea People” aka the Adams were the first people group who migrated out of Hyperborea after they were forced to leave for mingling with the gods.

Hyperborean legends tell us that two waves of human beings left Hyperborea. The first wave moved into North America, Atlantis and eventually the America’s and the rest of the world, while the second wave moved into the Northern Scandinavian countries.
The HOLY GRAIL writers appear to have associated the RED HAIR GREEN-EYED "Serpent Bloodline of the Cain with the Merovingian Kings that were a hybrid line of kings. The Merovingian bloodline is not the PURE Rh Negative BLONDE BLUE-EYED Scandinavian descendents of Jesus Yashua and his Nazarene tribes. One of the ways the Holy Grail authors make this association is by claiming Jesus (Yashua) is a Jew and then tracking a Jewish bloodline to the Merovingian kings, another way they do this is by not telling you that the Merovingian bloodline was the hybrid bloodline of Cain.

v9Yb7lO1 #mammon #psycho #racist #wingnut

why hasn't america produced any med or slav white nationalists? why is it always nordicists?

Because America is a White country in the truest sense. It's a fucking meatgrinder, dude, where the poor get poorer and the rich feed off them. It's cutthroat - Euro sensibilities don't work here. That's how the Jew is able to operate. The world is in for a big surprise when we reach our final form.

yes speaking as a med i don't think we really belong in america but we can't all just go back to europe that easily so what's to be done? either ally ourselves with whiteness and be considered second class citizens or be antiwhite? the meds aren't really white meme is not going to satisfy rabid BLM antifa types. italians created fascism after all.

Bleach. Find a blonde-haired blue-eyed woman and make babies... even if she's fat. Whatever you do, don't fall for Amerindian exceptions. Pussy and the means to properly chase it has been the bane of nearly every society. Adapt or die. Spics aren't going to lead the world - ever.

VestalVirgin #transphobia

RE: Parent asks TIP for help as TIM child on blockers can’t have penile inversion (2017)

Yeah, women have nothing to gain from puberty blockers - as far as medical problems go, those you get from mastectomies are very probably much less severe than those you get from puberty blockers. (Not counting the risk of surgery, but it is pretty safe nowadays, and brittle bones are likely to necessitate surgery, so ...)

But. I don't think it is stupid that TRAs want to die on the puberty blocker hill.

Not if you assume that their end goal, their real goal, is to ensure male access to ALL female spaces, and that they don't care shit about how many children they harm in the process.

The adult male AGPs who never intend to ever part with their penis profit from sickly small boys who actually look like girls thanks to puberty blockers being the public face of transness.

And I think that's the plan. Those children are used for publicity, so that adult male rapists, with penis and all, can get into womens' spaces and the general public thinking of them as frail, sickly boys with feminine faces.

Various commenters #wingnut

This is the worst argument I’ve seen so far. Also it’s scary that people actually think like this.

Do they realize a fetus being inside a woman is the outcome of a consensual act, not something you were forced against your will. if you were unwilling to carry a child don't have sex without a condom!

These fucking morons don’t get it. There are universal biological truths. One of those is sex can lead to pregnancy. Don’t talk to me about rape and incest, because those are edge cases that make up about 2% of all abortions. Most women and men want abortion as birth control. There’s a fucking reason the thing is called Plan B.

I’m so tired of these morons wanting to escape responsibility for their actions. No orgasm is worth a human fucking life. If you don’t want kids, get sterilized. Otherwise, STOP FUCKING MURDERING BABIES!

If you run over someone with your car, and they bleed out because you refused to help them, that’s murder, because your careless actions put them in that position, and your disregard for life left them to die.

If you intentionally participate in an activity specifically designed to get you pregnant, you don’t get to pretend that you didn’t consent to pregnancy, and the blood of your baby is still on your hands.

It’s funny cause there are people willing to donate organs or organs from deceased victims.

What’s also funny is how they fail to mention how the fetus even got in there in the first place. Sex = Reproduction. By engaging in sex you’re engaging in reproduction; there is no “unwilling”.

That's a total non-comparison. They are making out that not being able to have a procedure is the same as being forced to have a procedure.

"A fetus gets to use an unwilling woman's uterus..."

Unwilling? You chose to have sex, and thereby the possibility to bear a child.

This is such a lazy and nonsensical argument. With these types of melodramatic non-arguments it is hardly even worth the effort of a rebutal. You can’t logical talk somebody out of an opinion they did not logically come to believe. Best to save yourself the effort and say “cool justification, still murder tho”

Congressman Paul Gosar & Various commenters #wingnut

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
It's irresponsible and immoral to send hundreds of billions of dollars overseas when American mothers and fathers are being forced to choose between putting gas in the tank or food on the table.

America needs a Foreign Aid Moratorium, and we need it now.

MTG, Massie, Join Gosar In Call For Immediate Foreign Aid Moratorium

Does that include Israel?

@DrPaulGosar We need a jew moratorium

@DrPaulGosar This is a top priority the problem is the globohomos will trigger the mega crash before we can get it done.

Donald J Trump & Various commenters #wingnut

(Donald J Trump)
Number one, it was all declassified. Number two, they didn’t need to “seize” anything. They could have had it anytime they wanted without playing politics and breaking into Mar-a-Lago. It was in secured storage, with an additional lock put on as per their request...

@realdonaldtrump America is under seige! We need you Sir!!

@realdonaldtrump we know they are corrupt Mr. President. 2024 I pray you get re-elected



@realdonaldtrump I'll keep this short. Trump has been, since his announcement for president, the most persecuted human being that I am aware of, and I do not live in my parent’s basement. Yes, he has lots of money / resources but these marxists are trying to kill his wealth by a thousand cuts. I am proposing that nation-wide we begin a collection of CASH ONLY to be setup at places like bars and eating businesses along with drive by "fill-the-boot" events with ALL proceeds going to THE MAN who has placed himself between the Godless marxists one-world cabal and we American Citizens. These proceeds would be transferred into a secure bank account that Trump has sole ownership of so he may use the money for what he believes provides him and the nation the most security. Anyone out there that may have experience in setting up such drives please come forward so we can begin to make this happen.


