
Dee Price #sexist kiwifarms.net

oh by the way i am in the genetic study and well i am the REAL TRANSSEXUAL it is blaire that is a homosexual male fake. NO TRANSSEXUAL EVER SAYS THEY ARE A GAY MALE AND THEN HANGS OUT AT CLUBS AND THEN DECIDES THEY ARE A TRANSSEXUAL.
those are called shemales they normally keep their dick. OK We are driven to surgery. and we will not date until post op. So again you are listening to a male homo and insulting the real transsexual.
See as i said i was 3 years old. when i told mom. but you being one of those buggers that can not comprehend actual academics and has not clue being the hood rat you are. can not say shit about anyone go sell your crack on the street corner and stop trying to insult real intelligence.

Y2K Baby #fundie kiwifarms.net

(In the thread "Can you be gay and be against gay marriage?")
Note: "Exceptional individual" and "exceptional" are Kiwi Farms's word filters for "retard" and "retarded," respectively.

How about mentioning the fact that the Supreme Court ruling on gay marriage was unconstiutional and anyone saying that it wasn't bullshit judicial activism is a fucking exceptional individual?


You can't just not give people basic freedoms in fear that some faggots will try to take advantage of it. NAMBLA tried to take part in LGBT movements since the 90s, and pedos are still shunned by society.

Shut up, cuck.
"""""basic freedoms""""


basic human rights

Your name fits you well, kike.


Ok sure but of all the unconstitutional shit to complain about, I’m not going to choose the one that benefits a large group of people and harms nobody.

It harms states' rights. And nobody cares.

Of all the things to override democracy for, we're stooping to fucking gay marriage because some dudes couldn't be buried together. It's especially heinous because it matters so little.


Does it? I mean, would the world really be that different if that order wasn’t made?

If I was a super straight person I guess I might feel a little more scandalized, but in the rare event that I found a compatible wife, I would very much like to get married and adopt kids. My perspective is biased here.

Yes, because laws were overwritten to make it happen. It was an issue traditionally, (at the time of issuing it) recently, and consistently handled by indivdual states. (Parts of Alabama and Texas still don't have gay marriage because of the few institutions there that can validate marriages refuse to do it- wait until that's overriden too for the technicolor special interests groups.)

But fuck that, lolololol. Right side of history.


k that’s fair. I’m just an unpatriotic fag and don’t care enough lol

And that is why your kin will fall.


. They can’t singlehandedly topple democracy, I promise.

They have roasties and kikes as allies.

Colonel J #conspiracy kiwifarms.net

All I'm saying is... why don't we have pictures of the dead children or dead Adam Lanza? We have the pictures of the Columbine victims and shooters from and that happened in the 90s. We even have the videos of the shooters walking in the school.

Why don't we have pictures of the Sandy Hook people? Who knows. Why don't we have video footage? Because conveniently that day they were down for an update.

The only time you'll see dead children in the news in when the globalists want to push their agenda like the Syrian beach boy.

frozenrunner #fundie kiwifarms.net

How does using a transgender person's preferred pronouns fuck up someone's education? If a teacher is constantly misgendering a student then it's going to cause issues for said student. Teachers aren't there to cause students problems and have a say on someone's identity. If I work in retail I can't call a problem customer a cunt because it's against the store policy, misgendering was against the schools policy.

Who says a person is free to determine their own pronouns when it comes to something as basic as gender? Who says anyone should expect someone else use the "right" pronouns when addressing them? Who says demanding they do so is reasonable? Who says "misgendering" is even a valid concept?

With no other group of people do I have to check with each individual person before I talk to them to avoid committing a sin. So no, I'm not doing it for pushy, passive aggressive (or sometimes outright aggressive... very feminine, by the way) trannies no matter how miserable they claim it makes them. It is not the purpose of pronouns to help reinforce someone's self-image or their sense of identity. It never has been the purpose, and it's not going to become the purpose because a bunch of outliers with unusual conditions (and their self-righteous "allies") want it. Fuck that. And fuck trying to force it on society by forcing public servants to do it.

And if they just can't accept that, they can follow through on their constant self-pitying claims of abject misery and kill themselves. If it will stop them from constantly making everyone else's lives miserable, and if it will mean nobody's speech is being compelled, then the world wins out on that bargain. There are so few of them damn near nobody will notice if they're gone. They need to recognize that.

Dynastia #sexist kiwifarms.net

Men with anime women as avatars should be put on a list by the government and then the government should come to their houses and order them to 'come with us to answer some questions it will only take twenty minutes' and then instead of taking them somewhere to ask them some questions they put them on a train to a black site facility in Ohio and direct them into small hermetically sealed rooms and mass murder them with poison gas and I don't particularly care if the gas is all that poisonous they could use carbon monoxide or chloramine or even just wood smoke I don't even give a shit as long as the job gets done because men with anime women as avatars aren't really even men anymore and the world would be better off without them in it.

Dee Price #sexist kiwifarms.net

You do need to know even though i think men are cute i think they are also crude perverted and disgusting But i do understand why. It comes with studying neuroscience. Same reason i know i am a female, gives women a good hint why men seem to be so obsessed with sex.

Think this two sexes two genders.... they are attached and for good reason. men have to think one way and women another. It is what makes them compatible in a way. it is women are good at doing many task... Men well they concentrate on one thing at a time and really there is a key to how to tell a real transsexual from the fake.

it is the wiring. and everything is set to assist in life and the continuance of the species. evolutionary mental development. all of the emotions locked in the limbic system along with a lot of autonomic basic body functions and a slew of very emotional clusters all jumbled up in a complicated mess of control of body and senses all tied in to the emotional section of our brain. this complicated mess all projects this to the pre frontal cortex that then talks to the frontal cortex that tries to rationalize a response and decide what to do and the amygdala should do. the hippocampus is looking up what we did last time. and all the clusters are firing and well the women are screaming the men are making aggressive postures. and the place is all an uproar. the women gather the kids and the men are fighting the threat. and on and on it goes. attraction and sex and on it goes each one doing their job to keep us alive. as time goes on the mind is built to compliment the struggle to live and prosper.

sex gender connected and made by brain evolution gender of the brain is brain sex.. designed to make man and woman compatible in more than sex but in every social event....