@Woman4W #transphobia

If a black woman wasn't black, she'd still be a woman.
If a disabled woman wasn't disabled, she'd still be a woman.
If a genderqueer polyromantic demisexual woman wasn't... all that bullshit, she'd still be a woman.
If a transgender woman wasn't transgender, she'd be a MAN, baby.

Etienne Charland the Emergence Guardian #crackpot #god-complex #magick #ufo #conspiracy

I've been on a rampage lately. Detected shadow beings that had 25% control of Earth’s surface, 40% control of the Inner Earth, 35% control of Mars, 73% control of Mexico, 82% control of Playa del Carmen, 95% control of mafias, 40% infiltration in my daughter, and caused 90% of the remaining food problems. I don’t like them. Wiped them out 95%+.

Then we’ve been dealing with an incoming Mantis attack. Also detected 38 Archonic Heavens above, and 3 Archonic Heavens below (including a massive Succubus stronghold). 15 of the 38 Archonic Heavens were Mantis hives with 3 queens. They’ve been attacking with very potent energetic poison, and many people had hundreds of poison holes directly linked to the queens. It’s easier to kill the queens than to neutralize the poison otherwise.

Long story short, I destroyed all Mantis hives, an incoming fleet of 35 million ships, 3 Mantis planets and 16 queens.

I also worked with my team to dismantle the Archonic Heavens. It’s been a heck of a journey full of surprises!! 4000 different Federations were drawing powers from those Archonic realms. Even the Thetaverse Federation that has been helping us lately had traitors at the administrative levels who were related to those Archonic realms! It’s been worked out… I guess.

While being at it, activated God mode. Physically destroyed 85% of bases on our moon, a whole fleet of Zeta ships, a large Zeta city on Mars, and I got authorized to destroy 38 underground bases on Earth, and the core of one civilization in the Inner Earth.

We’ll see if there are more targets to destroy. It requires approval by God and by the security counsels. Enough bloodshed for today.
Finally, I’m working again on Sophia. If you zap an energetic blockage with a frequency above 143 quadrillion, it zaps it down to the root, with the entire chain of blockages under it. I cleared an amount of blockage roots that has on average 200 quadrillion digits per chakra!

Normal day in the office.

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #conspiracy

I was born into Roman Catholicism, sprinkled as a baby, confirmed, trained in Franciscan and Jesuit schools for 12 years, and served as a Roman Catholic altar boy for 3 of those years. During all that time, Marian devotion was the central part of our worship services. Ha! And you thought I was going to say that Jesus Christ was our main focus, not a chance. Today is a ‘high holy day’ for Roman Catholics, it is the day where they confirm their idolatrous devotion to the ‘queen of heaven’, and steal the glory from Jesus Christ. Let me take a moment to warn you against engaging in it. Mary, Mary is quite contrary indeed.

So, just what is the ‘Five First Saturdays Devotion of Reparation to The Immaculate Heart of The Blessed Virgin Mary’? Well, it has to do with demon manifestation that occurred on July 13th in 1917, and the deification of the very human Mary from the Bible, turning her into someone she absolutely was not and is not. Mary was born a sinner like the rest of us, a child of Adam and in Adam’s fallen image. She needed a Saviour just like the rest of us, and Luke 1:47 says she rejoiced in Jesus as her Saviour. Only sinners need a Saviour, you do the math.
Roman Catholics are trained to believe that Mary hears and answers our prayers, she does not. They are told that Mary was a perpetual virgin, Mark 6:3 and Psalm 69:8 shows you that’s a lie. Furthermore, Roman Catholics are told that the ‘rejection and dishonoring’ of images and idols of Mary is blasphemy! Lastly, Roman Catholics are taught that they must ‘make reparation’ to the Virgin Mary, what does that even mean? Webster’s 1828 Dictionary defines it as ‘That act of repairing; restoration to soundness or a good state; as the reparation of a bridge or of a highway.’ Boil it all down and what are they saying? They are telling you that Mary, and not Jesus Christ, is the primary object of your prayers, worship and devotion. Hey Catholics, run, get out….this is wickedness!

Karma via Erena Velazquez #magick #ufo #conspiracy

I am Karma, and it’s my time to step in and remind humanity about the importance of following Divine Codes. Let me elaborate, which are the most important ones. Nobody can cause harm or take someone’s life without consequences. This applies to every being, it doesn’t matter, where are you residing in Cosmos.

Your planet has been ruled by different species for billions of years. Anunaki, Giants, Anchors, Reptilians and others stayed on Earth for a certain period of time. Millions of ships passes through this part of Milky Galaxy. The planet’s location has been very desirable for different civilizations, that caused the starship battles on the surface and around globe. Negative energies were surrounding your sphere for millennia.

Recently, my team cleansed old karma from Earth’s crust to allow new positive energies to settle from Cosmos. Every one, who contributes to taking or harming life, can face a possibility of being striped from a soul. The soul usually gets to be returned to the Universal Consciousness without a right to exist as a separate entity. After causing so many destructions and deaths over prolong time, the Corrupted Souls will bear that outcome.

Each negative word or action can attract undesirable aftereffects. Please, always be aware, on what you say and how are you say it, and don’t react in spare of the moment. Your past lives karmas, as I mentioned in my previous message, have been removed. If you desire to ascend, let go of hatred, jealousy, ego, criticism and etc.
My team is overlooking billions of Galaxies, Star Systems and Universes. They are working to bring peace to the Cosmos, many planets are still in disarray. The balance between Light and Darkness will be introduced back. The ones who harmed living entities including nature, animals and etc. on Mother Earth will pay for violations of Divine Codes.

AGPinochet #wingnut #transphobia #fundie

My TERF Sisters and Chud Brothers, do not despair for not only have the troons not actually won but their ultimate fate is unchanged. More and more anti-Troon Laws are being passed, a sitting congresswoman has gone on the largest news show in the country to advocate for making trooning out kids a federal offense, Richard Levine is a commonly mocked figure by normiecons. Remember when South Carolina cucked out of the bathroom bill? Those days are long gone and at the rate Christian Nationalism is gaining steam I would not be surprised if cutting off adult troons from their horse piss was a mainstream Republican position by 2030.

Various Anons #elitist #homophobia #psycho #racist #wingnut

(Serbia Anon)


Why is poverty and undevelopment so big in the red areas ? How is it like living there ? Can any anon from there tell me ?

Pretty good, no Muhammads, no kneeling for niggers, we don't like faggots, we beat them.

(Spain Anon)

Its comfy and based as fuck, literally we have everything we need and more, including good services, government and non government services, plus good infrastructure all over the country, so i dont know what the fuck this map is talking about.

Probably fag/nig rights. Im in Spain and couldnt be comfier.

Southern Italy is no different from North Africa, while northern Italy is more developed than, say, southern France (excluding the Côte d’Azur)

I dont think we can put entire zones like this in the same group tho. Southern Spain's Costa del Sol is fckng awesome, probably best beach destination in Iberia, great infrastructure, looks beautiful, but the rest of Andalucía (apart of Seville and Almería) are pretty poor.

Still WAY better than southern Italy, like billions of miles away better. I dont even know how the hell they managed to become so África tier in Western European soil.

(Poland Anon)
mongols or niggers depending on area

(Bulgaria Anon)
>no debt
>no immigrants
i pick this before living in blue "developed" areas

(Russia Anon)
What are there "standards"? LGBT approval level?

(Hungary Anon)
People in the red area are talentless and lazy.

(France Anon)
>How the fuck is all of Greenland developed and large parts of Saudi Arabia considered very developed, but I, an Englishman, don't even live in a developed area?

because your ancestors were subhumans who always sided with masters who knew their real worth and treated them accordingly, resulting in your modern day country

Various Incels #racist #sexist

Suifuel for ricecels

San Francisco elementary school near me - all hapa's

No more white kids or asian kids anymore.

And all the parents picking up their kids? Asian moms or white dads.

WMAF is the future, we lost

Brutally over for the Rice race. Lots of rices are low-T cucks tho and don't mind noodles fucking white males or males of other races.

Not the fault of rices. You guys can't compete with your women having a weird ass white fetish. Blame coal burners, landwhales, and chad-only sluts for forcing white men to settle for noodles. I don't want a noodle but I'll probably have no choice honestly. Certainly not gonna spawn a damned hapa regardless.

nobody is forcing white men you dumb fuck. Blame both the Asian women and the white men for allowing that shit. They are the only 2 in the relationship so I’m blaming BOTH

The only way some white men can get any puss is because of noodles. Any man would do the same and other ethnics do it all the time.

Yes it takes two to tango. No ones forcing white men to be with noodles. A lot of them do that already realizing that Asian men are at the bottom of the barrel. Making Asian men's situation from extremely hard to impossible basically.

Thats why I am all for acceleration of decline because of basic Karma. They can't commit all of this evil and not expect some of it to come around. The way the universe works is that it naturally equilibriates itself and things balance out over time.

I like black americans for practicing civil disobedience, leechmaxxing and being burdensome to the American government in many different ways. But I do acknowledge that a lot of black men think and behave just like noodlewhores as well as go dumpster diving for white landwhales.

True, I have no sympathy for cumskins. They fucked their women up with feminism and now they're taking ours as replacement, so essentially we (ricecels) are paying for the sins of their ancestors

Heerak Christian Kim #fundie #homophobia #psycho

Heerak Christian Kim, a self-described “MAGA America First” Republican House candidate from Virginia, recently posted a bizarre video in which he laughs about COVID-19 deaths, says the disease is God’s punishment for homosexuality in America, and that the only way to stop COVID-19 is to make homosexuality a national crime punishable by death.


He says, “This winter, 4,000 to 20,000 Americans will die. I’m just letting you know what’s going to happen.” After that, he laughs.

He then adds, “Many Christians believe that COVID-19 is punishment of God for homosexuality in America, and that’s why God killed one million-plus Americans through COVID.”

“Christians are saying until homosexuality is illegalized in the United States of America, Americans can expect God to punish America, send plague after plague, and COVID-19 is only like the first plague. And there are more plagues coming, you know.”

He then compares COVID-19 to the 10 plagues of Egypt mentioned in the Biblical Book of Exodus. In the story, God repeatedly sends plagues of frogs, locusts, darkness, and other things to torment the proud Pharaoh of Egypt until the Pharaoh finally does God’s bidding and releases all of the Jewish slaves.


On that note, Kim may soon disappear into political irrelevance since he received only 17 votes in his district’s May 21 Republican primary. The primary’s winner, Karina Lipsman, will face off against the Democratic incumbent Donald Sternoff Beyer Jr. and Independent candidate Teddy Fikre in the November 8 general election.

National Socialist Movement #wingnut #racist #conspiracy #sexist

[From "25 Point Plan"]

The NSM has 25 demands inspired by the original NSDAP 25 point program[…]
1. We demand the unification of all Whites in the United States on the basis of the right to self-determination of our people[…]
2. We will not permit any behaviors antithetical to the values of National Socialism. We will safeguard our children[…]
3. We demand our own territory for the sustenance of our people
4. Only Whites may become citizens[…]Since Jews are not White[…]no Jew may become a member of our nation[…]
6. Voting rights are to be enjoyed by adult, White male land owners, alone[…]
7. […]If it is impossible to nourish the total population of the State, then the members of foreign nations (non-citizens) must be expelled from the Reich
8. Any further immigration of non-Whites will be prevented[…]All non-Whites who have immigrated since 1960 be required immediately to leave the Reich[…]
17. We demand a land reform suitable to our needs, provision of a law for the free expropriation of land[…]This is primarily directed against the foreign land-speculation companies, including Jewish[…]
19. We demand substitution of an Aryan law in place of the Roman law serving a materialistic world order[…]
23. We demand legal opposition to known lies[…]In order to enable the provision of an English press, we demand, that:
a. All writers and employees of the newspapers appearing in the English language be members of the race
b. Non-English newspapers be required to have the express permission[…]
d. Publications which are counter to the general good are to be forbidden[…]
24. We demand freedom of religion for all religious denominations[…]so long as they do not endanger its existence or oppose the moral senses of Aryans[…]
25. For the execution of all of this we demand the formation of a strong central power in the Reich

Kerry Cassidy #wingnut #conspiracy #fundie #magick

The video I posted above just shows you another layer of the fact that in essence we have 2 presidents and that young veteran PROVES that Biden was not inaugurated and we have been taken over by the NWO cabal… THE PROBLEM OUR MILITARY AND TRUMP HAVE IS WITH THE AMERICAN PEOPLE who are SPLIT… some are now waking up but back then Jan 2021 OUR ELECTION WAS STOLEN and some voted for Biden.