You males have a BSTc twice the size of a females regardless if you are gay or straight.

Now this spot is where sexual thought is generated of identity... it makes your thought pattern this is where men really show why.

Women's is a small grey spot with tiny little black dots. those black dots are neural fibers that go to important places in the brain regarding sexual thought.

Men's is a spot twice that size and looks like a giant bottle of ink was spilled out.

Now that is why you chase women around and get really jealous and then get stupid and the both of you start to fight and that is cute and all but kind of brutish. but that is why you males are perverted leg humping horn dogs. that beat each other senseless over a girl.

on the other hand some of you get to be really possessive and jealous and you start to beat on her and you talk all sick shit about how she is causing it. which brings me to Frank. and i thought there is no way. Lucy asked me to see what was taking so long. and i told her he was standing over near the driveway looking in the dirt. she said he was going to come in and say it. He did. every word. I saw the tire tracks outside who have you been fucking today.
Now why do men do that. it is not like a woman is looking to do everyone and well better not go out on her if you catch something she knows it is you that caught it. Because a woman she is not going to go out catch something she better not get something from you.

that is just how it works. So do know there is a very big difference and well men and women do not think the same and that is why you men act up when a group of women start talking and you are doing something like watching TV.
Or in Franks case yelling at me about listening to a song while i was talking to Lucy and watching the kids and the TV was on too so i was keeping track of what was going on the show. And when i stopped him from yelling well that was sick but typical male bullshit TMBS. But i had to tell him he was getting on my nerves yelling at me.
I don't think like you frank and then i told him what the song was saying and what was on the TV what Lucy and i were talking about and where his kids ran off too.
Why you men do not get we task a lot of things at once is beyond me. but yea he thought no one could do that. I had to tell him no half the world does that. We do that females. that is why i said i think like a female well i pointed to Lucy and said because i think like her.

Which Lucy knew she knew before i started to transition and she told me in 1994 i acted and seemed to be more of a female than male. So i told her and all about frank and his ilk. She said why didn't you warn me and i i said 3 weeks of meeting...... Yea and i come up and tell you that Frank is a psychotic pervert with a deviant sexual obsessions and it gets worse. No then she tells frank and i have to deal with him and well men are stronger you have to really be careful. And he rolled 55 gallon drums around no thanks i do not feel like being brutalized.

and i knew a whole lot about his perversions 1991 i found out he was a chaser. yea pro op porn ilk and a lot of it. and you are sitting there thinking why me....why do i have to be the bassist for a psychotic pervert that has a sexual obsession with pre op trans girls.
that is why after i kind of got upset and told him he was on top of me hissing about i was a turn on to him.
all i wanted to do is throw up. ilky sick nasty.

So there you go.... and to make it clear Transsexuals do not do it to be with men.....It is so we can look in a mirror after we get out of the bath or shower and not feel like throwing up at the sight of that ugliness.
that is why i call it "Ugly in the Mirror" looking at someone that you know is not you.

it is a nightmare no one want to have to endure for a lifetime. all the childhood please let me wake up a girl or not wake up at all....all to wake up and there is that face in the mirror and your life is a ruined mess.... stuck in a body that is not you and you have no clue how you are going to fix it. all you know then is that you are not a boy and they keep beating you and screaming you are a boy......

Who in the hell would want to live that life. NO ONE.

[Another user tells Dee to focus on her three year old instead of arguing on the internet]
she is right behind me right now asshole watching TV and if she needs she comes ask and i get what she needs. So asshole i am watching my 3 year old as i tell your stupid ass off.

see poor mr one task can not get women can DO BOTH AT THE SAME TIME AND A LOT MORE.
Oh god you men are so stupid. if you listen to us and not act like everything we say goes out the other side of your head.


Dee Price #fundie kiwifarms.net

[they want to drag every detractor and critic to secret labor camps]

oh i will it will not be sued as much as controlled
You do not get it you are not free. they come you will go or you will not breathe they are not friendly and they do not care. tehy even made a movie about them and you had no clue what they really are or do.

But do know you do not listen no one will ever know you are missing because there will be no one that knew you left. as a kid i loved having them babysitting me. we got to play in object 2. it was intact all it did is blow the ports out. they would not let us touch any controls but we got to play in it.

it is so funny to think you are free. i am not talking about dragging then to court. i am talking about dragging them off and working them till they die in a camp......... the ones you do not really know about.

Dee Price #fundie kiwifarms.net

[Dee believes her free speech rights are being violated by people telling her it's not ok to send death threats]

not to mention i am not going to let yo slobber over a fight you only know one side of and a very slanted side that has no clue about the reality that they are not following a transsexual but a GNC that attacks transsexual. So let me see non of you are really trans...... and have no clue 99,98% of the trans community hates him.
You all transsexual peoples stories are the same... different outcomes but that story is always the same.
But i was shamed and i hid to keep this from my family because of this ...... it goes on how some overcompensated and did this...others tried to kill themselves and spent a lot of time depressed....me i was told something wonderful and my depression was gone i was happy....that turned into anger at my family when they got in my way.