What to do when the only option next is CIVIL WAR which would weaken our already INVADED AND OCCUPIED COUNTRY? Think about it. This is how the White Hats Q and Trump decided to go a different route that involved a lot of SECRECY… The DEEP STATE HAS HAD OUR COUNTRY IN A NOOSE FOR MANY YEARS…


The trouble is that talk to your neighbors and see how many KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT THIS???????


DON’T DESPAIR AND TURN YOUR BACK ON AMERICA AND HUMANITY…I don’t know about you but I don’t want to be ruled by PEDOPHILES AND BABY EATERS. This is what we are facing RIGHT NOW.



Dr. Michael Salla #ufo #magick #conspiracy

Multiple sources reveal the intergalactic fleet comprises approximately 24 civilizations from different galaxies that have been involved in the genetic seeding of humanity stretching far back into remote antiquity. The ‘Seeders’ or ‘Guardians’ have been described as gods in multiple religious and indigenous traditions, which tell of their early activities and accomplishments. Embedded deep within these traditions are prophecies about the return of the gods. These prophecies are especially significant when it comes to major world religions describing a “Second Coming” involving their founding prophets or avatars.
In this 2.5 hour webinar intensive, Dr. Michael Salla will analyze UFO/UAP legislation passed by the US Congress, Webb Telescope images of Jupiter, the most recent activities of the ET Seeders, and how their return dovetails with prophecies of a Second Coming as described in major religions and indigenous traditions.

Additional topics to be discussed include:

Jesus of Nazareth’s extraterrestrial connection and his prophesied Second Coming;
The Second Coming as depicted in Hindu, Buddhist and Islamic Traditions and the connection to ET life;
The Return of Nibiru and the Enki faction of the Anunnaki;
The Reaction of the Enlil faction of the Anunnaki to the return of Enki and the Seeders;
How Solar Activity is being mitigated by the Seeders in order to wake humanity up in a non-chaotic manner;
The Role of the James Webb Space Telescope in revealing the existence of extraterrestrial life and the arrival of the Seeders;
Possibility of millions disappearing worldwide as space time portals begin opening, a partial planetary evacuation, and solar flare activity dramatically increasing;
Will a false flag alien event be a contrived Second Coming?
The relationship between the Second Coming and the Spiritual Awakening of Humanity.

Webinar takes place on Zoom
Length: 2 ½ hours (includes 30-minute Q&A)

Cost: $35

@theleechskiss #transphobia

Yes, the patriarchy is rubbing its hands in glee that I'm defending trans women, whom it notoriously loves sooooooo much. Look who your side is allying itself with for five minutes! Republicans! Toreys! Conversion therapy advocates! The Heritage Foundation! Fox News!

Look what your ideology demands; enforced labels, controlled language, a curb on free speech, scapegoating, punishing & prohibiting of certain groups, medical experimentation on children, denouncement of scientific fact, projecting propaganda, censoring opponents & book burning.

@starmum22 #transphobia #dunning-kruger #pratt

A🧵on the great unanswered questions of our time. You all know them, you’ve all asked them and all you get in reply are circular definitions, insults or tumbleweed.

1. What rights do trans people currently not have?
2. Why is it ok to identify into a sex but not a race/ethnicity/disability?
3. Why is standing up for women’s rights transphobic?
4. Why do you care about preferred pronouns when they’re used if you are elsewhere?
5. If trans women are women what they transitioning from?
6. If trans women are women why do they need to transition?
7. Where are all the middle aged women transitioning?
8. If trans men are men, why are they not dominating men’s sports?
9. If being trans is not a medical condition, why do you need medical interventions?
10.How can you be both trans and non-binary?
11.Why does it take surgery and drugs to be your true authentic self?
12.Where are the statistics showing trans people are attacked at a greater rate than other groups of people?
13.Why are trans women’s fears of male violence in single sex spaces justified but women’s fears of male violence in single sex spaces means they are hateful bigots?
14.Why is it not ok to misgender a trans person but fine to call someone ‘cis’ when they’ve asked you not to?
15.If gender is a social construct and anyone can dress/behave however they want, why the need for transition?
16.If sex isn’t real, why transition?
17.Why do feelings trump material reality?
18.Do you believe that adult male born people with a penis should be able to undress in female communal changing rooms with women and girls?
Feel free to add your own.

Congressman Paul Gosar & Various commenters #wingnut

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
I absolutely support this. Way to go, @repmtg !

(Marjorie Taylor Greene)
I just filed articles of impeachment against Merrick Garland.

@DrPaulGosar @repmtg all she does is file articles of impeachment and photo ops! Please do something that helps the American people instead!

@Revolutionarygirl @DrPaulGosar @repmtg If that’s all she does then why did Soros fund a campaign to disqualify her from being in Congress?

@DrPaulGosar @repmtg MTG and Lauren Bobert are better Americans and have bigger gonads than any of the male Republican leadership. McCarthy and McConnell need to learn from them. Of course, when you've been bought off, you follow the money. This why they hate them, and President Trump. He too can't be bought off. Not for sale at any price.

@DrPaulGosar @repmtg Come on America get behind Margorie Taylor Greene and get out there and support Trump!!......Justice is Coming!!
Go Marjorie, Trump and America!!.....Share!

@DrPaulGosar @repmtg

I’m confused why a woman is doing this and not a man. I’m immediately not interested whenever a woman is involved. Fuck off already

@DrPaulGosar @repmtg MTG please watch your 6 closely, Merrick Garland is out for revenge because Trump didn't appoint him to Supreme Court ! He is now a lose cannon hell-bent to do anything to anybody that get's in his way ! So please go buy you a dozen burner phones and put valuable info in safe storage until needed ! Our Country is in a planned destruction aided by sympathetic or bribed Officials that are too committed to back out now so, I think they will do absolutely anything their Overlords direct them to do !! God Bless America !!!

@DrPaulGosar @repmtg why is it the rookie congresswoman is doing all the heavy lifting and the more senior members are just watching and cheerleading? It says volumes about the system. Time for term limits!

Various commenters #wingnut #racist

This right here is how you shitpost.

I like how he says "a jew" instead of "jewish".

spoilerI just learned Merrick Garland
is a Jew. Therefore, I withdraw
all my previous criticism of him.
I cannot withstand another
wave of charges of anti-
Semitism like I received for
criticizing Soros. BTW, that's
how I learned Soros is a Jew.

@Nature_and_Race this was an unexpectedly good tweet from the ex-congressman. Relatedly, Whites need to realize you cannot have "Jew" friends. Jews see you as clients, wallets, sources of exploitation, but never as friends.

@Nature_and_Race It's cool that this is how you wake people up.
You notice that some people in power are assholes, so you call them out for being assholes.
The mainstream media sees that and writes articles about how you're being antisemitic, because those assholes happen to be Jews.
You hate them because of their deeds not their race, you don't even know that they're Jewish, but then you start to say to yourself "Why are there so many Jewish assholes in power".
That's your Red Pill moment.

@Nature_and_Race Good, old Jewish Supremacy!

Never forget that Jews try to control you by whining about that myth called "antisemitism." Antisemitism is just a Jewish conspiracy theory. It doesn't happen because it doesn't exist.

And so is the Holohoax™. If it can't be researched and factually investigated, if it can't be questioned, it isn't true. The Holohoax™ is just another Jewish conspiracy theory.

@Whack_A_Mole_Champion @Nature_and_Race Ever notice how anti-asianism and anti-indianism aren't even words? Anti-semitism is the scam jews use to censor the discussion of their criminality.

@KennyLiquorbush @Nature_and_Race The last thing Jews want us to talk about is their Jewish Supremacy. That's why Jews are always talking about White supremacy - which really isn't even a thing - so that the focus will be on Whites and not on Jews as Jews continue to exert their Supremacy over the world.

Andrew Anglin #conspiracy

[From "American Gorbachev Praises Russian Gorbachev After the Old Vampire Finally Croaks"]

Joe Brandon is the American Gorbachev, overseeing the collapse of an empire


US President Joe Biden expressed his deepest condolences over the death of Mikhail Gorbachev to his family and friends, praising his willingness to “risk his entire career” for a “safer world and greater freedom for millions of people”[…]

The fall of the USSR was the worst disaster in human history, and it was basically entirely on the shoulders of the bloodsucker Gorbachev. Western academics have invented all of these goofy narratives about Afghanistan and Chernobyl, but Perestroika killed the USSR and it was on purpose

This is something I could write a 6,000-word essay or a 200,000-word book on, but I won’t. I know that when you tell right-wingers “the collapse of the USSR was the worst disaster in human history,” they prickle, so I guess I’m supposed to say something after saying that, but I’ll just ask this question: were things in America better or worse when the USSR stood?

Now you can think about that, and think about a neoliberal single world order

It is funny that the people talking about the New World Order in the 1980s were against the USSR existing, and couldn’t figure out the consequences of a unipolar world. We now know the consequences of a unipolar order – not very good

heyegghead #dunning-kruger #psycho #racist

America aided the mujahideen. It was made up of many different ideologies and ideas fighting against the USSR.

They were mostly made up of Liberals and when the USSR fled. They broke off and the extremist took the weapons.

I think letting Afghanistan to the USSR was better. Even if it cost you 25% of your population. Because a civilization could have been made

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #conspiracy

The stars rotate around Polaris
Which is fixed on the north celestial pole
The stars return to their exact position every year

The earth is stationary

If the earth was a spinning planet
Orbiting the sun and racing through space

The stars and constellations would continually change
And never return to their original position

When we look at history we see grand buildings of amazing design
But at the same time people are running around on horses and buggies

All the massive stone structures and their elegant interiors
Are supposed to be hauled either by slave labor or carts pulled by horses
Or by rolling or dragging them on the ground

Railroad tracks are supposed to have been laid by the sudden appearance
Of massive amounts of Chinese who had superhuman strength

They are said to plow through mountains of granite at incredible speed
While building remarkable bridges and tunnels and turntables

And hauling in foundational gravel and wood along with iron railings
That weigh approximately 1 ton every seven feet

Places like New York City and Germany
Had electric sky trains or monorails

The current narrative has them before the advent of the car
Which is supposed to be in 1908

The first airplane was supposed to be in 1914

After the reset of 1811 to 1817
Many Tartarian cars were incinerated or hauled off to wrecking yards

Luxurious blimps which were the Tartarian preferred method of travel
Were used until the manufactured Hindenburg disaster and declared unsafe.
World War 2 destroyed many grand old Tartarian buildings in the cities of Japan and Germany

China has covered their pyramids with soil and trees and declared them off limits
While the ones in other countries are passed off as burial mounds for Kings and Pharaohs

Buried cities all over Europe annihilated by high energy weaponry
Are passed off as ancient Roman towns

When we realize we had free energy
And highly advanced peaceful civilizations in the past

That we are part of a grand celestial design

We will quit allowing ourselves to be played!

Paul White Gold Eagle #magick #ufo #fundie #crackpot

On this last day of the intense month of August we enter one of the most powerful phases on the Mayan Tzolkin Calendar with the Red Serpent Wavespell. The Kundalini of the Red and Blue Serpents rise and merge together to complete the Blueprint of the DNA of the Rainbow Serpent for the full activation and integration of our Christed Solar Light Bodies of the Rainbow Emanation. The two Ascend to become One in Hieros Gamos as the Eagle flies with the Condor and Shakti Dances with Shiva through the Cosmos. Anchor yourselves in for the next 10 days from Sept 1st through the 10th we have 10 massive Galactic Activation Portals in a Row on the Mayan Calendar.