Now i am me again i am happily taking care of my grandchild. but i will not let some SJW take it back away nor will i let a shemale attack my kid sisters. or me. and really what would you do after attacks that lasted a year plus and you finally really go off on them. i gave them plenty of time and enough messages that he brought it on himself.

And you can say what you want here but you will not stifle my rights to defend myself against him in any way that is merited You protect yourself from that mass any way you can.

you will never take my freedom to say and do what i want in a fight online or in person. I have the right to say what the fuck i want. do you get me you simple mined trolls.

do you understand by placing this on the internet gives me the right to defend myself against you pinheads
against the oppression of my first amendment right to freedom of speech regardless what i say or to whom when defending myself and i feel that my words are deemed you have no right to say anything about it.

See you are the morons trying to stifle the freedom of speech now.
That makes you as bad as the SJW

Dee Price #racist kiwifarms.net

[Dee expressing why she doesn't like black men]

You are a fool do you know what color of skin in trans dies the most. BLACK. 6 to 1.. for every white trans girl that dies 6 black trans girls will die. the black male is the most dangerous to trans girls and that is coming from the black trans girls.. Believe me She is a trip the main one that talked about it a lot she took a lot of her stuff down, but she has been around for a long time telling off black men about the way they treat trans girls. but it is not just black all colors kill trans girls. with the Asians being the least likely. Hispanics also do not seem to mind killing trans girls in some countries but in others are way less violent. But definitely there is a problem with the black girls suffering so horrifically..

There is really no excuse for all the deaths. But you seem to love to support a bigot pandering gay male over real trans anyways so why are you even worried about a trans woman fighting with a shemale

Dee Price #conspiracy kiwifarms.net

Oh you piss with me and even though you are comical and annoying the admins opened it up so i feel i should open a work resort for them where they can work endlessly for the USA for free..... until they drop dead from being overworked.
You know it is funny how little you really know..... even with proof staring you in the face. 60 years later you are all still clueless.... give you a hint..... Honolulu the 50's all the power went out all the batteries were fried power plant radio stations all electrical fried...... WE DID IT...... Bread Basket Test..... nuclear EMP something we had to explain from the Enola Gay.

So we bomb our own cities do you really think we care about legalities? NO we just send the men and you go or you die. no other choices and when you die EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOUR FAMILY DIES even if only a day old.
OK so it will not be some you go to court to pay me for liable as much as move get in the cage do as you are told or well we will make sure you no longer exist and that is the entire family line....... think New Mexico late 40's

You really are clueless who we are Put it this way i told cantwell off the FBI called and he had doxxed my family but it was the main house. i told them about it and told them to be careful do not look too deep or you will get a visitor........ the wanted to know why.
I gave them a reply 1966 to 1976 Wright Patterson AFB.
All he said We understand. You see you are not free you belong to us..... and we do not give a shit about you. to us you are no more than animals to be used as we see fit. and if you die who gives a shit.

So stop thinking you are so important you are noting to us. and i am one of them i am Their product stupids. MADE TO BE BETTER SMARTER MORE AGGRESSIVE to SURVIVE BETTER AND TO OVERCOME ANYTHING IN MY WAY..... I AM MK

Dee Price #sexist kiwifarms.net

I DO NOT HATE. But i do not allow some homo to attack me and just lay down and not attack back.

And there are two fake trans i have caught And one of my friends well she was here to see one of them show himself.

You see there is something women know men do when more than one of us are around and talking.

You males can not take us talking and you have a word for it. and you act up so badly.

So we can tell who is whom. it is easy get a trans in a room full of born females and watch. it will go two ways. she is a female and fits in or they are a fake and can not take it and shows they are male.

It is that easy.

Secret Asshole #conspiracy kiwifarms.net

1984 except Eurasia is patriarchy, white men and rape culture. The government censors freedom of speech because feelings are worth more than facts, and anything that goes against the government's narrative is labeled as propaganda from Eurasia. People are encouraged to report on each other for thought crimes and are awarded social status for it. Major companies work with the government and censor because the populace is too gullible for thoughts against the mainstream and they need to be manipulated. surveillance apparatus are built into every device the people use, allowing for the government to monitor its citizens 24 hours a day. Public messages over the intranet that offends someone or hurts their feelings is met with prison by the thought police, no matter the context. White people are guilty of everything, while other races and nationalities are allowed to do whatever they want, unless they go against the government's narrative, then they are labeled as white and subject to everything that white people are. They are free to be hated and mocked. One minute hate is eternal, and everything is encouraged to be exposed. One minute hate is a constant, dopamine release to its citizens, finding anything and everything wrong, so that entertainment, news and the media can be pure and free of hurt feelings, patriarchy, rape culture and misogyny. The upper classes laugh and manipulate everyone, free of criticism because corporations are worshiped as gods and consumption reigns. The corporations and the oligarchy have destroyed religion, replacing it with the cult of outrage and one minute hate, making it as the opiate of the people. Those who retain their faith are mocked and shouted down, except if their faith is that of the crescent, because an oppressed religion is needed for the narrative. The oligarchy drain the wages of the people, ensuring massive debt and poverty among them. But the propaganda persists and the people ignore this for their eternal one minute hate and the war with Eurasia.

Wilson is a university professor who thinks for himself and tries to encourage critical thought. A female black trans student is offended by this and reports him for rape. He is dragged in front of a kangaroo court, not allowed a lawyer, to present evidence, or to speak. He is accused, not allowed to refute anything, while the crying victim can't remember anything or keep their story straight. Wilson has an air-tight alibi but is not allowed to present it. As a result, he loses his job at the university. No one else will hire him. He hasn't been convicted by the police, but everyone recognizes him as a rapist. He bears 'the mark'. Eventually, no one will hire him as citizens constantly report him to his employers, rewarded with the euphoria of righteousness. Eventually Wilson ends up homeless. The movie ends with Wilson overdosing on heroin to kill himself, while a news story is scrubbed. Its about the incredibly high suicide rate and homelessness among white men. Its replaced with a story about if hoop earrings worn by white women is cultural appropriation.