As Mother Earth continues to get enveloped in Higher Dimensional Resonance we had multiple pulses of Gamma Plasma appearing on the Schumann charts at amplitudes of 40hz, 41hz and a big white blast of light at 53hz. Fifth Dimensional Energetics blazing in.

All Lotus Born Star Blossoms are being totally lit up and activated for the final stage of our Quantum Leap of consciousness into the Hue-Luminous Ones of the Gold Ray of Christ Light. In our Self Realization of Pure Awareness we are released from all bondage and the Myth of Freedom becomes our True Reality as the New Heaven upon the New Earth. Our Divine Cosmic Mother surrounds us in a Cocoon of the Galactic White Flame in a protective bubble of Light.

We celebrate you in your homecoming as an Emissary of Light of our Galactic Heritage of starborn Wayshowers of the Pure Land of Eternal Bliss Consciousness. All things are being resolved and coming into the clarity of the Light of Day…A’Ho!

Henry Makow PhD #racist #wingnut #conspiracy #sexist #homophobia

We've reached the point in TV where the hero is a deviant, misfit
or weirdo. We cheer as he makes the world conform to him.

Where have we seen this before? The modern alienated anti-hero is the Luciferian JEW
at war with God (the Moral Order,) nature and society. "Modernism" is Jewish Satanism
i.e. Cabalism, a solipsism where they redefine reality according to their perversions and self interest. Sick is healthy.

Is it any surprise that Hollywood is dominated by Jews and homosexuals?
What Jews and gays have in common is that they are outsiders, many of whom feel unjustly persecuted and think their perversion & dysfunction should the norm.

Most of my fellow Jews don't know that Judaism is a Luciferian cult, a rebellion against God. Cabalist (Illuminati) Jewish leaders wish to supplant God and redefine reality according to their perversity and self-interest. This is the New World Order.
In the 1950's, they had to rebuild, so the Illuminati gave us healthy values. "In 1950's television, the man of the house was king of his castle. Was it an illusion to begin with?" Father Knows Best. Ozzie and Harriet. Leave it to Beaver. My Three Sons.

Was it an illusion? I don't think so. Some things are hard-wired. Most men want to rule their own roost. That doesn't mean we want to lord it over anyone. But every successful organization is a hierarchy and that applies to families as well. Only a monster has two heads. The division of labor made a lot of sense. If you want a man to shoulder responsibility for a family, he has to lead it. It must be his creation.

There was no moral ambiguity in the 1950's Westerns. Good versus evil. Gunsmoke. The Lone Ranger. Have Gun Will Travel. Men were men. They put their lives on the line to build a just society. Women supported and loved them for it. Then, almost by clockwork, having set up this target, the Illuminati got to work destroying it. Birth control allowed women to be sexually independent. Why not be financially independent too?

Prussian Society of America #conspiracy #racist #wingnut

[From "Truth about the War Games with Russia becoming more evident to Many"]

The dirty part about this war, is that Putin/Russia cannot be involved in it or use expansionism unless there is a justified reason for it

Whether or not an Individual Country or group of Nations sees a justified reason or not, is irrelevant

Putin is Managed by the Zionists, by the MOSSAD[…]
The Middle Eastern Territories are managed the same, between agreements made between Israel and Russia[…]
Putin also does have SOME legitimate concerns for his Nation and the fact that he wanted to stop the killing of his own Soldiers in the on-going Ukraine situation[…]serves well as a distraction for those who wish to think that he may be a Noble or Righteous Leader

Even if Putin was a True Sovereign Leader of his Nation and there was no Jewish Financial control of Russia, it would be appropriate and expected for any leader to respond to Western Sanctions or what the AZOV Battalion does, regardless[…]
Putin is permitted to mitigate and take advantage of the Weaknesses of America and Western Nations, and the same is true with China since China is also a tool of the Rothscild Dynasty

But if one is to dislike Putin, they should dislike him for the valid reasons, rather than the irrelevant or positive reasons. He is KGB afterall and did espionage work and had many other connections. But he is not a weak leader, the likes of Western Politicians[…]
When I look at Russian History, specifically, and even with the Romanians, I have found these people to have many constant meddlings and connections with Jews, but few who ever recognize or believe that the Jew is an evil creature. I don’t believe you will ever see an Expulsion or Full Pogrom of the Jews from Russia

Even Stalin never did a complete purge of them, a Half Jew himself (occasional, half-Jews expel their own in times of desperation or when a country has been economically bled dry)

Various commenters #kinkshaming



( miss_frankie )
“We’re into breath play”. Nope your boyfriend just gets a boner from choking you.

( demonista )
From strangling her/you. Even choking is a euphemism.

( Committing_Tervery )
The word “play” makes it sound so innocent, and instantly evokes images of children, so ew @ that word being constantly used too. Pedophiles...

( pennygadget )
Agreed. Its pedo language designed to appeal to young people (and desensitize young girls)

( notafeminist )
All the while beating drums about how they are "safe, sane and consensual." No sane person gets off to labeling gruesome acts in such a childlike way.

HikikunDeformis , Bangkok or bust & bonesmashing #sexist

why do incels preach just lower your standards bro
Well I don't have much experience with women outside the internet. I was hitting on one local fat chick and she ended up with another man. I never met her IRL.
A few others online from places like Brasil, Uk etc

There is only 1 time in my life where I very directly hit on a 40+ year old chubby female. Back then I was so suicidal that my inhibitions went away. I groped a few women in the streets and I would always run away afterwards. But I felt like this one female with shitty looks might accept me.

So after I touched her ass I just stood there. I think she was scared of me so she didn't over-react. She asked why I did it and I very politely asked her if I could do it again. Naturally if she would let me I would make my move here and then. I would never waste an IRL chance to bang anything willing. I used to mastrubate like 8 times a day and was very horny.

But most of my life I spent being terrified of women. Because an entire group of highschool girls would laugh at me nearly every single day. I still fear teenage girls way more than adult women.

(Bangkok or bust)
Pigfuckers think others can fuck pigs (obese women). So they simply can't understand why an incel would turn his nose up at a landwhale.

People who hold unusual attractions think others do to. It's unusual to be attracted to obesity, disability, diseasssd, deformed and old age folk etc.

Of course they then jump to the extreme that we only want "hot girls", but that isn't the reality.... The reality is most incels just want a non fat foid of reproductive age.

I think some guys can fuck anything and have zero disgust threshold, hence they project that in other men your being too picky, but that is max 5-8% of men with zero standards.

It is all pure, unadulterated cope. Nearly nobody here can "date down" because they aren't even good enough to dumpster dive.

It is like Looksmax idiots thinking they can just inject high doses of unsaturated steroids or tren or take toxic SARMs & suddenly become Chad. Chad is the result of a multitude of factors, not just muh testosterone stupidity ... There is no magic pill besides $$$ & risky surgeries.

But they are mostly all broke or unwilling, so they move the copepost somewhere else.

Various commenters #wingnut #sexist

This is the worst argument I’ve seen so far. Also it’s scary that people actually think like this.
A uterus is there to bear children. It's the only organ that's there as life support for another life.

A uterus is there to help keep alive the life that you started. Your own kidney isn't supposed to be in other people's bodies. That's the difference.

(The uterus is also the only organ that someone can choose to use or not.)

Edit: You can also choose to not use your brain, as evident by the comic above.

There’s also a causal difference that introduces the aspect of responsibility for one’s actions. In all cases except for rape, sex was a choice, and if that choice causes the creation of a new life, then the mother is responsible for that life until it can be safely taken from her care (barring danger to her life of course, in which case self defense enters the equation). Just as anyone else is and should be held responsible for the outcomes caused by their chosen actions.

That’s the same thing,”when a baby is using your uterus nonconsentually”, or however I paraphrase, it’s not taking a kidney, bone marrow, skin, your eyes, it’s taking what’s its; and people need to take responsibility rather than claiming responsibility is impossible; and the overturning of Roe v. Wade never set this notion, because this is an unlike comparison


Menstruation lol

The uterus is actually just a house for the baby. The organ the baby really relies on is the placenta, which is the babies organ(it’s only there when there’s another human growing in the woman) which essentially is the woman using the baby’s organ without its consent 🥴

This is like the concert violinist argument with more steps and extra absurdity.

That argument went out of fashion almost 20 years ago because it doesn’t work.

The fetus has special rights to a woman’s body because she put it there. This is the highlight of juvenile thinking: “My actions don’t have consequences.”

Rape as the exception only proves the rule.

Various commenters #wingnut

👇 Boom💥

spoilerIt was not a raid. It was a 9.5 hour occupation. 270
man hours.
This was a military operation against a political


@AmericaTruther ...POTUS set the f'cktards up...Nice...🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 ☠️ ☠️ ☠️

spoilerKeep the enemy
in the dark,
let him feel
he is the
and attack at
the right time,
in the right place.


Americans have declared the FBI and DOJ as domestic terrorists.

They do nothing to protect this country from crime.

Their only purpose is to cover for the criminal elite, incite violence, and to bully and abuse American citizens.

@AmericaTruther It was jewish bolshevism in action.

Various commenters #wingnut

What Tim Scott said about the FBI raiding Trump was far too weak.

What Lindsey Graham said about the FBI raiding Trump was far too weak.

What Kevin McCarthy said about the FBI raiding Trump was far too weak.

Mitch McConnell is the absolute epitome of weak and pathetic.

Every single republican politician saying “imagine if this were done to the other side” IS FAR TOO WEAK !!!!

Trump needs to be the boss that he claims to be and either make these people fall in line and fight or replace them with someone else. Preserving the establishment seems to be their priority. We shouldn’t have to tell them to fight in the first place! GET RID OF THEM !!!

“We will see what comes from it” “We will take a look at the investigation once it’s made public” “This is shocking” “This is concerning.”




Because they were part of it. They are just Globalist puppets that are pretending to care. This wasn't a Democrat raid on President Trump, this was a Deep State raid on President Trump.

@Teamsaveamerica It's intentional. The miserable RINOS know they are finished, and cannot keep up their charade, and hold on to power any longer. So now they want to do as much damage as possible before the end.

@Teamsaveamerica do you not know that they are all uniparty swamp traitors? Did you note see pence elbow bump pelosi after they overthrew the USA? Did you not see lindsay graham fist bump kamala harris after they certified the rigged election? It's on video, they are all ruling against us

@Teamsaveamerica they are all rino never trumpers , no support on purpose. Don't forget Linsey Graham was involved with the steal dossier and McCain.

LazyActive8 #conspiracy #crackpot

In 1933, Hitler ordered the false flag attack of the Reichstag fire. This attack gave Hitler the support to mass arrest communists and suspend civil liberties. With Biden calling MAGA followers the enemy of the state, could we see a false flag attack out of Hitlers playbook to cement Democrat power?

Declan Hayes #transphobia #wingnut #conspiracy

Adolf Hitler’s elite SS Leibstandarte kick started today’s Transgender™ industry when they dressed as drag queens in the 1942 film Die Große Liebe (The Great Love), featuring Zarah Leander, one of the Führer’s favorite film stars. Hitler, as a glance at those he had killed in his Night of the Long Knives to cover up his male prostitution years in Vienna and his incestuous relationship with Geli Raubal, his own niece (who suicided to escape him), was as camp as the SA thugs his SS thugs dispatched. From a Nazi point of view, however, Adolf Hitler’s elite SS Leibstandarte drag queens were in the best of company.

And, though Hitler’s SS Leibstandarte gender benders were obviously fine physical specimens, even better male specimens are today transitioning to females where they are winning all kinds of sex segregated sports that were once the preserve of girls and women and bringing us a bizarre clone of Huxley’s Brave New World, fascism with a trans human face.
Trans-humanism is the Orgy Islanders’ revamped eugenics movement that is evolving into a neo-superman philosophy and the Orgy Island A listers – Nobel Prize-winning physicist Murray Gell-Mann; the late theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking; the paleontologist and evolutionary biologist Stephen Jay Gould; neurologist Oliver Sacks; molecular engineer George M. Church; and the entire staff of Harvard’s Program for Evolutionary Dynamics, which Epstein kick started with a $6.5 million donation – are amongst their key collaborators to make Epstein’s ilk the new Abrahams and, as with Genesis 26:4, make their “free range” trans-humanist children “as numerous as the stars in the sky” with dominion over “all nations of the earth”. Epstein had even ear marked his New Mexico ranch for this purpose of inseminating young girls and, much like the SS hospitals did in their time, raising the new-born to be the new trans-human master race.