Oh wait, that's reality. Sorry, I got confused.

Rainbow_Frag #sexist kiwifarms.net

Metal Gear is just filled with tons of pointless bullshit drama and bits of female-supremacy faggotry. Another reasons why all women should just no exist and why Asians shouldn't be allowed to make games. Stop wasting your money and giving attention to this piece of shit franchise.

Rainbow_Frag #sexist kiwifarms.net

Only the ones with Drake in them are Uncharted games. Not that give-me-attention female bullshit. They REALLY went super ultra mega exceptional individual when they made that utter shit game. Women shouldn't be in any games or movies. They are just annoying pieces of useless shit.

Save the Loli #conspiracy kiwifarms.net

But the Satanic Panic had no powerful lobbies behind it, just certain segments of the Religious Right and fundies. And most of these people believed the best way to fight the Satanic cults and demons they thought were everywhere was the power of prayer (plus occasionally burning some heavy metal albums and D&D books).

Meanwhile the tranny lobby is being backed by pharmaceutical companies as well as the gay rights movement, which is now focusing extensively on trannies, often to the detriment of the LGB part of LGBT. Investors and billionaires invested in pharma and the civil rights industry, like George Soros (check his investment in pharma), have been extensively involved in astroturfing the tranny movement. They back all these studies that talk about how great the hormones are for treating gender dysphoria, which is about as unbiased and scientific as when the tobacco industry claimed that smoking cigarettes was harmless.

Given these financial interests, this shit isn't going away until people who have been irreversibly harmed by the hormones, puberty blockers, etc. sue the fuck out of Big Pharma. But look how well Big Pharma has fought off serious class action lawsuits in the past. There will be some nice settlements, guaranteed, but there won't nearly be enough restitution for the child victims of the transgender movement. The money pharma, investors like Soros, etc. will have made off drug sales will be insane compared to the money they'll spend on legal issues.

Save the Loli #racist kiwifarms.net

I'm pretty sure all the sane Palestinians fucked off to Egypt, Jordan, or some other shithole decades ago. The only Palestinians around nowadays are a bunch of crazies who hate Israel either because they are honest to god Islamofascists (who claim to be socialists like Yasser Arafat) or because they're psycho fundie Muslims (Hamas). The entire Palestinian nation exists to fight Israel every step of the way, that's why Mickey Mouse in Palestine teaches kids to blow themselves up in the fight against the Jews, and why they have little kids throw rocks at Israeli soldiers. They're straight up animals.

Not that Israel is much better. They like to present themselves as secular and shit, but the amount of secular Israelis is declining fast since their birth rate is shit compared to the ultra-Orthodox Jews. Funny enough, these Jews have pretty similar beliefs to Muslims. You know, oppressing women, tossing gays off buildings (like the Book of Leviticus commands), and killing anyone who disagrees with them (like Baruch Goldstein). These Jews are the future of Israel. Enjoy getting flogged for eating a ham sandwich while visiting Israel.

Give it fifty years, and there won't be anything distinguishing Israel from her neighbors other than Israelis scream "oy vey" instead of "Allahu Akbar". But I'm an optimist, so let's hope in fifty years that the sandniggers turn into glassniggers once Israel, Pakistan, Iran, and whoever else start flinging nukes around.

Save the Loli #conspiracy kiwifarms.net

These Jewish bankers help form part of the global elite (i.e. George Soros), but there's people of all races and religions involved. Beyond all else, they're interested in perpetuating their system of global domination--neoliberal capitalism (which the Jews played a role in creating, although so did the Dutch, English, and others). They do this by using anything they can to divide society, be it racism (Jim Crow, modern day BLM vs alt-right, etc.), flooding our countries with poor immigrants/"refugees", promoting identity politics (this is where modern feminism, transgenderism, etc. come from), promoting religious fundamentalism (be it Islamic, Christian, whatever), and anything they can do to divide us and prevent us from fixing their shitty system. They'll even promote their ideological enemies like communism, since they know that communism is a failed alternative to their system, yet is useful for both dividing the people and drawing away their potential opposition from devising new solutions.

Maxliam #fundie kiwifarms.net

Gays are disgusting to begin with. Anyone who wants to stick his dick in another dude is already kinda fucked up in the head. To quote DMX, "how you gonna explain fuckin' a man? Even if we squash the beef I ain't touchin' yo hand!"

Rekkington #fundie kiwifarms.net

Kind of, but not really. That's the lie that the left is telling itself now. It's not that people actually believe in the things Trump ran on, it's that Hillary was just a bad gamble and all they need is the exact same rhetoric in a cooler package. That's what they believe: Hillary wasn't cool or charismatic enough. Nevermind that Trump spergs on Twitter and says dumb shit and his supporters don't care.

Because Trump supporters don't need him to be cool, and carry hot sauce in his pocket, and have Ellen on his side. To this day, the left still grapples with this. Every time they call him fat, or has weird hair, or he's orange, they think anybody gives a shit because that's what they care about. Trust me, I live in Canada and last time we elected a leftist haircut with a landslide.

Yes Hillary fucked everything up by being lazy, but the reason the left will continue to lose is they refuse to admit that a sizable percentage of America does not like the anti-white rhetoric, all the tranny normalization, the acceptance of illegal immigrants, among other things. They actually, genuinely liked the things Trump had to say and what he represented. Until the left is willing top acknowledge this, they will drift further and further into some baffling gated-community daydream.

Why did Trump sweep through the Republicans? The same reason Maxime Bernier is sweeping up support from the Conservative Party: conservatives have become Slow Liberals, just agreeing to the movement 5 years later. They have no spine. People old enough to notice this are looking for anything that resembles pushback.
This is what may very well get Trump a second term. Who was the wunderkind they just tested out and ran across all the headlines and talk shows? Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. A borderline exceptional Puerto-Rican socialist who retweets rappers. There's no evidence I can see that they will not continue down this road.

WhatNemesisMeans #fundie kiwifarms.net

Homosexuals are objectively utter degenerates, what kind of self-respecting individuals would spend hours dancing half-naked in the streets with feathers shoved up their asses for all to see ? Seriously the fact that they somehow got an entire month dedicated to showcasing their repulsiveness is simply revolting. They're angry because their degenerate lifestyle results in them getting AIDS and they take out their frustration on defenseless kids.

Honestly just gas them all. There's probably a negligible percentage of homosexuals who are neither degenerates nor pedos but you're bound to take like 95% of the child molesters with them. It's a risk worth taking.

Doc Cassidy #homophobia kiwifarms.net

Statistically speaking you're right. Despite homosexuals accounting for a very small percentage of the population they are responsible for nearly all child rapes. Basic math says that all homosexuals would have to be child molesters to account for the number of rapes and molestations they commit.

Doc Cassidy #homophobia kiwifarms.net

It's well known that homosexuals disproportionately molest children. Although I can't be bothered to look up the exact stats boys are sexually abused at a similar rate as girls despite homosexual men only being around 1.5% of the population at most. However, I believe that all child molesters are homosexual, even the ones that molest girls. Let me explain why.

When a boy enters puberty he goes through mild changes. His voice deepens, his shoulders widen, and he grows denser body hair. The changes in a girl however are drastic!

The most noticeable is the development of breasts, something essential to heterosexual attraction. She develops curves, the hips widen, the thighs thicken. She becomes a woman and looks nothing like the child she was before. These are called "secondary sex characteristics". It's practically a metamorphosis, these changes make the woman completely unlike the child she was before and it's specifically these differences that a straight man are interested in.

A girl's body holds no appeal to straight men; but what kind of man would be interested in someone with a flat chest and no hips or thighs? You guessed it, a homosexual man. Obviously the men that molest boys are homosexual but the men that abuse girls are simply closeted homosexuals that target girls so they can lie to themselves and say they're straight. Despite the fact that a busty and curvy body holds no appeal to them they're too ashamed to admit they're homosexual.

If there are any scientists on this site I would recommend looking into this.

GaryPotter #sexist kiwifarms.net

That's how trannies in general are. They're invariably self-hating losers who have nothing going on in their lives so they imagine transitioning as a way to reinvent themselves. They also have to imagine persecution because in reality nobody gives a shit about them.

Dogs can't look up #sexist kiwifarms.net

There's probably better ways to break someone's feefees than outright physical assault.

Employ a longterm villainous plan to bankrupt them. Then, when they are at their most destitute, proffer your penis as a way to suck themselves into a meal they desperately need. Requiem for a Dream that whore.

mate #sexist kiwifarms.net

Am I a rapist?

Earlier this year I went back to a city I used to live and work in in my early twenties. I hung out with my old friends and went to some of the bars we used to go to. Whilst I was in one of these bars I bumped into a girl that I had history with and suddenly, the moment I saw her, I remembered that by #MeToo standards I had probably raped her. She didn't seem mad or bring it up or anything, we actually talked all night and had a cool time. She had been hot before but she's even hotter now. She's put on weight in a good way, I've put on weight in a bad way, so unfortunately nothing happened.

Anyway this is what happened with her in the old days when I lived in that city.

Her and I worked for the same company but in different branches. The young people from all the (4) branches in the city used to generally get together and have a good time (get hammered) a lot. There was a lot of shenanigans. Anyway, she developed a reputation for getting blackout drunk and shagging random guys, including one of my best friends. It was a very, VERY well deserved reputation. She also told everyone that she was in love with me and would frequently fling herself at me. If we were in a club she would basically molest me, if I got with another girl she would cry, even though we had no past at that time and actually she didn't know me well at all. At the time I was in much better shape than I am now and I was not averse to the odd bit of rumpy-pumpy so people who knew me and her casually had no idea why I wouldn't shag this girl, as she was hot. Everyone that knew her well knew exactly why I wouldn't. She was the village bike.

Anyway one night we were all out, she was trying to get with me as usual, and the girl I had hoped was going to join us cancelled. So I thought, 'fuck it' and took the drunk girl who was apparently in love with me home. We got back to my apartment and we started shagging. She was incredibly drunk and went to sleep half way through. I continued anyway.

I don't feel guilty as I know she was super keen on me, tried to shag me constantly and slept like a starfish, taking up all of the bed.

When I saw her earlier this year she looked even hotter than before (and I have to admit she was hot before, she just repulsed me because of her behaviour) and had calmed down a lot, everyone says she is like a different person. Cruelly, I'm fat and balding now and shes no longer interested.


Am I a rapist?

Secret Asshole #fundie kiwifarms.net

The problem is more complex than 'private corporations can do what they want'. When you get banned from every major platform for nebulous reasons or poor reasons at all, it begs the question if you can get your message out. To people. There are no current notable competitors to YouTube, Apple and Facebook. Or sound cloud and spotify. There was also an agreement that they would never allow what happened with 2018 to happen again, which means purging voices from their platforms.

It also calls into question whether these are platforms or publishers. If they're a platform, they're not responsible for user content. If they're a publisher, then they are legally liable. Can you even speak if all major platforms for it bar you from it? How will you build an audience?