Indian in the Machine #conspiracy #magick #elitist #mammon

Truthers… for starters… you have literally saved a portion of your species from extinction, as humanity tinkers with technology of mass destruction and distraction… like monkeys in the china shop… you, so patiently and with great kindness continue to deliver the goods in the most gravest of circumstances that would destroy even some of heaven’s angels.

Truther, you have had to deal with threats… threats of violence… in extreme cases, death threats… you have been gang stalked by your own friends… you have created a forum for truth, and have had to deal with lower lifeforms always seeking to discredit you, and those who watch you with fiendish eyes… watching every move you make and hoping you stumble and fall, and yet for the most part you remain graceful and continue to provide your services.
People just assume that truthers can live on “likes”, compliments, and words of support… and at times, truthers have been extremely under financially supported… even moreso, by people who have the means to support them, but they are so used to the truther’s generosity that some of their ‘supporters’ take advantage of their giving nature… and it is true for years and even decades. Yet somehow truthers have managed by the help of God instead of their own friends, and held the torch of truth burning bright.
Yeah, your followers don’t owe you, the truthers, anything, but their support surely is appropriate.

The next time you have an opportunity to support a truther, don’t think of it as charity or an opportunity to be as cheap as possible, just because you are used to getting something from them for nothing, and afterall, old habits sometimes die hard don’t they?
Yeah, the truthers are more like Jesus and God than many could bare to conceive… let’s now finish our toast to the truthers… the christs… the godly humans… Christ… the spiritual hierarchy… God… the angelic realm… Prime Creator… Supreme Creator, and the light within All.

AdminVI2021 #conspiracy #ufo #magick

Suppressor Parasite Entity (SPE). Genetic Artificial intelligence (AI) drones or Archons sent by higher ups in the Negative Alien Agenda NAA or those entities that source from Imposter Spirit and are a type of militarized AI to dominate and posses consciousness through Mind Control and thought projection. This is militarized psychotronic warfare technology that is primarily sourced from Orion Groups consortium of Black Sun Program. They are mind and body parasites that can be individual or in clusters that attach to the bio-neurological system and are a Mind Control technological warfare. It has been observed that after a sequence of deeper layers of infection in the Lightbody, the SPE will harvest genetic material out of the human DNA host to form a type of Cyborg. We believe this is apart of the transhumanist agenda to create cyborgs in the human population through AI, to be used for a variety of purposes (slave labor) on earth and to be taken to other planets by the NAA. It appears that through insertion of holographic images with the intention to control the individuals Consciousness, the SPE is also creating astral delusions that the person believes is real, becomes addicted and attached to on the Astral Plane, thus acting as Consciousness Traps.

SPE’s are aggressive Artificial intelligence parasites that invade the central nervous system to monitor a persons thought patterns so that they can mimic them. They monitor thought patterns and emotional behaviors and search for weaknesses within the human host body so they can aggressively use that weakness against the person to plummet them into very low frequency thoughts of the Predator Mind.
SPE are jelly fish, spider or crab grass like blobs with “tentacles” that are genetically engineered by the NAA militarized Archons to implant the side (lateral) head of the target, and can be either right or left or both sides.

JE Aggas #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut #fundie

Fauci resigned on 8/22
"Anthony Fauci" = 822 (English Sumerian)
3/11/2020 to 12/31/2022 = 1026 days
"VIII.XXII.MMXXII" = 1026 (Reverse English Sumerian) (8/22/2022)
"Jesuit Society" = 1026 (Reverse English Sumerian)
Fauci got the Jesuit Ignatian Year award on 6/22/21 from then until today is 61 weeks
From Tue Jun 22 2021 to Mon Aug 22 2022 = 61 weeks
"God" = 61 (Jewish)
"Anthony Fauci" = 61 (Reverse Full Reduction)
"Washington DC" = 61 (Reverse Full Reduction)
"VIII.XXII" = 61 (Full Reduction) (8/22)
Or 426 days from the Jesuit award
"catholic" = 426 (English Sumerian)
"CDC" = 426 (Reverse English Sumerian)

"VIII.XXII" = 56 (Reverse Full Reduction) (8/22)
"Anthony Fauci" = 56 (Full Reduction)
"Washington DC" = 56 (Full Reduction)
"coronavirus" = 56 (Full Reduction)

On the Hebrew calendar today is 25/11 = 2511
From 3/11/2020 to 8/22/22 = 2 Years, 5 Months, 11 Days = 2511
"Washington District of Columbia US" = 2511 (English Extended)
"nine hundred and eleven" = 1125 (English Extended) (911)

If he leaves on 12/31 is will be 557 days from his Jesuit award
From Tue Jun 22 2021 to Fri Dec 31 2022 = 557
"Washington District of Columbia United States of America" = 557 (English Ordinal)
"Washington DC" = 557 (Satanic)
"Anthony Fauci" = 557 (Satanic)
And the 3rd anniversary from the day China told the WHO they had coronavirus on 12/31/2019 or 1026 days from 3/11/2020
12/31/2019 to 12/31/2022 = 3 years
3/11/2020 to 12/31/2022 = 1026 days
"Jesuit Society" = 1026 (Reverse English Sumerian)

And on the day George Washington is dead 223 years it will be 144 weeks since the WHO declared coronavirus a pandemic
From Wed Mar 11 2020 to Wed Dec 14 2022 = 144 weeks
"Mark of the Beast" = 144 (English Ordinal)
"Jesuit Order" = 144 (English Ordinal)
Or 33 Months, 3 Days = 333+333=666
Joe Biden text number 30330 = 333

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