There were also videos that called into question the nature of 'private'. Many of these companies were started with public money and tax breaks, as well as technology developed by the US military (GPS and the internet itself). So can they really be private?

Also this was a business decision as well as political. Alex fucking Jones was kicking the ever loving shit out of CNN and MSNBC. When a man that is mostly treated as a joke is beating your friends, it is very embarrassing. Especially to YouTube, whose dumb cunt CEO thinks they can replace TV. So they booted him. The question is will they continue to purge right wing voices or not? Especially if it benefits your business.

Also, will they just stop there? What about payment processors? What about web hosts or essential services like Cloudflare? Most, if not all, these businesses are leftist owned, far leftist. All are private companies and can defacto ban you from the net entirely. Is that ok justification for banning you for your opinion?

Doc Cassidy, Ruin #racist kiwifarms.net

Doc Cassidy: Ah, he's black, that explains things. He probably did rape her.

Ruin: Are you saying niggers are so good at rape they can successfully rape even while being crippled and retarded?
And white supremacists think they're superior beings.

Doc Cassidy: Bix Noods excel at rape and are without a doubt the greatest rapists in the world, even better than the Muslim race. Nothing can stop a nig from raping not even being crippled and retarded. If superiority is defined by ability to rape then the blacks are clearly the master race.
If superiority is defined by the ability to share ice cream cones with a dog however than whitey is obviously superior.

Secret Asshole #sexist kiwifarms.net

[On "theybies"]

Dr. John Money tried this with an infant who lost his penis in a circumcision accident. He was raised a girl from birth, but surprise surprise he always knew he was male instinctively. All this is going to do is make parents realize they cant make their babies trans or gay through conditioning so they can virtue signal.

This is going to result in a whole generation hating their parents. The amount of millenial parents being put into homes by their kids and ignored for the rest of their and, miserable lives is going to be astronomically high. Reality doesn't give a fuck about fake shit like intersectionality. We're going to see a rebellion unheard of. These kids are going to RIP apart their parents progressive ideals because of mistreatment like this.

You've got parents forcibly making their sons playing with barbies and taking away male toys, pushing their girls towards science when they hate it, admonishing girls because they want to be a princess and have a knight save them. Kids aren't allowed to be kids anymore. They're a virtue signaling accessory.

mrdk_04 #racist kiwifarms.net

[paragraph breaks added for ease of reading]

Jesus fuck you people are evil. Fuck off with that suicide-shaming bullshit. It's not the fucking victim's fault.

I get really pissed off when people like Shrimpy refuse to lay any kind of responsiblity at the victim's feet.

As you mature and meet more people throughout life, you will come across absolute wastes of human space, the kind of people whose demise would only change the world for the better, whose only goal in life is to spread misery to others (subconsciously or not). Others you simply can't get along with, as they're not your cup of tea.

Normal people steel their minds and take precautions to prevent things from escalating in such situations.

When a grown women gets harassed or raped and she has the tendency to go out alone, wear high heels and talk to strangers easily, maybe she should adjust her behavior. Or would he say that's also victim-blaming?

!Segway into the Jewish Question!
When the Jewish people have a history of being persecuted by multiple nations and cultures across the globe

(Nazis, Commies, Spain, France, Austria, blamed for the black death, the crusades, blamed for Jesus' death, the Damascus affair, Palestines, the entire Middle East and even during apartheid-era South Africa) often being used as scapegoats for the current crisis, blamed for ancient history or just false causality between the sheer overrepresentation of Jews in the financial and intellectual upper class and their relatively small amount of people; perhaps they should look inward and take preventative measures to prevent such atrocities from happening.

Oh wait, they just turned the entire Middle East against them by colonising Palestine on the grounds of ancient history, to the point their constant paranoia is evident in every single Israeli newspaper and they have to ask the US to pay off Egypt just so they wouldn't have conflict on all fronts.

Even better: they recently enacted a nation-state law that is supposed to validate their existence as a country even more. At this point, no amount of goodwill is going to prevent the Jews from being expunged from their home country once more, they pissed of their neighbours far too much for that.


What did Shrimps say again to that one suicidal person on Twitter? Oh yeah: "We can die together".

How nice of you to offer someone a viable alternative to suicide.

Truly, Shrimps is a good person, a TRUE and HONEST ally.

ZippyZoopa #sexist kiwifarms.net

[Context: Infamous Lolcow ADF/Isabel Araujo/Ahuviya Harel/Phil apparently got SRS surgery, this is in a KF thread about a picture of the results 7 weeks post-op. A few other posters show some ignorance, but this guy was the most fundie about it]

Why in society have we come to accept instead of helping people with body dis-morphia through mental stability, instead we give in to these unnatural desires to mutilate their genitals? What is this madness?

[on the next page]
Are you telling me that turning your dick inside out into your guts is not the most natural sounding vagina? What are you a Nazi?

[now a couple pages later a user called NoFeline Says]
Isn't Phil's made out of a piece of his colon? Yeah. Despite how nasty that sounds, it's much less of a horror show than inverting the penis...and the botch-jobs on that are much, much worse.

[To which our fundie says]
Are you so desentizied or "tolerant" that you find inverted your penis and mutilating it NOT botching your fucking body?

[bananaliquerelips says]
unpopular opinion (I guess) but its an okay vagina for a fake one. At first glance it doesn't appear abnormal. upon further inspection, sure, but once anyone gets to 4th base if thats not what they're expecting then they're deluded.

it does look smelly though. douche daily is my advice.

[Zippy responds]
How about not mutilating your genitals because of a mental illness? How about that?

[User Ginger Piglet quotes Zippy]
For people who are TRUE AND HONEST trans, i.e. not Phil, and suffer from actual gender dysphoria, this is the treatment for that illness. However because of its very nature (viz. this thread), that's why they have piles of "gatekeeping" in front of it.

[Zippy posts again]
The treatment is to lead to life that most likely will make your mental state worse than before, look I was liberal and "free-thinking" like you once, but it's common sense that this is in their head. They are the sex they are born with and that will never change.

[GP again]
If you are Phil, or one of the many other transtrenders we cover, yes. However. The trans people that actually put the effort in to pass and go through all the steps and so forth are generally fairly well adjusted.

Basically, if you want to gauge how truly and honestly trans someone is, think about this - how quickly can I clock them? The shorter a time it takes, the more likely they are to screech at some quack until he wolverine-claws a segment out their groin.

[ZZ again, getting more agitated]
You people are insane, you have given these mentally ill people the go through to fuck up their lives forever because you think sex is a social construct. Will someone just nuke the Western world already?

[A moderator named Ravenor shows up, quoting Piglet]
There is also the Kiwi Statistic, we have a disproportionate number of Transpeople involved in the forums who are active and respected members of the community we don't hate transpeople far from it, we just have a distate for people using being Trans as an excuse for doing a runner from responsibility or accountability.

[ZZ again, this time getting sassy with the mod]
Kiwifarms has a disproportionate amount of crazy people? Who woulda thunk?

But yeah to state for the record I don't "hate" trannies, I just think they are insane and they created this disgusting degenerate culture that has even poisoned children. That you can just be whatever sex you want because there was that one time you put on a dress, or you play with boys toys. I hope they get actual help instead of these horrible procedures.

various kiwifarms commenters #fundie kiwifarms.net

[Note: Kiwifarmers reacting to the Leicester square metro incident.]

Gang of women repeatedly stamp on man's head in 2am brawl at Leicester Square underground station

These are low effort troons, the news reports all just say "women" though.
I think the blonde one is same person that punched a grandma at speakers corner. Names are not released so far.

(Cod of War)
He probably didn't use their pronouns.

I'm gonna call it, there is going to be a wave of "women" committing crimes in the near future along with delightful articles about how violent crimes from females are on the rise and why the patriarchy is at fault and/or it's such a mystery, etc

Heh, like how women's track and field numbers have suddenly lurched upwards, after decades, perhaps centuries of relative stagnation. (Track and field events are an interesting benchmark because unlike most sports, we've actually been doing them in more or less the same form since the ancient olympics.)

Trannies are insane and violent.

If I remember correctly, the troon who attacked the old lady was homeless. That might be the "no fixed address" one.

The delicious irony, that troons are going to cause women's' crime stats to turn more violent, and the same pearl-clutching feel-good dummies who wanted them counted as women will now find themselves on the losing end of court cases, civil judgments, employment opportunities and the like since the aura of "Women are peaceful and would never do such a thing" is dead and gone since we have to count mentally unbalanced girl-dicks as women, they FEEL they are.

I wouldn't be surprised. They're savages. I'm shocked this guy wasn't injured more than he was...

Men are so fucking violent, geez

English men dressing kind of fruity and beating up random people for fun, why does that sound familiar...


Secret Asshole #fundie kiwifarms.net

[On the proposed "Unmasking Antifa Act"]

It adds leverage to the state while weakening a terrorist group. Granted that 'terrorist group' is filled with soyboy faggots, limp wristed university liberals and weak white boys. Seriously, I've seen more black guys on the OTHER side than the ANTIFA side. If the 'fascists' have more blacks than you, you REALLY need to take a look at yourself. I've also only seen ANTIFA do any damage through cheap shots, hitting defenseless targets and shit like that.

When its open street warfare they ALWAYS get fucked. Because they don't have ANY blue collar supporters. Its not like the days of old where union riots involved bombs, lead pipes and men. Now it involves weak, lanky faggots looking to club someone in the back of the head against fucking steel workers and veterans. Its so pathetic.

The mayors that support ANTIFA and call off the cops are doing the opposition a HUGE favor, because we see how weak they are. They spout civil war, but holy shit, if they're putting that out there, the war would be quick, violent and they'd be eradicated in a second. Their enemies are holding back. They don't have a single clue what would happen if the opposition was as violent as they were. There would be bodies on the ground for sure.

Secret Asshole #fundie kiwifarms.net

Well, it isn't like ANTIFA has a sense of irony. They truly believe they are fighting real Nazis. They honestly do not have a clue they're basically just fighting against blue collar workers, construction workers, veterans, mechanics and other people who do manual labor for a living while most of them are unemployed or living off daddy's dime.

Which is going to be a lot more expensive. I want to see this law go into affect, because these faggot mayors need to see their little pet mobs go to jail. The fact that they are terminally getting blown the fuck out every time they start shit is only icing on the cake.


Yes. Their entire ideology, the entire social justice wave is based on outdated 1960s ideology and injustices that largely do not exist anymore. They dream of being these 'freedom fighters' and 'anarchists against the man', except most people just want to better their lives, not start another civil war or restrict speech, behavior and art.

ANTIFA is a direct threat to creativity, the first amendment, the right to assemble. If it were up to me, I'd gun them down each time they showed with bean-bags, rubber bullets and rubber pellet launching grenades. They're fascist cunts and posers and seeing them get permanently injured from their larping is something we need to see more of. Because these faggots are children throwing a tantrum, and they need to be taught violence is not something you fuck around with.

1864897514651 #fundie kiwifarms.net

Waste of time, do not even bother. The Nazi Party was formed in a gay bar by militant homosexualists, and that is as much as you should need to know about faggots. There is no such thing as genetic faggotry. You freely choose to implant your semen into another man's rectum in an act of profound desecration of life. Nobody needs to listen to faggots, nobody at all. All that listening to faggots has gotten us is teenage school shooters, civilizational collapse, and a black woman on our ten dollar bill starting 2020. Fire and brimstone will not be enough this time.

Secret Asshole #wingnut kiwifarms.net

[A Kiwi Farms member finds out about one of its posts being featured on this site.]

Fucking lol, way to miss my entire point. Occupy Wallstreet's massive failure hurt all the working poor, especially your precious disabled groups (who probably don't actually work and just collect disability), Obama's massive failure hurt them and was basically a gigantic gift to the insurance companies and ensured ways that it'd be dismantled anyway. He also established the precedent of executive orders, which is now being used by Trump against them. These people are such ignorant faggots it hurts. Obama's first term wasted all of his political cred on basically an insurance giveaway and then was a complete lame duck who relied on reversible executive orders to do anything. Wow, such a great fucking president. Bitch, please.

People deserve to be publicly executed in cruel and unusual ways for words said on the internet. Got it.


Secret Asshole #fundie kiwifarms.net

I was always ultra-liberal, exploring my religion, never being fully atheist, but exploring others for a time. I looked at paganism and Wicca even, though that was brief when I read some books. (I have to admit this because I find this hilarious, I very very very briefly considered Islam. Just know this was before 9/11 or any real Islamic Terror attacks or rape riots). I always, ALWAYS argued liberal politics with my family, who are staunchly conservative. I argued with conservatives in college, went on debates, the whole nine. Except it wasn't like today, it was amicable arguments. Where it got intense, but you were still friends, you were still family. That's what I thought being a liberal was. Argue your points, but allow for freedom of thought. I even got offended by Muslim jokes, even after 9/11. I was tolerant and shit.

When it really started to erode was the financial crisis of 2008. My family got FUCKED by it. We avoided foreclosure by the skin of our teeth because of massive job losses, but we've never fully recovered. I got caught up in the hope and the dreams of Barack Obama. 'Yeah, Obama! Take care of that corrupt Wall...Healthcare? Wait, why? What are you doing, you can fix the financial system, help the poor and the...oh...you want a legacy...oh.' When he went balls deep into healthcare instead of helping the economy, the cracks started to appear.

Occupy Wallstreet was when I broke. I couldn't do it anymore. 'Stick it to those big bankers! FUCK EM UP...wait, why are there hippie drums here? Disabled people? What are you talking about the police for? Queer politics...the progressive stack? WHAT THE FUCK WHO CARES, THEY ARE DEGENERATE GAMBLERS AND IN A JUST SOCIETY WE'D HANG THEM FROM LAMPOSTS YOU STUPID FAGGOTS WHAT THE FUCKAREYOUDOING.' Which lead to the Colbert show clip and one of the leaders was a rich white cunt called Ketchup. At first, I actually thought it was the FBI doing COINTELPRO. Seriously, that's not a joke. I literally could not believe the people in charge were this fucking stupid to let them go in front of a camera.

Once I realized that they were that stupid and were rich white cunts who latched on to the most important issue of our time to promote their own fringe ideologies (which would become progressivisim) and force out others, I was fucking done. Hugely fucking done. It got even worse when progressives invaded gaming and started screaming. I was still bitter about 2011 so when the country hadn't recovered and they were screaming about meaningless bullshit, I wanted to beat people with pipes.

I went more and more into shitposting on SA and then even SA got fucking worse, which only pissed off...oh, a huge amount of people. I got really bad there, before it became a core of SJWs. Hellthread I was full on shitpost mode, which I found hilarious at how mad I made the libs. At this point, I hated progressives. They represented the worst of liberals, the excesses which didn't focus on the poor or downtrodden, but on people's skin color or genitals or shit that really didn't matter. After they closed Hellthread for good, pretty much all the shitposters left SA, I went to SASS, found it too specific to SA and came here to shitpost harder.

Nothing will turn you from a liberal to whatever I am like true financial strife and it being ignored so a disabled tranny black queer autistic can speak about wheelchair ramps. I relish every time the progressives lose societal influence, I love seeing them angry and not getting their way, I love to see them get fired and all their businesses to fail. They had the chance to fix one of the most corrupt industries in the world and they cared more about the most superficial traits on people instead. They rejected the foundations of liberalism for their own narcissism and virtue signaling. I want Donald Trump for another 4 years so they continue to go insane and lose influence as people see how fucked their priorities are and what hypocrites they are. Fuck progressives. Fuck all of them.

1864897514651 #fundie kiwifarms.net

Science should not be anything of importance to the faithful. I do not care about evolution or the movement of stars because it has nothing to do with Salvation History. Only when science is in direct contradiction to the commands of God should we care about it. The scientific regressions that gave us abortion, contraception, and euthanasia should be outed as being from the depths of Hell. Any scientific findings that are against the Law of God are of a purely evil origin.

But we will not be quizzed at our Particular Judgment on the nitrogenous bases of DNA, the three domains of life, or whether or not man evolved from a single cellular organism. These things just do not matter at the seat of judgment, and they will not matter for all of eternity.

1864897514651 #fundie kiwifarms.net

This is the correct answer. Sodomite faggots have no aesthetic taste whatsoever, so they must emulate the world around them. They do not possess the higher executive functioning of the brain to allow themselves to form their own opinions. It is not simply that they have bad taste in aesthetics. They have no taste. Faggots will eat propaganda up if the propaganda is culturally accepted. And since we live in a culture of infant sacrifice, you cannot truly imagine the depths of depravity that these faggots will sink to. If the majority rules, then they will rally behind it. The effeminate behavior that some of them display is also just misogynist propaganda that has been eaten by the faggots. Niggers are also susceptible to propaganda due to having no aesthetic taste, but not in quite the same way.

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